The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 28, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum yesterday, 60 degrees.
Minimum lust night, 41 degrees.
Temperature: 10 p.m., 42 de
grees; 10 a.m., 59 degrees. Baro
meter (reduced to sea level): 10
p.m., 30.17 Inches; 10 a.m., 30.11
inches. Relative humidity: 10 p.
in., 03 per cent; 10 a.m., 60 per
cent. Velocity of wind: 10, 2
miles; 10 a-m., 10 miles. Prevail
ing direction of wind northwest
J. E. Loggan, of Burns, is in
Bend, visiting with his son, Frank
H. Loggan, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Meagher
and children, Shirley and Jimmy,
today had returned to Portland
after spending the week-end visit
ing his parents, Mr. ana Mrs.
"Gordon Meagher at 744 Delaware
avenue. The Meaghers came here
to attend the graduation of Shir
ley from the Bend high school.
Both she and Jimmy had remained
in Bend until school closed. Meagh
er is a former Bend policeman.
William ' Jappert, 445 South
Third street, has returned from
Portland where he underwent
treatment In a hospital. .
Mrs. James T. Shepherd has re
turned from Colusa, Calif., after
spending ten days visiting rela
tive She was the guest of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Mackey, and her son,
James M. Sheperd. and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kohlruss
and small daughter Karen Lou,
from. Portland, were week-end
guests at the. Cecil Moore home. ,
Mrs. Frank Franceschi arrived
in Bend yesterday from Olympia,
Wash., to spend the Memorial day
holiday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Wills, Sr.
Pfc. William Schulke, 153,1
Third street, Bend, today was in
possession of discharge papers as
a result of the point demobiliza
tion system, according to a report
today from Fort Lewis, Wash.
Pfc. Schulke was one of 57 Ore
gon and Washington men who
were discharged, the majority of
whom had seen overseas duty.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hansen,
Wallace BEERY
VJ . .vJSSf 9 . 1 1 A ' All
T"w Mil
Last Times
Waste Paper
$25 BOND
For Biggest Pile
former Bend residents now living
in Hillsboro, have heard from
ineir son, Staff Sgt. George Han
sen, who wrote his parents on
V-E day from Austria, where he
is with the army oi occupation.
The elder Hansen was office man
ager for the Shevlin-Hixon Com
pany. Rev. and Mrs. R. W PrentlM.
are attending the general assemb
ly oi rresDyierian churches in
session in Minneapolis. When the
assembly closes on WnliwidAv nf
this week. Rev. and Mrs. Prentice
wiu start nome by way of their
former home in North Dakota,
where thev will visit rointi
They visited enroute at Ft. Cal-
nuun, jeD., wnere Rev. Prentice
was pastor before coming to Bend.
Mrs. William Hash nnrt riahoh.
ters of Chemult, were week-end
guests at the Pilot Butte inn.
W. W. Vauphn nf Pflislnv enont
yesterday in Bend.
mis. r. j. wneeler of Camp
Wickiup near Lapine, visited Bend
friends over the week-end.
S. G. Clark, representing the
Great Northern railway, was here
today from Klamath Falls trans
acting business for the line.
Lt. Col. C. C. Fuller of the
Redmond army air field, was a
Bend week-end visitor.
J. T. Craine of the S. P. & S.
railway, was here today from
Wishram, Wash.
Pfc. Ernest Zelich of the marine
corps, today had returned to his
base at Astoria after spending
several days here with his bride
of a week, visiting his mother
and friends.
Robert O. Carlson was a busi
ness visitor here today from
W. N. Byars of Prineville, spent
the week-end In Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt A. Seely of
Shevlin, called on Bend friends
R. G. Williams of Warm
Springs, was a Sunday guest at
the Pilot Butte inn.
Col. R. L. Maughan, stationed
at the Redmond army air field,
visited Bend friends over the
Mrs. John Student of Lapine,
spent yesterday in Bend.
Miss Lois Ferguson, Bank of
Bend employe, left Saturday for
Oakland, where she will spend
two weeks as the guest of Miss
Evelyn Zumwalt.
The Eastern Star will have a
social meeting tonight at 8 p.m.
in the Masnnlp tpmnln Mnt
Chris Kostol heads the refresh
ment committee.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Irvine are
to spend the next month at Sea-
I side, on the Oregon coast. Irvine
I has already left for the coast, and
I will be Joined by Mrs. Irvine the
first of this week.
T4 David Ryan, of Bend, has
been transferred from the person
nel replacement depot at Camp
Beale, Calif., to the separation
center at Fort Lewis, Wash, for
discharge from the army.
' Miss Mazie Mansfield, a former
Bend resident, is visiting here
from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Williamson
left this morning on a business
trip to Burns.
Mrs. Ross Houck and son, Ter
ry, arrived last Friday from Sun
tex and will spend this week with
Mr. Houck's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Tweet, 157 Under
wood. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kruger and
daughter, Sharon, returned late
last week from Skagway, Alaska,
where Kruger was employed by
the Skagway Power company:
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Moty ar
rived yesterday from Klamath
Falls and are guests of their son,
G. R. Moty and family, 493 State.
Motyi co-owner of the Moty &
Van Dyke automotive equipment
company, will visit branch stores
at Lebanon and John Day on the
trip. He and Mrs. Moty will re
turn to Klamath Falls Friday.
Bill Kendall, stockman from
California, is in Bend today after
spending the week-end in Tygh
Cameron Cliff of Silver Lake
spent last night and today in
Bend on his return from Rogue
River, where he visited relatives.
Sam Shaver from Brothers was
a Bend visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Talbott of
Brothers, spent the week-end in
Herman Schmltt was In Bend
Saturday from Prineville. .
Mrs. Earl Zeek returned Sun
day from a buying trip to Port
land and San Francisco for the
People's store.
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rullman
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bertrand re
turned to Portland Sunday after
noon after spending four days as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Mrs. Vern Lantz of Redmond
was a Bend visitor during the
S. N. Morris of Brothers, was
in Bend Saturday.
H. L. Priday of Madras, was in
Bend on business Saturday.
Jack Bennett, former employe
of Bob's Confectionery in Bend,
has been liberated from a Ger
man prison camp, his Wife, Betty,
has been notified by the war de
partment. Bennett, who enlisted
U. S. Naval Leader
HORIZONTAL 58 Operatic solo
1 Pictured U S. 69 Hejqught in
naval leader,
C. A. F.
8 He command
ed a naval
unit in
the battle for
the Philip
pines 12 In his unit
were six
13 Bury
15 Belonging
to us
16 Amatory
18 Affirmative
19 Obtains
21 Afresh
22 Formerly
23 Toward
25 Average ab.)
26 Vigilant
29 Victim of
leprosy '
33 Procreated
34 Silly
35 Make amends
36 Clamping
37 Gram (ab.)
38 Half-em
39 Fury
42 Exclamations
46 Seize
50 United States
Navy (ab.)
81 Musical
S3 High priest
64 Irritate
56 Computed
Ahnw,, fa 1rrtnaa Paititl
1 Twist (coll.)
2 Portion
3 Right (ab.) 22 Leveling musical
4 Consumed 24 Weasel-like Instrument
6 Mountains in carnivore 44 Space
north Nigeria 25 Living 45 Society for
6 Atop 26 Sleeveless Prevention
7 Town in Italy garment of Cruelty to
8 Muscular 27 Permit v Children, (ab.)
twitch 28 Self 47 Rumanian city
9 Any 30 Dance step. 48 Fish sauce
10 Stellar body 31 Compass point 49 Offer
11 Pitches of tone 32 Legal point 51 Ocean
12 Bewilderment 39 Groove . 52 Runner on
14 Steep . 40 On the ocean snow
17 Isle of Wight 41 Snarl . 55 River in south-;
(ab.) 42 Exclamation em China
20 Unfamiliar 43 Stringed 57 From
I II a W 15 b II ITT 10 II
IT 3 ' i
!, 111 U 5 - J 3 30 ST
53 " 57
1 1 ' " s -tv--ni S ' i
31 W 111 (L m hi IW !p 148 w
ar psi . . srsr
. jj.yft iili
55 5b IJ
HHi rl 1 1 1 1 Jr
Cash Loans
Private Sales Financed
Simple Credit Requirements
Complete Privacy
12 Months to Pay
Quick Service
Oregon Owned
Motor Investment Co.
M-333 .
217 Oregon Phone 525
G', CUM"
Truman Confers
With Hoover
Washington, May 28 tin Pre
ident Truman conferred for 45
minutes with former republican
president Herbert Hoover today,
and it was announced that twd
former GOP presidential candi
dates, Alf M. Landon and Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey, also have been
Invited to the White House.
Hoover, returning to the White
House for the first time since he
turned it over to the late Presi
dent Roosevelt on March 4, 1933,
discussed with Truman the
United Nations' gigantic proolem
of feeding the liberated peoples of
The White House said Landon
and Dewey had been invited to
call on the president, but no spe
cific topics for discussion were
mentioned. ' '
A White House announcement
said today's conference "was a
very pleasant meeting" and that
"Mr. Hoover had some very con
structive Ideas which the presi
dent was happy to receive." A
White House secretary said he
did not know whether the two
men would confer again or
whether Truman planned to offer
Hoover a post In connection with
food and European relief.
Natives, French
In Bloody fight
London, May 28 UP) Dis
patches from Levant today re
ported bloody skirmishing be
tween the French and natives at
Horns and Hama, with an un
specified number of casualties
on both sides.
The tension in Syria and Leba
non exploded in violence, accord
ing to Beyrouth advices, coinci
dent with a report in diplomatic
quarters here that President Tru
man might be called upon to
mediate the dispute.
Reports that French troops
were withdrawn from Horns;
Hama and Aleppo to camps on
the outskirts were followed by
dispatches which said shooting
had broken out in the first two
towns. The combatants were
natives, demonstrating for the
full independence of the Levant,
and unspecified French groups,
apparently the troops.
Damascus reports relayed
through Beyrouth said telephone
lines to both Homs and Hama had
been cut, and details of the
bloodshed were lacking.
The diplomatic correspondent
of the London Daily telegraph
said President Truman's aid
might be sought to prevent fur
ther bloodshed in the crisis,
which already has Inflamed the
Arab world.
Riders Make Plans
For June 3 Parade
All Rim Rock Riders are urged
to attend the regular mpeting at
8 p.m. tonight In the club rooms,
when final arrangements will be
made for the horse show and
parade to be held Sunday, June 3,
Lorraine Bowns, publicity chair
man, announced today.
All members are asked to sign
up for the different events, Miss
Bowns stressed, and added that
each present member should try
to bring an old member to the
Plans will also be made for the
overnight camping trip during the
Sisters rodeo, it was said.
from Bend, was a.prlsoner of the
Germans for two years.
Originally planned for Wednes
day of this week, the meeting of
circle No. 4 of the Catholic Altai
society will be held on June 6, it
was announced today. Mrs. Louis
Wiehl, 1010 E. Sixth street, will
be hostess.
Frank McElroy, former Bond
resident and now in Klamath
Falls, was a visitor hero today.
There will be a meeting of Cub
puck No. 23 tonight at 7:30 o'clock,
at the Kenwood school, with
special entertainment to consist
of demonstrations by three local
m;igiclans, leaders announce. L.
M. Ross Is Cub master.
Dr. Pauline Sears will be out oi
town May 30th and 31st and June
lsl and 2nd. Adv.
The state highway department
here today announced that the
secondary road leading from the
east side Into Diamond lake, has
been opened for traffic. This lake
is expected to attract many fish
ermen Memorial day.
City Cleaners &
1032 Wall Phone
Marion Cady
Sam Scott
Bring Your Eyes
Out of the Dark
Vou can, by having us examine
them and then make a pair of
glawp for y,m (hat will cor
rect vMon defects.
Dr. M. B. McKenney
OfflMw: Vout of Oregon Ave.
Phone 465-W
Former Residents
Visitors in Bend
Two former "managers of The
Shevlin-Hixon Company plant in
Bend were visitors today, with
J. P. Hennessy coming here from
the McCloud River Lumber com
pany, where is is general man
ager, and C. L. Isted coming from
Portland. Both men were accom
panied by their wives. Mr. and
Mrs. Isted made the trip here
over the week-end from Portland
with Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Dan
lelson, also former Bend resi
dents. Rev. and Mrs. Danielson
were accompanied by their daugh
ters, Grace and Marilynn.
Hennessy and Isted plan to be
In Bend, until Wednesday.
Swan Aids Cygnet
Caught On Ramp
Patient Instruction on the part
of a parent swan apparently bore
fruit lust night and resulted in
the release of a tiny cygnet which
had been trapped on the floating
ramp near the Pacific Power &
Light company generating plant.
R. A. Baker, employe of the
U. S. bureau of reclamation here,
reported that he had seen the tiny
waterfowl with Its foot caught
between two of the boards. While
one swan swam around excitedly,
the other big bird mounted the
ramp and by various awkward
gestures tried to show the little
one how to free himself. Baker
noted later that the cygnet had
Dr. Pauline Sears Is to leave
Wednesday for Portland, to at
tend the annual meeting of the
Oregon Osteopathic association,
to open June 1 at the Multnomah
hotel. Speakers will include Dr.
Harry A. Jankiewics, director of
the institute of tropical diseases
at the College of Osteopathic
Physicians and Surgeons of Los
Angeles, and Clarence L. Nye, D.
O. instructor at the College of
Osteopathic Physicians and Sur
geons, Los Angeles. Dr. Sears
will return Saturday night.
Redmond, May 28 (Special)
Mrs. Fred Hodecker and son,
Johnnie, are spending a week in
Corvallis and Salem . with rela
tives. Mrs. Denton Brown Is visiting
her son, Bruce Adams in Chica
go, where he Is completing his
training and will soon graduate.
Mrs. Helen Rocers was hostess
Monday at a 1 o'clock luncheon
for the members of the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary. Mrs.
Ellen Beck was . complimented
with a handkerchief shower.
Mrs. Gertrude Book and her
mother, Mrs. Parrott, left Red
mond on Wednesday for San
Jose, California, where they ex
pect to make their home. The
Books and Mrs. Parrott have
lived In Redmond for the past
year and previous to that time
tney operated a ranch In the
Lower Bridge community.
The Juniper literary society
enjoyed a covered dish, one o'
clock lunchpon at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Helm on Wednesday
Mrs. j. caen has gone to Port
land for the summer, following
the close of the shcool year In
Sisters, where she was a primary
instructor. She will return to her
same position in September.
Mrs. Maude Pyle was recently !
married in Portland, where she
will make her home.
Daily vacation Bible school Is
being conducted at the Communl-i
ty Presbyterian church. Several:
girls from the upper grades In'
tne public schools are assisting
with the work.
Mrs. William Glang was host
ess Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ir-
vin, for the final high school fac-
Prineville, May 27 Pfc. Everett
A. King, son of Mrs. Lola V. King,
Rt. 1, box 311, Prineville, has
been wounded In action while
fighting in the European war the
ater, the office of war informa
tion reported today. Extent of his
injuries and his present where,
abouts were not revealed by the
With deepest gratitude we ex
tend this word of thanks for the
many kind acts of sympathy, ex
pressed by thoughtful friends.
.These kindnesses have meant
much to us.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsay
. Mrs. Eileen Gilpin. Adv.
ulty 7 o'clock potluck dinner. A
series of these get together din
ners had been held throughout
the year.' . ,
The awards assembly program
Of R. U. H. S. was held oh the
final day of the school year, Fri
day, at 9 a. m. The new stu
dent body officers were installed
for the year of 1945-46 and the
president for the coming year
presided. He is Richard Kribs.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fairfield
made a business trip to Bend Fri
day. Miss Kate Ruble, Lucy and
Walter returned this week from
several months spent in Califor
nia. They Were near Bakersflcld
for a part of their visit.
Mrs. Mable Kendall, recently
returned from a trip into Canada
with her son, Bartlett,
Friends here have received
word of the serious Illness of W.
B. Russell of Lebanon, who re
cently suffered a stroke. He will
recalled as a former editor of the
Redmond Spokesman.
Redmond stores and other busi
ness concerns will close on May
30 In commemoration of Memo
rial day.
Memorial day exercises are
being arranged under the direc
tion of the American Legion, Roy
Johnson post No. 44. Exercises
will be conducted at the Terre
bonne cemetery , and Redmond
cemetery also.
Rev. Z. J. Howell, pastor ot the
Free Methodist church was the
speaker at the Community church
Sunday morning.
Hero Ruins Plans
For Big Wedding
Lucedale. Miss.. Mav 2R upi
The biggest tnilltary wedding ever
planned in .uceaaie was called off
todav because the nrinrlnaU wpro
on their honeymoon.
. fagt. Jake Llndsey, national
hero, and his yahkee sweetheart,
Beverly Hargreaves, preferred a
slmnle weddlne with a few friends
standing by to a procession be-
neam an arcn oi crossed swords.
They took the vows yesterday
afternoon, a day In advance of
The marriage surprised almost
everybody. It was solemnized at
2:30 p.m., in the home of a family
frlcrid, the Rev. William Gulfham,
Methodist minister.
M!..m. WE
vim we
A shoe dealer who stocked only
number twelve shoes wouldn't do much
business. . : '
It would be just as foolish ox this
bank to make only big loans. We take
pride in the fact that the small borrower
can come here with, full assurance
that his heeds will be given courteous
consideration. -. .' '
We arj interested at this time in mak
ing mote good loans large or small.
Bank of Beitid
1 ' i , i i in -. I
fiii bob" if a rimr-
A, This covered waaoin rides the clouds
; mm
is coverei
On sky roads that arch over the West, the sturdy DC-3's of Western Air Lines
skim trails Kit Carson broke, link towns first joined by Stage and covered wagon.
Today, Chevron Aviation Gasoline brinro extra power, range, dependability to
war-busy planes like, Wicsc. Tomorrow, there'll be a highway Version of this
famous flying ucl u brirtg .skyway performance to your car.
ft I
Western Air Lines flies a
Ml, A , . i! i
mi x 1
! '"'"'Mill 11