THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 63 degrees. Minimum test night, 44 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m., 47 de grees; 10 a. til, 45 degrees. Ba rometer (reduced to sea level) : 10 p. m., 30.02 inches; 10 a. m., 80.04 Inches. Relative humidity: 10 p. in., 86 per cent; 40 a. m., 96 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10 p. m, 9 miles; 10 a. m., 3 miles. Prevailing direction of wind: Northeast. Miss Betty Jean Davis, member of the Bend high school class of 1945, left for Eugene today, where she will visit with friends at the University of Oregon over the week-end. Arthur Tifft, ttedmond ipost master, was in Bend iast night, to - attend the Bend high school graduation exercises. His niece, Joyce Armstrong, was a member of the class. A. L. Nelson, of The Bulletin's mechanical department, has left for Gresham, where he will be associated with the Gresham Out look. Everett L. Wiles, linotype operator on The Bulletin for the past 18 years, succeeds Nelson as head of The Bulletin's typograph ical department. Nelson will be Joined later in Gresham by his family. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Friend were In Bend yesterday from Asnwooa. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mendenhall of Redmond are shopping in Bend today. Clarence Duling Is in Bend to day from Madras. . Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hudson are Mr. end Mrs. J. M. Hartnett and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hudsonr all of Pendleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thomas and Mrs. Paul Sul livan, former Bend residents now living in Portland. The party at tended high school graduation ex ercises last night. Iris Thomas and Helen Hudson were members of the class. Mrs. W. W. Ebmeyer of Port land, is spending the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Irvine. McKinley 'Stockton is in Bend today from Redmond, where he is a business visitor in the inter ests of the Great Lakes Carbon company, of which he is an of ficial. Robert J: Wetle, who recently received a medical discharge from the navy, has joined Wetle's store staff. Jolly Allen, Petty Officer 3c, Is in Bend, accompanied by his wife. They are spending his leave with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Allen. Allen is due to report at San Diego June 4. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flowers and children, Donald and Irma, were in Bend last night from Red mond visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Willsey. Flowers is Mrs. Willsey's brother. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Warren and family are in Bend today from Staff Sgt. Glenn F. Livers is in Bend for the week-end, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherlock. Sgt Livers is on a two day pass from Ft Lewis. He was stationed at Camp Abbot during the 13 months of the army's oc cupation of the Central Oregon base.. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wheeler from Ashwood were In Bend yes terday to attend the high school graduation exercises, in which their daughter, Frances, took part. Mrs. Etta Ripley left this morn ing for Colfax, Wash., where she will visit for two weeks. E. G. Weber of Madras, was a Bend visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson, former Bend residents, are here from Albany on business. They plan to be in the city for several days. Miss Betty Fordeh planned to leave today for Portland, to spend the week-end visiting her brother, Don. Bob Posey of Shevlin, Is in Bend for the day. Mrs. Posey and chil dren are in Seattle, where their son, George, is stationed. He has been transferred from the navy base at Bremerton. Miss Alyce Carver arrived yes terday from Portland to spend the week-end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carver, 1614 East third, and her sister, Mrs. Oscar Mellin and children. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett of Oregon City came to Bend Thurs day to. attend high school gradua tion exercises last night. Mrs. Barnett's sister, Virginia Evans, is a member of the class. The Barnetts are guests of Mrs. Alice Soderstrom, 856 Ogden. Mrs. C. M. Phelps, 355 E. Quim by, is expected home from Port land tomorrow. She left Tuesday to attend eighth grade graduation exercises in which her grand daughter Betty Jean Duke, took part. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Moser-of Corvallis, were Bend callers today. Moser represents the. Medo-Land creamery. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W: Reeder of Merrill, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. J. H. Haner, former Deschutes county clerk, was here today from his home in Lapine. M. and L. Frakes of Odell, were Bend business visitors today. Blair Wilson of Merrill, visited local friends today. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phiffer are Mrs. Phif fer's mother, Mrs. Fred Saxby from Bisbee, Ariz., Mrs. Frank Ellis, Independence, and Mrs. Ellis' niece, Janet Pattie from Portland. Mrs. Fred Carpenter and son Ikie of Buckley, Wash., are visit ing relatives and friends in Bend. Pvt. Rudolph Hachtel, who re cently spent a 10-day furlough with his mother; Mrs. Ann Hach tel, has reached Ft. George G. Meade, Md where he is stationed. . Pvt. Paul Gehrman, a -member of a headquarters company, and wno nas been m Leyte and the Philippines for seven months, re turned i to Bend yesterday on a furlough after being processed at Fort Lewis. He is visiting his wife, who is staying at the home 2 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE 5 SHOWS SUNDAY -1-3-5-7-9 P. M. HIT! i e-tn W Dfeli'innnd. - A'i I QIIU yivivvv - of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl special session of the legislature j b., i?oi nrorticterf. would rewritethe Gehrman was former pitcher JSJ2&& the Bend Elks, the boumern mittefe aeclared their intention to league fend the Los Angeles base- wait and see if sucji action is . i- i w sttcHiirtaina moneV VaKcIl uciuic - collected lor the memorial. iwl la niven Total expense budget at the hall laottiQ Miss Dorothy N. Pengilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. John Pengilly, ol uena, win grauuaie Fengiiiy, oi ch:iiu, w, biouuhi. . .., tomorrow as a registered cadet close of last night s meeting was nurse from St. Joseph's hospital, in Tacoma, wasn.- - The congregation of the Method 1st church tomorrow at 8 p. m. $233,845.74. The estimated levy ho SI 59.000.' ThlS I- took into consideration an esti mated $33,125 cash on nana in me will be shown a film, "Book for general fund. Computation ot Tomorrow", which is the story of fees, tax collection losses, back the Bible, It was announced today tax collections and discounts k Rov Pnhrt Mr-Tlvpnnfl. nastor. Kev. ana Mrs. Aiirea uanieisuu Xwv. ttllu ivua. nui nmvu.i. i n ' Jt "J . are coming heha from. Portland its further reduction tnmnrmw. tn nhserve their 25th anniversary at their old home in Bend. They will be accompanied by their daughter, Grace, and by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Isted, also former Bend residents. Rev. Dan lelson, how pastor of a church in Portland, is being invited to fill his old pulpit at the Baptist church here tomorrow. Rev. Kenneth A. Tobias has announced. Mrs. Richard V. Hogan, the for mer Eleanor Harwood, member of the Red . Cross staff at Camp Abbot during that post's occupan cy by the army ana later with KBND here, has returned from Portland to make her home here for the duration. Mrs. Hogan, whose husband, Lt. Hogan, is overseas, has accepted a position in The Bulletin's business office. The public is invited to a dance SntnrHav niirht TUnv 0.fl at thp Bend Roller Rink sponsored by i. .. r ......... f c-nA;n ti;nM me vcictaiiaui cuicigu vvcua. , Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. - Adv. Everybody dance at Cuckoo Ridge May 26, old Bend-Redmond highway. Sponsored by Lo cal 278 of Farmers Union, Terre bonne, Ore. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks to our friends espe cially the Deschutes geology club, for the words of sympathy and floral offerings after the death of our father and grandfather E. C. Alford. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Larson Ethel and Helen Larson. Adv. County Budget (Continued from Page "One) would be held, however, until the amended law allowing up to $25, 000 is again amended, as J. S. Davis, appearing with Ray Cooper in behalf of the appropriation, as sured the committee that it would be. An attorney general's opin ion received yesterday advised the county that a memorial op- propriation could he made for only one city. The intention had been to provide $15,000 for Bend could still allow an increase in the hospital appropriation or lorce nniu silpht chances were made in the budget aside from this one post-war item, i ne Horary dohiu using more of its reserve than it had contemplated using, sub mitted a revised budget adding an $1800 bookmobile to expense items, but requiring an increase of only $166 from thejunty. Re vised, the figure stoofl at $7,380. A request from the assessor for $200 more . for office-help was allowed, hrinpine the eeneral fund budget to $122,514.84. Delegation Attends A delegation of local sportsmen George Simerville, W. E. Jossy and Lloyd Magill attended to give the budget makers support, if needed, on the stock and game nrntprtinn Item nf S3.000. MiSS Olive Jameson, welfare director, at the request or the county juage gave figures on aged pensioners now cared for locally. All members of the budget com mitttee attended the meeting, County Judge C. L. Allen and Commissioners E. E. Varco and A. E. Stevens for the county and advisory board members A. J. Glassow, M. A. Lynch and John Hohnstein. Girls To Sell War Bonds At Theater " Creating a place where pur chasers of Seventh war loan bonds might obtain them at night, members of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority have established a booth at the Capitol tneater, it was an nounced today. B. A. Stover, op erator of the theater, said that the booth is the only place avail able to night purchasers, and that he anticipated "landslide sales" by the sorority girls at the stand. Bonds may be bought at the theater booth before and after the shows, the girls, being on hand from before 7 p. m. to 9 o'clock. Elks Dance to Feature Portland Floor Show. Jerry Chester, general chair man for the Elks' semi-formal dance tonight, announced that ar rangements have been completed for the affair, with dancing to start at 9:30 to music by Bud Rus sell's orchestra. A floor show will be presented, featuring Portland talent, and re freshments will be served, it was announced. All Elks and their ladies have been invited to attend. Must End "Mummy's "The Big TONIGHT Curse" "Show-off" GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! AND YOUR .BOY FRIENDS, TOO ! THAT MAN "VAN" LEAVES TOWN TONIGHT POSITIVELY LAST CHANCE TO SEE HIM TONIGHT ?'f$ WCVmt I " tTTirrn sunday" fr xw1 Monday TWlJJ7i7J monday iUr LAW flfclEC TUESDAY UJf( Hill TUESDAY VV WuS Plus New qnd Cartoon Cartoon Sport I VV W' EaFine BUY THAT -BTX LA Short Rods I I BONO TONIGHT ATTHE its 4 CAPITOL I f Hi) 1 BOND BOOTH XnrTTif.'JTJfc Tokyo Fire (Continued from Page One) upon measures to meet the air raid threat, Tokyo said. Suzuki and two other cabinet ministers had visited the palace immediately after the raid "to as certain the whereabouts of instal lations and personnel," a broad cast said. Palace Razed A Japanese communique said the "front" or outer palace and other buildings within Hirohito's palace compound were burned down. It also conceded "consider able damage" elsewhere in the city. A Japanese Domel dispatch said Suzuki told the cabinet that after seeing the imperial palace catch fire, he had approached Hirohlto "humble In my trepidation as a humble servant of his imperial majestiy." At the same time, Suzuki said, he could not help but renew his determination to "smash this en emy of humanity and tb . . . de fend his majesty to the last." "I firmly believe that the peo ple of this nation equally share my feelings toward the entire American nation," he said. Gal Whips Fire K The enemy, account said huge conflagrations, whipped by a 70-mile-an-hour gale, turned vast in dustrial, business and residential sections of Tokyo into "blazing Infernos" and destroyed numer ous landmarks. Civilians, old and young alike, turned but to help fight the fires, which apparently still Were rag ing more than 18 hours after the start of the raid. Transportation facilities were "temporarily interrupted," Tokyo said, " (Continued from Page One) LeRoyFassett Serves in Italy At an air service command de pot in Italy: Jubilation and a spirit of renewed resolution was the keynote as Pfc. LeRoy H. FassCtt 421 Portlana ave. Bend, Ore., re ceived the news of the final defeat ol Germany. Pfc. Fassett was on duty with the 907 Signal. Co. Dep. Avn., at an air force general depot in Italy when the long-awaited announcement was made. The depot at which Pfc. Fassett served was organized at a key Italian post in October, 1943, shortly after Allied occupation, and has been instrumental in sup plying and maintaining the 12th and 15th air forces during the entire Italian campaign. Official Records JUSTICE COURT Seven alleged offenders ap peared recently before Justice of the Peace Wilson George as a re sult of arrests made by state of ficers. Charles M. Mosley of Sisters, who had been arrested for reck less driving and paroled, was re called to justice court and fined $25 and $4.50 costs, because of asserted failure to abide by the terms of the parole. Berdin A. Faust of Prlne'ville was fined $2.50 for operating a vehicle without an operator's li cense, and Mrs. Leva Stuart, 1414 East Second, drew a $2.50 fine for driving her automobile With out a tail light. Merle C. Shearer, who alleged ly failed to stop on entering a through highway, was fined $2.50, as was Bud Capper of Lapine, accused of operating a car with four persons In the driver's seat. L. P. Brown from Berkeley, Calif.. Was aVt'OStnri fnl- DBenPterl. ly operating a truck without , a PUC permit and for transporting potatoes into Deschutes county without complying with the quar antine to control .bacterial ring rot. He posted $25 ball lor each offense. ' ; Walter W. Hugh'it't, 134 Roose velt, was fined $5 and $4.50 costs for allegedly speeding with a truck. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Honorable discharges were filed today and Friday at the county clerk's office by the fol lowing: John Opal Milleson, navy, Frank Barton Opdyke, navy; and Ronald Belnap Ballantyne, navy. A marriage license was Issued by the county clerk today to Low ell Preston Gibson and Shirley Ann Hasson, both of Bend. Tire injuries on roads are caus ed by many things besides nails and bolts; the record of one tire service -station includes damage by chicken bones, sharp stones, insects, glass, nut shells, razor blades, hairpins, wire and wood. $50,000 Restored To Deschutes Unit . On "the representation that the removal of $50,000 from the bu reau of reclamation budget for the North Unit irrigation project would seriously hamper the de livery of Deschutes water to Jef ferson county, the senate appro priations committee has agreed to restore the sum, according to a telegram received by The Bul letin today lrom Senator Guy Cordon. The house had eliminate tha $50,000 over the protest of Con gressman Lowell Stockman. Be fore the senate appropriations committee, Senator Cordon had resumed the battle to h ova tha sum restored. . Under-water cameras, relatively new, successfully make deep-sea " ... uvtiKu iiiuvi,cjoilic to divers with little disturbance to the natural surroundings; forms ui me rare in marine Dioiogy have been photographed. at the Bend Roller Ballroom Sat.- May 26 Sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars PUBLIC INVITED Jack Sidney Brown and Marion Shaw. Transfers to Deschutes County local board from various boards: George S. Rose, Lloyd Earl Wil liams, Keith ;R. Pirrie, Raymond L. Charters, Dwight A. Rhvmcr, Leslie T. Booth, Richard R. Scott, William Clair Ray, Oren Wendel Weed, Donald Edgar Dana, Ar nold Dalton McPheeters, Charl-s Walker, Eugene Charles Bagnall, Elwodd Blaine Moseley, Ralph Alfred Pierce, William Benton Al vord and Harold Nieters. Deschutes county local regis trants transferred for pre-induc-tion physicals to various boards: Ray Adams, Charles I. Carter, Harold Jonas, L'Wayne Carl Bowles, Harry Nickerson, Dorris D. Gillam, Frank Dartt, Edwin H. Murphy, John T. Conser, Charles Carter, Henson James Yount, Richard Guy Sehonlaw,, Leo Fern Griffiths, Clyde E. Sholes, Marion Earl Brownfield, Frank Pruitt, Joel Chambers, Clyde L. Lunday, James Marvin Welch, Fred V. Rocser, and Wil lis L. Woods. BUS SCHEDULES Effective June 1st ' Some Incubator-hatched tur keys never learn to eat without help; force-feeding is sometimes necessary. Knights Templar An Adjourned Conclave of , Pifgrim Commandcry No. 18 Will Be Held , Sunday, May 27th 9 A.M. All Sir Knights bo prompt af Ihe above time. Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spinal Adjustment Physio therapy Tox Eliminator I)ltrmislH, X-liay and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chlroprartle I'liysldan 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 791 BUY THAT BOND TONIGHT AT THE CAPITOL BOND BOOTH HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Roytype Itlhlions and C'arlxm 11. C. Allen Adding Muehhies All Make Typewriters Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. LEAVE 7.00 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 1:00 A. M. 1:15 A. M. 1:15 P. M. 2:10 P. M. 6:15 P. M. 7:10 P. M. 7:20 P. M. 11:30 P. M. DEPARTURES-BEND FOR Redmond Madras Maupin ' The Dalles Pendleton Walla VVafla, Spokane eM. Camp Portland Seattle. Sisters Euqene Roseburq Marshfield Grants Pass. Lapine Silver lake Paisley Lake view Local Redmond Prlneville. Burns Vale Ontario Baker Nampa Boise and All Points East. Lapine Gilchrist Chemult Klamath Falls Alturas Reno San Francisco and All Cali fornia Points. Redmond Prineville John Day - Madras Maupin The Dalles Yakima Spokane Pendleton Govt. Camp Portland and Seattle. Lapine Gilchrist Klamath Falls and All Cali fornia Points. Redmond - Prineville Madras Maupin Portland.. Lapine Gilchrist Chemult - Eugene Klam ath Falls and All California Points. Burns Vale Ontario Nampa Boise and All Points East. Redmond Prineville Madras - Wasco Moro The Dalles Pendleton Walla Walla Spokane Maupin Portland Seattle. ARRIVALSBEND Aitmvi; i iioM 6:30 A. M. Boise Caldwell Ontario Baker Weiser Burns and All Points East. 8:10 A. M. Local Prineville Redmond. 12:40 P. M. Klamath Falls Gilchrist Lapine and All Cali fornia Points. 1:45 P. M. Portland Maupin The Dalles Yakima Spokano Madras John Day Prineville Redmond. 2:30 P. M. Lakeview Paisley Summer Lake Lapine. 5:45 P. M. - Boise Caldwell Ontario Burns and All East Points. 5:45 P. M. Klamath Falls Gilchrist Lapine and All Cali fornia Points. 6:05 P. M. Grants Pass Marshfiold Roseburg Eugene Sisters. 6:45 P. M. Portland Yakima Spokane Pendleton The Dalles Maupin - Madras Redmond Prine ville. 11:15 P. M. Reno Alturas Klamath Falls . Chemult Eugene Gilchrist Lapine. 12:15 A. M. Portland - The Dalles Pondlcton Maupin Madras Redmond. (Clip This Out for Your Future Travel Reference) r PflC( FIG TR A LU) ftVS