THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 26, 1945 PAGE TWO Lombardrs Four Base Giants Victory By Carl LiindquiHt i (United Prwi SUlf Correspondent) i New York, May 26 U' It was as plain as the, nose on catcher Ernie (Schnozzle) Lombardi's face today that he and his Giant team mates aren t aepenaing on their bath-tub shaped home park to remain red hot pennant choic es In the National league race. Bulwarked by Lombardi's busy bat, the New Yorkers are putting the lie to critics who said their pennant bubble would burst Into sudsy rubble once they got on the .road. Instead they are winning as consistently as when they were aiming for the short barriers at the Polo Grounds and unless some team stops them soon they may make a run-away or the race. Jilts Long Homer , It has been Lombardi, more than any other player, who has !rejuvenated the Giants from an iindifferent second division club 'of last season Into a fearsome ar ray of heavy sluggers. The jovial !soft-speaking westerner from Oakland, Cal., hit a land mark 'homer yesterday to pace the Gi lants to their third straight vic tory at Cincinnati, 5 to 2. ' The Giants went six and a half I games ahead of the second place Brooklyn Dodgers and ran their 'record against the supposedly ' Istrong western teams to 12 trl .umphs In 15 starts. They have won five straight from the Reds, 'four In a row from the Cubs and .two out of three from the Card! nals, showing a deticit only 'against Pittsburgh with one win !ln three; Their only defeat on the itrip to date was at Pittsburgh, 'even though Lombardi tried to 'win It with a homer. ,' Get 1(1 lilts The Cubs needed 16 hits to bent !the last place Phillies, 4 to 3, Hank Wyse gaining his fifth vic tory, a seven hitter. Vlnce Di- Magglo s sixth homer was the on ly telling blow he permitted. Wyse won his game witn a single In the seventh scoring Bill Schuster, who had tripled. The Pirates won their fifth straight at Pittsburgh, heating Boston, 5 to 3, lor Elwin (Preach er) Roe's fourth triumph against two losses. Veteran Jackie Saltz gaver paced the 10-hit winning attack with two singles and a dou ble. The Cards won their, fourth straight over the Brooklyn Dod gers, 9 to 7, at St.' Louis In a battle which found neither start- 'ing pitcher surviving the first ' inning. Brooklyn made four runs and the Cards five. Ray Sanders ; clinched the victory with a three run homer In the fourth. Yanks Win Again The Yankees, winning their fourth straight at New York, knocked the White Sox, out of first place and went In themselves with a 5 to 4 victory, brought about by George Stirnwelss' two run triple In the eighth. Nick Et- ten led the 14-hlt Yankee attack with three singles. Nelson Potter gave the Browns SHE USED PAINT N6! yf the finish that transforms a dull, dirty kitchen inta a clean, bright, cheerful room. I You've probably walked into a freshly painted room and remarked "My, it looks clean!" You're right! Paint is clean and sterile. It destroys germs and provides a sanitary, protective coating. Do a thorough clean-up job in your kitchen this 1 x spring by painting! Preferably with Plan Now Save Now Build 318 Greenwood urn Out Our Way BOY, WHAT WOULDN'T I GIVE TO RUN A VAST PLANT LIKE THAT) wi in ALU n PROBLEMS TO.. MASTER. IT WOULD BE HARD WORK, BUT THINK Of THE FEELING OF SUCCESS 4 Lakes to Open On Memorial Day With four lakes scheduled to be opened to fishing on May 30, It wus announced hero today that the state fish commission on Tuesday would install a check ing station at South Twin lake. I The station is to be established by Dr. Paul Needham, state di rector of fisheries, and Frank Wire, state game supervisor, and It will be manned by Ross New comb. For the- two months that ang ling will be permitted in the lake, all fishermen are expected to check In. and out at the sta tion, reporting their catches. The check is to be made to determine their first victory In three at Boston, shutting out the Red Sox, 5 to 0. for his fourth triumph. The Browns made 12 hits, all but two players hitting safely at least once. Lefty Al Smith gave the Cleve land Indians their second straight shut-out at Washington, 3 to 0, over the Senators who have gone 24 innings without a run. Smith permitted three hits and only eight balls, including five flics, went Into the outfield. Cutcher Paul Richards doubled to score Jimmy Outlaw la the ninth and give Detroit a 2 to 1 victory over the A's at Philadel phia. Frank (Stubby) Overmlre outpltched Louis (Bobo) New snm, though he was touched for 10 hits. BOYSEN 3 Pure Paints Later Phone 1 10 NOT ME ALL" I'D WANT IS A LOT O' STOCK. IM TH' COMPANY AN' SIT IM A BIG CHAIR AN DRAW MY DIVIDENDS THE DAY DREAMERS the extent of propagation In the lake, and also to discover whether natural spawning is taking place In the waters. Chub Removed South Twin lake was selected to make the check, because three years ago It was poisoned to eliminate chubs. The check, ac cording to Dr. Needham, will prove to what extent the re-stocking was a success. Dr. Needham is the game fish specialist who made the exhaus- tive study In Convict creek, Call fornia, to learn the survival of game fish under natural con ditions. . , Besides South Twin lake, North Twin, Diamond and Davis lakes will be opened to fishing on Memorial day. The season in these lakes closes on July 31. League Standings W L Pet. AMERICAN New York, 17 11 Chicago ...1.15 , 10 Detroit .r..:::....!.............15 ' 10 7.607 I. .600 600 .520 .462 .444 .414 .379 St. Louis 13 12 Cleveland .12 14 Boston 12 15 Washington 12 17 Philadelphia- 11 18 NATIONAL Now York 24 7 Brooklyn , 17 13 St. Louis 17 13 Pittsburgh 15 14 .774 .567 .567 .517 .500 .407 .385 .258 .623 Chicago 14 11 Boston ...ll 16 Cincinnati 10 16 Philadelphia 8 23 PACIFIC COAST Portland 33 20 Seattle 31 20 Oakland 29 25 San Diego 27 28 San Francisco 25 28 Sacramento 25 28 Los Angeles 25 29 Hollywood 18 35 .608 ! .537 j .491 1 .742 i .472 .463 .310 , Cooper Is Pleased With His Transfer Pittsburgh, May 20 (ll'i The Boston Braves were happy today, big Mort Cooper was happy, and the Pittsburgh Pirutes were hap py, too. Cooper was surprised but well satisfied with the deal that sent him to the Braves from the pennant-winning St. Louis Cardinals. The Braves were glad to add Coop er to their mound staff and the Pirates were happy because Coop er will not pitch in the current Pittsburgh-Boston series. How They Ran New York, May 20 tin Here's how Kentucky Derby candidates fared yesterday: Pot O'Luck won mile and a sixteenth $5,1)00 oddod Bon All handicap at Churchill Downs In 1:16 3 5. Fire, Ahead won six furlong events at Churchill Downs in 1:13. TO KHiHT cncilKANK Now York, May 20 ill" Kocky Gnuiano, a rowdy club-fighter from Brooklyn gets a nontille shut at welterweight champion Freddie Cochrane on June 29 lie cause he out roughed and stopped Al "Dummy" Davis bad boy of the ring in 41 seconds of the (mirth round at Madison Square garden last night. TO ItKIOIN ( U B Boston. May 26 lU'iOut fielder Lloyd Christopher of the Boston Ited Sox, who was drafted last year from Seattle o( the Pacific nwM league, today was en route to join the Chlciiso Cubs who puivliasiNl him at the price of $7,500. waiver Christopher batted .281 with Se attle last year. The first sueivssiul voyage across the Atlantic under steam propulsion was by the steamship Savannah, which started from an American port on Muy 22, 1819. ByJ.R.WiMams BUT YOU GOT TO DO SUMP'N TO EARN TH STOCK OH, VOU'LL BE SITT1N' IN A CHAIR, ALL RIGHT, BUT FROM OLD AGE AN" ON A PARK. BENCH FROM LACK. OF DIVIDENDS WW Cr.R.WILLlAM 5-Zb Sailor Joe Kahut Defeats Kennedy Portland, Ore., May 26 (IP) Sailor Joe Kahut of Woodburn, Ore., 180, smashed his way to a ninth round TKO over game, hard-slugging Moose Kennedy, 197, of Vancouver, Wash., at the auditorium here last night in as wild a barroom brawl as fans can remember. ' Kahut hafl the giant Kennedy on the canvas four times in the savage storm of the first six rounds. In the seventh Kennedy threw every punch in his album and only great fighting courage kept Kahut In the melee. Even a f ter a terrible beating for almost three minutes, Kahut showed enough power to send Kennedy to the deck for a nine count at the beU. In the blazing eighth, the Van couver negro was laid low by a (cruel two-fisted barrage from the snarling, rugged sailor boy. Three times Kennedy was rocked to the floor. Fight Stopped Referee Ralph Gruman stopped the fight at one minute and four teen seconds of the ninth, after Kahut had dealt Kennedy all the punishment he could absorb. In a slow match, Leroy Durst, 150, of Longvlew took a TKO in the tenth over Kelly Jackson, 146, of Portland. Al Berro in a hectic battle had Powder Proctor on, the resin in the second round, but Proctor rump hnr-lr In tho fhlivl ami limn by a knockout after belting Berro to the canvas five times. A crowd of 3,936 shelled out $9,701 to view the card. Dr. Paul Needham To Speak in Bend Members of the Deschutes county Sportsmen's association will be addressed Monday night by Dr. Paul Needham, state di rector of fisheries and noted au thority on game fish, It was an nounced today. The meeting will be held at 8 p. m. In the IWA hall on Bond street. Another feature of the, evening will be the showing of wild life pictures by Frank Wire, Oregon state game supervisor. The pic tures arc in color. A tailed amphibian, not n true salamander, was discovered in Texas in an artesian well, 188 feet deep. FOUNTAIN SERVICE LUNCHEONS HOME-MADE PIES SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS DOUTHIT'S ALLEYOOP . y ; 3y V.T.HAMLIN ( -rTN s K r i ,T"a fT BV e5H' TH' gkamd wizekTX "boom and wonimug ARE KT " "'litl fc "S (n .QLfw.ljiriy 1 1 jJ7 L0ut!GOTBe J, aw, feg catsak.' 1 ?J7 just have to S nllRl AWAKENEPW mLSrJFJb "" HAFTA I WAIT... I CAW'T STOP -:J:-'t I. IU! IN , THE TNlGHTrKTS SS&SHOW UP JUST S5 TO LET 'ENA INI v&ftrJM hev KlifSpHI AUCTflnMI WSjjr --M J Beavers Losers In Long Battle . . (By United Prtw) ... . In a game marked by a total of 19 hits the San Francisco Seals last night staggered through a 13 inning 5 to 4 victory over the Portland Beavers whose league leadership was cut to a single game over Seattle. In other contests the Oakland Acorns-shut out the San Diego Padres 6 to 0 behind the six-hit Ditching of Red Mann; the Rain- iers made it four straight over the Los Angeles Angels by a score of 2 to 1 and Hollywood defeated Sacramento 10 to 6. Joyce Gets Credit Bob Joyce, who hurled only one of -the 13 innings, was formally credited with the Beavers' down fall, but angry Portland fans blamed a lot of it on Beaver cen ter fielder Frank Shone. In the fifth Shone threw from the outfield into the dugout, per mitting two runs to score. In the seventh two more came in when he slipped and fell while attempt ing to get under Ken Brondell's long fly to center. And In the 13th he let an easy one ot Koy Nicely s go by, allowing Joyce to score. Scores on Fly The winning run in the Seattle Los Angeles game came when Roy Johnson scored on Joe Dob bins' long fly to right field. The rampaging Rainiers" first score came when Bob Garbound sin gled, stole second, went to third on a fielder's choice and scored on Joe Demoran's Infield out. The Solons staged their own version of a comedy of errors, which gave the Twinks four of their first six runs. Southpaw Bob Williams was the winner. Fight Results (lly United Press) New York, Rocky Graziano, 151, Brooklyn, stopped Al (Bum my) Davis, 146, Brooklyn, (4). Boston Pat Demers, 134', Stockton, Mass., outpointed Steve Cronls, 131, Boston, (10). Worcester, Mass Timothy (Buddy) Hayes, 126, Boston, out pointed Tony Ferry, 129, Fall River, (8). Milwaukee Juste Fontaine, 135, Milwaukee, KO'd Max Shap iro, 133, New York (7)'. Hollywood Edgar Robinson. Los Angeles, decisioned Joey Al bino, 158, Portland, Ore.,, (6). j ROLLER BALLROOM Presents IN PERSON f3 :." ",g: Git MONDAYS 9 to 1 -KBND Voice of Central Oregon Affiliated With 'Mutual . TONIGHTS PROGRAM 5:00 News 5:15 Canary Pet Shop 5:30 Symphony of the Americas 6:00 Jean Goldkette's Orchestra 6:30 Paging Mike McNally 7:00 Ray Herbeck's Orchestra 7:15 Treasury Salute 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Chicago Theatre of Air 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 American Folk Singers . 9:30 George Olesen's Orch. 9:55 Mutual Reports the News 10:00 Ted Straeter"s Orchestra SUNDAY,, MAY 27, 1943 8:00 Wesley Radio League 8:30 Voice of Prophecy 9:00 Pilgrim Hour 9:30 Lutheran Hour 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Strings of Melody 10:30 Sweetheart Time 11:00 Baptist Church 12:00 News 12:15 Voice of Dairy Farmer 12:30 Hookey Hall 1:00 Your America 1:30 What's the Name of That Song? 2:00 Let's Face the Issue 2:30 Nick Carter 3:00 Quick as a Flash 3:30 Ave Maria Hour - ' 3:45 Dick Brown 4:00-iCalling All Detectives 4:30 Here's to Music 5:00 Golden Melodies 5:15 Pentecostal Mission 5:45 GabrielHetter 6:00 Voice of, Missionary ' '. Baptist ' . 6:30 Cedric Foster 6:45 Mood Music 7:00 Earl Wilson 7:15 This Is Helen Hayes 7:30 First Christian Hour 8:30 Cote Chorus 8:45 Vaugfi n Monroe's Orch. 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Human Adventures 10:00 Old Fashioned Revival MONDAY, MAY 28, 1943 7:00 News 7:15 Smile Time 7:30 Spotlight on Rhythm. 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Four Aces 8:15 News 8:30 Take it Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Cote Glee Club 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 William Lang 9:15 Song by Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News " ' '4 1 m 5k- ; V V va - ' 1340 . Kilocycle! Don Lee Broadcasting System 10:15-Something to Talk About 10:15 Luncheon witn Lopez 10:45 News of Prineville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 Newg . 11:45 Lura 'n Abner 12:00 Anita Ellis . 12:05 Today's Classifieds 12:10 Sports Yarns 12:15 Gypsy Trio 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Don Allen's Orchestra 1:15 Elsa Maxwell's Party Line l:30V-Never too Old 2 : 00 Home Demonstration , agent 2:15 Melody Time ' 2:45 Gray Gordon's Orchestra 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Concert Hall 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00-i-Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Rex Miller 4:30 Sketches 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:0O Sam Hayes . 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Vire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 The Better Half 7:00 Soldiers of the Press. 7:15 News 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Lee Castle's Orchestra 8:15 Music for Millions 8:30 Michael Shayne 9:00 Glen Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Jack Teagarden's Orch. 9:45 Mutual Musicale 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 Sherlock Holmes In This Corner By Mickey My rick Well, it has rained so long how that everybody is getting used to it. There for a while all you heard was: "Think it will rain?" Then it got to be: "Think it'll ever clear up?" But now everybody is wonder ing if the game warden will fire a signal shot when the season of ficially opens at one hour before sunrise PWT next Wednesday at South Twin lake. Bets are being made that a fisherman will get hooked before anybody catches a ish, and one fellow is thinking of offering a prize to the fisherman who gets caught by the biggest Made Each Freeman's Tapered Leaders each 60c Tapered, 7'? toot, SMALL as a hair, STRONG as a cable Large Davis Flashers $1.50 Line Divides,. 25c Flat Fish, all colors, sizes 6-7 each 95c Flat Fish, all colors, size 4 '. each 1. 10 Crafty Fish, Troutoreno, Bassoreno, Peachoreno, Snell Hooks, Sinkers, Tackle Boxes, Fly Boxes, Reel Cases, Line Dressing, Dry Fly Oil, Canvas Creels, Salmon Eggs, Canned Minnows. ' TREBLE HOOKS WOBBLERS Beat Cushions 3.18 Oars 7 ft. pair 3.95 Canoe Paddles each 2.10 Sevenstrand Wire Leader 2 foot 20c 3 foot 25c 25 foot coil 55c Ammunition 30-30 34-40 JUNIPER Novelties Beautifully turned and pol ished Juniper candlesticks, howls, dishes, ash trays, etc A big selection, priced right. GUN REPAIR We have an expert gun smithlot's keep him in Bend! Our Business is built on your demand for the best. Make your sporting goods dollars pay dividends shop at FREEMAN'S TACKLE CO. On South Highway, Leaving Bend 404 E. Third St. man. v Everybody and ids brother win! , --'" u uie 0DH. mists are expecting to be baA home for breakfast. . North Twin Davis, East, Paulina and WicS will get the overflow. Game officials, includini dl ably Dr. Paul Needham and Supervisor Frank B. Wire m be on hand to check each cab both for scientific reasons andh see that the limit is observe! Dr. Needham will speak Mon. day night, to a . meeting of Z Deschutes County Sponsme association, and Wire will Sho moving pictures, of interest t fishermen. Just In case It does clear n divot diggers will again be acU on the fairways at the Bend Golf Club course. Pros, and some of our would-be pros includim "Dutch" Stover, tell us that is oii of the finest nine-hole courses in the state. ' Just in case you haven't seen it" we would suggest that you drive out on south 97 and try your luck on the tricky green fairways aiw in the awful rough. i . If you are over 21, you're an old man. At least that's the wav it works, in the Senior Softball league, formed here this Wool, Minimum age of players allowed to participate is set at that figure1 on the grounds that older men will i feel more like playing if they1 don't have to compete with hieh ' school boys.' . Sam Blucher heads the new league, with Wilfred Jonns Claude Cook on the executive com, mlttee. Any "old man" who , still move faster than a trot arei see a ball at more than arm'! length is invited, to get in. , EBW1L For Health and Recreation! LYDICK'S Bowling Alley Open Weekdays 3 p.m. to 12 Saturday-Sunday I to 12 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT n Oh! Boy! Davis and Twin Lakes Open ' Wednesday a holiday. Be set with Freeman's Deschutes Dry Flies Tied by fishermen to catch fish 2 for 25c doz. 1.50 Ted Merrill Flasher in Bend, Nickel Finish. 7Cc D Night Crawlers Large and Fresh Carton 40c For Farmers 25-35 etc. AGATES Cut and polished agates, mounted In rings necklaces, lavalicrs, pins, etc For both men and women. ROD-REEL REPAIR We buy old, worn out rod parts. Phone 673-R