The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 25, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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New Ul Chief
Of Agriculture
Is Real Farmer
Albuquerque, N. M., May 25 HI'i
. When "Clint" Anderson lakes
over the department of agricul
ture, the nation's food program
will be in charge of an experienced
farmer who likes farming, horse
back riding, bridge and dancing.
1 President Truman's choice of a
new secretary of agriculture was
described by his friends today as
a man who never misses a chance
to talk about farming, or a chance
to attend a country club party.
Although Clinton Anderson's
major occupations are serving in
congress and operating an In
surance business, he likes "to get
away from it all" at his Lazy V
Cross ranch five miles south of
Albuquerque and revert to farm
ing, dressed in old clothes, a plaid
wool shirt and blue jeans.
He spends hours at a time on
horseback, using either a western
or an English saddle, although
preferring the former. .
Look Likes Farmer j
Friends say he even lias the
looks of a farmer. He Is over six ! cause of his health. Anderson
feet tall and well proportioned, 'came to New Mexico at the age of
with wavy, graying brown hair
and friendly, gray-blue eyes.
On his 935-acrc farm, he raises
palomino ponies, has a dairy herd
and sells milk, raises pedigreed
cattle una sneep, and grows al
falfa and sugar beets.
When it comes to card games,
however, Anderson has more of
a fondness for bridge than ranch
country poker. He'll take a drink
tor sociability's sake and he
smokes an occasional cigar, but
never touches cigarets.
Clint and his wife like people.
They never miss-a country club
dance if they can help it, and
they're likely to be found at any
kind of social gathering, from
movies to concerts.
New Mexico Honored
Anderson, whose appointment
still must be confirmed by the
senate, will be the first New Mexi
can in the president's cabinet
since the Harding administration.
Anderson is known throughout
New Mexico as a man who loves
a farm and always has evidenced
an interest in agriculture meth
ods, son conservation, irrigation.
and other problems of the farmer. ,'
nu wms oorn ai eniervuie, 2s. w.,
Oct. 23, 1895, and was educated at
Dakota Wesleyan university, and
me university oj Michigan.
The Anderson family still re
tains its ranch property near
Centcrvllle, where the democratic
icpresentative was reared. Be-
Bend's Need for Big Airport
Presented at Local Hearing
Loyde S. Blakley, Bend city com- lowing figures are estimated:' hr, cm,,, hfnrp the "Northen Lake county 1, and
County Realtors
Rounding out n full year of ex
istence, the Deschutes county
Realty board held a dinner meet-
.... t.,..n Vhmnth muntii Bar
state board of aeronautics hear- ..Ass,,sst.a valuations as of Jan
Ine here Wednesday afternoon , a,.v i. 1944. show as follows: Dcs-
as representative of the city, ex- chutes county $10,410,015.00, and, ing last night at the Pine Tavern
. 1. t 1 n.,.i i. i.:,...l,.lnf ims mnuni mnu IS H I 47 . aim wan auuicam-u nr iu vim-
piunieu luuuy inui .- uuviuu.jr -, . - r,,-;-- ,rs of th Oiwnn Assnclntlnn nf
..,.., m!ot,n.1,..el,wl uihnn ho mio "W.W Uiiu uu-unmuu WflW.W. ! " , V. V . 7
...u..u.o.uuu ... The Bcnd figures do not include t "" se Qoarus.
quoted as saying that "Vends in- (h two mlls whlf.n are 10, Visiting officers were E. II.
dustrial fund of $23,000 could be 1 just outside the city limits, but Peterson, president of the Oregon
diverted to airport and aviation 1 both Bend and the mills are In
expansion." Union High School District No. 2,
To make his point clear, and j which has an assessed valuation
to stress the fact that the indus- of $5,541,920.00
trial fund had been created fori "it has been estimated that
the purpose of encouraging and within the first two years follow-
Endecreme helps give
most women a younger-looking
face and throat
Seems too good to be true, doesn't it. But it's a fact.
ENDOCREME, can, for most women, help improve the skin
itself, not merely its superficial appearance. For thousands
ENDOCREMH . . . with its 8-year record of success ... is
getting results hitherto thought impossible through use of
cosmetics. This is because it contain! ACnVOL'.
ACTCVOLM. . . a great modem achievement . . . is a scientific
replacement for woman's own natural.sldn-vitaliiing substance.
When ENDOCREMH is absorbed by the skin, it helps to
restore the normal growth of cells and tissues. Thus,
most skins tend to take on new youthfulness, to become
fresher, firmer, smoother, more alluringly beautiful again.
Isn't this the best way you can invest your cosmetic dollars?
Many report vast improvement in only 30 days.
, . , in successful use
since 1937
. tlx only mum conlainln ACIWOL
Bend Drug Co.
The Rexall Store
SO days'
plus tax
i y f - a
Comply with OREGON'S
Compare tliM colli (on
S,000)IO,OOb Bodily Injury and $5,000 Proptrty Damag Liability
For Bend and Vicinity
"A" Ratloa
-i" Ratio
$ 5.13
Bosh Sli MM,
Tfcmaftor mi
wrrtat ralM
$ 5.76
THoroottoc at
arrwrt ratts
FARMERS policies ntt He requirements of Oregon'.
Financial Responsibility Law.
Eugene M. Bucknum
1 054 Bond St.
Truck Insurance Exchange
Phone 33 1
assisting new industries, Blakley
has made available for publication
the data he presented at the hear
ing. Blakley's report, as read at the
hearing, Is presented in full here:
"The national airport plan pro
poses an expenditure of $483,- for this purpose.
"At the present time, both Unit
ed and Western Airlines have ap
plications pending with the C. A.
B. to service this area and both
lines have specified Bend as the
"Bend is the logical hub to
serve this area for the following
"Based on the 1940 census of
cities and towns north to and
including Madras, south to and
including Chemult, cast to and
include Burns, and west to and
including Sisters, 52 of the pop
ulation is in Bend, 2S north and
north-east of Bend, including
frinevine, iu east of Bend, 6
south of Bend and 1 west of
Bend. In this same area, the best
available estimates as to present
population show the following per
centages: "Bend 49, North and north
east of Bend 28, east of Bend
13, south of Bend 7 and west
of Bend 3.
"Putting it on a county basis,
the 1940 census shows Jefferson
county 6, Deschutes county 55
riarney county iu and the fol-
ing the cessation or hostilities,
there will be over 200 privately
owned aircraft in cities the. size
of Bend.
! iccnnlnt Inn -nA f nnmi f T3rmn
secretary 01 the state group. Both
men spoke on practices of the
Portland realty board in conduct
ing classes, study of legislature
and other programs designed to
assist realtors. -
The year's actiivty of the Des
chutes board was reviewed by
Walter Daron, president of the
The post-war future for Bend county group, who then intro-
22, and workedas a newspaper
man until 19 years ago, when he
entered the insurance business.
Record Given
Married and the father of two
children, Anderson was New Mex
ico s state treasurer from 1933-34.
which was his first public office.
In 1935 he became administrator
for the 'New Mexico relief admin
istration, and late in the same
year became field representative
for the federal emergency relief
administration, serving In that ca
pacity for a little more than a
year. Then he became chairman
and executive director of the un
employment commission of New
Mexico, between 1936-38.
Anderson was managing dlrec-
1,? "noTine of "5
looks good. By curtailing present I fluc tne speakers. An attractive
production, both sawmills which''""! lMK" 1Ium
also operate moulding depart- the'd battleship Oregon was pre
ments and box factories, are in nted the Deschutes group by
a position to go on a sustained Sfcre,t,a.ry, ,?me- eDEaVei WfS
i..i,i h-.c chi,i ,h ,i:.i the gift of William M. Barendreck,
t'o do thisthey would n'aturaliy Mfllnd tSSiSS? oftheDes"
employ less men but we feel this XitThnar,i 8
would readily be offset by iHwj , p,;,,. CollventIon
woodworking industries locating President Peterson "aid that
here and expansion of those that tentative plans have been made
are already here for holding a state convention,
"In addition to the mills already witn Salem as host on Sept u
mentioned, we now have one box. 14 and 15.
factory, one fariniture factory, a The Deschutes ' group made
toy factory and numerous Juniper plans for a big meeting of the
uuvtriiy wuuuwuriwng uuiimns,
"For the prnpose of encourag
ing and assisting new industries,
merce now have an industrial fund
the City of Bend and the Bend
Chamber of commerce now have
an industrial fund of $23,500.00,
which will be increased to $30,-
000.00 this year. ;
It is hardly necessary to men
tion that Bend is right in the
heart of the tourist and recreation
center of Oregon, for most of you
are already aware of this fact. We
know from inquiries that are com-'
ing in daily that this will be one
of our largest Industries follow
ing the war and that many of
these people will come In here
by air. j
"It might also Interest you to'
know that we have adequate com-'
mercial sleeping facilities for.
from 1500 to 2500 per night. I
"From what I have told you,'
the need for an airport suitable
for airline operations should be
very apparent. m- j
"Further than this, I want to
leave with you one thought, name-'
ly that If the federal government ,
matches state funds In the west
ern states for development of avia
tion on the same basis they are
now matching highway funds in
this same area, namely 62.05
federal appropriations and 37.95
state appropriations, then from
the standpoint of post-war em
ployment alone neither the city
organization, jointly with Red
mond, In July when Hugh E. Ros
son, authority on the G.I. bill of
rights, Is slated to speak. It was
also announced that the next
meeting of the Deschutes realtors
would be held on June 11, when
members will be told of the bene
fits of heating homes by elec
tricity. This program Is being ar
ranged by William A. Lackaff,
manager of the Pacific Power &
Light company in Bend.
Sale of Liquor
In State Drops
Portland, Ore., May 25 HPi
Records of the state liquor con
trol . commission today showed
that whiskv sales in Oregon have
slipped 6.000 cases a month for
the last two months.
Store Supervisor Floyd E. Bur
ton said that the growing exodus
of war workers may have con
tributed to the condition.
Gin has been moving more rap
idly since it was placed on the
unrationed list, records snowea.
There has also been a slight
trend toward blended whiskey in
preference to the straight stuff.
5Tb per cent of the whisky sales
this year have been blends.
Navy Recruiting
Conference Set
Lt Commander, John F. Bieh
ler, officer In charge of the Ore
gon navy recruiting district with
headquarters in Portland, Ore
gon, has received transfer orders
and will be replaced by Lt. Com
mander F. F. Adam, it is announc
ed by Chief specialist Paul Con
net, recruiter in charge of the
Central Oregon navy recruiting
sub-station, Bend.
All recruiters In the state have
received orders to report in Port
land for a meeting with the new
officer in charge on Tuesday May
29. Chief Connet and J. j.J
gerald, Sp. Ic, who man th. t.5f
sub-station will. leave Monday!,,
o.otlnn In th Bar,,! n.-.CM"
,,,1.. 1. ..s ... luuuinn w.
the new officer In charge wmil
partljr a ''get acquainted" Jj
ing but future plans for thell
crulting service, especially the rl:
curement of Waves and rat?
technicians will be discussej'
these are the two most imponi?g
phases of the recruiting pronM
at present. The Oregon w?t
ing district has been romtta!
high in the United States fofil
job done ever since the war starF
ed and lt is intended to keenT I
district among the leaders t
San Diego. Cal. (in Mrs. Ber
tha M. Groff, 63, wastes no time in
getting to her war Job here. Come
time to go to work in the morn
ing, she rides to work with her
neighbor on a motorcycle.
exposition commission from 1939
40, and then was elected to the
seventy-seventh congress. He has
since been twice re-elected to the
house of representatives.
Owns Hunch
He Is a past president of Rotary
For a number of years he has
operated a ranch five miles south
of Albuquerque, known as the
"Lazy V" ranch. He has a large
dairy herd and in addition raises
palomino ponies and has more
than 900 acres under cultivation.
Set Your Own 7th War Loan
Employee Quota
From This Table
Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4
Average Average Average Maturity
Wags Subscription Weekly Value of
Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought
Month (Cash Value) 7th War Loan
$250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250
225-250 150.00 12.50 200
210-225 131.25 10.94 175
200-210 112.50 9.38 150
180-200 93.75 7.82 125
140-180 75.00 6.25 100
100-140 37.50 3.13 50
Under $100 18.75 1.57 ,25
Tills would Include present allotment plus extra speclul 7th
War Loan allotment and extra rasti purchases for 13-tveek
period In April, May, and June.
(A) Atwritln vfrnr or rompany ind number f tmplor.
(II) Multiply ttumbri of rmpluy hr (turt in Column I.
This wltl t h rmiinr t tUl irou Hwvnth War Loan nwta In dotlara
Ho arrive at quota In tcrma of maturity value In Uonda u dsura in
Column 4.)
(C) To aarertaln NET amount to b ralaetl. oVdnct ipocttd attotmtnU from
April, Hay and Juno from total vroas quota.
Space Courfesy Brooks-Scanton Lumber Company Inc.
and The Shevl!n-H!xon Company
1 fare's the nnil polish dryer you've
been crying for . , , amazing'
Oil Dry. Works perfectly umlcr
all conditions: inerrnscH l.uMn-,
60 (phis Fed. lax).
Bend Drug Co.
The Rexall Store
could afford to see the federal
appropriation not matched. Of
course, the basis of raising the
37.95 would have to be worked
out between the cities and the
State of Oregon but I can assure
you that Bond is willing to do its
share in this respect." ,
Columbia, Pa. (til The alibi
that he was "hurrying homo to
milk the cows" didn't keep state
police from arresting Roy Merle
Hess on speeding charges. Hess.
clocked at 80 miles an hour, was
committed to jail for five days in
default of bail.
Laramie, Wyo. ill') Rangers
were delayed in making their
regular snow survey this year be
cause there was too much snow in
the Medicine Bow national forest.
On Father's Day June 17
That dear old gentleman will receive many gifts for
Father's Day but none he'll appreciate more nor
enjoy longer than YOUR photograph.
Make it the best you can obtain an Evergreen por
trait of distinction, taken by our Hollywood-trained
photographers. Stop in for your sitting soon.
906 Wall . . Next to USO . . Phone 89 . . Bend
Open Weekdays Closed Sundays
9:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1
Studios also in Klamath Falls, Medford, Albany, Portland.
7Mt Mmti!ih
to CHICAGO and
the EAST !
There are many confusing reports about
wartime. train travel... If it is necessary for
you to travel, consult a Great Northern
passenger representative. He will assist
you with schedules, reservations and trans
portation arrangements.
Read Down Daily Read Up
8:00 PM Lv. Portland - - - Ar.' 7:35 AM
6:50 AM Ar. Spokane Ar. . 9:30 PM
11:05 PM Ar. Havre ----- Ar. 8:00 AM
10:25 AM Ar. Minot- - - - - Ar. 10:45 PM
3:55 PM Ar. Fargo ----- Ar. 3:15 PM
10:00 PM Ar: Minneapolis- i Ar. 9:15AM
10:30 PM Ar. St. Paul - - - - Ar. 8:30 AM
8:40 AM Ar. Chicago - - - - Lv. 11:15 PM
All regularly assigned equipment is air-con
ditioncd. Pullman Sections. Bedrooms,
Compartments. Drawing Rooms. Dining
Car. Observation-Lounge Car. Tourist
Sleeping Cars. Coaches.
C. L. BISCHOFF. Trav. Pags'r Ael.
530 American Bank Bldg., BEocon 7273
Portland 5, Oregon
route of the EMPIRE BUILDER
ieoferiIJJflr BUILDER
3a, 1 4a4 HaiiAAxrtirjTljirlJlfit. I
x&IVl 1 '-nrm n i 1 1 is n i f
mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwm I
I mmmmS$ thfir runir.17 wao . ;
Ratiorang-Starvation f,
ItjffMf fmigiSt When the Wgrra Fathers uuntered their first bitter win- I
'iLrM ,erontlbIeakNe England shore, they aoon oWvered I t
kWSl' that heroic measures must be taken tf they were to survive. I
- t I m f AWit v .w4ET.m trw1 wg - , a :tt ! ....... .... j ... "i. I - .1 1 ..a
I I PP'"' M Ti--- .a.v4SC55S cold, nowtund months unless they imposed the severest I
! I BSSIfHSEi. .AfK?ZS 4Sk " 8 "" as we are asKea
I i I fLi I22l WA-fmiSSfrSSn to do-but of life's barest neceMirie.. I
I I JLW " ll&VA'Wjna Thev faced this 0roblem with ,(..1nH,.,n:,I. I
ll I J- tk V"-' J , rlbSLJl-.a. cnaraaerutd their faith.jnd during those months of adver- I f
1 1 I 1 Ml x-s? V. " :.zri" ' V 'jj s'y bora the courage and chrader of America. I
. . , ?r-Eimtm " 1
awio av bohimian briwiries. inc. ikmni I
Cnlrl Orrimn Dlvtrtftalan. Otr. Phsnt 2S I
Cash Loans
Private Sales Financed
Simple Credit Requirements
Complete Privacy
12 Months to fay
Quick Service
Oregon Owned
Motor Investment Co.
2J7 OreRon Phone 525