THE BEND BULLLET1N. BEND. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 25. 1945 page seven i it, ; 4 Sail and Liquor f Sales Take Lead By T. W. Kienlen "", (Uoitca t'rwi bl&tt (JornMpondcnt) Mew York, May. 25 urn-Kail-roan anu liquor satires led an ad vance in the stocK market today in moderately increased trading. Demand lor tne rails reliecied current reports on Apia opera tions whicn show tne carriers generally to have done better man in the corresponding la44 period. For the lirst lour months, too, the showing has been better tnis year than last,. Most active stock In the rail crouD was New York Central, up nearly a point to equal- its i:i45 Deak. There also wei e large cash sales in mis issue, wmui old ex-dividend yesterday. Fur nasers who acquire the shares ior cash still are entitled to. re ceive the dividend, however. Liquors responded briskly to overnight action by the war pro duction board in authorizing an other "holiday" in July for the production ol beverage alcohol. Pine Forest Pine Forest, May 25 (Special) The Pine Forest grange met In regular session Tuesday. Paul Heidel, of the agriculture commit tee, gave a talk on the new rules by OPA on farm slaughtering. Mrs. Claude Wanichek was ap pointed to represent the grange at the Camp Fire girls' council. The grange sponsors the Wetoma chick group. After the business the group enjoyed a social hour of singing. 1 .inntinnn 11I3C COWdH hi All,, Bishop, Mrs. Pansy Reidel, and i TyTilerle Duncan. Rev. and Mrs. Merrit Ketcham and children of Portland, spent from Sunday to Thursday visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ketcham, and his sister, Mrs. Stanley Bowden. Rev. Ketcham is a Baptist minister in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Primeau have named their daughter, born May 16, Kathleen Dee. The baby weigned eignt pounds. Mrs. Evelyn Watson was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Graff en berger. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Scott named their daughter, born May 15, Marilyn Ruth. Scott is the minister at the Church of Christ. The Home Economics club of the Pine Forest grange met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ethel Solde, with Mrs. Ethel Colver assisting. About 20 ladies enjoyed the afternoon and a lunch. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Louis CJless, ing. jvirs. iuiu xuuiig, wnu nits ueen visiting her sister, Mrs. Vic Her, for several days, left this week end for her home in Portland. The Pine Forest juvenile grange will meet Saturday, May 26. Baseball equipment was pur chased last week. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hymos have named their son, born May 16, Philip Richard. Betty Jo Rickman spent Friddy night with Garnet Rae Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ives sjient several days visiting their daughter, Mrs. George Klassen in Portland, and Mrs. Oscar Ketch am in Fort Lewis. I wonder how many people in and near Bend could tell me how many monlhs a year there are winetr sports pos sibilities within a short distance? It occurred to me shortly after I came to Bend that Central Oregon had so much to offer and yet seemed to be keeping it a secret. Surely there is enuf to attract a lot of visitors. You know, no one knew that Cali fornia could grow oranges and many other sub-tropical fruits. But somebody tried it out and told someone else and a new industry was on its road. There's one crop that will be ter rific after the war and Bend has every thing that will encourage a fast and tremendous growth. What crop? Why, tourists, of course. That's my preachment for today. Now I want to again suggest that you bring your car in for that body or fender work. The boys can still take on some work and give you prompt attention. It might be smart for you to make a date when you can spare your car. albrook That Friendly Mercury Bond and Minnesota Spare Articles Can Be Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance . 25 WordsOne Time : .35c 25 Wonts inree Times 74c i& Word-Six Times U6 All wards m U t le rrr wrw tlM abM 1 InMruans On. montl. rua. Mm cij, 4t 4ar rmU Ulnlani Ckmii, Ik LINK BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Uauiicd Advtrualac, Caak im Abbbm lluU CUuug M UiH P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. U. E. Halt W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry .A. Marshall, Secretary wo Bend Dairy Store MEETING of LOYAL ORDER of MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose First anu Third lTiaays. DANCE for members, families anu candidates every Saturday night, no charge. FOB SALE EXCEPTIONALLY ROOMY mod ern 5 room home, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, double plumb ing, furnace and garage, Close to scnools and business district. Call 552-R lor appointment. 250 WHITE LEGHORN hens or trade for cows. Bill Bender, Rt. 1, Box 327. Mi mile south, 94 mile east off Butler Market road at air port. ' ' $2500 BUYS good 4 room home, paved street, east side. $2400 buys modern 3 room furnished, 4 lots, west side, immediate possession. $1400 buys 3 room mouern, north side. $3000 buys 3 modern bed room home on E. 2nd street. C. ,V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. PERENNIAL CABBAGE, broc coli, brussel sprouts and head let tuce plants, ianton's Garden, 829 i Ogden. BABY'S HIGH CHAIR, good con dition. Inquire Bend Auto Park, Cabin 8. NETTEDGEM seed potatoes. Phone 488-WX. COMPLETELY MODERN almost new 5 room home. 2 large bed rooms, model kitchen, utility room, hardwood floors, double plumning, electric water heater, wired for range, piped furnace, garage. 246 Jefferson. $3700 BUYS 40 acres, 34 acres C. O. I., fair house and outbuildings, Glectricftv. 6 miles out. Personal sitppTOperty.'can nd purchased. Pos? session soon. c. V. Silvis, 118 Ore gon bt. SEED POTATOES. Inquire 225 Miller after 4:30 p. m. JERSEY COW. R. E. Wilson, K mile east of 4 Corners on Bend Burns highway. 3 ROOM modern, woodshed and wood, garage, workshop, nice cel lar, 2 lots, garden in and berries, on highway. Partly furnished. Price $167435. 2410 N. 1st St. BABY CARRIAGE, walker, basi- nett, -it crib and mattress, all in good condition. 1403 Jacksonville. Phone 1084-J. I - Jack Halbrook. otors Dealer Lincoln Phone 680 M FOE BALE NETTEDGEM seed potatoes. Turn left at Carroll Acres store, 5th house on the left. Formerly Cram's Dairy. Rt 1, Box 156. tifinn nuvs 5 jirros. CO I. water. good 3 room house, barn and chicken house. Immediate posses sion, electricity reaay 10 iiuk. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. . PRE-WAR FURNITURE, beds, stoves, chests, dinette set, daveno, etc. Inquire Duplex corner 10th and D Redmond. it act RTntr. d hedrnnm modern home, living room with fireplace, Wll HJIU UMMfifi low" .-.... tian blinds, nice kitchen with gas range, large basement, wood or coal furnace, gas water heater, lot 50X150, nice yard for garden spot, garage. Close in on paved street For sale by owner. 223 St. Helens. Phone 354 for appoint ment. 1 LONG 2 year Arabian saddle horse, well broke. Inquire 223 St. Helens or phone 354. 4 ROOM furnished house, 2 lots, garage, woodsned. 4t umey. SMALL BABY BED and mattress, good condition. Inquire 1445 Cum berland or call 1057-J. BEND VINTAGE Shop. Grand opportunity for right couple. Own er must sell because of Illness in family. Complete stock,, p.-iced right. Inquire at 120 Oregon Ave, between 10:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. RED FRYERS, live weight at ranch. Elder Ranch, 7 miles north on old Redmond highway. TABLE MODEL 6 tube Silvertone radio. 1314 Columbia. W OOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. 1941 FACTORY BUILT coach type 3 room trailer house, Butane heat and cook, awning and attach ments, good condition. See at Bab ler Bros. Warehouse, Redmond, Ore., or phone Redmond 73. Will move reasonable distance. 6 ROOM MODERN: On edge of town with 4 lots. All fenced. Has 2 cow barns, chicken house for 100 chickens, 2 root houses. About 13 of ground now in alfalfa. Price reduced from $2887.00 to $2100.00 for Quick sale. Must sell now. Gil berts Real Estate' & Insurance 1015 Wall Street. 5-MECE LIGHT OAK' dinette set red leather chair seals. Excel lent condition. Inquire 597 Hill Street between 5:30 P. M. & 6:30 P. M. this evening. PACKING BARRELS, at Bake- rite Bakery, 852 Wall. HOME ON RIVER: 5 Room Mod ern, hardwood floors, wired for electric range, and has furnace. A nice home on Harmon only $3800.00, Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance 1015 Wall Street DON'T OVERLOOK this five- room modern furnished house, good furniture including electric refrigerator oh paved street close to town, mills and school. Phone 915-M. ONE HORSEPOWER Super Cold refrigerator unit, with' walk-in box. Priced at $300 for quick sale. 1454 Albany Ave. SADDLE HORSES for hire or sale. Phone 3-R-2 for appointment. 3'a miles south on Dalles Cali fornia highway. S. L. Miles. GOAT Toggenberg yearling doe, not bred. Fat, make good meat. No points. Also cull spuds. P. C. Bust, l'A miles east of Bradetlch Dairy. 6 ROOM MODERN: With 4 bed rooms on West side. Just off Port land Ave. Priced at $3500.00 at Gil- ' berts Real Estate & Insurance ! 1015 Wall Street. 1 YEAR OLD HORSE, tame and halter broke will make a ble work I horse, or trade for what have you. Fred Sachtjen, Rt. 1, Box 22, Blak 1 ley Heights. 1 WHITE GIANT breeding Rab , bits, 6 bred does and 2 bucks, i Also 7 young unbred docs. Call ! at 147 E. Olney. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phau 73 Bn. Phon. 819-W Clarence Burth gays: It Doesn't Cost a Cent The President' Protective In vifitnient Plan ... a safe, flex ible mean of providing Income for the future . . . dnenn't cHt a cent if you die within 20 years, hrvaufte all dppmitH you have made on it will be return ed to your family and the prin cipal amount of the contract paid to them. FOR DETAILS SEK C. E. BUSH Bend Phone 233-W The Franklin Life Insurance Company Springfield, Illinois DiHtinsniifthed Service binve 1884 , Turned FOB SALE WALNUT BREAKFAST table & e ur.iw ..iu1 fnr nulck sale. 2 -wheel trailer, $7.50. Electric sandwich toaster, electric raum, bedsteads $2.00, SJ.iw ernw used trunk, alu minum ironing boards, , sleeve boards, wash tub, aluminum tea kettle, dishes, child's trunk, com mnrinc HrMtpr hasps, occasional chair, boy's bicycle, 600 X 16 car chains HKe new, uay ocas, uwwj tables, drop leaf kitchen tables, lots of used furniture, low price, across street from 350 Division. Open evenings. - " ' 4 FAT HOGS at market price. Claude Gant Rt 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. , 1936 FLAT BED long wheel base truck. Inquire L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north of Alfalfa store. rpvirnfj drv- npr nnund. F. C. Whitehead, Rt. 1, Box 146. Phone saw. SMALL BOAT, $10.00. Inquire 1225 East 3rd. REAL BARGAIN on slightly used clothing, ladies formals $4.00. All wool ski suits $5.00 each while haw lnct fSnQlntr nilt Ml All clothing, real bargains. Across street from 350 Division. Open evenings. SEED POTATOES for Sale. E. E. Varco 28-F-23. 1930 MODEL A Ford Coupe, $65. Under OPA Celling. 820 Federal. SMALL ASSORTMENT of used flat irons. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. TULIPS 35c a dozen at 1630 West 11th. Phone 658-J. 2 BEDROOM MODERN home, full cement basement, stationary tubs, new Montag hot air furn ace, electric water heater, wired for electric range. 2 lots all fenced, lovely yard in lawn and flowers, trees, fish pond, bird baths, chick en yard, garden space, double garage with cement floor andrun way, house and garage newly painted, close in. See owner .at 1585 W. First St. after 5 P.M. pr Phone 944-W. FOB TBADE TRADE, 9 ROOM modern house, acre and half, garage, woodshed, hen house, garden, small orchard, good location for boarding house, 2 Jersey cows, yearling heifer, 2 shoats. Price $5,800. Want small farm. J. W. Nichols, Veneta, Ore. FOB BENT 4 ROOMmodern house, kitchen ette, furnished, washing facilities, furnace, garage. Adults only. In quire 1375 Galveston. 5 ROOM modern house, 3 acres alfalfa, $40.00 per month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box 52-B, or Inquire 2nd house west of last Texaco station, south highway. s MODERN, newly furnished 3 room apartment. Wood, water and lights furnished, electric washing machine. One block, to city bus line. Store, church and school all within 2 blocks. Inquire 945 E. Second St. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 3 ROOM modern furnished or partly furbished apartment at 112 Lrfiva a., corner of Colorado St. Phone 68-W. AUTHORIZED flflaytag Service . and repairs on all makes of washers. ... for a new Maytag after Hie war place your order now. Just contact . . , ELMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kansas - Bend RED RYDER A$ 10,000 EXPRES5 SrtlPttErtT OF CURRENCY, THE DUCHES5 ' LEANES : ' FOR. WHlPGDRO. ClJARDED BY RED AMD LITTLE" ECAVIsR- FOB KENT VACANCY WESTONIA Apts. Close In, clean, cool, newly deco rated, electrically equipped, free washing facilities, refrigeration, garage. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. . 4 ROOM HOUSE, 2 large lots, garage, woodshed and cellar. Phone 30-F-5. SMALL MODERN house and ga r a g e unfurnished, $15.00 per month, water and light furnished. 1371 Fresno. Apply at house on back of lot. . , 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, private bath, electrically equipped. Inquire 141 Georgia. Phone 766. WITH OPERATOR D-7 Caterpil lar and dozer. Phone Redmond 73. WANTED ROOM in private home, prefer with bath, or small furnished apartment. Must be modern and dose in. Permanent tenant. Ad dress Bulletin 39. USED RADlibs Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY an outside over head door fan. Phono 846. TO RENT an organ to be used in a series of Gospel Meetings. Phone 357-M or write Miss A. Sterling, P. O. Box 1163, Bend. ' WANT TO BUY all kinds of used furniture, stoves, beds, springs and mattresses. Phone 324. TO RENT FRIGIDAIRE by the month. Call 640-W. TO BUY SECOND hand pre-war wash basin and toilet. Must be In first-class condition. Box 125 Red mond. SPANISH GUITAR with ampli fier. Alfred Hoffman, Redmond. RFD 1. Box 152. THE WEST SIDE laundry will accept new customers, curtains and fancy Ironing. No delivery. Phone 893. 1168 Federal. PRIVATE PARTY will pay top cas price for late model Chev., Olds or Plymouth car. Prefer buy ing from private owner. 1428 West 3rd St. Bend. Protects and Preservtt Your Shinglet Made of the finest oils and pigment, providing piaTlmnm protection and attractive appearance. Easy to apply. Gives Lifetime Service Shf-lnch STEEL rue :;; Gr1uated In 8ths, I6th, S2nds, and 64ths. Eoth sldoe ground. Fully tempered. Adds Life to Cords Electric Cord Shield Prevent fraying and twlBt lng. Shiny plaatlc la good looking colors. HOUR -VAN ALLEN -Firestone HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Wall at Minnesota Phone 860 Into Cash With a Want Ad WANTED SMALL CHILD'S tricycle. 1527 .nwurey noaa or phone 1174. HELP WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING or companion. Must have farm uttt uuim. i. uu acre rancn. (jooa home and flltllt-A DimrantnoH Vull details in first letter, Write care ot Bulletin ino. 827. COOK in mountain lodge. Board, mum, gooa salary, permanent. nione couect cres Del Lodge. MAN for delivering and store ii.nb- n . 7.-..I., ... t. c. i iunjitriii pusuiun, in quire at Bend Furniture Co. WOMAN or eirl to tn-tn u-lth eral housework. Phone 319 or call 4Jd Congress. HANDY MAN to take care of lawn and garden. Inquire Piloi Butte Inn. HOUSEKEEPER in well equipped uuiue, iwo in tne lamiiy, good Wages and nleasant finrrnilnriinac Inquire 255 Delaware. RESPONSIBLE BOY for night work In bakery. Apply 852 Wall. SITUATION WANTED RELIABLE GIRL wants to take care of children day or night by the hour. Call 664-W or 1588 Awbrey Rd. YOUNG MAN wants job learning trade or business. Discharged vet eran. 226 Broadway. Gene Logan. CAPABLE WOMAN wants work as housekeeper on ranch where 15 year old boy may work also. Write to Bend Bulletin No. 818. LOST DOWNTOWN THURSDAY night, small brown felt zipper purse con taining ration be Ws issued to Herbert Wlselrt and other things valuable to owner $5 re ward, Leave at Bulletin office or Call 511.. . GOLD BROOCH with large green stone setting. Service son's gift. Finder please return 114 Allen road. Reward. BROWN LEATHER wallet,- con taining small amount of money and identification papers in the name Harold Kribs. Kinder please leave at Bulletin. Reward. JEIrown ; STAIN 6.1. 1.59 Set Has Five Piecet IMJM'H AMI rillKKE SET 1.09 Two cIiIbcIs, solid punch, pin punch and center punch in a sturdy box. High qual ity steel. Ten Inch Two Styles HACK SAW LAieiis..:iio.20; I Highest quality obtainable. , Made of fine tungsten steel. DOINJ LOST LIGHT YELLOW male dog, about 40 lbs. Answers to name Spud, old dog, partly blind. Finder return to Mrs. Denton. 4fi4 K NInrtnn nr write Box 1183. MISCELLANEOUS LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED, also grass shears, shears, saws, knives. Keys made. Guns, locks, phonographs repaired. Electric iron, copper boiler for sale. Hen derson's Repair Shop, 112 Minne sota. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE We . have the experience and equipment to give expert service on ail makes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. WASHING MACHINE soi-vino and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. REGISTERED Arabian stallion st jd, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all mnkna nf washing machines including May tag ami uenaix. Phone 583. 136 Greenwood. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned admlnistra trix-of the estate of Harry Wal lace Baker,, deceased, has filed her Final Account, in said estate and. that pursuant to an order of the court, duly made and entered, hearing upon said Final Account will be held .at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., of Wednesday the 20th day of June, 1945, at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, and all persons interested are hereby notified to said time and place and show cause if any they have why said account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed, the administratrix dis- Hore's Where to Go for fun for entertainment to soothe war weary nerves for fine foods and needed relaxation. DANCING NIGHTLY Orchestra Saturday POLLY'S CAFE Open All Nite Breakfast Orders Served 24 Hours a Day Good Coffee Fine Foods Good Service CAPITOL "THE BEST IN ENTERTAINMENT ALWAYS!" Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun; 1 r 1 ' . . , 11,1 w - - w i 1 1 mi a - charged and her bondsmen re Istratrix. , ,- 140-146-151-3c POBTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland Hm Maw K. tpi Livestock: cattle 10, calves none. Nominal, late demand broad tor all classes except common-medium lightweight - sausage bulls; veen.s marKei active and strong; top fed steers $17.65; heifers $16.25; beef cows $13.50; canner- CUtter COWS S7 (WQ W onnrl twiF bulls $13.00 13.75;. good choice veaiers 13.UU-It.uu. . Hogs 25. Nothing available ear ly; market quotable to ceiling lev. els;, barrows and gilts to $15.75; sows to $15.00; feeder pigs under 125 lbs. salable $19.00-20.00. Sheep 50. Few sales steady; me dium spring lambs $12.25; good choice grades salable $13.50-13.75; meoium-good shorn old-crop lambs $11.00-1250; good heavy wooled ewes SUM- ahum .,a. $630. ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 25 11P Eggs continued to move Into mar ket today with supply still below normal. Prices were unchanged. The butter market was un changed as to price and supply.' Butter Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42 Vic; 90 score -42c; 89 score 41Hc pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: A A large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. . INVESTORS MUTUAL, IKC. si AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY hphn on raqoMT from INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNIAtOll, Ml NNItOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Lal Representative 217 Oregon Plume 828 Dine and Dance Fried Chicken Dinners Sandwiches . . Glen Vista Club 32 Miles North on Bend-McKemie Highway . Phone 777-W FOUNTAIN Luncheons Sandwiches Home Made Pies OPEN EVERY DAY 7i! 10 p. m. The Dairy Store 135 Minnesota TOWER ALWAYS 2 HITS Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. By FRED HARMAN V 1 T ,,i mtm fill 1 1 9 t 1