PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 25, 1945 Show Boss Your Card, Is Advice Of SSB Official With many returning service men entering the labor market for the first time, and with stu dents getting jobs in the coming holidays, Howard J. Nelson, man ager of the Klamath Falls office of the social security board advis ed all workers "to show their social security account card to every employer for whom they work;" Nelson was here today. This Is essential to protect the worker's wage record, which is maintained under his name and number for his future monthly Insurance benefits. Nelson pointed out. For example, there are ap proximately 575,000 Smiths on the social security board's records and, therefore, there are approxi mately 575.000 accounts under the name of Smith. It Is important that no two Smiths have the same number, It was explained. Points Stressed In stressing this point of one, number for a workers lifetime, Nelson said that employers are required to report each worker s wages, under both his name and lumber to the government every three months. Then these wages are credited by the social securl . ty board on each worker's in dividual ledger sheet, under both his name und number. For these reasons, Nelson said all workers in Industry and com merce should follow this advice: 1. Show our card to every em ployer for whom you work. 2. Make sure that he copies both I flCT0-"VJfcTY2l I Zenith brought compltxim harmony to the hearing aid with the Neutral-Color Earphone and Cord. Now Zenith brings ap parel harmony, too offers you a choice of amplifier colors at no extra coil! lustrous Ebony Amplifier blends with men's and women's dark suits and dresses ...all dark clothes! ' Now Pastel Coralito Amplifier is a beautiful light coral shade . , . hurmoniws with light-color suits, dresses, sweaters all light colored clothes! Your Choice of Either Amplifier at No Extra Coil on all 3 Zenith Hearing Aid Moilels, MODEL A-2-A Standard Air-Conduction 40 MO0EI A-3-A Super-power Air-Conduction . . , 50 IODEl B-3-A Bone-Conduction 50 All moileli complete, ready-to-wear, as priced. STB PIES OPTIC (I I P4 WAltsiBt.T IEND. OREGON OUT OF -NOT OUT OF YESTERDAY'S SAVINGS WAR SAVINGS BONDS your name and number co: :-ctly so that your wages may be credit- j el to our account. 3. Hang on to your card. Don't ! lose It; but if you do lose it, get a duplicate. Never get a different number. Two numbers may cause some loss of wage credits and consequently of benefits. If you have more than one number, go to the nearest office of the social security board and see which one you should keep. You need only one number throughout life. Redmond Seeking New Census Count Redmond, Muy 25 Seeking an adjustment of state revenues giv en cities based upon their poula tion in 1940, the Redmond city council has requested the secre tary of state to permit an early census taking here, It was report ed today. Contending that Red mond's population has greatly in creased since 1940, the council sought the new census under au thority of recent legislation per mitting the census before the next scheduled one in 1950. Local officials point out that the present S2.04 cents per capita received from the state would be greatly increased If the new cen sus figures were supplied the state. NONCHALANCE PLUS South Bend, Ind. "Ji Passers- by gathered around sympathet Ically as William Kozlowskl, 53, Mlshawaka carpenter, crawled un injured through the broken rear window of his demolish automo bile after It had been dragged 75 feet by a fast passenger train "Anyone see my glasses?" Koz lowskl asked, Buy National War Bonds Now! .... Lustrous coony or New Pastel Coralite Amplifier No Extra Cost! Now Apparel Harmonyl Lustroui Ebony Amplifier har monizes with dark clothing . . . New Pastel Coralite Amplifiar with light-color clothing! BUY U. S. WAR SAVINGS BONDS Your Government urges the purchase of U. S. War Savings Bonds out of new earnings by the sacrifice of unneeded things. Remember that your savings deposits have already been largely invested in Government bonds by the bank. There fore, if you withdraw from your account, you do not put any new money into Uncle Sam's hands. You merely start a wasteful shifting around of funds al ready working for victory. Buy U. S. War Savings Bonds and keep buying them. Nothing else in your life is so important as that right now. Bend Men Serve Under Doolittle England, V-K Day (Delayed) Among the 185,000 men and wo men of the Eighth ulr force con L'lalulated today by IA. Gen. James H. Doolittle, who assumed , command of the Eighth in Janu - ary, 1944, were several from Bend "I wish to extend my personal congratulations and my heartfelt appreciation to every one of you for me magnmceni joo you nave done," Gen. Doolittle said in message to all Dersonnel. "Each of you." he continued, "may be proud of your part in the defeat of Germany. I am proud of vou. The world is proud of you. The Eighth air force was the world's mightiest strategic bomb ing force. Its personnel of 185,000 was the equivalent ol i iniantry divisions, and it could send 21,000 airmen in 2.000 four-engine bomb ers and 1,000 fighters over Ger many at one time, a combat ef fort possible only through the support of tens of thousands of non-flying specialists. Among the personnel of the Eighth from Bend were: 1st Lt. George H. Redden, Jr., 140 Xerxes; 1st Lt. Nicolle A. Toole, 112 Drake Rd; 2nd Lt. Frederic K. Shepard; Sgt. Alfred S. Ludi; Cpl. Gilbert L. Picke'rns; Cpl. William D. Grindle, 18 Oregon St.; Cpl. Roy Shoemaker, 28 Hastings and Pvt. Joseph Halda, Jr., 1245 Al bany street. Louis B. Mayer Makes Big Money Philadelphia, May 25 Ml Louis B. Mayer, managing director of production for Loew's, Inc., re ceived $908,069.95 in 1944 after taking a wage-bonus cut of $4,400 a week, a report filed with the securities and exchange commis sion revealed today. The salary paid Mayer was the highest reported to the SEC this year and Included $752,070 re ceived from bonuses and as a share In profits. In 194.1, Mayer received a total payment of $1,138,992, including a bonus of $1,034,492. Church Announcements ASSEMBLY OF COD (2nd and Greenwood) Rer. L. II. Sheets, Minister Sunday Services: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Devotional service 11 m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Mid-week Service Friday. 7:45 p. m., regular preaching ser vice. Radio broadcast, Thursdays Sat. & Mon., May 26 and 28 SHREDDED WHEAT, NBC pkg. 11c CHEESE; Cheddar lb. 37c BEANS. Red Mexican ... .3 lbs. 29c 4 for 39c PEACHES, No. 21 can ..25c HI-HQ CRACKERS pkg. 19c WESSON OIL pint 29c ("SsSSs Bisquick pkg. 35c CORN No. 2 can 15c "Whole Kmn'l" PEAS No. 2 can 11c Kliiniliko GREEN BEANS No. 2 can 15c 1 to 1:30 p. ni. over KBND. Rev. Sheets and his eight year old daughter, Roma Jeanne, will be in charge of the broadcasts. j CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE (C20 Lava Road) William Schwab, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45; morn ing worship, 11 o'clock; young people s meeting, t:au p. m. Evan gelistie service, 7:30 p. m.j Bible istudy and prayer, Wednesday, 1 7:30 p. m. ... CHURCH OF THE NAZABENE (1745 East nrst street) Rarmond . Kiel, Pastor ' ' . Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Wor ship service, 11 o'clock. Junior church, 11 o clock. Y. P. meeting, 6:45. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30. CATHOLIC ' (Franklin and Lava) Rar. Edmund iljrland, Rector Sunday services, 7:30, 9 and 11 a. m. Masses on week days, 8 a. m CHURCH OF GOD Corner W. Twelfth street and Fresno Ave. Rer. Fred R. Decker, Minister Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Evening service, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday evening, 7:45. CHURCH OF CHRIST (Norway hall, GalvietoD and Columbia) D. E. Scott. Minuter Sunday services: Rible studv. 10:00 a. m.; Preaching, 11:00 a. m.; Young Peoples meeting, 7:00 p. m.; Preaching, 8:00 p. m. FTRST BAPTIST (Irving and Oregon streeta) Rer. Kenneth A. Toblal Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, , 11 o'ciock (broadcast over KBND). B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Wednesday prayer service at 7:30. FIRST CHRISTIAN t Fourth street at Newport avenue) ! W. I. Palmer, Paster j Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morn-, ing worship, 11. Evening service,! 7:30 o'clock. Prayer service, 7:45 1 Wednesday, followed by choir re hearsal at 8:30. FIRST LUTHERAN ' (St. Helens place and Idaho) I Morris A. Thompson, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45. Worship j service, 11 a. m. Luther league: meets second and fourth Sundays I at 5 p. m.' Ladies aid, first and third Thursdays, 2:30 o'clock. L. D. R., third Wednesday, 7:30, in1 homes. I FIRST CnURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST t (JE61 West First street) Authorized branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, PHONE 466 "VAN CAMP" Pork & Beans JUMBO CAN 15c Oxydol pkg. 23c II Massachusetts. Sunday service, 11 a. m. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday evening testimony meeting, 8 o'clock. Reading room In room 3, McKay Bldg., open to public from 1:30 p. m. to 4 p. m., daily except Sundays and holidays. FIRST METHODIST (Bond and Louisiana! Rtt. Rabnt Mcllranna. Paatar Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.Church school and fel lowship, 9:45 a. m., and 6:30 p. m. Mid-week services, 7:30 p. m. PILGRIM George Banka. Pastor (1818 Albany) Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11 a. m. Young peo ple's hour, 6:30 p. m. Evangelist service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service, Wednesday, at. 7:30 p, m. LATTER DAY SAINTS (Corner Hill and Irving streets) . Carl Powell, President Sunday schoo'l, Sunday, 10 a. rr Sacrament meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. Fireside chat, Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Relief society, Tuesday, 2 p. m. Primary, Thursday, 4 p. m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST -(East Greenwood) Elder L. H. Boawell ' Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11. Evening message, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 7:45 p. m. Radio sermon, KBND, Sunday, 6 to 6:30 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ' (Corner Harriman and Franklin) R. H. Prentice. Minister Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Youth meeting at 6. Tuesday poetry and organ medi tation broadcast at L, Bible study Wednesday at 10 a. m. at the Lin- P" h?me- You,h cJ1'r Prac,tlce Saturday morning at 10. Services SPECIAL gospel Meetings Conducted by Evangelists Miss Sterling and Miss Greenaway at 429 Georgia. Ave. Sunday, May 27 8:00 p. m. and each Sun., Tues., Thurs. and Fri. THE PUBLIC IS HEARTILY INVITED ' i h i v at Redmond at 9 Sunday morning and at Tumalo 2:30 each Sunday afternoon. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES' (Kingdom hall, south of Bend, near eanal) Watchtower study Sunday 8 p. m.; Bible book study Wednesday, 8 p. m.; service meeting Friday, 7:45. PRESBYTERIAN (Westminster Orthodox) (Newport avenue and Drake road) Robert E. Nicholas. Minister Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Intermedials and senior Machen league 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting and Bible study. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST (Harriman and Franklin) . Wayne A. Scrlven, Pastor Sabbath' schoql, 9:45 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Pray er meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. PENTECOSTAL MISSION (213 Lafayette street) Harriet E. Marling, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11 a. m. Broadcast, 5:15 p. m. over KBND. Young people's service, 7 p. m. Evange listic service, 8 p.m. Young peoples First Lutheran Church By the Library . - Welcome to worship, 1 1 :00 a.m. Message: Blessed Marriage and Your Future Home. Older Choir sings. The Lutheran is the largest Prot estant world church. IT ' ; S hefs talk business.. The First National Bank of Portland's leadership in business financing is the result of aggressive action in fitting our services to the current needs of Oregon business. This policy has aided thousands of businesses throughout the state with all their commercial credit requirements. The leading merchant of Credit' In Oregon MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION meeting Tuesday night Wednes day, 8 p. m., prayer meeting. Fri 'day, evangelistic service, 8 p. re Saturday, children's church, 10 a. m. -at 1414 Fresno. Saturday, street service, 7:30 p. m. 1 TRINITY EPISCOPAL. CHURCH (Read of Wall street) Rer. George R. V. Bolster, Rector Holy Communion each Sunday at 8 a. m., except first Sunday at 11 a. m. only, and each Wednes day, with Intercession for Allied Forces at 10 a. m. Morning prayer each Sunday at 11 a. m. Church Make her happiness com plete with a host of lovely gifts from The House of Beauty, where, you may choose' from dozens of lovely things to delight her. Stop around in and look you'fe always welcome. Pottery China Wooden Ware Hand Hammered Aluminum Rings Necklaces Pins To Prospective Bridegrooms- The rings you buy her, she will wear for many, many years. To be sure those years are filled with pride, choose hsr rings from our grand selection, set with famous Garland Diamonds Symons Bros Jewelers "The House 947 Wall Street school each Sunday, Senior, in m.; Junior. 10:45 a. m " Willi ft People's Fellowship each SuM,X ai i .ou p. m, nuir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. iisms, weaaings and other tee vilest vy aircujgemeni rector. with the , TRINITY LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) (Galveston and Federal) Sunday school at 9.45 Regular service at 11 a. m H. H. Fleckenstein, of Vanciuv Wash., will conduct the servl O- E. Johnson, Secret t. Gla ssware Novelties ft: of Beauty" Phone 175 . a ITE Bank of Bend A HOME OWNED INSTITUTION CAMAY fiS? IVORY 3 BAKS 20c 3 med. bars 19c the soap of beautiful women