The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 25, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum yesterday, 65 degrees.
Minimum last night, 40 degrees.
Temperature: 10 p. m., 42 de
grees; l a. s uegrees. Bar
ometer (reduced to sea level):
10 p. m., 80.11 Inches; 10 a. m.,
30.07 Inches. Relative humidity:
10 p. m., 94 per cent; 10 a. m., 64
per cent. Velocity of wind: 10
p. m., 8 miles; 10 a. m., 5 miles.
Prevailing direction of wind:
Mrs. Clyde Ellis, of Spokane,
Wash., is spending the summer
here with her daughter, Mrs.
John E. Putnam, whose husband
is at Camp Roberts, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Haupt-I-os
Aneeles stooDed
Atvere yesterday, en route to Seat-mi-,
Wash., to visit his parents.
u.nntmann ic a nipn, nf Mr
and Mrs. Carl Lindh, of Bend.
Mrs. Golda Laughlin plans to
leave tomorrow on a two-weeks
vacation visiting friends and rela
tives 1n Portland and Seaside.
Mrs. Claude Gibson and
daughter, Beth, are visiting rela-
. l Vnnhwln, anA tirlll irn tn
UVCS ill icuiukn; mm ... f,u
Moultrie, Ga., this week to join
Sgt Gibson, who is taking train
ing as a fighter pilot, Mrs. Gib
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Creeping (rem it
tomb of
Braid, 1631 E. Eighth street, have
learned recently. .
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cyrus are
in Bend today from Sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wycoff of
Redmond are in Bend today on
business. Wycoff is a public ac
countant in Redmond.
GuesTs of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Porter and. family, at their home
in the Carroll Acres district, are
Mrs. Porter's parents, Mr. and'
Mrs. Pat Quinn, who arrived Sat
urday from Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus .Bourland
from Redmond are shopping in
Bend today.
R. P. Jeffrey arrived today
from Portland to attend high
school commencement exercises
Art Powers of Umatilla is , a
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. K. McClintick on St.
Helen's place. , "
Roy Caudell was in Bend yes
terday from Silver Lake.
.Richard Roadman of Seaside is
a Bend visitor today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Baldwin of
Burns, are visiting Mrs. Baldwin's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Han
nan. Petty Officer Joyce Moore is
spending a leave from the navy
visiting his mother, Mrs. Merritt
Moore, in Bend. '
H. H. DeArmond left today on
a business trip to Portland.
Harry Johnson left last night
fur Portland, .for a check-up at
the veterans' hospital there. John
son is a veteran of both world
wars. '
Timothy Brownhill, of Eugene,
has accepted a position with The
Bulletin as linotype operator.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers,
for 17 years residents of this com
munity, said today that they
planned to leave here Monday
j ana make their home at Nata
! chatoes, La., 90 miles southeast
i of Shreveport. Reasons for leav
1 ing, they said, was the fact that
j their children reside In Louisiana.
' Rodgers was an employe of the
! Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company
I Inc., for 17 years, working in the
! logging department. In recent
years they lived at Sisters.
The Trinity Lutheran Ladies
i aid will meet Thursday, May 31,
I at the home of Mrs. L. L. Rector,
j 1345 Cumberland avenue, it was
: reported today.
L. S. Stitt and O. V. Gibson,
representing the Southern Pacific
i railway, were here today from
Klamath Falls. They were accom
panied by their wives.
Mrs. Leonard M. Barr of -Redmond,
last night was a guest at
tne vvlox. Butte inn.
btanley Young and family of
rrairie city, visited in Bend to
day. Clyde H. Spencer, construction
engineer for the U. S. bureau of
reclamation in charge of the
North Unit irrigation project, to
day was en route to Boise for
conferences at the regional headquarters.
Mrs. D. C. Silven will spend the
weeK-ena in lianer. She plans to
return Wednesday.
Mrs. W. C. Koho from Long
Beach, Calif., Is visiting at the
nome oi ner son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Painter.
435 E. Burnside. Another daugh
ter, miss uoraene crandau, will
be graduated from the local high
school in exercises tonight.
Antoinette Blais, a member of
the teaching staff at Kenwood
school, left today for her home in
Baker, to spend Memorial dav.
Mrs. D. T. Ballytyne and chil
dren, Margaret Ann and Janet
Kay, plan to leave soon to make
their home in PrinevUle, where
Ballantyne is employed.
Jack Eby, signalman 2c, ac
companied by his wife, will leave
Monday -for' Portland to visit his
parents en route to Bremerton,
where he will be stationed. Jack
is a veteran of two and a half
years of navy service. He recent
ly returned from Adak, where he
was stationed 22 months. ;
Relatives here' have received
word of the promotion to signal
man 2c of Robert Rollins, son
of Mrs. Ethel Rollins, 716 Har
mon. , His wife and young son
make their home with Mrs. Rol
lins' parents near Tumalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rullman
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bertrand ar
rived last night from Portland to
spend the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Willsey of the Hoech
district. Mrs. Bertrand and Mrs.
Willsey are sisters.
Betty Feuerstein left today for
Albany after making her home
during the school year with her
aunt, Mrs. Lloyd Giersch.
Maurice Hoover went to Boise
last night on business for Pacific
Bert Gooseman, oil company
representative, is in Bend today
on business.
Miss Terry Peden was In Bend
today from Redmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Guthrie,
335 E. Lafayette, are the parents
of a girl born today at the St
Charles hospital.
Levi Ernst and son, Carlton, of
Powell Butte, were Bend callers
The Friday night dances at Car
roll Acres are being discontinued
for the present. Adv.
The public is invited to a dance
Saturday night. May 26,' at the
Bend Holler Rink sponsored by
the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
" Dance at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday nights. Ladies free.
1 , Adv.
Permits Required
For Slash Burning
J-v i Iwtatnr rainfall nPIS
iJeSpilC LUC lica i
sons planningfto burn slashing or
.r . i . ......... nallnnal
brush in me ura-uura
i ... in ,ha fnrmlnp pnmmUlu
lutcsi ui - a
ties of the district, must have a
permit, Ralph w. crawiuru, sup
ervisor of the forest, stated today.
He called attention to the fact
that the fire season was officially
,ii...) nn Mnv ft hv Governor
ucvuu tu J
Earl Snell, which makes the pos
session oi ourrung peinuia imit
ative. - ... -
Persons desiring to burn in me
f. nMionHua arose mnv flhti) i
their permits from any ranger or
irom staie lire wiuub,
. .wlI rtthnre in the
farming districts may obtain their
permission to burn from the
county judge.
" ; ' ' '
Elks to Sponsor
Blood Bank Trip
Bend residents who wish to
make a trip to Portland to visit
the blood bank may do so at the
expense of the Bend Elks, It was
announced today by Exalted Ruler
R. A. Ferguson, who explained
that donors may go at their own
convenience, singly or in groups,
rather than at a specified time,
occupying an entire bus.
Persons wishing to take advan
tage of the Elks' offer are asked
to see Paul Sevy, secretary, to
make arrangements.
Get CiYic Backing
; Prineville, May 25 (Special)
The Junior Chamber of Com
merce has taken the sponsorship
of a Prineville Cub Scout pack.
Robert Lamott, Scout executive
of the Modoc area, in a recent
visit here spoke at a meeting of
the Jaycees on the work of a
sponsoring organization for Cub
iscouts. Rev. Edward H. Cook,
cubmaster of the local group, out
lined plans to the executive com
mittee who recommended that
the junior' chamber undertake
the permanent sponsorsnip oi me
Prineville Cub pack. This was
ratified at thefr last meeting,
The saw on a sawfish, which
may be five feet long, is a weapon
of defense, as with it dangerous
sidewise strokes can be made.
Knights Templar
: An Adjourned
Conclave of
Pilgrim Commandery
No. 18
Will Be Held
Sunday, May 27th
9 A.M.
All Sir Knights be
prompt at the
above time.
City Drug Co. City Drug Co. City Drug Co.
Everybody dance at Cuckoo
Ridge May 26, old Bend-Redmond
highway. Sponsored by Lo
cal 278 of Farmers Union, Terre
oonne. Ore.
WE WISH to thank our friends
and neighbors for the help and
sympathy extended us since the
loss of our little son, Larry Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fair
Mrs. Myrtle Crane and family.
City in Darkness
For 13 Minutes
Failure of a huge transformer
at the generating plant of the
Pacific Power & Light company
in Bend shortly after midnight,
cast the city in total darkness for
13 minutes, stopped electric clocks
and halted all power-driven equip
ment. William A. Lackaff, manager
of the power company, said that
workmen were attempting today
to determine what caused the 1,
000 kilowatt transformer to go
out of order. In a battery of
three transformers the one which
failed was the one serving Bend.
Lackaff said that it required elec
tricians 13 minutes to restore
service after making connections
with a spare transformer.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
QPniu) From City Drug
- Manicure Kits
Barbara Gould Perfume
Plastic Compacts
": Lady Buxton Billfolds
r. Stationery
. Assorted Colognes
Face Powder
Bath Powder
New Shipment Zipper Billfolds
Fitted Toilet Sets Shaving Sets
Utility Kits "HIS" Toiletries
City Drug Company
Your Friendly Nyal Store
909 Wall St. Phone 555
. i . l
i iv i i
w m mm m mmwu
To the 113 members of the Grad
uating Class of Bend High . . .
Extends Heartiest Congratula
tions. We Wish Each of You Every
Success in the Years To Come!
Jin Irene Alfrer
Wyne K. I ward Allen
Chmrlntb! Elaine AmWuon
Joyc Tifft ArmntroniE
Helen Marie Rat ley
Jnn Charl Ballantyne ,
John Leslie Berriiran
Kenneth Net RlaMy
Audrey Mae Rrijrht
John Philip Broiran
Dorothy Marie Brown
Gnnre Maurice Chare
Gerald Chrutcnnen
Robert K. ( lark
Robert l. Coaklrn
Vinrinia Iouie Cook
Eunice Patricia CorliM
Randall Clenvmta Craiv
Dorrtene May Crandall
Edwin John Crawford
B"Uy Jean Davia
William V. DeatherasrV
Krtward Brandon PvCrnnt
I'larenr I Duncan
Beverly J-an Ellis
Vinrinia Roe tan
Marjorie Kllen Kvan
LloyH laVern Evana
Helen Darlene Filey
Shirley Eileen Francis
Ixla May Franks
John Wenley FreaH
Mildred F.Ui FreHrirkon
Donald Ice Vtrawm
Wilma IOU Firkax
Cleone Elna Garlirk 1
Norman Dale Geonto
Ils EloUe i'thmn
Afary A lire filatt
Thomas William Claricr
Fern Klaine Grind le
Ronald E-1 ward Hall
Vinrinia Ann Ilaniun
May to Elie Hiwm
Ito((ert C. lleminirway
Gerald William Hendenwn
Willard Allen Ilivirina, Jr.
Ervin B. Hottin. Jr.
Helen Marie Hudnon
Kathleen Iavonn Ivea
Betty Irene Jeffrey
K.ian Martin JMinn
Donna Mae Kiel
luu(e Kina
Kva Marie Kiitlf,n
Marjorie Maxine Knouft
Evelyn Violrf, Koth
Jame Hrennan Lammen
William Ian
Helen Ixiraine La r Hon
Robert Karl Mnts
Coniilanre Ruth Ixiree
Betty Mae Lynch
Beatrice Joan Mareoulier
Harriet Treima McCallum
Jean it McCleary
Khirley Ann Meagher
Norman Henry Mike!on
Wilma Ellen Mills
Mary Anna Mnrriaon
Mariraret Ann Ninkanen
Edith Marie TeaKley
Jyce I iVonne ferry
Helen Kathleen Retranovie
William Chariot J'lath
Robert John Potter
Hazel Oneita Prater
Jean EHxaleth Raddatx
Thr-ma R'er RhoaK
John Richard RoberUon
Collen Ann H'-hinwin
Anna Mae Ryman
Roland Monroe Kaiihury
William l-ee 8ppinrVjn
Juaniu Ruth Kaunder
Harhara Jean HchiUintr
Robert Franc U Schwab
Bernice June Scott
Patny Odele Scott
KliKalteth Jean Shannon
Gail deForrent Slnrmund
Harold Paul Bmith
Mariraret Mae Bnelaon
Btty Iyuie Steimena
MarKaret Rera" Steven
Iria Edna Htewart
Ruth Ann TWIUner
' Irta Ie Thomaa
Bertha Myrtle Thomrmon ,
I or is Evelyn Tob:a
Katherine Mary Tomae,
Mary Cnlherine Tomac
i Allrtwl Tucker
Mary EMxiibelh Twnmi-y
Dixfn Donald Van !-anduyt
Beverly Grnevieve Wennerntrom
Francis Arlene Wheeler
Johan (iordon Wtek
Melvin Iewii Wllaon
DtUirla Calvin WirU
Carl William Wyatt
Klla Mae Yo.irnr
Melva Jo 'mpIttu
(1 Indicate Graduate Already
in the Armed Force.
For Holiday Fun
For sunny days of relaxing, here are the things you need to made
a fine day perfect a big' selection of play wear of all kinds.
Slack Suits .
Sun Suits
Swim Suits
Play Suits
16 i
pip y
SWIM SUITS by Janhen and
other reputable manufacturers,
in one and two piece styles,
sunbright prints and solid col
ors, 4.50 to 9.95 :
SLACK SUITS of every conceivable color, strutter cloth, spun
rayon, etc. All sizes, 5.95 to 10.95
SLACKS of denim, strutter cloth; gabardine, colored to .suit
you, in prices from 4.98 to 12.95
OUTDOOR SHIRTS in colorful plaids, checks, prints, solids,
3.98 to 7.95
PLAY SUITS and sun suits, cotton and jersey, shorts in whites
and colorSi sun dresses, too. YoUrs for 2.29 to 9.95 ,' , j ,,. ,H
JACKETS by White Stag, famous 4-season ackets' of water
repellent twill, bright colors 7.95 to 12.95
LEVI RIDERS of tan gabardine, cut for action, only 5.50
'several merribnrs voluntoprcd to
act as assistant Cubmasters, and
: di-finite plans are being made lor
Cub activities.
For some time the Lions club
has sponsored the Boy Scouts,
and early this year the Lions
I auxiliary took as Its permanent
project the Camp Klre fiirls or
Kanizarlon,' and secured Mrs. Wll
i Mam Morse Jr. as field secretary
l to organize and carry on the
1 work. A well organized guar
1 dians' association and 12 groups
, of Camp Klre girls are also func
tioning. j NO EXCUSK I.KIT
Fort Worth, Tex. dl'i There'll
1 be no forgetting wedding anniver
saries. for Henry 11. Alexander,
Sr., and Henry, Jr. Twenty-eight
years ago Henry, Sr., married a
! nurse on Jan. 22. And two years
ago, Henry, Jr., a navy torpedo
! man, married a nurse on Jan. 22.
Motor Driven
Cias or Diesel
Water Driven
, Wind Driven
Every size from "portable" units
for cabins, etc., to complete
farm light and power plants.
Bend Electric Co.
Exciting Values
In Smartly Styled
Summer Shoes
Suede Sandals
Black suede sandal with leather solo
and high, Cuban or low heel.
Sling-strap sandal in black suode.
Perforated top, low heel. A stylo
and comfort shoe.
Print Sandal
Brown or red, high heel,
leather sole.
644 Franklin
Phone 159