PAGE TWO Rpntnn nfferc ' Fracture of Leg When Hit By Ball By Carl Lunqulst (UniUd PreM Staff Correspondent) New York. May 25 U The dreams of Alton Benton, an ex- sailor who had hoped to pitch his Detroit team mates to a pen nant, all hut faded away today as he lay In a Philadelphia hos pital with a broken Jeg, The baseball wheel of fortune rarely has played a crueler pranK than In stopping the stout-hearted Oklahoman in the midst of one of the greatest comebacks of the diamond. Benton was an Inspira tion to every U. I. dbji player wno hopes someday himself to return to making a living on me aiam - ond. - Coming back to the Tigers after a medical discharge, he won live straight before losing a four-hit, 1 to 0. game to Washington last : Sunday, in six games he per- mitted only 26 hits for an avcr- age of 43 per game, gave up only . two earned runs and tossed three v shutouts. It was In the fourth inning yes ' terday when fate struck Its blow. Benton was pitching against the Athletics and had a 2 to 1 lead ' when Bobby Estallela hit a low i but sharp line drive which struck his right leg above the ankle. What happened after Benton left the game, illustrated how sorely he Is needed. Relief pitcher Ies Mueller was r(ammered for lour runs in tne nexi inning anu '. Philadelphia won, 7 to 2, although ' the game was played under pro test because the A's batted out of order in the second and umpire Eddie Rommel ruled the side re tired with only two out.. Both managers protested. The Cleveland Indians put over a JOth inning run on doubles By '. Pat Seerey and Jim McDonnel to beat the Senators In a night game . at Washington,! to 0. Sieve Gro- jnek shaded Roger Wolff-for his , fifth victory. Mctheny Gets Double .The usually light-hitting Bud Metheny made a double and two singles to account for three runs as the Yankees topped the leading Chicago White Sox at New York for the second day in a row, 6 io 3. The Red Sox, led by rookie Ben Steolner and Leon Culberson, beat the St. Louis Browns at Boston for the second day, winning, 8 to C, with a 14-tjlt attack on three tiltnhnr " Id the National, pinch hitter Danny Cardella hit a two-run homer In the eighth to give the New York Giants a 7 to 6 victory over the Reds at Cincinnati. The Reds knocked out Bill Volselle, leading major league pitcher, seeking his ninth win, in the sec ond Inning. Dick Barrett of the Philadelphia Phils ended the three-gume win ning streak of the Cubs at Chi cago, 6 to 3, beating veteran Paul Derringer with a five-hit pitching job. The major damage off Barrett was home runs by Anay 1'aiKo and Marry Lowrey Homer Big Help A homer by John Barrett In the 11th gave the Pirates a 10 to !) edge over the Braves at Pitts burgh, their spcond straight extra inning win against Boston. The Pirates used 21) men, ending the game with shortstop Frankle Gus tine catching. Charley Barrett, who came to the Cards yesterday In a trade for Morton Cooper, got off to a winning start with his new own ers, ix-ating the Brooklyn Dodg ers, 7 to 5, with plenty of hitting support. The Curds. In wlnnlnu their sixth game In seven starts, mime vz nils. 6uy National War Bonds Now! fZSWA Bowling Alley VlVj I Saturday-Sunday I to 12 Mllir .atfy-E."X. ! I I Iklftrft Itirw irPk 1r.1V I I 1 jry 1 Li 1 i 1 rHSBl ALLEY OOP , 3v'v7TAMLlN' F (- tSIPtJ f SO NOBODY BUT f AHA.' I GOT IT.' THERE'S OL' ; illlllf" t f I K'VX rFT A AAnvc rSlITc7 RUN W DOC AN' TH' GRAND WIZERAfe f OH. THIS IS EMM T nvlo wvtuiIv XwcffiPlV' J -M'NE. Si SAY BY GOSH, THEM TWO GOING TO BE V Bill 1 rmTvAhlL CABn HAdJpn G YwIfAHtuc nHrV,uB.V.$iJ'l'V.A.,N l OLD QUACKS IOOK AS !' , AWFUL. ...I'M J SU Qui Our Way I'VE JUST BEEN MADE ASSISTANT SUPERIMTEM- DEN3T OF PRILL PRESSES (M NV DEPARTMENT, AND I'VE ONLY BEEN HERE FOUR MONTHS- THINK OF IT HEROES Portland Beavers Lose Two Games (By United Prwi) Results In the Pacific Coast league last night were enough to unbalance the minds of the cir cuit's followers. The basement-dwelling Holly wood Stars took their second straight win over Sacramento, 7 to 6, while the seventh-place San Francisco Seals trampled on the leading Portland Beavers twice, 5 0 and 4-1. The Seattle Ralniers cut Port land's margin to two games by making it three In a row over Los Angeles, 9-2, and the Oak land Acorns whipped San Diego, 5-3. Neat pitching performances by Frank Seward and Elmer Orella were responsible for San Fran-i Cisco's victories. Seward spaced) out five hits In the opener and Orella turned in a seven-hit job In the nightcap. f. i Walks Are Factors ... ' ! Hollywood tallied lis winning runs against Sacramento In the sixth inning on two walks, a single by- Les Powers and a double off the bnt of Ken Rich ardson. Credit for the win went to John Marshall, who rellev-nl Ron Smith in the second. The defeat was charged to Joe Wood Jr. Southpaw Ilnlo Chelinl finally shook off his various arm ail ments to beat San Diego for Oak land. Chelinl allowed 11 hits hut couldn't be hit In the clutches. Chet Rosolund paced the. Acorn attack with three hits off Jim Brillhcart, while Norm Dpweeso and Les Scarsella clouted doubles. Los Angeles, usually one nf the Fteadiest fielding teams in the league, came apart at the scams against Sen tile.- The An gels committed three errors In the fifth Inning to add to Cluulle Cuellar's mound misery. Hal Tur pin was the winning pitcher, re ceiving potent batting support from Jack Whipple, who collect ed four for four. A spiny species of cactus grows In Colorado at 7,000 feet above sea level; it is one of the few cacti that will stand cold winters. BOWL For Health and Recreation! LYDICK'S THE CREAT HE'S A WOMDERFUL.' MARVELOUS BY TH' TIME TH FAMILY GIT OVER. BOy, ISN'T THAT FINE I FEEL LIKE GIVIN' THEIR FIRST ENTHUSIASM THEY'LL START RUBBIN' IT IM THREE CHEERS ON THE AM' HE THAT ARE MADE -NOT BORM How They Ran New York, May 25 (tn-Here's how Kentucky Derby candidates fared yesterday: Alexis Won mile and a six teenth Survivor stakes at Pimlico in 1:47 flat. Brookfleld Second to Alexis. Bobanet Third to Alexis. Darby Dieppe Won seven fur long feature at Churchill Downs in l:2G-45. Bymeabond Second to "Darby Dieppe. Iron City Third to Darby Dieppe. Bob Mann Also ran in Darby Dieppe race. Bergolater Won six furlong race at Churchill Downs in 1:13 25. Calydon Also ran in five and half furlong race at Churchill Downs. Red Pixie Won mile and 70 yard race at Jamaica in 1:43-35. Toy Bomb Second to Red Pixie. Red Figure Also ran In five and half furlong race: at Narra-gansett- -- Patrlmoney Afeo ran In three- quarter mile race at Santa Anita. League Standings AMKKICAN W L Chicago 15 10 New York 16 11 Detroit 14 10 St. Louis 13 11 Cleveland It 14 Washington .....12 16 Boston 1 1 15 Philadelphia 11 17 NATIONAL Pet. .625 .503 .583 .542 .440 .42!) .423 .393 .707 .586 .552 .500 .481 .400 .400 .206 .635 .600 .528 .500 .481 .472 .462 New York 23 7 Brooklyn .. 17 12 St. Louis 16 13 Pittsburgh 14 14 Chicago 13 14 Boslon 11 15 Cincinnati 10 15 Philadelphia 8 22 PACIFIC COAST Portland ..33 .30 .28 .27 .25 .25 1!) 20 25 27 27 28 28 35 Seattle Oakland San Diego .. Sacramento Los Angeles San Francisco 24 Hollywood 17 .327 at the Bend Roller Ballroom Sat. May 26 Sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars PUBLIC INVITED BEND BULLLET1N, BEND, ByJ.R.Williams LIAR VEH. SHE'S A A ONLY BEEN HERE FOUR MONTHS AN IS PRO MOTED HE'S BEEN RUNNINJ' OL' MAN, TH'SAME KNOWS MACHINE TWENTY YEARS orf?.Wiu.iAM2 5-2.5- VSSiltVZiZk. we. Senior Softball League Organized Representatives of several or ganizations interested In the pro motion of a Softball program met in the City hall last night.. A league was organized to be known as the Bend Senior Soft ball association with Sam Blucher chosen to head the organization. One of the most significant de velopments was me decision to make it an "old man's" league by- setting a minimum age require ment of 21 years. It was the general attitude of the group that more of the grey beards of the town would participate if they did not have to compete with high school boys. The group also voted to ask the Bend recreation committee to Incorporate the league into the playground program, leenng tnat the program which would provide recreation for 75 to 100 adults should be under the supervision of the municipal program and make use of existing facilities. Rules Suggested Several league rules were sug gested but it was decided to leave the formulation of these to the executive committee composed of Blucher, Wilfred Jonas and Claude Cook. Representatives of the Elks, Jaycees, Ordnance Shop, Lions, Western Union and the Camp Abhot navy were present. The group agreed that each of the civilian teams to enter would de posit a guarantee of $15 that they would finish the schedule. A split schedule will be drawn up by the executive committee with the opening game set fpr Monday, June i. COCHRAN HOLDS LEAI San Francisco, May 25 (U"i De fending champion Wclker Coch ran held a 21-polnt lead over Willie lloppe in their transcontinental title series today. Cochran won last night's block, 50 to 43, after losing the after noon match by one point. The match will be concluded to morrow. Under favorable conditions, hali but enjoy a life span of 50 years. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 25, -KBND Voice of Central Oregon Affiliated With Mutual TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix ; 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter ' 6.15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Double or Nothing 7:00 Music for Millions 7:15 News 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn HaiTJy News , 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Freedom of Opportunity 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Tony Pastor's Orchestra SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1015 7:00 News 7:15 Auctioneer 7:30 Spotlight on Rhythm 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News . 8:00 Jimmy i,uneeford's Orch. 8:15 News . 8:30 Deep River Boys 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Organ Treasures 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 Hello Mom 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Al Williams 10:30 Radio Pal Club 10:45 Redmond Victory March 11:35 Love Notes. 11:40 News 11:45 Voice of the Army 12:00 George Hinkel 12:05 Today's Classifieds 12:10 Sport Yams 12:15 Music a La Carter 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour '1:00 Memo for Tomorrow 1:15 George Barry's Orchestra 1:30 Music for Half Hour 2:00 Sports Parade 2:30 News , 2:45 Sully Mason's Orchestra 3:00 Halls of Montezuma 3:30 Hawaii Calls 4:00 American Eagle In Britain 4:30 Johnny Long's Orchestra 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:00 News 5:15 Canary Pet Shop 5:30 Symphony of the Americas 6:00 Jean Goldkette's Orchestra 6:30 Paging Mike McNally 7:00 Ray Herbeck's Orchestra Three Good Reasons If W &'M for Shopping at Midstate for your every Hardware need , 1. Good Selections in AH Departments 2. Pre-war Prices 3. New Arrivals Each Week NEW MERCHANDISE Wire Clothes Lines Wire Cloth Screen Hardware Cloth Galvanized Pails Galvanized Tubs -Padlocks Tinned Dairy Pails SHOP MIDSTATE HARDWARE FOR THE HARD-TO-GET ITEMS AT PRE-WAR PRICES Midstate Hardware Co. "Serving All Central Oregon" 1945 1340 Kilocyclet Don Lee Broadcasting System 7:15 Treasury Salute 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Chicago Theatre of Air 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 American- Folk Singers a--an rionroa nien's Orch. 9:55 Mutual Reports the News 10:00 Tea siraeier s urarauo Buy National War Bonds Now! Tune in Sundays the Old Fashioned Bevivel Hour. KBND 10-11 p.m. International Gospel Broadcast Charlti E. Fnlkr, Ulractor Come a-runnin', 1 1 kids! TOM MIX is on the air 5:30 P.M. MnN THRU FRI - w Phone 600 CI PRIZES GERMAN HARP RushvCle, Ind. (IP) A" small German harp will be Pfc. William Talbert's favorite souvenir when he gets home. When he sent the musical Instrument home, he said that -it had been in his shirt pocket when a German machine-gun bul let glanced off ot it, instead of going through him. He had been ISC - Is Going to Be Twin and Davis Lakes open Upper Deschutes Thursday. ready we have everything Big Lake Trolling I ' Corrugated, chrome or brass 'Troll Rudder, 25c Silk Troll Lines, 1.45 to 1.75 Neverbreak Cable Troll Leader...... ise With snap and swivel, 9 to 18 inch . Jiffy Trolling Plate . . . . . . .only 1.00 'i 'Slow your motor down! Raffish, all patterns ea. 95c Worden Spinning Hy 35c Krafty Fish ,-.ea. 75c Propellor Spinners ea. 20c EB Dipper Bait only 50c rcesemDies ADaione Canvas Creels 1.952.95 Indiana Spinners 25c Landing Net l.50 Transparent FLY BOX 1.00 4-Tray GripLoc Tackle Box 6.95 Life Saver Boat Cushions .. ..only 2.45 Ideal Perfect Fly Reel ...... . .9.95 New American Fly Reel, large size. 14.75 Light American Fly Reels 1.25. 1.45 Fishermen's Vest, rubberized . .3.15 Silkworm Tapered ' Leaders' S Famous Brands 40c to 75c Nylon Leader, 10-yd. coil. 45c; Gut, coil 20c to 40c Salmon Eggs, all kinds 15c, 25c, 35c Want A Gun? They're coming! You'll get the one you want sooner if you'll make your deposit now! Leather Gun Scabbard..... 7.95 to 12.95 Some lined, cut to take scope ' Non-Rationed m Shoes 4 JO Gyi Canvas upper, non-mark runner soles, sizes 3 to li. Wool Sox for Warm Feet.... 65c to 2.25 All weights and lengths All Wool Fringed Auto Robe 9.95 Waterproof, Windproof Pants...... 4.45 to 7.95 Duxbak Coats to Match 4.95 to 14.95 Duxbak All Wool Shirts only 6.95 Red-Black Plaid, sizes 14 to 17 Loafer Sox, Leather Moccasin Sole 2.50 Heavy wool socks with moccasin foot Rubber Garden Hose Lawn Sprinklers All Wool Sleeping Bags 14.95 to 44.95 Sponge Rubber Bag Mattress, Special 17.50 Sleeping Bag Covers 1.45 to 3.75 All Kinds Batteries, All You Want each 10c JOHNSON Motor Repair Parts - Johnson Gear Grease Oil -7'j Kl. Gas Can Army Typo 95c Gun Parts Repairs by Experts Bring us your troubles! Large stock of gun parts Remington Browning Winchester Hi-Standard Smith & Wesson. New Gun Stocks - Barrels - Forearms Available for All Models On City Bus Line - Open Sundays EVANS . Sport Clothing t, vV; Johnson Motors Archery -1 Guns, Knives On South Highway Phone 815 J shot. through the elbow a few minutes before by another slug THIEF RETURNS WAR BONne i Waterville, Me. m f months alter a burglar stole S3 500 in war bonds and $13 in from Frank Joseph's home tS UU1HI3 new iciuiucv. XlUWt1 me uiiei Kept uie casn. FINE Wednesday Get your tackle you'll need! Spoon, , 0 June Bug Spinner 25c Jointed Pike Plug 75c Level Fly Lines 65c to 2.25 South Bend Qreno 60c Bone Fish . 50c Heddon Large Lure 1.15 Sure-Lure 50c Hook Disgorger 15c Sevenstrand 3' Steel Leader ., 25c Silk Casting Lines 1.45 to 1.75 Drop Loop Gut Leader, 3' or 6' 5c Camp Chair 1.25, wifh back., i.45 Eagle Claw Snelled Hooks card 35c Canvas Water Bag, 2 gal ' 1. 10 Canvas Water Pail 1 .25 EVANS SPECIAL TAPERED LEADER ? 6 to 9 ft., only 10c Weaver Scopes 21.95 to 36.95 Stith Mount, 12.00 Redfield Scope Mounts Redfieid Receiver Sights Fishing Hat 75c Tan fabric, wire net ventilator Summer Hats, 1.25-1.95 Smart fabric hats Crusher Hats 1.35 Green or red felt 50 ft. 4.95 .1 60c and 1.25 Rod - Reel REPAIR We fix 'em right we have reel parts. FLY CO. S Licenses