The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 24, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Society deadline on days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Is 10 a.;n.
Call 88, The Bulletin newsroom.
Local Piano Students Place
In National Guild Auditions
With a rating which places her
In tne top bracket of the coun-
try's most talented young musi
cians, Helen Marie Hudson of
Hend, a student of Mrs. John W,
Anderson, played a 10-number re-
pertoire in the local auditions of
the National CJuiid or fiano
Teachers ending Saturday in the
Episcopal parish hall.
Miss Grace White, New York
pianist teacher who judged the
auditions, gave Miss Hudson the
unusual grade of "S plus," which
will be awarded to only four or
five students in the United States
who win places on the guild's na
tional honor roll by playing from
memory ten advanced selections.
Donna Lee Palmer also placed
on the national honor roll, with
a grade of "S" (superior), and the
two girls will be entered in the
Portland contest to open June 6
In competition for a $100 bond,
on the basis of points accredited
them In auditions here.
Mrs. Anderson entered 15 stu
dents In the auditions. Grading
was on a basis of the number of
selections memorized and the
' technique demonstrated by the
pianists. Two selections were ro
quired for places on the local
honor roll, four for. the district,
seven for the state and ten for
the national. Grade standards
were good, excellent and superior.
Besides Miss Hudson and Miss
Palmer, the following students of
Mrs. Anderson won places on the
national honor roll: Dorothy Ann
uorKett, is.; sally George, is.;
Greta Nelson, E.; Betty Jean Da
vis, minus S.j Donna Gulick, mi
nus E.; Mary I.ou Hudson, minus
E.; Marlys Prentice, E plus and
Cynthia Shevlin, E plus.
Marl en e Goodfellow with a
grade of minus E and Diana Mac
kenzie with a U plus rating, placed
on the state honor roll. Evan
Johnson, minus E. and Mary
Martha Fowler, minus G, placed
in the district honor roll. Hugh
Fowler made the local honor roll
with a G plus grade.
Mrs. C. E. Bush of Bend and
Mrs. Wllletta Hodecker of Red
mond also presented students in
the auditions.
Party Honors
Crook County
Civic Leaders
Prlneville, May 24 (Special)
The Lions club and auxiliary were
hosts at a dancing party In the
. Lions' club rooms Saturday night
honoring Dallas W. Norton and
Charles A. Downle anu tneir iami
lies, who plan to leave Prlneville
The Nortons will go to Myrtle
Point, where Norton has accepted
the position of high school prln
cipal. The Downles' new home will
be In Chchalls, where Downle,
manager of the Penney store here
lor the past 3V4 years, will take
over the management of the com
pany's business there. Both men
have been active members of the
Lions club, the Chamber of com
merce, and other civic organiza
tions. Downic has been Boy Scout
committeeman for the Lions and
he has served on the war price
and ration board. During his serv
ice with the Penney store here,
the clerking staff has ranked high
in the sale of war bonds and
stamps. The store has been head
quarters for a number of projects
concerned with the war effort.
Women of Moose
Plan Meetings
Miss Laura Shipley, publicity
director for the Women of the
Moose, has announced the follow
ing meetings for members of the
Ritual practice will be held at
1:40 p.m. May 25 In Moose hall.
Miss Shipley announced that this
is an important meeting, and all
chairmen, escorts and officers are
urged to be present.
Home making chairman Gen
nella Hayse extends a general In
vitation to the public to attend
the nutrition class to be held at
8 p.m. May 28 in the home eco
nomics department or the lii'iut
high school, under the direction
of Miss Harriet Harris and Miss
Betty Arnest of the school staff.
Meat substitutes will be the topic
for the demonstration, followed
by a pot-luck luncheon.
An executive board meeting will
be held June 1 at 1:30 p.m. In the
Downing hotel. All chairmen are
to meet once a month with tne bund to Pennsylvania whr h
Home Wedding
Unites Couple
In Terrebonne
Redmond, May 24 (Special)
The spacious country house of Mr.
and Mrs. James Foss of Terre'
bonne was the scene of the wed
ding of their daughter. Miss Faye
Emma Willlums, to Koyal Wiilard
Gardner, U. S. N. R. nephew of
Mr. and Mrs. George Padgett,
of Hillsboro, on Monday evening
at 8 o clock
The doublering ceremony was
read by Rev. D. L. Penhollow
berore the lire-place, banked with
lilacs and pink tulips, with huge
boquets of Calla lillies on either
The bride, gowned In white
georgette crepe, wearing a finger
tip, veil, and carrying her bridal
bouquet of pink roses, entered the
room from the massive stairway
to the strains of the wedding
march from Larengreen, played
by Mrs. Hulbert Beesley.
The bridesmaid, Miss Manorle
Foss,, , was her sister's only at
tendant. . She wore pink dotted
swiss, with a corsage of pink and
white carnations.
Everett G. Padgett U. S. N. R.
cousin of the groom, acted as
best man.
The bride's mother, Mrs. 'Foss,
wore black, and Mrs. Padgett wore
a rosegown. Each wore a gar
denia corsage.
Preceding the ceremony Mrs.
William Clang sang "Because"
and "I Love You Truly," accom
panied by Mrs. Beesley.
The bride, assisted by her hus
band, cut the bride's cake. Re
freshments were served "from a
lace covered table, with Mrs. Riley
Davidson pouring punch and Mrs
H. P. Eby serving the cake. . The
Misses Faye Eby and Mavis Knorr
Approximately sixty relatives
and guests attended the wedding
and reception. Out of town guests
Included Mr. and Mrs. George
Padgett, Mrs. Ruby Estepp and
Everett G. Padgett, U. S. N. R.,
all of Hillsboro; Miss Aleta Gal
loway of Corvalis, Mrs. Allen
Madsen, Port Angeles, Wash., and
Mrs. Lottie Eby, Portland.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Gardner are
graduates of Oregon State college.
Mrs. Gardner has been Instructor
of Home Economics in the Canby
Oregon high school the nast vear.
I The bride will accompany her hus-
Betrothal Told
On OSC Campus
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Herrling
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Mildred, to Cpl. Warren
SIioIpr, son ot Mr. and Mrs. f.
G. Sholes. The news was told
recently in Corvallis at a dinner
given by the bnue eiect s sororny,
Alpha Xi Delta, at the sorority
house on the Oregon state cam
pus, where Miss Herrling is a
student. Roses were used for ta
ble decorations.
The betrothal was told by match
folders with the wording "It's a
Match" which opened to reveal
the nlctuies of the couple. No
date for the wedding has been
At present Cpl. Sholes is sta-,
tinned at Camp Pendleton, near!
Oceanside, Calif. He was recently j
returned to the states, after hav-!
ne heen stationed at Midway and
Pearl Harbor for 31 months.
Both voune people are former
Bend residents. Mr. and Mrs. Herr
ling live at 540 Congress, and the
Sholes' home is at 481 State street.
Committees Plan
Job Daughters'
Annual Affair
A highlight of commencement
festivities will be the annual for
mal dance sponsored by members
of Jobs Daughters in honor of
the graduating seniors, to be held
In the Masonic temple lmmedi-i
ately following the graduation j
exercises, Friday evening. Invita-j
tions have been extended to all :
Bend high school students.
Committee chairmen in charge i
of arrangements are Nan Preede, '
decorations; Iris Thomas, pro- j
gram; Maurine Lyons, chaper-!
ones; Sally Schilling, refresh-1
ments; Joyce Armstrong, enter-!
tainment; Helen Raddatz, clean-1
up; Jackie Chute, music, and
Jackie Hahn, invitations.
Patrons and patronesses for the
affair include Mr. and Mrs. W. A. I
Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hun-1
nell, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wing,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard George and
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schilling. - j
executive board for further in
structions, It Is announced.
Program Presented for
Club's Entertainment
Members of the Evergreen cir
cle were entertained at a Mothers'
Day program at the meeting last
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Eva Winters, 33(1 River
side. Gifts were presented to Mrs.
Minnie Sanders, the oldest moth
er present; Mrs. Hilda Davis, the
youngest mother and Mrs. Edith
Verrigan, the mother with the
most sons in the service.
Mothers' Day gifts were ex
changed by "secret ladies."
Youth Club Council Meeting
Members of the Youth club coun
cil will meet Monday, May 28, at
7:30 p.m. at the ciub to make
plans for the summer activities of
the group. All student council
members are urgi-d to be present.
The Youth club will be closed
this Friday night in order that
members may attend the com
mencement exercises at the high
school and the commencement
The Degree ot Honor has an
nounced a special meeting to be
held Tuesday, May 29, in Sather
hall. Officers urge all members
to come at 6:30 p.m. to continue
will enter officers' tralnine school,
Ho has just returned from thirty
months service In the south Pa
clfic theatre of war.
Sisters Girl Wed
In Cottage Grove
Sisters. Mav 24 (Snccinll
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Inscore of
Sisters announce the marriage of
their daughter. Norma, to Nor
man C. Meyers of Cottaoe Grove.
The ceremony was performed the
afternoon of May 7 by Rev.
George E. Hardy In the Cottage
Grove Baptist church before rel
atives of the couple. The Broom
is a orotner or Mrs. James Be-
ment of Sisters.
The bride wore a black and
white dress and hat, with black
patent high-heeled sandals. She
carried a bouquet of pink sweet
pess tied with lace and pink rib-
Following the ceremony, a wed
ding dinner was served at the
home of the groom's cousin. The
bridal couple cut the weddlna
cake, which was In the shape of a
norsesnoe ana inscribed with the
words "Good Luck ' and decorated
with love birds.
The couple are at home In Cot
tngc Grove.
YOt'Tll C l.l I IM.ANS TKA
An Informal tea honoring the
Annual Tea Held
In School Library
Honoring the mothers of Bend !
senior high girls, the Girls' league I
held Its annual tea on Tuesday,
May 22, from 3 to 5 In the library
of the high school. I
Greeting the guests were this'
year's officers: Fern Grindle, Jan-j
et Johnson, Helen Raddatz, Sally!
Schilling; next year's officers:
Julanne Justin, Helen VanSickle, j
Marguerite Coleman,. Ramona i
Morgan; and Miss Zola McDoug-i
all, dean of girls. A corsage was'
presented to each mother as she I
entered. ' . I
During the afternoon a varied
musical program was presented
with Marguerite Coleman and
Helen Hudson at the piano, Mau-'
reen Lyons singing, and Marjorie
Peak playing a flute solo. Iris
Thomas, Lola Mae Franks, Helen
Raddatz, and Ruth Ann Terlisner
poured. i
Chairmen In charge of the tea
were Katy Evans, refreshments,
Cynthia Shevlin, entertainment
and Vtlda Suttle, corsages and decorations.
Lodge Initiates Member
At Recent Meetina Here
IMra Fllnnrho Krihhc ivnc initint.
ed by the Royal Neighbors of
America at the regular lodge
meeting Monday evening in Nor
way hall. Following the Initiation,
a memorial service was held In
honor of the society's decreased
members. Mrs. Margaret Zufelt,
chancellor, led the prayer.
others taxing part In the pro
gram were Wllmetta Rcinhart.
Elaine Langworthy, Hilda Davis,
Mable Weaser, Adeline Crowell,
Edith Verrigan, Jane Jones and
Vivian Benson.
Accompanied by her little
daughter, Mrs. Paul M. Schutt is
here from taconvi. Wash., for a
short visit with her mother-in-law,
Mrs. W. D. Schutt. Paul is
with a counter-intelligence corps
In the Philippines.
7:00 p. m.- P. E. O. Sisterhood,
dinner meeting at Pine Tavern.
8:00 p. m. Jr. Civic League
with Mrs. Vein I-arson, 2ti0 Con
gress. 8:00 p. m. Westwav club with
Mrs. Eva Winters, XW Riverside.
SilXI p. m. Eagles' auxiliary,
Initiation In Sather hall.
1:30 p. m. Women of the
Moose, ritual priotice in Moose
8.00 p. m. Rebekah lodge, I.
O. O. F. hall.
7:30 p. m.-.Tmvnsend eluh In
Labor temple, public card party
!):00 P.m.- Jobs naill'htnr.' f.r.
senior hostesses will be held at ' mal dance honoring graduates
the Bend Youth club Sunilav after-' Masonic tomnlr.
wum wiutn win Hiruauy w: un imuii inmi o:,w lo D:uo p.m. All! MontlttV
progress. I senior hostesses and girls who arei 8:00 p. m. Nutrition class
This is the last meeting before members of the club are invited. Women of the Moose and nnhn
official inspection June 5. It Is Helen Raddatz Is In charge of at- high school nonTomK So
announced. Irangements. ipartnient. iconomics cl - (
I A rk
These Big Pay-Day
Values - at Penney's
( ) Women's Rayon Dress Slacks . . .4.98
for Iced-Tea Days
- For those warm afternoons and evenings when you
and your friends get together over tall, frosted
glasses of iced-tea! Cool Imcnes and rayons in lus
cious fruit colors, some with fresh white appliques!.
Light and Dark Shades
( ) Sport Skirts .....3.98
Wcmen's " '
() Sport Blouses ....2.98
( ) Children's Coats .5.00
( ) Sport Shorts..... 2.98
( ) Summer Millinery, 2.98
( ) Sun Suits ........98c
( ) Kiddie's Smartalls, 98c
( ) Slack Suits .3.79
( ) Girls' Sweaters ..1.98
( ) Sun Suits 5.90
( ) Cynthia Slips .....1.29
' Bayou
( ) Bed Jackets .....2.98
( ) Smart Handbags, 7.90
( ) New Dickies 98c to 1.98
( ) Material . . . . .yd. 69c
Royan Satin
( ) Cotton Hose. .pr. 39c
( ) Handkerchiefs . . .15c
. . Women's
( ) Dress Gloves ....1.98
( ) Wrisley Soap, box 1.00
8 Cakes
( ) Knitting Bags ..... 98c
( ) Suspenders 98c
House Frocks . . '. .1.98
Gabardine Suits, 16.75
Boys' Sport Sets .2.68
Boys' Dress Slacks, 3.98
Sweaters ........3.98
Boys' All Wool
( ) Corner Shelf ....2.98
( ) .Full Length Mirror, 2.98
( ) Clothes Hampers, 5.90
( ) All Wool Blanket, 6.90
( ) Part Wool Pairs.. 4.98
Fri., 9:30 a. m.
Men's Bib
Overalls 1.55
Sanforized blue denim.
Jumper to Match .1.65
Men's Cotton
Pajamas 2.97
Cotton Krinkle crepe in stripes
Fri., 9:30 a. m.
( ) Work Sox . . . . pr. 33c
Part Woo!
( ) Sweatshirt 1.05
( ) Plaid Flannel Shirt, 1.55
( ) Uniform Cap 2.49
Forest Green
( ) Men's Sport Shirt, 2.98
( ) Shirts, Drawers ea. 59c
( ) Wool Unions., pr. 5.45
All Wool. Kino for Fishermen
) Sport Slacks 4.98
Men's .
) Sweaters 4.98
All Wool
( ) Sport Coats ....12.75
( ) Work Shirts .....1.98
) Cigarette Lighter 1.00
) Leather Jackets, 9.90
) Cloth Mitts... pr. 25c
Lace-To-Toe Logger
Husky oil tanned leather logger
shoe in popular lace-to-toe model,
full leather sole, added rubber tap
sole and heel built for wear!
( ) Husky Work Shoe. 3.79
t ) Dress Oxford .. .4.79
( ) Women's Slippers 1.29
( ) Dress Shoes 3.49
Mp"'s Women's Non rationed
( ) Irrigation Rubber Boots 3.49
Knee Heigh:
hfhf 29
f j i t J$ Gabardine insurance for a
1 ? well dressed summer! A
two button single breasted
model with fuller drape trou
sers, A suit that will look
right and feel right on any
occasion! All wool worsted.
Rtg. V. S. P.t. Ot