THE BEND BULLETIN;: BEND.- OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1945 PACE SEVEN t ? : l& foilrnad Shares y VI W m m v a m w r Reveal Firm Tone 1 By Elmer C. Walzer (United Preu Financial Editor) New York, May 24' (IP Rail Dad shares developed a firm tone ie today on the stock market jfter an irregular decline accom- rnied by light turnover. Carrier issues were sought aft- the market had resisted fur ther selling pressure in the morn ing dealings. Northern ' Pacific, tie feature in activity, made a fcw high. Santa Fe more than ade up a loss of 114 points. New jork Central, Southern Pacific, Southern Railway and Chesa jrake and Ohio had small gains, ihe higher prices, ls active is Jmes, such as Minneapolis and St. jJnuis, Nickel Plate preferred, Jnd the Pere Marquette pre-h-rreds had gains of one to nearly jjbur points. Motor shares were steady late tfi the day after overcoming small declines. Steels were steady to asler, oils about steady, and utili ses mixed. In the latter, National ower and Columbia Gas appear ed in sizeable amounts on minor Sains. Electric Power $6 preferred st 3 points. $ ' ' MS Miflion Eggs Laid y State Hens in April Portland, Ore., May 24 (U1 Ore gon hens laid a total of 55 million eggs in April, after putting the same number in the hay during March. f However, according to records Of the United States department Of agriculture, their cackles fell if a per cent from April of last icar. Total production for the 'car's first four months was 195,- 000,000 eggs. J PORTLAND LIVESTOCK . Portland, Ore., May 24 (IP "livestock: Cattle 100, calves 10. . iAclive, fully steady; few good ichoice 110-lb. fed steers $17.25; common-medium steers $12.00 615.25; medium-good heifers $12.50 S15.00; canner-cutter Cows $7.00 - ;9.50; fat dairy type cows to $10.50; ;odd medium sausage bulls $10.50 .(11.30; good-choice vealers steady at $13.00-16.00. Hogs 50. Steady; butchers $15 75; sows $15.00; stags $14.50; choice light feeder pigs quotable .up to $20.00. .! Sheep 300. Active, steady; good- choice spring lambs mostiy$13.75; : ' medium-good shorn lambs and , yearlings $11.50-12.75; good ewes salable around $6.50. Portland iKonucn ' ' Portland, Ore., May 24 Uli A niiwf. tnnp nrmailnrl tnHav in th hnttr mnrlfAt with nmHintlr,n gaining but still below that of a year ago. Prices were unchanged. Demand for eggs was ahead of supply, although offerings have improved from that just after the recent warm weather. Prices were unchanged. Rutter Cube !)3 score 42-Hc; 02 score 42Vic; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41'ic pound: Eggs- Prices to retailers: AA large 41c; A large 42c; medium A A 39c; small 35c dozen. Texas is sd big it extends from the old west New Mexico to the old south Louisiana. CALL OUT THE BLOODHOUNDS We're on the track of a gang of Bargains, and we know you won't want to let then get away. . . We'll tell you this muoh: they're in the guise (a3 Pages) of our brand new MIDSUMMER SALE BOOK I Join the pack and get yourself a Bargain. Come quickly. . .the trail starts at our Catalog Office known as. . . THE BIGGEST STORE IN TOWNf. MONTGOMERY WARD Catalog Office 812 Wall ' riiono 970 AY Spare Articles Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time S5o 25 Words Three Times .75c 23 Words Six Times SL3S All md ra II add le per wd Omm nnmav at Initritnm Oat aranta run, una cpr. Mi day rata lllnisiiui Camraa, I5e LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c Cluaifled Adrtiln, Caaa la Aaraata Uailr Ciaabw Tim. llsM t. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O, E. Hall W.M.Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. A. M. Stated Communication mi x.... ai o.iut ... VJB M.M. Decree VUlUni Uttthtaa George SimervUle, See'y. MEETING of LOYAL ORDER of MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose First and Third Fridays. n DANCE for members, families and-candidates every Saturday night, no charge. FOB SALE 1 WINCHESTER model 97 shot gun with 6 boxes shells. One 30-30 rifle with 1 box shells. 14 chick ens, 1 year old New Hampshire and Rhode Island red. Wood saw manuril with 3 saws. Cross cut saw, some tools, 2 twin beds com plete with coil springs, several uozen quart and half gallon jars. 1 gas camp stove, oil heater, 55 gaiion oil urum, small cook stove. a quantity of used brick, 1 baby buggy, baby bed and mattress, inquire at 720 Ogden Ave. EXCEPTIONALLY ROOMY mod ern 5 room home, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, double dumb ing, furnace and garage, close to scnoois ana ousiness uismcr. uu 552-R for appointment TWO HORSEPOWER Super Cold refrigerator unit, with walk-in box. triced at $300 for quick sale. 1454 Albany Ave. NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. and D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Oak St., Eugene, Ore. 250 WHITE LEGHORN hens ?r trade for pows. Bill Bender, Rt. , Box 321 ',4 mile- south, 94 mile east- off Butler Market road at air port. $2500 BUYS good 4 room home, paved street, east side. $2400 buys modern 3 room furnished, 4 lots, west side, immediate possession. $1400 buys 3 room moaern, north side. $3000 buys 3 modern bed room home on E. 2nd street. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. PERENNIAL CABBAGE, broc coli, brussel sprouts and head let tuce plants. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. BABY'S HIGH CHAIR, good con dition. Inquire Bend Auto Park, Cabin 8. ' DARK BLUE suit size 40 short, price $12.00. Inquire 1477 Daven i port. j ELECTRIC IRON, electric sand I wich toaster, electric radio, boy's ! bicycle, occasional chair, rockers, i beds, day beds, sanitary cots, sev ! eral real buys in wood heaters, small cook stove, child's trunk, j screen doors, ball and socket trail I er hitches, bench vise, magazine racks, good supply of slightly used clothing, real bargains. Open evenings. Across street from 350 Division. 4-ROOM semi-modern house, 2 i lots. 434 E. Norton. Phone 30-F-5. ONE OF CENTRAL Oregon's finest cattle ranches completely equipped and stocked with white . face cattle. For details and terms see Frank McGarvcy, 118 Oregon ;St. NETTED GEM seed potatoes. Phone 488-WX. COMPLETELY MODERN almost new 5 room home. 2 largo bed rooms, model kitchen, utility room, hardwood floors, double plumbing, electric water heater, wjred for range, piped furnace, garage. 246 Jefferson. S3700 BUYS 40 acres, 34 acres C. O. I., lair house and outbuildings, electricity. 6 miles out. Personal property can be purchased. Pos session soon. C. V. Siivis, 118 Ore gon St. SEED POTATOES. Inquire 225 Miller after 4:30 p. m. JERSEY COW. R. E. Wilson, mile east ot i corners on Bend Burns highway. i 3 ROOM modern, woodshed and wood, garage, workshop, nice eel- j lar, 2 lots, garden in and berries, j on highway. Partly furnished. Price $1674.35. 2410 N. 1st St. i BABY CARRIAGE, walker, basi-j nelt, rrlb and mattress, nil In good condition. 1103 Jacksonville., Phone 1084J. i FOR SALE CHEAP, red female j Pekingese, 2 years old, registered, i 220 Davis Ave. N E T T E D (; E M seed potatoes, j Turn left at Carroll Acies store,' 5th house on the left. Formerly , Cram's Dairy. lit. L Box 156. ! A Can FOB SALE $1600 BUYS 5 acres, C.O.I, water, good 3 room house, barn and chicken house;-Immediate posses sion oWtriritv readv ta- connect. C. V. Silvis; 118 Oregon. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, cinders, red or dark; barnyard lertiiwer. we clean back yards, build small roads or driveways, clean ditches, builcf dikes, level lots. Have cat and bulldozer, dump trucks and flat bed for hire. Phone 275-J or come to 1360 Cumberland. PRE-WAR FURNITURE, beds, stoves, chests, .dinette set, daveno, etc. Inquire Duplex corner lotn and D Redmond. EAST SIDE 4 bedroom modern home, living room with fireplace, den and dining-room with Vene tian blinds, nice kitchen with gas range, large -basement, wood or coal furnace, gas water heater, lot 50x150, nice yard for garden spot, garage. Close in- on paved street. For sale by owner. 223 St. Helens. Phone 354 for appoint ment. 1 LONG 2 year Arabian saddle horse, well broke. Inquire 223 St. Helens or phone 354. 4 ROOM furnished house, 2 lots, garage; woodshed. 465 E. Olney. SMALL BABY BED and mattress, good condition. Inquire 1445 Cum berland or call 1057-J. . BEND VINTAGE Shop, brand opportunity for right couple. Own er must sell because of illness in family. Complete stock,, priced right. Inquire at 120 Oregon Ave., between 10:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. RED FRYERS, live weight at ranch. Elder Ranch, 7 miles north on old Redmond highway.- TABLE MODEL 6 tube Silvertone radio. 1314 Columbia. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood -Yard. Phone 767. CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. 1941 FACTORY BUILT, coach type 3 room trailer house, Butane heat and cook, awning and attach ments, good condition. See at Bab ler Bros. Warehouse, . Redmond, Ore., or phone Redmond, 73, Will move reasonable distance. ? 3 BEDROOM modern house, large basement, garage, large level cor ner lot, window shades, floor cov erings, cook stove, circulating heater. Possession June 10. Close in, house located at 400 Sisemore. Owner 164 E. Irving after 5 p. m. or all day Sunday. Terms. Furni ture for 6 rooms can be purchased for a reasonable price. ON PAVED STREET, clean 2 bedroom modern house, large lot, double garage, unfurnished. $2000, $500 down, $25 month. Furnished $2500, $700 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. EIGHTY ACRES, half now in al falfa, large new barn, good house, electricity and large cistern. A good buy for $6,500. Some terms can be arranged. This is really a bargain, and only six miles from Bend. Frank McGarvey, 118 Ore gon St. SPLENDID BUYS, modern houses. East side, 3 rooms, extra room in basement, $1000, $400 down, $25 month. 2 bedroom plas tered, paved street, sewer connec tion, needs redecorating, $1800, $400 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. BIG-SIX MOWER, steel wheel wagon, nearly new rake, derrick poles. St. Johns Place, first road to left past Glen Vista, 3rd house on right. T R A C T O R The school made tractor is ready for sale. Model A motor, 3 to 1 gear box reduction, rubber tires. See it at the Machine Shop and make your bid. No bids under $150.00 accepted. Will be sold Friday, May 25th, at 12:30. NOW PRICED for quick sale, 2 bedroom modern, electric range and electric water hear, must see to appreciate. 212 Yew Lane. See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Be Turned Into Cash With a Want M FOB SALE 4 FAT HOGS at market price. Claude uant, m. i, doi Phone ll-F-2. , MODERN HOUSES on Shasta, 2 bedroom and sleeping porcn, $2600; $500 down, $35 month. 3 room clean completely iurrasu. garden, $2000, $709 down, $25 month. Anne noroes, oo vjietjuu. I'hone 36-W. 1936 FLAT BED long wheel base truck. Inquire L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north of Alfalfa store. LA GOOD five room country home with three acres oi grounc anu good outbuildings. Completely mnrinm anrl has eitv water. Onlv a mile from city limits on paved . . . . . i . r Enn road. Ticea moaerateiy ai Reasonable terms. Frank McGar vey, 118 Oregon. FRYERS. 40c per pound. F. C. Whitehead,. Rt. 1, Box 146. Phone 59-W. . NEAR KENWOOD school, 3 bed room modern house, 5 lots, ga rage, one room cabin, 2 chicken houses, unfurnished. $2200, $500 down, $35 month. Furnished $2800, $800 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SMALL BOAT, $10.00. Inquire 1225 East 3rd. OWNER LEAVING, will sacrifice 2 bedroom plastered house, wired for electric range, electric hot wa ter, heater, large garage, 4 lots fenced. Ideal sight for auto court. $3500 Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FOB TBADE TRADE, 9 ROOM modern house, acre and half, garage, woodshed, hen house, garden, small orchard, good location for boarding house, 2 Jersey cows, yearling heifer, 2 shoats. Price $5,800. Want small farm. J. W. Nichols, Veneta, Ore. FOB BENT 4 ROOM modern house, kitchen ette, furnished, washing facilities, furnace, garage. Adults only. In quire 1375 Galveston. 5 ROOM modern house, 3 acres alfalfa, $40.00 per month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box 52-B, or inquire 2nd house west of last Texaco station, south highway. MODERN, newly furnished 3 room apartment. Wood, water and lights furnished, electric washing machine. One block to City bus line. Store, church and school all within 2 blocks. Inquire 945 E. Second St. 2 ROOM modern furnished house, near Kenwood school. 2 room modern furnished cabin, close in, with wood, water and lights. Phone 1083. Call 623 Hill St. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 3 ROOM modern furnished or partly furnished apartment at 112 Lava Rd., corner of Colorado St. Phone 68-W. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, gas equipped, close in. In quire 443 Broadway or phone 356-J. : WANTED ROOM In private home, prefer with bath, or small furnished apartment. Must be modern 'and close in. Permanent tenant. Ad dress Bulletin 839. - USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY an oulside over head door fan. Phone 846. WANT PARTY to move building. R. H. Wilson, 642 Colorado. TO RENT an organ to be used in a series of Gospel Meetings. Phone 357-M or, write Miss A. Sterling, P. O. Bo 1163, Bend. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big springer cows, and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. 2 BEDROOM furnished modern noune or apartment close in. Re frigerator desired. Needed June 1st. Write No. 693 Bend Bulletin. WANTED TO BUY tricycle, me dium sized. Telephone 796-J. 5M A t I run nt- I..... vnw.- o u icycie. i.ui RED RYDER il Hi??,u.J2i2?S l-AAWTBUT RED RYDER'S v UTfLE 6EA'ER. 1 ( KEEP YOUR EYES Crt IMiSICK) . - feMaf f itfZW WANTED WANT TO BUY all kinds of used furniture, stoves, beds, springs and mattresses. Phone 324. HELP WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING or companion. Must have farm background. 2 00 acre ranch. Good home and future guaranteed. Full details in first letter. Write care of Bulletin No. 827. , COOK in mountain lodge. Board, room, good salary, permanent. Phone collect Cres Del Lodge. MAN for delivering and store work. Permanent position. In quire at Bend Furniture Co. WOMAN or girl to help with gen eral housework. Phone 319 or call 425 Congress. HANDY MAN to take care of lawn and garden. Inquire Pilot Butte Inn. . HOUSEKEEPER in well equipped home, two in the family, good wages and pleasant surroundings. Inquire 255 Delaware. SITUATION WANTED RELIABLE GIRL wants to take care of children day or night by the hour. Call 664-W or 1588 Awbrey Rd. YOUNG MAN wants Job learning trade or business. Discharged vet eran. 226 Broadway. Gene Logan, j CAPABLE WOMAN wants work as housekeeper on ranch where 15 year old boy may work also. Write to Bend Bulletin No. 818. USED CARS 1929 MODEL A Ford sedan. $200. Within OPA telling. Inquire 203 Bond. LOST BROWN LEATHER wallet, con taining small amount of money and identification papers in the name Harold Kribs. Finder please leave at Bulletin. Reward. WILL THE Kenwood student who picked up small gray and while female kitten near 1314 Federal during Monday lunch period, please return her. Child's pet. Child heartbroken over loss. LIGHT YELLOW male dog, about 40 lbs. Answers to name Spud, old dog, partly blind. Finder return to Mrs. Denton, 464 E. Norton or write Box 1183. GOLD BROOCH ''with large ftnS'' stone setting, bcrvice sons gift. Finder please return 114 Allen road. Reward. OPEN FACE South Bend watch with chain attached. Geo. W. Ray craft, 1145 Kingston Ave, or phone 445-J. Reward. i WILL PARTY who picked up by ' mistake a girl's navy coat size 2 on May 21, please return to 216 Delaware. I BROWN LEATHER billfold con-: taining pictures, receipts and cards belonging to Bonnie Bran don. Contents wanted badly. Find-! er keep money and return billfold to Bulletin. MISCELLANEOUS LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED, also grass shears, shears, saws, knives. Keys made. Guns, locks, phonographs repaired. Electric iron, copper boiler for sale. Hen derson's Repair Shop, 112 Minne sota. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service un an maKes. century Drive Serv ice Station. Phono 275-J. FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc? Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE servlof and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. Men Women! Old at '40,50,60! Want Pep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Tn yott hUm xrtnijRt1. worrt-nui IW-tin "n wr" Thfiaiatidii umnirjl m wh;ii linlc K'jiiliiir u w n H flMrp, ha" d'rfi. ('mlalnn mmr tinn im-il at t. AO. m, fnr tvxly nlrt ly ! mte l-w in if..: nli prnphylartli (liven vitnmin Hi, riilriuni '4-'ic. Ititr-i-dwffnry nn vnlu rr Try (l-irr t Tmilfl TfitilMaj for nw nrp, jnunwr rllnir, this ry day. Xor sal at all druK aiorm ovvrywlwra. MISCELLANEOUS REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. WE CAN ref inish your old wicker furniture like new, prices moder ate. Call 4G0. W. Kingcraft. WiU pick up and deliver for 50c extra. BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines including May tag and Bendix. Phone 583. 136 Greenwood. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly glvea The Bulletin. With These Bisquick Ige. pk g. 35c CHEESE Sauerkraut ............. qt. jar 27c Spinach ........ . . . . No. 2 can 15c Chicken Raviola, Lynden . . . .jar 20c Noodle Dinner, Lynden ... ..jar 15c PEANUT BUTTER- pkg. iffl 20cS DARK SYRUP w No. 5 jar 43c Swans Down Cake Flour . . .pkg. 26c Calumet Baking Pdr., 25 oz. can 25c Post's Raisin Bran 3 for 29c Krispy Crackers 2 lb. box 31c WHITE RIVER RICE &flj 23c bcr 7c bar 7c IjP'wJ Three hundred and ten navy transports and carge vessels are since retail-'.- Greenwood Feed Co. PAYDAY SPECIALS Battleground & 2 lb-iar lp 65c- . fes S&W Plum Jam ...... .2 lb. jar 43c S&W Marmalade ... ..2 lb. jar 37c Libby Apple Butter ..... .303 jar 20c Merrimac Peaches, 2i's . . . .can 25c Radishes bunch 5c Green Onions bunch 5c Fresh Peas pound 15c Shellhart's Grocery 929 Well Free Delivery Phone 24 I named for counties in the United States. They're growing llkm weeds I started tnem m. TRIANGLE CHICK STARTIR The 6rst eight weeks are a critical period, for your chicks. Play safe by starting them on. the road to sturdy health with Triangle Chick Starter a carefully balanced ration built to fill their requirements for proper development. MUSH OR KlinS-AT YOUR TRIMWU DOltW Bend, Oregon PATROTC 700 at Shellhart's 3 pkgs. 29c lb. 37c Jumboi 2 cans 29c lb.i jar 37c 3 37c " bag Fj 2-29 Fresh Tomatoes . . .lb. 23c Rhubarb lb. 5c Fresh Homo Grown By FRED HARMAN