The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 24, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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I Local News
Maximum yesterday, 52 degrees.
Minimum last night, 38 degrees.
Temperature: 10 p. m., 40 de
grees; 10 a. m., 53 degrees. Ba
rometer (reduced to sea level):
10 p. m., 30.10 Inches; 10 a. m.,
30.10 Inches. Relative humidity:
10 p. m.( 90 per cent; 10 a. m.,
60 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10
p. m., i mues; xu a. m., 4 nines.
Prevailing direction of wind:
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kimsey re
turned last night from Portland
where Kimsey, circulation man
ager for The Bulletin, attended
the Pacific Northwest Circulation
Managers' conference.
Walnah Francis, 1724 Lytle
street, today began work as a
clerk in the offices of the Des
chutes national forest.
E. S. Moroney of the United
Airlines, was a -business visitor
here today from Portland.
Calvin L. Sherman, Prinevllle,
last night was a guest at the Pilot
Butte inn.
Raymond Voegtly of Burns,
was a business caller in Bend to
day. E. B. Stanton, H. M. Bates, Port
land, and J. D. Daniel of Wishram,
Wash., Were here today on busi-
ness for the S.P.&S. railway.
Fred H. Blester, Jr., of Warm
Springs, visited local friends to
day. Douglas Cantrell, MM 3c, 16
Hill street, Bend, has returned
home on leave after long service
In the south and western Pacific
with a Seabee battalion. Cantrell
GutmmSt recently statini in J
Mrs. Sarah Roney of The!
Dalles, arrived here today to I
spend several days with her son 1
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. i
H. G. Roney, 97 Shasta place. She I
plans to continue on to San Fran- i
i iT see ner daughter, Mrs.
f- Chnstianson, who recently!
arrived from New Guinea where !
she was a prisoner of the Japs. I
Mrs. Christianson is in a San!
t rancisco hospital.
Pvt. and Mrs. Gale Pelker and !
daughter, Marjorie Gayle, re-1
turned today from
with Mrs. Pelker's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Val
lard Stokoe, at the Fall river
hatchery. Pelker is on furlough
from the army and will leave this
week-end for Camp Howze, Texas,
where he is stationed.
Mrs. -Carrol June Adams, re
cently of New York City, has pur
chased DrODertV in Ronri nnrf
plans to make her home here.
i-t. Kobert L. Barbour is on a
short leave from the army air
corps before beinf? assigned to
overseas duty, and is visiting at
irc iiuinf oi nis parents, Mr. ana
Mrs. A. R. Barbour, 335 Harmon
boulevard. Robert has
service since July, 1943, and has
oeen siauonea at Dases in norma,
Texas and California rofoiijlno
specialized training. He received
his wings at Monroe, La., In No
vember, 1944. He will leave Sun
day to report to an Idaho base.
Thomas Doolv of Prinpvillp. was
in Bend yesterday on business.
Miss Elizabeth Boeckli, home
demonstration agent, went to
Tetherow Rllttp tnriav in nttmiri
an extension unit meeting.
fvt. led Preede, who has been
training at Ft. Knox, is visiting
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Preede in Bend.
Ted will report to Ft. Ord, Calif.,
June 5.
Mrs. Virgil Hill and Mrs. Dewey
Craig from Gilchrist were shop
ping in Bend today.
Mrs. William R. Glllenwater of
Portland, returned to Bend Tues
day, accompanied by her two
year old son, Paul. They are
visiting Mrs. Gillenwater's sister,
Miss'Elizabeth Boeckli.
Mrs. Elma Ellis .will be added
to the staff of operators at the
Artistic beauty salon during the
summer months, Mrs. Dan Sul
livan, manager, reported today.
Mrs. Paula Olson from Madras
was shopping in Bend today.
Seth Dickson from Ft. Klamath
was in Bend last night enroute
to his Cold Spring ranch on Crook
ed River.
Mrs. William Lane and daugh
ters, Kathleen and Mary, have
returned to Bend for the summer.
The girls have been attending St.
Mary s Academy In The Dalles,
and Mrs. Lane spent the winter in
Lt. Bud Stipe, ferry pilot sta-
tioned at Great Falls, Mont., left
this morning after a short stop
over in Bend.
Chief Paul H. Connet, in charge
of the navy recruiting station in
Bend, was back here today after
spending three days in Wheeler
county on a recruiting mission.
The Loyal Order of Moose will
hold .'three special meetings for
the initiation of candidates who
were not taken into the- order
last Sunday, it was reported to
day. The meetings are set for
tomorrow, June 8 and June 22, at
8 p. m. Those failing to attend
either of, these meetings forfeit
their dues, it was stated.
2nd. Lt. Lester Hall, son of
Col. Lester M. Hall who was sta
tioned at Camp Abbot during its
accupaney by the army engineers,
has been liberated from a German
prison camp, friends here learned
today. The bomber pilot's parents
now reside at Fort Lewis, where
; Col. Hall is in charge of the per
sonnel center.
The t nday night dances at Car
roll Acres are being discontinued
for the present. Adv.
The public is invited to a dance
Saturday night, Way. 26, at the
Bend Roller Rink sponsored by
the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Dance at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday nights. Ladies free.
v Adv.
Dublin, May 24 (U'Charles A.
Lindbergh was expected to arrive
at Foynes after a transatlantic
flight today. He was reported to
be touring Europe on an aviation
assignment on behalf of the U. S.
army and navy.
Corvallis, Ore., May 24 tU'i The
Lake 'county agent, Victor W.
Johnson, has been appointed
ymatilla county agent, William
L. Tcutsch, assistant director of
the Oregon State college exten
sion service announced today.
Johnson had held the Lake coun
ty post 15 years.
II Potion....
H . as he prr
manhandles .'
I I opponents... r
I in the hands I
l'' Cl jj jjlPP
5- Lionel STANDER . George MEEKER . Paul HURST j
' jfcT ld NSOH WEEKS d hi, OICH1IIK
s(pM:;"'J fl n I I i vJ5s.VI 'e'er Mr I Seattle's cleaning Its totem pole.
Wfrrkif v LJ'a, Kt HAKOlie I Bids have been called for washing
i&ffL4-WStiW LJWWm itg parSi a 24 unscrubbed for
i!&gSg&Srs-p ' the past six years.
P dfff
Farrell Clarifies
Ballot Proposal
. Portland. Ore.. May 24 Ml A
lot of people are confused by the
June 22 ballot proposal to provide
money for postwar building con
struction. Secretary of state Robert S.
Farrefl Jr., seeking to clarify the
legislative situation, today pointed
1. Oreeon has the money lt
needs to finance the $10,000,000
2. All the voters are asked to
do is approve a "mechanical de
vice" so the money can be spent.
3. The state tax commission will
have a surplus of $15,625,221.51
on June 30. more than enough to
"comuletely offset the five-mill.
two-year property tax provided
in the proposed measure."
4. It wouldn't cost the taxpayers
a nickel,
Buildings Needed
Farrell added that the state des
perately needs the buildings pro
vided in the propositioiWthe
money is already here . . . there's
nothing we can do with it except
put it in the building program."
The secretary of state said the
legislature rightly placed the
measure on the ballot as a proper
ty tax so that income tax surplus,
reserved by the constitution for
offsetting property taxes, might
be used.
He poined out, however, that it
had been thought that future in
come tax revenues would be re
quired for the offset? whereas
the revised figures now show the
money to be available immediate
ly. Unless the measure is passed
so the income tax surplus can be
used, the state would have no
funds for any program of post
war construction, Farrell said.
'Conchy' Hero
1 '
iSC J I-
Pfc. Desmond T. Doss, Seventh
Day Adventist and conscien
tious objector, refused to carry
a gun, but wns sent overseas as
a medical aide with the 77th
Division. He is now their hero.
On bloody Okinawa, ho was
rending his Bible, ns usual, when
his commander asked his help
in rescuing 75 Yanks, lying1
wounded under murderous Jap
Are. Ho made the rescue almost
' single-handed. He's pictured
above with his wife, Dorothy,
a Norfolk, Va., schoolteacher.
Mrs. Hazel Whitehouse, Portland,
and Mrs. Lawrence Matheny, also
survive, as do five grandchildren
Sisters Millman
Dies in Hospital
Ending a long time service as
a mill worker and resident of
Central Oregon, Alexander G.
Green, 59, of Sisters, died last
night at the St. Charles hospital.
He had been ill but a short time.
Funeral services, arranged by
the Niswonger and Winslow fu
neral home, will be held in their
chapel at 2:30 p. m. Saturday,
with burial following in Green
wood cemetery. Rev. Robert Mc
Ilvenna will have charge.
Mr. Green, a native of St. Paul,
Nebraska, came to Central Ore
gon in 1905, and after residing in
Silver Lake and other sections,
came to Bend in 1927. For 17
years he was an employe of the
Brooks Scanlon Lumber Company
Home in Sisters
For the past year, Mr. Green
had resided in Sisters, and was
an employe of the Hitchcock Lum
ber company there.
Besides his wife, Mrs. Ava E.
Green, Mr. Green leaves three
children, Glen Ernest Green of
The Dalles, Mrs. James Bowles,
Sisters, and Claude A. Green of
Bend. Ins mother, Mrs. Caroline
Green of Portland, and three sis
ters, Mi's. James Wells, Oswego;
for Qucfc Keller1
of Pain Duo to
Simple Headache
Our prices never went
to war! Most of your
favorite nationally ad
vertised drugs and toi
letries are still selling
at low pre-war levels . .
peacetime prices that
win a victory for sav
ings. We nailed down
S rices and we will keep
icm nailed down. We
will continue to help
the Government keep
current Inflationary
firesHUres In check by
irtnglng you peace
time economy today ,
and every day. Shop at
' Brandts and save for
15c to SOc
Soy Bean Oil Shampoo... 39c
Sassafras Barti . . 2 oz. 19c
Dawg-Gone to Protect
Shrubs .............. 25c
Imported Olive Oil... pt. $1.49
Annual Poppy Sale
To Be Sponsored
By Auxiliary
Mrs. Anne Forbes, Bend chair
man of the American Legion aux
iliary Poppy sales, announces that
on Friday and Saturday, May 25-
26, the public will be asked to
wear their memorial flower, pay
ing tribute to those who gave their
lives m America s service during
the world wars.
The poppy comos from the fields
of France and Belgium where the
churning tide of war obliterated
all touches of beauty except Its
brave red blossoms. It was na
ture's tribute to the heroic dead I
and here in America It Is the tri-!
'bute of patriots to those -who'
made patriotism's highest sacri
fice. These paper poppies are flow-:
ers that have even greater sig
nificance than any nature could
produce. They have been grown
in Oregon hospitals ami work-;
rooms where war's suffering is
still going on. They have bloomed
under the hands of men disabled
from war -the comrades of those :
In whose honor they will be worn. :
These disabled veterans derive
double benefit from the work.
First, it gives them employment
& i
75c Vaseline Hair
Tonic .......... 63c
$1.00 Luxor Hand
Cream 89c
$1.50 Kreml Tonic, $1.39
$1.38 Lady Esther
Cream 98c
$1.00 Mar-O-Oil
Shampoo 89c
' 100 B-Complex
Tablets 98c
60 Calcium Wafers, 59c
100 A&D Tablets... 79c
200 Brewers' Yeast
Tablets 57c
100 Iron & Yeast
Tablets 49c
for the
Men of Science are drawing
the dewlgn for a healthier life
plotting the course medicine
will follow . , . new drugs, new
skills, new methods that will
alleviate pain and lengthen
life. The specifications aren't
complete they never will lie
as long as a single disease Is
unconnuorcd; but In these Blue
Prints for the Future lie great
hopo for mankind. We will
build our prescription sesTice
on these self-same blue prints.
$1.00 Tussy Deo 50c
Vt I'rlco .
25c True American
Lotion 19c
$1.00 Air Mail
Stationery ...... 59c
35c Yellow Petro
latum 29c
50c Heavy Mineral
Oil pt. 39c
Add 20 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry
1,0001-g. Saccharin
Combs.... 15c to 50c
"We've sot theto
fix your DODGE
car or truck!"
- ,
...and our mechanics have the
"KNOW HOW" to give dependable
You'll find our stock of factory-engineered parte
for Dodge and Plymouth cars and Dodge Job
Rated trucks most complete! For your wartime
service needs SEE US FIRST! Our expert
mechanics have the "know how" to do the job
right and our prices are reasonable!
Central Oregon Motor Co.
and a chance to, help support
themselves and their families.
Second, the work is of real value
in aiding their recovery, occupy
ing hands and minds.
No. 26-13
Rvnnnsli nf Anmifll S 1 11 m m f n t
of the Flrrmnn'n Fund Indemnity Com
pany ot San Franc) nc-n, In the Mate or
California on tho thirty -first day of
Dpcemhrr. 11144, inartp to the Jnsuianee
Commissions of the State ot Oregon,
pursuant o taw-
Net priMnlunu ii'CpIvmI, fl.l:t.1.n23 Offl.
Total Interest, dividend! and leal en
late income. tr8.(i:itl If).
Income from other nourccs, t3l,
1811 17
Total income. $10 .in.1.7nfl 44.
Net amount pind policyholder for
loaael. 1.7111 .. 13" H
Loss adluslmcnt expenses, $071 .fltin 43.
AKcntH commission! or Brokerage.
(I. Mill. 343 78
Salaries and fees officers, direc
tors, home office employes, lriil.3(lll Ifl.
Taxes, licenses and fees. !)U4.7(iO 1.1,
Dividends paid to stockholders if'axh,
3OO.(HIII0O: strrt'k, Nonel, rKlfl.OOO 00
Divldonds paid or credited to policy
holders. None
All other expenditures, $!)55.2ft1 84.
Total dlshmsemrnlB, $8,744,838.02.
Value of real estate owned (market
value), None. ,
Loans on mortgage! and collateral,
ttc . None. .
Value of bondf owned (amortized).
Value of stocks owned (market
value I. $6.1108,1101 00
Cash in banks and on hand. 13,185.-
Premtums In course of collection
written since September 30, 1944, $1.-
Interest and rents due and accrued.
C48.0I8 03.
i,..r fnelV 147.1.007 fll.
Total admitted assets. I2I 1WI.2H1 47.
Tol.l unnaid claims. 7.7IJ20nS.
F.stlmaled loss adjustment expense
It Is hoped that every citizen
will he wearing the crimson badge
by nightfall of May 20, as every
cent given is spent for the re
habilitation of veterans and their
families, it is pointed out.
the Reasons between North and
South America.
Albany, Ore,, May 24 dl'i
Eleven-year-old Jimmy Clayton
was drowned last night when he
stepped Into a 17-foot hole while
wading under a railroad bridge.
Ills small brother and another
companion called neighbors and
the body was recovered but too
late for resuscitation.
American chimney swifts wear
ing bands on their legs In the
United States have been found In
Peru during winter months in the
north; these birds migrate with
Now Many Wear
With More Comfort
FASTEETH, pteMant alkaline (noiw
actd) powder, hold false, teeth mor
firmly. To eat and talk In more com
fort, juat aprlnkle a little FAHTEKTH
on your platee. No gummy, gooey, pnaty
taate or feeling. Cheoka ''platp odor';
(denture breath), (Jet KASTEETU at
any drug etoro.
Ouaranld to
lv quick rllf
or your monoy bock
10c, SOe or $1.00 s
t all drug countt r
fnr unoaid claimt, 1IM.04.100.
Total unrariH'f) premium! on ill
DittriiHilnr: Dotti; Plymouth I'aHsriisfT Curs
UW .lnh HnU il Trucks
8:.j Komi SI.
I'll one li
cxiiri-(i i-UkM, i4.ow:t.'fH !(J
Salnrles, rents, expernen, htlw, c-
rounis, feus, etc., due or accrued. 1110.
940 17 .
Exiimaiefl amount due or accrued
for tunes, UMBO'IH 14.
OminisMorn, brnkrraBe. or other
charges flue and accrued, 77fi.3Wl3.
All oth.-r liabilities Il.tl2.24.lfl
Totl liahilitiiji, except capital, 114,-
f.r.a. 41,4 4(1
I (Japltal paid up. 11,000.000 00.
Sut plua over ail iiabiuuea, a),,-
8r2 07
Surp'" " rosardi policyholder!.
3.21.'i.RfI2 07
Total, f21 169 .2W 47
N't premiums receive!, J1S2.5H54.
Nrl lr.-M' nald. '4 m77
Dividenrli pa:d or credited to policy
holder. None , -
Name oi Company, Fireman Fund
rV.dernnity Company.
Name, of pieiident Charlei C. Han-
naNam of eereUry. W. Stanley
pea i re.
S'atutorv resident ittorney for aer
vite, Ijnuiiiita CuinntUaloner Stat of
Oregon, , .
Fully Equipped
For Modern Drugless
X Itity anil
Dr. R. D. Ketchum
('lilroprartlcs I'hynlrlan
124 MiiinenoUi Ave. Phone 794
Motor Driven
Gas or niPHi-l
Water Driven
Wind Driven
Every tiie from "portable" units
(or cabins, etc., to complete
(arm light end power plants.
Bend Electric Co.
644 Franklin
Phone 159