The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 24, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Bureau of Labor.
Appointee Backer
Of FDR Reforms
Spokane, Wash., May 24 (ID
President Truman's new secre
tary of labor, Federal Judge Lew
Is B. Sehwellenbach of Spokane,
began clearing up his court cal
endar today before making plans
to leave for-the nation's capital.
Peering seriously over his horn
rimmed glasses, the 50-year-old
cabinet appointee told reporters
that he was "just as surprised
as you are" over the appointment.
He said that until recently he had
believed his public career was
ended with the federal judgeship
given him by President Roosevelt
in May, 1940.
"I suppose that I should be
overjoyed to receive the appoint
ment," the formei new deal dem
ocratic senator said. "But I am
reluctant to leave my present
place. I intend to return to Spo
kane when my service as secre
tary of labor is concluded."
Conference Held
Sehwellenbach said that he and
the president discussed an ap
pointment when he was in Wash
ington several weeks am. hut rip.
nied that anything definite was
arranged. At the time, rumors
placed him as a candidate for at
torney general and secretary of
Interior in addition to the secre
tary of labor post.
In appearance, Sehwellenbach
is almost as common looking as
President Truman and dresses
even more conservatively. A col
orful speaker, he has a booming
voice, trained in oratory. He was
one 01 tne lew senators willing
Livestock in Italy has decreased
greatly during the war and some
valuable breeds developed over a
to take on the late Huey Lone in . period of years have almost dis-
a debate and outshout him. A big appeared.
man, Schwellenliach Is over six
feet all and weighs about 200
Wisconsin Native
A native of Superior, Wis., he'
came to Spokane with his par
ents in 1902, when he was seven
yeai-s old. He is a graduate of the
University of Washington and
served as a private in the first
World War. He practiced law in
Seattle from 1919 to 1935, many
times representing labor unions
in west coast labor disputes.
Sehwellenbach was elected sen
ator from eastern Washington in
1934 and was sworn in with Harry
S. Truman on the same day in
January, 1935. They became close
One of the younger senators
elected in democratic landslides
in the early 30's, Sehwellenbach
joined their battles for President
Roosevelt's reforms. He support
ed the supreme court reorganiza
tion plan which wound up in a
defeat for the president in 1937.
Backs Labor Act
Sehwellenbach vigorously sup
ported the national labor rela
tions act, the Tennessee valley
authority, the reciprocal trade
program, and the administration's
farm program.
In 1940, he resigned to accept
appointment as federal judge for
the eastern district of Washing
ton. During his five years in that
office, he has made several trips
to Washington and always on his
return expressed satisfaction that
he "was out of the maelstrom of
He said he expected to leave for
Washington late in June after an
important government case, set
for May 28, is completed. He is
scheduled to take over as secre
tary of labor on June 30.
Powell Butte 8th
Grade Graduated
Powell Butto, May 24 (Special ),
Last Friday saw the close oi
another successful year for the
Powell Butte grade school after
a final, week of last minute de
tails. Tuesday evening, the seventh
grade entertained the eighth grade
at a dinner party and all mem
bers of both classes were In at
tendance as -was Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Lewis and Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Reed.
Thursday evening the eighth
grade consisting of Raymond
Ayres, Kenneth Coffelt, James
Riggs, . Garrett Iverson, Dorothy
Musick, Fae Tel fer, Doris Dicker
son, Doris Hacker, Twylia Har
gan, Jeannette Hudson, Leola
Stevens and Shirley Will were
presented with their diplomas by
C. L. Will, member of the county
unit school board. Leola Stevens
was valedictorian and Jeannette
Hudson was salutatorian. James
Riggs gave the class will and
Doris Hacker gave the class pro
phecy. The eighth grade sung
its farewell song and the seventh
and eighth grade girls sang
"Praise The Lord" and Vera Lou
Bussett and Doris Dickson played
"The Blue Danube" as a piano
duet. Rev. Penhollow gave the
address. The graduating class
and the teachers wore corsages
and buttonieres made and pre
sented by the local Garden club.
Picnic Held
Friday the pubils all met at the
school for their annual picnic and
clean up day. Events of the day
consisted of three legged races,
sack races, egg relay, egg rolling,
water relay, and ball throwing
contests with candy bars given
as prizes. ' As a final climax, the
eighth grade presented Mr. Lewis
with a nice sport shirt. Ice cream
was served by the Parent-teacher
During the school year just
closed, it was found that the pu
pils of the school purchased $19,
047.40 worth of bonds and stamps.
The Garden club mef at the
school house Thursday afternoon I
and decorated the stage and made
corsages and bultoneires for the,
graduation exercises that evening. I
The next meeting will be June 7:
at the church and they will weed j
and water the shrubs and flowers
and clean up the promises.
Crowley, Ashwood Pioneer,
Tells of Great Chicago Fire
Madras, May 24 (Special)
When Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked
over the lantern and started the
great Chicago fire away back In
take the prisoner away from the!
sheriff. The desperadoes had giv-
en themselves up on the promise
that they would he given a fair
Street Whitened
By Case of Milk
The "Milky May" isn't confined
only to the heavens.
This was proven this morning
when a Bend Dairy truck, in the
process of making a turn at the
intersection of Bond street and
Minnesota avenue, cast off a case
of milk, completely whitening the
Intersection of the streets.
The crash and shattering of the
glass .bottles uttracted many spec
tators, who thought there had
been a collision. Brooms and oth
er equipment .borrowed from the
nearby fire station, cleared the
thoroughfare of the broken glass.
he heard the fire hells ringing
frantically, warning the people, of
what they only knew some time
Dan was born In the Windy
City, and even yet vividly remem
bers that the night of the. fire
ionic, inccnuurcn nearu me, steaded at Donny brook for many
i on the fire engines, andyears. Many lm lmplvs,in K story
' expected that they would jins been told by Dan Crowlev
be tearing by, but such was i about Ashwood when it was a
Prlneville, May 24 John Ross;
of Prlneville, has been admitted i
to membership in Thanes, sopho-1
more men's service honor society, i
at the Oregon State college in
Corvallis, according to word re-j
ceived here today. The local stu-i
dent was one of -20 to be deslg- j
nated for Thanes membership.
1871, Dan Crowley of Ashwood "'inl- Tl'e Kid was convicted and
was a small 10-year-old hoy and f, , . B' , 1 " aay.
take place he escaped by break-:
mg jail and killing the two jail
ers. Six months later he was
found on the ranch of a man he
thought would befriend him.
Crowley came to Eastern Ore-1
artn fn 1UU-J .l nmo n ,tn,n..H
he and two other little boys were agency for"a while befoi-e coming
playing in a new house next to,, 0 Antelope in 1886. He hom
...j Numi. 1 luunn man. u.i-, steaded at Donnybrook for many
not the case. It was quite natural j busy mining town. Mrs. Crowley
that they would be drawn to any i vnhnm h , ...,h i inn .,:. i.i
excitement such as a good blaze. yPll,s K0; Crowley has three
It was recalled that the wind , children, Elvie Crowley, Madras;
blow that night, and hard. Mrs. I-'enton Wharton, Ashwood,
We lived on 19lh street," said I and Mrs. Ruth Hawkins of Port
tile pioneer, "and we escaped the, and with whom ho recently spent
fire, but I remember people: the past winter. Mrs. Charles
passed by our house all night Lowther, another adughter, died
long. When I woke up early .the several years ago. He has several
next morning the sky was all'red. ernmlehlifirnn
I went to the Sister's school, j his home with one of them, Ray-!
wunii i uiK-'iiuiu, uui wc ,ui.- mono Li-owiey at DonnybrooK.
dismissed. Another boy and my- For all. his 84 years Dan Crow
self decided to go to the fire. We ley is still hearty, and last week
landed right in the thick of it and, end he was In The Dulles where
couldn't get out. Fina'ly, wo did I he attended the Wasco County
escape by getting under the bed Pioneer meeting.
ot a big wagon over the axles and
The government has set a milk
goal of over 120,000,000,000
pounds of milk for 1915.
It isn't the Ritz but this mat
tress looks like a good night's
sleep to a tired G.I. That's
why the enumy hooked it up
to a couple of pounds of ex
plosive, made it a Booby Trap.
But G. I.'s are too smart to
touch it they're taught to spot
a Booby Trap a mile away!
D)(nfi? Bm m
' . . 1 M
.1 Watch Out! MjMMin d
lit 1 1
PLAY SAFE... Get a
Safety Shellubrication Today!
Watch Out!
Of course, your engine won't blow
up if you don't change to the proper
grade of summer motor oil. But
burn out a bearing and you're in
sudden trouble. To protect all of
your car's vital parts, play safe with
Shellubrication service at regular
Wartime Stop-ancl-Go driving becomes
even harder on your car as it gets older!
Unseen parts your steering assembly,
braking system, battery, gears and many
others must be cared for constantly
for safety's sake! Shellubrication pro
vides expert car care an inspection and
maintenance system developed by Shell
Kngineers and performed by experts.
Far from being a mere "grease job,"
Shellubrication requires the use of many
different types of lubricating equipment
different testing devices various
maintenance tools, and specialized Shell
In giving your car a Shellubrication job
your Shell Dealer or Shell Service Station
operator inspects danger spots checks
hidden "break-up" points as he works!
And finally he gives you a record of serv
ice and a written report that gives you
advance warning on possible "Booby
Traps" in your car.
Don't drive a Booby Trap !
If your oil bayonet look dirty, don't take
a chance. Change to fresh, clean, safe
Golden Shell Motor Oil. Shell Oil Com
pany, Incorporated.
7-1 If I SLV
Core for your Cor
for your Country
Mh a cate for SHELW8RC1TfOM 75y
got across the bridge
"The next day, though, we were
back again and this time we took
our play wagons and started col
lecting things such as pocket
knives, marbles and watches
which we found in the debris. As
we passed along the street peo
ple would stop us and say, 'We'll
give you a nickle for this or that.' ,
Many times we sold valuable
watches not knowing their worth .
or value. The fire jumped from .
one side of the river to the other,!
going up Michigan avenue to
Hyde Park, burning all the old j
wooden shacks as It went. Soon :
it was necessary for citizens to1
become special policemen as bomb :
throwers began starting fires in j
other sections not yet touched.
Two of these men were caught
and hung to lamp posts on street
"After the fire, Chicago was
built much better. All those who
had lots were given lumber to
erect a home. Chicago began to
prosper and manufacturing
Dan left Chicago some years
later and happened to be In Ve
gas, N. M., when the authorities
brought in Billy the Kid with
two other men.. The Kid has been
rather highly romanticized in fic
tion and the movies, but Crow
ley recalls that he was really
quite a gunman. Several attempts
were made by the Mexicans to
The Brazilian fishing Industry,
now under government control,
has expanded considerably In the
past two years; expansion was
needed to offset meat shortages.
WWW je
m a mm
Dairymen interested
in increasing the milk
yield of their herd as well
as of individual cows,
should investigate the
Larro Feeding System.
Larro "Farm-tested"
Dairy Feed is designed to
supply the milk-making
nutrients high producing
cows must have. Larro
Feeds with their sound,
wholesome ingredients are
assembled under the scru
tiny of General Mills
Products Control. Makes
it possible to set produc
tion sights high when you
start on the Larro Feeding
system. Ask for more in
formation about Larro
"Farm-tested" Dairy
Feed today!
l an i riMMtti wtitt ti imiiium hi
'Fnn -lMtl" li rrffiiUrn)
trademark of Central MilU, Ine.
Aune's Feed Store
Hi nd, Oregon
Crook Count Warehouse Co.
I'rlm-virie, Oregon
Central Oregon Farm Supply Co.
Krdinond, Oregon
Seldom, if ever before,
have we been able to of
fer so much beauty and
quality at so low a price.
Be sure to tee this fine
outfit tomorrow!
,LJL b
5 Piece
Living Room Set
Spring filled davenport and chair plus
three other pieces always needed for the
living rooml
Chair to Match
End Table
Coffee Table
All Five Pieces for 199.50
H' 'ill isfil -Ipi
For the
5 Piece
Bedroom Suite
Beautiful walnut suite with rich tfi
lays, plus mattress and coil box
spring. It's a super value!
Vanity With Large Mirror
Pull Size Bed'
O 50-lb. Pelted Mattress
Coil Box Spring
All Five Pieces for 199.50
- " - rs4rn( 1 a! ,
8-Piece Dining Suite
,'!lenilnl 3 tone walnut suite ex
tension table, 5 diners, arm chair
and buffet with uatcrfull front,
quality throughout.
54-Piece Set Dishes
Service for 8 a beautiful set of
dishes gold bandcJ.
All for 199.50
Square Deal Furniture Co.
II. C. lUln.-y
I'hnne 324
L. E. Ralney