The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 24, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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lis Still Effective,
I Officer Stresses
In order to protect the high
', quality of Central Oregon's far-
; famed Deschutes netted gem po-
tatoes, a rigid quarantine Is be
I Ing continued in Deschutes, Crook
and Jefferson counties, with per
; sons Importing potatoes from any
other area, for any purpose what
ever, facing prosecution, Ben Da
vldson, federal - state shipping
point inspector with headquarters
1 In Redmond, pointed out today.
; "We have a $2,000,000 potato
i Industry In Central Oregon, and
i every means must be enforced to
' maintain the high standards which
, have been established," said Da-
vidson, who is also a representa
j five of the Oregon state depart-
ment of agriculture, division of
plant Industry and market en-
The quarantine was established
several years ago to prevent the
Introduction from Infected areas
i of bacterial ring rot, which has
' never been present on Deschutes
) potatoes.
i Supplies Available
The only exception to the ex-
elusion order is for early stock
i from the Stanfield fields of po
' tato grower Emll Zivney, who
raises the white rose variety and
is a certified producer of disease
1 free tubers.
' Except for new potatoes ordered
! for the local market before the
i Deschutes crop is ready for dlg
' glng, adequate supplies for Cen
1 tral Oregon consumers are kept
i In cold storage and released by
1 the cooperative growers' pool as
Iho need arises. I he supply on
hand at present is sufficient for
i local needs, Davidson saw.
' Launched simultaneously with
the potato quarantine is a re
t (friction order preventing the Im
' portation Into Oregon of fruits
from areas In 36 states and the
province of Ontario In Canada,
No. Ml Hag
pESS Soap
3 Bnrs
Flour Hi-Ho
$1.15 W&M
irrj $2,29 pkg-19c
Sirloin Steak 39c
Hamburger, no cereal . .2 lbs. 59c
where the oriental fruit moth
has ravaged various forms of al
monds, annles. anrleots. rherrlns.
chokecherries, hawthornes, lo-
quats, peaches, nectarine, pears,
plums, quince and prunes.
Fruit prepared for shipment In-
Rlrlo np nlitiaiHr. nf InfncfnH nrpuu
must carry certificates of accept-
ance, and must comply with the
oriental fruit moth requirements!
of the state of destination. Fruit j
Iron! quarantined areas must be
fumigated according to depart
ment of agriculture regulations
and may not be sold In areas free
from the pest.
Deschutes Fund
Inclusion Asked
Washington, May 24 iU'Rcp.
Lowell Stockman, R., Ore., said
today he had asked the senate ap
propriations committee to restore
$!50,000 for the Deschutes Irriga
tion project in his state to the
interior department budget.
The funds were eliminated by
the house committee, which alsol i-miwxes masted
reduced $5,500,000 general inves- At g:M ajn- along with other
ligation budget for Oregon and , sn,ps OI me ,USK xorce, tne battle
cut $1,500,000 from the depart-snit, oegan her Una! Domoaiu
ment's administrative funds for meilt on pillboxes, airplane revet
the state. ments, oosei vanon posts and
"In reducing that Item f rom ; LrfV,.s. Seoies oi navv planes
$5,000,000 to $2,500,000." Stockman
said, "the house committee failed
to suggest how the bureau of
reclamation could function if per
sonnel were limited by this llg
ure." He told the senate committee
the full Investigation funds would
enable the Interior department to
start reconstruction work in Ore
gon which would bring in new
construction contracts.
The Deschutes project, he said,
would be crippled in its function
of irrigating Jefferson county
lands unless the $50,000 were re
stored. A honeybee visits some 200
r...n-o .... ur. i,.i ,.r
on a single trip before returning,
iiutriia iu uuiiici a niau ui iiuiicrii i
to the hive,
f?f'frdt& '"...1
m ji mm mm i 1 n i. iiu imn im I
rn. irnm mMim. Hk iiTnk 1 I
Tang Salad Dressing pt. 23c
Soy King Pancake pkg. 17c
Duff's Muffin Mix pkg. 25c
Super-Suds pkg. 23c
Del Monte Corn can 16c
Staco String Beans can 15c
Mernmac Peas
Cream of Wheat.. 24c Hemo 59c
Wheaties 11c Babo -3C
PcP 2 for "e smoj;iams.. 34C
Bend Man Sees
UShip Shell Isle
is! 1 .. i -I.
Aboard a U. t. Battlesnip ou
Okinawa tueiayeu) rnanun i.
on), nivmaii, inst class, wnose
inuiaer, ims. liuiua en, lives at
too i-ctoi oid ai., uenu, ore., is
i, fining aiK,uru mis veteran uai-
ucailllJ WlilCll pouted i.JUUpOutlU
anciis onto ok. nana lor Si uas
,u cicar me way lor troops tailing
pan ni tne gieatesi aiupntoioua
luiiuing oi ilie racitic war.
ins amp, wmcn saw service In
VVonu war X anu has blasted the
japs tnrougn live previous cam
paigns oi mis war, uiiuerweiu
numerous air attacks ounng the
last lew uays oeiore the lanuiiigs.
i v.o toi peuoes launcneu against
net' nevci t eaciieu ineir mam.
xseiuie uawn ot "L.ove iay ' she
was uiuugnt imo posmon to give
tne oeaciicS a iinai worniiig over.
ine men were up at 2:M a.m. anu j
at tneir uatlie stations soon alter-1
ward, untiaunlea by tnree Jup
suiciue pianos wnicn maue xutiie
rris ..,7ins, ,hp shiu.
suuc ai nuand targets uc tne
Jsame time, wnile to seaward land-
ing trait were moving in.
riy V.JO, smoke irom the In
tense nan ages screened the is
land. In a lua that came an hour
later, some ot his mates were aOle
to watch through the smoke with
binoculars as tne tirst waves of
marines hit the beach.
Anxiously awaiting reports of
the marines' progress over the
ship's loud speakers, he and the
crew sent up a cheer at the news
that strategic Yontan airstrip had
been taken. The ship's bombard
ment had paid off.
Anna M Penn, 90,
DIoc In frtmiillo
mr W til mw M I I W
Anna Margaret 1-enn, 90, moth
er of the late Mrs. INorman W.
Doles and grandmother of Nancy,
Patsy and Peggy Boles, died on
Tuesday in Coquille, local friends
have been notified. Funeral serv
ices for Mrs. Penn were to be
held in Coquille this afternoon.
A native of Indiana, Mrs. Penn
camo to' Bend about' five ..years
ago, to make her homo with her
daughter, Mrs. 13oles, and moved
to C'oquillo when the Bolos family
went irom here to the coast city.
Mrs. Boles preceded her mother
in death early last November, lit
Coquille. -. f t'
"'Helicopters are being consider
ed for use In fighting forest fires
In the near future.
Food Savings
Food Savings
FrL Sat
Hills Bros.
1 lb. 33c
2 lb 63c
STiPts 29c
h3Qts. ..55c
can 15c
2 lbs. 31c
Wlille or (.nilium
U. S. Casualties
Near 1,000.000,
Officials Reveal
Washington. Mav 24 (IP) Tlfl
dally reported U. S. combat cas
ualties edged close to 1,000,000 to
day with losses in all theaters to
taling 996,089.
The new total was 9,875 more
than a week ago, the smallest seven-day
gain in many months.
The overall total Included 886,
525 army and 109,054 navy, ma
rine corps and coast guard casual
ties. The army figure reflects ac
tual fighting through the greater
nart of Anril. before the German
Toastmaster Club
Plans Are Made
Tentative plans for the estab
lishing of a local chapter of the
loastmasters of America, were
discussed at a meeting last night
of directors of the Bend Junior
chamber of commerce, In the
chamber offices. Completion of
plans was not mJe owing to the
failure of a state officer of the
Planning a picnic? Then come to our stores where a grand variety of grand foods
welcomes you to all out good eating. Fill your basket from- our appetempting
selections of luncheon meats, salad foods, baked goods, beverages. Fill it to
overflowing with ALL the picnic pleasers and smacking-good snacks that make
the lunch the life of the party. They're all here and all are priced to help you
have a high time at low cost. Pick up these values and picnic this weekend.
SgJ 3 cans
8 23c pjj 33c
Fountain Peaches,
Merrimac Prunes,
lSp-i if a if 1..!
v-o veg. iuice, no. a can z?c
Tomato Juice, No. 5 can 23c
Blended Juice, No. 5 can 49c
Grapefruit Juice . . . .No. 5 can 33c
Hood River Apple Juice . . .qt. 25c
AIS Miik ...4 tall cans 39c
Lima Beans, 2's 2 cans 33c
Si'iiside, Dry
Standby Fancy Peas, 2's, 2 cans 35c
Del Monte Cr. Corn, No. 2 can 17c
Rio Sun Spinach, No. 2, 2 cans 29c
Peas - Beans - Corn ..... 2 cans 25c
. Fountain. 2 '
Fountain Sliced Beets, No. 2. . 11c
Sacramento Hot Sauce . .can 5c
Heinz Baby Foods .4 cans 25c
ill p"
Toastmasters to arrive from Port
land.. . ''
Ray Cooper, of the Veterans of
r oreign wars, ana Clarence Bush,
of the Bend Lions club, attended.
Bretton Woods
Policy Approved
Washington, May 24 iin The
hnUSe banking mmmlltna annrnr.
ed the Bretton Woods agreements
Dy aiiioo vote today, giving the
administration a thumping first-
ruunu victory on mat sector oi Its
foreign policy front.
The VOtP KtrpnfTthtinnH ef
administration supporters for
house approval of the agreements
by an equally top-heavy majority.
ii was narmony witn a capital
'H'." Said Committee fhai rmnn
Brent Spence, D.( Ky sponsor of
the legislation to ratifv the acree.
Cars registered tn V -R RnrHnn
1605-Awbrev road, and H HnloJ
son, Rt. 1, Box 353, Bend, have
been tagged for overtime parking
on downown streets, Bend police
reported today. -
Potato Chips 25c Pkg. 23c
Pill PickleS qt. fruit jar 29c
No. 21 can 25c
21 . . .2 cans 35c
Ll r nn
Voice of
Central Oregon
Affiliated With Mutual
5:00 Sam Hayes
5:13 Superman
5:30 Tom Mix .
5:45 Night News Wire
6:00 Gabriel Heatter
6:15 Real Life Stories
6:30 Treasure Hour of Song
7:00 Music and Lyrics .
7:15 News
7:30 Red Ryder
8:00 Bulldog Drummond
8:30 Treasury Salute
8:45 Del Courtney's Orchestra
9:00 Glenn Hardy News
9:15 Rex Miller
9:30 Wings Over the Nation
10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.
10:15 Russ Morgan's Orchestrfc
FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1945
7:00 News
7:15 Smile Time
7:30 Spotlight on Rhythm
7:45 Morning Melodies
7:55 News
8:00 A 1 Kavelin's Orchestra
8:15 News
lb. 37c
Lunch Meat 12
3 bars
Medium, 3 bars 19c
3 bars... 29c
LAVA, medium, 2 for 15c
3 bars... 14c
3 bars... 19c
Don Lee Broadcasting Syrtem
8:30 Take It Easy Time '
8:45 Today's Bulletin Board
8:50 Cote Glee Club
8:55 Lanny and Ginger
9:00 William Lang and the
9:15 Songs by Morton Downey
9:30 Rationing News
9:35 Old Family Almanac
10:00 Glenn Hardy News
10:15 Something to Talk About
10:30 Luncheon With Lopez
10:45 News of Prineville
11:35 Lady About Town
11-40 News
11:45 Lum 'N Abner
12:00 LeAhn Sisters
12:05 Today's Classifieds
12:10 Sports Yarns
12:15 Modern Melody Trio
12:30 News
12:45 Farmer's Hour
1:00 Johnny Pineapple
1:15 Elsa Maxwell's Party Line
1:30 Never Too Old
2:00 News
2:15 Melody Time
2:30 Author Meets the Critic
Grapefruit .4 for 29c
Sunkist Lemons .dozen 49c
Zucchini Squash . ...... .2 lbs. 29c
Fresh Peas ........... .2 lbs. 29c
Fresh Spinach . ........ .2 lbs. 25c
Other Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Arriving Daily
rf spies
Clinton Assorted
Large Wet Shrimp ...... .can 37c
Old English Wax . .qt. 69c, pt. 39c
Aerowex, self-polish ..... .qt. 45c
Ball Fruit Jars .doz. 69c
Glass Top (juurts
Regular Jar Caps doz. 10c
Regular Jar Lids doz. 5c
lb. 30c
lining and Tender
Beef Roast lb. 30c
Grade A Steer Beef
Rib seak lb. 37c
Grade A Steer Beef
Oysters Crabs Smelt
Salmon Halibut Red Snapper
Salt Herring Salt Mackerel
3:00 Griffin Reporting
3:15 Concert Hall 1
3:45 Johnson Family J
4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.
4:15 Rex Miller .
4:30 Sketches
4:55 Central Oregon News ,
5:00 Sam Hayes
5:15 Superman ' ;
5:30 Tom Mix
5:45 Night News Wire
6:00 Gabriel Heatter .
6:15--Real Life Stories
6:30 Double or Nothing
7:00 Music for Millions
7:15 News
7:30 Lone Ranger
8:00 Boxing Bouts '
9:00 Glenn Hardy News
9:15 Cecil Brown
9:30 Freedom of Opportunity.
10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.
10:15 Tony Pastor's Orchestra
Cambridge, Mass. ilPi in j,
sponse to a questionnaire from
the secretary of his Harvard class
of 1904, President Roosevelt wrote
that his hobbies are "the same,
only more," that he has written
"altogether too much,", and that
he has traveled "about a million
miles." As to public services per
formed, he noted simply: "Presl.
dent of the United States."
Juicy Sunklst
doz. 35c
oz. can 35c
pkg. 5c
10 lb. lilBTj
49c yjjfifc
iiiniii I
Fryer Rabbi
: -I: i