PAGE TWELVE THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1945 Army Rates P-47 And P-31 Planes As AAFs Fastest, Reuel 8. Moure (United PrMS Staff Corrcpontlcnt) Washington (in The army Is pettlne hlnher nerformance out getting nigner ptnotmum-e um of its three foremost pursuit planes, crowding on more speed, range and bomb loads, a new roster of AAF planes made public revealed. The P-47 Thunderbolt with air cooled engine and the P-51 Mus tang, with liquid-cooled engine share honors as the army's fast - oat nlnnno an far nn nun IsllPd data is concerned, belne . Y ' r . . .... over 450 miles an hour each. This is 50 miles more than claimed in a similar list Issued In February, 1944. The P-38 Lightning twin-en gined fighter Is rated at 425 miles an hour, 25 miles faster than re ported a year ago. Silent on New Jet No speed, is published for the army's newest P-80 Lockheed, Jet- driven Shooting Star. A speed ol "over 400 miles an hour" Is given for the P-59 Alracomet, first Jet plane produced. When It first came out there was speculation Its speed was much greater, near the speed ol sound. Various models of the crack fighter planes give various per formances, but so far as is pub lished the Thunderbolt has the longest reach, the latest model having a combat radius of over 1,000 miles. The combat radius Is the distance to the point to which the plane can fly, engage in com bat, and return. The Lightning's best radius is 850 miles and the Mustang's 750 miles. The Lightning can carry up to 4,000 pounds of bombs as com pared with 2,000 for the Thunder bolt and Mustang, all represent ing increased loads as compared Willi mat ycur. ii mire uuw carry rockets, the Thunderbolt packing 10 five-Inch rockets. Double B-25 Bomb Load One version of the B-25 Mitchell medium bomber is still the most heavily armed plane with one 75- mm. cannoh and 14 50-caliber ma chine guns. The Mitchell is now credited with a bomb load of 4,000 pounds instead of the 2,000 shown last year. No figures are given on the B-32 or other new super-bombers. The B-29 is credited with carrying more than 10 tons of bombs. Its range Is not given. Only Information given on the from where I Dan Culpin got his plowing dohe in record time this year. He was Bitting on his porch, enjoying a well-deserved glass of beer, while Bob Wlrts, his neighbor, still had over an acre to go. It burned Boll op, seeing Dan relaxed while he worked. So . ho'd (top and have a glass of elder mid make out that he was in no hurry anyway. "And that was the trouble," Dan explained to me. "I kept on going till I got my second wind; and Baved my rest until the Job No. 118 of a Series Copyright, HTNorais or annual itatemimt 1 OP THE UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE I COMPANY ' ! of Taeotoa. In Ilia Htats of Wnblmion, en the i thlrtj-nrit dar i4 iMttmWr. lUtl. tnaiU to the Insurance Commlailoner of lha Hiale uf Oreimi.! purauant to law; . Inoomt) Net rrernliunt reoehM I 6,517,311.15', Total Iiitirr(. dlildendl and real mlata Inmme 113.619 96 Income frvm vtlier smutch 13T.fiOT.3t) Tutal Inccrnr t 5.987,413 11 DlabDraemtnts .Net amount paid pulotwuim (or loa(a f f,5n.3T3.0f Ioaa aajii'tmrtit siprnttra SiT. or AlMtta eomnitatlotia or brokrri . . . l, Ularlee and ( offtorre. directors. ixntnm office onirlt'VM 1PT.0T 93 TaiM, license anJ fra fiii,iS5.0 lltuicncla )ald to it uckliol iters (CaOi. I9I.U00.00 ; stock. It'.O) It. 0M Of All ether axpcfidlturea 1.04I.OP0.90I Total dUburwninils. . , . , . S 8.; Admitted Aaaata Value of real tats unrd I book alu) Zjoana uO morttirrt and collaUra), el. Valua of bcnits owil lamortliM).. Valua of atrbsnwnrd (market ralue) tah in banks and on hand ., JTwilume In ctmrse of oollcottttn Wftiten since ItvriMntttr HO. 1DH.. Inters! and rents dua and atctued Other aaarta tnt ,, .Pl.(tTI.3pl i.i,or I .(Ol.Uv lI I Tr.t. osi 3'VMI.IO i U.4TI.18' Tirtal aitmttteil att 9.5.!tT it ' l.UbiUtlB, Bury lua and Other Funds Total unpaid claiini i,4ST.4j j.aT . AMI mated Iota aitiuatmant etjmnts for unpaid lialrai 65,90.41 Total unearned premium on all un- ( eiplred rt.a J.WW.T3i.r bulaiias, rent i. firmssa, bill, fees, I (&, dua or accrued 19,T03.4! Batlmatcd amount dua or arrsud "r 4t6.ltr.4ri 4ommlMlona. hmkeraff. or othtr charts due and aociued Jlf.lM Tf All other liabilities 59.Kt.69 Tola! liabilities, axeeot rrHal... T.9J2,4oa 14 . Capital paid up $ w.0u0.W 1 Voluntary llstwra fur t ConUnaenrles ..... 256.912.19 arpius ortr all Us ' blhtlea 1,100 600.00 Rurplui a reasrda 1lrilu4deit.... 1.136,919.11 ... I I.959.I1T 131 Bnalna.e In Oraroft For Th Yaart Net prccoiuoas recalfsd. T5J (75 IT ' rt tftsaea paid 159 910 ST' Xmidends paid or crsdltad to potter fcolders 5 wxtsd pagitio msusANca OOMPAJtT J. W. tfmotds.. rrealdent Chaa. T. HutaML, Rscretar? tututiHT naldtat aliomey far arte, n. W. VaodufT. -CSb P-80 Shooting Star: VJet-prc;: led lignier 01 semwnonocoque con struction, with flush-riveted skin. Has pressurized cabin. Capable of carrying heavy loads of ammu nition, photographic equipment, bombs, fuel. Manufactured by Lockheed and North American. Ceneral Electric developed turbo Jet engine." Powell Buff e Powell Butte, May 24 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Mart Baty of Molalla , H Th ,,,lnu nin . ii, their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Bus sett and family. They returned Monday. Mrs. Fred Hodecker's music pupils went to Bend Saturday to attend' a Central Oregon conven tion in which the pupils were Judged by an authority from New ! ''. Students from Powell Butte . whu mn-uui-u wuik jut? i uwnrr TVinnln ninlrann nn.l T . ,ols Ann and Vera Lou Bussett. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Lewis went to Portland Sunday to spend a week after which they will come buck and move to Prinevllle where he will be principal of the school next year. Mrs. Guy Sears of Bend spent Sunduy with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pauls and daughter, Donna, the occasion being Donna's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reynolds of Prinevllle were Sunday afternoon guests at the Luke Keif home and attended the baccalaureate serv ices In Redmond In the evening. Word was received here that Miss Betty Jean Iverson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Iverson, was married last Wednesday In Lewlston, Idaho, to gt. Dunni Kan. They visited her parents Sun day. Mr. and Mrs.- Emll Reed. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mr. and Otto Pauls and Donna Mae were guests Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Haynes and family at a turkey dinner. Powell Butte was well repre sented at the opening of the new gymnasium in Redmond Tuesday evening and again at the bacca laureate services Sunday evening when Rev. D. L. Penhollow deliv ered the address. Edith Reif, Huel- la MeDanlel, Pearl Hapgood and Edward Musick are Powell Butte graduates. Mrs. Verl RIdgeway and new daughter,' Karon Lorraine, came home from the Prlneville hospital Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jessie Florence and her daughter, Mrs. Charles Boardman and two small daughters of Bend, were visitors Thursday afternoon at the Luke Reif home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huntlev and daughter, Donna Jo, of John bay were callers Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen. RIdgeway. Advertisement sit ... Joe Marshi Dan Culpin Gets His Second Wind was done. He stopped to rest and he never got his second wind." From wlicro I sit', there'll a moral there for all of us. We'vo been working hard to win this war. A little rest mny look aw fully tempting. But by keeping going, by never letting up, wo can count on getting our second wind that will overcome weari ness and see us through to Vlo tory. ffie fct 1945, United State Bmm FomdalUM HYN018tS OF ANNUAL 8TATKMRNT THE CHARTER OAK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hertford, n His Slate uf OrtnrrtliHit, on I lie ttilrtr-flrat day tif llncwinrnr, lint, made to Iht biirmant to lant Xnooma Nel oremlurne tfcstrwtt 9 906,151.1' TitUl Interest, d 11 dm da and real j eaUte ttioouie fl.SST SC Inmme fnm other tuurcea I4t.t Tutal Inouma f B69,m00 Dtsbnrsomanti Net amount paid pollc)tultlM for Iomm $ VH.M&KT 1 ja atlJuvlTnent cipniea (I Acvtils vummliilons or hmkerats..., IJT.TX.15 SalatlM and feee cf( leers, djrectvra, hnine fifflre emiJcrr Taire. Itcenies and fis bhlritmls paid to atcckhtilders iCash. flti.000.nv: atonk. f0 00) ItlrMmrii paid or credited to policy holders All other eipendltUiw I.W.fl 41.MU.I 4.604.91 Tttal dlibuTMrnenla 9 lii.HS.TO Admlttar) Aaaata Value nf real ratata nttucd (market lu t lMt on roorHieS and collateral, tie. Value of Utfiila omwd (amorllacd).. S.313.45r. On Value nf at(H'ks ovned (ruarkat valuer Cash In hatika and an band 415.94 l'rcmtunia In course uf ixUectlin wrlttM line Oeptemher 30. 1911.. 90.?i.So! Intrrret and rent dua and accrued lt.0M.43l Other assets (net) , 0! Total admllled .9 3.TIV6C1 31 , XilablUtlaa, Surplus) und Other Tttudi' Tu'.al unpaid etalm 9 HC.80.0i)' KMimated loas adJuMmeat aipense ! fie unpaid rlalnie fi Total unearned praiuluma tm all un- eil'lred ilaka Balarte. raata, tpenea. bill, so rf'Unts, foe, etc.. due or accrued.. Katlnialed amount dua or accrued for latea Cnrnralaaltme. brokerace, or other cliswa dua and accrued Alt other liabilities 934.099.99, 9 43.tJ1.Ol' Total llabUtllea. arcept capital.,.. l,t6,lS.iT Capital paid up 9 M00.00d.00 Surplus oter all 11a- . htillteo 1.55i.9U.flf lurplus ai retards policyholders..,.! I 5.9.9M6T Total a.TlMOl 14 Bnatneae In Orefon Pot Th Yor: Mt premiums recetnd. Sr-.mi M Nft lMts paid I(1,0J3, Dhldenda paid or credited to policy twiners TUB OHARTEH OAT T1WU INSUUaHCl OOMPAHY 1. lUmund lUrlirr. I'lrslilmi Bbstt l. Harfnrd, VIce-lTeeldent A Stcretarr Ntatntory reaMent aiicirnee foe frW. Insur ance CosnDalaaKmec tjf the )iela ef Oreeoft. Three new additions were made to the local church Sunday morn ing. Next Sunday the evening services will be resumed and the entire community is cordially in vited to attend both the morning and evening services. Miss Ruth Rlekman, who Is In nurse's training at St. Vincent's hospital In Portland, came home Tuesday evening for her vacation, tin Thursday she and her sister, Helen, lclt lor a ten day visit with relatives and friends In Los An- 8f-R'3- ... . Mrs. Clarence nissier anu sun, Ronnie, stjent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mis. L. S. Hall, of Tumalii. Corporal Walter Klrby was in the community last week visiting friends and relatives. He and his father, Roy Klrby of Redmond, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence KIssler. Col. Kirby went to Portland for a fevv days before reporting for duty in San Francisco. Mrs. Norman Weipand, Mrs. Rollo Weigand and Miss Doris Marie McCaffery attended a fare well party at the Pearl Weigand home at Terrebonne Thursday honoring Mrs. Wayne Keeney of Redmond. Dr. M. Ableson and Ralph Cooper of Portland visited last week with his neice, Mrs. A. V. Stevens and family. Mr. Jacks and son, Leroy, of Portland were callers at the A. V. Stevens home Sunday. They have bees on the Stevens place. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hargan and daughters were called to Portland over the week end by the serious Illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jordan and daughters, Joanne and Mrs. Ed Morrison and son, Tommy, of Cor vallls, spent the week end with Mrs. Jordan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Llndquist. Eleanor Llndqulst returned with them for a week's visit. - Mrs. Myrtle Brown and Mrs. Marjorlo Sutton of Tacoma left Monday morning for Texas after visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lindqulst and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Orval McDowell and family are moving this week to the G. H. Irving ranch that they have rented. Mr. and Mrs. Irving and family left Thursday for Clovls. New Mexico, where she has accepted the pastorate of a church. Mrs. Millie Conlev and son. Lawrence and Mrs. Ivan Copley were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Velma Harns and Don Cop ley. The occasion was the birth- day anniversary of Lawrence. irienus will be glad to learn Suits ... A Hart-Schaffnor & Matt, Curlee or other famous make suit is always the appropri ate gift for the Grad. 29.50-39.50 45.00 - 49.50 Sporf Coats am j.wii imiMasssM r lllS Ideal for spring and summer wear all wool. Sport coals in plain, checks and fancy patterns. 15.95 Summer Slacks . . Slacks save clothes yet are most popular with the boy. All wool slacks are priced from 9.50 103 Oregon Marine Leader HORIZONTAL 47 Basement 1 ,7 Pictured 49 Concealed commander of 51 Wandering U S. Marines 52 Sows 2nd Division at Tarawa, MaJ.-Gen. VERTICAL 1 Prisons 2 He commands a division of the '.3 Having a handle 14 Genus of ferns 15 Two (Roman) 16 Scandinavian 17 Near (ab.) 18 Lieutenants (ab.) 20 Italian river 21 Spain (ab.) 22 Summer (Fr.) 23 Hardens 25 Very (Fr.) 26 River barriers 18 Perforated ornamental ball 29 Encountered 30 Insurance (ab.) 31 Tentmaker States Marines 3 Lone Scout (ab.) 4 John (Gaelic) S On top of 6 Roman emperor 7 Eccentric wheels 8 Fillip IT 32 Ooze 34 Mimlcker 35 Snare 37 By 38 Paid (ab.) 40 Measure 42Salnte (ab.) 43Any 44 Contrivances - used In surveying . 46 Rlwtrirnl term that Mrs. Dick Minson who Is a patient in the Prinevllle General hospital, is slightly Improved at this time but is still a long ways from well. GI WON'T JINX LUCK Houston, Tex. UP) Goodluck charm of TSgt. Webster D. Staf fa is a flannel shirt he wore through 32 missions over Europe. Back home in Houston, he's still got the shirt and he's still got the luck. And he never washed the shirt because, he says, "I might wash out the luck." AMHERST WAR MEMORIAL Amherst, Mass mi A $1,000,000 war memorial honoring the 60 Amherst college men killed in world war II will be constructed on the Amherst campus. The same curbstone repair serv ice supplied to Gen. Elsenhower's forces in Germany is now being given to Gen. MacArthur's' island- . . . mm XS ' I. 1) Amwfr tn Pr.vlfa. Pitnlf 9 Males 10 1 am (contr.) 33 Open to public perusal 34 Quickly 36 Nuisances 38 Scheme 39 Filth 40 Assist 11 Colored 12 Rabbits 19 Stutter 22 Expungers 24 Blemish 25 Doctrine 41 Verbal ' 27 Steamer (ab.) 44 Winglike part 28 Replica 45 Station (ab.) 31 One who 48 Lira (ab.) opens - 60-Half-em T hopping forces in the Pacific. Lib erty ships or ocean-going tugs are towing the huge floating shops from island to island, where they can be put in operation within 24 hours. 13 1 F ir ma pn rpps tzzmSmtzzzz 4 Tfrd H a ft -M h 51 M.Wr f'l 1 1 I M I I I L flavor Specials TENDER YOUNG VEGETABLES AND MORTON'S SALT AT YOUR GROCER NOW SUGGESTIONS From Cashman's For The Boy Grad! THAT FEELING of freedom and new-found confidence a fellow feels when that final hour of graduation has passed can only be excelled by the inspiration of a gift that he can really use. Select one now from Cashman's for him! Botany and Grayco Ties A choice selection of two famous' Plains, stripes and fancy patterns. New Sport Give a boy a sport shirt select now from Cash man's styled shirts that men and boys like. From Pullover Sweaters Pullovers that can't be beaten blues, tans, greens and browns. Moderately priced from only Billfolds Genuine leather bill folds In a grade that will suit. 2.95 to 7.50 Belts All sizes all styles pli-k a belt as a Rift. From 1.00 Leather Jackets 15.95 Airmen's Style Swim Trunks . . . .from 1.95 Jantzeit and other trunks In popular styles and materials. . Phone 190 I Tropin or iWiTU. sTAmrrai or THE NATIONAL RZSEHVE INSUR ANCE COMPANY Of CbkWt, l Um fttaia ol IUitwtt. IMrtT rim Cmj of DMobtr. 1M. lt,lu" aua CamirJuloiiar f tfc suit ut tmt. jrui uaxit to Jaw: Tnooino Net jwnJutu twivaJ. l.UU. Total tetttMt, dlTUtbdi ud ml .uta lAwmt fi'ltitl Ibcom fro Unr nurii iT.aia.m total income f U,08M Slabaraamntt Net t mount pud polkyboldti for Lo adjUlttDMt IpCUM Aguti oommlliioni or broker!.... tjaUriaa and w oftlceri. dlrwlon, Horn ottlca mplom TUt. llCD(M Ud fW Dildandt paid to attekboltUfa (OuH. tlS.OOv.Wtoek. nonal Dlrideodi paid or credited ta olW7- lioldrra All otbtr MpndHur 40,106.11 4ul.81S.68 T5.vBl.9t SJ.S63.41 105.TM.J3 Total Ubumintf I 1.210.900 1: AlmltUd Auta i Vslnt of Mil wtata ow&ad imarvt wlu 40.94l.41, Lotus on u.vrUMti and. collateral j do. , ; Talua of bond owbtd (amortlsad.. l.eW.TM.OO; Valua of Itockt owad (market talua) C33.631.00l Caab In banks and on hand 839.191.alj Premium la court of collection written line September W, 4 41.651 Other iiwU (cot) M.12H1. Total admitted aiieti t t.774.44LOr Liabilities, Surplus and Othtr Panda Total unpaid claim. S 167.247.01; Estimated lua adjuatnaot axpeiiM for unpaid elalnia 11,931. 51 Total unearned premium! oo all un expired riaka 1,3TM9I.1C; Salaries, rente, expense, Ulla. ae- cuuou, rYei, etc.. duo or accrued f, 117.41 ' itlroaled amount dua or accrued for taiea 4f.0Sl.M: CummUaloni, brokerage, or o titer charfrf dua and accrued 1K.66T.0S: All other liabUOica., 165.431 Total lUbllKlee, aice-it capital... t 1, CIS, I IS. 56 Capital paid up I 600,000.00 . i tturplua over all lia bilities a.... 018.947.11 Surplua ai regards policyholders....! l,HS,tlT.U Total 9 t.TTMll.Of BnilntM In Oraeon Por n Tur; Net premiums received $ 2,318.46 Net loaiea paid 2.371.34 ftitldenda paid or credited to policy bolilers 0 NATIONAL BESERVB XN8UKAX0B COMPANY C J. Schrap, President B. 3, Oswald. 8ecreurr Btatutorr resident attorney for etilce, Beth B. Thorn peon. Pacific Coast Maoaftr. Alfred O. Gravio, 114 fiaosoma Jjueet. San Francisco 4. Calif. WHEN IT RAINS IT fOUS makes of ties. $1.00 Shirts 1.95 54.50 Tie Clasps 14 karat gold plated tie clasps. Always in need. 1.00 Suspenders Plain and fancy with elastic. Made for wear. 1.00 Select Gifts for the Graduate at a Men's Store! PAYDAY FRIDAY Zoom ..... Corn Starch . . 1 lb. pkg. 9c Staley's Cream Gloss Starch, 12 oz. pkg. 9c Staley's Cube Spinach Soup ... .can 13c Campbell's Cream of Spinach ' Prune Juice . . . . . . .qt. 29c Sunsweet 1 , Graham Crackers 2 lbs. 33c Honeymaid Diced Carrots . . . .can 13c ' k H&D20oi. Can ; Klondike Peas . . . . can 13c 20 oz. Can Tomato Juice . .3 cans 29c .. C.H.B., 1 2 oz. Can Coffee ..... .1 lb jar 33c 2 lb. Jar 65c, Schillings Olives . . . . . . .3 oz. jar 21c Spanish Tea Bags . . . .16 count 18c Ben HUr, l4 oz. Gingerbread Mix. pkg. 21c Dromedary Wheaties . .giant pkg. 15c Wheatsworth . . . .pkg. 19c Wheat Cereal Fruits and Vegetables Cabbage .lb. 8c Solid Heads ' Tomatoes . .lb .25c Texas Celery 20c Crisp Green PILAND'S MARKET Short Ribs . .lb. 19c Steer Beef Sauerkraut qt. 19c Bulk Green Olives ..... pt. 19c California Cheese 35c Full Cream Link Sausage lb. 39c Breakfast SPECIALS SATURDAY 1 lb. pkg. 20c Fisher's ASPARAGUS Washington 2 lbs. 37c POT ROAST Steer Beef lb. 28c