THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1945 PAGE EIGHT, Is Held in Bend With approximately 50 aviation enthusiasts and city and county officials from all over the mid state in attendance, a public hear ing got under way this afternoon at the Pilot Butte inn on peace time aeronautics plans. The hear ing was conducted by members of the Oregon Slate hoard of aero nautics. More than 25 of the men attend ing the healing were from out side points, and nearly a score of Deschutes county, Bend officials and members of the chamber of commerce aviation committee planned to be present. Scheduled to be discussed were what steps should be taken to spend state funds which are be ine matched by the federal gov' ernment for airport and uviation development after the war. Padilla and Family Tumalo Tumalo, May 23 (Special) Harvey vvlnslow is living in a trailer house on the old Kennels ranch, which he owns, while he Is modernizing the iiouse with an electric water pump. A bath room and modern plumbing is being in stalled. The Glass family of Cul ver have the place rented for this year. Claude Jackson, has moved his mechanic, shop, to the old sheet Iron building which belongs to .the project, across from the Frank Jennings place and is re modelling it. Jackson, who form erly operated his shop In connec tion with the Tumalo service sta tion which he operated, will con tinue to live In Tumalo. Mrs. Maude Catlow, sister of T. W. Vandevert, who suffered a paralytic stroke seven weeks, nas regained tne use or ner arm and leg and is beginning to walk again. Mrs. D. W. Rutherford has received word that her brother, Set. Creason, who has been i prisoner of the Germans for two years, has been released by the Russian soldiers and that he is allright. Sgt. Creason, formerly oi uenci, was a tail gunner on a bomber at the time of his cap ture. Graduation exercises for nine eighth grade pupils was held at fill - f -d - ve ft ffr hilh i hi: Realty Transfers INEA Telenlmlnl Ezequlel Pndllln. Mexico's forelpn minister and chnlrman of his country s delegation to UNCIO, and Mrs. Pudllla read a California travel booklet to their five children who accompanied them to San Francisco. Left to right: Edgardo, 7; Alexander. 10; Evangeiina, 12; Ezequlel Jr 3 (on Mr. Padilla 's lap); Mrs. Padilla, and Maria Louisa, 2. M0? MIRACLE WALL FINISH (MORS n98 Tumalo grange hail Wednesday evening, May lu. Wayne Over holser of the Bend high school faculty, gave the address. Shir ley Rutherford was salutatorian and Jack Bradbury was valedic torian. Other members of the class were: Craigle Evans, Jean Thrasher, Frances Webster, Jean ette Cook, Clifford MeCullock, James Day and Douglas Shepard. Arnold Sandwlck, school board chairman, presented the diplomas. Shah Decorates General Besson Tehran, May 23 U Shah Mu hammed Riza Pahlevl of Iran awarded the Homayun order, second class, Tuesday to Brig. Gen. Frank S. Besson Jr., director of the United Stutes army Pers ian gulf command's 3d military railway service. , Besson's command has been operating the Iranian state rail way. He is the first American officer decorated personally by the shah. . Besson Is the son of Col. and Mrs. Frank S. Besson, Portland, Ore. His wife and two sons are living at Greenville, Mass. Col. Frank S. Besson, father of General Besson, commanded Cump Abbot during its occupancy by the army. Guadeloupe, French West In dies, produced enough crude uil In 1944 to make gasoline rationing unnecessary on the island. 1 . ONI COAT 0VIM mail mllptpni, fl.U mill ond (illlng), wollbMrd, hinM walti 2. PniISllKIM0l 5.N0"MINTY"0D0( 3. 0111 J IN I HOUR 6.WASHIS IASI1T 4.MIMS WITH WAtlrt 7.10VUIKT (OlOU George Childs Hardware Co. "A Pleasure to Sorvo You" Bond and Minnesota Phone 88 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Kiiulty No. BiSIM) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Des chutes. Chase E. St. Clair and Lois St. Clair, husband and wife, Plain tiffs, Vs. John F. Olson, Charles Stuurt, Frank Malmquist, John M. Gates and Elwln L. Virial and Grace T. Vlnal, husband and wife, and also all other persons or par tics unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described in plaintiffs' complaint herein, Defendants. To John F. Olson. Charles Stu art, Frank Malmquist, John M. title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described in plaintiffs' complaint, defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint' filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and an swer, for want thereof pluintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to-wlt; for a de cree of said Court declaring plain tiffs to he the owners In fee simple of the lands described in plaintiffs' complaint as follows: Lots 9, 10 and 11 in Block 4 of Northwest Townslte Company's First Addition to the City of Bend In Deschutes County, Oregon; Lot 2 In Block 5 of Keystone Terrace in tne city of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. And for a further decree declaring that said lands be free and clear of any right' dr claim whatever on the part of said defendants or any of them, or on tne part or any other persons or parties unknown, claiming any light, title, estate, lien or interest In and to said real property, or any part thereof; and that each and all of said defendants, and any and all persons claiming any interest in said property by, through or under them, or any of them, be forever enjoined, re strained and haired from assert ing or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest whatsoever to or in said property or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs' right to said premises be forever quiet ed and set at rest, and for such other and further relief as the nature of this cause may require and as unto the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication once a week for four const-cut ive weeks in The Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, by order of Hon. Kulpli H. Hamilton, Judge uf said Court, made May 22nd, tills, or dering first publication to be made May 23rd, HHfv Dated and first published May Aim, liUS, last publication June May 12 IJeedd William M. Clark to Harold Ackerman, part of lot 1, Fair Acres. Arthur H. Tlfft to M. A. Ivan- covich, part of block 21, Ellingers addition. The Bend company to J. L. Fread, lot 15, block 26, Highland. C. E. Smith to J. M. Shively, portion of 20-1513. ' May 12 Mortgage A. D. Lewis to J. E. Rentschlar, lot 10, block 15, Bend. J. M. Shively to C. E. Smith, part of 2-15-13. May 12 Mortgage Release Bank of Bend to A. D. Lewis, lot 10, block 15, Bend. May 14 Deeds Harry D. Nordstrom to John C. Coates, lot 8, block 40, NWTS second addition. Herman A. Aufderhar to Lloyd E. Aufderhar, lot 1, block 30, Cen ter addition. Madge L. Hoppock to Cecil D. Allison, part of tract 8, Reed highway. May 15 Deeds Seaton H. Smith to W. A. Hun nell, lot 6, block 1, Park addition. W. A. Hunnell to Seaton H. Smith, lot , block 1, Park addi tion. Ethel M. Lewis to Austin ' D. Lewis, lots 6 and 10, block 13, River Terrace, and lot 10, block 15, Bend. Alvin G. Cantrell to Theresa Scott, lot 26, block 13, River Ter race. Deschutes County Title and Ab stract company to Elmer L. Ter- rill, lot 8, block 10, River Terrace. Frances Wilson to Arthur Bax ter, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 12, Red mond. L. E. Snelson to Herbert N. Wilcox, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 and 16, block i; Riverside. Louis J. Allen to L. E. Snelson, lot 7, block 9, Deschutes. May 15 Mortgages Theresa Scott to W. E. William- TNOIHIB Or ANNUAL STATEMENT or TUB FIRE ASSOCIATION OF 1 PHILADELPHIA ' of Philadelphia, Id the Suit of rennsvlTanta ' ou the Ujlrty.ririt.tlar of December. 11)14, mart f Ilia Insurance Commlsalonar of the Stale of Oregon, purauaut to law: Xncomti ' Nat pramlum, recelretl I10,10S,I29.T6 Tutal Jntereet. dlfldenda and raal . ratal Income . 905.791.90' Income from otliar aoureea S3a.088.fSl Xutal Incoma , ll,0Ul,w.:e Slstmraamants : "i Net amount paid to pollcyltoldara for ..I loawa S I.SOI.UMS lia adjnalmaiit etiwmea S59.TOf.S0i Aarnta ournmlMlona or brukaraaa. ... 8,WI,58f.f 1 1 Sularlca and fta orflcaia. dlrectora. ' noma offli-a cmployra TRfl.TSD.BT' Tatra. Itrantea and fata 423.43v.38l Dlildemta paid tn tocalioldera (Cam, I fllltf.II30.OI): Block, nonr) 49.935.0 Dltldemla paid or credltad to policy- holilcra 0' All oilier atpendltura 1,338.099.03 Total dlsburarmenta. SlM93,lC2.3r! Aamlttaa Aiiott , t Value of raal ealata owned (markat taluel Sl.00i.4fS.tO Loana on mortaagea and oollalaral. ats. 923.839.41 1 Valno of honda owned (amortlacd). . 8.TT0.088.9T t Value of atocka onned (market value) lf.T.r9.141.3fi ('aril In banka and on hand 2,32u.l3;.3o t Premluma In courne o( collection mitten alnce Hapti-mbt? Vo. 1914 . .1,539.959.30 Interest and renta du and accrued 40.030.31 Other aiaeta (uet) 890.458.80 son, lot 26, block 13, River Ter race. - Herbert N. Wilcox to Bank of Bend, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 and 16, block 1, Riverside. 1.. E. Snelson to Bank of Bend, lot 7, block 9, Deschutes. May 16 beeds . Ross Farnham to Louise Ralph Webber, parts of lots 13 and 14, block 28, Bend. Charles F. Peters to Verdo Fairchild, portion of 18-1513. May 16 Mortgage Verdo Fairchild to B. L. Ren nolds, part of 18-15-13. May 10 Mortgage Release U. S. National Bank to Carl V. Erickson, lots 1 to 5 Inclusive and 28 to 32 inclusive, block 47, Wies- tona. May 17 Deeds Louise G. Eitelgeorge to Ernest A. Ranger, lot 6, block 14, Boule vard addition. Stella Harman to A. B. Gentry. lot 6, block 43, NWTS Second ad dition. Janet Williams to Arthur Har rison, lot 6, block 190. Bend Park. Third addition. Deschutes county to Fred Turn er, NE14NWH 13-18-12. Lumbermen s Insurance agency to William L. Van Allen, lot 5, oiock lu, wend. Marion Lydick to Georee Paul Barr, lot 11, block 9, Highland. Willard Finlev to James F. Fin- ley, WttNWtt 27-1812. . May 17 Mortgage Jim Kelley to Earl Lvnam. lot 5, block 13, Davidson's addition. May 18 Deeds James W. Carter to H. E. Mc Cumber, part of 7-11-13. Louis M. Hess to Archie C. Mc Lauchlin, Three Wells tract in 27-17-12. Olive Sybil Ward to D. L. Ellis, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 12, Mt. View. William B. Crawford to F. K. Kamisky, part of Lytle acres, tract i. . . May 18 Mortgage i A. C. McLauchlin to Equitable Savings and Loan association. Three Wells tract in 27-1712. A. C. McLauchlin to Louis M. Hess, Three Wells tract in 27-17-12. May 18 Mortgage Release Pacific First Federal -Savings and Loan association to Paul B. Sevy, lot 18, block 6, Riverside Terrace. Home Owners Loan corpora-' tion to Mary E. Regan, lot 8, block 19, Park addition. U. S. National Bank to A. T. Ward, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 12, Mt. View. ' . was held In the city jail in yjt oi 51D Dan penaing nis appearanJi 1 In mtinieiDal court thiu WUa HIIC3ICU cauj 1UU"J " ' -. ' crcOintr J drunk and disorderly charge and police reported. ... 4 FACES LIQUOR COUNT Tvarfit A Penton. 30. of Bend was arrested early today on a STNOPSJS Or ANNUAL 8TATF.MTNT or the hartforl. steam boiler inspectioi- and :nsurance company of Hartrord. to too Ctate of Connecticut, on tha tttlrtr-flrat dat of December, 104f, made to tha liiBiiranca Commlaaloner of tha State of Orefoa, purauant to law: Inoont Net premiums raeetred S T.803.450.SI Total Intereat. dlildenda and raal ealata Income 918.931.0 Income from other aourcea 43f.0TS.30 Total admitted aaiets S29.190.T39 X.lB,bllltlen, Snrylui rand Other FnntU T.'lal unpaid claluiB 2.801.330.W Kitlniateil Ium adjuetment aiueusa for unpaid elalni 18T.500.Of Total unearned premluma un all un- etplred rhki 10.T50.398.31 Kalarlee. rents, elpeneei. bllli. au- wutits, feea, etc.. due or accrued . . S1.SOO.00 F'tlmalcd amount due or accrued for U"( S89.9!0.0f Cominlaaloni. brokerage, or other chareea due and aci-iued 03.TSO Oft All other llabllillea. l,30T.409.4r Total Income s 8.823.T50.S5: T)llhnTiiinti Net amount paid pollcjliuldere for . l0"" S 3.238.838.SII uhi adjustment axpenaea 213.414.99 Aarnle commlaslona or brokerage. . . . 1,591.342.92 gatartea and feea ofrlcera, dlrectora, home office emnlnteea aaa anj an Taiee. licensee and feea S30.313 01 Dltldenda paid to elockhotdera fCaih. 9180,000.00: Block, 30.00) 480,000.00 Dhldenda paid or credited to nollcT- holdcre o All other eipendlturea 2.591,513.19 Total dleburmcnta.1 s 8.839.938.71' . , - Admitted AMe)ts value of ml estate oemcd (market . ') S m.SST.M Loan m mortgagee and collateral, 92.JTO.0f value of bonds owned (amortised).. 18, 144, 381. ST Value of stocks owned (msrket talue) 10.309.400.30 Caeh In banks and on band 1,234,100.4) Premluma In course of collection' written since September 80. 1944.. 03I.49T.99 Intareat and refeta due and accrued 89.!lft.0S Other aeeele (net) 2T.483.0t Total admitted aasete 820.204. 205,33 I,lablUtl, Snrplna and Other rundi Total unpaid claims 9 1,033,510.9? KBIIniatrd, Ipel adjustment eineniea for unpajd clalma. . : 115,600.00 Total unaaabed premluma on all un expired rleks 1J.C92.197.95' alarlta, . rente, expenses. Mils, ac cnunte. feea, etc., due or arerued 20.000.0r E-tlmaled amount due or accrued for tatea.. 3C0.000.00 Commitakma. brokerage, or otner cttargea .due and accrued 100.900 00 All other UebllltJee 503.TT0.42' Total liabilities, except capital. ..9ts.00T.0rs 30 Capital paid up 9 Burnlua orer all lla bllillea , M9T.20T.03 ' Burplua aa regards policyholdsrs....SI0.1DT,30T.03 Total liabilities, except capital I15.190.S31.TI Caj'ltal paid up s 2.000,000.00 Burplua oter all lla- blHtle 11.030. 903.T9 Surplus aa regarda poUcjholdcra... .S13.880.903.T8 )t?P ' Cates and Elwln L. Vlnal and 1 13th, 1!l 15. (SfiTTTITl 1 Gl"ep Vlnal, husband and wife, A. J. Moure, Attorney lor Plain. yWiiVxaa71'a7iiiiiid also all other persons or par- tiffs, Postoffice address, lientl, MM',M ties unknown claiming any right, Oregon. 11-1 IHI 17c IN THE -DIIVES SEAT Totil IS9.1M.TS8.V Buslneai In Oregon for Tht Yw. rt timiiluiui rtxtlvfd $ ei fins Kit loi It. 1.1 'I,US! IHvitlfirJi paiii or crrdUd to iwUcj- liultlcra g riRB ASBOCIATIOM OF PHILADELPHIA 11. TliootatJ. P.tlt I. Vrttt, StkcrrtJirT Ulniory r.Mtrit itintnrj for Hrilc. Intuf tiicat Comiiiiisioiiit t .-.tS6.204aM.VSl BuJniiiii in Oregon For Th Ten mi liMranioit recsltud uft n$ y Krl IrviKi paid S 881 Dltldf-mli paid or mUltcd to policy. hnldera q THH HARTFORD BTBAK BOIXEB IM8PS0TI0N AND I778URANCB CO MP AIT! C. C (Jtrdlnn, Prfildrnt C. Edajtr Biako, StratiT YN(IPS18 OP ANNTAL RTATRMCNf OK TUB AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE nf It-illtmnri'. tn the Slate t Marrlantl, on iht Ihlrli tint la DtHTrntif r, 1UU, mitdt to thf liiiirf)r runiBilMliHivt oi Iht? Klalo f Orel no, giiiiiiiitiil to Ian: Xncom Ni-t prfmltmn rtiliv.t I 0 T..!l Itlt.'lTlt. (IlllllalllU aittl tMl rlata In-umf (VST. 14 lircoma from tiiet tonrm T74.S'iS.iO ' ' jF U-3Bfc. T"U1 ,n"11"' 333.2G3.13 eer"' j.. 1 i7. . aVlarjnraemjntg BBgBmmmtBHUUKBBBlim S w-mm V m0U1l, iH'llotH-l.nis for V " I eaaea I f "V X a.Dusln.ct eeiemei! ."'.'.'.'.' Q IB n n - : I LBlli0 V-" - t ll Aaeuls nuiimt..Um, ,., htoWcrage. . .. 409.990.50 II 111 -Vl I 1 ".V ae-' 'Sl y III Xal'tlea an.l l.,.,,rti.cra. , I . LM hA '''V.-S' rZ'h fill t,"tue cIW n,.i. . M ,H5-i I'.-lfaal L I 1 , afY j ,r- ' f! .11 Ta.e;. laeaaixs anal ten 3s.U3.21 Jac5shiaxaG'-eSa J '"' "V'aiC" ' yV-" ' ' , 'i'Sf Vale at fcp- "aiiii' M"''m"' THE OLD-FASHIONED FELLOW . . . who hated to give up his buggy, but fell in love with his first car and still has it. RPM Motor Oil keeps his car chugging merrily because It SAVKS FNt'ilNK Vi EAR by preventing corrosion, providing stronger oil film. RPM Motor OH Talcs Better Car of Your Cor, too ' iiir. itlca. axceit esi-liat . 9 21; am fta fid w 9 l.iw..w.oo M-B-" ,',"!.'. 'i:im nuttlat at reasnl, rM,jh. I.lei.. . . t.loT.tTI 31 t.tsi vr.rr.r-. i Nn,l'" br.ion ror The) Taxift' , v, ..;.r":r.h:" ;;;; : I1;l'l'-' ,l ra:.t tw ctctliej ta nollcel ii.-'i-r. - - AMBRICAN BOII)IHfi'c3a, - baa. a aaauaai) .. , tuntty. rtealdeej rf.t,,,. .'" " ""- evcraura II JJ1" W eentee. Jack .J. 911 rauh,, B.Jg.. lUan4. Orel . ....... I Svnopsli of Annual Statement: ot tlie Hartrord Fire Insurance Com panv of Hartford, In the State of Con-1 net.tit.ut, on the Uilrty-flrst day of De cember, 1U44, made to the Inaurance CotiuTMsaloner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: i INCOME Net premiums received. 9)54.479,465.29.; Total interest, dividends and real es-: late Income. S4.835.441.88. j Income from olher source!, i303, 9)69.47. . Total Income. $59.818.876 84. : DISBURSEMENTS ; Net amount paid 'policyholders for: losses. S24.2U5.980.24. . i Loss adjustment expenses, $1,364,- AaTents commissions or brokerage,! 112.425.333 67. ' Salaries and fees officers, directors,, home office employes, S3J45.405.42. ' Taxes, licenses and fees. $3.312.956 62.: Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash,. $3.0011.000; stock. None). $3,000,000.00. All other expenditures, $5,004,247.0. Total disbursements. $52,556,322.20. ' ADMITTED ASSETS i Value of real estate owned (market1 value). $3,259,164.41 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. S580.157.99. Value of bonds owned (market), $54,461,210.00. . , Value of stocks owned (market Valuel, $76 921.010 50. , Cash In batiks and on hand, $16,255,-' 291 06. Premiums In course of collection ' written since September 30, 1944, $8, 954.358.78. Interest and rents due and accrued, $3.12.92 18. , otax-r assets (net). $400.424 3!. i Total admitted assets, $159.164.609 53. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND ; OTHER FUNDS !' Total unpaid claims. $11,232,462.19. i; Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims, $600,000.00. , , Total unearned premiums on all un-;l expired risks. $45,190,536 48. . ! Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac-j ! counts, fees, etc., due or accrued, $200,-1 1 ooo.oo. ' i Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes. $3,000,000.00. Commissions, brokerage, or other ) charges due and accrued. $250,000 00. All other liabilities. Voluntary Re-:! Serve. $15,491,610.58. 1 1 Dividends declared and unpaid to : Stockholders SI. 200.000 00 Total liabilities, except capital, $77,- ; J64.609.25. Capital paid up. $12.000.000 00. Surplus over all liabilities, $70,000.-,' 000 00, Surplus as regards policyholders, $82,000,000 00 Total. SI59.164.609 23. !: BUSINESS IN OREGON ' : FOR THE YEAR j Net premiums received, $260,106.17. I ' Net losses paid. $113.099 82. 1! Dividends paid or credited to policy-'j holders. None. j Name of Company, Hartford Fire) ln- entrance Company i I Name of president, C. S. Kremer. 1 j Name oi secretary, Clyde P. Smith. ' ' No. 32-27 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Hume Fire & Marine Insurance Company ol California, of 401 Califor nia Street, San Francisco. In the State of California, on the thirty-first' day of December, 1944. made to the Insur ance Commissioner of the State of Ore' gon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $4,892,180.43 Total Interest, dividends and real es tate Income, $329,926.73. Income from other sources. $203,- 870.32. Total Income. $5,426,077.48. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses. $2,082.576 91. Loss adjustment expenses. $116,579.69. Agents commissions or brokerage, $1,037,475.22 Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $312,213.07. Taxes,, licenses and fees. $199,585 64. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, $200,000.00): $200,000.00. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All other expenditures, $423,778.31. 1 Total disbursements. $4,372,208.84. I ADMITTED ASSETS ; Value of real estate owned (market Value). None. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., None. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $4,545,560 95. Value of stocks owned (market Value) $4,355,526.00. Cash In banks and on hand, $2,038,-: J12.79. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $554, 879.82. Interest and rents due and accrued, $29,812.48. Other assets (net). $38,173.41. Total admitted assets. $11.562.263 45. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND : OTHER FUNDS i Total unpaid claims. $1,733,588.21. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims, $72,588.00. i Total unearned premiums on all un- i expired risks. $3,888,397.21. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac-1 counts, fees, etc.. due or accrued, $7,-'. 415.72. , - i Estimated amount due m nccnierl for' taxes, $221,510.92. M Commissions, brokerage, or other : charges due and accrued, $21,175.00. , All other liabilities, $160,398.57. : Total liabilities, except capital, $0, 105.071.63. . ! Capital paid up $1,000,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $4,457, 193.82. Surplus as regards policyholders, $5, 457,193.82. Total, $11.5S2.265.45. BUSINESS IN OREGON HUH THE YEAR Net premiums rt'eeived. 822.722 37. Net losses paid. $5,692.99. Dlvidontiu nniH nr niHltnH tn nnllnv. holders, None. Name of Comnanv. HnmA Fft-A Mr Mi. rlne Insurance Company of California. Name of president, Charles C. Hannah. Name of seuretarv. W Ktanlov .Pearce. HVNOraii OF ANNUAL STATEMENT UtT THE united s. ates branch Accident and casualty insurance. company of WINTERTHUH. SWITZERLAND of New Xorh, In the Staio of fifw Vork. oil thf tli! My -ilnt day r iJerrmner, mine mi ui inuirtnr CommlMloner of tha Bute of Ori-ion, purauant to law: Net Fremluini melted 1,757. Total .merest, dividend and teat estate Income i2z.hji.oi Income, from otliex 239,370.03 Total Income t 3.149,1)3;. TO Blibnrs omenta Net amount paid for loaten .. '- faosa adjimtnant eipenie S03,5;n.W Agenti comm.. Muni or brokerage. .. - BG8,ilVU.0t BalarIM and feea officer, dl rectal a, home office employee Taiea, llowaa and fert Irlvldfiida paid to atocktioiueri Dividend paid ot malted to luiicy AH other expenditure Alt other expenditure! Admitted Asset Value of real wUle owned (market value) Loana on morlfagei and collateral. etc. Value of bonda owned (amortlied) . . Value of atocka owned (market talue) ' Cash In banka and on hand I'reinlnmi In coune of collection written alnce September 80. 1944.. Intcrtatt and rents due and accrued Other aiiet (net) 479.7C3.K SOaUOl.M 203,801.34 280, 132. IS BS9.015.73 20.132.00 12.938.29 Total admitted aweta 5. 508, 47 1.2? liabilities, Surplus and Other Tunfls Tutal uniald claim l.(13.0.C3 oilmatel lota adJufctraeAl espenio for unpaid clalma 14,000.00 Total unearned premluma on all un eiplred risk 1,339,102.70 Balarlea. rent, eipensea. bill, a- rounu. feel, etc., due or accrued 20,000.00 Estimated amount due or accrued for taiea 70,000.00 CoramlaMlona, bmkcrairt. or olher chai-fe due and accrued......... 147.142.14 All oUter ltabllttlei... . .- Mil. SI Tola) llaMUtlea. except capital 3.008. 4 71. 2S rpiial paid up 50,000.00 Burplu over all lla ' Wlltlta J.CS0.000.00 Surplua as regard polio holdera. a .1 S.HW.000.00 Tola! f 5.50MTMS BuBlness in Oreffoa Tor The Tenn Net premium receit-cd t 19.3.T? Net loaiei paid 0.714.11 I'lildMids paid or credited to pollcjr- IWdei-a 0 ACCIDENT AND CASUALTY CO. of Winterthur, Swltxerland U. 8. Branch 1'. S. Manager. Ocdeo DaTldeon Dtatlttlclan. Robert C. McAUlnter tatiitnrv re Id fit attorney for aertlce. Iniur ta$M Catumlislotia, Bute of Orecon. AUTHORIZED ilflaytag Service . . . and repairs on all makes of washers. . . . for a new Maytag after the war place your ortler now. Just contact , . . EaLMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kansas Bend Even An Expert Can't Always Tell By the time we get through recapping your tires, they'll look so much like new that only the closest examination will prove them recapped. Just don't wait and ride your rubber too thin for us to be able to do a safe job for you: and that's the only kind we turn out! Call on us for retreading and patch jobs too. We're always glad tp serve you. MACMILLAN DISTRIBUTORS FOR DESCHUTES, JEFFERSON AND CROOK COUNTIES To the Food We Like to Drink For Its Wholesomeness Drinking MEDO-LAND milk is drinking health the pleasant way. It's a liquid food that builds strong bodies and healthy dispo sitions. It's a refreshing beverage that every member of the family can enjoy. Children should have one quart every day and adults at least a pint. - pCOLO Ml DAI Of Jj I ,ILiAe&03&: r -IB PBOOtCtt Set Your Own 7th War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Average Maturity Wage Subscription Weekly , Value of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Month (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 12 50 200 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 112.50 9.38 150 180-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-180 75.00 6.25 100 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 Under $100 18.75 1.57 25 -inis wouia include present allotment plus extra special 7th War Loan allotments and extra cash purchases for 12-week period In April, May, and June. FORMULA !b! ajXifJ"S" 7'" l """n' J "br ar emplo,eee. Mollipl, number af employee, by fiaore in Column 2. !.!".'. rPn'a total iroae Serenth War Loan quota In dolUra i olonin ) 01 m""r" ! ' Bonda oa. Ilfora l (C lorulrl!'" J!iE,T to nM- M"t "Ptcm rroaa April, M.r. and Jnno from taul creee qnotau Space Courtesy Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlin-Hiion Company ""y-eei