1 - THE BEND BULLE 11N, BEN6, '0RE6bN, WEDNESDAY. RKY 2J. 19?5 PAGE SEVEN 1) if b t 1 Decline of Stocks n Market Noted By T. W. Kienlen (United I'rwj staff Correspondent) New York, May 23 IIB Stocks clined to more than a point in he main list today in slightly Jiiore active trading. Wall street analysts attributed he sell-off largely to technical casons, pointing out that a re fection has been overdue after the recent exienaeu penoa 01 rising fci lces. That it came today, these t manors inaicaiea, was pnncipai v because of yesterday's action fcv Rep. Uearnart, K., Cal., in in- (troducing a bill to' permit a 30 per ent wage increase and some 'un certainty created by the govern went crisis in England. Business and industrial news jJfnerally was favorable. Bigger dividends were voted by directors f United Merchants and Manu facturers and Zonite products and 5the board of the Chesapeake and JOhio voted a special distribution of shares of Pittston company 'Sield by the road to holders of 3fc and O common. Edison Electric Institute reported a sharp re wound in electricity production J;ist week, the first full week since 'iimout and curfew restrictions vjiave been lifted. I PORTLAND LIVESTOCK I Portland, Ore:, May 23 (IB Livestock: Cattle 125, calves 25. Active, steady on kinds available; feteers scarce; few cutter-common jieifers $8.50-11.50; canner-cutter Jiows S7.00-9.50; fat dairy type cows to $10.50; medium-good saus age bulls $11.00-12.50; good-choice yealers steady $15.00-16.00. I Hogs 100. Very active, steady at filing prices; barrows and gilts m weights $15.75; cows $15.00; "feeder pigs scarce, quotable to $.'0.00. Sheep 250. Generally active, Steady to strong; few sales and bids about steady; good-choice : Spring lambs held around $13.50 J3.75; few medium-good shorn old ciop lambs and yearlings $11.50; good shorn ewes 5b.ou. I NEW RATING WON - With the Fifth army, Italy Huie Davis, son of Mrs. Emma Hicks, who lives in Sisters, Ore g in, has been promoted from pri vate to private first class with the fifth army in Italy. He is an am munition server with the 346th Field Artillery battalion of the 81st "Powder River" division. : J In ripening, may fruits become .musny, oue largely io ine con version of the pectose substance hto pectic acid.: - ;. SEE BETTER and' f Win 2-WAYiENSEi ENJOY clear, unobstructed vision through both the distance and reading portions of your bifocals. Wear Univis 2-Way Lenses with the straight top reading segment. Ask us to explain how this straight top segment ends "bifocal bother'1 and enables you to continue your natural visual habits. j : J ' Hall f " ti ST0PLE5 -r j 1 OPTIC OLp t V 014 WAltTET .. j IEND. OREGON ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered . BAKER FEED CO. Phone 1JWX Redmond, Ore. Spare Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time S5c 25 Words Three Times 75e 25 Words Six Times ; $L36 ATI werdi Tr l( add lc per ward MaMe namber of inieiltona On Month run, Mmt copy, V day rat atlrUnaai Charge, Ifie - LINE RATE lOo CAPITALS 20c Claaotfied Aihrertielmr, Cub la Adrann Dallx Cloalna Tun. 11:11 P. 11. FOB SALE BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E.- HaU W. M. Loy, W. P. .Phone 20-F-6 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store - BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., May 24, 8:00 p.m. M.M. Degree -VlalUnr Brethren Weleame ' George SlmervUle, Sec'y. EXCEPTIONALLY ROOMY mod ern 5 room home, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, double plumb ing, furnace and garage, close to schools and business district. Call 552-R for appointment. KNOTTY PINE student's desk, chest of drawers, occasional chairs, breakfast set, other house hold articles. 1145 Harmon. NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. and D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Oak St., Eugene, Ore. 250 WHITE LEGHORN hens or trade for cows. Bill Bender, Rt. 1, Box 327. Va mile south, mile' east off Butler Market road at air port. PERENNIAL CABBAGE, broc coli, brussel sprouts and head let tuce plants. Fanton s Xiarden, ba Ogden. BABY'S HIGH CHAIR, good con dition. Inquire Bend Auto Park, Cabin 8. DARK BLUE suit size 40 short, price $12.00. Inquire 1477 Daven port. 4-ROOM semi-modern house, 2 lots. 434 E. Norton. Phone 30-F-5. ONE OF CENTRAL Oregon's finest cattle ranches completely equipped and stocked with white face cattle. For details and terms see Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. - . : COMPLETELY MODERN almost new 5 room home. 2 large bed rooms, model kitchen, utility room, hardwood floors, double plumbing, electric water heater, wired for range, piped furnace, garage. 246 Jefferson. SEED POTATOES. Inquire 225 Miller after 4:30 p. m. 3 ROOM modern, woodshed and wood, garage, workshop, nice cel lar, lots, garden in and berries, on highway. Partly furnished. Price $1674.35. 2410 N. 1st St. BABY CARRIAGE, walker, basi nett, crib and. mattress, all in good condition. 1403 Jacksonville. Phone 1084-J. NETTED GEM seed potatoes, turn left at Carroll Acres store, 5th house on the left, formerly Cram's Dairy. TABLE MODEL 6 tube Silvcrtone radio. 1314 Columbia. EAST SIDE 4 bedroom modern home, living room with fireplace, den and dining room with Vene tian blinds, nice kitchen with gas range, large basement, wood or coal furnace, gas water heater, lot 50x150, nice yard for garden spot, garage. Close in on paved street. For sale by owner. 223 St. Helens. Phone 354 for appoint ment. 1 LONG 2 year Arabian saddle horse, well broke. Inquire 223 St. Helens or phone 354. SMALL BABY BEp and mattress, good condition. Inquire 1445 Cum berland or call 1057-J. BEND VINTAGE Shop. Grand opportunity for right couple. Own er must sell because of illness in family. Complete stock, priced right. Inquire at 120 Oregon Ave., between 10:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. RED FRYERS, live weight at ranch. Elder Ranch. 7 miles north on old Redmond highway. j TREATED CULL seed potatoes.; Geo. T. Murphy, Bessie Butte Ranch, 5 miles southeast of Bend, j Poor Digestion? 55 Headachy? ! ! Sour or Upset? ! Tired-Listless? i Do ytra M lnadaehy and upvt Hue to ' poorly diiresled food? To fcl cheerful j ' and happy again your food must bo diycn properly. , Each day. Nature mtat produce about two pints of a vital disrogtjve juire to j hWp dtewt your food. If Nature fail, your food may remain umltirestcd ! It-;tvin? you headachy and irnuhle. s j Therefore, you must increase, the flow ! of this discstive juice. Carter's Ultlo i ! I.iver Tills increaHO this flow quickly ; often in as Iit:le as 30 trinutr. Aid, j ; you're on the road toeeling better. i Don't depend on artificial aids to eountenct indigestion when Carter's Little l.tver fills aid dhtetion after Na ture's own ordr. Tske Carter's Little I.iver Pilla as directed. Gt UietO At any I drugstore. Only 25. Articles FOB SALE TOP SOIL, fill dirt, cinders, red or dark; barnyard fertilizer. We clean back yards, build small roads or driveways, clean ditches, build dikes, level lots. Have cat and bulldozer, dump trucks and flat bed for hire. Phone 275-J or come to 1360 Cumberland. ABOUT 80 SACKS seed potatoes, cut, ready to plant, $3.40 per sack. Phone 28-F-23. E. E. Vance. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. 2 BEDROOM modern house, back porch, insulated fruit room, 2 lots, chicken house and garage. Some terms, or cheap for cash. By own er, 1444 Elgin after 3 p.m. TWO BEDROOM modern house, hardwood floors, utility room, double garage, woodshed, 2M lots, plenty of garden ground. Near Greenwood Grocery and Allen school. 352 E. Kearney, Tel. 1101. 1941 FACTORY BUILT coach type 3 room trailer house, Butane heat and cook, awning and attach ments, good condition. See at Bab ler Bros. Warehouse, Redmond, Ore., or phone Redmond 73. Will move reasonable distance. 3 BEDROOM modern house, large basement, garage, large level cor ner lot, window shades, floor cov erings, cook stove, circulating heater. Possession June 10. Close in, house located at 400 Sisemore. Owner 164 E. Irving after 5 p. m. or all day Sunday. Terms. Furni ture for 6 rooms can be purchased for a reasonable price. ON PAVED STREET, clean 2 bedroom modern house, large lot, double garage, unfurnished. $2000, $500 down, $25 month. Furnished $2500, $700 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. EIGHTY ACRES, half now in al falfa, large new barn, good house, electricity and large cistern. A good buy for $6,500. Some terms can be arranged. This is really a bargain, and only six miles from Bend. Frank McGarvey, 118 Ore gon St. SPLENDID BUYS, modern houses. East side, 3 rooms, extra room in basement, $1000, $400 down, $25 month. 2 bedroom plas tered, paved street, sewer connec tion, needs redecorating, $1800, $400 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. EXPERYEAUTYworkr $7.50 oil permanent for $6.00, Tuesday through Thursday. We have a wonderful operator added to the staff at the Beauty yuest so call for your appointment any time and we will sav ves. Ask for Thelma and your hair style will please you. She has 8 years ex perience and an all around opera tor. Call 170 now. BIG-SIX MOWER, sieel wheel wagon, nearly new rake, derrick poles. St. Johns Place, first road to left past Glen Vista, 3rd house on right. TRACTOR The school made tractor is ready for sale. Model A motor, 3 to 1 gear box reduction, rubber tires. See it at the Machine Shop and make your bid. No bids under $150.00 accepted. Will be sold Friday, May 25th, at 12:30. PREWAR FURNITURE, beds, stoves, chests, dinette set, daveno, etc. Inquire Duplex corner 10th and D Redmond. LEIGHTON FURRIERS are now at 809 Florida. We still have a few new coats on sale at a BIG saving. See them now. Remember 809 Florida. 3 YOUNG DOES and one young buck with hutches. 1114 Balti more. Call by 5 p. m. GREEN SEASONED jackpine slabs, country orders taken. Call Gassncr's Wood Yard. Phone 843-W. NOW PRICED for quick sale, 2 bedroom modern, electric range and electric water heater, must see to appreciate. 212 Yew Lane. See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO On Z,r LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Thonc 525 Can Be Turned Into Gash With a Want Ad FOB SALE MnnFBN HOUSES on Shasta. 2 bedroom and sleeping porch. $2ouu, yjuu auwn, -niuum. u room clean completely furnished, garden, zuw, u auwn, month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone db-w. A GOOD five room country home with three acres of ground and good outbuildings. Completely modern and has city water. Only a mile from city- limits on paved road. Priced moderately at &5,500. Reasonable terms. Frank McGar vey, 118 Oregon. NEAR KENWOOD school, 3 bed room modern house. 5 lots. ea- rage, one room cabin, 2 chicken houses, unfurnished. $2200, $500 down, $35 month. Furnished $2800, $auo down, $da montn. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. OWNER LEAVING, will sacrifice 2 bedroom plastered house, wired for electric range, electric hot wa ter heater, large garage, 4 lots fenced. Ideal sight for auto court. $3500. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FOB TBADE TRADE, 9 ROOM modern house, acre and half, garage, woodshed, hen house, garden, small orchard, good location for boarding house, 2 Jersey cows, yearling heifer, 2 shoats. Price $5,800. Want small farm. J. W. Nichols, Veneta, Ore. FOB BENT 5 ROOM modern house, 3 acres alfalfa, $40.00 per month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box 52-B, or inquire 2nd house west of last Texaco station, south highway. VACANCY WESTONIA Apts. Close in, clean, coo', newly deco rated, electrically equipped, free washing facilities, refrigeration, garage. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. APARTMENT, refrigerator and electric stove, washing privileges. Room for rent with twin beds to couple, kitchen privileges if de sired. These will be available after the first of the month. Call 892-M. 3 ROOM modern cottage, electric stove and refrigerator, wood, wa ter and lights furnished. Also two 2 room modern cabin. Inquire Signal Station on south highway. 2 ROOM modern furnished house, near Kenwood school. 2 room modern furnished cabin, close in, with wood, water and lights: Phono 1083. Call 623 Hill St. JANSEN VILLA will have vacan cy June 1, which may be reserved now at 407 Portland Ave. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, private bath, electrically equipped. Inquire 141 Georgia. Phone 766. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, gas equipped, close in. In OUire 443 Hmarlwav nr nhnnn 356-J. ' WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. PASTURE for ten head of cows. J. E. Allyn, Rt. 1, Box 196. TO BUY a lawnmower. Call 280 or 577. WANT PARTY to move building. R. H. Wilson, 642 Colorado. A HOME where I can run. I am a young male black and white dog; friendly, lively, obedient. See me at 1024 Harmon. Phone 783-M. TO RENT an orphan to be used in a series oi cospoi Meetings. Phone 357-M or write Miss A. Sterling, P. O. Box 1163, Bend. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or nogs you nave to sell. Also some big springer cows, and will pick them un at vour ranrh pimnn 78 J or drop a card to W. R. n ranks, Redmond, Ore. GIRLS!! HERE'S THAT MAN VAN JOHNSON Capital Tomorrow RED RYDER &U6ICK HURRIEDLY LEWES HIS OFFICE AFTER RED RYDER. 5 VISIT WK WaH 'M't ?JM m FOB RENT 2 BEDROOM furnished modern nouse or apartment close in. Re frigerator desired. Needed June 1st. Write No. 693 Bend Bulletin. WANTED TO BUY tricycle, me dium sized. Telephone 7y6-J. HELP WANTED ELDERLY MAN for janitor work. Pilot Butte Inn. COOK In mountain lodge. Board, room, good salary, permanent. Phone collect Cres Del Lodge. WOMAN or girl to help with gen eral housework. Phone 319 or call 42o Congress. BOY with own lawnmower to mow lawn. Inquire at 3(5 E. Kear ney alter 6 p. m. SITUATIONVAN'l-EI EXPERIENCED WOMAN "wants typing and clerical home work. Call ai-F-2. . JOURNEYMAN wants position, automotive and general repairing. Call at 164 'A E. trying. RELIABLE GIRL wants to take care of children day or night by the hour. Call 664-W or 1588 Awbrey Rd. YOUNG MAN wants Job learning trade or business. Discharged vet eran. 226 Broadway. Gene Logan. CAPABLE WOMAN wants work as housekeeper on ranch where 15 year old boy may work also. Write to Bend Bulletin No. 818. USED CARS 1929 MODEL A Ford sedan. $200. Within OPA ceiling. Inquire 203 Bond. LOST LOST SUNDAY, one small black dog, Deschutes license. Phone 510-J. 429 Staats, Bend. Reward. WILL THE Kenwood student who picked up small gray and white temalc kitten near 1314 Federal during Monday lunch period, please return her. Child s pot. Child heartbroken over loss. GOLD BROOCH with large green stone setting. Service son's gift. Finder please return 114 Allen road. Reward. RADIATOR CAP with meta! man on top for 1933 Chevrolet. Return to or notify 1255 Elgin Ave. OPEN FACE South Bend watch with chain attached. Goo. W. Ray craft, 1145 Kingston Ave., or phone 415-J. Reward. WILL PARTY who picked up by mistake a girl's navy coat sie 2 on May 21, please return to 216 Delaware. BROWN LEATHER billfold :on talning pictures, receipts and cards belonging to Bonnie Bran don. Contents wanted badly. Find er keep money and return billfold to Bulletin. FOUND LARGE OAR found under Tum alo bridge. Owner can have same by identifying. 974 Riverside. 3 MONTHS OLD brown male pup py. 513 Newport. Phone 1U8-K. . MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, also .grass shears, shears, saws, knives. Keys made. Guns, locks, phonographs repaired. Electric iron, copper boiler for sale. Hen derson's Repair Shop, 112 Minne sota. THOIi CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on all makes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. Clarence Bush says: It Doesn't Cost a Cent The President's Protective. In vestment Plan ... a will', flex ible nieaim of providing Income for the future . . . dtx-Hn't coxt a rent if you die within 20 years, hccuiiKO all deposits you have made on It will lie return ed Ut your family and the prin cipal amount of the contract paid lo thi riL FOR DETAILS SEE C. E. BUSH Bend Phone 233 W The Franklin Life Insurance Company Springfield, Illinois DistlngiilshiMl Service Since 1831 1 - AKst CHCVJDT.eC5-' vmTpiD"$ (THAT DUM6 SHERIFF CAn'T Nl f WE'LL PULLET NEANtf Trf CURRENCY l Rides to ry q ri der 1 catch ) one last 1 th' duchess is V &0CrR'S YTH' VM Z iL 5AY ?M S NOT TH' SHERIFF-S FLEAS? JOB, -THErt HMJLIN' FOR. TH 8 7 TvV) HIDEOUT KSp-PjrsM IRMLRC&D DETECTlS'ES-nr LCLeAl EXPRESS COMPAYB MISCELLANEOUS FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. i Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 59-1. Lloyd Wliea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. WE CAN refinish your old wicker furniture like new, prices moder ate. Call 460. W. Kingcraft. Will pick up and deliver for 50c extra. BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines Including Mnv tag and Bendix. Phone 583. 136 Greenwood. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 23 lin stocks of butter today were accu mulating among dealers as pro duction gained. Prices were un changed. A steady tone was noted In the egg market, with receipts holding up well and quality being main tained. Prices were unchanged. Butter Cube 93 score 42-Tic; 92 score 42 "4 c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 'ic pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large 41c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. Hay Rake Team Bolts; Boy Hurt Tumalo, May 23 (Special) Frank Rutherford, son of Mr. and Mis. D. W. Rutherford, is con valescing In the St. Charles hos pital from Injuries received Sat urday afternoon when he was in SERVICE "LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mccliunlcul and elwlrl cal work on all makes of curs untl trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING T1RK SERVICE Dewyer & Knox. Next lo IIiltlsoii'DiilK'ntl 1327 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS BRECK TREATMENT It's wonderful for roiiililiciiilng. You'll lH) uimicil at the new lica.ily of your liulr. EXPERT OPERATORS May l.atlru Ardelle Powder Puff Beauty Shop I'liiuie 48 1 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OP QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 8'!7 Wall Phone 521 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Itmt of Materials Furnished Our periodical inspection will Insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 38B-W or II 1-23 THIS CURIOUS WORLD HORSESHOES THAT BROUGHT GOOD LUCK west vnesiNiiAj tSjffK 'diamond ever1" ftav . jS I ROJE ASTERN IjajgSjSZ:. COPft. 14A8YNiAiKVICl IMC. INI BRAZIL.. HUMMIN&BlRDff ARB CALLED . BEIJAFLORES... AAEANIN& T. M. mo. u. a, pat. err. ANSWER; Greenwich, a volved in a runaway. Frank, who was driving a hay rake, was go ing east past the old Jack Murray ranch when the tongue fell down and the horses started to run. Frank was thrown oft and dragged by the rake for some distance, then the team broke loose and ran till they hit a tele phone pole which they broke and which brought them to a stop. Wright Ellis, dltchrlder, was coming along wllh his car and drove off the road in order to escape a collision with the ran away. Ellis took Rutherford home after which he was removed to the hospital. An x-ray revealed WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" Dyer's Auto Service George. M. Dyer , Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service 108 Bond ut Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Itepnlr Electrical Supplies Fluorescent LlghtH 1K Mu.cla Ijimps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 08 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Serviro on all makes of wash ing machines and clectrlrul ap pliance. Bend Washer Service YM (ircenwood I'liiuie rH3 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam I lltlrig New Work itciialrlng Homo Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phone 217 W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Goods Movement By William Ferguson 1 borough of London, England. no bones were broken but Frank was covered with black and blue marks and the attending physlc iun is keeping him in the hospital for the present. IRAN SENDS REMINDER San Francisco, May 23 ill'i Iran lias sent polite diplomatic notes to the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union re minding them that they are pledged' to remove their troops from Iran within six months after the end of the European war, It . was revealed here today. Buy National War Bonds Now! MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL - "The Monument Man" IH8B Awhrev Rd. Tel. H29-M Refrigerator Service All Typei of Mechanical Servic On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment CO. Honrt Minnesota Phony wot LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every D1 OI the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO HUE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Koad Phone 816 John W. Smith, Agent 1588 Awhrey ltd. Phone 684-W FARMERS INSUKANCI GROUP FARMtRS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE 4 TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE I FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Bt Sale Not Surry Insure Today Prompt Claims Service Maaaartf Fana raltoy Eugene M.Bueknurn.lHHt.Mtrr. I Oo I Bond St. Phone 881 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress The Bend Bulletin Phone 56 By FRED HARMAN m i 3