THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1945 PAGE SIX Schools in Crook End 1944-45 Year ' Prineville, May 23 (Bpvcial) Crook county schools closed on May 18, to open on September 10, and with the closing of the ele mentary schools 87 pupils receiv ed eighth grade diplomas. Exer cises for 75 of the 87 were held in Prineville on Thursday evening, at the grade school auditorium. The 12 members of the Powell Butte class received their diplo mas in graduation exercises at 'the school. On Friday night, in the school Rymnasium, 37 students were graduated from the Ctpok county high school. Ten of the 37 had al ready entered the armed forces. They are Ray Hlrdsong, Remey Cox, John Ellis, Alelvin Mcuoy, William McMeen, Phillip Qulnn Leo Smith, Miller Tweed t. Malt land Waldon and Merle Westcoat Three of the boys, Qulnn, Waldon and Westcoat, were homo for the exercises and were In service mil form for the baccalaureate and commencement exercises. The other students wore caps and gowns. Or. C. A. Howard of Monmouth school of education gave the com mencement address, Principa Dallas Norton presented the class and La Selle Coles, chairman of the school board, awarded the di piomas. Cecil M. Sly, newly elected su perintendent of Crook county schools, will be on hand to take over his new duties May 28 when Superintendent 11. H. McAtee, re signed, will retire from active duties of the office. County Court Proceedings RE IT REMEMBERED, That at n regular meeting of the County court neld May 2, lu-is, all mem bers being present, the following business was transacted: In the Mutter of Claim Against, the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND E. E. Varco, commissioner $ 43.20 Aubrey E. Perry, water master ; 215.43 C. L. McCauley, sheriff. nostacs 1.50: supd. 2.93 .... 4.43 Lucy Davison, P.H.N., mile age Elma Mullins, P.H.N., mile age 15.45 35.55 Hazel V. Barclay. P.H.N.. mileage 53.15 Gladys B. Cochran, P.H.N., mileage 20.85 Glen W. Thompson, sanitar ian, mileage 54.00 Burnlcc Shumate, health dept., typist 42.53 Edith Kostol, clerk, health dept., petty cash 34.74 Iva Johnson, prisoners' board 54.00 Harry Johnson, Juvenile of ficer, mileage 8.10.... dep uty sheriff, mileage 32.05 40.15 Stale Dept. of Agriculture, sealer of weights & mea sures 18.44 Oregon Protective Society, Juvenile exp George Chllds Hardware Co., health dept., exp .- Cutter Laboratories, health dept. exp General Electric Supply Corp., health dept. exp Maternity Center Associa tion, health dept. exp Bend-Troy Laundry, health dept. exp American Dental Associa tion, health dept. exp The J. K. Gill Company, health dept. exp Northern School Supply Co., health dept. exp State Ind. Accident Comm., 5.00 1.25 38.40 11.50 .50 2.55 4.50 3.37 17.15 wuiermnster y:,c; pcare officers 10.B9 The Haloid Company, clerk, DIAMONDS 7th War Loan Buy Double an EXTRA War Bond A. T. NIEBERGALL Jeweler Nul tn Capitol Theater I'hona 148 H WATCHES FLOWER PLANT SALE Thii wrk U roor tatt rhanrv I In l 79 ilurday wiihdh mW pria pi yt.ou. Ollrr ntU POH 12.00 WE WILL SHIP THK KOLLOWINC 1MSTIA1I: 12 ROSK DAWNS. Slt.VFR IMSK. f;ROV 2 TO PFf'T 12 KVKMSi; I'KIMKUSKM. VKRV SIMiWV KOM IIOItHKK 1? t OltKOI'SIS. SI NSIIINK 1-l.OW KK iHKlir.KS 12 KKNTINK KKI.WAY M AKIil'FIIITKH KTR HAHIIY 12 .IANT SHASTA OAISIKS. WIIITK WITH VKLUHV rFXTFtt 12ASHOKTKI) l'KUKNMALS. Ol It HKI.KITION 72 IL'l? !,n" '?T,?n:, 'Iwplnnl. all the color a of ih rainw H.ifrrd i-.-U-ai.! W fur drn SlSnU. " U"" m miht ,u ILUH.'ll'Z ",'""on " """' '! of our SO e.rllle. ad.led "'"1 fhnrire- lo every orrler mailed thia week. OlIIIKR TODAV. THIS WKKK 18 Y1H H LAST I HAM Kt mi'iltt "n'"1""" h"U ,hU ,J' "" Mrtu below, .net CLARK GARDNER 734 American BWg;. Western Offlco Sent tic I, Wash, U. S. to DENMARK North St mT -" C3 ( CZECHO. Pom 'wmo'Vy b Hr -C ' ,-' FRANCE SZZy,,- The United State. 15th Army Is ruling 14,000 squurc miles of Germany. Including tho rich Saar Basin, tht Wdne VaMej Tend the western half of the Industrial Buhr. From 300,000 to 400.000 troops will comprise the "U m ft. . include DuAlorf, Aachen. Cologne, Trier .ind CoDicia la pre-war days, the area nad a poulatlon of nearly 11 million. supplies 25.32 West Coast Printing & Bind ing Company, election exp 1.20 C. L. Allen, Co. Judge, post age 5.00 West Publishing Co., circuit court exp iu.uu Pac. Power & Light Co. courthouse electricity , 77.44 9.G5 Gi.fiO Bend Water Department courthouse water The Miller Lumber Com pany, courthouse fuel Houk Motor Company, courthouse exp 4.02 Smith's Electric, courthouse exp id.JJ . E. Stevens, commissioner 36.40 Don Shipley, extra Janitor help Packer -Scott Co., court house exp 11. G5 The Redmond Spokesman, Co. Judge 1G.45; school supt. 4.35; legal pub. 20.40 41.20 County Treasurer, Assignee, old age 1059.60; dependent children 203.20; blind 20.00 1282.80 County Treasurer, Assignee, general assistance .184.56 R. L. Lewis, T.B. & Bang's indemnity : 39.04 Philip R. Gould, surveyor, engineering records 250.00 COURTHOUSE ULDG. 1MPVT. ETC. FUND J. W. Copcland Yards, Lum ber etc 115.32 I Smith's Electric, electrical supplies 27.02 W. V. Hamby, cabinets 86.50 Fanton's Garden, flowers . .. 2.05 TAYLOR GRAZING FUND Settelmeyer Bros., gas nnl oil 81.21 Deschutes County Clerk, re cording easement 1.00 Deschutes County Court, cattleguard 252.93 GENERAL ROAD FUND Roy Alllngham, salary 174.85 T. C. Daly, salary Herbert Franklin, salary Lee Hollenbeck, salary Geo. H. McAllister, salary T. C. Merchant, salary .... .192.53 .181.13 .171 .47 .195.85 .104.95 .175.85 ' I5- - Tossing, salary i Dan C. Wood, salary 175.85 192.50 Clarence Walker, salary 1 1'.. i".. vmco, romnussioncr .jM.-H) ! Klmcr Lehnhm. Ins. . 5.00 llt'ini Aulo Parts, Inc., tiro I .tcet 1S.85 i jt'lla M. Shaver, Crn. exp. (X) ride Water Associated Oil Co., fuel itur Klmer Lehnherr, Ins. 7.LO Par. Power & Light Co., electricity Hemi Water I Vpartment, water State Ind. Accident Comm., ins Lowrs & Contractors Ma chinery Co.. hardware .... 5.00 1.45 47.31 65.10 i Mid.stato Hardware Com pany, hardware 8.01 I he Miller Lumber Com pany, lumber, cement etc. 2-1.23 Schviman Auto K 1 e c t r i c, parts 4.50 POSITIVELY ENDS THIS WEEK ariol.. rU.. ... . . .. Cash Fnc . srti ron Rule Rhine, Soar, Ruhr Areas SWEDEN RIM 3 A. E. Stevens, commissioner 40.95 C. L. McCauley, sheriff, gen. exn 100 In the Miller of Deeds To County Owned Lands: At this time the Court signed the following deeds: C. T. Samples SE N W !4 , Sec. 27, Twp. 16 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $10.00. Joe H. Sloan el. ux Lot 5, Block 2, Orig. townsjle of Laldlaw. $25.00. Henry Klessenbeck et ux Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 1 15, First Ad dition to Bend Park. $126.00. Harold Moore et ux Lots 14 and 15, Block 110, First Add. to Bend Park. $8-1.00. Fred L. Howe Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Bendview. $40.00. Joseph G. Mnck Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 79, Bend Park Add. $290.00. Claude C. Jackson Block 12, Laldluw, less that portion previ ously deeded for road. $175.00. , John Franks, Lots 10 and 12, Block 112, First Add. to Bend Park. $200.00. Tho Court executed a deed to the City of Bend conveying Lot 10, Block 29, Park Addition. This deed is given In lieu of one executed by the County to the City of Bend on October 6, 1937, which was lost before it was recorded. In the Mutter of Leasing County Owned I.iintls: The Court signed the following leases : Arnold Horse & Cattle Ass'n. 610 acres ill Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W. M. 60 3c per acre Jan. 1, 1915 to Dee. 31, 1951. Priday Holmes 1080 acres in Twps. 1411 nnd 1410 cT 3c per acre Jan. 1, 1915 to Dec. 31, 1951. J. A. I'ausch 1110 acres in 22 S.R. 22 E.W.M. W 3c per acre Jan. 1, 19-15 to Dec. 31, 195-1. BYNOI'ms OP .ViSTAI. STATl.MI'Vr K Till: CAPITOL VifZ INSURANCE COMPANY w rti'tiit-r. In (lip SMic ur i Mutu ln. t-.n (ti- thltti firm tl,ir ur Jit "iiilKr. I'M), n-nilc ti l!;t hihi CiiiitiiilMl.mrr nf tht HMto til (.rcjuii, arllrllll lo Uu i riir- Cap 1 1 M Amount or fnnllnl at rk Mil up. , . . S.W.OOO. XncGi.i T"lt pnniliiin Htf('tu I. it tlic T-ar. t :.1M.H3ll. Itittmt, timilrtnU iik) ti'iifs ri'.-.ncl (lining I'n jrir 1 1 m i run Irnin tllt-r wiiinvn r.v.'iv.-it duit'il Hit) )tr iv.tu.7a.ic KT.1 HI T.'UI Iikmiii $ 3.K'l.t;.l'J.('. DiBbui-Hmento IaM for k. riul.iwinciu.. niinill' ! 1"I"I I" I" KI1 V.oMrTf tlir- lll UIF - 'S. hMilfi'iii fni'l uit rai'tial mkH ttur- Hi Hi yett j:..ilio.('.fl Ci'iiitiiiniot't a.iil alilt-a) i-.Hi I tl.itlug Ui yr .'-:.:;jvii Tara. luitifHt ami trts taiil ti nli( Hi Jrar i con 13 Amount of til vllirt (iii-ti.ltMitei. .. 4lo.(T SO TiUI rtinOlMiiri. . . Vat" of iral m(t ukiui ial-n) on (in(l9se atxl r. Val.ii f h.'n'.lV i.wm ,1 ',' V!u of ttdt'hi ortit.,l inin IVmium i.if and x'.i Vn'W tn ImkV.1 atnl mi hn,n llilr-ai anil reuli iliu mi imiMlU-itnl athI 4,4.1 nimi OUier tiUfli (net)., .... . i.'.t 1.1.13 03 i miilr I I i.rffr.'.Ji.ra .(tv v.l i.l ..or iii.2 Total itmllt,J at i X.tnbmtls St4 MX'rrri (Ir. M il 1 tr; 1 t. r iimmM, . All u'liei lUblllllr; ip . . i.:.'.iu;m ni T-fal Halllltk. 1 CsHta) (,ld hp.,. bimui Ruirtiw at tct u 1. ..t l.MJ.O.T .3? Tntal nminin in urviron Tor Th VArt V..11.1 tmt m.ii, i i.,hi rtt:rn:i ibt. )Mr f l,.i,jr.(LSi Di'0mda mil r. lattl ilnilm tli S N't . ml ilati.ii. 1 ..unlit. irT"d-i, anj !L.iiiM ,,,1 rttirn-t vr.. M c TUB CAPITOL T.CPl! I.UUSAHCB COMPANY I' srrix J Hut?, rrntilxnl W aa. I", Srhinautrr, iSwraiary HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorliod Aqont lor ROYAL Sales and Service lnytyN ltllrlwins anil CarlHin It. C. Alli'ii Ailillng .Mtulilncs All Mnki- T.vpowrltora SlTVllTll Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. JUL a C KnaantaMMira I ibing C, PR 5 fiVfc'el Tetrpholo) Jcsso Hollpr N'-iNVV'd Sec. 7, Twp. 17 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $5.00. Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1945. " In th Matter of An Advisory ltmli;rt Conimtiteo: The Court appointed an advis ory budKi't comimttee as follows: M. A. Lynch one year term A. .1. (llassow two year term John Hohnstein -- three year term. In (lie Mutter of a Dunce Hull License: The Court approved the appli cation and bond of Pleasant RidRo Community Hall for a dance hall license and the Clerk was ordered to issue the license forthwith. In the Matter Opening Ballot Boxes: The Clerk was ordered to open tho ballot boxes in preparation for the coming Special Election. There being no further busi ness, Court adjourned until Thurs day, May 17th, 1945. C. L. ALLEN, County Judge E. E. VARCO, Commissioner A. E. STEVENS, Commissioner U. S. Meat Rules To Be Discussed ! Meat dealers of Bend and others Interested in wholesaling meals, were invited today by the local war price and ration board lo attend a meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Pilot Butte dining room when an OPA official from Portland is slated to explain government re gulations governing meat sales. Tho official Is H. P. Maddison, meat price specialist, who is com ing to Bend at the solicitation of tho dealers. Many dealers, it was pointed out, have encountered confusion in abiding by federal regulations, and it was expected that Maddi son would clearlfy the matter for them. For tho convenience of left- handed persons, a ch inking foun tain with tho control valve on the left side, has been Installed in the Chicago eilv hall. No. 41-3S Synopsla of tinnual r,latoment of Tli Minnt-Mitn Mutual Lite Insurance Com-nam- of Saint Pant, In the Stato of Minnesota, on the thirty-first ttav of December. 11144. uintlo to the Insurance Commissioner of the Slato uf OieKan. pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of caultal stock paid up. none. INCOMK Total premium Income for the year,' $8,511.1 510 51. . Interest, dividends and rents receiv ed during the year. $2.4.Hl.!lliti 21. Income from other sources received dunne the year. $l.9.U.ll6.ia. Total income. $l?.inil,52 84. DISHUHSEMKNTS Paid for losses, endowments, annui ties and surrender values, s:i.41D.924.Ht. Dividends paid to policyholders dur Ine the year. $SH2.:l4l.l4. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ins the year. None. Commissions, and salaries paid dur ing (ho year. 1.8M. 415.011. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. $s:i8.:i34 ii Amount of all other expenditures, $l.tllta.785.S3. Total expenditures. $7.470.8111 .26. ASSKTS Value of real estate owned (book Valuel, $774,841 08. Loans on montages and collateral, etc.. $18.271.020 70. Value ol bonds owned (amortized). $41,310,711.00. Value or stocks owned (book value). $1 .:iM.7illl 02. Premium notes and policy loans. $4. 914.225 07. Cash in banks and on hand, $1,360, 010 20. Interest and rents due and accrued. $470.448 21. Net uncollected and deferred prem iums. $1,807,171 53 Other assets (net). $22,387.78 Total adnikltrd assets. $70,288,220,19. LIA11II.1T1KS Net reserves, $57.804.3y7.54. Cross claims for iosses unpaid, $483 728 81. All other liabilities. $7.775..1fi! 82 Total liabilities, except capital, $05, 803.omi.00. Capital paid up. none Surplus over all liabilities. $4.424.524. II) Surplus as regard policyholders. $4.- 424,524,19. ' Total. $70,?88 220 19 tu'stNKss in owro.ox FOR T11K YI'AH Net premiums ami annuities received during the year. $09,581 59 Dividends paid dujing the year. $8 . 030 91. Net losses and claims, endowments suircndcis. and annuities paid during the year. $41,411 a; Name of Company, The Minnesota Mutual Life In.urancej Companv. Naile of Presi'.icnt. I A Phillips Name of Secretary Carl R Anderson, Statutory resident attorney lor seiv- ICCj Commissioner of Insurance. vir J ; rxoraig or axkcal statkment EXPRESSMEN'SMUTUAL LIFE :.1SURAN-E COMPAHY of Now Vote, in Ills HTmlr of Xutk on ih turmn Oommlnluin ul log Bull of Om,L I'uixiiiii u, iswi ' Capital Aia&iiiit f nplui ((,,(; (,Bi,i ap...t "; 0 TTl.fiSO.TT 428.S79.nO 101, Wa ao 4CI.5SS.JI ICC.C3I 49 0 f7.40l.2D 3.M0 8.1 l'.T.lflr til ... inoom Toul premium lriromt fur lliv mi I UhiatniU m,i ,, durlny Hie fir. liiBmno fom ,,u.x MHic.VVtt-Hwd diu-lfig lot iw " Tottl Inecmt J ..... . Dtsbnnemtntii" rid for (emu. i-inlimmeMi, aIJUt. Ho aim itiireoilrr talut-s t lilililpudi pmiil lu polltit.ulii.',',' ij'ur- tt.B Ihp tea, DlrloVmli Mij n capital 'it&rii dur- liil Uu, jmr 0 foii.iM', and Mliirln U'id'dVr- Iiib inr Tswi. llcmM and fttt piid'dtfr'. Inr Ilia rm Ainuunu of all ulnar eipai,dliur'. ! Tola! eiptndluira . . Asieta ahia of real anile oin.d (market laliial t ly-ai.a on mnrtaacaa and mlikYtrai, Valna of bond! ownefl fainritl'ljced).' 9 Value fif alotke ntni.l i.n..L.. ....... eteiuliiot nnlea and ikilti-y loaua llll In Danka and on liaiid lirrtTeat and rtliU due and arrmed Nid Uncolletled ami deferred preui- luinf Otlir aaiela (liul...,'.V.'.'.'.'.'.', 2.3''T.07;.IUI :i87.U.M sl.Cliu.u3 . 4I.8C3 80 1.674.00 Total admllterl aesela...' tlabllltloa Net reiereea tlrou ehlme for loaaee unnutd"." All oiiier llaldllilei Total llbalitlea. except capital. Cipltal paid up f Uiinilua oter all lla- tillltlea tturpliu M reaarda pulleylioidera 439.423.44 1.011,988.00 1.474,411.44i -lol' 111.983.505.35 BuInen In Oretroa Por Tht Yari fl premliu,n and aiumlilia recelied T" i Illrlilentla paid dnrlnt u,a rear Kvt and claims, eniluvin.i'tfl surrenders, and aunultlei bald dur- ln Hie rear T.293.07 1.514.931 I 507.001 Jl. It. l-iwrnan. I'rcsjJunt Bliluforr riiffcfit itfirerr for t-r:lrr IL r, llMurud. 33fi 8. W. Bro.o.,,, 1'ortlst.J 5. On No. 4-30 i Synopsis of Annual Statement of the; Commonwealth, Inc. of Portland, in the State of Oregon, on the thirty- fjrst day of December. 1944, made to) flie Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME i Net premiums received, $175,744.94. Total interest, dividends and real estate income, $103,084.75. Income from otjier sources, $319,-, 87B.1B. Total Income, $678,707.83. i DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses, $lbb.92. . , Loss adjustment expenses, None. Agents commissions or brokerage, None. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes. $225,448.02. Taxes, licenses and fees, $72.32237. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, $12,500.00), $12,500.00. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All other expenditures. $282,930.66. Total disbursements. 370.97. ADMITTED ASSETS Value ot real estate owned (market value). $265,839.11. Loans on mortRagcs. $965,494.55. Value of bonds owned (market). $19, 513.75. Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $282,856.50. , , J Mtno Cash In banks and on hand, $196, 621.04. Premiums in course of collection written since Soptember 30, 1944, $36,- 622.85. Interest and rents due and accrued, None. ' ' 1 1 Other assets (net), $255,642.63. Total admitted assets. $2,022,491.23, LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, None. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. None. Total unearned premiums on All un expired risks. None. , Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued, $163,672.53. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes. $90,175 00. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued. None. All other liabilities, $790,982.52. Total liabilities, except capital, $1," 044.830.05. Capital paid up. $500,000.00. Surplus over liabilities, $477,661.18. Surplus as regards policyholders, $977.6til.lB. Total. 52.022.491 23. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, $178,744.94. Net losses paid. $109.92 Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, None. Name of Company, Commonwealth, Inc. Name of President, H. M. Hawkins, Name of Secretary. Alfred A. Hamp son. Statutory resident attorney for ser vice, II. M. Hawkins. No. 35-51 Synopsis of Annunl Stntement of The London Assurance of London, l.nKlnnd, on the thirtv-fitst day of December, 1944, made to me insurance siouer of the State of Oregon, pur suant to law: INCOME Net oremlums received, $4,8S8,128.56. Total lntereyt, dividends and real cs tate income $202,538.32. Income from other sources, $208, 641.75. Total Income. $5.347.30flM. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses. $2.144.805 83. Loss adjustment expenses, $127,442.05. AKents commissions or brokerage, $1,124.4(17.66. a Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $220,022.17 Taxes, licenses and fees, $280,937.39. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, Nil; slock. Nil , Nil. Dtviderits paid or credited to poltcy holders. Nil. All other expenditures. $781,510.71. Total distmrsi'ments, $4.67t, 186.41, ADMITTED ASSETS Value or real estate owned (markc value). Nil. m ,. . , Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., $8,000.00. js Value of bonds owned (amortized). $5.911.906. 22. Value of utocks owned (market val ue. $n.W5,42l.oo. Cash In banks and on hand, $1, 313.449 54. Premiums In course of coHectloa written since September 30, 1944, $560. 649 28. Interest and rents due and accrued $31,008.35. Other aseM (net). $124.497 59. Total admitted assets, $11,585,081 98. LIABILITIES. SI' H PLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $1,724,352.71). Estimated Ions adjustment expense. for unpaid claims. 818. 515. 26. Total unearned premiums on all un xplred risks. $3.495.368 40. Salaries, rents, expenses, blfls, c counts, fees, etc., due or accrued, $24, 700 W. Estimated amount due or accrued foi taxes. $272.558 00. Commissions, brokerage, or othci Charges due nnd acerued, $126,538.00. All other liahihties, $357,586.44. Total liabilities, except capital, $6, 069.618.80. Deposited. $500,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $5,015, 463.18. Surplus as regards policy holders. $5.M.V463 IB. Total. lt.M5.Cmi P( BUSINESS IN ORFfiON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $59,425.03. Net losses Dald. $21,853 79. Divide mi, paid or credited to policy holders. Nil Name of Company, The London As surance. Name of Manager for Pacific Const Branch. James C. Httt, 369 Pino SU San Francisoo 4. California. Maimory re?inent atterner for ser- Daiiov v Tivtnr t.rflnH nr.i ton. erxorsifl of axvtai statemxt DP THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE inSURAKCE COMPANY et IWatk. In Die Kut r.f Nw JrrV. rn tbt till m-fir il nf Dminbrr, 1914. raid tn th nra Cunimluionvi of Die Stfttt or Oirgbii, pur Usui to tow: Capital Amount cf tp)Ul stink paid up. ...I ft fnooinv ToUl premium lor t-'.o yr. .tTS.fl05,451.Sir J(itvrtt, ilivUl-.-tidi and tnu rccelied - durtiif Iha ffir SI, 109, 3 II. TC liui-nie (rum oitit-r kourt-tt mthed Uurtni U. jear !0.fl3ft.T3t.H TMil loeomt . . .- .l3f ,331.B.4r Dlsburaementai flltl for lour, eiidowim iiti..iiiul- Un autl (urretidof Ium vmSJl,5W.4S Illiliid palti to itoltcybtjldtra dur- ini tl.t ynr K,S11.4SMT Dlvidmdi i-nid on caal slock dur- lui tht yrar ft CoiutTilulonB Ktd ultitlM txtld dur- lr, U$a yrar T.3IT.080.W Txt-i, licttmei and fres paid dur lr ths JW MK.5S0.l4, Atbuunt of all other cipendltuiM. .. l&.3,00l.5iJ Tout tipeodlturai.: 81.909.33e.8T Aiseta Value of rul ntate on mil (mirkct valil) (Inrludiiii JLi.9r.ri.lt88.0fl owned uixliri ittnu-t of ule)....S8.S01.932.?f Lom on m fijtn and collateral, tte. (li'-IuUni IH.6J8.33 foreclosed Jlni kiitijMl ta tederoption) IlS.34T.8!t8.Sr Valua of IwinU onned (amorlltcd) . .T07.315.i5.9F Vulue Of itot-ka owned (market talut) T.333.93T.0C I'reinliiin not and poller loans.. . fift.043.2Sl.Af Cath tn bauks and on iiand :3.1S8.51tt.95 , Jiitemt and rents dua and accrued.. 7,218,720.62 Net iMifftllietfil arid deferrt-d pmu Jums and ulher auvts, . Tittal admitted aueta Iil.hilltieM ..t937.3SI.Sn.80; .,1710,714, 323.W ..nss.Hsi.ffer.os1 Net renervea Gross rlaluii for Iiimvi uiipald.. All oilier liabilities , Total liabilities, except Keiiirf Itcuirva Funds Caultal paid un 8 0 C(jntliiincr Iteiena builds Sfl.fll 8.609. 03 Cciiilingfncy Itrserro Funds $SB.Hlt.09 M Total 193T.U1.171.M Business In Orirrn Par Thai 7atri Ki-l premiums and an n uit lea received the rear S BI7.3W.M Dlitdctids paid durln tut year.... S0.580.3I K lnaea and da lint, emlonmcnti. siirrrri(jers, and annuities paid dur- InB tht y?ar MS.793.08 THE MUTUAL B2J2tEFIT KITS IN 8 DBA NCI) COMPANY Jnlin R. Hardin, 1'retldcnt Harry H. Allen, Secretary Statutory resident attorney foe sen let, iuba J. riii ills No. 43-40 I Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Western National Insurance Company 'of San Francisco, in the State of. Cali fornia, on the thirty-first day of De cember. 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $1,955,269.13. Total interest, dividends and real estate Income $188,307.81. Income from other sources, $54,403.61, Tolal income. $2,198,043.55. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses, $810,452.63. Loss adjustment expenses, $45,007.78. Agents commissions or brokerage, $392,637.94. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $121,321.30. Taxes, licenses and fees. $94,552.06. Dividends paid to stockholders, $120,000.00. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All other expenditures, $190.121 25. Total disbursements, $1,774,092.96. ADMITTED ASSETS . Value of real estate owned (market value), None. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., None, Value of bonds owned (amortized), $2,419,915.65. Value of stocks owned (market val ue) $2,647,820.00. Cash in banks and on hand, $1,121, 322.78. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $266,- 260.29, Interest and rents due and accrued, $10,765.70. Other assets (net), $32,487.18. Total admitted assets, $6,504,577.60. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND 7 OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $779,284.46. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims, $30,029.00. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks, $ Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued $3,174.41. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes, $108,989.90. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued. $8,400.00. All other liabilities, $55,361.29. Total liabilities, except capital, $2, 418.432.93. Capital paid up. $1,000,000.00. ; Surplus over all liabilities, $3,086,-. 144.67 Surplus as regarda policyholders.' $4,086,144.67. Total. $6,504,577.60. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR . THE YEAR ' I Net premiums received. $58.567 39. ' Net losses paid, $17,948.44. Dividends paid or credited to policy, holders. None. Name of Company, Western Nation al Insurance Company. Name of President, Charles C. Han Name of Secretary, W. Stanley Pearce. No. 48-46 Synopsis of annual statement of the Monarch Life Insurance Company of Springfield. In the State of Massachu setts, on the thirty-first day of De cember. 1944. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State ot Ore gon, pursuant to law: . CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up, $1,000,000.00. INCOME Total premium income for the year,! $5.775.06T78 Interest, dividends and rents received' during the year, $341,669.88. Income from other sources received during the year. $304,474,11. Total income. $6,421,213.77. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annu ities and surrender values, $223,736. 70. Dividends paid to policyholders dur' Ing the year. $61,740.81. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year. Includes $500,000.00. (Stock Dividend) $57,280.00. Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year, $258,364.85. Tax oft, heenses and fees paid during1 the year, $26,033.93. Amount of all other expenditures, $209,207.15. Accident and Health Dept., $3,799, 682.77. Total expenditures. $5,126,026.21. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $303,592.48. Loans on mortgages, $22,000.00. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $10,706,199.33 Accident Sc Health Dept., $6,348.00. Policy loans. $362,941.03. Cah in banks and on hand, $488, 811 88. Interest and rents due and accrued. , $90,194 47. Net uncollected and deferred nrem- turns. $261,371.32 Deduct assets not admitted. $9,644. 27. Total admttted asset. $12,271,984.24. LIABILITIES Net reserves. $6,197,095.48. Gross claims for losses unpaid, $52, 606 00. All other liabilities. $52987J8. Accident and Health Dept., $3,116. 519 .21. Total liabilities, except capital, $9. 419.407.87. Capital paid up. $1.000.000 00. Surplus over all liabilities, $1,852,- $76.37. Surplus as regards policy holders, $2,- 852.576 37. Total. $12 571.984 54. BUSINESS IN ORFGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities received during the year, $11.960 16. Dividends paid during the year, $262.- 13 Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the -. $7.363 84. Name or company, monarcn uie Tnnrnnce Comoanv. Name of President. Clvde W. Young? 1 Naiua of Secretary, Carl too K. Nay. BTNOPSIS OF ANNUAL 8TATTMTTXT 1 OR THE ' NATIONAL LIFE COMPANY (A Ues Uolnas hi. In the Hi ate o( Jowa, un thr' ihtrtj-firu day of tieremner. 114. made to die Juauranct Commit ilotef of the Stale cf Oregon,' puriuaux to law: Capital Amount of capital tok paid up.,..t Mutual: Income Total premium Income tor -the rear.t 1,4C,81.K Iutereat, dlridttids and uM recti d during ihe yw S26.K1.Vt Incume fruto oilier auutccs reuelied duiuif (ha )tir 311.aer.SS . Tctal iDCOtna $ 1002.MT. Dlab&namenta Paid for IcusS, eodowtaeuu, ajuml ilre and surrender falues.... $ CSS.GVf. TI XMrtdanda paid W poUcylivIdcra dur- liiC Uie yvar Dividends paid ca capita.) stock dur tiif I ha jtr Cemmluiona and laJarlta paid during the jear Taxes, llceiis.! and fee paid doxlug tbe year Amount of all otner expenditures... i . .1 in. aii.i; j 43,349.09 1 147.434.01 1 Total expenditures $ alHStal Valua of real estate owned (book rslue) $ Iioans on mortgages and collateral. etc .f. Value of bonds owned (amortized). . Hharaa & Bar. Loan Premium notes and policy loans..,. Cash in banks and on band Interest and rents du and accrued iitt unto Heeled and deferred prem iums OUier aaseta (net) agents credit bal ances all other C1L set, 113.64 t. 021.541991 0,391. . 83 1 327.500.00 ! B95.Ti3.S3' 241.St6.00 7S.M3.43f js1.9n.1s' S, Tolal admitted assets ....$ 0,910,184.48 ZdabiUtlaa et reserves f I.1S9.877.0?: .dross claims fur Icises unpaid.,... 32,555.08 All ctber liabilities K0.037.S4 ToUl llablUUu, axcect caplUl...! 9,118,470.6 Captial paid up. ... $ Mutual Burplui orer all 11a- bllit'aa T.T18.84 Surplus as regards policyholders... ,.$ T49.T1S.S4 Total $ S.916.1S4.4S Oiunssa in Oreron For Ths Taari Jfet premiums and aonulUea rscelved during the year $ Dividends paid during the year. . . , Net lows and claims, endowments surrenders, and annuldes paid dur Jng the rear 11.336 tO 01S.7I 1.T13.67 . XTATIOnTAXi XZFB OOMPAlfx ' U'UUam Koch. President Wald J. DsrtdtOD, SecreUrj . Statutory resident attorney for serrlcev Insur ance Commissioner, No. 45-4S m Synopsis of annual statement of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, in thfl State of Penn sylvania, on the thirty-first day of De cember. 1944 made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law Amount of capital stock paid up, Mutual Company. INCOME Total premium Income for tht) year, ,$71,716,834.96. Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year, $32,131,152.88. Income from other sources received during the year. $27,341,570.80. Total income. $131,189,558.64. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, an nuities and surrender values, $41,408, 584.27. ; Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year. $9,853,999.24. ; Dividends paid on capital stock dur- ,Ing the year. None. , Commissions and salaries paid dur- 'lng the year, $6,509,936.99. ' Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year, $2,665,342.96. Amount of all other expenditures, :$19.173.397.48.. , Total expenditures, $79,611,260.94. ASSETS i Value of real estate owned (book value).$24.278.678.06. ' Loans on mortgages and collateral, 'etc., $118,873,806.45. ' Value of bonds owned (amortized), $708,913,986.38. Value of stocks owned (market val- ue). $14.880,876 00. i Premium notes and policy loans, $48,284,914.78 1 Cash In banks and on hand, $14,207, ,110.70. Interest and rents due and accrued, $7,463,293.71. ! Net uncollected and deferred prem iums, $11 881,931.00. Other assets (net), $322,412.87! : Total admitted assets. $949,107,009.95. ' LIABILITIES ! Net reserves, $31".G07.i:l9.40. ! Gross claims for losses unpaid, $4, 494.416.62. 1 All other nubilities, $75,942,177.34. , Total liabilities, except capital, $898. Iu43.613.36. Capital paid up, None. ; "Surplus over all liabilities, $51, 063.396.59. Surplus as regards policyholders, $51,063,396.59. ! Total, $949,107,009.93. ! At amortized or other values pre scribed by National Association ot In surance Commissioners. ( Surplus funds consisting of reserve .for mortality and asset fluctuations ,and other contingencies and reserve for .Mortgages. BUSINESS IN OREGON I FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities received during the year, $443,113.81. Dividends paid during the year, $66,- 627.18. Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year. $379,140.93. Name of Company, The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. Name of President. John A. Steven son. flame of Secretary. George ft. White. Statutory resident attorney for serv ice. Linton Erbland. 828 Pacific Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. SYNOPSIS OS" ASNDAt, 8TATE1IKXT OF THK AMERICAN EMPLOYERS' INSURANCE COMPANY of Via Ulla St.. Doaiun. In th. Htala of Masaa tiiuiells, n Uia IhlrtJ-ftrat dar ol Dnvmbcr. 1941. mad. lo th, In.uranr. L'nmmluloQef oli tha Stala of Oirun. punuaut to la.: - Inoom. Net pramlutna rfrirrd S12.003.500 If j Total Inlatvit. dhldmds and teal ei!at Inrotn. WO.tWT.I, .Room, irom otnet ouT-ea T2g.l33.3f ToUl won" 113.332. .081.2.- Disbursements Set amount Dald pollejliuldcra for I 4.011. Low adjustment eipen.ea atr D90.5? 820. C Aaents eoiumlMlona nr broker,,.. , . . fialarlea and frMoMcer. director,, 1.131, ,27a:ir ,00.3f ,037.0.- 0O0.0T 0 ,003.91 noma ome. employee. Taiea. Ileentes and leea. PMilends paid to (localioldrra ICaah. 1330.000.00; atoek. 10 00) Dlttdenda paid or credited to poller- holdera 330. All other expenditures f.101, ToUl disbursement. 110 331330 33 Admltt.d Ass.ts value or real una owned t market . I 0 loana on mortsasea and collataral. ete. fl Value of pond, owned (market). 13 098 318 03 Valira of atocka oamed market salue) ,.3lt)!:u no tasb In bank, and on hand l.ftn 929 35 Premluma In course ol cpllprUon erltteo sine. September 30. lot, 1.031 T88 -t Interest and renta due and acrrned 3, o;o S! """""""I ISllSI rH'iiuf!"""". '"1" !3.370 (WW 11 tlabllitlM, Snrplna and oth.r ruaaa Total unpaid daunt 1 80:9313" estimated roes adjustment upens. for unpaid claims 130.331 00 ToUl unearned premiums on all tut- esrlred risks , a,, e Salarlea. renu. eipmeea. bllla. eo " ' ou. or accrued 329.300.00 Xatlmated amount du. or accrued for . Ctsamlssiona." ' '0'",,' o,hW "'M 0 ehams du. and accrued 423 399 ti ah other lisnmuea .'..v;;; j;: Jj! !! Vdunur, mem.... LwlSg; Total liabilities, OMI.l. , .1, ..,,., ranul paid up I I.0V0.01M 00 " iurrns mat all i,. urwu. a. TOrda pollanold... ... t Ml m K Sllm U OnaVoia ifai.' -J'- " M ansn caJJ. .7! " J 51 MS,"0Ajt ZH PLOTIXIt' UST,AltcJJ OOiil"8 rwinhiiattw. thmmk "- 0 MJJ BTATBIKNT I REPUBLIC INSURANCE ! ' " COMPANY auaut to taw: 'zm """V-ai' 'm'"" .. anal, liicoma - '. . ... T.,.. Uiconl. .i.MIM0 Dishnrsementa Ketjmount p.ld olf ,,500., lyn .dJuitment'MlnK....t JJ- .t. ,mn.iMloni or nroktraaa.... I,ls.S9.M Sslartes and lee. officers, directors. twma office employee TI. lirensea and fee.. Uliidnds paid to stockholder! (t-atn. I2t0.w0.00) 335,007.48 I33.4dl.78 240.000.00 402,017.93 BiMUltar Admitted Assets V'5af "U."Urt..":l!?..,. I 408.04..M Loans on mortgages and collateral. VaVue rt toVdV'omiaJiiortlaed).. Value of siocka owned (market alue) B.3T0.SM.3 Caah m banks and on hand 38.853.0 Premiums In course of collection riuen alnca HepUmber SO. 1M4-. 3.S3S.5f Interest and rente due ana aorruea Other auclS (mrl) 177.733.eS Total adroltled awta iu,jj...o. u liablUties, Snrplna and Other Funds) Total unpaid claim S S6i.080.00 jitlmated low adjustment aipenje for unpaid dalnrt S4.000.0fl Total unearned premiums on all un eiplred rliH. 4.707,850.17 Estimated amount due or acerued for taxes lT7.Me.ST Commissions.- brnkrrsge. or other charges due and accrued 14,367.15 All other liabilities 786,013.97 ; Capital paid up. .'....I 2,000.000.00 'Surplus oter all 11a- - bllltlea S.T91.520.5S Surplus as regards policyholders.... 4.791,550. Bf ToUl Business In Oreg-on For Ths Tear: Net premlunuj recelied 10.388.05 Net losses paid 4.628.48 mBprjBLIO XNSUBAVOB COKPANT Hugh U. Oaffney. President J. 0. Hurlbut, SecrsUry -r: ; i , No. 40-ST I Synopsis of annual statement of the Mercantile Insurance Company of America of New York, In the State of !New York, on the thirty-first day of December. 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: ' t INCOME . Net premiums received. $2,504,137.40. Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income, $240,510.68. i Income from other sources, $35,782.10.. Total Income. $2,780,430.18. DISBURSEMENTS I Net amount paid policyholders for 'losses, $1,180,068.05. . Loss adjustment expenses, $115,806.-' i Agents commissions or brokerage, .'$641,601.85. : Salaries and fees officers, directors, (home office employes, $276,839.21. r Taxes, licenses and fees, $113,391.30. I Dividends paid to stockholders, $200, I000.O0. ; Dividends paid or credited to pollcy iholders, none. : All other expenditures. $151,489.56. ' Total disbursements. $2,679,196.39. ADMITTED ASSETS ' Value of real estate owned (market :value), none. I Loans on mortgages and collateral, letc. none. 1 Value of bonds owned (amortized),. '$4,898,659.16. ! ; Value of stocks owned (market val-l lue). $2,015,600.00. , ; I Cash In banks and on hand, $964,- 726.75. I i Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $459,-' 1 Interest and rents due and accrued,. $26,664.31. , utner assets inett, .oi.oiu.... Total admitted asset9, $8,402,405.84. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER ; FUNDS I Total unpaid claims, $413,431.00. ; Estimated loss adtustment expense; for unpaid claims. $19,000.00. 1 Total unearned oermlums on all un-l lexpired risks, $2,499,213.69. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac-i counts, fees. etc.. due or accrued, SB,-' '274.50. Estimated amount due or accrued fori Itaxes. $97,560.00. ' Commissions, brokerage, or other, jcharges due and- accrued. $21,500.00. ' All other liabilities. S76.996.31. , Total liabilities, except capital, $3.-1 '137 975 50 Capital' paid up. $1,000,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $464,-i '430.34. Surplus as regards policyholders, $5, 264.430.34. ToUl. $8,402,405.84. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR ' Net premiums received. $6,767.18. Net losses paid $5,305.97. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. , Name of Company, The Mercantile' Insurance Company of America. Name of President, Cecil F. Shall cross. Name of Secretary, R. P. Stockham. Statutory resident attorney for serv-i .Ice, Temporarily vacant. Appointment' pending. No. 47-45 Synopsis of annual statement of The Massachusetts Protective Life Assur ance Company of Worcester, In the State of Massachusetts, on the thirty first day of December. 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up, $300,000.00. INCOME Total premium income for the year, $1,601,087.07. Interest, dividends and rents received during the year, $358,984.91. Income from other sources received during the year $128,095.30. Total income. $2.088. 167.28. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annu ities and surrender values. $460,108.31. Dividends paid to policyholders dur inn the year. None. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year. None. Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year. $163,733.11. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. $43,068.71. Amount of. all other expenditures, Total expenditures. $806,305.54. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). None Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. $980.985 93 Value of bunds owned (amortized). $9,374,315.73. Value of stocks owned (market val ue.. $870,060 00. P return notes and policy loans. tfW,6al 07. 496 83h 'n bank8 and n hanl. $520. 4 and rents due and accrued, 72.414.39. lums! '"a dt'"red ""m- Other assets 'net). -I1.473M. Total admitted assets. J13.108.653 90. LIABILITIES Jjet reserves Sn.Oio.W9 00. Gross claims tor losses unpaid. M3,- All ' other liabilities. $653,010.98. 74867996 CXCePt caP'tal- . Capital palo up $300.000 00 97394 ' 0Ver " llabll"iM 1.059. 359 97?.M5 a" r""d' Policyholders. $1.- Total. $13.108.653 90. BUSINESS IN OREGON d,J;.pr.lmlum" I'l ,nnultit received during the year. $.'1,075 37 None 0 1 d during the year, mJ,se, ,nJ clalms. endowments. SeTea"S$2.'rod49n''U'tie PM durln " Name of Company. The Masaachu Pilt". Pro,"v u' As."an"com rlnVton. I,rMld",, Frnlt Har- ?,!?LSKT'"f-JoPh C. Molder. EJW Well' tn""y t0'