Local News . TEMFERATUBE Maximum yesterday, 71 degrees Minimum last night, 38 degrees TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m. 41 de grees; 10 a. m. 43 degrees. Baro - ineter (reduced to sea level): 10 p. m. 29.99 Inches; 10 a. m. 80.45 I urnes. neianve nunuaiiy: iu p. ni. 93 degrees; 10 a. m. 89 degrees. Velocity of wind: 10 p. ni. 2 miles; 10 a, m. 2 miles. Prevailing direc tion of wind: southwest. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bowers, 1305 Fresno avenue, today reported they had received a telephone call from their son, Fireman 2c Nor man Eugene Bowers, saying that he had landed at Mobile, Ala., and would be home about June 1 for i a 30-day leave, norman, assigned - V to a tank landing craft, saw action in the Normandy invasion, and also landings n the Mediterran ean. Harlan C. Hlatt, logging en gineer in the division of timber management for the forest ser vice, arrived nere tooay jrom Portland headquarters lor three-day Inspection tour qf the Deschutes national ioresi. The Westway club of the W. B. A. will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday at the home or Mrs. i,va Winters, 330 Riverside, The Carroll Acres Bed Cross unit wil) have a sewing session Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stella Nelson, 344 Florida. The meeting will start at 1 p. m. Mrs. Bill Spencer, president hi the Women's Benefit association in Bend, left today for Portland as a delegate to the state conven tion of that group tomorrow In the Pythian building. s Women of the Degree of Honor 1 will serve refreshments at the dance for Jr. hostesses and ser vicemen tonight at the USO, it ' has been announced. The affair will start at 8:30 p. m. Mrs." John Munier of Shevlin, last night was a guest at the pilot Butte inn. C. W. Laird, representing the Canadian Pacific railway, was here today from Portland- on business. t O. V. Chonoweth, of the Oregon Agriculture college, was a Bend caller today from Corvallis. The Eagles' auxiliary will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday in gather hall. A class of candidates will be presented for initiation, it was an-J nounced todny, The Bend Townsend club is to , hold its regular meeting Saturday son, Pvt. Ben O. Gedney, 33, was night at 7:30 o'olock in the Labor! killed in action with the marine temple, officers of the organiza- corps on Okinawa May 10. tlon announced today. The meet-1 His Wife, Mrs. Genevieve Ged ing will be followed by a public ney, lived on their ranch on the L card party. . 1 1 Tumalo project near Bend with 111. ailU IW13. VY. J. DUHUlgil of Route 1, today received word GIRLS! , . THAT MAN ' VAN IS HERE TOMORROW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LAST CHANCE TONIGHT A Warner troi- Picture and FLOOR SHOW Saturday night. May 26, a big time is planned for Elks and their ladies. Jerry Chester and his Entertainment Commit tee have arranged for a Floor Show from Portland. Dancing will be to Bud Russell's orchestra. The affair will be semi-formal. !lf w m born May 16 in Seattle to their son and wite. Sea man lo Darren Burleigh and Mrs. JPurleigh, The sailor is now on duty In the south Pacific. Sea man Burleigh formerly lived in Bend and was employed by Broqks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. Miss Elizabeth Ttnookli hnmo demonstration agent, went to Ter- 1 rebonne today Xor an extension unit meeting at the grange hall. Dry cleaning" was iha mhw f her lecture, o,?!,r;ano Mrs- Darwin Heath, ?34 Hill, are the parents of a son born today at the St. diaries hos pital. Mrs. Charles Roberts, Jr. and Miss Eleanor Roberts returned yesterday from Portland, where they spent the week-end, Mrs. Elsie Youpg and sop Sid ney and daughter Dorothy are In Bent) from Astoria find attended the funeral this afternoon of Qeqrge Marius Ericksen, Mrs. Young's uncle. Mr. Ericksen's daughter, Mrs. Hugh H. Kelley and children,' George and Patricia are also here from Portland, and Kelley arrived from Port Huen eme, Calif. Mrs. Clarence Flowers, Miss Barbara Flowers and Warrant Of ficer Del Stoutenberg were - in Bend yesterday from Redmond en route to The Dalles. Stouten berg recently returned from the South Pacific, after over two years of foreign servjoe with the marines. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoogner and daughter, Carolyn were Bend visi tors from Redmond Tuesday-' Q. J. Chester, traffic manager for Pacific Trailways, left today on a business trip to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lemke return ed yesterday to Seattle after at tending the funeral of Lemke's lather recently in Bend. William Thomas of Madi as was a Bend visitor yesterday. mrs. . r, Jeffries and daugh ter Roberta are in Bend from Portland for Graduation week. Jeffries will arrive tomorrow to attend high school commencement exercises Friday. His daughter oeity is a memDer or the senior Class. - The Friday night dances at Car roll Acres are being discontinued for the present. . Adv. Mother Is Told Of Son's Death Rainier, Ore., May 23 (tPi Mrs. H. H. Barnes of Rainier todav re- ceived war department notice her it fi""-. , uujuii Jewell. Other survivors are two brothers. Private Gene in the army at Fort Sill, Okla., and Yeo man 1c Asa, at Seattle, and a sister, Maxine, San Diego. Gedney entered service May 6, 1944, trained at San Diego and Camp Pendleton, and has been overseas since November. I In ripening, many fruits be ! come mushy, due largely to the I conversion of the pectose sub ' stances intp pectic acid. LAST TIMES TONIGHT BARGAIN NIGHT It'll Slay You With Laffs! sniv'Sttiai 0"""J Semi Formal May Head Padres Brig.-Gen. Luther Deck Miller, above, Episcopalian Army chap lain, is considered a likely choice for the post of Chief of Chaplains, now held by Maj. Gen. W. R. Arnold. N. W, Redmond Northwest Redmond, May 23 (Special) Mrs. E. E. Burgess, Mrs. Yelma Holdaway and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow and sons were business visitors in Bend Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglas and daughter, Virginia Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Howell Douglas and sons Dennis and Phillip of Bend, visited at the home of Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow Tuesday evening. Mrs. Howell Douglas is Kev. fennollow's sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Burgess, Mrs. Velma Holdawav and son, Estell; Mrs. Irene Burgess and Miss Jean Parks were Mother's day dinner guests at the home of Kev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow. Myron Hunt of South Redmond was a visitor at the D. L. Pen hollow home Tuesday evening. Hunt recently received a medical discharge from the army after naving spent zi months In Alaska Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Burgess were Dusincss visitors in Portland Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Irene Burgess and Mrs. Purl Arnsmeier were Sunday eve ning visitors at the Penhollow home. Mrs. Jas. Underwood visited at the E. B. Adams, home Sunday afternoon. Bobby Blair and Larry Pedcn visnea aunaay aiternoon at the C. Z. Peden home. , Mrs. Ira Carter of Powell Butte was a faaluruay visitor at the home of Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Pon hollow. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hitchcock were Monday visitors of the Pen hollows. Estell Holdaway visited Mon day at the Chick Pedcn home. Carolyn Killingbeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Killinc. beck is out of the hospital and recovering nicely from a recent operation in Portland. Mrs. Clar ence Killingbeck returned to Port land Sunday to be with her daugh ter, who is recuperating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoim. Mrs. C. W. Bush of Sisters, was I a visitor at the Penhollow home i Monday. I Mrs. Velma Holdaway and son, ; Estell, attended the wedding of Miss Fay Williams and Royal W.i ; Gardner, CM 1c, Monday eve- Ininn nt tkn T A f,..-.. i iL r - "( Lights on Again, Writes Lieutenant Everything looks better over here now that the lights are on'nnd punish those responsible for again," Lt. Omor Taylor recently the sinking of the Japanese re wrote his mother, Mrs. C. C. Tay-1 lief ship Awa Maru. lor, 317 Broadway, from Enelanil ! The Awa Maru was sunk hv n ! where he is a B-24 pilot, lie was 1 recently promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, and he has been ! awarded the air medal. I Lt. Taylor spent V-E day In Ccr-1 many touring Ihe Ruhr industrial area observing bomb damage. The same day he made low level flights over Holland, France, Bel-' gium and Germany, and reported observing hilarious celebrations in Brussels and in Belgium. Official Records 1IS( IIAIiGK ril.KI) Chester A. Reynold has received an honorable discharge from the I army, according to a release filed May Zi. at the office of the county clerk. Buy National War Bonds Now! THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MAY 23, Franklin Officer At Klamath Falls Klamath Falls, Ore., May 23 1B Lt. Comdr. R. S. Sherman, physi cian aboard the immortal carrier Franklin, was at the Klamatn Falls naval air station today. Sherman was on the flight deck of the huge carrier when the at tack came that was to develop Into the most furious in naval his tory. Medical corpsmen attached to his command were blown from the ship, but he enlisted the aid of surviving pilots of his air group to evacuate the wounded and dy ing to the forward flight deck. General Hodges Reaches States New York, May 24 UP) Gen. Courtney H. Hodges, commander of the First army, landed at wt Guardia field at 3:40 p. m. today, the first of the victorious Amer ican four-star generals to return from Europe. ' Hodges and his army will be transferred to the Facltic, tt was. announced in Washington this week. The general arrived in the first of three planes carrying his party of 50 Qf fleers and men. Sisters Sisters, May 23 (Spec)aD Wil liam Coburn spent the weekend at his home in Bend. Lyle Davis is visiting a friend, Lloyd Nelson, who was In the navy and was wounded in the shoulder and is in the hospital in Portland. Mrs. C. Burkart and her grand son of Bend were weekend guests of her sister, Mrs. Theo. Noel. Robort Strong and family visit ed at the home of his sister, Mrs. Theo Noel. His home is in Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bicsncr and daughter left Saturday for Eugene whore they will reside for the summer. Biesner was princi pal of the Sisters schools for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Noel and family of San Francisco, is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Noel. He is employed at the United Air Lines in San Fran cisco. Pvt. Amasa Coburn sent a pack age to his mother, Mrs. William Coburn of Bend, from Belgium. Willis Patterson and family of Portland are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Patterson. He has been employed in the ship yards in Portland and has receiv ed his induction notice. The Sisters Townsend club held its regular meeting May 18 at 8 p. m. The former secretary, Mrs. Wldmark, who resigned, was re appointed in Mrs. Charles Boyer's place as she resigned shortly af ter her appointment. The club voted to hold its meetings every two weeks during Hie busy sea son. The next meeting will he I held June 1. I Mrs. Paul Hoke received a letter from hor son, Jack, who is in Ger many. He wrote he is wp and that he has had a promotion from private to corporal. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kerr arc moving to Madias this week. Mrs. Duiel Davis has returned to her home, as .Mrs. Allierf Raipes is very much improved and can attend to her household duties again. Mrs. Walter Boardrow and chil dren are visiting in Sweet I Ionic t,,, for a week or ... Japs Demand U. S. Pay For Loss' of Nip Ship Tokyo, May 23 mi Japan to day demanded that the United States pay indemnity, apologize submarine April 2 in Japanese j waters while traveling under safe 'conduct. Thu United Slat CK frill- ceded that an American suh- marine sank a Japanese ship in : that general vicinity, but said it I was traveling unligliled and off :( he planned course of the Awa Maru. j ' . . "b GOOD HEALTH Your Greatest Possession Regain It br being relieved ef Heaorrboide (PlJet), Fit ur, Flelula, Hernia (Rup ture). Our method of treat ment without hoinital op eration ucceaefuflr used lor 33 jeare. Liberal credit tense. Call lor examination or eond for FREE booklet. OpM Evem'npr, Mon., Wd frtu 7 to 8.30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Myilclaa and Suracoa K. E. Cor. E. Burnild. and Orm) Ay. T.l.pbon. EArt 3916. Portland 14, Oi.goa .INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY Propctui on raqutif from Principal Undtrwrlfrr INVESTORS SYNDICATE IMMUIOllI, Ml NNIIOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Loral Ucprowutativc 217 Oregon I'hone 523 British Actress HORIZONTAL SO South. Amer 1 Pictured stage lc (ab star . 51 Disciplines 13 Registered iSSfT" nurse (ab.) 34 She is an 14 Special type of VERTICAL heterodyne I She is a (radio) 15 Greek letter 16 Possessive pronoun 18 Drag through mud 19 Fuzzy cover ing 20 Row 22 Allot 23 Demigod 24 Mountain nymph 26 Farinaceous meal 27 Sinew 28 Heart beat 29 Isle of Wight (ab.) 30 Morindin dye 31 Withered old woman 34 Prices 38 Turned left 39 Country in Africa 40 Individuals 2 All - 3 Tantalum (symbol ) 4 Polish 5 Newspaper parttiii aph , 6 Arrive 7 Redact 8 Musical . instrument 9 Like (suffix) 10 Left end (ab.) 1 1 Hardens 41 Blood (suffix) 45 Great Lake 48 Peculiar 47 Louisiana native of French ancestry 49 Native metal Sgt. Bill Mayer, Back From lfaly,Tells of Romania Trip Back In 1041 when Bill Mayer, . Pvt. Robert Mayor. Also, tho sor graduate from the local high gCant recalled that he met Sgt. school with the class of 1938. Bo Bradl)Ury and MSgt wmis played out field for the Bend Elks, " . he little dreamed that he would i1?0. . ,? y", . be playing ball In Italy in less I. In" dentally. Sgt. Mayer men thai! four years-yet that .came lo,1'? "nt on '" trlP t0 Run1,"lH to pass. Back from the European ,b,y ai,r he got to sec the "blue theHtnr nf war Ms-i William Danube," and discovered that D. Mayer reported ho played quite a hit of ball in Italy, and added that his outfit's team garnered some Mediterranean honors, in cluding a trip to Cairo. Dill didn't get to go along, because of hay fever but he saw plenty of Italy. And on one occasion, the young sergeant recalled on his return to Bend for a visit with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mayer, he made a trip into Romania, that was on tho occasion when big U. S. planes flew Into Ro mania to return American prison ers, among the first released in Europe. Also, on his way home, bgt. Mayer got to see mighty ui braltar, and the great "rock was illuminated. In entering the European theater of war, Sgt. Mayer took the African route, via Casablanca, and missed Gibraltar. His heavy bomber outfit was ono of the first to reach Africa fol lowing the invasion. One of the highlights of Sgt. Mayer's long stay in Italy was a brief reunion with his brother, Our Congratulations To Bend High GRADUATES of 1945 FOR THE BOY . Wcmbleton Shave Sets Saddle Club Shave Sets Woodbury Shave Cowl CIGARETTE CASES o LIGHTERS TOBACCO POUCHES Military Crush Brushes and Comb Set Leather Billfolds Men's Service Diary Mirrors Sun Glasses GRADUATION CARDS 10c to 25c 1?45 Awwpr to rrtvlowft late 12 Continent 17 Prophet 19 Dropped 21 Gorges 23 Charge for hauling 25 Moistened 26-Extra 31 Pick 36 Ancient Euro pean country 37 Soaks . 41 Ages 42 Net 43 Small part 44 Fish snucc 47 Greek letter 48 Entomology 32 Boat rowed by (ab ) three persons 51 Centiliter 33 Was indebted (ab.) 35 Novice 52 Senior tab ) ir I J I j 1 IS i ll o h 115 I 111 III u p""" ;E PjESS "fT;"- 1 ' 1 ja V 5s ' '' 1 31 IS. IS if 51 35 pi w - PjVJh " HO ; fsH (Hi ID m i i I i I I i i 1 i i i European river to be exceedingly brown. Fqllowlng his 45 day furlough, Sgt. Mayer will report at Fort Lewis, for reassignment. He was overseas 2G months, 10 of which were spent in Italy and 10 in Africa. The ex-Elk ball player wears six name stars. KVANGELISTS VISIT BENII evangelistic services will bo held four times a week, beginning Sunday, May 27, at 429 Georgia avenue, ny miss Mae Green- away of Oregon City and Agda Sterling of Oakland, Calif.. It has been announced. The meetings will begin nt 8 p. m. each Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: while the evangelists are In Bend, j "These meetings are not do-; monlnalional," Miss Sterling said.; "They will be very interesting and ! helpful to all who enjoy hearing the lite and teachings of Jesus in lerpreled In a simple, practical i manner." The public Is Invited to at lend the scries. I Gift Suggestions FOR GRADS Again, another class graduates from the schools of America. An appropriate gift makes the affair com plete solect ono for thorn at Magill's. FOR THE GIRL ... Cutex Sets In Kull l i Kit $1.50 to $6.50 . . $2-2.25 2.25 69c Morning Glory Cologne 1.00 Valse de Fleurs Perfume , 3.25 Chen Yu Nail Lacquer ?5c Chen Yu Lipstick 1.00 YhI ill) I Ic-urM Cologne Bubble Bath Dusting Powder 2.50 Savon Sachet Soaps 1.00 l tulh t Hunt i Miimer Bur Sachet Shower Soap 50c Glass Perfume Bottle Novelties Mirrors Juniper Gifts Coxed Stationery 1.59 4.50 $2 to $10 1.00 Toiletries bim t asm m. Ronald Ballantyne Is Civilian Again - Ronald Belnap Ballantyne, Slc, recently received an honorable medical discharge from the navy, and arrived in Bend Sunday from the Veterans hospital In Portland, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Esther Ballantyne, and his sister, Mrs, R. F. Gallagher. Ronald attended boot camp at Farragut, Idaho, and radar schools at San Diego, Norfolk and Boston. He participated In the Philippine invasion, and wears four service stars for engagements in the Pa cific theatre. He was injured In the Philip pines, and has been hospitalized since Nov, 10. He was sent to convalescent hospital, Sun Valley, Idaho, later being transferred to the hospita.1 in Portland. Paramushiro Shelled, Reports Nippon Radio Tokyo, May 23 HP Radio Tp kyo said today that Allied war ships shelled Japanese coastal In stallations on Paramushiro island In the northern Kuriles Sunday evening. The broadcast, recorded by FCC monitors in New York, said the Flotilla, apparently a small task force, entered Paramushlro's Surl bacht bay and bombarded the coast for 20 minutes. Cattle sometimes get tubercu losis from man, present evidence infected by ono person have been iounuj some cases Q( pulmonary tuberculosis are caused by the bovine type of germ, and this type can Infect cattle. Forty-nine girls were graduated from Smith college In the class of 1883; al but one were living at the time of the 40th anniver sary, and 20 were still living early in 1U4& and may be living yet. .1 V THIS If fUPIRIN, the new tnal- gesic (pain relief) tablet which gives quicker end greater relief from pain with safety. Now at your druggist's, SO tablets 59. Aik for Suptrin. Take it as you would plain asphrlp, GIRLS!! HERE'S THAT MAN VAN JOHNSON Copitol Tomorrow Dresser Sets llcautiful toiletry hcU In ni'W ilaHtii' mid cithiT inutitriulH. $8.50 to $25 Harriet Hulihunl Ayertt Way to Beauty GIFT SET 3.50 u j PAGE FIVE Up to the time the yolk sae is absorbed and feeding begin fish are Known as fry. ROLLER BALLROOM Prewnti k iBtU Mon., May 28 BYNorsis or ANNUAL itatrhin or THE OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSUR ANCE COMPANY of iMrlUnd. In th HUl of OrtftiQ. on tht thlri r-rira day of lmber. It1 nd to Um lniunHWv ComrolwltHia of ttoo HUM of Oram, jmriunl to Nrt trmUitM ttnlted. I l.TJ M Toll iDlawt. dhlttwiU utd nl nttli Incitm fi.tTMf Income fttna other to urea 4.0M.M TdU) Incoisf I.TU.T1 Diibnraemenfa Ket amount Itd txiUcvhitlueta for InaiM t 118 871 M Tvm iiljtulmetil eiiwntre 4t.t44.3X Atcflti eotnmlwlona or brohf ran. . . ' SSt.III.M Salarlea and I olftcefl. dtfeoton, hum nrriea mrlnr IS.0Te.1l Taiae. Ilccnwa tad fare.....: St.UI.t9 DliliUniU raid to etooUioldan lt,Wf M Ultldt-ntt paid or credited to poller- bfddara M1A.1I ,AU otliar eiprndlturu.....,.) M.UI.J3 ToUl dlebtu-rmenU .. Admitted Aiiiti Value tl ml eaUla owned (mark lalutr $ ' Loam an tDotliaaet tad cullatertl. JTHI U,eifl.t MlS. 50 113,449. Tl liS.Uil.S4 i.m i.iaiM Value nf htuitli omirrt (bwk taltiel. Value of atiH'hi pw(ttl (Imok reluei., faih In baiihi and nn ham) I'lrmhima In mum of eollwllon rrti-n alnue atuinbtr 10. IBi.. Inierert anil rnU due end aecmed Oihci atw:a (net) Tola) atlnalitrnt n I l.ef.51 f LUblUtlee, Sarploa nd. Other rnnds TUl unpaiil rlatui 180,910 0(1 Total imiainait tuamluma an all UD- i nl ml thin 49l,3ltjr Bbilioil-d emuunl due tr accrued for tatre iMM.or Commli!uita, brnkrue. or oibaf clitrrM due and aiTitwd 3(,f8f All olber Uahllllie 9AdB.it Voluntary mane.. t U ; Total llatilllllea, exempt rapllal....! AS9.U3.QI Taiilial ald up IIO.WO.M :Hurilu oier all lla- ullliic 10rt.0M.0o Burplua ej raiarda po!lcfauldr. . . ftU.ftM.M I i.to.mu BuelneM in Oregon Por The Teart it i-ri-niluiti recilted $ m.m nj K.'t Iiimh Mid tl9.979.ft Dltlit'inta rild or erediud to Mb4 Iil'lr f,u . ORBQOW AVT0M09XI.il INS. CO. Arlhiir II. V'HMrin. rmidtnl No 4W-4T Synopmi of annual statement of tht! Ifnivcrnal Iniurance Company of Flem ing Ion. In the State of New Jersey, on the thirty-first day qf December, 1944. ;madp to the Insurance Commissioner' I'df tht State ol Oregon, pursuant to CAPITAL ' mmmt of capital stock paid up., '$50(1,000.00. , INCOMK Net premiums received during thtt year, $l.!t03,:t0l 40. Intercut, dividend and rents received' during the year, $0,0ft.lfl. Income from oIIdt Huurcej received! durinK the year, iie.24l 37. Total Income. tZ.mn. fiyS fie. t DISHUHSEMKNT9 Net losses pnid during the year tn-1 eluding adjustment expenses, $1,032.-: 707 00. Commissions nd salaries paid during! the year. $rti..ria.7i. j Taxri. licrtiM'H nnd fees paid during i the yvnr, $71.fi8S91. Dividends unirf on Cflptlal stock dur-1 Ing the year. $130.000 00. i Dividend paid to policyholders dur-t lntf the year. None. Amount of all other expenditures, $K:. ma, . ! Total expenditures, 2.014,lflt.2fl. ADMITTKl ASSETS J Value of real estate owned (market' value). None. Loans on mortgage tnd oolUteral.j etc , None, Value of bonds owned (amortized, j $1,810.125 00- Vulue f "tOL'ka- owned (market va!-i Uri, $1.546.2.10.31. Cash lit banks tnd on hand, $1.03B,-' 32202 Premiums tn course of collection ' written since September ?0. 1944, $Z42,-j 6-4 84. Interest and rents due and accrued,; $7.28.1)8. Other aets -net), 1 94 .1 1 R.fiT. Total admitted nut-ts. $4,895,67920. LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid,; ,1.6l3.4a 00. Amount of unearned premiums on' all outstanding risks, $607,306 12. Due for commissions, and brokerage, $11.500 00. AM other liabilities. $978,222.07. Total liabilities, except capital, $3.-; 210.498.19. Capital paid Up. $500.000 00. Surplus over all liabilities. $l,183,v 18301. , Surplus as regards policyholders, $1,- $85.18301. ' ;. Total. 14.835,879 20. Note: Par value slock Increased, from $8 00 to Hooo per Mmre. BUSINKSS IN ORKUOM FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during tht year. $24,305 95. - Net lasses oaid during tht year, $19,-. 252 14. Name nf Company, Universal In surance Co. Nome of President. John T. Byrne. , Name of Secretary. S. Curtis Bird. SUrutorv resident attorney for serv ice. Insurance Commissioner, Salem, ' Oregon. . . . -.- . r . , 1