PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND,-OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1945 Leaders Register Market Declines By Elmer C. Walzor (United Press Financial Editor) New York, May 22 (III A move to double the wage Increases al lowed under the little steel' for mula today arrested a ;modest rise on the stock market. ' Prices turned irregular and most of the leading groups regis tered declines. Selective buying went ahead In special issues and some of them hud gums ranging to 3 points. Trading generally was dull. Commonwealth and Southern topped the active list by virtue of a 20,000-share block. The rails provided several active Issues, in cluding Baltimore and Ohio, New York Central, Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, and Le High Valley. These slipped back from early highs. National Power and . American and foreign Power sec ond preferred were active and at new highs. Leading steels gained slightly on the OPA move to ullow steel price increases. The smaller steel unit shares barely held their own Motors were Irregular. Texas company rose nearly a point, Sears-Roebuck and Lane Bryant made new highs In the merchant tiles. uuaic nLiLicico xcill x u.jl iicu jlijluj vaou. vv aljul yr am imi A. '""";' Classified Rates TOP SOIL, fill dirt, cinders, red or dark; barnyard fertilizer. We clean back yards, build small roads or driveways, clean ditches, build dikes, level lots. Huve cut An nnh or.r is add le pr word tiaaslan(j bulldozer, dump trucks and number ef insertions .... , . . . r,r . One Bontk run. saae eow. V. in ran; mi Deo ior nire. rnone zia-j ui eiLnimDM inarce. ae come to Jjou cumnerianu. Local Paid in Advance 85 Words One Time . .SSc 28 Words Three Times 76o 25 Words Six Times $L85 FOB SALK FOR SALE FOB RENT USED CARS 3 ROOM semi-modern house, woodshed and garage, 927 Ogden, Call at 944 Newport or 1025 Cumberland. UNB BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c p Fn , , notatocs Classified Adr.rlUlnt. Oh la X 3. . . .P. !!?.' uallr CUMing Tune istse r. jn. uru. i. jviuipu, iamiv Ranch, 5 miles southeast 01 uenu. FOB SALE ELECTRIC RAZOR and leather case. 850 W 32th. Call evenings after 6:00. EXPERT BEAUTY work. $7.50 oil permanent for $6.00, Tuesday through Thursday. We have a wonderful operator added to the stuff at the Beauty Quest so call for your appointment any time 12 ROOM furnished house, not and we will say yes. Ask for modern, garage if desired. Apply Thclma and your hair style will 207 Riverfront. please you. bne has 8 years ex perience and an nil around opera-1 tor. Call 170 now. ROOM MODERN: Completely furnished, close in. Large lot, full woodshed. A clean place, Immedi ate possession. Reasonable terms ABOUT 80 SACKS seed potatoes, cut, ready to plant, $J.4U per sack. Phone 28-F-23. E. E. Vance. at Gilberts Real Estate & Insur ance, 1015 Wall EXCEPTIONALLY ROOMY mod em 5 room home, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, double plumb ing, furnace and garage, close to schools and business district. Call 552-R for appointment. BIG-SIX MOWER, steej wheel wagon, nearly new rake, derrick poles. St. Johns Place, first road to left past Glen Vista, 3rd house on right. 5 ROOM modern house, 2 bed rooms furnished, radio, good gar den spot, 6 minutes walk to mills. Inquire 1315 Albany. ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 22 mi Livestock: Cattle 100, calves 25. Active, steady. Few medium steers 14.00-15.00. Few light Block ers 14.00. Common heifers 11.00 12.00. Canner-cutter cows 7.00 9.50. Medium beef cows up to 11.50. Medium sausage bulls 10.50- 31.75. Good beef bulls salable 33.00-13.75. Good-choice voalers 15.0016.00, extreme top Monday 16.75. Hogs 50. Active, steady. Bar rows and gilts 15.75. Sows 15.00. Good-choice feeder pigs salable 19.00-20.00. Sheep 100. Active, strong with j eany top use nigner, partly on quality. One lot good to mostly choice 82 lb. spring lambs 14.00. Common-medium grades 11.00 32.50. Good shorn ewes 6.50. Common-medium ewes 4.50. NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, Immediate delivery to those who qualify, 3500 Watt A.C. and D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Wltham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Ouk St., Eugene, Ore. FINE YOUNG White Giant breed ing dots. Call at 147 E. Olney. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonuble prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. 2 BEDROOM modern house, back norch, insulated fruit room, 2 lots, chicken house and garage. Some TRACTOR The school made tractor is ready for sale. Model A i motor, d to 1 gear box reduction, rubber tires. See it at the Machine Shop and make your bid. No bids under $150.00 accepted. Will be sold Friday, May 25th, at 12:30. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished apart ment, hardwood floors, stove, heating, refrigeration and laun dry facilities. Jansen Villa, 407 Portland Ave. 1929 MODEL A Ford sedan. $200. Within OPA ceiling. Inquire 203 Bond. LOST large 44c; A large 42c; medium Zinc chromate priming paint is A 39c; small 35c dozen. ', . . . used in large quantities on alunu. - : I num and magnesium war equift Buy National War Bonds Now! ment, particularly aircraft. ONE HAND TRUCK between Bend' Dairy Plant and Ordnance Command Shop. Finder please re turn to Allison Delsel Shop. LOST SUNDAY, one small black dog, Deschutes license. Phone 510-J. 429 Staats, Bend. Reward. PRE'WAR FURNITURE, beds, stoves, chests, dinette set, daveno, etc. Inquire Duplex corner 10th and D Redmond. LEIGHTON FURRIERS are now at 809 Florida. We still have a few new coats on sale at a BIG saving. See them now. Remember 809 Florida. INCOME PROPERTY: Four 3 room apartments furnished and one house, close In. A real invest ment, priced for quick sale at $3500 at Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance, 1015 Wall. terms, or cheap for cash. By own- If yUN" DES,,and ne, V"? er, 1444 Elgin after 3 p. m. PERENNIAL CABBAGE, broc coli, brussel sprouts and head let tuce plants. Fanton s Garden, OA) Ogden. DARK BLUE suit size 40 short, price $12.00. Inquire 1477 Daven port. 4ROOM semi-modern house, 2 lots. 434 E. Norton. Phone 30 F-5. ONE OF CENTRAL Oregon's finest cattle ranches completely equipped and stocked with white face cattle. For details and terms see Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. TWO BEDROOM modern house, hardwood floors, utility room, double garage, woodshed, 2V4 lots, plenty of garden ground. Near Greenwood Grocery and Allen school. 352 E. Kearney, Tel. 1101. A HOME: To fit your needs. We have a nice selection of listings. Come in and let us show you a place 'that fits your needs and pocket-book. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. Buy National War Bond Now! BED, VANITY, chest of drawers, and vanity bench, walnut finish. Also mattress and springs. 147 Congress. FLAT WALL PAINT 2 BEDROOM modern house, close In, wired for electric range, elec tric hot water heater. Immediate possession. $800 cash, balance like rent. Don Ray, 14 Norton Ave. 19-11 FACTORY BUILT coach type 3 room trailer house, Butane heat and cook, awning and attach ments, good condition. See at Bab ler Bros. Warehouse, Redmond, Ore., or phone Redmond 73. Will move reasonable distance. Iffiifc2.49 9 Beautiful Paittl Colon Gives a soft, velvety finish and it washes beautifully 1 Applies easily on any type of surface, whether rough or smooth. You'll like the convenience of it because it dries overnight. White, cream, ivory, pastels and deeper shades. Try it , . . you'll like it I ToWl a Shin to Kitcntnf Interior Gloss Quart 100 Wanhtts eaully it's glare free asd Is available In 9 colon. lorcli,ll(Mk and Floor Euiimel qt. 1.09 A tough enamel that can take a torrtflo beating from ecu fling feet. Dries hard overnight. Ic-w In Cost . . . High in Qnaity Deluxe HOUSE PAINT HOUSE PAINT OUTSIDE WHITE 2.79 GaL In Colors, Gal. 3.25 Contains only the finest and most expensive pigments, properly mixed in a linseed oil base. Combines hiding power, maximum coverage and long life. White only. H0UK - VAN ALLEN ?irton Wall at Minnesota HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Phone 860 3 BEDROOM modern house, large basement, garage, large level cor ner lot, window shades, floor cov erings, cook stove,- circulating heater. Possession June 10. Close In, house located at 400 Sisemore. Owner 164 E. Irving after 5 p. m. or all day Sunday. Terms. Furni ture for 6 rooms can be purchased for a reasonable price. buck with hutches. more. Call by 5 p. m. 1114 Balti- GREEN SEASONED jackpine slabs, country orders taken. Call Gassner's Wood Yard. Phone 8-13W. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. . 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, private bath, electrically equipped. Inquire 141 Georgia. Phone 766. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, gas equipped, close In. In quire 443 Broadway or phone 356-J. WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. MODERN HOUSES on Shasta, 2 bedroom and sleeping porch, $2600, $500 down, $35 month. 3 room clean completely furnished, garden, $2000, $709 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. NOW PRICED for quick sale, 2 bedroom modern, electric range and electric water heater, must see to appreciate. 212 Yew Lane. A GOOD five room country home with three acres of ground and good outbuildings. Completely modern and has city water. Only a mile from city limits on paved road. Priced moderately at $5,500. Reasonable terms. Frank McGar vey, 118 Oregon. . , ON PAVED STREET, clean 2 bedroom modern house, large lot. double garage, unfurnished. $2000, $500 down, $25 month. Furnished $2500, $700 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes. 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. EIGHTY ACRES, half now in ul fulfn, large new barn, good house, electricity and large cistern. A good buy for $6,500. Some terms can be arranged. This Is really a bargain, and only six miles from Bend. Frank McGarvey, 118 Ore gon St. NEAR KENWOOD school, 3 bed room modern house, 5 lots, ga rage, one room cabin, 2 chicken houses, unfurnished. $2200, $500 down, $35 month. Furnished $2800, $800 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ..... , OWNER LEAVING, will sacrifice 2 bedroom plastered house, wired for electric range, electric hot wa ter heater, large garage, 4 lots fenced. Ideal sight for auto court. $3500. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W, PASTURE for ten head of cows. J. E. Allyn, Rt. 1, Box 196. TO BUY a lawnmower. Call 280 or 577. WANT PARTY to move building. R. H. Wilson, 642 Colorado. 2 BEDROOM furnished modern house or apartment close in. Re frigerator desired. Needed June 1st. Write No. 693 Bend Bulletin. WANTED TO BUY tricycle, me dium sized. Telephone 796-J. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big springer cows, and- will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. HOME, 3 or 4 rooms. Must be in nice district, well built, modern. Near grammar or junior high school. Will pay cash for bargain. State size of lot. I must locate in Bend by end of June. Write full details. Send snapshot of house if possible. Mrs. Keithe Sergo, 450 38th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. STEAMER TRUNK trunk. Call 988-M. or large TO BUY 1 month old calf, young bull calf Durham or white face, 10 or 11 months. Call 3-F-3. FOR TRADK SPLENDID BUYS, modern houses. East side, 3 rooms, extra room in basement, $1000, $100 down, $25 month. 2 bedroom plas tered, paved street, sewer connec tion, needs redecorating, $1800, $100 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. TRADE. 9 ROOM modern house, acre and half, garage, woodshed, hen house, garden, small orchard, good location for boarding house, 2 Jersey cows, yearling heifer, 2 shoats. Price $5,800. Want small farm. J. W. Nichols, Veneta, Ore. FOR KENT 5 ROOM modern house, 3 acres alfalfa, $40.00 per month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box 52-B, or inquire 2nd house west of last Texaco station, south highway. HELP WANTED ELDERLY MAN for janitor work. Pilot Butte Inn. WILL THE Kenwood student who j picked up small gray and white j female Kitten near 1J14 teaerai during Monday lunch period, please return her. Child's pet. Child heartbroken over loss. OPEN FACE South Bend watch with chain attached. Geo. W. Ray craft, 1145 Kingston Ave., or phone 445-J. Reward. . WILL PARTY who picked up by mistake a girl's navy coat size 2 on May 21, please return to 216 Delaware. - BROWN LEATHER billfold con taining pictures, receipts and cards belonging to Bonnie Bran don. Contents wanted badly. Find er keep money and return billfold to Bulletin. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on all maKes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. WE CAN refinish your old wicker furniture like new, prices moder ate. Call 460. W. Kingcraft. Will pick up and deliver for 50c extra. BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines including May tag and Bendix. Phone 583. 136 Greenwood. FEINTING COOK in mountain lodge. Board, mom, good salary, permanent. Phone collect Crcs Del Lodge. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants typing arid clerical home work. Call 31F-2. JOURNEYMAN wants position, automotive and general repairing. Call at 164 'A E. Irving. YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 22 1P Butter production in the west in creased considerably over that of a week ago but fell short of out put a year ago. Butter and egg prices were un changed today. .Butter cube 93 score 12Hc; 22 score 42 '4c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41Vjc pound. Eggs prices to retailers AA No. 23-10 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Com pany of San FratuMM'o, In the Slate of California, on the thirty-first clay of December, 1044, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the Stale of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums rcciMvcd. $28.3.11,305. SI. Total Interest, dividends and real es tate Income, S.UHil.ati4.78. Income from other sources, $6,044, S77 112. Total Income. $.W.7(15.I10R 51. DISM'K.HEMKNTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses. lU(i!l,;).l 14. Loss adjustment expenses. $6:12.314. Id. AKents commissions or brokerage, $5.413.H4H57. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $1,7 1 3,21)5 fill. Taxes, licenses and fees. $1.324.233 32. Dividends paid lo stockholders ICash, I1.524.W1 501; $1 .524, Dill 50. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All oilier expenditures. $2,431,521.75. Total disbursements. $24. 50!l. 472.03. ADM1TTKU AKSKTS Value of real estate owned tmarkct Value). $l.0O6,4!2 01. Loans on mortgages and collateral. He. $01.405 76 Value of bonds owned (amortized), 131 .3511.005 1)3. Value of stocks owned (market Value). $33,363,048 1)0. Cash in banks and on hand. $0.666,. 600.40. l'veiuluins In course of collection u-rlllen since September 30, 1044. $2, 637,644.06. Interest and rents due and accrued, $147,371 59. Olher assels (netl. S1.364.61J 46 Total admitted assets. a2..',3l'..ti57 22. UAlllUTIKS. SUHl't.l'S AND OTHER Fl'NDS Total unpaid claims. $12,385,554 15. F.stlmated loss aduistnient expense for unpaid claims. $447,839 00. Total unearned premiums on all un- expired risks Sts.ai7.s2i n.v Salaries, rents, expenses, hills, ae Jeunls. fees, etc., due or accrued. $55.- Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes. $1. 868.412 43. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due a.'d accrued. $120 025 00. All oilier haolllttes. $8,700 511 7) jjJaM'ahlhtics, except capital, $42.- Capital paid up. $5.084 340 00 5JSurplus over all liabilities. $34.54.- wSPSSs." po" h"mn- Total. S82 657 -5 lll'MNFSS IS OttVCON f OU THK YEAH Net premiums revived. 5474 362 99 Net losses paid. $2ti0 004 14 Dividends paid or ci edited to policy holders. None. Name of Company, Fireman's Fund Insurance Companv. Name of president, Charles C. Han nah. rearci, ,ccrUr' w- Stanley VACANCY WESTONIA Apts. I Close in, clean, coo', newly deco rated, electrically equipped, free 1 washing facilities, refrigeration, ! garage. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. : 3rd. I APARTMENT, refrigerator and! electric stove, washing privileges. Room for rent with twin beds to ! couple, kitchen privileges If de sired. Those will be available after ' the first of the month. Call 892-M. 1 3 ROOM modern cottage, electric 1 stove and refrigerator, wood, wa-1 ler and lights furnished. Also two I 2 room modern cabins. Inquire I Signal Station on south highway. ! 2 ROOM modern furnished house, near Kenwood school. 2 room modern furnished cabin, close in, with wood, water and lights. Phone 1083. Call 623 Hill St. GIRLS'! HERE'S THAT MAN VAN JOHNSON Capitol Thu., Fri., Sat. Don't Let Your Car Be Like This This kind of a car is the pride and joy of no one. To keep your car from this fate have it checked regularly. Our repair shop is completely equipped . . . our mechanics factory trained. Let us inspect YOUR car ... no job too large or too small. Bear. Alinement Service A Bear wheel and alinement inspection is your safeguard of safe and satisfactory service.' 50 of the cars on the road today have faulty steering which is easily corrected with Bear equip ment. Ask for a check-up at Eddie's . . . Central Oregon's wheel alinement headquarters. And Remember . . . "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 ' Boys' Sport Sets $2.68 i Sanforized;- cotton shirts ft and matching trousers. i7-lft ?,dV Boys' Sport iJJYi! 'f7 Shirts $1.29 Iff i if; l V Short sleeved shirts In wash- i $ Vvv Ail ablo poplins, cotton twills. -Ml , v- j f lVjllA Boys' Slacks . . . $3.98 HI . Jt L Neut gabardines andfancles. mfi0?'hx LS " I Rugged herringbone weaves , il WisSr' Jf Boys' Leather f(K 4 ifH Jacket ..... $9.55 Witl IImF Soft pliable raueskin. Zlpiwr iSSfsii ,ron" Mmm 1 .-Vv.;.:,, ' : jf i m il-. . ' S'fcrfJ tFabrie shrinkage lest than 1. ' . .-. ..Eirsar-i : "Wish my Daddy was home to wear it!" THAT'S a wish your mother shares with you, little lady. She knows, however, your Daddy still has to finish the job that took him so far away from you. But you may be sure he is counting on you and mother to keep things at home just as he left them his civilian clothes brushed and fresh the pup healthy and frisky a smile on your lips and a song in your hearts. And remember, there's one thing the Daddy you're lonesome for would especially like to have someone tell him soon in a letter. What is it? Just that everyone in your neighborhood really did something handsome in , buying 7th War Loan Bonds. Contributed to the 7 lb War Loan Drift by STUDEBAKER Part of America's lift and traditions since 189J '. 'Al 'it ' M RED RYDER GlAO VU CALLED-' WANT W SVLWCS fHAI fVSUNDEf?- 1 "j L" Bv FRED HARMn I . w 0E1CHVr"5E A MOTIVE f THET SENT YPU HERE; II Fv P ' IN Tri' FRCriT ?-j'fvE fWK'f VTO TRAP WE' GET OUT)