THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1945 PXbE FIVE tempSeratuke avimum yesterday, 61 degrees, Minimum last night, 43 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m., 46 de crees; 10 a. m., 44 degrees. Baro icter treouceu 10 bvh wvew; iu m., 30.01 mcnes; 10 a. m., 83 Hr cent. veiutiiy ui wiiia; xu Si. in., 2 miles; 10 a. m., 3 miles, i'revaiilng direction of wind, fcouimvtsji. Lon Bright, a visitor in Bend iday from his ranch east of brothers, reports that this week's ain has been general over the Tblateau country and that range- lmls have been greatly benefited. ' -.Vlr. and Mrs. B. T. Rhodes have cturned to tneir nome ai ivo tin ier, after staying at the Carroll Acres home of their daughter, lis. A. C; McDonald, while she as visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. li'lm, in Ordnance. Another sis- r, Mrs. W. H. Edwards of Pnne illc, accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Harry AUeh of listers are the parents of a girl )orn yesterday at the St. Charles ospital. Mary Farquharson, Pacific lorthwest secretary of the Fellow- hip of Reconciliation, will arrive in uena tnis anernoon ana to ilght at 8 p. m. will address an ipen meeting at the Methodist hurch, answering questions in orum type discussion. Her sub feet will be the San Francisco jpeace conference. She spoke last plight at the conscientious objec tors' camp at Wickiup. Lt. Bill Hixson returned from l i VVtiacaa mure wi:tria aftu aiiu a- l Aocts to be in Bend within ten frf ivs. -hp toln his mother. Mrs. fella Hixson, in a recent telephone it, ill from an army hospital in j'l exas, where he is a patient. Mrs. Si lixson lives on Hastings Place in (Bend. J Walter Rydell, manager of the Vestern Auto Supply company fliere is in Portland on business, i Ray Cooper today was back in SBend after attending a two-day ,'c(inference of post service officers -Kfor the Veterans of Foreign Wars, held in Portland. The service 'officers met in the Veterans' ad ijministration building. John D. lompKins, represent- ing the Missouri Pacific railway, I v us here today on business from "Portland. I Glenn Stockton, Prineville, was G NOW FEATURE AT 7 AND 9:25 ..I., 4, L.1m!. txwis f44 Cc-"f ' Jk Cortcn-D CM BUY BONDS Beta Siqma Phi will lake your order and deliver your bond. Buy from the girl in the booth any night at the Capitol. mltiZ .U'.(iA. 35c 2 KJTS NIGHT IT'S A YELL OF A LOT OF rum a business caller here today. ' Mrs. Meredith Bailey of Sisters, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. . Robert E. Speer, stationed at the Redmond army air field, was a Bend visitor today. Gordon Barrie of Lakeview. spent the day in Bend. J. K. Hulsey of Gilchrist, visited Bend friends today. Eagle Patrol of Bov Scout Timn No. 21, which won the B award at the scout camporee in Shevlin park on Saturday and Sunday, was not included in vesterdavs story of the event, owing to lack of Information. Floyd Burden is chairman of the patrol committee, and was present when the award was made. A special meetine will be held tonight at the Masonic hall in Bend, to confer the Royal Arch. uegiee on a large class of can diaates, officers announce. Re freshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wills and daughter were in Bend yesterday uuui ruweii oune. t Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lingerfelt, 1314 Ithaca, left last nmhr fnr Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith nf Redmond, spent today in Bend. Mrs. Jack Davis returned yes terday from Portland after a two- weeks visit at the home of her son-in-law arid daughter, Dr. and Mrs. George E. Mallett. In Bend today from Sisters were Mrs. E. O. Thompson and daugh ter Patsy, and their guests, Miss Olivia Emery and Miss Joy Wil son, of Battle Ci ound and College Place, respectively, in Washing ton. ' Announcing Thelma Gray, ex pert beauty operator added to the staff at The Beauty Quest. Her work will please you. Call 170 Nw. Adv. Balloon Attacks (Continued from Page One) The armed' services decided to reveal the nature of the attack to forewarn civilians against possi ble damage and personal injury. It was held that the possible sav ing of even one American life by publishing the warning would more than offset any military gain to the enemv from the merp knowledge that some balloons had actually landed explosives in this country. The services warned, however, that it would aid the Japanese if ; incy snouia learn exact informa tion as to the time, locality and effect of any specific Incident, or itho number of balloons which ; havo landed or been sighted, j This woifld permit the enemy to ! evaluate results and possibly to correct methods. , The army and navy paid tribute to newspapers and radio stations for withholding facts about the bombs which have become known : from time to time. ! Snow May Bury ' i The announcement pointed out there may still be unexploded bombs in isolated areas, possibly buried beneath the snow. "With the coming of warm weather and the end of the school season, it is desirable that peo ple and especially children liv ing west of the Mississippi river be warned of this possible hazard and cautioned under no circum- ' stances to touch or approach any i unfamiliar object. ' "The war and navy departments make this statement so that the TONIGHT TOMORROW BARGAIN 35r 2 HITS 'Ss- ran A. ft. vi PLUS 2ND BARGAIN NIGHT HIT public may be aware of the pos sible danger and to reassure the nation that these attacks are to scattered and aimless that they constitute no military threat. They should, not be viewed with alarm. "Due to the large areas of the United States and the variable na ture of the winds, the possibility of a hit in any specific area Is re mote. The chances that any given place would be hit by these at tacks Is only one in many mil lions. News Omitted "Newspaper and magazine read er and radio listeners should un derstand that reports of the-Japanese balloons are being omitted from the news columns and radio summaries by editors and broad casters to keep from the enemy further information of balloon at tacks on the western hemisphere. "The war and navy departments take the liberty of recommend ing that civilians themselves take the same patriotic course and re frain from spreading news of any specific balloon Incident of which they may hear." Ernest Zelich Wed In Astoria Chapel Miss Ellen Hale of Chehalls, Wash., and Pfc. Ernest M. Zelich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Zelich, 1375 Cumberland, Bend, were married In a chapel ceremony yesterday at the Astoria navy base, the groom's parents an nounced here today. . A graduate of Bend high school in 1941, Ernest has been In the service three years, serving with the Second division marine corps. He has been in the south Pacific for 29 months and wears service stars for participation in the Saipan and Tinian campaigns and other engagements. The newlyweds are expected In Bend for a visit soon. No-Hostess Dinner Planned By AAUW The last monthly meeting of A.A.U.W. for the current season will be held at 6:30 Thursday eve ning, May 24, at the home of Mrs. George Simerville, 644 Harriman. This is to be a no-hostess dinner which will be prepared by Mrs. William Lindgren, Mrs. R. S. Yarnes and Miss Harriet Harris. At this time the new vice-president, secretary and two board members will be installed. Com mittee chairman for next year will be' appointed by the i president, Mrs. AJmeUa Hoist. CLUB PLANS CARD PARTY The Town and Country club will hold a card party at 8 p. m. Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fountain in Carroll Acres. Mrs. Hubert Bartlett, Mrs. Rob ert Jackson and Mrs. Vernon Stevenson will be In charge of refreshments. Society to Meet The Mission ary society of the Church of God will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. Smith, 390 W. Rail road. Lunch will be served at noon, it is announced. , Meeting Set Mrs. J. Harvey Drake will entertain the SOS club Wednesday at 2 p. m. at her home on Butler road. CLUB TO NAME OFFICERS The Junior Civic league will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Vern Larson, 260 Congress. Mrs. Norman Gilbert, president, urges all members to attend, as officers will be elected for the club year beginning in September. REDMONDP.E.o! TO MEET Redmond, May 22 (Special) Mrs. T. J. Wells will entertain the AQ chapter of the P.E.O. Sister hood at the regular meeting Thursday afternoon. The pro gram, "How new will the new world be?" will be presented by Mrs. J. R. Roberts. Official Records DISCHARGE PAPER FILED An honorable discharge from the army was filed May 21 at the office of the county clerk by Charles Christy, Jr. Because of war uses In making aviation fuel, freons and other products, hydrogen fluoride pro duction Is now more than ten times as great as it was a decade ago. Decoration Day Flowers F .'SI mm featuring PEONIES GLADIOLI and other cut flowers. ; DON'T FAIL TO ORDER EARLY PICKETT Rower Shop & Garden Phone 530 629 Quimby We telegraph flowers nywhmw. NEWS Society deadline on days of Public Health Annual Meeting Saturday Mrs. Maurice Roberts of Red mond was re-elected president of the Deschutes County Public Health association at the annual meeting held Saturday in connec tion with a luncheon at the Pine Tavern. Mrs. Velma Buckingham and A. W. Westfall were retained as first and second vice-presidents. Mrs. Jeneva Lewis of Red mond was elected secretary, Mrs. C. I. Dunlap, treasurer, and Mrs. A. E. Stevens, executive secre tary. Mrs. Roberts presided at the meeting, which featured addresses by Dr. W. H. Aufranc, assistant health officer, and Miss Mary Jane Green of the Oregon tuber culosis association. Dr. Wayne S. Ramsey, county health officer, in troduced Dr. Aufranc, who ex Music Pupils Play In Bend Auditions Redmond, May 22 (Special) Music pupils of Mrs. Fred Hodeck er participated in the piano audi tions held in Bend on Saturday afternoon, May 19, under the aus pices of the National Guild of Music Teachers. Winners of local certificates in Mrs Hodecker's group were Wilda Peden, Lois Ann Bussett, Patty Moore, Marilyn Baker, Mildred Hollis, Clara Dexter, Margaret Mickle, Carolyn Hoogner, Patsy Hansen, Charles Sharp, Louise Eason, Mary Lou Roberts, Joe Turner, Johnny Hodecker, Irma Jean Galbraith, Carol Tweedie, Vera Lou Bussett, Connie Dick son, Harold Gibson, Claire Sparks, Marilyn Van Matre and Virginia Blair. Mrs. Grace White, associate professor of music at Syracuse university in New York, was the judge. Mrs. Hodecker held the sixth of a series of piano recitals for her May 12. Bride-Eject, fieted At Shower Party . Redmond, May 22 (Special) Mrs. H. P. Eby was hostess Sat urday afternoon at her ranch home in North Redmond, at a shower honoring Miss Faye Wil liams, whose wedding 'ocrtirred on May 21. The honored guest was compli mented with many beautiful and useful gifts. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foss of Ter rebonne and was a graduate of Redmond high school before en tering Oregon State college. Bend Girl Bride of Overseas Veteran Miss Julia Lee Hixson of Bend became the bridge of Lt. Willis1 Ferry Shafer of Dufur in a cere- mony performed at 2 p.m. Sun-' day In the First Baptist church, before a small group of relatives. Rev. Kenneth A. Tobias officiated. The couple left immediately fol lowing the ceremony on a wed ding trip to California. They will make their home in Dufur. I Lt. Shafer was wounded in ac tion in the Philippines, and re turned from overseas three weeks j ago. Dancing Party Planned For Hostesses, Sailors Junior hostesses and sailor guests from Camp Abbot have been invited to a party at 8:30 Wednesday evening at USO head quarters, Mrs. Craig Coyner, di rector, announced today. Games and dancing will provide entertainment for the evening, and refreshments will be served. IIoMtmui Named Mrs. Lillle Faulkner, 22 Shasta place, will en tertain the North End club at the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wed nesday. LODGE NAMES COMMITTEE The Rebekah lodge will hold n regular meeting at 8 p.m. Friday in the I.O.O.F. hall. Members of the refreshment committee are Mrs. Frank Riley, Mrs. R. M. Ned row, Mrs. W. ('.. Quigley, Mrs. T. J. Pierce, and Mrs. Teressa Rose. If you need to OttllOUP Due To Monthly Losses If you lone BO much during monthly period that you tcel so woalc, "dr&KKed out" this my be due to low blood-ltoa to try LydtFt E. Plnkhsm's tablets one of the gimtest blnod-lron tonics you can buy. Plnkhsm's Tablets are also famous to help relieve symptoms or monthly functional disturbances. Follow label directions. l-iiaLPiakhim'sTACtCTS . GIRLS!! HERE'S THAT MAN VAN JOHNSON Capitol Thu., Fri.. Sat. OF SOCIETY publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Is 10 a.m. Call 56, The Bulletin newsroom. Association plained the workings of the coun ty unit system. Miss Green stressed the im portance of the chest X-ray sur vey unit, which is expected to be In Bend early In July. Appoint ments will be made in advance through the Deschutes county public health office in the O'Kane building and civic groups, it was said, in order to handle 300 per sons daily at the mobile unit. Miss Green pointed out that most tu berculosis cases are adults rather than children, and that men are more often victims than women. The 30-69 year age group was said to be the most likely to be strick en. Following the meeting at the Pine Tavern, the group adjourned to the health office for further business. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 8:00 p.m. Degree of Honor, Sather hall. Wednesday 2:00 p.m. SOS club, Mrs. Har vey Drake on Butler hoad. 7:00 p.m. Job's Daughters, Masonic temple. 7:30 p. m North End club with Mrs. Lillie Faulkner, 22 Shasta place. 8:00 p. m. Evening Women's Fellowship, First Presbyterian church parlors. 8:00 p. m. Pythian Sisters in Norway hall. 8:30 p. m. Jr. Hostesses and servicemen, party and dance at USO headquarters. Thursday 12:00 n. Luncheon for Mission ary society of Church of God with Mrs. A. Smith, 390 W. Rajlroad. 2:00 p.m. Thursday bridge club with Mrs. John O. Curry, 407 Delaware. 2:00 p.m. Women's council of First Christian church, executive meeting with Mrs. Ncola Ross, 1506 Galveston. 2:00 p.m Job's Daughters, in stallation at Masonie temple. 7:00 p. m. FEO Sisterhood, din ner meeting at Pine Tavern. 8:00 p. m. Jr. Civic league with Mrs. Vern Larson, 260 Congress. Friday 8:00 p.m Rebekah lodge, I. O. O. F. hall. . Saturday 8:00 p.m. Town and Coiinlry club, card party at Hugh Fountain home, Carroll Acres. Cancel Meeting The regular meeting of the Neighbors of Woodcraft, planned for 2 p. m. Wednesday with Mrs. Fred Cha rete, has been cancelled, officers announced today. Board lo Meet The Women's Council of the First Christian church will hold 'an executive meeting at 2 p. m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Neola Ross, lijOb Galveston. R ARTS You're "lucky" to be driving a Dodge or Plymouth vehicle today particularly if you need replacement parts! Our stock of factory-engineered parts is suffi cient for most service requirements and our trained mechanics have the "know how" to install them properly and at reasonable prices. For better performance, longer life, and maximum economy let us take care of your vehicle! Phone for an appointment today! Central Oregon Motor Co. '. Distributor: Doilge I'lynmiith Pawnenger Car Doric Joli-Katrd Trnrk KIT, Bond SI. .1. L. VAN 'Buddy Poppies To Be Offered For Sale Here Members of the V. F. W. auxl liary will sell their blue "Buddy" j popples Friday and Saturday of I this week to collect funds for the rehabilitation program which the ! organization is sponsoring for war veterans. "To help the living and keep faith with our fighting men, noi one can toss aside lightly the I obligations of Buddy Poppy Day," 1 Mrs. William Gibson, president of the auxiliary, said today. I Every dime collected through! the sale of poppies will help to; rehabilitate veterans of this war. and of World War I, it was point-j ed out. The organization helps; maintain greenhouses to restore! to wounded servicemen the co- i ordination of nerves and hands,) and to afford them the creative pleasure offered by the tending of growing things. The popples were first made I by World War I veterans after the signing of the Armistice, and were Inspired hy Colonel John Mo Crae's poem, "In Flanders Field." Mrs. Ermll Tiller is chairman of the poppy day committee, as sisted by the following auxiliary members: Mrs. Cecil Rhoads, Mrs. Ralph Honsley, Mrs. Elmer Whip ple, Mrs. Ray Potter, Mrs. Ray Brown, Miss Laura Shipley, Mrs. Anna Youngherg, Mrs. Francis Gates and Jerrine Gilbert. Friends Observe Silver Wedding Mrs. E. R. Coverday, 331 Port land avenue, entertained a group of friends Saturday evening in honor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ream, on the oc casion of their silver wedding an-! niversary. A large wedding cake was served, and gifts were presented to the honor couple. Guests In cluded Mr. and Mis. Goorge Lay Ion, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon, Miss Jean Watson, Thor Frydenlund, Mrs. Neal Newland and Miss Barbara Ream. Mr. and Mrs. Ream were mar ried Mny 19, 1920, in Sioux City, Iowa. They have lived in Bend for the past six years. Ream is man ager of the General Grocery com. pany here. ' , Mrs. Heim to Entertain At Garden Luncheon Redmond, May 22 (Special) The home of Mrs. C. W. Helm will he the scene of a garden party Wednesday nflernoon, when the members of the Juniper literary socieiy win meet lor a no nostess ! luncheon in the newly-arranged i and landscaped garden. The social committee, Mrs. Roy : Rogers, Mrs. Hal Rogers and Mrs, iR. L. Lewis, are In charge of ar- irangements lor the affair. FOR DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS Ml I I 1,1, I'lmiir- 21 . fill IM Summer Vortlon viM i 1 Youll wtar It vtrywhrt and rvtl I Dm glory of Hi ftrMMvtr (It and .mootti dttalb. Waitiablt Fair Waathwr Suit In wovtn candy plaid cane Marwcltar. rink, yellow, and . kvandor, 12-14. Alto, wovtn chock plaid cotton Morwdttr In pink, llmo, and bluo. 12-20. W;f T Lt 7PlACT0mAD, Auxiliary Honors Mrs.B.F.Beck Redmond, May 22 (Special) The American Legion Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Hal Rogers, Monday for It's regular luncheon meeting. Mrs. B. F. Beck was honored with a handkerchief shower. She has been an active member of the auxiliary for many years and wllh her husband Is moving July 1 to Pendleton, Ore., where Beck has accepted a position in the schools. Sewing itleel Planned The Car roll Acres Red Cross unit will meet Thursday at 1 p. m. with Mrs. Stella Nelson, 341 Florida. The afternoon will be spent sew ing, u was announced. Women with PILES Get DOCTORS' Tip You know, without aiklnff, thnt this formula (or diatreM of pi Iff MUST be thn hnt. It's the mma on uned by VOCTOHB, arijuncttvHy for nwn and womn im II en tit at noted Thornton A Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK prtllln tlvo relief of pain, Itch, nrme(m, Hol.m of (fin ntul tm.lfl to ihrlnk vwutllnK- Ut tiiho Thornton A Mlnnr'M Unr'tnl Olnt niont or Thornton & Minor Kcrtal Htip ponltorlrn, If not thrlllfd at quirk ra mi II h, the low coat refunded on rrquujit 4t all tfuoU drug tore everywhere, Military Leader HORIZONTAL 1,7 Pictured commander of Allied Air Forces In southwest Pacific, Gen. 13 Trying experience 14 Type of tur 15 Either 16 Mock 19 Babylonian deity 20 Challengo 2.1 Kind of tide 24 Young salmon 26 Trap 28 Hugged rocks 29 Czar VERTICAL 1 Merchandise 2 Wandering 3 Alleged fore 4 Of the thing 5 Chatter (coll) 6 Enthusiastic ardor ? Retain 8 Make a mistake 6 New Mexico ab.) 10 Symbol for nickel 1 1 Power 12 12 months (pl.) 17 Compass point 18 Symbol for 30 Breezy 31 Symbol for samarium 32 Promissory nolo (ob.) 33 Cloy 35 Sicilion volcano 36 Mexican name 39 Staggers 41 Demolish 42 Listen 46 Actor's part 47 Arm mensur 48 Enclosures for fields 50 Within 51 One who pesters 54 Fruit (pi.) 57 Redacted 58 Pompous i . shew 8.95 Dinner Announced AI chap ter, P.E.O. Sisterhood, will meet Thursday for a 7 o'clock dinner at the Pine Tavern, followed by a meeting at the home of Mrs. Horace Richards on Butler road. Mrs. Walter G. Peak will be co hostess. See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO yZ light truck Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed 0 Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Ovned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 OreRon Phone 525 21 Headland 22 Obliteration 24 One who prints 25 Swiss river 27 Muse of poetry 28 Antic 33 In gear 34 Lords tab.) 36 New (comb. air Xorca 38 Prattle .J 40 Perception "fi 42 Flock .-1 43 Half-cm ' 44 Symbol for actinium 45 Harvest 48 Charge 49 Health resort 52 Sloth form) 53 Street (ab. 37 He commands 55 Pair (ab.) a unit of the 86 Musle notfl tntawer fit l'rlMa I'm!, 1 EtiPmiSS mil wm !S AS'Mt, MA5ARYK jgiglb1 i j p ft f l ft p Ja i 13 f i ips T7i -3 rira MKZ hr- 2" U r1 lYtL. a ;i W In jtf'. iT Tr? if TTTS 5 rfr s iT1- Ltl Hill z