PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY. MAY 21, 1945 I Leaaii Register Losses Ey Elmer C. Wulzer (United Press Financial Editor) . New York, May 21 mi Stocks moved Irregularly today on cur tailed volume. Some of the leading Issues registered losses running to more than a point following a modest ralley in the general market last week. Activity centered on a few isolated Issues in the leading croups. National Power and Co lumbia Gas led utilities and each made a new high; American and Foreign power second preferred also had a sizeable volume and made a high on a rise of more than a point. Alleghany corporation preferr ed at 49 up 1!4, Baltimore and Ohio at its high of 19 up !4 and New York Central at up were active in the rails. Hudson featured the motors in turnover and lost more than a point on week-end denial by the Fisher Brothers they were buying con trol of the company. Consolidate ed-Vultec-made a new high and led the aircrafts in turnover. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 21 IP Livestock: cattle 1,400, calves 200, Slow but fullv s eadv Few SlOW DUt IUliy Bliauy. .?- loads good-choice fed steers $16.00 17.50; one load $17.65. Load fed Holsteins $15.25. Common steers . down to $12.00. Load good-choice fed heifers $16.25. Common-medium heifers $11.0014.00. Canner cutter cows $7.00-9.50. Medium good beef cows $11.0013.00. Sau sage bulls $10.50-12.50. Good beef bulls $13.00-13.75; odd head to $14.10. Good-choice vealei-s steady at $15.00 16.00. Hogs 250. Butchers steady. Feeder pigs 50c-$l higher. Sheep 1,700. Rather slow, steady. Good-choice spring lambs $13.5013.75. Some held higher. Load good-choice Na. 1 pelt shor lambs $13.25. Recently lambs largely $11.50-12.00. ewes $6.00-6.50. shorn Good i Memorial Day Plans Outlined i Preliminary plans are being made for the Memorial day pro gram to be held at 10 a. m. Wednesday, May 30, in the high school gymnasium, when all vet eran groups will unite for ob servance of the annual holiday, chairman Joy Walker has an nounced. The program will feature num bers by the Bend Gleemcn. All servicemen In the army, the navy or the marines, and all dis charged veterans from the pres ent war or World War No. 1 are especially invited to attend In uni form, as well as members of the state guard and other military units, who are asked to attend in a body and participate in the pro gram. All gold star mothers are also urged to attend. Following the program In the gymnasium, services will be held at 11:15 in the cemetery, with a firing squad assisting. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTOBV OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE LET A MECHANIC SERVICE YOUR CAR" UNION Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil 1108 Bond . AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Exiiert merhnnlt-al and electri cal work on all makes of cam and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING T1RK SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Iludson-Duiican 1327 Wall Phono 812 BEAUTY SHOPS Try a BRECK TREATMENT It's wonderful for conditioning. You'll Im amazed at the new beauty of your hair. EXPERT OPERATORS May I .aura Antvllo Powder Puff Beauty Shop IMmnn 484 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone B24 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical lnsm'tliiii will Insure you mora efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 866 W or ll-F-23 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Acj Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time SHc 25 Word Three Times 76c 25 Words Six Time $1.35 AH ward. vr IS add Ic per ward ttaea number af InHrtlana Ona nanth run. aaaia copy. 4 daj rata Hlrusaaia cnarie, abc LINK BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c!TREATED CUI.L seed potatoes. Claxlllad Adrertlaini-. Caih la Advanca Uallr Cloalng I una ja:au r. as. FOB SALE Dfirai MnnFRM- rnmnlHelv furnished, close in. Large lot, full woodshed. A clean place, immedi ate possession. Reasonable terms at Gilberts Real Estate & Insur ance, 1015 Wall. MAN'S PREWAR bicycle, baby crib, babv basket. Inquire 300 Georgia. EXCEPTIONALLY ROOMY mod ern 5 room home, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, double plumb ing, furnace and garage, close to schools and business district. Call 5S2-R for appointment. NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. ana u.c. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Oak 1V.. n FINE YOUNG White Giant breed ing does. Call at 147 E. Olney. 300 RHODE ISLAND chicks 6 weeks old. Pullets 75c each, roost ers 65c. Inquire at Gun Club road, opposite roundhouse. Mrs. H. L. Ogden, Rt. 1, Box 442. INCOME PROPERTY: Four 3 room apartments furnished and one house, close in. A real Invest ment, priced for quick sule at $3500 at Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance, 1015 Wall. 25-20 RIFLE with shells, like new; also 12 gauge shotgun with shells. Boy's bicycle $22.50, Brunswick Victrola with double head attach ment, electric radio $12.50, over stuffed chair, Hoosler kitchen cabinet, child's play pen, baby buggies, sewing cabinet, new fish ing tackle boxes, bedsteads, coil springs, dresser bases, rockers, library tables, floor lamps, dishes, 4 piece baking set, Pyrex baking dishes, vanity dresser, chest of drawers, occasional chair, new bench vises, new meal saws, gar don hose; steel wheelbarrow frame without bed, Chevrolet gen erator, scythe, pitch forks, rakes, shovels, hoe, spades, scoop shov els, hand sprinkler, 25 ft. log chain, new and used screen doors, axes, meat grinder, wash tubs. Real bargains in slightly used clothing. On corner across street ifrom 350 Division. $3700 BUYS 40 acres. 34 acres C.O.I, all under cultivation, fair house and outbuildings. Ranch equipment can be purchased. 6 miles from Bend. Possession soon. C. V. Sllvls. 118 Oregon Ave. PERENNIAL CABBAGE, broc coli, brussel sprouts and head let tuce plants, r anton's Garden, 829 Ogden. STATIONS Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service at Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC - Contract Wlrlnir Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent I.lghtH GE Mazda I-anips Smith's Electric 118.1 Wall Phone 08 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service - 1MB Greenwood Phone IWS Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps I Plumbing Supplies I Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phono 217-Wj Long Distance Hauling $ BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gtods Movement FOR SALE TOP SOIL, fill dirt, cinders, red lor dark; barnyard fertilizer. We j clean back yards, build small roads or driveways, clean ditches, build dikes, level lots. Have cat and bulldozer, dump trucks and flat bed for hire. Phone 275 J or come to 13G0 Cumberland. Geo. T. Murphy, Bessie Uulie Ranch, 5 miles southeast of Bend. ELECTRIC RAZOR and leather i ease. 850 w uin. can evenings after 6:00. ABOUT 80 SACKS seed polatoes, cut, ready to plant, $3.40 per sack. Phone 28-F-23. E. E. Vance. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. GOOD 9x12- wool rug, camp Ice box. See at 25 ',i St. Helens. EASTMAN CAMERA and case, pair chaps, car jack, alarm clock, 1 casting pole and reel, 12 gunny sacks, 2 lanterns, cow halter, 45 ft. rope. Inquire 805 Columbia St. NURSE'S IMPERIAL wrist Huntnk Tnniilvo 1SW Aivhi-ni rnrl watch. Inquire 1532 Awbrey road. CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. UNIVERSAL MOTOKULA car radio. Phone 922-M. 2 BEDROOM modern house, back porch, insulated fruit room, 2 lots, chicken house and garage. Some terms, or cheap for cash. By own er, 1444 Elgin after 3 p. m. TRAILER HOUSE 16 foot long, 7 foot wide. $175. Inquire 5 Haw thorne. $1050 BUYS good 3 room semi modern, paved street, west side. $2400 buys 2 bedroom modern, close to Kenwood school. $2500 buys 3 room furnishe 1 modern home, 4 lots, west side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave. TWO BEDROOM modern house, hardwood floors, utility room, double garage, woodshed, 2'A lots, plenty of garden ground. Near Greenwood Grocery and Allen school. 352 E. Kearney, Tel. 1101. A HOME: To fit your needs. We nave a nice selection of listings. : Come In and let us show you a I .1nnn .. ... l.. t ' tsstss-c null ma yuut ntjirus Him pocket-book. Gilberts Real Estate St Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. 2 BEDROOM modern house, close in, wired for electric range, elec tric hot water heater. Immediute possession. $800 cash, balance like rent. Don Ray, 14 Norton Ave. 1941 FACTORY BUILT coach type 3 room trailer house, Butane heat and cook, a'wning and attach ments, good condition. See at Bab lor Bros. Warehouse, Redmond, Ore., or phono Redmond 73. Will move reasonable distance. MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" H.3B Awhrev K Tel. '2(t.i, Refrigerator Service All Typoi of Mechanical Servici On REFRIGERATORS ' COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Rotsil Mlnnimnia Phono RH LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO KIRK Lll'K Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Road ' Phono 316 John W. Smith. Agent l.VW Awhrcy Rd. Phone tilil-W FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FARM1RS AUTOMnrltlE IMF R-IUKaUCE EXi:HAir.E S. TRUCK INS EXCHANGE & FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Bt Saft Sot Sony Insure Today Prompt Claims Smi'rt Standard Form Policy Emrene M.Hm'kmim.lMst.Mirr. 1054 Bond St. Phnne 8X1 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset1 Letterpress The Bend Bulletin Phone 56 FOB SALE EXPERT BEAUTY work. $7.50 oil permanent for $6.00, Tuesday through Thursday. We have a wonderful operator added to the staff at the Beauty Quest so call for your appointment any time and we will say yes. Ask for Thelma and your hair style will please you. She has 8 years ex perience and an all around opera tor. Call 170 now. PRE-WAR FURNITURE, beds, stoves, chests, dinette set, daveno, etc. Inquire Duplex corner 10th and D Redmond. LEIGHTON FURRIERS are now at 809 Florida. We still have a few new coats on sale at a BIG saving, See them now. Remember 809 Florida. LATE MODEL Zenith combina tion radio in nice shupe. Inquire 1469 Newport. M. C. Telford. 3 YOUNG DOES ancfone young buck with hutches. 1114 Balti more. Call by 5 p. m. GREEN SEASONED jackpine siaos, country orders taken. Call Gassner's Wood Yard. Phone 843-W. BEDSTEAD and spring $7.00, While ' sewing machine, boy's practically new wool serge suit, size 36, four nice dresses size 36. 1002 Baltimore. FOB TRADE TRADE, 9 ROOM modern house, acre and half, garage, woodshed, hen house, garden, small orchard, good location for boarding house, 2 Jersey cows, yearling heifer, 2 shoats. Price $5,800. Want small farm. J. W. Nichols, Veneta, Ore. FOB KENT 5 ROOM modern house, 3 acres alfalfa, $40.00 per month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box 52-B, or inquire 2nd house west of last Texaco station, south highway. VACANCY WESTONIA Apts. Close in, clean, cool, newly deco rated, electrically equipped, free washing facilities, refrigeration, garage. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. 5 ROOM modern house, 2 bed rooms furnished, radio, good gar den spot, 6 minutes walk to milis. Inquire 1315 Albany. 3 ROOM semi-modern house, woodshed and garage, 927 Ogden. Call at 944 Newport or 1025 Cum berland. 2 ROOM furnished house, not modern, garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. CLOSE IN 4 room modern fur nished cottage, two room modern apartment. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. APARTMENT, refrigerator and electric stove, washing privileges. Room for rent with twin beds to couple, kitchen privileges if de sired. These will be available after the first of the month. Call 892-M. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished apart ment, hardwood floors, stove. j heating, refrigeration and laun dry facilities. Jansen Villa, 407 Portland Ave. 3 ROOM modern unfurnished house, located at 516 Riverfront. Inquire 1535 Awbrey road. Phone 629-M. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, private bath, electrically equipped. Inquire 141 Georgia. I 'hone 766. 3 ROOM modern cottage, electric stove and refrigerator, wood, wa ter and lights furnished. Also two 2 room modern cabins. Inquire Signal Station on south highway. WANTED HOME, 3 or 4 rooms. Must be In Hire district, well built, modern. Near grammar or junior high school. Will pay rash for bargain. Stale size ot lot. I must locate in Heiul by end of June. Write full details. Send snapshot of house if possible. Mrs. Keithe Sorgo, 450 .'Wih Ave., San Francisco, Calif. STKAMER TRUNK or large trunk. Call 988-M. TO BUY 1 month old calf, young bull calf Durham or white face, 10 or 11 months. Call l-F-3. 2 BEDROOM furnished modern house or apartment close in. Re frigerator desired. Needed June 1st. Write No. 6H3 Bend Bulletin. RED RYDER 1 .POSITIVE BUSICK X 75 -V0E AIN'T f t VV-N , fl.fl'i HERE COrtES rODEf-' i 1 LE.AVIM' I I l?0"60) KK 607 ENOUGH l, v l ii1 I HEU ASK iVQRE I 1 YOU TALK TO 1 I J TH- RAILROAD 1RACK5, J EVIDENCE TO .7vW VZirH I! I 3URSTi0M5 AftOUT J YvT HlV WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top prices jor good used rauios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. FURNISHED APT. or small house. 1 child. Phone 517-J or call at 335 E. Kearney. Phone between 2:30 and 5 p. m. PASTURE for ten head of cows. J. E. Allyn, Rt. 1, Box 196. TO BUY a lawnmower. Call 280 or 577. HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER in well equipped home, two In the family, good j wages and pleasant surroundings. Inquire 255 Delaware. ELDERLY MAN for Janitor work. Pilot Butte Inn. COOK In mountain lodge. Board, room, good salary, permanent. Phone collect Cres Del Lodge. COMBINATION FRY cook and waitress. Inquire at the Smoke Shop. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants typing and clerical home work. Call 31F-2. JOURNEYMAN wants position, automotive and general repairing. Call at 164 M E. Irving. LOST BROWN COCKER spaniel, male, with four white feet, and collar. Return to 415 Federal. Reward. ONE HAND TRUCK between Bend Dairy Plant and Ordnance Command Shop. Finder please re turn to Allison Deisel Shop. RATION BOOK numbers 3-4, in leather case. Finder please leave at Bulletin office. In name of Mrs. Frances Johnson. LOST SUNDAY, one small black dog, Deschutes license. Phone 510-J. 429 Staats, Bend. Reward. WILL THE PARTY who picked up boy's basketball by mistake at Allen school please return to 238 Hill or phone 1050-M. BOY'S COAT, size 16, light tan, rain repellent, fleece lined. Has parka attached. Lost about May 1st. Finder please return to 238 Hill or phone 1050-M. FOUND STRAYED to my place, 2 Peakin gese dogs. Can have same by pay ing damages and feed bill. Call at Rt. 1, Box 70. Pauline Donnelly. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER INSKCilClJjeJ SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea- don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. vNorsm or annual statement t OF TIIK CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY of nunltiBton. In the 8;te of Nesr Jersey, on Ilia tlitrtr-rlrt dy of Dwember. 1944. mail to tlio Insiiranre Commissioner 0( III ftlata ot Ore fun, pursuant to lew: Income Net premiums wci'Uv'd $ O11.732.0T TVUl Itilwe!. dividend Mid ml estate Inrome. l3.96.fll Income from other aourvea . tf,xi3.83 Total Income $ I35.4T3.tll Dlatraraementa Net amount Dald uullcrtiolder lor loiso t adjuitmrnt ententes Arenla conimlulnna or brokerage. . . Kalarlea and leei officer, director. home nlflce employe Tasea. Ilcernea and fee Dividend paid to bcklioldcr (Catli, I3il.mi0.00: tork. SO.IIOI Dividend paid or credited to pollcr- hiildi-r All other upendlturo 29S.nin.4S P.IMS.fil 163.931.31 IT, SOB. 92 23.g;o.S3 0. B3I.1J Total disbursements I ArUnlttDc Astjeta Value of real esuia onued tmarket nine) I !.oain on morls.ate and collateral. etc. 0 Value of bnnda ovmwl (markrtl Value of stocks owned (market ralue) 1.3lfl.T43.0(y Cadi In banka and on hand 419.212.00' I'rentluma In colli of collection wrlllen since September 30. 1014.. 9.193.08! Interest and renla duo and accrued 12.T08.91 Other asset (net) oj -ii'iai auriintrn assets a .3.(3. ITti.m LUtlUltlai, Surplm and Othar Puna 4 , Total unpaid claim $ s39,ou.3i hstlmatcd loss adjustment eincnao fur unpaid claims T'.tsl unearned ptemlum on all un- etplrrd rlika Sal.'.rl.-, renr. rtpetisr. hill, ac. cunts. Ics. etc.. du or accrned e. -ttn:cud at.iounl due or accrued for Us. Commlaslons. brokers, or other eharae dua and accrued'. All oltior llahllllle S.5OO.00; 30.232.23, Tout liabilities, ascent capital.,..! T98.lftO.SO Capital bald un l.viM.OOO.OO 8urnlua oier alla lla hllllle 3.433.010.49 Surplus a retards pollcrholder ...3 Tolsl S Bttalnaia In Orasron For Tha Tear: Net nteuilums rcccUvd $ 2.KII.02 N.-t buses paid.. 1.390.'9 Dividends paid or credited to poller- i 0 CITIZENS IHSURAHCB COMP AMY l'. 8. Krcmer. Cresldrnt trd 1'. Smith. Secretary I : " W . colorful mmmy&i i J i ml J-' l&W ill i , . GAY RAYON JERSEYS f f TifeM t X Many charming styles in beautiful col- AA Sf ' J 'ty ' IwWISa or combinations or delightful prints! U t i i A QC ' SUN-RIPENED COLORS . H I jliMA J Delectable shades frosted in white em- A Of) v ' ' 'll'1 w'vr fti 5 broidery, cut in flattering new styles. II '' V SOFT SPUN RAYONS V V I j Cool and fresh for summer! Gay floral QQ ' L- JJ'lf !' prints in many Flattering styles. 30 SWfsl CHECKS AND FLORALS VmWI I Crisp morning dresses that are J QQ - .( pretty enough for afternoons, too! A0 - I ft miscellaneous USE BULLETIN WANT ADS FOR BEST RESULTS! REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on all makes. Centm-v Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no s,lll "''IBa',on Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. DIISEASE RErORT MADE Six cases of communicable dis ease were reported to the county health department last week, with ' local doctors reporting 100 per ; cent. Three cases of chickenpox are' on record, and one each of tuber- j culosis, measles and mumps. i Buy National War Bonds Now! i " : fan In Stock Ready To Install NEW MOTORS for Dodge $195.00 Plu$5.80 Tax for Plymouth $180.00 Plus $0.40 Tax Expert Installation Expert Mechanical Service on All Makes of Cars NEW BATTERIES NEW TIRES Central Oregon Garage WALT NELSON Greenwood & Harriman EARL ZEEK Phone 240 By FRED HARMAN ia tyTE W n hi 13 r'l "I