The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 19, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum yesterday, 62 degrees.
Minimum last night, SO degrees,
-lemperature: 10 p.m., 37 de
grees; 10 -in., 60 degrees. Barom
eter (reduced to sea level): 18 p.
m., 30.07 Inches; 10 a.m., 80.14 in
ches. Relative humidity: 10 p.m.,
oo per ant; in s.m., 05 per cent.
Velocity of wind: 10 pjn., 6 miles;
10 man, 16 miles. Prevailing 01-
recuun oi wind, southwest. .
M. E. Knickerbocker, manager
of the Blue Mountain Springs
ranch near Prairie City, was in
Bena waay, coming here from
rteamona with Hugh Amsberry.
KnicKeroocKer and his family
imve ueen visiting in Kedmond
wiin nis parents, Mr. and Mrs,
M. W. Knickerbocker.
TSgt Harold O. Pedersen, son
of Mrs. Julia Pedersen, Rt 1,
. Box 322, Bend, Oregon, has ar
rived in the United States on fur
lough from the Pacific theater of
operations where he served 37
months with .the infantry divi
sion. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Vergeer,
former Bend resident and more
recently in Prinevlile' and chil
dren, Carol Ann, Gerad and Bob,
have left Prinevlile to locate tem
porarily in Portland. Vergeer was
manager of the Pacific Lfeht and
Power company in Prinevilhj for
tne past live years. .
Nick Bourne, business represen
tative for the United Press in the
northwest, was in Bend today en
route from Portland headquar
ters to Spokane. He visited at The
Bulletin, which is served by the
United Press. i
Col. R. L. Maughan of the Red-
rauna army air iieia, is in rfena
. to visit friends nvpr th week.
Robert H. Lamott and family of
Klamath Falls arrived in Bend
last night and will attend the Boy
Scout campuree today and tomor
row at Shevlin park. Lamott is
scout executive for this district,
M. L. Tillery, of the division of
land utilization, U. S. bureau of
reclamation, -reached Bend today
from the regional headqaurters
at Boise, Ida. He planned to go to
Madras ana confer with Jeffer
son county agent Kenneth Saw
yer regarding aid to settlers on
the North Unit Irrigation project
The meeting was arranged before
Sawyer's retirement from office
on June. 1
Carl Hogg, past president of
the Salem Chamber of commerce,
and his guest, C. Moran of the
Photo Arts studio, Portland, were
in Bend last night from Hogg's
cabin at Paulina Lake,.
Ralph W. Crawford, supervi
sor of the Deschutes national
forest, who attended a fire pre
vention meeting in Klamath Falls
last night, today made an Inspec
tion in the Crescent district en
route back to Bend.
J. H. Haner of Lapine, is' a
guest at the Pilot Butte inn.
Dr. and Mrs. E. H. McLain and.
daughter, of Oregon City, are In
Bend visiting friends.
Ralph H. Cake, republican na
tional committeeman from Ore
gon, Howard H. Cake and W. H.
Searle, all of Portland, composed
a party today which arrived in
Bend and went to the Cake ranch
north of the city.
Capt. Robert J. Mannheimer ar
rived in Bend yesterday from
Camp G ruber, Oklahoma, and is
registered at the Pilot Butte inn.
Captain Mannheimer will visit
here for a few days. His brother,
Lt. Norman Mannheimer, Is with
the American army in Germany.
Both officers are sons of the late
Clarence L. Mannheimer, for
many years a resident of Bend.
Sgt. and Mrs. LeRoy LaMore
are the parents of a six-pound boy
born May 11 at the St. Charles
hospital. The baby was named for
his grandfather, Fred LaMore of
Merril, Wis. Mrs. LaMore and
young son are staying at the
home of Mrs. Frances Archuleta,
374 Bond street, while Sgt. La-!
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our
many friends for their kindness
and beautiful floral offerings at
More is serving with the armed! the loss of our husband and
and Mrs. Joseph Mack, of Bend.
Mrs. Phil Datchter from Port
land is visiting at the home of
ner son, Emll Datchler and fam
Uy. .-
A family reunion is being held
at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Lynch, 1946 Awbrey road. The
two boys, Ray and Robert, are
home on leaves, after three years
of overseas service. Ray arrived
last night, and Robert was here
for Mother's day. Ray enlisted in
Vale Dec. 11, 1941. Robert went to
Hawaii in March. 1941. where he
joined the merchant marine. Their
sister Betty will graduate from
Bend high school next Friday.
May Helen Montgomery, who is
attending business college in Port
land, arrived in Bend to spend
the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Montgom
Archie Warner from Fort Rock
is spending several days in Bend
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meeks and
children of Brothers are week-end
guests of Meek's sister and fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Work
man, 335 E. Quimby.
Dr. C A. Edwards of Roseburg
will speak at the First Methodist
church at the regular 11 o'clock
service Sunday, Rev. Robert Mo
Ilvenna has announced. Dr. Ed
wards was formerly pastor of the
Bend church, serving from 1932
1934 inclusive. There will be no
evening service, to avoid Conflict
with the baccalaureate program.
Mrs. Gail Blakley left yesterday
for Portland to visit her nephews,
Lealand and Gordon Hudson,
who are on leave from the navy
and visiting at the home of their
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Cruson. Mrs. Blak
ley expects to return early next
Mrs. Dan Taylor and daughter.
Sally Ann, are in Bend from
Prinevlile, visiting Mrs. Taylor's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
B. E. Card of Madras was in
Bend yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Blakley will
return today from a business trip
to Portland.
Leslie Ramsey of Madras was
shopping in Bend yesterday.
Miss Elizabeth Boeckli, home
demonstration agent, will attend
an extension conference in Pen
dleton Monday. She will leave to
morrow and return Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Geren of
Santiara Junction are the parents
of a boy born this morning at the
St. Charles hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Deardorff
returned Friday from Portland,
where they spent several days.
Mrs. Jeanetie Mulkins is spend
ing the week-end in Dufur visit
ing relatives.
Mrs. Earl Zeek left this morn
ing on a baying trip for the Peo-
ples store. She went try mis to
Portland, where she will take the
train to San Francisco.
Guests of Mrs. Hazel Barclay
are her brother and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Jarvis; and her
niece and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. John Eide. The party arrived
last night from Bremerton, and
will be in Bend several days.
Dance at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday nights. Ladies free.
There will be a special meeting
of the Shevlin-Hixon members of
the I.W.A. at 1 o'clock on Sunday,
May 20, 1945 at the union hall.
Regular meeting Sunday, May
20th, 2:00 p. m. Local hall, 933
Bond Street. Report of Delegates
on District Council Convention.
Notice-Beauty Operators' meet
ing at 8:00 p. m. at the Betty
Rose Beauty Salon, Monday, May
21, 1945. Adv.
forces overseas
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Graffen
berger and son Bennie, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ruben Graffenberger
and son Carl accompanied C. B.
Graffenberger to Prinevlile Fri
day evening to attend the high
school graduation exercises there.
The men are uncles of Jean Mae
Graffenberger, salutatorian of the
Prinevlile senior class.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lumpkin of
Klamath Falls are visiting in
Bend at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fread, 1414
Word has been received by Mrs.
Anna Schnur of the promotion of
her son, James F. Schnur, to the
rank of major. He is serving In
the Pacific area. Major Schnur
father. We especially wish to
thank the Trinity Lutheran
Church, the Ladies Aid, Brooks
Scanlon Lumber Co., and B.P.O.E.
Mrs. G. A. Lemke
Sgt. and Mrs. James Lemke
and family
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keep
and family. Adv.
Services Are Held
W. H. Christian
F. C. Whitehead
Phone 744-W
or 59-W
630 E. Quimby
Tumalo, May 19 (Special) The
Tumalo community church was
packed to capacity, with many
people standing Friday morning
when the community gathered for
the funeral services for nine-year-
is a brother of Mrs. R. K. Innesjold Larry Dean Fair, who was
lHMiy IIIJW-U .uirnucij immk
In an accident in ironi oi nis
The sympathy of the commu-1
nity was expressed in the many
beautiful floral pieces which com
pletely filled the front of the
Following services at Tumalo
which were conducted by Rev. !
Kpnneth Tobias of Bend, the party '
left for Eugene where burial took
place today. Joe C. Henry, Jr.,'
jrnv the Fair's car to Eugene.
Among relatives who came
upon learning of the accident was
his grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle
Crone, of Vcneta.
School Awards
Fof1 944-45
In recognition of scholastic and
extra-cumcular achievement dur
ing the year now ending, scores of
awards were made to Bend sen
ior and Junior high school stud
ents at this week's assembly, with
major awards to be made at a
final assembly this coming week.
In past years, all awaras have
been made at one assembly, but
the lists have grown so in recent
years that a two-assembly award
system has been adopted. .
Bill Plath, student body presi
dent, was in charge of this week's
assembly, and awards and letters
were presented by teachers and
Girls' athletic awards, on a 50
point basis, were made to eighth
graders by Mrs. Lauri Klch.
n ward winners follow:
' Arlene Anderson, Margaret Bal
lantyne, Adeiva Bartlett, Virginia
Beach, Barbara Blakely, Pat
Blakely, Marjorle Corbin, Char
leen Dahlin, Marilyn Ellis, Donna
Gulick, June Hatfield, Carol Jack
son, Mary Louise Loggan, .Mary
Meagher, Marjorle reals, Mary
Peterson, Jerene Ranger, Beverly
Reinhart, Ella Sterling, Joan Til-
den, Marilyn Walter, Arlene Whip
ple, Beverly Withycombe, Leona
Costa, Donna uiiiuana.
Junior High 9th grade award
winners were:
Genny Armstrong, Francis
Brooks, Carolyn Blakely, Mar
jorie Callihan, Beverly Ernst,
Lolaroch Fay, Gayle Pack, Eliza
beth Plath, Margaret Slate,
Phyllis Halligan, Georgia Blinn,
Janice Moore.
One hundred point award win
ners were: Joyce Rickman, Mari
lyn Ellis, Donna Gulick, Jerene
Letter Girls
Letter Girls awards, made by
Mrs. Anna May Hoyt, follow:
Seniors Joyce Armstrong,
Betty Davis, Helen Filey, Maylo
Hawes, Helen Hawes, Helen Hud
son, Kathleen Ives, Helen Larson,
Shirley Meagher, Jean Raddatz,
Sally Schilling, Iris . Thomas,
Bertha Thompson, Elaine Day
Juniors Garnet Barton, Carol
Carson, Betty Corbin, Mary Edmi
son, Mary Ellen Hotchkiss, Joan
Obernolte, Arlene Stewart.
Sophomores Mary Dawn
Creighton, Gloria Hutchlns, Leila
Kerr, Gerry Llebreich, Helen
Stenkamp, Margaret . St, Onge,
Marilyn Withcomb.
1945 Tumbling Team Joyce
Armstrong, Elaine Day Anderson,
Helen Filey, Maylo Hawes, Bar
bara Terllsner, Margaret St. Onge,
Barbara Skinner, Lelia Kerr, Vir
ginia Russell, Genny Armstrong,
Marjorie Peak, Gerrine Ranger,
Ella Sterling, Mary Meagher, Pat
Blakely, Marilyn Ellis, Mary
Frances Paterson.
Letters Presented
Cub basketball letters were pre
sented by Coach Everett Gettman
to Dick Maudlin, Bill Sheffold,
Lowell Maudlin, Floyd Ogletree,
Phil Gillis, Bob Johnston, Albert
Miles, Donald Bushnell, John Gil
fillan and Delbert Flckas, manag
er. Varsity basketball awards, made
by Coach Claude Cook, went to
the following boys: Seniors (sec
ond awards), Phil Brogan, Bill
Higglns, George Murphy, Harold
Smith. Third award, Doug Wirtz.
First award, Bill Plath. Juniors:
Second awards, Bob James, James
Moore, George Rasmussen. First
awards, Ken Fretwell, Darrell
Varsity track letters were pre
sented by Coach Cook to the fol
lowing: Juniors: George Rasmus
sen (third award), Don McCauley
(second); Llndel Filey, Wayne
Halligan and Darrel Hawes (first
Halligan and Darrel Hawes
(first). Sophomores: Dick Maud
lin (second), Bob Sutton (first).
Freshmen: Don Bushnell, Vcrn
Clark, Bill Sheffold (first).
Others Listed
Other special awards went to
the following: I
Leroy Hammond and Leonard'
Peoples, stage lighting and PA ;
system, with presentation by!
Paul A. Smith. Bob Jackson and;
Charles Christofferson, book1
manager, awards presented byj
Miss Sylvia Veatch. Jack Fread, I
Rosclla Knight and Virginia Rus-I
sell, yell leaders, awards by Bill!
Plath, student body president. 1
Street patrol awards, presented!
by M. A. Cochran, went to Charles
Christofforsen, Harvey Jacobson,
Wilfred Officer, Jim Ogletree.!
Jim Dulziel and Leonard Zastera.
Council awards, also presented'
by Cochran, were received by Bill :
Plath, president; June Aifrey, :
secretary; Janet Johnson, pay-i
master; Nan Preede, treasurer;
Kern Grindle, editor; Betty Jef
frey, activity chairman; Helen.
Larson, bond chairman; Virginia
Beach, 8th grade representative;
John Samples, freshman repre
sentative, and Louis Selkin, sopho
more representative.
Torch Honor
Torch Honor pins were award
ed by Superintendent Howard
George to Joyce Armstrong, Au
drey Bright, Ed De Groot, Nor
man George, Evan Johnson, Bill
Lane, Bob Llntz, Connie Loree
Shirley Meagher, Sally Schilling,
Harold Smith, Iris Thomas, Bev
erley Wennerstrom.
Speech awards, made by Wayne
Overholser, went to the follow
ing: Verdun Russell, Kenneth
Fretwel and Marlys Prentice, gold
awards (trips to both Llnfield and
state, speech meet). Sally Schill
ing, Iris Thomas, Lee Reinhart,
Arlene Zastera, Harold Gardner,
Rosclla Knight, silver awards
(trips to Linfield or state speech
meet). Certificates from the Lin
field meet went to Verdun Rus
sell, Sally Schilling and Marlys
Prentice. Certificates from the
state meet went to Rosella Knight,
Harold Gardner, Marlys Prentice
and Kenneth "retwell.
Music department awards fol
low: . Girls' Glee Club
Elaine Anderson, Helen Bailey,
Garnet Rae Barton, Mary Bos
well, Ef fie Jane Chesley, Mary
Dodson, Betty Davis, Lola Mae
Franks, Margery Gilliland, Helen
Hudson, Louise King.
Roma McComb, Jean Moore,
Hazey Prater, Marlys Prentice,
Betty Schwab, Mary Lynne Scott,
Cynthia Shevlin, Annabelle Til
ler, Grade Vandevert, Beverley
Wennerstrom, Frances Wheeler,
Betty Youngberg.
A Cappella Choir
Elaine Anderson, Helen Bailey,
Garnet Rae Barton, Mary Bos
well, Effie Jane Chesley, Ted
Chester, Dave Coyner, Mary Dod
son, Betty Xavis, Lola Mae
Franks, Margery Gilliland, Gerald
Henderson. Bob Hocker, Helen
Hudson, Dick Humphrey, Louise
Jean- Moore, Ron Mowery, Bob
O'Donnell, Wilfred Officer, Hazel
Prater, Marlys Prentice, Lee Rein
hart, Dennis S a m p e 1 s, Betty
Schwab, Mary Lynee Scott, Cyn
thia Shevlin, Gail Sigmund, Jim
Staples, Louis Stevenson, Anna
belle Tiller, Grade Vendevert,
Beverley Wennerstrom, Frances
Wheeler, Betty Youngberg.
Bund Awards
Jean Allen, Elaine Anderson,
Evelyn Anderson, Genny Arm
strong, Clarence Bells, Don Ben
son, Georgia Blinn, Frances
Brooks, Ted Chester, Bob Conk
lin, Louclla Cook, Shlrlev Fossen,
Margery Gilliland, Phyllis Halli
gan, Bob Hemingway, Joy Hilton,
Janet Johnson, Jerry Llebreich,
Betty Martin, Lowell Maudlin,
Erwin McCuen.
Paul Mowery, Alice Nickel, Ken
Noble, Cliff Rasmussen, Anna
Mae Ryman, Eric Sampels, Ann
Segerstrom, Louis Selken, Pete
Sevy, Margaret Slate, Kay Sum
mers Al Jiicker, JacK Weisser,
Beverley Wennerstrom, Wayne
Werner, Doug Wirtz, Barbara
Blakly, Majorie Peak, Shirley
U. S. Naval Air Unit
13 Depicted is 3 Mountain
insigne of : -ion
U. S.
nval aviation 1 Be quiet!
11 Cabin . 3 Strange
12 Girl's name 3 Articulates
13 Noun suffrx 4 Doctor (ab.)
14 Summer (Fr.) 5 Ttitardando .
16 Worked
18 Guides '
SO Greater -
23 Young salmon
: (PU
24 Drama unit
25 Forenoon
26 Symbol for
27 Tellurium
28 Doctor of
Forestry (ab.)
'29 Red Cross
. (ab.)
31 .Symbol for
S3 Street (ab.)
?5 Transpose
36 Man's name
38 Wigwam
40 Marvel
42 Pompous '
i 43 Confirms
i 46 Wager
47 Before
48 Dry
50 Number
6 Indian
7 Brad
8 Fencing
9 Voussoir
10 Either
IS Gaelic
17 Endure
18 Bird
19 Kind of cap
21 Conclusion
22 Umpire
35 Scatter .
87 Trap
39 Father
. 41 Harvest
44 Age
SO Blood money 45 Iniquity
31 Old miser 47 Exclamation
32 Heavy blow
33 Pierce with a
34 Rounded
49 Delirium
tremens (ab.)
51 Nova Scotia
Clinic Planned v
A child health conference and
Immunization clinic for infants
and pre-school children will be
held from 1 to 3 p. m. Tuesday,
May 22, at the Alfalfa grange hall,
the health department has an
nounced. '
Dr. W. S. Ramsey will be in
charge, assisted by Mrs. Hazel
Barday and Mrs. Gladys Coch
ran, public health nurse. Mrs.
Tom Wallace and Mrs. Carl Lives
ley will also assist. All mothers in
the community are especially urg
ed to bring their pre-school young
sters for examination.
Committee on Bible Teaching
Plans Survey for Next Week
The committee on Bible Instruc
tion In the public schools of Bend,
is to conduct a survey In the
grade schools from the second
through the sixth grades on Mon
day, Tuesday'and Wednesday of
next week, lt was announced today.
I he committee has prepared a
letter to the parents and attached
to that letter is a form tor their
reply. "It is hoped by this survey
that at least 75 per cent of the
children In these grades will se
cure permission from their par
ents to receive Bible instruction
on released time during the school
year of 1945-4G," the committee
said. The announcement of the
survey states:
"This Bible Instruction is being
sponsored by several of the Pro
testant churches in a united effort
It is similar in plan to that which
has been carried on for 18 years
in Eugene and for shorter periods
of time in other cities of Oregon.
The financial cost of the Bible In
struction Is to be borne by the
ehurches on a per capita basis.
The classes are to be conducted in
public school rooms on released
time, giving each pupil one hour
of Bible instruction each week,
classes being conducted in the
third to the seventh grades.
'The committee Is anxious that
the parents give' Immediate atten
tion to this request for informa
tion, so that the survey figures
may be available the last of the
week for a meeting of the repre
sentatives of the various church
es. Eighty per cent of the pupils
were thus reached In an enroll
ment canvass In other cities of
Oregon. The purpose of the sur
vey Is to enable the faculty ad
ministrators to plan the class
schedules for next year.
"The Bible Instruction will bo
on a non-demoninatlonal basis,
and will cover the life of the Lord
Jesus and studies of other Bible
characters, dealing with the geog
raphy' and history of the .Holy
"Persons desiring additional in
formation may secure It through
their pastors or ono of the offi
cers of the committee, which con
sists of L. Rees Brooks, chairman;
Mis. Paul Smith, secretary, and
Superintendent of Schools How
ard W. George."
Stricken in Salem
Rev. E. C. Alford, 79, for some
50 years a Methodist minister in
eastern Oregon and Washington ,
and founder here of the Deschutes
Geology club, died this morning
in Salem. Rev. Alford, a native of
Iowa, was stricken by his fatal
illness several weeks ago.
In Salem. Rev. Alford was mak
ing him home with his son, Max
Alford, member of the Oregon
state police force. Also with him
at the time of his death was his
daughter, Mrs. Oscar Larson, of
Bend. I
Funeral services will be held in
Salem Monday at 2 p.m. i
Rev. Alford, a former minister
of the Redmond Methodist church.
was a resident of Bend for a num
ber of years, having resided here
with his daughter, Mrs. Larson,
when Mrs. Alford was 111. Mrs.
Alford died here some 10 years!
ago and is buried in Salem.
Organizes C lub '
It was while in Bend that Rev.
Alford, one of Oregon's best
known amateur geologists, and
formerly a lecturer at Yellow
stone national park, organized
the Deschutes Geology eluh. ft.
was under his guidance that the,
club grew to be the largest or
ganization of its kind in the north
west. Several years ago, Rev. Alford
was a member of the C.C.C. stall;
in the southwest, assisting in ed
ucational work. He was a wiit:'r
of numerous geology articles. !
British Remove
Seashore Mines
,' London, May 19 U British
army engineers worked speedily
today to clear south coast beaches
of mines as thousands of London
ers headed for the seashore for
the Whitsunday weekend.
The beaches had been Ihrewn
with mines to prevent a German
invasion in 1940.
Seashore resorts prepared for
the biggest weekend since 193!).
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Typewriters for the American
army in Europe are being made
by Belgian workmen In a recently
captured German factory which
had facilities to produce type
writers for writing practically
every modern language, including
Extremely small amounts of
deadly carbon monoxide gas In
air are detected by a new solu
tion containing palladium chlo
ride, phospho-moylbdic acid, and
acetone; a measured quantity of
the air is passed through the solution.
Official Records I
Marriage licenses on file at the:
county clerk's oflice were Issuer!
yesterday to Richard E. Ilolton
of Iowa and Agnes E. Canlck of
Bend, and to Willis Ferry Shafer,
of Dufur and Julia Lee Hixson
of fiend.
A po''cy of ,nc u- s- national
park service Is not to disturb the
wild animal life In any park until
a scientific appraisal has been
i made of the probable effeds of
I such action. '
at the Sisters Gym
Everyone Welcome
Last Showings at 6:30 - 9:10 p. m.
. 1.
SvrfMV OffftmTREFT . Paul HIPfVIKJ
Jw! r-ui lOM . Ida lurwo
Shows at 1-3-5-7-9 p. m.
of ha7&?,nd. a"
f wHb ,' c.
cavjb, TUCKER
I WW"-
WOW., l0UUt
Produced ana K,P
Ends "House -
Tonight" Of Fear"" Buddy'