i; If , ;i!iCi'.;iIt..iIi&Wi THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1945 " PAGE SEVEN Ual the Hie 2 4 (HIldrjndrciLCciu av -KT . Eastern Market By Elmer C. Walzer (United Preaa Financial Editor) New' York, May ,18 IP Auto mobile shares .-led a 'moderately active rise on' the stock market today on Indications ot early re turn to Wgn production schedules for civilian use:-in the industry. Chrysler ran up more than two points and General Motors gained more than a point Hudson was active but it sagged after an early rise and other, low-priced shares moved narrowly. Columbia gas issues stood out In volume, xnotably the common. All the group made-new. highs on grains running to more than point in tne preierreas. Ameri can and foreign preferreds had gains running to nearly three points. '. common, stocks- ol the utility group were active, and steady to firm: The utility average made a new ziign since April 16, 1937. Airline Issues rose to new highs on gains running to two points in American. Rails were steady to firm,1 steels strong on gains running to a point, and numerous special issues made wide sains. In the latter, Real Silk hosiery preferred soared 1314 points and International Silver gained nine points, each to new highs. Amuse ments were bid up to around their levels of the year. STEWAET IS PROMOTED London, May 18 IP The U.-S. Eighth air force announced to day that Col. James Stewart, for mer film star, has been promoted o wing commander in the Second ir division. , LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned administra trix of the estate of Harry Wal lace Baker, deceased, has filed her Final Account in said estate and that pursuant to an order of the court, duly made and entered, ; hearing upon said Final Account will be held at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., of Wednesday the 20th day of June, 1945, at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, and all persons interested are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause if any they have why said account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed, the administratrix dis charged and her bondsmen re leased 4 MERIBEL E. PARKER, Acjxln istratrix. . 140-146-15 3c or thr AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE FIRE INSURANCE CO. of St Louli. in tha BUM of MlMOurl. on ttw thlrtj-first day of December, 1944, Bide to Uw fniuranc Commlulotier of the SUU of Onion, piimunt to Iftw: Xnoom Krt premium! raceivrd S 5.B18.TW.M I Tela! lnterwt, dividend! and ml 1 flat inooma 8M3MI Incoma from other eourcea 13,4&i it Total tnrnrw I S.O27.OS0.6I SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT Slabnriamenta Npt tmoilnt paid vollcylioldera for IflOH I f.m.TM.rt Is adjuiunent apensM 303.4P3.S5 Airnts eommlislona or brokerage.... 1,315.114.39 Salarira and few officer, dlrecuna, home offlc employee '. Ht3.3Tr.31 Tain, Hoenaea and Tors 133,389.61 rmldencta paid to itockholden (Caih, 130.000.00; stock, Nooo) 80,000.00 Ottldmdt paid or credited to poller- hoidera AU otlier axpadltoref T10.e89.9a Total dlrbtmeaiMiU 9 S.9U.329.SI Admitted. Aaiata Value of ml eeute owned (market raiue) S jLnaiia on mortaaiee and collateral, ete.f .Value of bonrte owned (amonlsrd) .. 3.T4T.1n0.3 Value of etnekaownm (market ralue) t Caen In banka aj:d on band 1,258,543.61 rrrmiume In COUTIO of collection written Btnce fteptrmher 30, 1044.. 1,094.091. Interest and rente due and accrued 9.482. Other asaeu (net) 80.805. ,9 I Total admit (M awrti f 6, 275. 090. BZ Ialabllitlei. Surplus and Other Fonda Total unpaid rfalim f 133,861.00 EMLniattMl tats adJiiaUnent fipoiM for unpaid clainii 15.36. 80 'Total unrarnw premium on all tin ' xp.rtd rlikt 1,S;B,US.M 6aiirltv rents. pipeniKB, bill, ae j count, ft, etc., dus or acmiwl Estimated Amount due or accrued for 1 lam Cnrnmlftdnna. bmlwrir. or otbH 1 charm dua or aerrued (All other liabilities 11,078.51 1T2.021M t.m.n Tntat llabllltlM. eimpt mpltl....t 4,lgT,g83.0T irapilal paid up S 600,000.00 .Surpltii ovtr all Ita- i bUltlM MST.i07.JS 'Surpltu aa iriards poUcjboldn....S t.0t7.S07.IS Total t 9.IT3.0M.93 Baalnaaa In Oreffon Tor Tha Teari Net pretnluma recalled 9 . 32.1A1. T3 jNt lomea paid 35.33.11 ItlvM.nda paid or credited to poller- I bolden 0 AMERICAN ATJTOMOBn.il FIBB INSTJBANCE CO. O. I. fekhlejer, Prealdent ' Oariand ftro-m. Rerreuir fltatutnrr rraldent attnmej for amice. ITUIlr Carrell, Teoo Bldf., Portland 4. Orecoeu Sea ELMER LEHNHERR . For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO Yp LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service . . Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Sp are Classified Rates local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Tunes 75c 25 Words Six Times $LS5 All warda aar 15 add 1c ar word tiwnm naaabar af lnarttona Oat BaonUi run, aam copy. day rata auniaiaai Ljuirta. & LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claaslflad AdTarUaln-. Caah In Adraaca Bail Claalns Tim 11 -M P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night , 'FOE. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. ' Phone 20-F-5 ; Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 , 'A. F. & A. M. ' Special Conununivatlon Friday, May 18, 7:30 pjn. E. A. Degrees Also Examination George Simerville, Sec'y. MEETING of LOYAL ORDER of MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose First and Third Fridays. DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. FOB SALE CLEAN 3 room modern house completely furnished, newly deco rated, garden planted, garage, woodshed. Only $2000, $709 down, $25 month. .Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W.. MAN'S PREWAR bicycle, baby crib, baby basket. Inquire 360 Georgia. - 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bed rooms. Wired for-electric range, has oil circulator, electric water heater. Good basement, large lot, close in. Worth more than asking price of $3250. Terms at Gilberts Real Esthate & Insurance, 1015 Wall. GOOD MILK .cow fresh, third calf, gives 6 gallons. Butler Mar ket road. Kt. n, box aw. rnone l-F-4. H. L. Chrisman.. S3700 BUYS 40 acres. 34 acres C.O.I, all under cultivation, fair house and outbuildings. Ranch equipment can be purchased. 6 miles trom Bend, possession soon. C. V. Silvis, H8 Oregon Ave. NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. and D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., . 978 Oak St., Eugene, Ore. ' ' " ' $300 BUYS 1936 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Inquire 1624 E. 3rd evenings. TWO MODERN 3-room houses on one loti Price $1700, $1000 down, balance terms. See the property at 1036 East.4th St. I will be at the house Monday after 1 p. m. Mis. Fred E. Turner, Route 1, Box 422. 4 Vj ACRES under C.O.I., close in, 3-room house, water in the house, large chicken house, cow barn and large garden spot plowed. Will rent or lease. Inquire Mrs. D. H. Esllck, Rt. 1, Box 51, mile post 144 south highway, turn right, third house on right. EAST SIDE, 5 room modern house, nice lawn and garden, large building in rear, only $2500, $1000 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. STUDEBAKER sedan. S"i.50. Within OPA ceiling. 4-room .fur nished house. 40d Ulney. 300 RHODE ISLAND chicks 6 weeks old. Pullets 75c each, roost ers 65c. Inquire at Gun Club road, opposite roundhouse. Mrs. H. L. Ogden, Rt. 1, Box 442. TWO BEDROOM modern house, hardwood floors, utility room, double garage, woodshed, 2'i lots, plenty of garden ground. Near Greenwood Grocery and Allen school. 352 E. Kearney, Tel. 1101. ONE ONLY New gate-leg solid maple drop-leaf table to serve 8 or 10. Four chairs to match. In quire Bend Furniture Co. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Asters, Snaps, Marigolds, Petun ias and other annuals. Vegetable plants and Steel's Jumbo pansies. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. orrn PDTATDF.S. also 1 cood 1 Jersey cow, heavy milker and high cream test. 1st house west of Eastern Star Grange Hall. PLAN TS READY. Perennials, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, -lettuce. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. STANDARD 8, Atmoray machine, lady's new suit of Forslman wool, two-tone gray stripe, size 18; brown twill riding breeches, size 16. gold evening slippers, 6-AA. Call 314-J, 3 PIECE bedroom set, chairs, radio, end table, smoking stand and fruit jars. Inquire 424 E. 3rd St FARM SALE i Team of horses, weight 120O to ; 1500 lbs., well broke, ins head of black face sheep and 65 lambs. 1 two-horse disk. 1 two-bottom plow. 1 one-horse hay rake. 1 walking plow. 1 DeLaval electric separa tor. 1 DeLaval 2 can electric milk er, guaranteed. 2 one-weekold calves. 3 turkey hens. 1 turkey gobbler. Inquire: Anderson Dairy ! Farm, north highway, or phone '3C-F-2L Articles Can FOB SALE 30 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, 4 months old. Other large laying hens. One young purebred Jersey milk cow. One saddle horse. Rt. 2, Box 18. Phone 33-F-12. , - CLOSE IN 4 bedroom clean plas tered modern house, lots of built ins in closets, utility porch, full basement, furnace. $3800,' $1000 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, cinders, red or dark; barnyard fertilizer. We clean back yards, build small roads or driveways, clean ditches, build dikes, level lots. Have cat and bulldozer, dump trucks and flat bed for hire. Phone 275-J or come to 1360 Cumberland. GUNS, 30-40, 30-06, and a 30 Lu ger. 413 E. Greenwood. NTTTTED RF.M swd nntntnps. Red spring and mattress, steel cot, .J 1 i ,1 . . 1 I 11 t T 1 uny ueu, rim awajf utu it. i, iwa 156. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. GOOD 9x12 wool rug, camp ice box. See at 25lA St. Helens. OWNER LEAVING, must sacri fice, 8 acres, 5 acres Swalley, 3 bedroom house, large unfinished garage, barn, chicken house, cis tern, 4 acres in crop, strawberries. $1800, $1400 down, $15 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. NURSE'S IMPERIAL wrist watch. Inquire 1532 Awbrey road. CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. UNIVERSAL MOTOROLA car radio. Phone 922-M. 4 ACRES: Just outside city limits, with 4 acres C.O.I. water. 6 room house, pressure pump. Double ga rage, large chicken house, cow barn, and large woodshed. A real country homo priced right at $4200. Terms at Gilberts Real Es tate & ' Insurance. 1015 Wall Street. ' TRAILER HOUSE 16 foot long, 7 foot wide. $175. Inquire 5 Haw- l thorne. SIX YEAR OLD bay saddle mare, hotblood, gentle for lady. Call after 5 p. m. 400 Sisemore streiJL 25 SACKS SEED spuds for sale at 3 cents per pound. Bring sacks. P. F. Riedcl, Rt.-l, Box 101, Hi mile south city limits, old highway. Phone 20-F-3. 1 MAPLE DINETTE set, bed stead and springs, priced to sell. 212 Yew lane. RABBITS, 1 buck, 2 does, 3 good hutches. Call at 1547 W. 7th. FRYERS, Now Hampshires, $1.00 each. A. C. Rosengard, 185 Roose velt. 2 BEDROOM modern house, fire place, electric range, electric hot water heater, fruit cellar, 2 lots, garage, garden spot, berry patch, lots of flowers and shrubs. 212 Yew lane. $700 3 ROOM semi-modern homo, 1 6 lots, full lawn, sidewalks, ga rage, woousn-Ki, garaen, iuu strawberries, 26 berry bushes, 25 black locust trees, picket fence. Inquire 446 E. Emerson, after 4:30. $1050 BUYS good 3 room semi modern, paved street, west side. $2400 buys 2 bedroom modern, close to Kenwood school.' $2500 buys 3 room furnished modern iiome, 4 lots, west side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave. ONE GOOD COW, your choice from 4 head. All due to be fresh now. Also some No. 1 seed pota toes. Mike Vodvick. Phone 37 F-22. I'OU TRADE WILL TRADE my equity in a $4500 farm for city property on east side. 40 acres land, 25 acres 'C.O.I, water, 5 room modern house, largo barn, garage and other out buildings. 4 miles out on Butler Market road. Kt. 2, Box 253. John Cantrell. HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS Motor Driven lion or D(?Ml Water Driven Wind Driven Every tiie from "portable" unit, (or cabins, etc., to complete, farm light and power plantt. ASK US Bend Electric Co. 644 Franklin Phone 159 Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad FOB BENT VACANCY WESTONIA Apts. Close in, clean, cool, newly deco rated, electrically equipped, free washing facilities, refrigeration, garage. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. 4 ROOM modern furnished house $25. 2 bedroom modern unfurnish ed house $20. 2 bedroom modern unfurnished house $15. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 5 ROOM modern house, 3 acres alfalfa, $40.00 per month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box 52-B, or -inquire 2nd house west of last Texaco station, south highway. FURNISHED SLEEPING rooms, clean, comfortable, close in. Al pine Lodge, 808 Broadway. Phone 200. CLOSE IN 4 room modern fur nished cottage, two room modern apartment. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished apart ment, hardwood floors, stove, heating,' refrigeration and laundry- facilities. Jansen Villa, 407 Portland Ave. 3 ROOM modern unf urhished house, located af 516 Riverfront. Inquire 1535 Awbrey road. Phone 629-M. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent Drive yourself. - Moving.'. Court house Service, 1174 Wall; Phone 458 or call 755-W. . NEATLY FURNISHED 3 room modern apartment, all utilities furnished. Also facilities for laun dry. 1 block from city bus line. Close ' to stores, schools and churches. Moderate rent. Inquire 945 E. 2nd. FURNISHED 4 room house not modern. Just redecorated and cleaned. Adults. - $15.00. Call 1038-J. WANTED WILL TRADE 1935 Chevrolet pickup for later model and pay difference. Inquire Albert Cholin, Prineville. Phone 19-F-31. 10 miles east on Mitchell road. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. 2 BEDROOM furnished modern house or apartment close in. Re frigerator desired. Needed June 1st. Write No. 693 Bend Bulletin. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANTED TO RENT small fur nished apartment or housekeep ing room. Will be permanent, can furnish references. Please give adress and rent asked in reply. Care of Bend Bulletin, Box 6-12. TO RENT 2 bedroom house or 3 room apartment furnished . or partly furnished. Call 29, Forest Service, Lyle Hibbard. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wishes to rent 3 bedroom modern house, furnished, partly furnished or un furnished. Can give references. Write No. 565, care of Bend Bulle tin. MOVING TO BEND, want to rent furnished two bedroom house, by May 25th. Dale V. Charlton, 722 Martin Street, Klamath Falls, Ore. Saddle Horses Wanted For Annuul Saddle Horse Ant tion at Baker, Oregon, July 2nd. Big crowds assured. Horse Show ,luly 1st and KimIco July 3rd and 4lh. 500 good quality broke saddle horses needed to supply hlg de mand. Small number of yuung unhroke saddle type horses ac cepted. Bent prices In years for lop quality. The good reputation of (he Baker Sale, operated hy stock men themselves Insure big gest buyers and liest priee. Feed and stall, sale and parade faellllles furnished (at owner's risk) to horses In Baker by 8 a.m. July 1st. Horses examined by veterinary and commit lee. $3 .fee covers entire cost. Itlaekin Avers, Auc tioneer; Ed. Sullivan and Herb Chandler, Sales King Manag ers. Describe your horse and re serve spaee by June 10th. Further information may be had from Darrell Mills of Paul ina. Saddle Horse Sain Committee, Kd. Mason, Chairman. RED RYDER HELP WANTED WOMAN to help with general housework. Phone 319 or call at 425 Congress. REFINED, reliable, middle-aged woman for position as housekeeper-companion for elderly lady liv ing alone. Prefer C. S. student and someone able to drive car. Good wages, good home, permanent, ample time off but must stay nights. References exchanged. Write Mrs. F. R. Olds, 446 So. Riverside, Klamath Falls, Oregon. MEN WANTED for common la- oor at uamp Abbott.' Transporta tion furnished, leaves from Pilot Butte Inn 6:50 a. m. 9 hours a day. Call Harry Jackson, Room 321, Pilot Butte Inn. HOUSEKEEPER for general nouse work, must be capable. Can furnish living quarters for mar ried couple if desired. Call Pickett Gardens, 530. HOUSEKEEPER in well equipped home, two in the family, good wages and pleasant surroundings. Inquire 255 Delaware. SITUATION WANTED RELIABLE GIRL wants to take care of children day or evenings by the hour. Call 664-W. USED CARS '30 MODEL A, 2 door, $150.00. '28 model A, 2 door, $75.00. '30 Chev rolet, 4 door sedan, $125.00. '31 Chevrolet, 2 door, $150.00. All within OPA. ceilings. Also all kinds of model A parts; 35 V-8 truck rear end. 136 Greenwood. '34 PONTIAC ooach',$215.00. Witlv in OPA ceiling. Inquire Bill Hatch Service Station. , LOST BROWN COCKER spaniel, male, with four white feet, and collar. Return to 415 Federal. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, - FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach ?s, etc. Phone 5U4. Lloyd-Whea-don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15ft, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. WASHING - MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire,, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PAV BILL APPROVKII - Washington, May 18 ili'iTho senate has passed unanimously and sent to the house the Downey bill to give all civil service em ployes a 15 per cent raise in pay. Sen. Sheridan Downey, D., Calif., sponsored the pay raise bill which AUTHORIZED Maytag Service . . . and repairs on all makes of washers. . . , for a new Maytag after the war pluco your order now; Just (Hinlael . . , ELMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kama. Bend 1 1 i THIS CURIOUS WORLD CENTURY, THERE WERE AAANV I SCIENTISTS WHO PREDICTED , 1 1 THAT THE HUMAN BODY - I V iTV. ' J COULD Nor WITHSTAND A. ' 'l -SPEED OP MORE THAN OO 1 , owtma aT wet tnvKt. Iwq I WHEN A CLOUD COMES OVER THE SUN IT IS UNDER THE SUN "t&yf REV. A.H.BELSUM, he told the senate could cost $487, 000,000 a year. Ex-Bend Resident Dies in Portland Word has been received here"of the death of Floyd C. Westerfield, who some 25 years ago was a member of The Bulletin staff. Death of Mr. Westerfield, a resi dent of Eugene for many years, occurred in Portland. A veteran of world war I, Mr. Westerfield served overseas with the 91st division. Surviving are his wife, Velma Rupert Wester field, and two sisters, -Miss Deda Westerfield and Mrs. C. A. Scho dall, both of Los Angeles. Mr. Westerfield was a cousin of Mrs. Phil F. Brogan, Bend. MOKE CARS TAGGED in Polioe reported today that over time parking was charged to cars registered to the following: Olive Murray, Bend; Mrs. Alfred Hun- Keeping Our Wartime Motor Transportation Going on the Home Front Is a Big Job and we're fast on the trigger when it comes to servicing cars or trucks that stop hero for repairs. It's our way of doing a war job and we give you the best of labor and materials. South of Pojt Office T.H.UaUa.PAT,0Fr, , THE WORD ONCB REFERRED TO noli, 374 Easfc Greenwood avenue, and W.iW; Payton, 125 Delaware avenue. Payton forfeited a $2 ball for the offense. PORTLAND. LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 18 1U1 Livestock: cattle 25, calves 10. Active, steady but supply mostly odds and ends. Few light stocker steers $12.50-13.50. Medium, beef, cows $11.00. Cnnners and cutters $7.00-9.50. Good-choice vealers salable $15.00-16.00. Hogs 35. Active, steady. Early supply limited to good-choice 250-! 270 lb. Butchers at $15.75. Sows salable around $15.00. : Feeder pigs quotable $18.00-19.00. Sheep none. Nominally steady. Good-choice spring lambs salable $13.50-13.75. Medium-good shorn old crop lambs and yearlings quotable $11.00-12.00. Good shorn ewes salable $6.00-6.50. 1. - 1 r The atsmosphore absorbs from 10 per cent to 25 per cent of solar radiation. r PORTLAND PRODUCE -f Portland, Ore., May 18 lP-But-ter stocks were still accumulating on dealers' . shelves loday owing to low consumer demand, as prices remained unchanged. Quality eggs were in demand, with less call being given storage rejects and hot-weather eggs. Prices were unchanged. Butter Cube, .93 score 42c; 92 score 42Kc; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 &c pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. Buy National War Bonds Now! Sheep Guano :; Heat treated to kill weed seed 40 lbs. 1.29 ' Mi'nioturt Hoi 49 IIOTKAPS ; . Oiv. protection from ftwt, j storm, . lnaaeta.- Abkh . Mlisr crops. ' Xnocauti yields. i Bait 'Em Kills cut worms, earwigs, sow bug i pkg. 98c 18-FootSoil 1 Soaker, 1.89 Houk-Van Allen Home &' Auro Supply 900 Wall St. Phone 860 Phona 193 Bv FRED HARMAN 100 lH Ib.bag ijfJ