The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 17, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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1945 . - -;
New Building
Is Dedicated
Redmond, May 17 (Special)
The new Redmond union high
school gymnasium was dedicated
Tuesday evening, May 15, at 8
p. m. before a capacity audience.
The dedication speech was made
by Fred Shepard, member of the
R. U. H. S. board. Shepard pre
sented the massive structure to
the public and declared this to be
th first opportunity In his life, in
which he had the opportunity
of presenting a $92,000 gift to his
audience. Shepard referred to the
fire, which Just over a year ago,
destroyed the old gymnasium and
threatened the entire high school
building. The speaker paid a trib
ute to Jack Elliott, president of
the school board, for efforts to
obtain the present, completed new
Ted Wells, city mayor, received
the gymnasium In the name of the
The R. U. H. S. band, under the
direction of William Tweedie, as
sisted in the dedication, and play
ed several numbers. Bob Holm
Strom, student body president,
gave the address of welcome.
Other numbers In the program
were a vocal solo, "When I Have
Sung My Songs," Mrs. Grace
(Jiang; girls trio, Joyce Davis,
Lou Hartke and Verna Miller, In
two numbers: solo, "Italian Street
Song," Joyce Davis; reading, "B11
lious Button Buster," Mrs. Delia
Nance; tumbling acts, by the G.
A. A. girls.
In closing, the audience sang
"God Bless America."
Janice Davis was master of
Quick Work Halts
Fire in Ashwood
Madras, May 17 (Special)
While eighth grade graduation
exercises were In progress In the
Ashbutte Grange hull at Ashwood
last Friday evening, a fire was
Waterfowl Raids
Worry Gardeners
Several complaints to city of-
ririiilK from residents 'ong the
river adiacent to Drake park
that waterfowl are raising havoc
with their victory gardens, today
discovered In the Oral Tompkins brought a suggestion from Ciiy
home a block away. It is believed
that the fire was , slat ted by a
home made brooder. The house
was ablaze when discovered, but
through quick work on the part
of the men, the house was saved.
The Ashwood postoffice next to
the house looked as if it might
be destroyed and property was
removed, as were the Tompkins
household goods. Considerable
damage was done to the roof and
the sides of the Tompkins home
as the roof had to be chopped
to get at the blaze.
This was the second fire in the
Ashwood district that week, the
L. C. Thornton home being com
pletely destroyed several days before.
Buy National War Bonds Nowl
Marine Don Wood
Hunts Island Japs
Okinawa (Delayed) Marine
Private First Class Donald W.
Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Wood, of 1038 Baltimore avenue,
Bend, was one of a group of rifle
men who volunteered to try and
find a suspected Jap machine gun
in the hills here.
No machine gun was located,
but a Jap major leaped out from
behind a tree and swung on the
small group with a long sword.
The major was promptly killed
by men In the group. Later, in a
hidden bivouac area unearthed by
the roving marines a second Jap
officer was found and killed.
"We cot two pistols and two
swords off those Japs," said Pri
vate Wood.
Manager C. G. Keller as to me
best method of feeding the ducks
finil ieese.
Reiter said that the waterfowl
make it a practice to go up Inlo
the yards after friendly residents
have been feeding mem mere.
After having been fed there once,
the birds will return, and then
probably stray into the gardens,
he said. As a means of stopping
the waterfowls' migration from
the river. Reiter suggested that
persons feeding them do so in the
New Outlet to
Ashwood Sought
Madras, May 17 (Special)
Residents of Ashwood have cir
culated a petition to be presented
to the Jefferson County court ask
ing for the opening of a road up
Trout from highway 97 near the
Schultz place to Ashwood. It has
already been surveyed as a route
to Mitchell from Madras.
The road will be built with
federal funds if the state highway
commission grants the proposed
route. If accepted, the road will
offer a good all-year-round road
from Ashwood to Madras.
South Bend, Ind. mi The Uni
versity of Notre Dame's casualty
list for World War II now has
168 gold stars, representing three
times the number of students and
alumni of the school killed In the
first world war.
at SHELLH ART'S Fri. Sat.
i iitiii urn ara. iiuiviuu II St 2 ' Ix I Pi
! or A, v-fMmyAlA:iM&mvmmmmmm V ff gW WWW aa""r .' t
m,, m J . .... ,, ...
v ' 1
i r i i t.o, a w i wj-. ir if i t f 1 1 .v-v-II
50 lb.
Drip or Kegular
UJ3 lb
lip 29c
POTATO CHIPS Blue Bell 25c pkg 23c
; l tffiSJ 33c
can 35c 25c w&
Battleground Full Cream
lb. 37c
Apple Juice qt. bottle 25c
Prune Juice qt. bottle 30c
Grapefruit Juice No. 5 can 35c
Tomato Juice No. 5 can 25c
Sliced Beets . ..... 2 cans 25c
V. C. Kidney Beans can 13c
Seaside Lima Beans can 15c
H-D Cream Corn . , can 14c
11c Pf?
Floor Mops, medium size 49c
Mop Sticks each 19c
Wax Paper 125 ft. roll 19c
Nickel Matches . . .6 box carton 23c
EjSjjH pkg.
SI2I 23
Rhubarb 4 lbs. 25c
Asparagus ..pound 15c
Radishes bunch 5c
Green Onions bunch 5c
Grapefruit 4 for 25c
Ciuirhillti. Vino Mnvoretl
Shellhart's Grocery
929 Wall
Free Delivery
Phone 24
Mrs. Emma Leimon turn three pounds of used cooking fat over to
meat dealer James J. O'Connor, in New York City. The six points aha
receives In exchange cover the ration point cost of a sparerib dinner
for 'her family of three. Saving used fat Is the only way to increase
your ration budget, and put more meat and fat on your menu.
Highways and Byways in Books
B Eleanor F. Brown
(Deschutes County Librarian)
Bend will be the scene of an
exciting horse race to begin May
28, but the entries, far from be
ing the conventional four-legged
steeds, will be books. Beginning
on that dale and continuing
through Friday, June 22, children
from the first to eighth grades
will compete In the Deschutes
County Library Book Derby, from
which the annual summer reading
project will Jake this year.
Registration for the event will
begin Monday, May 21, and con
tinue through Saturday, May 26th,
the hours being ten a. m. to nine
p.m. Miss Marian Zipse, children's
librarian, who will head up the
project, stresses the fact that in
order to enter, all children, must
register beforehand, between the
dates mentioned, and absolutely
no registrations can be taken after
nine o'clock Saturday evening,
May 2Gth.
Children who will enter the
second to eighth grades this com
ing fall are eligible,, but those
who will be entering school for
the first time will not, even
though they may have learned
to read at home. Registration
should be In person. Although
parents can register for their
children, children cannot register
As each child registers, he will
automatically enter a horse in the
I Derby. Actual reading will begin
Monday, May 28, and no books
I read before that time will be
! counted. Children above the 2nd
J grade make their reports on a
I simple written form; youngsters
l who were in the first and second
grades during the present school
year make their reports orally.
, Reports must be made on all
books read to obtain credit, and
I will be accepted between 1 and 5
, p. m. each day. Books are not to
i be returned except during these
j hours and are returned at the
l children's desk rather than the
main charging desk. Credit can
not be given for books returned
in the slot, when the child does
not remain to give his report with
the books in hand.
For each five books read, the
entrant will advance a mile on the
Of Nft Vwrk. In th 8ll ot Now Yor. on 111
Milrtj-flrnt day or l-Mfnitwr, .!'. mid lo th
lnurtK CoinmlMluih'r vl Hit tttalt of Uttcud,
pursuant (o Ian :
Nrt premiums m-Mu-d I 4,307,9!). 74
Total ltittiu dhldciitli and real
nuu itiromc cwt.mrfl
Itunni from otliM tourvt 415.Uiiti.JS
Total Income I a,4XT.374.3f
KvUmnunt pi Id WloiiuUkra fur
. HHH.flllS)
Lou adjunttdfiit miwiimw 95. 419 39
Attend nmmllcitii or brokerage.,.. 8T3.J4.V1C
Balarla and la ofnorn, dim-tot.
iroin of Ik rmnl)Fa Tfll.xno.Of
TaiM. Mivnsdi and fwn l.V.'D.ttaMS
Dhtdrtid) nld lt toraholdvra (I'atlt.
IU.H alurk. So. Out t
IHitdciidi rflld or crvditnt lo ixilkj- -
hiOdna ., n
All t iiirr ntipudlturej SSti.930 C
Total dHImrTnnti LUJIO 00
AdtultUd Aiittat
Vatua of tMl f:t oh mil tmaikrt
alne) o
on wmarra and rallalrrai,
Valua ft bond! ontiM Ifflnr1ird ( . ." 1 1
Vaiw of utU ownrd mutkrl tain) J;i9i.(Kt
t'aah In Iwnka and on band IGMJU.H
rnniliim In rmir of collfrllon
wriiin Ml tic Keittenirwr $v, HHI.. TJ. 511
Intmt and mm du au4 aiu-d 15 ;
Ihtirt ftvM-U Itiet ,, l.SOS.Otl
T-lal admUtrd imu;
LSftbiUtiaa, SuiyluB and Othar Fundt
Ti-iat tmiaid clam: JtW.'.:.if.
Umi mi ted adjuuincnl Mtna
for unpaid tlalmt ia.Jli.7
l'Ul uiiMnmt utMnuimi on all urt-
Ml'lml rliiKi I.101.44M!
.SalariM. rrnta. ni..H-t, Wlta.
' muni, tvr. no., itiif w aotrtml ia?.JltI
Ks'lmalvd amount du or aevrunt
Uira HJ.G09.0fl
(immKMiit. hnikrair. or oilier
rhiiiN dtH and aortunl
All uthrf UalilliUoa 4.JS.053 ;
Total HaMlltli'a, xofpt rat4tit . .743.044
rapUal Mid up t 4.Wtf.ftW,
irtiua mar all lla
hlllll 10.Kl.P!a.l5
Syililua at n-ard iv!klK-idfi. .. .1l.J.M IS
T"al t.'-nti M;Tf
Bualntii In Orfoa Tot Tht Ytart
Nrt l'iimnr.t itnivvd 2 y.i
N knara paid M.s.l j;
tH'fcta'da paid ot crtsUtftl to polkry-
hf !d( j
U L. I uli-v ftr dnl
tlwrra tl tarihtt-mv. !rtThirT
Ktatutorr r aiioiuay (w avnic. l. J.
UUufUln. 1'attUnd.
dNorsis or anntal statemknt
of K,w Tork, In III, Htal, of New York, on the
thirty-first day of DMrmhor. mil, nail, tu Ui,
luaiiranc ConimlMiolir of tfift of Orrcon.
Iiunuaut to law:
Nat premium, ferelied f T9S.31C.90
Total Inteirtt. dlildenila and real
eatate tnonm 42.nfl3.SI
lneomo from oUier aourora S,2tf4.3S
Total Income t UT.SKt.Te
Dlsbnrsemsnti '
Net amount paid pououoldcra for
loaa SOe.ATB.Sft
Troa aiUuatmrnl uranera (11,4.38
Airenla coliimlMtotit or lirokerace.. , , lol.6,l.01 .
ttalarlM and fete otflctre, dlrortorl.
1 liome office mployn 133.1!T.1?
Taiea. Ilciilea and frea 3C.TI0.39
llhldende paid to atockholder, tCutl,
Id.iitl; alM-k. to.OO) 0
nuldnidi paid to Pi.Hcrhotdtre 0
All oUlrr elpvudlturee TT.ttS.SS
In aid Out of Jlmmla Suit
Keep the saddle-stitched shirt in or out. I
The matching Jimmie has a' double-bib.
For Young Activity Boy' 1.98
Wash Suits.. I
Trim-tailored for "play-boys!" Short
sleeved button-on shirts and matching
shorts in colors. Perfect to wash.,
Jr. Boy's Shorts For Hot Days
For wear and tear! Cotton twill QQc
shorts, one button waistband, three 0
pockets. Wash day dreams!
Healthy Hours in Sunsuits!
Bib-front sunsuits with slash pockets QQc
and suspender straps. Poplins and 70
All Wool Sport Coats for Men & Young Men
Fine all wool 'fabrics woven in plain solid 1 O
colors or sharp sporty patterns. Straight I
tine or more fitted models!
Happiest Slack Choice for the Summer
Gabardine, of course! Pastels, but not C
too light to be practical!' Pleats for a 3
comfortable full draps. Zipper closing.
Del.uxo ShofvMukiiiK
Towncraft Shoes
This stitched wing tip
cxfnrd has 8 pair of
plastic soles tough to
wear out !
36-Inch White Outing Flannel
Limit, 10 yards
to a customer, yd.
Total dlliuncm.-ntff 931, 476.00
Ad mitt ad A met
Valua of rtal Mat on nod imaiket
lalue) f 0
Irtvitia on mottgam and cullaterat,
Valua or btmdt onnrd (amnrtltrdl . , 6,061.079.41
Valu ot ttocka onnd I raarktt Talua) 0
4h In banM and on hand 743.SM.t9
l'ranluma In twine ol enlWUoa
wrtllan alnr 8rpt. SO. 1044 S01.4W.t2
tnttrrat and rnl du and accrued 13.343.74
U(br lurti (nail UM36.M
Tttial admlttrd at t ft.JSl.firS 97
Llftbllltlta. Surplai and Othar Fundi
Total unpaid claim I tS.jriSI
tlMtintlt lo atUustmmt irna
fur unpaid rialmt W.H3.1T
Tt) uni-amrd prmnii.inj oa ait ua-
tidrd rU 43e,SM.33
81iIm. rtit. rttwns, bills, ac-
tiii. f, t. du or accniMl 493.107.14
Kitlmald amount dua or accrued
f. utM....'. H.957.14
CwratnlMtom. nrakerarv. or othat
rharay dtn and actrutd ........ , 0
AH Olhft llabillUr MS.ritt
rpt rarlUl... I 1.4M.WS-U
. Llh4.000.00
Total llahimiaa.
Capital paid up. .
aurpios oir all ua
billUf S.S3S.:(0.7
Bufpiu at rarda polI(hIdn....S 4.tt3.140.7
, ot1 1 t W T
niinaio in Orroa Tor Th Touti
1 i Tmliirtt mtlu-d 1 T
Nl (nam raHl 1).S.M
IMiMmda itaul or rrtdltcd to pDlk7-
holjtt t
U U Uikaa. lrtldnt
Orotfr H. RartnoltMW. KMT(ary
I 9talutirT reat.Wnt at torn far ariW. Hnnar-
ab) sth R TTMavtMo, lauran CoamUtWMr.
I 8ainm, Orco.
raco course, to bp depicted in a . many books in the same length
large diagram. The boy and girl of time as their older schoolmates,
having read the largest number; even though the latter may be
of books at the end of the four faster and better readers. Miss
wecKs penoa, win do cieciarea zipse will he assisted in the pro
winners, and the runners-up will ject by Miss Edith Brown and
be awarded second place. All other members of the staff as
those who read ten books or more j needed.
are eligible to attend the picnic' Every child of eligible age is
in Drake Park, held shortly after; urged to enter a horse and get
the close of the contest. in on the fun. Parents are asked
Prizes this year will be awarded to remember the registration
by The Bend Bulletin, and are dates and see that their children
as follows: Girls' division: first are at the post ready to go, after
place. 53.00 in war savings being properly registered the
stamps; second place. $2.00 in war week of May 21 to 2G. It is not
savings stamps. Boys' division: ! necessary to have a library card
first place, S3.00, and second place, ! already to enter, but those who
$2.00, also in war savings stamps, 'do enter must sign up for a card
For several years it has been the:and niust be eligible for one. Re
custom for local business firms to quirements are that they be able
donate the prizes, last year's hav- to sign or print their name and
ing been provided by the Pacific have lived in Deschutes county at
Power and Light company, and cast one month,
the year before by the Consumers' 1
Gas company. Prices are awarded
.it the picnic, and In ease of ties.
tots are urawn, WH .t r :.
j i , -' :J w xne urst co
ounger children. It is pointed operative warehouse to start oo
out, have just as good a chance 'orations in Central Oregon has
as children in the upper four been organized by the Farmer's
grades, since their books are Union at Culver. It is known as
smaller and have larger print, the Culver Connerativn a . 1
They are thus able to read as building along the railroad has'
luvin rtiitvVtncn4 TTotttt-a nlaflS
icall for a custom grading plant
i uiuru.
I .Madras, May 17 (Special)
Commercial penicillin sodium is
not yet a chemically pure product
because of the present cost of
complete purification, but recent
progress promises cheaper meth
ods. mWnever
suspect cause
of backaches
This Old Treatment Often
Brings Happy Relief
nmsginK backtab
'y.W. one. they diaconrr that th. ml aW
1 Iraibl. may b tired kidneyj. ,
J be bdneya are Natura'a chiet way ot tak
B l acida and waate out ot the Wool,
au'y Itelpmoat people naai about pinu eday.
w lien diaorder of kidney function permit
rotaonoua batter to remain in your blood, it
Jay cause najrjrin, backache, rbeumatu
Paina. leu paina. Ion of pep and enercy,
ting up nifthu, awellinit. pumneea under tk
yea. headache, and diiiineaa. Frequent or
canty paaaace. with amartint and burninf
ometimea ehow. there it eomethin wronl
with your kMneya or bladder.
uon twaul Aak your drunriet for Doan
J! "S aucceealully by m ilfiona for over 40
Z.1 ""PpyreliefandwiUhelpthe
omilee ol kidney tubei fluab out pounoom
MM Ima you, Mood. Get Dsali rUkv