THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1945 PAGE SEVER "TO se, : .1 1 f. rading Gains on astern Market By Elmer C. Walzer - (United Prcu Fuu.nei.1 Editor) New York, May 17 HP Trading increased on the stock market to day as prices continued to move higher in an departments. Gains ranged to two points or more in special issues. The lead ing groups improved fractionally with the utility average reaching a new high since April 21, 1937. Dividends news - continued to sway individual issues and to help the general market. Real Silk Hosiery reached a new high on a. gain of more than a. point on directors' action in paying off S15 arrears on preferred stock. f Johns-Manville, which raised its dividend yesterday, rose two ints. Allied stores reached an other new high on its dividend rise. American Telephone, which maintained its $235 regular quarterly rate in enect for many years, made a new high on a small gain. Preliminary closing Dow-Jones stock averages: industrial 165.19, up railroad 56.13, off 0.05: utility 31.05, up 0.23; 65 stocks G2. 08, up 0.20. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK . Portland, Ore., May 17 (IB Livestock: cattle 100, calves 25. Active, fully steady. Medium steers $15.00. Cutter heifers $8.50. Canner-cutter cows $7.00-9.50. Me dium bulls $10.50-11,00. Good choice vealers $15.00-16.00. Hogs 50. Practically nothing of fered early; quotable steady at ceilings. Butchers salable to $15.75, sows to su&.uu, stags around 4.50, feeder pigs $18.00-19.00. Sheep 350. Fairly active, steady. odd-choice 95 lb. spring lambs $13.50; few 70-75 lb. shorn old crop lambs and yearlings as feeders $11.00. Good shorn ewes S6.00-6.25. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 17 ill Butter and egg prices were un changed today. . Butter cube ' 93 score 42c; 92 score 42c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41Wc pound. Eggs prices to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. ONE GOOD TURN . . . Stoneham, Mass. ilPu The gold en rule was observed here when Frederick J. Lang rescued his dog, Blackie, from a fire when the mm iwillancml ufHila trulna r , I wake his master. BOW AN1 ARROW HANDY Brazil, Ind. Ui A new way to circumvent the ammunition short age was achieved by Larry Hop kins, 15, who shot a fox with a bow and arrow before it could leave a chicken yard with a fowl. 10,000 G.I.'S ENROLLED San Francisco P G.I. ambi tion is tremendous, as evidenced by more than 10,000 servicemen, in the United States and abroad, who are taking courses through the University of California ex tension division. Buy National War Bonds Now! Sea ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO Y" LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to'Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS Motor Driven Gas or Diesel Water Driven Wind Driven Every size from "portable" unit for cabins, etc, to complete farm light and power plants. ASK US Bend Electric Co. 644 FraniKn Phona 159 Spare Articles Can Be Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 85 Wonto One Time S5o 85 Words Three Times -75o Zo words Six Times All word, .ar IS add le par ward Uwa numbvr at ItiMrtuna Om hoc tli ran. aama cop. day rt Mimaina LUni, ih LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20o CUaalflaal Adwtblnc. Cuk in Adnnc DtUr CWaiiul Tu.. 11 ill P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night ' F, O. EL Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Fhonu 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy -Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. A. M Special Communication Friday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. E. A. Degrees Also Examination George Slmervllle, Sec'y. FOR SALE CLEAN 3 room modern house completely furnished, newly deco rated, garden planted, garage, woodshed. Only $2000, $709 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. . 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bed rooms. Wired for electric range, has oil circulator, electric water heater. Good basement, large lot, close in. Worth more than asking price of $3250. Terms at Gilberts Real Ksthate & insurance, luio Wall. GOOD MILK cow fresh, third calf, gives 6 gallons. Butler Mar ket road. Rt. 2, Box 260. Phone l-F-4. H. L. Chnsman. NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. and D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Oak St., Eugene, Ore. $300 BUYS 1936 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Inquire 1624 E. 3rd evenings. TWO MODERN 3-room houses on one lot. Price $1700, $1000 down, balance terms. See the property at 1036 East 4th St. I will be at the house Monday after 1 p. m. Mrs. Fred E. Turner, Route 1, Box 422. 4 Ms ACRES under C.O.I., close in, 3-room house, water in the house, large chicken house, cow barn and large garden spot plowed. Will rent or lease. Inquire Mrs. pi H.slick. Rt. l, Box 51, mile past -144 south highway, rturn i right, tnird nouse on ngnt. EAST SIDE, 5 room modern house, nice lawn and garden, large building in rear, only $2500, $1000 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36- VV. 1937 STL'DEBAKER sedan, $550. Within OPA ceiling. 4-room fur nished house. 465 E. Olney. NETTED GEM seed potatoes. Bed spring and mattress, steel cot, day bed, roll away bed. Rt. 1, Box 156. TWO BEDROOM modern house, hardwood floors, utility room, double garage, woodshed, 2 lots, I plenty of garden ground. Near Greenwood Grocery and Allen , school. 352 E. Kearney, Tel. 1101. ! SMALL jenny ass suitale for pack animal, partly broken to ride. jGuernsey-Durhqm cow now milk Ung. Inquire 1433 E. 1st, block : north of O'Donnell Field. ONE ONLY New gate-leg solid maple drop-leaf table to serve 8 or 10. Four chairs to match. In quire Bend Furniture Co, LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Asters, Snaps, Marigolds, Petun ias and othur annuals. Vegetable plants and Steel's Jumbo pansies. 1601 W. 2nd, corner Portland. SEED POTATOES, also 1 good Jersey cow, heavy milker and high cream test. 1st house west of Eastern Star Grange Hall. PLANTS READY. Perennials, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. STANDARD 8, Atmoray machine, I lady's new suit of Forstman wool, two-tone gray stripe, size 18; : brown twill riding breeches, size i 16. gold evening slippers, 6-AA. Call 314-J. 3 PIECE bedroom set, chairs, radio, end table, smoking stand and fruit jars. Inquire 424 E. 3rd St. FARM SALE Team of horses, weight 1200 to 1500 lbs., well broke. 108 head of black face sheep and 65 Iambs. 1 two-horse disk. 1 two-bottom plow. 1 one-horse hay rake. 1 walking nlow. 1 DcLaval electric separa- i tor. 1 DeLaval 2 can electric milk er, guaranteed. 2 one-week-old calves. 3 turkey hens. 1 turkry i gobbler. Inquire: Anderson Dairy 1 Farm, north highway, or phone 36-F-21. i Meitf Women !01d at' '40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? rvo ytm Nam- Mfc'i"tH. wnrrwwrt Wt'r m mT Thoown imm at b linU vnwu V i o.iri It !"". fniiimi rni) t1 M . I f.KrtrtTnui,ih--t'i-'Wini-'n Mo ' 1 ri.-f klw row olv --c Try mki Tr.i FOB SALE 30 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, 4 months old. Other large laying hens. One young purebred Jersey milk cow. One saddle horse. Rt. 2, Box 18. Phone 33-F12. CLOSE IN 4 bedroom clean plas tered modern house, lots of built ins in closets, utility porch, full basement, furnace. $3800, $1000 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. GUNS, 3040, 30-06, and a 30 Lu ger. 413 E. Greenwood. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. . OWNER LEAVING, must sacri fice, 8 acres, 5 acres. Swalley, 3 bedroom house, large unfinished garage, barn, chicken house, cis tern, 4 acres in crop, strawberries. $1800, $1400 down, $15' month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. . CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. 4 ACRES: Just outside city limits, with 4 acres C.O.I, water. 6 room house, pressure pump. Double ga rage, large chicken house, cow barn, and large woodshed. A real country home priced right at $4200. Terms at Gilberts Real Es tate & Insurance. 1015 Wall Street. SPLENDID YOUNG Guernsey cow, freshen next week, heavy producer, easy to milk. Inquire 644 Seward. SIX YEAR OLD bay saddle mare, hotblood, gentle for lady. Call after 5 p. m. 400 Sisemore street. PLAY PEN, carriage needs re pairing, rocking horse, riding shoes size 7, coat and jacket size 16, silver fox fur collar. Inquire 1546 W. 3rd. 2 PAIR wine floral, drapes. 9x12 green Axminsier rug. i-none 912-M before 6 p. m. 25 SACKS SEED spuds for sale at 3 cents per pound. Bring sacks. P. F. Riedel, Rt. 1, Box 101, 114 mile south city limits, old highway. Phone 20-F-3. BEDROOM SUITE complete, Kitcnen table and chairs, daveno, occasional chair, small wood heat er, cook stove, single bed and mat- rreoa Rt 2 Rnv ! Phnnn 33.P".'; right past Gleg yista r-iuh 1 MAPLE DINETTE set, bed stead and springs, priced to sell. 212 Yew lane. 2 BEDROOM modern house, fire i place, electric range, electric hot water neater, fruit cellar, 2 lots, garage, garden spot, berry patch, lots of flowers and shrubs. 212 Yew lane. $700 3 ROOM semi-modern home, 6 lots, full lawn, sidewalks, ga rage, woodshed, garden, 100 strawberries, 2b berry bushes, 25 oiack locust trees, picket fence. Inquire 446 E. Emerson, after 4:30. FOR TRADE WILL TRADE my equity in a $4500 farm for city property on east side. 40 acres land, 25 acres C.UJ. water, 5 room modern house, large barn, garage and other out-buildings. 4 miles out on Butler Market road. Rt. 2. Box 253. John Cantrell. FOR RENT VAPANCV WKRIflN! Ante Close in, clean, cool, newly deco- ra,tea, electrically equipped, tree washing facilities, refrigeration, garage. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. 4 ROOM modern furnished house $25. 2 bedroom modern unfurnish ed house $20. 2 bedroom modern unfurnished house $15. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FURNISHED SLEEPING rooms. clean, comfortable, close In. Al pine Lodge, 80s Broadway. Phone 200. 2 ROOM furnished modern house near Kenwood school. Also 2 room semi-modern furnished apartment with wood, water and lights, ac cess to shower bath. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished apart ment, hardwood floors, stove, heating, refrigeration and laun dry facilities. Jansen Villa,, 407 Portland Ave. Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment I Spinal Adjustment Physio Therapy Tox Eliminator Diagnosis, X Kay and Heart Graphing Dr.R.D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician 121 Mimieaota Ave. Phone 791 FOR BENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. NEATLY FURNISHED 3 room modern apartment, all utilities furnished. Also facilities for laun dry. 1 block from city bus line. Close to stores, schools and churches. Moderate rent. Inquire 945 E. 2nd. WANTED VERY GENTLE pony wanted for new beginner. Address Mrs. Hel ma Foster, Stauffer, Oregon, care of Mrs. Sutherland. WILL TRADE 1935 Chevrolet pickup for later model and pay difference. Inquire Albert Cholin, Prineville. Phone 19-F-3L 10 miles east on Mitchell road. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone S45-M. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs' you have to sell also some big springer cows and will pick them . up at your ranctj. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R, Franks, Redmond, Ore. USED RADIOS Will niv tnr. prices for good used radios. ijeorge s nacuo service, new loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANTED TO RENT small fur- nisnea apartment or housekeep ing room. Will be permanent, can furnish rofpronroa Plaaca viva adress and rent asked in reply. tare oi ueno Bulletin, Box 642. WILL PAY CASH for fairly late model nioklln Must ha In nmul shape and fair rubber. Call at 580 Utica Ave., Bend, or write P. O. Box 762, Bend. TO RENT 2 bedroom house or 3 room apartment furnished or partly furnished. Call 29, Forest Service, Lyle Hibbard.. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wishes to rent 3. bedroom modern house, furnished, nartlv fi furnished. Can give references. wrue ino. otio, care of Bend Bulle tin. MOVING TO BEND, want to rent furnished two bedroom house, by May 25th. Dale V. Charlton, 722 Martin Street, Klamath Falls, Ore. HELP WANTED WOMAN to help with general housework. Phnnn am n- n . 425 Congress. SriyFT A.?ERMANENT 2LlOR A WOMAN IN OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT. INTER- MENTriNQmRETARAS vTeNwD garao.Tor 5);!' reliable, middle-aged woman for position as housekeep-er-companion for elderly lady llv ine alone Pfrp c - - v-. i'. amut'iii ana someone able to drive car. CJood wages, good home, permanent, ample time off but must stay nights. References exchanged. Write Mrs. F. R. Olds, 446 So. Riverside, Klamath Falls, Oregon. EXPERIENCED fountaiiiIrrifr ?nir?. So Good to Cream Store, 139 Oregon Ave. MEN WANTED for common la bor at Cflltin Ahhntt TV ..,,. tion furnished, leave's from Pilot nuue inn b:au a. m. 9 hours a dav. Call Harrv .Tnr-b-c. r aa-Pjloi :Butte Inr h 'ww" HOUSEKEEPER for general iiuuM- woi-k, must ne capable. Can furnish Mvina nnartnvo fn ried couple if desired, Call Pickett Gardens, 530. MIDDLE AGED enunln tn wnrlf at resort. Good pay, board and room. Harry T. Mooney, Crescent Lake. Phone Crescent Lake 2. "THAT'S HOW t GOT My START f . f-v 7 AJ iri'p jij I 11. ritfli, al.,1 Inr it mighty imporunt- Vct'or'ati f w cum STMTI ihey ftct the right balance, with Triangle Chick Starter. A scientifically balanced ra.. tion built to fill the require ment) of your chicks during first eight weelct MASH OR PM.LBT8- Greenwood Feed Co. ! RED RYDER D'Jl IrWl VXril YKOXE 1 SI ARTE U A KOC rALL'j Turned HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN book keeper, some shorthand. This po sition is open now and is perma nent. Good salary to start rapid advancement Give references and state exerience. All replies confi dential. Write care of Bend Bulle tin No. 621. WANT RELIABLE woman to stay with children over weekend. 735 Columbia. SITUATION WANTED RELIABLE GIRL wants to take care of children day or evenings by the hour. Call 664-W. WILL CARE for two children in my home days. 1018 Ogden. Mrs. Luna. FOR SALE ORTRADK 1935 CHEV. sedan for sale or trade for later model. $180, under OPA ceilincr. 13B5 Kaltimnro nftm. 5:30 p.m. USED CARS '30 MODEL A, 2 door, $150.00. '28 model A, 2 door, $75.00. '30 Chev rolet, 4 door sedan, $125.00. '31 Chevrolet, 2 door. $150.00. All within OPA ceilings. Also all Kinds of model A parts: '35 V-8 truck rear end. 136 Greenwood. 1936 TERRAPLANE 4 door se dan, recently overhauled, good ruooer, ?wu. is under OPA ceil ing. 801 Roosevelt. '34 PONTIAC coach, $215.00. With in OPA ceiling. Inauire Bill Hatch Service Station. LOST BROWN BILLFOLD with cards and papers belonging to Bonnie Brandon. Finder keep money and return biuiold to Bulletin office. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate 11CKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. STKOraiS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT I OK THK . PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY nf Lot Angelft. ia Uta Hut. at California, an lha tltlrtr-rint (la or Darctnbar, 1911. ntailr 10 tha Inauranra Commbalonar at Iba gtata of Dragon, purtuanl to law: . Xnoomi Nat premium! tl!,ltt.Dl5.11 Tntal Int.rMf. rtl.lil.nila and raal aaut. Inrom 6tl.Ml.l9 1 ! lncoua from other aourca, 10,1.!5 : Total Incoma tl6.ZtB.aSS.08 DlstraTBtvmtntl a Nrt amount paid poiuybulucia for Inaaca 1 fl.4t0.TM Mt ltaa adluatmaiit aipanjea ' l.HT.onj.Yo' Aaatila commlaiion, nr hroirraaa. . . . l.&la'.aoi.ov' fcalarlra anil feaaomma. director. home nfrtca wnplniea 1M.SIS.KI Tales. tlriULt Ud feat. , Dhlili-txli pulif lo tnckholdft (Cull, a.M,5im.Ut)l niTlttemU utl or credited to pulley ho,di-r All otlw esivendltursi Tula! dlitwrMmrott. ; 113.009,1104. 1 Admitted Aasati Villi Of tfl nUU uwitiid tmatkft Mine) 9 Loan on mor(uia tiid collateral, He tld.1lS.flt Valv of boiuH ownd (anonUm!).. P.5JM1T.M Villi or lorkaowitird t market lui) 8aftmf.SXI.2t. Casta In bank and ) band S,U8.3.St ITotnlUEU In rnurM nf oolVctlaii written attic BapUmtxr M, 1D44.. S,3T0,IM.4t Intwoat and rtuta du and arcruad 50.SlT.S4 Otliw antu (iwt),...... Tntal admltlrd aafta $li,5i..n.4 UsblUtltu, Snrplna mnL Other Tntttts TUl tuipald Claiiua t H,fl7S,3t.O0 FUtttuaid Inaa adjuatnrat eipnu. fvr unpaid 15,000.00 Total unwrnMl prawluin on all un Il4iad tlthl SalarkM, rvnta, tiiiaiM, bills, ivr- fuunti, f, tc, rtu nr arvnitrd ID, 400. 00 EitlmaUKl aiwuul du or acctud rr lain l,tlT.3S.0C Cowml-wiona. brokpraK. or o(Ur rfiariraa d and awrued , t2J.H3I.M All utllM lUlrlilUM 7.Wfl.46 TMat III till 111 p, tSKtvt rtiMll...l(,0:,3U0.9J Hiirpnu oet all tU- ' ' lillltle Tn"7fS.M Hurplua at rraatdi Hlcjliulua"....! ,SST,fi.'0 3 tntat Mi.m.MlM Buiinaia In Orjron Tor Tht Yourt Net pnruluBta rttcflml... 1 SW,lil.ft Krt Itvuva paid 2:1,725 20 Dhldvnda pakl or ctorllieal to policr holdara f FACITIO IMDBMNITT COMPANY M. II. Jxlinaori, I'lraldrnt Y. W. HuMiptl, Krcralanr Rtitiilorr rldiil tVmnri for nl. Hi. Pr((i u. Ttmmtmm, Iniuiani Comniitaloner, Halew Urogfjii. of growth. J Bend. Oreaon 3i f lis proof i r ' rLjmhf w ' TT ) Into Cash MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15 V4, proven fillY nf nilrtfr hrr. tviui IToa $10.00, return privilege. Standing, arooKs-acanion oarn.franK Filey, attendant. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. 11 Michaelson's Savings For Friday Saturday MILK Noutlo's 3 cans 29c ' CERTO 8 Bottles m 49c Bisquick Tomato Soup c'miipiwirH 3 CANS 25c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Lemons doz. 35c l.iirgt- Kl.i! Carrots 2 bu. 19c Green Onions .2 bu. 15c Radishes 2 bu. 15c Celery lb. 19c Potatoes 10 lbs. 39c v. . No. r FREE DELIVERY phone 821 : MISCELLANEOUS REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin.-. AIR BASE HAS WAC MP'S Columbus, O. (IB It's really a woman's world when members of the weaker sex take over the strong-arm jobs. Six Wacs at Lockbourne army air base have donned the familiar MP armbands and assumed patrol duties after Crackers Tasty Maid J 2lb.ctn.29c Rancho Soup ............ can 5c Beans............ 3 lbs. 29c v Red Mexican ; Wheat Flakes . . . . . .2 lb. pkg. 25c Carnation Soup Mix .... .. ..... . .3 pkgs. 25c Llpton's Oleomargarine ........ .2 lbs. 49c Parkay Chocolate Syrup ..... .lb. iar 23c . 2 Lit. Jar 4So Tenderoni ...f...',. . . .3 pkgs. 25c Corn Bread Mix ..... . . . .pkg. 19c Coffee .... ...... .1 lb. pkg. 25c M..I.B. Jr. Rinso Ige. pkg. 23c Lifebuoy . . .3 bars 19c Lux Toilet Soap .3 bars 19c Macaroni, FoufcJs ..... .3 pkgs. 25c Hi Ho Crackers, Sunshine, pkg. 19c J GROCERY L being trained by regular military policemen. CHINKSE REPULSED . Chungking, May 17 lUA Rein-, forced Japanese troops have' driven Chinese forces out of the east China port of Foochow after a two-day battle, but hard fighting is continuing outside the city, it was announced today.. JAPS MAKE CLAIM , (By United Peon) . Tokyo radio claimed Thursday that Japanese air units sank two Allied submarines off the eastern coast of Java May 10 and 11. The broadcast was heard by United Press, San Francisco. Ktepvour family In tip-top Nltfe PUREX i Gallon 25c Si PLUMS Mi'rrlnm?, Vt'H 2 cans 45c Lunch Meat Trylt can 35c j 917 Wall By FRED HARMAN