THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1945 PAGE SIX Danes' Premier , . " Jungle Centers Preparing G.I.V To Battle Japs By Ernest Barcella (Unltol Prem War Correspondent) In the Hawaiian Jungles lft A sign by (he side of a trail car ries this challenging legend: "It takes guts. ..." And that is what you find plenty of here GUTS. For this is the finishing school of intestinal fortitude for the American dough bay en route to far Pacific battle fronts. This is the U. S. army unit jungle training center a school of combat realism which gives the doughfoot complete conlidence in himself, his buddies and his wea pons. It is a school of hard knocks where he learns to overcome fear of the jungle; where he learns to fight and lick the Japanese. And by the time he graduates, he is ready to take on the enemy any where, any time and under any conditions for this is his last dress rehearsal before the real thing. Intensive Course The course Is short only 56 hours compressed Into one week. But it Is thoroughly intensive. And by the time the GI has com pleted It, he knows just about all ' he needs to know in the way of hand-to-hand combat, booby traps and demolition, jungle living, am. bushing and patrolling, hip shoot ing and infiltration, bayonet as sault and stream crossing. He ' knows because such lessons must have been learned the hard way by living In a jungle and by do " lng the very things he must face in actual combat. There is nothing make-believe . about the combat training here except the enemy and that part of It becomes real soon enough. The GI fires live ammunition and Js exposed to all the dangers he would lace In battle. Lethal ma- . chine-gun fire goes ripping into a I target; flame throwing squirt; ci i ci 1 1 m ui otrmuiK jiuuiu 1 1 1 i . i , . .... ... Mn'Sif.H.torlou. fighting team Whose . ,t nTn7i,, or,., Lrl watchword is "Protect your bud simu atlng other enemy defense ri nnrt ,,,- hri . . Inflfallflf Inno ho tra noaa mn't o- m Wilhelm Buehl, former Socialist premier, has been named new head of the Danish government by King Christian X following surrender of that country by the Nazis Buehl, previously given Danish reins in May, 1942, has a brother, Aage, president of a Chicago Importing company. long ago many of them went through this course. Colonel Trained Hangers Thev are among the trops so trained here since the school be gan operating Sept. 12, 1943. The same training lies ahead of many thousands more who will fight the ultimate battle of Japan. Headmaster of the school is rough, tough, two-fisted Col. Wil liam C. Saffarrans, who once put the famed Rangers through their paces at the Tennessee train ing center. Saffarrans, former Georgetown university and Army football player, emphasizes that he Is not running a school for supermen here. , , "There Is nothing In any course tnat the average soldier capable of going into combat cannot do," he said. His trainees represent every walk of American life. He is weld- County Officials Hold Conference Pnnpvillc, May 17 Delegates to the district No. 22 meeting here yesterday of the Association of Oregon counties loctay were en route to their homes after what they described as one of the busi est and most successful meetings yet held. Aside from discussions at a luncheon, business talks were held in the courthouse. The road building program came In for the most discussion, with Oscar Cutler, assistant state highway engineer, and H. G. Smith, construction engineer for the department, leading the do bate. Henry C. Hulctt, supervisor of the Ochoco national forest, talked on the long term forest program; and Forrest Cooper, Lakeview at torney, discussed the legislation now in congress which would sup plant the present 25 per cent pay to counties from timber sales, with a flat two per cent award from national forest receipts. Threat Is Seen The threat the proposed Colum bia valley authority would be to county road building was dis cussed at the luncheon by Rob ert W. Sawyer of Bend. Ho ex plained section 20 of the measure which would create sucn an au thority, and said that under Its terms cities, counties and muni cipalities would be required to ob tain permission from the author ity before Bridges couia De duui over any waterway. He urged those present to make a careful study of the measure, and take steps to guard against what he Called its evils. Representatives from Des chutes, Harney, Jefferson, Crook, Lake and Klamath counties were present. Attending from Bend were County Judge C. L. Allen, Commissioners E. E. Varco and A. E. Stevens, and Roadmaster William McAllister. afford to make a mistake under these conditions lor obvious rea sons. There aren't many mistakes. "i ne tneory behind this realistic Juvenile Problem (Continued from Page One) city for parents as well as juvenile offenders, and this was supported by County Commissioner A. E. Stevens and others. Jewell Speaks Principal R. E. Jewell, of the Bend high school, said that he did not believe that the Juvenile TRAFFIC COUNT FACED Accused of flrlvinfx nn nutnmn. combat training Is that the foot ' bile without either 1942 license soldier might as well know now Dlates of n J945 stlrker. Flmpr r what he will be up against when Baker, 17, of Burns, late yester- problem was as bad as pictured he comes face to face with the day was arrested by City Motor- by some, and stated that he be enemy. .cycle Officer William Burton, llnved that onlv about 25 of the rihA M.tnnM ........ A- JI..IJ 1 n. ...... J . . . . , . .. inc ojaicm uaya ntu uiviuenas janen into municipal court last evcJilng, linKert was lined $10 by Judge H. C. Ellis. Sources of in the United States Fieal Vat 1941 -' j ' ImijmMmmm In the form of victory and lives saved In actual batle. Best evi dence of this Is the victory now being fashioned by U. S. troops on Okinawa. That triumph in - the making was hatched here, for not 7K0PS1I Or ANNVU, ITATKMKNT or TIIK GENERAL REINS JHANCE CORPORATION M M John Bu.,1. ite link I. In me Seta at Nm York, eo Ilia thtitj-tlrat iHr of Laacamtiar, 1944. mad to re Iniurance Commlaatoner ot lb BUU ol Orea punuaiit to Uwi Xnoom. Nit premium, retel.rd :..f 10.713,111. n ToUl InlcTHt, dlttuenda nd nil i ealale Income O3t.310.f4 looono Irom other aourcoi I34.5J0.84 Total laoomo Ilt,3e.2.09 Dl.bonem.nt. Met amount paid pullcjhuldera for lotaea f 8.1M.IW.5S fiou adjualment normal , 181,500.03 A.'U!a commliilona or brokaraia. . . , I.SQI, 111.01 Halartea and faea offlcara, dlroutora, noma olfloa amploraa 19l.Bnft.01 Taita. UranlM arid taa Oll.OUI.SO Dividonda Paid to atoakholdala (Caah. IIU0.00O.0O) 400,00.00 PlrManda paid or crodltad to poller- holilera 0 All olbar nbcndllarai 1,101.013 01 LIBRARY NEEDS DISPLAYS Lacking suitable displays, libra ry officials today issued an, ap peal to Bend residents to furnish material for exhibits in the libra ry cases. Miss Eleanor Brown, librarian, said that art work, figurine collec tions, airplane or ships models, or any other suitable material for show is needed. LIGE HAIG1IT DEAD Madras, May 17 (Special) Llge Haiglit, early-time resident ot Low Citnyon, died at the hos pital ill The Dalles it has been reported. Mr. lluighl lived with his parents at the toll gate in Cow Canyon for many years and later made his home near The Dalles. total high school students could be considered as troublesome. He said that most of these were boys about 17 years of age who expect to be called Into the service and "are having what they call all the fun they can have now." This viewpoint was shared by Miss Olive Jamison, of the county welfare department, who thought the present conditions were a re action of the war. H. E. Verrinder, assistant spe cial agent for the S. P. & S. rail way, said that his company has a problem in Bend, and that he fear ed for the lives of small children playing along the railroad tracks. He reported that there have been a number of Instances where chil dren, declining to use the under pass, have crawled across trains, sometimes disconnecting cars. Others, ho said, hang onto the rear end of trains as they start up and face the chance of falling off and being Injured. He cited the case also of a number of broken Insulators and switches which have been tampered with. Attending the meeting were Sheriff C. L. McCauley, Deputy Sheriff Harry Johnson, Chief Gul- lck, Kecorder bimervllle. Mayor Niebergall, City Commissioner Munkers, County Commissioners Stevens and E. E. Varco, City At torney Ross Farnham, Special Agent Verrinder, Judge Allen, Principal Jewell, City Manager C. G. Reiter, and Miss Jamison. CHARGE IS FACED Accused of larceny in a dwell ing, Earl Stratton appeared in the court of Justice of the Peace Wilson George today. His bond was placed' at $1000. The com plaint was signed by Dorothy Devereaux. DEAD GIVEAWAY . : Westbrook, Me. (IP) When Har old E. Brlnkerhoff of Providence, R. I., wandered into the West brook police station to get warm, he made the serious error of standing directly under a poster seeking his arrest on burglary charges. ( Manufacture of three barrels of all-purpose military gasoline for ground equipment takes four bar rels of ordinary civilian gasoline; three barrels of 100-octane avia tion fuel takes five barrels of civilian gas. " . A rich lead deposit has been dis covered and opened seven miles west of the great Picher field in northeast Oklahoma; it is - 100 feet deeper than the ore in the Picher field. Food Savings for Friday Saturday FOOD MARKET Food Savings . for -Friday Saturday Coffee M.J.B. 2 lb. 65c Salt 8 Pkgs. 15c Plain or Iodized Snowflukes Crackers 2 Lb. Pkg. 31c Rinso pkg. 23c ff&Ti NBISCO SHREDDED WHEAT N.B.C. Shredded Wheat pkg. 11c Merrimac Peas can 15c Del Monte Corn ...... . . .can 16c Staco String Beans . . . ... .can 15c Merrimac Salmon . size 26c Popcorn, Pearl, in bulk . . .2 lbs. 31c Yellow Boy Soap ..... .4 bars 19c Duff's Muffin Mix ....... . pkg. 25c Pismo Minced Clams ... . .can 33c Noodles - Frillets . . . 16 oz. pkg. 24c Ivory Soap, personal .... .2 for 9c COLUMBIA'S QUALITY MEATS Leg of Veal Roast lb. 45c Sirloin Steak lb. 39c Hens, all sizes Fryer Chickens Fryer Rabbits Fish and Oysters i Swans Down Family FLOUR 4 49 Lb. Bag $2.29 NOtTHWIST AIMCOM'TUNA ! pwmlwm artlcU In tht mortt f Hi country. In 1944, Oitoen and Wo thing ten ccvht end pactod iMft IwtiVtMrdi f (tit nllr Pacific Coatt pack. Albacer .Twm ! fMf bcemtna n et tht Northwtifi outstanding Induitrlti. Total HibunT I l,8t5,ia.T, Admitted Allots Yalut of ml Mint tuurlart tiii4)..t Iotnt en mar1iM Viluo of bond) owned (amotUtrd) 10, Y&lua of stocki owned (oonraiilrin niu) 8, Cih In banki and on band 2, Vnmluma in mr of ctMlfftlon wrlltao Rtneo Hittnbrr 3(1,10 Xnlernt onit rinta duk and accrued Oilier oimU (nt(.. 0 T03.0TS.4O 01, CHUB ll.4liA.51 Total admlltad uU tl8.01S.10T.0T XiUbllltloi, Surplns nd Othor Tnnfti Total unpaid rtaim IIJ.SIS.IJI.O) Xitimaird loai (UiuUnnt aipento for nnnald rlatma IM.I5T.0C ToUI unurnfd prtuluna ou all ud- azplrad rlM 8. 111. TIB. 33 BatarlM. tanta, aipanirt, btlli, ac oountj, (pm. tt, riua or aivnirrl 10,040.00 Butimttwl amount dua or acnoed for titf 0!T.0O0.OO Commtaitoiia. IAikprai, or othrr ohariM dua and kccruad fT.r.S(l,4 CaUa(roiht ruins SAO.Onn OP Volunlarr rmorre l.RH.THO S All oilier llxblUUei 651.000.00 Tntat lUMHUM, otctpt fapllal. .. .(lf.eiS.50T.4T Captul raid up 9 1.OVV.U00.0O iarplut orr all Ua blHUM ffOOO.OOO.OO flurplut as marda pollcrboldora....! O.OM.OOOH Total mei3.soT.of Buainfl In Ororon Tor Th Tri Net prcoilumi rnld $ l",J2t P Ntt Ifxil paid 1 .030.19 pirlddid paid or endllod to policy boldm 0 OSNBHAlj BBIXflURAirCB COBPO RATION JL H. Dn,ti. rrwddtnl -Haetor Sottfffl, RemUrr fftatotorT rrildrnt atlornoy for nUf, Orrcon IilfLiraoof Conunisalooar. V Glassy Schilling Mustard adds that "just right" flavor and tang One always I I stands out I KEEP. ASKING FOR IT """" "M ' UUALITY IS ALWAYS WORTH WAITING FUR Blitz-Weinhard's flavor and cjuality make it a premium product.. . a beer that discriminating men and women have enjoyed for more than 89 years. Its consistent goodness, its unvarying quality make it definitely worth waiting for. Insist on Blitz-Weinhard ... the beer so good it's guaranteed satisfying! BY NAME a ifflifrlTOff Guaranteed Satisfying BEER. 'fintMit t t-tt ti tut 1 tut it t tutiin tt iit-vit ntnvtMit illTX-WIINHAID COMPANY O 1 I A N D . CliUH