. - . ... - THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1945 PAGE FIVE TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 54 degrees. Minimum last night; to degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m., 39 de 'grees; 10 a. m., 48 degrees. Ba rometer (reduced to sea level): 10 p. ni., 29.91 Inches; 10 a. m., 29.87 inches. Relative humidity: 10 p. m, 77 per cent; 10 a. m, 53 per cent Velocity of wind: 10 p. m,. 2 miles; 10 a. m., 4 miles. Prevailing direction of wind: Sooth. i . . Miss Mazle' Smead has left for Portland, where she will receive treatment in the Hahnemann hos pital. O. H. Bowman, executive offi cer of the Bend CAP, has received a commercial pilot's license, it was announced today. He received ' his private flier's license last year. AGAIN TONIGHT at 6:30 p.m. THERE'LL BE CROWDS! SEE IT EARLY! CINTUtV-KX KlfASC Photographed in Zontt of Combat by , Men of Ihe United States Navy , ON THE SAME PROGRAM ANNE BAXTER -JOHN HODIAK Sunday Dinner foraJSoldier TWUm fe'liW? 20. ' 2 HIT FEATURES mURDER CLUB! I .37 - X ISM PLUS 2ND TOWER HIT t V-Ta t m.'i t.. -j Bib m !XvKy- I ' DONALD BARRY '"V Crr RUTH TERRY Cpl. aifford Brattain left today w report to an army base hi lorida after spending a week vis iting his wife and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Antonlc. . E. O. Stadter, former Bend city attorney, and for many years a practicing lawyer here, yesterday was a visitor in the city. The Stad ters now reside on a farm near Oregon City. Mrs. Kent J. Richens and chil dren, Karen Dee, 3, and Johnny, 3 months, left this morning to join Major Richens In Muroc, Cal ifornia, where he is stationed. They were accompanied by Mrs. Richens' mother, Mrs. J. R. Whit taker, who will visit relatives In San Francisco. Miss Grace Jackson, general field representative for the Pa cific area, will be in Bend-for an official visit to the local Red Cross chapter May 22-25. .,. Mrs. Kenneth Brattain returned today from the naval hospital at Mare island, where she was a patient. . ...... Mrs. J. E. Mallon returned to her home in Olympia, Wash., re cently after spending several days In Bend visiting her parents, Mr. and MrS ' William Krsanlaua Mre Mallon is the former Miss Eleanor staples. Her husband, Lt J. E. Manon, is stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. Ray Cooper, commander of the iiii uismcc, veterans oi Foreign Wars, today left for Portland where he will attend a three-day conference on veterans' matters. He plans to return to Bend Mon day. L. A. Moyer, representing the Northern Pacific railway, was a Bend business caller today, from Portland. Newt Morris of Brothers, spent the day in Bend. . Ralph W. Crawford, supervisor Of the Deschutes national fnraot and his assistant forester, Charles' a. uverray, today were in the Sisters area looking over timber sales areas. E. C. Caldwell .of Post, last nignt was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. : - . ; . GflOrPP D Whitm f Prfnnullla was in Bond today transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Roehrer of Portland, were. Bend visitors to day. Rohrer, representing the coniererreo witn members oi tne local war price and ration hoard. "H. E. Verrinder, assistant spe cial agent lor the S.P.&S. railway, was here today on business from Portland M. C. Kundert of Burns, spent tne day here on business. Lts. Mildred Young and Linnea I'lnk Om of the armv nnrcp rnrm were guests today at the Pilot rsuue inn irom san Francisco. E. W. Court of Lakeview, vis ited Rpnfl frianda tnHnu The D.A.V. auxiliary will do riea uoss sewing, beginning at j.:au p. m. rnaay, in tne apart ment of Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Harry Johnson in the courthouse, it was announced today. Col. Frank G. Crandall, Jr., who served as head of the Camp Abbot hospital, has retired from army service and has entered the prac tice of allergy in Los Angeles, Calif.. fripndK hara haun laurnarl Canton Deschutes No, 19 and ine auxiliary win noid their regu lar mPPtincr at SI n m tnmnfmtti night in the I.O.O.F. hall, it was auiiuunueu oiaay. aii members were urged to attend, and visiting members of the organization were invited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Farrell of Gateway were shopping in Bend yesterday. Miss Betty Smith will leave Sunday for Malino to spend a TONIGHT HE WANTED TO LIVE... and ove! NEWS Society deadline on days of Large Group of In National Guild Auditions Miss Grace White, pianist-teach er and associate professor of mu sic at Syracuse university, ar rived today from New York City to judge the auditions- of the Na tional Guild of Piano Teachers to day, Friday and Saturday in the Episcopal parish hall. A group of pianists, students oi Mrs. Hilda Bush and Mrs. Mary W. Anderson of Bend, and Mrs. Willetta Hodecker of Redmond, will play for Miss White during the three days. Students of Mrs. Mary Wilson Anderson who will take part are: Dorothy Ann Corkett, Betty Jean Davis, Hugh Fowler, Mary Mar tha Fowler, Sally Lennice George, Marlene Goodfellow, Donna Gu lick, Helen Hudson, Mary Lou Hudson, Evan Johnson, Diane Health Group Makes Plans For Meeting The Deschutes County Health association will hold its annual meeting Saturday, May 19, with a one o'clock luncheon and program at the Pine Tavern. Mrs. Maurice Roberts, president, will introduce the speakers. Dr. W. H. Aufranc, assistant state health officer, will give the principal address. Dr. Aufranc is director of county health units and director of venereal diseased control of the state board of health. Miss Mary Jane Green of the Oregon tuberculosis as sociation will also be a special guest. Reports on the year's work will be given by chairmen and officers of the association. The luncheon Is an open meeting,, and those wishing to attend may make res ervations by calling Mrs. A. E. Stevens, at 395 or 611-R, it was an nounced. week with her aunt, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell were In Bend from Madras yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Primeau, Route oner are the parents of a girl bom yesterday at the St. Charles hospital. , Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Shelley of Redmond, were in Bend yesterday on business. The high school class of the Baptist church Sunday school is to hold a social this evening. All members of the class are being requested to be at the church at 6:30 p. m. A boy was born yesterday at St. Charles hospital to Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Williams, Route two. 1 J. Alton Thompson, county school superintendent, delivered school district diplomas to Red mond and Lower Bridge yester day. Two Bend brothers, Llojd G. Duncan, CM 3c, and Lester IL Duncan, M.MM 2c on a subma rine, recently met by chance on a Pacific island, it has been learned here. It was the first meeting of the brothers in three years. Lloyd's wife, Kathryn, is a resi dent of Bend. NOTICE Will the man and wife who bought 2 young white does Monday at 147 E. Olney please phone 1070-W. It is to your interest. Adv. Notice Members Shevlin Plant Unit IWA, Local 6-7. Nominations of Officers and Committees for coming year, at your regular meeting, Thursday, May 17th. Meeting opens 7:30 p. m. Adv. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange ! hall Saturday nights. Ladies f rel j Adv f j I ToltVO PreSS Admits rira Humus I Situation IS Grave ; Tokyo, May 17. Wi The Tokyo i press told the Japanese people j today that the war situation ol Okinawa had entered a "grave stage" and that there was "no room for any optimistic thinking whatsoever." lo matter which paper y-, pick up, wc learn that the enemy's oltensive drive has became ex tremely severe and concentrated," j ; a Tokyo home radio broadcast re-' "Those articlos call for an all-' out clUvt . . , lo concentrate our! entire fighting on Okinaw a so that j "power can deal a fatal single blow to the enemy forces." fEIMNGS fXCIIANOEI) Washincton. Mav 17 niiThelJ office oi price administration has announced that country shipper) ceilings for the late 1945 crop of white potatoes will he the same' as last year's ceilincs. I OPA said notice of the ceilings,' which will be formally estimated , later, was made to inform grow- eis in auvarif-e oi planting. j Buy National War Bonds Now! I OF SOCIETY publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday, Is 10 a.m. Call 56, The Bulletin newsroom. Pianists Play Lee Palmer; Marlys Prentice and Cynthia Shevlin. Mrs. Anderson will present three students as diploma candidates. . day at 8:15 in the Episcopal parish ; Mrs. Bush's students who will hall;. sponsored by the Business! play are: Helen Munney, Fayejand Professional women's club.! Hunter; Rosemary Sholes, Doris I A number of attractive prizes! Sholes, Merrilee Prentice, Valer-l have been donated for the eve-1 ie Nelson, Carol Baker. Barbara Freeman, -Carol McCormick, Ber- nadine Nicholson, Majorie Pren tice, Ruth Phifer, Jean Chapman, Marjory GiUiland, Bob O'Don nell. Bob Jensen, Betty Simmer ville, Joan Galloway, Delores Pra ter, Chrissie Blakley, Margie Gib son, Barbara Reams, Ann Mackey and Neddie Mackey. Mrs. Willetta Hodecker will pre sent a group of 25 pupils from Redmond. ''( SOCIAL CALENDAR tonight 7:00 pjn. Ex-Libris dub, din ner at Pine Tavern, followed by bridge at the home of Mrs. Bruce Gilbert, Jansen Villa. 7:45 p.m-Philathea club. With Miss Judith Jennings, 1039 Jack sonville. 8:00 p.m. Percy A. Stevens post, American Legion, veterans' room, courthouse. 8:00 p.m. Neighbors of Wood craft, Norway hall. . Friday 10:30 p.m. Boyd Acres exten sion unit with Mrs. Glenn Beal. 2:00 am. Westminster Pres- thvtei - ian sewint? circle with Mrs. , Norman Coleman, 105 Drake road. 2:00 p.m. Women oi tne . Moose. executive Doaro mewmig in Downing hotel. ' 2:00 p.m- W.C.T.U. in Chris tlan church. 8:00 p.m. Women of the Moose, Moose hall. 8:15 p.m. Bridge and pinochle party sponsored by Business and Professional Women's club, Epis copal parish hall. , Saturday 1:00 p.m. Annual meetinR, Deschutes County Health associa tion, Pine Tavern. 1:00 p.m. fcmera ciud, put luck luncheon at Masonic temple. 1.QA v. m "Uoa Woman" 4-H sewing club' wjth Mrs. Bartlett in Boyd Acres. Sunday Hubert. i-an n.m. Loval Order of Moose, initiation at Moose hall, Monday 8:00 p.m. Royal Neighbors' lodge, Norway nan. Mother Honored On Her Birthday Madras, May 17 (Special) Mrs. Clara Ramsey was tendered double honors on Monther's Day, as it was also her birthday. Mem bers of her family gathered at the Ramsey ranch home on Agen cy plains Sunday for a pot luck dinner. The following children and their families were present: Les lie Ramsey, Mrs. Bern E. Gard, Mrs. Eeverett Rice, Mis. Ethel Crosswhite, Prinevlile, Gus Ram sey and Mrs. Mel Bryant. Mrs. Monte Brickell, Newberg, and Bernard Ramsey of Yakima were unable to come. Committee Named For Annual Tea The annua mother-daughter tea; sponsored by the senior hiRh Girls' lesgue at Bend high will be held Tuesday, May 22, from 3 to 5 p. m. in the library at the high school. Committee heads announced by Fern Grindle, president, will be Katy Evans, refreshments; Vilda Suttle, decorations, and Cynthia Shevlin, entertainment. In the re ceiving line will be the officers for this year. Fern Grindle, pres ident; Sally Schilling, vice -presi- dc"t;. He'en Ra""'. secretary, and 1Jranet "S,. '' During the program the new officers for next year will be in- stalled. They are: Julanne Justin, president; Helen VanSickle, vice- president; Ramona Morgan, sec- retary and Marguerite Coleman, treasurer, MltS. KKAD IIONOKKH Madras, May 17 (Special) Mrs. Hattte Head was a special hM her .hflptrr,niKht at s'p. in. I Wrs- lna "' fT guest at the Red Cross sewing k-v in u,.V. hull a ,.iJ ...hi room i uesoay noon ai tneir ween - ly noon luncheon. Mrs. Read celebrated her 8!llh birthday. The Die was decorated with Sill ing fi,iwf.rii Twi.lun l.ifii,. u..in nri.i nt with several others calling later Members j of the Emera club will hold a iK,t- luck luncheon at 1 p.m. Saturday) In the Masonic hail. Mrs. Carl; - Lindh, Mrs, Sumner IX-itrick. Mr,t- Homer Thomas and Mrs.! Madtn, May 17 (Special! C. J- Mnnahan are In charge of -The Madras mmiinlly club held! arrangements for the affair. Hi unnual election Monday niRhf.) ... Those elected were: Mrs. H. N.I (.'onroy, president, Mrs. W. II. Time Chance Mail -The ,yd' Snook, vice-president, secretary.1 Acres Exter-sion unit will meet j Mrs. 1- II. Irvine and treasurer, i Friday with Mrs. Olenn lieal in j Mrs. italph Van Wen. Directors K ooya Acres. I he unit will meet at 10:30 a. m., instead of 1:30 as pre- vlously announced. Lt. Haltiwanger To Be Guest at Party Friday i Advance ticket sales indicate I that there will be a large crowd a the card party to be held Fri- ; ning aiiair, which is a benefit for; the training of Chinese nurses. A special guest at the party; will be First Lt. Carolyn Haiti-1 wanger of the Army Nurse corps, j who has received campaign rib- j bons for the African and Italian campaigns and stripes for 24 i months overseas, and has Just: been assigned to assist the Ameri can Red Cross in a nurse recruit ment drive. Lt. Haltiwanger was mentioned by Ernie Pyle in his book "This is Your War" during the time sne carried on her duties at the first hospital in the African cam paign in November, 1942. From Tunis where she spent several months, she followed the troops to Italy and helped set up the Salerno hospital on D-Day plus 4. Her last service overseas was spent in the tough Anzio cam paign. Prizes Donated Merchants who cooperated in providing prizes for the party In cluded Symons Brother's Jewelry, Moody's Men's Wear, Brandts Thrift-Wise Drug, Band Drug company, Piggly-Wiggly store. Congress Grocery, Rath's Dress shop, Magill Drug company and the Portland Loan company. Committee chairmen who have completed arrangements for the affair announce that both bridge and pinochle will be played, and refreshments will be served. It is indicated that members of sev eral organizations are making up tables for the evening. v 13th Annual Tea Planned By AAUW More than 60 Bend high school I senior girls are expected to be in ' nltantanM ..ft when the Bend branch of the American Association of Unlver- isity Women sponsors Its annual iea ai ine nome oi mrs. William I Niskanen. 525 Broadwav. it has I been announced by Mrs. George Simerville, chairman of the af fair. , The event, which is the 13th of its kind, will be in progress from 3:30 to 5 o'clock. All members of the local organization are urged to be present to act, as hostesses, Mrs. Simerville stated. Mothers Guests At School Party Sisters, May 17 (Special) Mothers of the children who are In the 4-H sewing classes were entertained at a Mother's day tea Thursday afternoon at the home of Mis. Nellie Bembry. Every mother present was presented with a paper carnation made by the girls in sewing group Two. Mothers who were present were Mrs. Claire Morris, Mis. Emmctt Campbell, Mrs. Dave Ludlow, Mrs. Paul Shepherd, Mis. J. II. Bement, Mrs. W. F. Lowe. Mrs. Louis Luckinbill, Mrs. C. L. Allen, the seventh and eighth grade teacher, and the hostess, Mrs. Bembry. Mothers Receive Memory Corsages Keflmona, May 17 (Special I Corsages were presented to three mothers at the Mother's day service of the Church of Christ, Sunday. The oldest mother, Mrs. Era Doak; the youngest mother, Mrs. Ben Burgess, and the moth er Jt the largest number of chil dren, Mrs. W. Taeketl, were those receiving the corsages. Three Meetings Slated By Moose Lodge Here The executive board and all chairmen, Women of the Moose, will meet at 2 p. m. Friday in the Downing hotel, it has been an nounced, i Mrs. Peggy Henderson, chair-1 i man r, I lha h,.ar.l..l niiilrl n.ill 1 ,..,,,( r,)r Initiation, and re j freshments will be served, The Loyal Order of Ihe Moose I will hold an inili.ninn at 1 .TO t. m c. ..i.... ; u..n -rL -....'! vallis lorigo will conduct the cere - ; rnony, and Women of the Moose! j will serve rctreshrnonts, it lias been announced. ! rnmmim 'liv C.lllh , I (fillU,,, f J I V. Wf CJ- III 'IUU(Ui t-t;i.is . chosen for Ihiee, two and one year were: L. II. Irving, Hiram V. j Links and a N. Conroy. 7 ' ' Here they, are the playmates for your turwlays . . . th thingt that add comfort to sport and pleasure to leisure , . . th SUNdries for the grand and glorious fun-days whan you 90 ai) outdoors for healthful recreation. We've values as big at tha days, are long ... quality merchandise priced to give you more fun for the. money. Get on the Summer "merry-go-round" at our PRE-SUMMER SALE. $1.00 Matched Makeup, 09c WOODBL'RY Powder, Koage, Uptkk Antrol Ant Killers .....39c Safe to Use Around Pets Vacuum Bottle Stopper, 15c Htulnless Steel 50c Tecl. Liquid.... 39c 50c Vray Cream.... 39c 50c Colgate.Powder, 37c 50c Kolynos Paste.. 39c 25c Dr. Lyons Pwd., 19c 50c Calox Powder. . 43c Dental Floss.. 10c & 25c 100 Tabs. Ascorbic Acid ...$2.19 KM) Mg. Vitamin C 84 Caps. Ferro Lexamin $2.69 Whentamln 100 Capsules Vitamin A..... $2.19 25,(10(1 Units 200 Tabs. Iron & Yeast .....98c With Vitamin Bl 100 Caps. Wheat Germ Oil $1.17 Source of .Vitamin K $1.25 Codonal Malt, 89c 3 Vitamin Add 20 Federal excise tax Army Couple Wed In Los Angeles Miss Lucy Cathryn Ayres, for merly of Junction nity, and 1st Lt. Taylor L. Leedy were mar ried In a chapel ceremony Satur day, May 12, in Los Angeles, ac cording to information received here by the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leedy. Several relatives and a few close friends wen; present for the wedding. The bride is a member of the Armv Nurse corps, stationed in Los Angeles. Lt. Leedy returned' .'an. 5 from the European the ater, where he amassed 5(H) com bat hours as a fighter pilot. I.ater he served. ti months at Santa Ana, before being transferred to Los Angeles fur duty. ,. Royal Neighbors' Lodge To Meet Monday Night A memorial service and initia tion of new members will be fea tures of Ihe regular meeting of the Royal Neighbors lodge Mon day evening In Norway hall, i The meeting will start prompt ly at 8 p. in., it was announced. I Officers are asked to wear for I ma I dress, j Members of the refreshment committee are Mrs. liyron Hen - son, Mrs. Howard licsson and Dental Assistants Meet In Redmond Wednesday n liiuisiiine Horn the' Central Oregon Dental Assistants' as.io. 1 ci,',l,on mH j,s' fr dinner at the itedmond hotel, followed by u business meeting at the of- HYPERACID STHIH1 DISTRESS Von must gt fas, effecllve HVJAKl' with TKBSIX from miserable discomfort, or your money hack. it free Information on TKBSIN I'outicr or TabfeU, In Bend ai . RratidiH Thrift Wise Drug 1020 Wall Street Phone 137 SEALED ORDERS Wo consider every prescrip tion a sacred trust) confi dential order from the doc tor which we hold inviolate, a matter that concerns only you and your physician. Your privacy la respected by the same professional ethics that safeguard your health ethics that permit no compromise with quality iir corner-cutting on time. We make haste slowly, mak ing certain that every in gredient, evpry- quantity absolutely correct. I fo Cosmetics, Jewelry, Luggage fice of Dr. H W. Kogers. Mrs. Marlun Cass of Medrhond present ed a clinic on the cleaning of dental equipment. Bend members present were Miss Isabelle Paganl, Miss Bcr nlcce Hoik and Miss Nola Gillean. State President Of Clubs Visits Redmond, May 17 (Special) The district Carden club meet ing was held in Redmond at the home of Mrs. L. W. Franks on Monday with delegates from Tlcnd, Madras and l'rinevllle clubs participating. The meeting opened at 10:90 a. m. A potluck luncheon was served at 12:30. Guest of honor included the state president, Mrs. II. O. Smith of Cove Junction, Oregon, and Mrs. Stanley Rowell of Grants 1'iiss, chairman of Gar- 1 den club centers Mrs. M. D. Barney, Prineville district vice r.idcnt, presided at the meeting. Fifty-one persons at tended the all-day meeting. Mrs. Harry Bollinger Is presi dent of the local Garden club and announces lhat the next meeting, Tuesday, May 22, will be SK'iil at the cemetery where the club members will care fur their flow- ! er ulot, Bridge Play Follows Im- u.i rv iiv-i ivjruss .. inner Af pleasant affair last Saturday evening was the two table bridge party at the home of Miss Grace ! Marv l.lnn. fullim-lne a nn hostess dinner at Ihe Pine Tavern Tho.se present Included MlS8 i Grace I'i c.ston. Miss Margaret TAMPAX StHt If. ILBR001 ,i .79 oMD'i CltEA3t m.vxn Miffttlefi tootg A7 BRUSH mf Brua TIUM" AND 1 (Morris, Mrs. Mildred Wanlchek, Miss Virace scnoir, jviiss csTner Emery, Miss Lois Rice, Miss Harriet Harris, Mrs. Edith Whit comb, Mrs. U. C. Sllven and Miss Linn. luy National War Bonds Now! HVNUPHI or ANNUAL BT.ITKMKNT Ity TUB UNITED STATES BUSINESS , OF THE CANADA LIFE ! ASSURANCE COMPANY I Tftmliln, Ihil.rln. tn tile .mmlnl'in of rMitrta.l on UN, liilrlt rirM W cf rfcrttnfwr, 131. mrtc In III. Intaitnrt Cntmnluloner of Iht M ofg own, vuiuiAat lo 11; Capital i Attuttrr d.prilt Willi .Vw rolll In- itlranr Iwii.rlil.wit. Jftn.lKw.flrj Tnul prmnliim liirntn I'll tilt re.r..S Q.nSO.010.4 1 lnt.mt. rtltldtlxU tul muu m.iraf diirlm Ui. jra, .M.MI.27j Int-'imfl Imm Ml4 MWCM fat-stifl! during tli It.i l.Sir.Ktl.SQI Toul lumtM tIU.3-3.373.Sll Dlnburtmiita for kiwi. wnlnwrnMits nn- liullkf ami aiinvuili-r vain I f.rtT.KO.r.flt btvi.ltn.la iwtil id iMillolHililrri dur- h.a w TU.m.ir Dlvldfi.ri, imi.1 mi rapiul .DK& diir- Inn lit. far "S.tlftlCj GxamlMl'tia anil aalarlf paid dir- ".."lU"'. ..Vm ! mn u. rar.. na.iwii ri Aiti'iuiu of all Wlvr mii'lllum. . 1.137.314.77' Tntal ii.NMltUirn I B.Wf,a.flfl iiKh'il'It' irtwu-.ffJoiT nf frrti 1 trnfrrnrJ to th StlihoIiltff f Xiu ; Vtht Of r! taU oiit IfVtroU iiiiifi. til ottiKil nntr emirtet ' of tilt t WtUHt.tK- L4na on m'iftif,i ind firflUra.', c l.m.MW- Villi of bonu omuni (narfctn or mo.iu.df fll,2M.t.' V4lu f itrtrlu fiwtieil Irturhvt talja) T. t iH,Mi.Ml', I'ltntluoi nnOt ird) rtnllrr Intnl..., i,W!.M.t- (Kh In tn n.l ofi hn1 1.4fiJ,H Inmnt fi rtniit du attrf iffrriKn, S5T.3M.U. X inty.llrftnl ittd d-fftwl picni- htJTrt it l.lM.tVtl.rVi . Other aim (nt) st.ioi 03, Total ilinlwrd , LlabtHM.- J .Ht ITHT'-I l)rr Hm f"f lofica impatil.. ,ttl.4;f.oM .'i.32i,tr:a' All othf liatillillet..., rt Tntt HabiilUt-, rirfct ttatitlnry tn,M.niu yMiiH,Ty pvit,.,,. 300.000.00 tutim of tiiFlt In I BUtM rrter flabrUltifi and atatu- I iiry i-rFt f.;i.iu.3r Hilnl'a ai I re fit (Hjllotiflltl'il.,...! I.lJJ.r.lVIU' -.I T.ti $TT,0.3!3.!iTt Jr.i-liMV aiwlal nntlnr,. tt!ra ai- m-iitalliy I3h1h).M ' Bntn0i la Oroffon Toy Th loan ' .t nrFDiinmt at 4 MnuillM it-otwl ' ti'iri"! ti.. rt It nni5 liltlflil paitf ARin Ur mr U.lll.9l:: rl Imwi ! rttinrs 4m(tnittMtt, ttrrt)(, and aMtmtltt palj J rt'irlri tli tr 43 in THB CAKADA X.IYB ASSURAHCB, COMPANY A. . MUctifll. rmlfkni ' J. H. iKtrwlle, dmatary Ntatulof rnldtMit altnrnor tot ifMr lrmr-( aim L'ooiniiMlornT of Ui HUt. t