I 1 1 Terrebonne Tarrphnnrie. Mav IS f&ncvtlnll . UT . TnnnvBAn &tirjwl 0 & ...nr fmm Smith Ttlrrto spend a few days with her father, v. K. HaUey, and her sister, Mr. R. L. Kndrr, and Xamiliea, Mrs. Tennyson spent last week in Walla Walla with her Son and daughter-in-law, 2nd Lt. and Mrs. "Tenny" Tennyson. He is with the army air corps. Mrs. Arthur Appling and daughter, Donnls of Maupin, for mer Terrebonne residents, visited local friends Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank William and sons of Lower Bridge spent the weekend with William's moth er, Mrs. L. Williams. Miss Mavis Knorr, daughter of Mr", and Mrs. R. R. Knorr and a senior Of Redmond union high school, has been awarded a state system 01 nigner raucauon scnoi- L rtViln fni novt- Vflar tnlhal Tnlunn Sity of Oregon. Miss Knorr is salutatonan 01 tne iteamond grad uating class of '45. Mrs. Ruby Larson is now at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ethel Burleigh in Bend, after spending some time in the St. Charles hos pital following an injury. Her mother, Mrs. H. Hobbs, and her son, Harry Larson, visited her Sunday. Ted Lewis and daughters, EIna and Shirley of Wishram, Wash., spent Friday with Lewis' mother-in-law, Mrs. Ruby Parke. THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1945 Word has been received here by friends that Harold Eby has un dergone a major operation In a Portland hospital. Ebys were for mer residents of Terrebonne, hav ing moved to Springfield few months ago. Mr. and Mrs.Willis Hill, former residents of Terrebonne, have purchased a home in Medford. Mrs. Maroamt T-im i.. ..!..:. lng relatives on the coast nends here have learned that Mr: and Mrt Frnnls naniu., - vmi4icu Ui Portland are the parents of a unugnier oorn May 6. Mrs. Beau lieu was formerly Miss Eva Hal lev Of Prlnovillo .TliHnlln. tl , - " ...... vmniuvik J It: I husband is serving overseas with Second Lt and Mrs. Tenny Ten nyson of Walla Walla, spent the Weekend in Bend with Mrs. Ten nyson's parents. Mrs. Boh Knnrv nrtH Mm V,tA Smith spent Wednesday In Bend A large crowd attended the bonne grade school Friday after- iiuun. r.acn room nad exhibits and presented demonstrations of ac tivities that were Hart nf th roon. lar school program, after which a Motner s day tea was served in the gymnasium by Mrs. John Hansen's 4-H club girls. A short program was enjoyed during the tea. ation exercises will be held May a at a p. m. in tne gymnasium. Mrs. O. v . Stockton, Mrs. Wimp at CONGRESS, Frf. and Sat. Fresh Garden Peas . .... .2 lbs. 29c Lettuce . '....2 Ige. heads 25c Radishes, Onions 2 bun. 15c Dalles Spinach -- 2 lbs. 29c CHEESE ...lb. 37c Battleground Kraft Dinner ........3 pkgs. 29c Prem Lunch Meat .can 35c NO-POINT ITEMS Larson's Veg-AII ......303 gl. 19c Diced Carrots ....2 cans 25c Diamond A, No. 4 Pickled Beets ......No. 2 jar 23c Brussel's Sprouts jaf 48c Rancho Soup 4 cans 29c Asparagus or Pea 2 lb. jar 65c 23c 3 pkgs. . i Pk f5 29C IB 11C & Comfort Toilet Tissue . . .4 rolls 35c Washboard - 89c Glass Hoar Polish Mop 69c Wax Paper 125 ft. 19c Medium 3 bars 20c Colo Dog Food 4 for 19c 3 lb! pkg. 69c MEAT SPECIALS Leg O'Lamb lb. 39e Chuck Beef Roast lb. 30c Rib Steak - lb. 37c Mock Chicken Legs 6 for 29c 3 Points Frankfurters lb. 35c r -.'si m I T I I Iff U III .i.:t,;-t nl,,Mi in n Jk ' ' ' Jt 111 m m m BLOUSES For Graduation Frilly while with round neck- tailored and dressy for graduates and all worn- iZ. en. tolors, too, tor summer wear. 398 See the new arrivals in our costume Jewelry d6pt! t ( FOOD MARKET U 210 Congress and Mrs. O. Vestal spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Claude But ler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doty and son, Harold Jr., Dale Knorr and Lester Knorr spent Sunday fish ing at East lake. The 4-H Sewing club and leader, Mrs. Bill Smalley, went on a hike and picnic last Saturday. Those present were Dorothy Bucholz, Dorothy Smalley, Patsy Williams, Lois London and Donna Williams. Mrs. Ruby Scott, principal of Terrebonne grade school, and Mrs. C. Henderson, third and fourth grade teacher, spent last weekend in Portland. Mrs. O. V. Stockton was hostess to the H. E. club Thursday after noon at her home. Mrs, J. J. Phil lips, chairman, conducted the business meeting. Ice cream and cake were served to 14 members present. The next meeting will be at the grange hall, with Mrs. Har vey Drew as hostess. Mrs. Olen Vestal received a tele gram from her son, Red 'Free man, stating that he was in the states. Freeman has been over seas for about three years. Mrs. Everett Parr was hostess to 12 members of Pioneer club Wednesday afternoon' at the grange hall. The club decided to rent the hall to the Farmers union to hold their meetings. The host ess served a decorated birthday cake in honor of Mrs. J. J. Phil lips' birthday. Mrs. John Hansen will be hostess at the next meet ing at the hall June 13. Frank Williams was given a birthday picnic dinner on the river last Saturday evening. Guests present were Mrs. L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Williams. Misses Fay and Beth Vestal of Oakland, Calif., spent last week with their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oien Vestal. A Mother's day dinner was held at the N. Van Tassel home Sunday. Those present were Mr. arid Mrs. D. Winpr Mr. and Mrs. Claude Butler and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van Tassel and Mr. and Mrs. Newell Van Tassel. Bill Van Tassel is in the army medical corps, stationed at Fort Lewis. Bill Thornburgh returned home Monday after a week's visit in Portland and Shanlko. Those from Terrebonne attend ing the F.F.A. outings at East lake over the weekend wene Marion Eaton, Jimmie Smalley, Art Foss, Larry Kingsbury, Don Bodtker, Bobby Abbott, Marvin Jacobs, Monta Gardner, Kenneth Cham berlain and Bob Monical. A house-warming party was given Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nelson Saturday night at their new home here. Cards and refreshments were enjoyed by the following: Mr. and Mrs. M. Eskew, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Phone 360 n a! t sZ3 I PASTEURIZED SKIM MILK ADDS TO ITS GOODNESS Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nelson. Mrs. M. Eskew received a let ter from her. mother, Mrs. Dona Cole, stating that she arrived In New Mexico, where she Is visit ing relatives. , Mrs. Henry Abbott returned to her home last week f rum the Red mond hospital where she was a patient j . The eighth grade graduating class of Terrebonne grade school enjoyed a movie and treats last Tuesday evening In Redmond. The Parent-Teachers club" sponsored the affair. PAGE ELEVEN How to Apply for Canning Sugar ioiai allowance must not exceed Unrip Rnm save- Ca...,nlnl home canning must be carried on in the face of the critical sugar supply! To make sure that each house wife who needs sugar for can ning, and who will use it for that purpose, obtains her proper allot ment, all 1945 home-canning sugar will be issued through her local war price and rationing uu, on me iouowing oasts: For canning fruits pr 15 pounds per person or 120 pounds to a single family even when the family exceeds eight persons. Of the 15-pound ratlon fer per son, the housewife may use up to 5 pounds for canning vege tables, or making jams, jollies, relishes, catsup, etc. , Here is what you do: 1. Obtain from your local war price ana rationing, board, OPA - w.vj v, jiuii t pine niiu imiuiung. ooa juices, one pound of suiiar for form R-341 nfipr Mav is each four quarts to. be canned. 2. Fill out form completely 3. Attach "spare stamp 13" from war ration book IV for eath member of the family covered in the application. 4. Submit filed-ln form R-341, with "spare stamp 13" attached, to your local board, in person or by mail. Be sure to apply for sugar well In advance of the time you will use lt. Since application will be studied carefully by the board, immediate action on your applica tion is not possible. After the application Is ap proved, home canning coupons may be given or mailed to the applicant. These coupons are one pound and five -pound denomina tions. The five-pound coupons must be endorsed by the appli cant or any member of his fam ily unit listed on the application before they can be spent. The serial number of the endorser's War rationing book IV must also be placed oh these coupons. The expiration date for live-pound coupons is November 10, 1945. Radiotelephone service was es tablished from Ecuador to Argen tina. tlrupUAV nnd Paratmnv in January of this year. i ' ' ' . ,t Ericksbn's Specials for Fri. and Sat LUNCHEON MEAT jar 34c Bisquick Iqe. pkg.' 35c Post Bran Flakes 8 ox. 2 pkgs. 17c Baking Chocolate V2 ib. Pk9. 15c CHEDDAR CHEESE lb. 36c Fruit Cocktail vs no. 2 37c 0-So-Good Egg Noodles iarfle Pk9. 19c Snowdrift ' Shortening 3 lb. can 71c cv ' sU' mim S ' ' -JSB Roasting Mens lb. 47c Swiss Steak . . . . . . . . . ... lb. 39c . Leart, Nu Waste It Points Beef Short Ribs . . . ....... .lb. 21c ; Grade A Steer Beef 3 Point Pork Roast .... . . . . . . . . .lb. 30c Choice Shoulder tut 7 Polntx Lamb Steak ,, . .lb. 39c Flhetit Quality 5 Points Spiced Herring .... . .... .pint 37c lit Bulk FRYERS O FRESH SEA FOODS : teflon,)! Jill' Wmi . ''I $ Ghirardelli Chocolate, lb. can 31c Tenderoni 2 pkgs. 17c VAN CAMP'S spume Chicken Noodle Soup . .3 cans 29c 1 RANCHO Assorted Puddings ...... .pkg. 5c Pimentos 1...7 ox. jar 25c Clam Chowder 15z. can 29c Spinach No. 2 can 29c Solid Pack Tomatoes, H&D No. 2 can 19c Whole Kernel Corn Niblets, H&D. 2 cans 29c Garden String Beans, No. 2 can..... 2 cans 25c Sweet Peas, No. 303 3 cans 29c Val Vita Grated Tuna can 23c Val Vita Sardines." No. 1 tall can 12c Sliced Peaches No. 1 can 24c Bartlett Pears No. 2 can 25c Grapefruit Juice, No. 2 can 2 cans 25c IL Wesson Oil ifessonj Pint Bottle 31c P"J Quart Bottle 52c jTTZTjf Swansdown Jr 49 lb. sack 2.29 J Campbell's fJMlfef j Tomato Soup 3 cans 25 Radishes - Green Onions bunch 5c California Beets, 3 bunches 10c Asparagus lb. 15c Grapefruit from Coachilla Valley doz. 69c Sunkist Oranges, doz. 23c Zucchini Squash lb. 19c; 2 lbs. 35c Artichokes, 4 dozen size each 15c; 2 for 25c Walla Walla Onion Plants, 2 bun. 25c Yellow Danver Onion Sets, 2 lbs. 35c Pineapple Juice, Dole ......... . .No. 2 can 1 5c - Church's Grape Juice ..pint 17c Hood River Apple Juice ........... .quart 23c Libby's Sweet Mixed Pickles ...... 1 2 ez. jar 29c !.;i.by'$ Apple Butter ..No. 303 jar 1 9c Upton's Chicken Noodle Soup Mix, 3 pkgs. 25c Stia'ds Tamales far 23c Deviled Meat 3 cans 29c Crescent Baking Powder 1 lb. can 19c Rinso - Duz Oxydol . . Ige. pkg. 23c Camay - Lux - Palmolive, 3 bars 20c Mop Sticks each 17c Babo Cleanser can 11c Self Polish Wax 2 pint bottles 59c Penn Champ, 2 Bottles for Price of 1 Club Aluminum Cleaner .....pkg. 18c Sal Soda pkg. 10c Vano Cleaner quart 25c Pop Washing Towdcr .24 oz. pkg. 1 5c Boraxo pkg. 14c ALLEV OOP IF TMS yIZBUKNEW I WAS DR. WOWMUCx, SCIENTIST. HE'D TZV NO MAGIC ON MB ' HAVE K CARE ? OKAY HOT SHOT, Lets sec jt A ON ME. CAN rfS.;,m 1 ONCE MADE A J MAN DISAPPEAR, JPOLF'r JUST LIKE THAT do it; ' V.tri L CO IP.ii tk 'E FOR ME--rD Be. JUST AS HAPPY SOME- ELSE V T MAMLIN BE.TrfTEETH-.-i.v"'-, y G AOZOOKLE .'. r SHALL BV GEOZGE, V LIKE A 1 DONE IT CAUSE THEM TlL WINO THIS OLD THIS )y- TO COME C BUZZARD CLOCK ? A A n ' OUT FOR HIM! Jhl- ii- il VL