THE BEND BULLETIN, BENb ORESCI,:WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1945 - PAGE SEVEN 1 r frading Gains, Stocks Advance By Elmer C. Walzer (United Praaa Financial Editor) New York, May 16 (Ui Trading increased in volume and stocks advanced steadily through today's session. Late in the session gains rang ing to more than 2 points spread Ihrougn tne list, adoih me only exceptions were the aircrafts, where losses ranged to more than a point in Douglas. This group still felt the lniiuence 01 a reduced dividend by United Aircraft. A higher dividend for Johns Manville sent that stock soaring nearly 4 points to Its 1945 high. A dividend increase also sent Allied stores to a new high. Ameri- Jpn Telephone equalled its high ,jn declaration of the regular quarterly aivipena ox w a share maintained steadily since 1822. Southern Pacific and Union Pa cific with gains of more than a point each featured the rails where Northern Pacific was ac tive. Utilities had a. small gain on balance. Store shares rose with Allied.. Marshall Field and Ji C. Penney made new highs, the latter up 2 points. Motors, steels, oils, and farm implements firmed. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 16 0P livestock: Cattle 150, calves 35, fairly active, mostly steady. Load good fed steers $16.75; few common steers $11.50-13; common ,to me dium heifers $11.50-13.25, cutters rinwn to $9.00. Canner and cutter jcows $7.00-9.50, fat dairy type i cpws to S10.50. Uood to choice trVealers $15.00-16.00. & . r tnr i ' i am I nugs iw. uitcuauguu. Mil uai rows and gilts $15.75; sows $15.00; feeder pigs held above $18.50. Sheep: 150. Slow, steady. Good to choice spring lambs $13.50; medium to good shorn lambs and yearlings $11-12. Good shorn ewes $6-6.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 16 Quality .Eggs are growing less plentiful, although not to the ex tent where it is noticeable in the general supply. Prices are to ad vance again soon under -the OPA program.- Butter stocks are piling up in storage asTesult of increased pro duction. Prices are unchanged. Butter cube, 93 score, 42 c; 92 score, 42Kc; 90 score, 42c; 89 H score, 414c pound. ' Eggs--prlces to retailers: A A, AlJirge 44c; A, largeJ2c; medium, A, 33c; small, "85c dozen.- HEALTH TO YOU! Correct lUcfof, CofoH AltmtnH Hemorrhoid (Pllo), Fu ture, FUtula, Hrsla Rup- g io am-abilftr to onioT ill. Oar' method of trtatment without hospital operation luccoufuUy employed lor w yecri. ucnai cran term. Call for examination m tend lor FREE booklet. Open Eveflinps, Mm., Wd., hi. ,7 to &30 Dr. C.J. DEAN CLINIC Pliysfcfoft and Smrgmon K. E. Cor, E. Bumiid erad Grand Arm. Telephone EAst 3918, Portland 14, Oroaon Sea ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans o AUTO y" LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS Motor Driven , Gas or Diesel . Water Driven Wind Driven Every tiie from "portable" units for cabins, etc., to complete farm light and power plants. ASK US Bend Electric Co. fearer 1 M4 FranHin Phone 159 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Hates Lout Paid in Advanea 25 Words One Tirrm .S5c 25 Words Three Times JS5 Words Six Times , All wwd mr SS ade le pr wvri timm namber oi inaaruana Om aMttttt ran, aaata copy, oar rata KwUaeai Chart. Ua LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Ciautftaa AaTOtiabw, Caah in Aaraaca Dally CiMint Tina 11:11 P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phorn: 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 138 A. F. & A. M. Special Communication Friday, May 18, 7:30 pjiu E. A. Decrees Also Examination George StmervUle, Sec'y. FOR SALE 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bed rooms. Wired for electric range, has oil circulator, electric water heater. Good basement, large lot, close in. Worth more than asking price of 53250. Terms at Gilberts Real Esthate & Insurance, 1015 Wall. NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. arid D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Oak St, Eugene, Ore. TWO MODERN 3-room houses on one lot. Price $1700, $1000 down, balance terms. See the. property at 1036 East 4th St. 1 will be at the house Monday after 1 p. m. Mrs. Fred E. Turner, Route 1, Box 422. LARGE GMC truck motor com plete with transmission and Browney, $100.00, good shape. '31 model A Ford truck, S300.00, with in ceiling price. Trailer house with stove, ice box and daveno, $75.00. Inquire Rt. 1, Box 445, Bend. Phone 22-F-13. EAST SIDE, 5 room modern house, nice lawn and garden. large building in rear, only S2500, $1000 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ONE TEAM smooth mouth horses, and collars, $60. On Red mond highway 254 miles east of Sisters, then 1 mile north. C. J. Veline.' - (JETTED GEM seed potatoes. Bed spring and mattress, steel cot, day tied, rou away bed. Kt. l. Box 156. SMALL jenny ass suitale for pack animal, partly broken to ride. Guernsey-Durham cow now milk ing. Inquire 1433 E. 1st, block north of O'Donnell Field. 5 ACRES, 5 acres water right, 4 room house, telephone, garage, large chicken house, hog house, new flumes, close to town on main highway. Inquire at 516 Lava Rd. BARGAIN new 2 bedroom mod ern house, near Ailcn school, large living room with mountain view, $3500, loan available, Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Asters, Snaps, Marigolds, Petun ias and other annuals. Vegetable plants and Steel's Jumbo pansies. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. PLANTS READY. Perennials, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele's Jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. 3 PIECE bedroom set, chairs, radio, end table, smoking stand and fruit jars. Inquire 424 E. 3rd St. Set Your Own 7th War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Average Maturity Wage Subscription WeeUy Value of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Month Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 U 50 200 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 112.50 9.38 150 180-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-180 75.00 e.25 100 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 Under $100 18.75 1.57 25 This would include present allotment plus extra special 7th War Loan allot ments and extra cash purchase; for 12-week period In April, Slay, and June. FORMULA IA krtmin mtrrmtr aaa .E, of mmpin; ani nohr af mpir.M. (B Multiply nkl af emptor ar iiettr 5n ('team 2. Tu r ia fompany'a total crmat Kcvratli ft ir fy" aaata In 4itt urn arrive al 9nnm in traia a natamr a!u im Kndi M itgvri in jtj Tgafrvruin VET airooal la be ra.ed. dedart czaected aljalasrfttj fraaj April. Mar. ami June frem lalai arw auaia. Space Courtesy Brools-Seanlon Lumber Company Inc. and Tha Shev(in-Hiori Company FOR SALE CLOSE IN 4 bedroonv clean plas tered modern house, lots of built- ins in closets, utility porch, full basement, furnace. $3800,. $1000 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone Jb-w. ON SOUTH 3rd 5 room modern plastered house, wired for elec tric ranee, electric not water neat er, 4 large lots, fenced. $3800, $1643 down, $26 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. GUNS, 30-40, 30-06, and a 30 Lu ger. 413 E. Greenwood. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's iuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. CABBAge, cauliflower, broccoli plants. 6x10 new mottled green linoleum, few girls' dresses 12 and 14, lady's jersey dress size 36. 164 Roosevelt. Phone 887-W. 14 FT. BOAT, oars, cheap. 7 ft. crosscut saw, 25 ft. garden soaker hose, 1 and 2 qt. fruit jars with rings, inquire 7aJ Delaware. OWNER LEAVING, must sacri fice, 8 acres, 5 acres Swalley, 3 bedroom house, large unfinished garage, , barn, chicken house, cis tern, 4 acres in crop, strawberries. S18UO, S14UU down, $li month, Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Fhone 451-M. Ina . Cram, 608 Broadway. 4 ACRES: Just outside city limits, with 4 acres COX water. 6 room house, pressure pump. Double ga rage, large chicken house, cow barn, and large woodshed, A real country home priced right at $4200. Terms at Gilberts Heal Es tate & Insurance. 1015 Wall Street, SPLENDID YOUNG Guernsey cow, freshen next week, heavy producer, easy to milk. Inquire W4 beward. SIX YEAR OLD bay saddle mare. hot blood, gentle for lady. Call after a p. m. 400 Sisemore street. PLAY PEN, carriage needs re pairing, rocking horse, riding shoes size 7, coat and jacket size 16, silver fox fur collar. Inquire 1546 W. 3rd. 4M ACRES under C.O.I, water, close in. Will rent or lease. Inquire Mrs. 1J. H. KSllcK, Kt. 1, BOX 51, mile post 144 S. highway, turn right third house to right. 2 PAIR wine flaral drapes. 9x12 green Axminster rug. Phone J12 M before 6 p. m. 25 SACKS SEED spuds for sale at 3 cents per pound. Bring sacks. P. F. Riedcl, Rt. 1, Box 101, Hi mile south city limits, old highway. Phone 20-F-3. BEDROOM SUITE complete, kitchen table and chairs, daveno, occasional chair, small wood heat er, cook stove, single bed and mat tress. 'Rt. 2, Box 95. Phone 33-F-5. First road to right past Glen Vista Club. 1 MAPLE DINETTE set, bed stead and springs, priced to sell. 212 Yew lane. 2 BEDROOM modern house, fire place, eieelrie range, electric hot water heater, fruit cellar, 2 lots, garage, garden spot, berry patch, lots of flowers and shrubs. 212 Yew lane. $700 3 ROOM semi-modern home, 6 lots, full lawn, sidewalks, ga rage, woodshed, garden, 100 strawberries, 26 berry bushes, 25 black locust trees, picket fence. Inquire 416 E. Emerson, after 4:30. FOB TRADE WILL TRADE my equity In a $4500 farm for city property on east side. 40 acres land, 25 acres C.O.I, water, 5 room modern house, large barn, garage and other out-buildings. 4 miles out on Butler Market road. Rt. 2, Box 253..John Cantrell. FOB BENT 4 ROOM modern furnished house $25. 2 bedroom modern unfurnish ed house $20. 2 bedroom modern unfurnished house 515. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 3 ROOM partly furnished apart ment, $17.00 a month including water. 112 Lava Road, corner Colorado. Phone 68-W. 3 ROOM modern furnished house, refrigerator and telephone. Phone 34-F-3. Third house from King's market on south highway. 2 ROOM furnished modern house near Kenwood school. Also 2 room semi-modern furnished apartment with wood, water and lights; ac cess- to shower bath. Phone 10S3 or call 623 Hill. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished apart ment, hardwood floors, stove, heating, refrigeration and laun dry facilities. Jansen Villa, 40? Portland Ave. r- BEEHTVE - TRUCKS Ipi rent Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. WANTED WILL TRADE 1935 Chevrolet pickup for later model and pay difference. Inquire Albert Cholin, Prineville. Phone 19-F-31. 10 miles east on Mitchell road. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call MeCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 645-M. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell also some big springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R, Franks, Redmond, Ore. TO RENT good pasture for 10 calves 7 months old. Write C. J, Veline, Star Rte., Sisters, Oregon, WANT TO GIVE away two black Angora kittens. Phone 701-W. Call after 5:30 p. m. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used' radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANTED TO RENT small fur nished apartment-or housekeep ing room. Will be permanent, can furnish references. Please give adress and rent asked in reply. Care of Bend Bulletin, Box 642. WILL PAY CASH for fairly late model pickup. Must be in good shape and fair rubber. Call at 580 Utica Ave., Bend, or write P. O. Box 762, Bend. WANT TO BUY a lot of used ur nivure. Will pay a good price II the furniture Is in good condition. Phone 1156 after 5 p. m. TO RENT 2 bedroom house or! room apartment iurnished or partly lumlshed. Call 29. Forest Service, Lyle Hibbard. WOULD LIKE to buy a small radio to send overseas. Will pay a good price lor a used bath tub. Phone 1156 after 5 p. m. CHILD'S TRAINING violin, com plete, good condition, reasonable. Mrs. Lester Kramer, lit. 1. Box 124. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wishes to rent 3 bedroom modern house, furnished, partly Iurnished or un furnished. Can give references. Write No. 565, care of Bend Bulle tin. , LATE MODEL flat-bed truck. Contact Mr. Harry Jackson, Pilot Butte tnn. WANTED TO RENT Army of fleer and family, two children. want furnished house or apart ment of adequate size. Pay to $125 a month. Phone Col. Sueen or Mrs. Speen at Pilot Butte Inn. ; MOVING TO BEND, want to rent i furnished two bedroom house, by j May 25th. Dale V. Charlton, T22 Martin Street, Klamath Falls, Ore. j HELP WANTED DO YOU WANT A PERMANENT , POSITION? A POSITION IS OPEN FOR A WOMAN IN OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT. INTER- i ESTING WORK, OOOB SAL-' ARY. CHANCE FOR ADVANCE- ' MENT. INQUIRE PARTS MAN- ' AGER, BEND GARAGE CO. FOR INTERVIEW. i RFO RYDPR BE tH' FELLOW VvHO LOST 1 I "?SCf I ""1 V HOWDTA ( FRIEND OF AWE AyS05! V T mO LNDTCE "KSJ LOST p CAf?EFUL, MHE SPUR WILL NEED ' l HELLO-A JSM&'r lRTDER J 150T )LLEO tfv A ROCK. Jk I A &mr JD5T LIKE TH j 1 HELP WANTED MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must be experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone 324 or36-F-21. EXPERIENCED fountain girt. In quire O So Good Ice Cream Store, 139 Oregon Ave. MEN WANTED for common la bor at Camp Abbott. Transporta tion furnished, leaves from Pilot Butte Inn 6:50 a. m. S hours a day. Call Harry Jackson, Room 321, Pilot Butte Inn. HOUSEKEEPER lor general house work, must he capable. Can furnish living quarters for mar ried couple if desired. Can Pickett Gardens, 530. 150 BEAN PICKERS to register now. Family groups preferred. 18 acre patch on the Henry Turn Idge ranch, 15 miles south of Sa lem on the banks of the Santiam river. Standard wages 2 He per lb, Mc bonus. Free transportation. Picking starts about middle of July to the end of Aug. Register this week at 530 Lava Rd. Wm. Schwab. Do not call Sunday. WANT RELIABLE woman to stay with children over weekend. 735 Columbia. EXPERIENCED WOMAN book keeper, some shorthand. This po sition is open now and is perma nent. Good salary to start rapid advancement Give references and state exerience. AU replies confi dential. Write rare of Bend Bulle tin No. 621. MIDDLE AGED couple to work at resort. Good pay, board and room. Harry T. Mooney, Crescent Lake, Phone Crescent Lake 2. WOMAN to keep house and care for two.Httle girls in motherless home In Portland. Inquire 5 Irv ing or call 413-W. SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for two children in my home days. 1018 Ogden. Mrs. Luna. LOST 3 NO. 4 RATION books, name of Barrett, Lost somewhere between Pest Office and Erickson's Gro cery. Return to Bulletin office. BILLFOLD containing money and driver's license. Keep money and return papers. P. F. Rledel. Phone 20-F-3. Rt 1, Box 10L FOUND BLACK and white iemttie shep herd ,dog, tienu-Uurjis hlgljvvay. Phone 159. ' - ' 1 OH SALE OK TRADE 193S C1IEV. sedan lor sale or trade or later model. S180, ureter OPA celling. 1365 Baltimore after 5:30 p. m. USUI! CARS 1036 TERRAPLANE 4 door se dan, recently overhauled, good rubber, $JO0. Is under OPA ceil ing. SOl.RoosevfU. 34 PONT1AC coach,$215.00. With in OPA ceiling. Inquire Bill Hatch Service Station. REGISTERED Arabian slaliion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMulUn, Camp Sherman 832. MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583, MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15 Is, proven sire ol quarter horse type. Fee $10,00, return privilege. Standing, BrooKs-bcanion barn, runs uey, attendant. Clarence Bush says; It Doesn'f Cost a Cent The President's Protective In vestment Plan ... a safe, flex ible means of providing income for the future ... doesn't conl a cent if u die within ffl years, tieeatiKe ail deposits yiki have made on H will be return ed to your family and th prin cipal amount of the coniract paid to them, FOR OETAILS SEK C. E. BUSH Bend Plione 233-W The Franklin Life Insurance Company SpriiiKf kill, Illinois Distinguished Service , HiiK-fl 1881 MISCF-LLANEOL'S FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on. contact, FLIES, mosqultas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 5i4. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE service i I and wringer rolls for all makes. ! I Let us check your machine no J obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone i 1 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOl!R LETTERHEADS can be! maa any size you desire, wffls any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Norfh Redmond North Redmond, May 18 (Spe cial! Mrs. Vera Lantz visited her mother, Mrs. Anna Bradbury, and Mrs. Alonzo Laita and family of Newport, lor ten days. Mrs, Latta Is the Land's daughter. Ernest Heese called at the West erly Keevey ranch of Cloverdate last week. - Mrs. Oscar Hood called on Mrs. B, H. Reese Thursday, - Mrs. B. H. Reese and son called at the W, E, Reese home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Ivy Skedgle of Eu gene were weekend guests of Skedgle's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. B. H, Reese and son and Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, 1 and Mrs. B. C. Alien. i Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark of Red- mond called at the William Ryan 1 home Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. vcrn Lantz attend ed the Mother's day dinner at the 1 Rpdmond grange Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lantz were I Redmond visitors over the week, i end. They were tm their way to myme rotm to spend tne sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan 5 were in Prineville Saturday. 1 airs. Konert Knorr and her sis-1 1st, Mvs. Merle Tennyson, of Quinn, South Dakot and her son, Lt. Tennyson, who is stationed at Walla walla air base, were Sun- ft WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUStNEXs AND FBOKESS1GNAL OFFICES SERVICE "LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gosoiine TRITON Motor Oil AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert meehanlcal and electri cal work a all makes of cant and trucks, COMPLKTK OVERHAULING 11 UK SKKVICB Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1.127 Wall Ittom. SIS BEAUTY SHOPS MOTHER'S DAY KOLD WAVE PERMANENTS Truly a Gift To Heaise llert KXFKKT OI'KBATOKS May Laura Aidc!l Powder Puff Beauty Shop CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF UALITV Repairs and Mai Mocking Capitol Cleaners mi W all limn 521 CESSPOOL SERVICE Cimiplete .Service Cesspool & Septic Tonfcs Bent of Materials I'uinlslied Our periodical imipwliun will Insure you inure efficient alt eration, B. P, Rhodes & Son flume WW or 1 1 1'-WI day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. WiiiiamRyan. , Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Goodrich were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. A! Peden and son, Larry. Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Edwards .H4;i!S! lIWi aWl as f Save Tires! Faeterj-Controilcsi RECAPPING Wftk Sroa'a A Ca.llacl! MWi. 700 Only tiia Si-.ert maUrt! ad the best worktsianttllp fs tats Flreetais tEC&i. HOUR - VAN ALLEN flrtette Wall sf Minnesota STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAK.' Dyer's Auto Service George ?I. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service lim Bond at Greemvixxi I'huiic 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wlrlnjr Appliance Uepah Electrical Supplies. Fluorescent 1 ,1k Sits OM SlajsUa Lawps Smith's Electric . HHS Wall I'hona 88 WASHERS WBINGEH KOLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service mi aH makes sf witsli inj? machines and electrical op pUanccg. Send Washer Service im Greenwood llwne fi3 HeaMng Plumbing Hplumbing Mteata I-ltHn Kew Work ftepairlng Hums Water Systems Sump Pwiips I'lumbiiiK Supplies Werner Plumbing 8 Wall I'hona 2I7-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICi Tel. lo8 839 Columbia SpcciuiUliig in Long Distonce Household Grods Movement j have received word that their son, Bud, has been promoted to a eorp- I orak '. . ' - i ! ! ! There are 1,200 military uses for lumber, it is estimated. SFEEBY CAR WASH Quickly ruaoTtt dirt aid greue. Not a f-oP , POUSH CLOTH - CheisieaJly treated to pick up ihk dirt..,. ........... SPONGE-PAK lor csr wAtcg. M4 of &na aheepawottl apo&g. ... CLEANER AND WAX Claafia ud poUsIstt kt the sama tucei ,..,. .-,.,, 29e ,4c OIL-TAN CHAMOIS High quality, tott, absorb- rn nt 15"xQ" V POLONIUM Spark Plugs tPfcP or mora CsiaTiEUed is ttsrt jpessr as aislcker ksS rtXt rtai imeotEier, or yasir mosey HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Phone 860 MONUMENTS " RiC. CARYL "The Memtment Mem" IjWS twy Kit TyJ. mH Refrigerter Service Afl Typej of Mchercl Srvi Or, REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service t-very Di.y 1f the Year Phsiie544 " INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL Al TO HUE IJFK Ed Sherisdc, Disr. Mgr. S31 Dr&ke Road Phone Si6 John W. Smith, Agent 1 588 AwfareyBd. fliuncOa-W FARMERS INSURANCE SROUF FSSMtaS S311)ffi9B)l.E jsns-Mswuscf Et Sae A'oi Sorf Inamtt Today Ptampl Ciaixis SerUct toaaara1 Hm oUtr Ettene M, Biieknum, f list Mpr. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFQUAUTY Letterpress Hie Bend Bulletin By FRED HARMAN as ke rlc is be