v!i:?'-''.s!''--rics-- THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1945 PAGE FIVE 11 .Jaidmum yesterday, 6 degrees. .Minimum tast niglat, 48 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m., 48 de grees; 10 ft. nt, 45 degrees. Ba rmneter (reduced to sea level): 10 p. ni., 29.93 inches; 10 a. m., 29.03 Inches. Relative humidity: 10 p. m, 83 per cent; 10 a. m, 83 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10 p. in., 3 miles; 10 a. m., 4 miles. Prevailing direction of wind: Southwest. There will be a meeting of the J LAST CHANCE TONIGHT Bargain Night mats TUB CMKM MEVEK CJUKHT KF0M PLUS 2ND HIT IcOYERTHE WATERFRONT COLBERT UN WON A TONIGHT AT 6:30 HURRY J HURRY! HURRY! & ' - fv- z - . 1 ft- a - I with CHARLES WINNINGER I f II 1 I 7 Akm Revere . Jon Dorwall ; W j S . A 20th Ctnturr-Fox Production J :j V; r :;; r 'M FIRST TIME EVER SHOWN t ! ! tm1-. , I THE MOST THRILLING BATTLE -c JcS- PICTURES EVER SEEN ! . AlFp I I THE PAY-OFF IN THE PACIFIC t f -r T I . Filmed andrr fire hr Navjr rranhat ramfr. mrn . . . tt brlnit yam thf flamlnc artloa V t J SEE! SEE! SEE! 1 TASK FORCE 58 SMOKE m . THE JAro uui ur inc i fi PACIFIC! J Percy A. Stevens post of the American Legion tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, in the county court house Quarters, officers hav an. nounced. 1 Sgt. and Mrs. Herbert Francis are the parents of a boy born Saturday. Mav 9 in PkMoiui The baby, weighing 8H pounds at uinn, nas Deen named Henry Mar cus. Sgt. Francis is the son of Mrs. Herbert Francis, 1724 Lyle, who is visiting her son and family in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Leon IQawitter, 1805 North First street oro tha parents of a son born yesterday at me ol inaries nospuai. Charles " Lockwood. ' assistant state game supervisor, was a visi tor to the Deschutes region yes terday, inspecting fish screens. a. r,. Laoeree, representing the Rock Island railwnv wu a a hi ml.. ness caller here today from his tuamatn alls headquarters. J. 'R. Heokmnn nnrl P W rtnt. ChkiSS Of Lakmipw last nlnhl were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. rueison ts. Higgs was a business visitor here today from Burns. Forrest' f PnnnPP T 3lrmi!aiIi a. torney, was a Bend visitor today. inarieg i. uomoe and L.. S3. Farrell Were Bend pallors tnHmi from Lakeview. Sons were born tnriav at the St Charles hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Helms, Virginia Park, and to Mr. and Mrs .lank RlinH IQdO West First street. Mrs. Zelah Mulkey of Paisley, visited Bend friends today. Gail Baker, fire-assistant In the staff of i the Deschutes national torest, and Charles Flury, com muniratinns engineer fni. tha w est service from Portland, were in the Crescent district today In specting telephone lines. Marine First Sergeant John J. Murt, son of Mrs. W. P. Martin, Bend, is home on furlough. He recently returner! tn the ctntnc after. 27 months in the Pacific. Murt enlisted in July, 1936. P. E. Grider of the interstate Commerce commission Pni-tlanrt was in Bend today on official business. Edward G. Lake, of the forest experiment station at Portland, was here today conferring with lumbermen. The Westminister Presbyterian church sewing circle will meet Friday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Norman Coleman, it was When thli gorgeous girl nechi thli terrific guy ... YOU'RE IN FOR THRILLS YOU'LL NEVER FORGET 1 1 BAXTER HDDIAK Sunday Dinner Soldier U. S. Public Officiql HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured U. S. assistant secretary of war II Older 13 Fleets 15 Vend 16 He is in gen eral charge of plans for universal training 18 Only 19 Distortedly 31 On account VERTICAL -IGibe 2 Single 3 One who heaps earth 4 Negative 5 Parent 6 Weep 7 Centimeter (ab.) S Whipped 9 Scent 10 Eli 11 South south west (ab.) 12 Sun god 14 Observe (ab.) 22 Number 23 Electrical 17 Artificial engineer (ab.) language H d LLi. r tin,.20 Affirmative 25 Periods of time22Artide 25 Still 32 Lamprey 33 Covered wagon 34 Group of people 37 African country 39 Symbol for erbium 40 Area measure 41 Habitat plant forms 44 Tantalum (symbol) 46 Reposes 50 River of Tuscany 51 Forbidden 53 Ireland 54 Unaffected 56 Outdoor party 58 Ripe 59 Ooze announced today. Mrs. Coleman will be assisted by Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. William Braid. Ralph W. Crawford, supervisor of the Deschutes national forest, was in the Fort Rock district to day on an Inspection trip. Mrs. Carl Hedden and child, of Gilchrist, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte Inn. R. W. Cowlin of the U. S. Forest service, Portland, was a Bend caller today. George W. Avenelt of the state land board, was here today on of ficial business from Salem. R. R. Taylor, representing the Western Pacific railway, was in Bend today from Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy were visitors in Bend yesterday from Santiam junction, where Murphy is stationed with the state highway department. Mrs. Lucy McDonald and daugh ter, Mrs. James Coshow, were in Bend yesterday afternoon from Redmond. Roy Newell, Redmond realtor. was a visitor in Bend yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Malonel r.n tn ., f m . U ! T" were in Bend Tuesday from their home In Tumalo. Stuart Stapleton, Brothers stockman, was here on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ru filer were in Bend yesterday from Grizzly. , Members of the Ex-Llbris club will have a dinner meeting at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Pine Tavern, followed by bridge at the home Put Winter Clothes Away CLEAN DRY CLEANING Gets Clothes CLEANER The first rule of summertime safety for winter clothes is to put them away clean. Be sure they are thoroughly clean by having them SAN1TONE Dry Cleaned. It't an im proved method with 2-Way Action which takes out not only the oily soils removed by ordinary cleaning Buids, but sugary, sticky soils as well . . . even perspira tioo and all tract of odor. Colors "bloom" again like new orig inal softness and texture i re tained. You'll see and feel the difference. Call today. City Cleaners & Dyers 1032 Wall Phono 246 Marion Cady . Sam Scoft 26 Ever (contr.) young 27 Mohammed's 42 Stuff adopted son 29 Climbing shrub . 30 Head cover 31 High explo sive (ab.) 35 Cape in southern Australia 36 Bitter vetch 37 Auricle 38 European country 41 Bring forth 43 Pilaster 44 Story 45 Bachelor of Arts (ab.) 47 Trigonometric function 48 Journey . 49 Dry 51 Paving material 52 Upward 55 Ruthenium (ab.) 57 Lives ii p rrrrrr it r fT" r b 7f E I " r - rrt mrip h r r srsh !:ij -n 1 ur of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gilbert, in Jansen Villa, It was announced today by Mfs. W. H. Reld, sec retary. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ferguson of Warm Springs shopped in Bend Tuesday. Winton Livingston, apprentice seaman, left Monday evening for boot camp at San Diego, after spending a 10-day emergency leave with his wife, who was in jured recently. Mrs. Livingston is convalescing at their home, 175 E. Irving. Mrs. C. M. Dale is In Bend to day from Redmond. Guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Symons are Mrs. Symons' brothers, Ed McCarthy from Tonopah, Nev., and Jack McCarthy from Sacramento, Calif. Mrs. Elizabeth Bocckli, home agent, has returned to her office in the court house after a week's absence due to an injury. Her sister, Mrs. William R. Gillen- water from Portland, will remain for the rest of the week. Mrs. Paul Rukaveno and daugh ter, uaroi, nave arrived In Eliza- bBrtitowni'Keh.; " to make: their t. .M n C". T..l. l ...... I i home. Sgt. Rukaveno is stationed at Ft. Knox, and only recently Became acquainted with his three months old daughter. Mrs. Edna Posey and daugh ters, Patsy and Rcba, were in Bend yesterday from Shevlin. Mis. George Myers of Madras was a liend shopper yesterdav. George -Gerson, Portland, Is In Bona today on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller, SANITOIME LICENSED "i" Pastors Honored - At Turkey Dinner " The Bend Ministerial associa tion held a dinner meeting last evening at the First Presbyterian church, honoring Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Kiel who are leaving the pastorate of the Church of the Nazal ene in Bend to go to a new charge at Placerville, California; and Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Palmer who are closing their work at the First Christian church in June, to retire and live in Bend. Those present at the dinner were: Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Palmer, Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Kiel, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Prentice, Rev. and Mrs. George Bolster, Rev. and Mrs. Fred R. Decker, Rev. and Mi's. Kenneth A. Tobias, Rev. and Mrs. Morris A. Thompson, Mrs. Robert Mcllvenna and Ted Mc llvenna anO Mrs. Robert E. Nich olas. Rev. Palmer who has been the president of the Bend Ministerial association, will be succeeded by Rev. R. E. Nicholas. Rev. George Bolster was elected to the vice presidency. The women of the First Presby terian church, under the leader ship of Mrs. C. L. McCauley, pre pared the dinner of roast turkey. former Bend residents, were cal lers here today from the Hay Creek ranch near Madras.' Miller was a service station attendent while residing here. NOTICE Will the man and wife who bought 2 young white does Monday at 147 E. Olney please phone 1070-W. It is to your interest. Adv. Notice Members Shevlin Plant Unit 1WA. Local 6-7. Nominations !of Officers and Committees for coming year, at your regular meeting, Thursday, May 17th. Meeting opens 7:30 p, m. Adv. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Notice: Members of Brooks Plant Unit I.W.A. Local 6-7. There will be nominations of unit offi cers at your meeting on May 16th. Adv. Tetherow Butte Tetherow Butte, May lfl (Spe cial) Mrs. C. M. Eby, of Port land, arrived In Redmond Friday to visit her son and his family, the H. P. Ebys. Mrs. Eby came up to be here for her granddaugh ter's high school graduation, Miss rayo thy. ,Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Eby of Red mond were dinner guests of the! H: P. Eby family Sunday. J Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Car penter ol Kansas, have moved into the II. P. Eby's small house. Carpenter is working for Eby. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Reese and son were dinner guests of B. C. Allen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Allen at tended Pomona grange Saturday. Tethmow Butte Extension club will meet at the homo of Mrs. Leo Holly, May 24 for an all day meeting with potluck lunch al noon. Miss Elizabeth Bocckli will give a demonstration on dry clean-j ing- i Mrs. Earl Wolfe, who is in tho; Good Samaritan hospital In fort land, suffered from a stroke Sun day morning. Mrs. Chrystal Hen-, derson left for Portland Sunday j evening to be with her mother. I Mr. and Mrs. Ii. D. Hollis.and! family were Sunday dinner guests, of the Earl Dexiers. i Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rollnnd and ; daughter, Shirley, called at the B. C. Allen home Wednesday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rollnnd mov-, LOST! Thousands of red points lost in garbage cans! Every timo you throw away scrupintrK of (f cease or scraps of fat meat, you're losing the precious red points your meat dealer would (jive you in return fur used fata. Start today to save every spoonful, every drop of used fut. (Jet the reward of those extra red points . . . and help your country at the same time I THIS IS SUPUIN, the new anal gesic (pain relief) tablet which gives quicker and greater relief from pain with safety. Now at your druggist's, 30 tablets 3V. Atk for Supern. Take it as you would plain aspirin. . Youth Club Notes , 1 By Ruth Ann TeriUner f There's going to be a big dance Saturday night to celebrate the end of the school year. Come In everyone and enjoy the fun by acting your age. The theme Is a Kiddy dance and everyone Is to dress up like little kids with the boys in short pants and the girls in pig tails and all that goes with it. There will be refreshments and entertainment for all. The following are committee heads: Barbara Terllsner, entertainment; Joann Bausha, advertising; Vllda Suttle and Jackie Moore, decora tions;, Mary Alice Glatt, refresh ments and Jean Moore, clean-up. If you're worried about your back dues, here's something that will Interest you. All back dues have been cancelled and monthly dues are now reduced to 50 cents, so let's see everyone down this week to pay up for Mayv Barbara Terllsner, secretary, will register all future freshmen and upper classmen who are in terested In joining the club dur ing exam week. Present eighth graders may not attend until after May 25. The dates for registra tion are as follows: May 21, 22, 23 from 3:40 to 5:30 p.m. only; May 24 from 3:40 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 10 p.m.; May 25 and 26 from 3:40 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 11:30; May 27 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. . AH members who signed up for the ping pong club are requested to attend the next meeting with out fall. There will be new ping pong paddles and tables and the league Is expected to get un derway in a big way, Helen Raddatz has been named chairman of an Informal tea that is to be held In honor of all senior hostesses on May 27 from 3 to 5 In the afternoon. The spring dance last Saturday was a big success from the aro ma of the apple blossoms to the var ed oroai am, Jean Moore, Cynthia Shevlin nnd Lee Relnhart entertained. Marguerite Coleman played the piano, Allan West gave a reading and Charline Dahlin tap danced. The decorations consist ed of flowery vines with colored lighting to add to the effect. Cookies were served for refresh' ments. ed to Redmond from Maryland re cently. Rolland is employed at Tite Knot Pine mill. B. C. Allen of Redmond and Ethan Allen of Alfalfa are Mrs, Holland's uncles. MEETINGS ARE SET - Miss Elizabeth Bocckli, home agent, will present demonstrations on dry cleaning at three exten sion unit meetings this week. AH will start at 1:30 p. m. This after noon the Alfalfa unit is meeting with Mrs. Carl Livesley. The Des-chutes-Pleasant Ridge unit will SAVINGS That Count Quality Shampoos Soy Bean SheVipoo Kreml Shampoo Drene Shampoo ft TABLETS jr milk ofVv f MAGNESIA Li Creosofed Cough Syrup JJ 39c 4?c 49c Antiseptic Solutions Oral Penlacresol Poptodcnt Concentrated Mould Wash. HYTONE SATIN FINISH STATIONERY 25c 49c 39c SPECIAL FOR A I T 1 1 SptcUDemtSlzt HOUCICS ANT h SI)ER$IFTED FACE POWDER o gift with any punhat of Tranilucid Makeup preparations A geluroui box of the fumoiyi Tninslucid mist-sheer face powder enough to last months in Champagne Rosee cr other lovely blended shades... yeiiri as a gill Wh the r 'rhnse of any of the following: Skin Fratiener, Sl.no FoundtUoiMonr. liquid. SI. SO . . CIMOUne Cream S1.00 ' Crcam-tnnctouncJjillon.St.00 .. RcUrlnt Cream. 12.00 Linulck. SI. 00 Iw Sl.U Rotiie. Sl.uOandSl.JJ . meet . tomorrow with Mrs. Ted Povey, and Friday the Boyd Acres unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Nettle Beal. 10IU28 NII'S KILLED London, May 16 mi Southeast Asia command headquarters said today that 105,328 Japanese have been killed in Burma since Feb. 1, 1944. Lemon JuiceRecipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If rou lUTcr from rhnimttte, Rrthritt or tifuritu Pfiln. try ttilt simple tiiupauiiv home retipa tbut thouMhrli r ualng. Oct (Wnk nit(i of Ilu-Kx compound, m tvo-weok wnply. -" uimit ui HMT, UIO JiiImj of 4 femuiM. It's euMy. No troublft al nil and pleuaiit. You owd only a tublrjwxmn Xiill two tltueo a dny. Oipij within 4H Iioim i --- o ui tiui svnriDiini pipnum IT U I U atrn olitttliicd. If thfj pulni do tint qulcklv leave , anil if yim tio not fwl better, return tha I f'npty package and Ru-Kk will omit yon noth- lug to try m It l sold by your drnmtlat under j an atrtoluta munpy-tuwtt jamnteti. Jiu-Ki j CuiDiound ! for aula and rawuwieouwi by The Owl Pharmacy and drug itorei tverjrwhert From HM Magill's 3 m 7 M l W9J f mm i "w awi i w m, -m--r n Keep Baby Smiling and Happy With a Penslar BABY BEAUTY KIT Penslar Baby Oil O Nelson's Baby Powder Baby Castile Soap VISIT OUR BABY GIFT SECTION ! FOODS THAT BABY NEEDS CERIVIM DEXTRI-MALTOSE O PABLUM Get Everything for the Baby at Magill's One-A-Day Vitamin Specials AandD 180 capsules 2.11 B Complex ....... .90 for 1.96 Multiple ....120 for 3.46 1.25 Absorbenc Jr Penslar White Liniment Pertussin Cough Syrup 1.25 Penolin Liniment 60c Lysol Antiseptic LIMITED TIME! Buy National War Bonds Now! Poor Digestion? Headachy? Sour or Upset? a Tired-Listless? Do you feel headachy anrl upmt due to poorly digcatod food? To feel cheerful and happy again your food must be digested properly. Each day, Nature muni produce about two pinta of a vital digeattve juice to help digest your food. I( Nature fails, your food may remain undigested r leaving you headachy and Irritable. Therefore, you must increase the fW of this digestive juice. Carter's Little Liver Pills Increase this flow quickly often In as Utile aa SO minutes. And, you're on the road to feeling hotter. Don t dopond on artificial aids to) counteract indigestion when (Jartcr a Little Liver 111 Is aid digestion after Na ture's own order. Take Carter's Lit I la Liver Pills ns directed. Clot them at any drugstore, Only 2G, . ,r All For 89c ...... ,. . 98c . 50c . 60c . 89c . 47c