v.nfSnv,;!,.. vkf YiTi nftr.iit.irai-.i.e.v. r fV- i ivrtiin-r lfrMrl'-"a,1'1'UL'a''A'fci'',vtfaM i. PAGE SEVEN 1 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1945 rregular Gains Made By Stocks By Elmer C. Walzer (United freu Financial Editor) New York, May 15.HB Stocks made an irregular advance today but volume lell oI to a new low lor more than a month. Best gains were noted in pre-' ferred stocks and in special is sues. The leaders late in the day developed recuperative tendencies after a slight sag earlier in the session. General market news was seen as favorable. An exceptional item a dividend cut by United Air craft sent that stock down more than a point and sobered the re cent enthusiasm for most other aircraft shares. Bell aircraft, however, made a new high on a one-poini rise. Gulf Mobile and Ohio railroad made a new high on a rise of nearly two points on its application- to purchase the Alton rail road and lines leased by the lat ter. Hudson made a new high In a strong automobile . division. American and foreign power pre ferred made gains' running to nearly two points and two of them made new highs to feature a firm utility group. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 15 iim Livestock: .cattle 100, calves 25. Load fed steers unsold. Other classes active and steady. Odd common steers $12.25. Common medium heifers $11.00-13:50. Can-ncr-cutter cows $7.00-9.50. Common-medium bulls $8.50-11.00. Good beef bulls to $13.70. Good- Hogs 50. Active, steady. Butch ers mostly $15.75: Sows $15.00. Stags $14.50. Feeder pigs quotable $18.00-19.00. Sheep 200. Slow, supply mostly odds and ends. Few sales steady. One lot wooled feeder lambs $11.00. Good-choice' spring lambs quotable $13.50 -13.75. Medium good shorn lambs and yearlings salable $11.00-12.50 PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 15 ill") A firm t6ne continues today in the egg market for quality goods, while offgrado stock was barely holding up. Prices were un changed. Butter prices were unchanged. Butter Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42Vic; 90 score 42c. ' Eggs Prices to retailers: A A large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. .BROWN SWISS SOLD.;;, I Lillian E. Tussing, a Brown Swiss breeder of Bend, has re cently sold the bull, Leo of Rock Ranch, 69503, to V. R. Poppy, Red mond, according to a report from Fred S. Idtse, .secretary of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' as sociation, Beloit, Wisconsin. MINK GOES VISITING New Kensington, Pa UP) Ex hibiting the same love of flowers as Ferdinand the Bull, a small white mink owned by Dr. J. A. Zahorchak, Natrona Heights, left home and traveled to th'e George Brothers florist shop here. The animal, valued at $400, was re turned when the owner claimed it. See ELMER LEHNHERR .For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO Y" LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP. Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS Motor Driven Gas or Diesel Woter Driven Wind Driven Every site from "portable" units tor cabins, etc., to complete farm light and power plants. ASK US Bend Electric Co. 644 Franklin Phone 159 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance I 25 Words One Time 5e 25 Words Three Times .75o 25 Words Six Times $L85 All mdi rr II iM It n nil Omm nuaabsr 1 Insertion. Ont month run, msb copy, H day rsts Minimum China. See LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Claseiiice Adrortisinr, Csoh tn Advance Dally Chain- TlaM U:l P. U. FOB SALE NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. and D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Oak St., Eugene, Ore. GOOD VALUES in furniture, pre war davenport, overstuffed chair, mirror, juniper table lamp, some garden tools, miscellaneous ar ticles Call at 314 Division, be tween 6:30 and 7:30 this evening. MAN'S PREWAR bicycle in excel lent condition, pair crutches. In quire 320 McKinley. LARGE GMC truck motor com plete with transmission and Browney, $100.00, good shape. "31 model A Ford truck, $300.00, with in ceiling price. Trailer house with stove, ice box and daveno, $75.00. Inquire Rt. 1, Box 445, Bend. Phone 22-F-13. SET OF MATCHED diamond rings.' Write Bend Bulletin No. 618. ONE TEAM smooth mouth horses, and collars, $60. On Red mond highway 2Vi miles east of Sisters, then 1 mile north. C. J. Veline. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy and waterproofed pad, Jutnper and child's car seat. Call 363-W. SMALL jenny ass suitale for pack animal, partly broken to ride. Guernsey-Durham cow now milk ing. Inquire 1433 E. 1st, block north of O'Donnell Field. MAN'S ELGIN wrist watch. One young giant white buck and young doe. Also one Rhode Island red setting hen. Call at 147 E. Olney. 5 ACRES, 5 acres water right, 4 room house,' telephone, garage, large chicken, house, hog house, new flumes, close to town on main highway. Inquire at 516 Lava Rd. 2 BEDROOM modern, house, fire place, electric range, electric hot Water heater, fruit cellar, 2 lots, garage, garden spot, berry patch, lots of flowers and shrubs. 212 Yew lane. BARGAIN new 2 bedroom mod ern house, near Allen school, large living room with mountain view, $3500, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Asters, Snaps, Marigolds, Petun ias and other annuals. Vegetable plants and Steel's Jumbo pansies. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. PLANTS REA D Y. Perennials, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. 5 PIECE DINETTE set, 4 burner hot plate, 100 pound ice refriger ator, A-l condition. 212 Yew lane. ' LYONS FLOWER GARDENS ; Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also i perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants In season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. SETTING HENS and turkey eggs. Go out Butler Market road to Deschutes road. First house on left. C. W. Williamson, Rt. 2, Box 251. I A STEAL, 80 acres, 40 acres Arn old, 5'i miles from Bend, well constructed 4 room house, good outbuildings, two cisterns, small i orchard, pasture. Only $2750, $850 ! down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 ! Oregon. Phone 36-W. Set Your Own 7th War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Average Maturity Wage Subscription Weekly Value of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Month (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 11.50 200 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 112.50 9.38 150 180-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-180 75.00 . 6.25 100 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 Under $100 18.75 . 1.57 25 , This would tnrlude present allotment plus extra special 7th War Loan allotment and extra cash purehaws fur 12-week period In April, May, and June. FORMULA Ml Arrla.n afraa; wac ra! of ro-npanr and nanthrr mt emptorf!. (B Mahlplr number of mpler br Jiiruri in (nlgwn 2. This will th rmpiny' tola! grow Hrvvnth War Itan quota fn Hollar (to mrrUt at qnola in Irrai of Matariiv . in Uondo w ftajare in f elon. n 4.) (C) To aurrrtatn NET amount to he ralord. drdurt eipfted allotment from April, M. 'com total trow quota. " Space Courtesy Broolcs-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlin-H.xon Company FOB SALE ON SOUTH 3rd 5 room modern plastered house, wired for elec tric range, electric hot water heat er, 4 large lots, fenced. $3800, $1643 down, $26 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood iard. Phone 767. 14 FT. BOAT, oars, cheap. 7 ft. crosscut saw, 25 ft. garden soaker hose, 1 and 2 qt. fruit jars with rings. Inquire 720 Delaware. 760-ACRE stock and dairy ranch, $10,000. Machinery, equipment, grazing permits, free, irrigation, 45 miles Irom Burns. 100 acres in alfalfa ond grain. Jeff Cawlfield, Drewsey, Ore. CHARJS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina K. Cram, 608 Broadway. TWO BEDSPREADS, various sized center pieces, pillow slips, and vanity sets all crocheted. Mrs. W. E. Dent, two miles east of Ter rebonne. 2 CHOICE gilts ready to breed. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold District. SPLENDID YOUNG Guernsey' cow, freshen next week, heavy producer, easy to milk. Inquire 644 Seward. PLAY PEN, carriage needs re pairing, rocking horse, riding shoes size 7, coat and jacket size 16, silver fox fur collar. Inquire 1546 W. 3rd. 2 PAIR 'wine floral drapes. 9x12 green Axmlnster rug. Phone 912-M before 6 p. m. BEDROOM SUITE complete, kitchen table and chairs, daveno, occasional chair, small wood heat er, cook stove, single bed and mat tress. Rt. 2, Box 95. Phone 33-F-5. First road to right past Glen Vista Club. THOR WASHING machine, good condition. Call 68-J evenings be tween 7 and 9. FOB RENT 3 ROOM partly furnished apart ment, $17.00 a month including water. 112 Lava Road, corner Colorado. Phone 68-WK 2 ROOM furnished house., Inquire 133 Broadway. ' ' 2 ROOM furnished modern house near Kenwood school. Also 2 room semi-modern furnished apartment with wood, water and lights, ac cess to shower bath. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill. 3 ROOM furnished house, not modern, near mills, garage if de sired. Apply 207 Riverfront. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 2 BEDROOM and 1 bedroom un- i furnished apts., hardwood floors, i stove, heating, refrigeration, and ! laundry facilities. Jansen Villa. I 407 Portland Ave. WANTED WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. TO RENT good pasture for 10' calves 7 months old. Write C. J. ! Veline, Star Rte., Sisters, Oregon. ! USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. WILL PAY CASH for fairly late ! model pickup. Must be in good shape and fair rubber. Call at 580 1 Utit-ii Ave., Bend, or write P. O. I Box 7C2, Bend. I WANTED WANT TO BUY a lot of used fur niture. Will pay a good price If the furniture is in good condition. Phone 1156 after & p. m. TO BUY 1 or 2 shares of C.O.I. water. Write Vern E. Key, Rt. i, Box 133, Bend. WOULD LIKE to buy a small radio to send overseas. Will pay a good price for a used bath tub. Phone 1156 after 5 p.m. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wishes to rent 3 bedroom modern house, furnished, partly furnished or un furnished. Can give references. Write No. 565, care of Bend Bulle tin. LATE MODEL flat-bed truck. Contact Mr. Harry Jackson, Pilot Butte Inn. WANTED TO RENT Army of ficer and family, two children, want furnished house or apart ment of adequate size. Pay to $125 a month. Phone Col. Speen or Mrs. Speen at Pilot Butte Inn. MOVING TO BEND, want to rent furnished two bedroom house, by May 25th. Dale V. Chariton, 722 Martin Street, Klamath Falls, Ore. HELP WANTED MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must be experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone1 324 or 36 F-21. EXPERIENCED body and fender man wanted. Will make very at tractive deal to permonent em ployee. See Halbrook Motors. GROCER YMAN Experience pre ferred or experienced high school boy. Apply Erickson's Food Mar ket. , MEN WANTED for common la bor at Camp Abbott. Transporta tion furnished, leaves from Pilot Butte Inn 6:50 a. m. 9 hours a day. Call Harry Jackson, Room 321, Pilot Butte Inn.- EXPERIENCED WOMAN book keeper, some shorthand. This po sition is open now and is perma nent. Good salary to start rapid advancement. Give references and state exerience. All replies confi dential. Write care of Bend Bulle tin No. 621. DO YOU WANT A PERMANENT POSITION? A POSITION IS OPEN FOR A WOMAN IN OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT. INTER ESTING WORK, GOOD SAL ARY. CHANCE FOR ADVANCE MENT. INQUIRE PARTS MAN AGER, BEND GARAGE CO. FOR INTERVIEW. MIDDLE AGED couple to work at resort. Good pay, board and room. Harry T. Mooney, Crescent Lake. Phone Crescent Lake 2. WOMAN to keep house and care for two little girls In motherless home in Port tend. Inquire 5 Irv ing or call 413-W. "Rlghfa Rixht fry at Eddie'i" TY The war is only half over. You'll be driving that ear for a long time to come. Protect vital tires, save precious gas, protect your car' with a GENUINE Bear Wheel Alinement and wheel balancing service. Eddie's is Central Oregon headquarters for Bear Service. Drive in for a checlc-up . . . get a report on your car's condition. Complete Repair Service "Car Washinq Polishing Always Remember "Right's Right at Eddio's" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER O PLYMOUTH Phone 64 RED RYDER THAT ROCK. CVAE' iNILlIN PtTH llyfl' g A iri;.- ' - I I .m'-' -J fc-r-u tgnrTTrf iTlcTVTVirr.fNC fTfteo.u tTar rr. J 1 V I&sfJ J I HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED fountain girl. In quire O So Good Ice Cream Store, 139 Oregon Ave. . 150 BEAN PICKERS to register now. Family groups preferred. 18 acre patch on the Henry Turn idge ranch, 15 miles south of Sa lem on the banks of the Santiam river. Standard wages 2 Vic per lb, Vic bonus. Free transportation. Picking starts about middle of July to the end of Aug. Register this week at 530 Lava Rd. Wm. Schwab. Do not call Sunday. SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for two children in my home days. 1018 Ogden. Mrs. Luna. LOST BILLFOLD containing money and driver's license. Keep money and return papers. P. F. Riedel. Phone 20-F-3. Rt. 1, Box 10L FOUND BLACK and white female shep herd dog, Bend-Burns highway. Phone 159. FOB SALE OB TBADE 1935 CHEV. sedan for sale or trade for later model. $180, under OPA celling. 1365 Baltimore after 5:30 p. m. USED CABS 1935 CHRYSLER sedan, has radio, good rubber. In good condition. Under OPA ceiling price. $225. In quire Pine Tree Auto Cqurt, Cabin 18. 1929 CHEVi coach, 4 good tires, 1 spare, $100. Under OPA celling. H. G. Gilcher, 1452 Harmon. 1936 TERRAPLANE 4 door se dan, recently overhauled, good rubber, $400. Is under OPA cell ing. 801 Roosevelt. ' 1939 PACKARD sedan, heater, good tires, $500. Under OPA ceil ing. Inquire 133 Broadway. MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15V4, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, Or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitns, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. LINE-UP With BEAR Chrysler - Plymouth Parts - Sales - Service ) V.i I TKAT ROCK DlDN'f START 1 WHAT " M.MARROvO ESCAPERiiii "W HOrBf? VOHO , J . WL .if rvROLUN' BY ITSELF-' J HAPPENED.' ISk DUCHESS-- A .jA x LOST THIS SPUR ) ' K. ,W?Sb : -BS f u THIS CURIOUS WORLD fd CINCHONA TREES xJSSSmTfeSSTOK. SS B? IN 50UTH AMERICA ) "KK& V THAT WERE NOT V. BMHl iScS A. KNOWN TO EXIST... fc, ' tSffj, ,SSM!S?SV fct SOURCE, FROM A y A .N L Pi SPECIES OF TREE (, W' KwY2S SK NOT PREVIOUSLY a?? sk feiWWKRM 17 KNOWN TO PRODUCE iV ' ' Wbr wMnXN Wr- 21V.I PLIGHT HAS BEEN. I 1 Urk WU!Z. .u.siraraviet.MC. CrNfl I PARK! ED PROM I 1 I -I - ' '1 VIM Are the Philippines ENTiRew in THE TORRID ZONE ENTIKECt IN THE TEMPERATE ZONE OR DO THEY LIE IN S077VP . T. M. ro. u. . w.f. en. ANSWER: Entirely In the Torrid twenty degrees north latitude. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire,- with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. An Archtry Book With Every Set Elght-Plec Archery Set for Youngslori 1.05 Healthy, wholciomn exor el for children elz to twelve. Fonr-faot bow, arrows, qnlver, target and archery booklet. Hodi Six Arrow! AIICHEIIY uivi;n Good-looking, long-woarlnpr simulated leather. Complete with belt. Perfectly Balanced Oinnipionftliiiii Tennis ifti- Halls JT 3for1-59 t"T"N, Approved by r,'B. S. Lawn I j-Tv I Tennis Anno Vl. elation. Accn-- ratoly Inflated. yf ss. H0UK - VAN ALLEN Tirtston HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Wall at Minnesota Phone 860 MUCH OF OUR KNOWLEDGE OF PLIGHT HAS BEEN LEARNED FROM e&o& now MAM CONTEMPlATES LEARNING AIOA FROM AfScCKS Zone, lying between four and Pectins- are gelatinizing sub stances, obtained from both fruit and vegetables, used in making fruit Jellies; citrus pectins have high Jellying power and their pro duction irom orange wastes is greatly increasing. Mode of Fin Cedar- AKIIOWS 19c -23c q. 35c -59c Mads of Port Orford cedar In 2, 28, and 28-lnch lengttaa. Good, and sturdy. ., An Archery Book With Every Set A Eight-Piec Archery Set 4.05 Includes five-root lemon wood bow, four arrows, leather arm guard and lin ger tab, target and archery booklet. 25-Pound Test t Nylon LINK 2.39 Has great strength and I waterproof. Tightly braided . , . stays smooth and even on the reel. 00-yard spool. k 1 M ,5 7 Lions Nominate 1945-46 Officers the Bend Lions club won first place In both membership and At tendance contests -held in the large district, with Klamath Falls placing second ana rrinevuic third, Glenn Gregg, president of the local club, announced at to day's luncheon meeting, in the Pine Tavern. Highlighting the meeting was the opening of nomi nation or otticers for tne ismms year. Nominations will close next Tuesday. Entertainment was featured by a flute solo by Margie Peak, who won a first-place rating in the recent south-central Oregon mu leal festival held in Bend, with tome 500 young musicians taking part, ana a vocal solo by Helen Bailey, who also won a first-place rating in me district festival. TXOPSIS OF ANXTJAI. 8TATKXXXT Of HK UNITED STATE BRANCH OF TH3 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORP. Ltd. or Barton, in th. sum or HuiubuMtt. on On) Ihuti-rint dJ or Dmcrhmt. 18(4. n.d u Ins IniuKDeo Commlnlooir or tlM But el On ion, Bumunt to Uw: Inoomn Nt prmlomi nrolnd tlS.nf.Srl.tt Toul tntmit. dMetadt and ml UI lnrcn.0 Lrol.t8.lt Incouw torn ol&v Mum .......... Mrt.lTl li Total looom...... l31.Ml.ew.M Net aaouat pnttl poUcrliotdara for km in.SK.AI.SI Lou aUuitm.tit atpMuoa 1.111, H!.fts Aaenta eommtnlooi or brokanr..... LWIirt a Halartea and raaa orrions. dlractota. homo afflM amnlnrtt 1.14I-S18-I1 To. Ilranafa ana rara , 1,028.051-14 All other arrendlttirta T.lGr.Ua.80 Total dUhureamente. . . . : ,..111,939,41111 Admitted Aunts Talus ot real oetatf smwd (market . '""I S Ull.SJI.J! Leant on nortiaiea And collateral. ' etc, Value or bondt owned (amortised) . . U.llS-Tll-ir Value or etwai owned (market talus) 4.g8l,0M-SO Oat!i In taukt and on hand 4,110,133 01 1'reinluma In court, or oallei-Uo written alr.es September 80, 1044, ,. Clrl 01I TS lolarret sM rerta due anrt'aooniaa 18B.I81-03 Other tieeta (aet) ftexalnder 1.49S-Tel-M , fetal i1mIUrt iM0ti..,..,.,.,.,t6f,k,6.Mtm ;liUbiUUa.K Vnrplna and Othav TunAm Total unuald cuttna 2S,MI,II. M 'KtUmaintt lou kitiuatmaat ezucnao for unpaid rlaJrna 119,044 00 Total unMrnr-d pnmlums 0B all vin- Mi-lrori rlifca al.4U.DIS.ri Batertti, wita. aiponoM, Mil, to COUIlt. fea. ati;.. duo of aiwiiswl . iuiimu I Kmlmaled amoiinl dut or accrued lot ",r ; l.m.OM.M CommlMloim, bnkratn, or otho.' rbantva dua and accrual. 800 e CI ft All olliw liiblilUoi.. Mffi Btl it Total lltblttUoa. itp nnltal.. .U,ltV,lfcl U R(at.itir de,NMt..., aoo.VUC.Oo Buriiliia om all 11. bllltlM 19.M0.00Q.00 Burpliva u rrskrtU pollcjboldera....li!Hrt),000 04 J'1' ..IM.e05.8fll.at Bualnaaa in Offoa Tqt Sha Taut o franiluma recolred 3 Ia, Net lot mi paid Bl!ew.il . Ulvidrnda paid or amllted.to policy. : Iinttlftra i IH1 BMV&OY1.RB' KXABrfctrY If I AsauBAiroji coHFcmAxicw. S ' I.TD. V. S. Oeoeral lliDUn aad Altonuy. Bdward t C Hnnti. Biatutoir ruldont tltomar for Mrrloc, Iniur anro Caoimlwlniicr of Oretruu. Nolo un U10 baafa of 1-twn.twr 81, lf narh't CedtaMona for all Honda and Storki wnrd. thU cnmpanya tital adirlUcd ' imii wuiild ha Inmaicd to t'tMSS.FtM.tS and rtdun tarj roaarra to ir.H5.m3.B0. j BVNOP818 Of ANNUAL BTATKUJENT I or TUB PACIFIC EMPLOYERS INSUR ANCE COMPANY of 1 Aniilr 19, lo tho Hut of California, on tho Uiirtr-flrrt dar of Oiwambtr. 1.4. morff to tha Ini'iitiic (. am in I aalonor of tba Matt : of Orcfon. purtuant tn taw: Kit pfimttimi nited 113,038,371.34 Total tiitnt. dltldandi and raal MUto Inrr.ma Hl.lM.ti 1 Inroma frvm olJiar aouiraa (prorit on bnnda) U.IM.t? Total income U3.3M.M9.lfl Dlaburaamanti tint amount paid iiollrjrbuldtta fnr uar I B.WJ.I.S lx ailliutni-ut aiiMi-'a l,140.f)33.1 Afirili onmnitMelnna or broker in. ... I.QMSlS.ltT Saliriai and fMofflet, dlractora. h-ma iffiro ttnptiyfi , IS, 5TB. Id, Tetrf, llraniri and tetu H,f3t.B Uittdr-'la ttald Co atockboldara (Caatu UDO.OflO.fH)) 100,004). 00 Diildrnda patd or crtdiud to polkr holdm t.M.9Pt. . All othtr penUturi l.lST.OU.JJ Total dlitrammrntl 13.0&t.7fT.OIV dmittad Amti 1 Vain of real attaU own4 (market tahir) I 3U.S14.00 Mana on morfniM and ool Ultra!, t. 9 Valua of bonda owned (Inftatmtnt vralurl ,MT.Tflfl.1f Valna of advtri fiwnMl (mark talut) ll.fiSO ftfl I'aali In banka and on tiand I.Tol.lU.flf lietnhifitl In cjDIU of collect i-ir. wttttm alnfo .'pmlf ao. 1W4 l,7B.Sf.S.l.t fntrit and fnra dua and aceruod BT.383 AS Other him la (net) M.Itll.iiO T'fl a.lmllted a ' flfl.atT.4SI.09 Llabllltlas, anrplttai and Othar Punda T-iUI nriuald clalmi I MWfl.nS.iJ tUitmalfl Jon adiuatmrtit aiptnt (t uiiiuM dalina 3tt.7tl.0ft Tutal iin'ornaxl pnuulunia un all tin riHr"d rlka 1,1 19.054. M , HaUrlM, renta, npnvt. Wilt, ao- rnniili, fea. tr.. dot or acniM., 171. 143. St KnirnaiJ-d annnnt dna ot accruod mi 'UN xo3.uT.ir CummtMlnin. brrtl-rtf. Of oUief chsrfHi dim and acnued t1,SflS.iJ All othar HatillKtw IU.QO7.70 T--U1 tlahmtlfl. aicrnt ratflat. .. .113.937,101. Tft fiiiial paid urt l,Ouu,0n.00 K jri-liia car all IU hillMoa J,W0.St.2t lutilua aa jTianll pelloholdtt....! t.040.334.39 Tlal tl ,,ri7, Ul.nt Bnain-aa In Orapon Tor Tha Yanrt N-t iir. miums rwaltaat , tV i5,iW.7f h-t lni-i rwt'l 7.132.03 imMmda paid or fw,lid to iwllry- buldara J A CIPIO BKpr.OTEXS INSUttAWCB CO MP AMY ittot itnin fnmrv. l'reMnt A. I,. Wnortlfart, ffarratarv tatntnif rAT, aMrrntr fir awnl-;. loiur aoo (Voaainiaairraar, fluta of Oraa'H By FRED HARMAN AS St rd ke rk Is be ,m eel In er (1 u I- ,