. JuiAaMWahaatoft.tf THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 15. 1945 PAGE SIX NEWS OF SOCIETY Society deadline on days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Is 10 a.m. Call 88, The Bulletin newsroom. Local Pianists To Take Part In Auditions Miss Grace White of New York ,will be In Bend May 17-19 as the adjudicator In the local section of the annual national piano playing auditions being held in Episcopal .parish hall, it was announced here recently by Mrs. Hilda Bush, guild chairman. Miss White, pianist-teacher of wide reputation and long years of .experience, was associate profes- sor of music at Syracuse univer sity wnen tne war began, and as her contribution to the war ef fort, she took on the duties of information and pullman reserva tions at the New York Central i ticket oliiee wnile continuing to teach, Sixty student pianists of the Bend chapter nave already en rolled to play for Miss White In their efforts to win places upon the local, district, state or nation al honor rolls of piano pupils of the u. s. this year, or lor dipio from the national guild. The meet will last three days, it was said. It will be sponsored by the Bend chapter of the Na tional guild of piano teachers, of which Mrs. Mary w. Anderson and Mrs. Hilda Bush of Bend, and Mrs. Willmetta Hodecker of Red mond, are members. Dinner Is Planned As Final Event OfAAUWYear Activities of the Bend branch of the American association of university women will be com pleted for the year when the group meets Thursday night, May 29, lor a pot luck dinner at the home of Mrs. George Slmer- vllle, 644 Harrlman. New officers will be Installed and committee heads for the coming year will be appointed at that time, it was an nounced by Mrs. Alameda Hoist, president of the local branch. Mrs. I. D. Bray, Mrs. William Lindgren and Mrs. Kent J. Rich ens are in charge of the dinner. 1 Mrs. Hoist explained that the date of the meeting was changed from the usual third Thursday of the month to facilitate final aiy rangements for the annual ted which the university women are sponsoring this week. The tea, with Bend high school senior girls as honored guests, will take place Friday afternoon frpm 3:30 to 5 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Nlskanen, 525 Broadway. Jr. Hostesses, Sailors, To Dance at Camp Abbot Mrs. Craig Coyner, USO direc tor, has asked that all Junior host esses meet at club headquarters at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, when transportation will be provided to Camp Abbot. Dancing will furnish entertainment for the .evening. The affair will be Informal, it was announced. Meeting Postponed Group 1 of I the W.S.C.S. will meet next Wed-1 nesday, May 23, with Mrs. Fred Hall, 1977 West Second. It was formerly announced that the j group would meet this week at 1 the home of Mrs. L. L. Hirtzel. ' League To Meet The Junior Civic league will meet at 8 p.m.! Thursday, May 24, with Mrs. Vern Larson, 260 Congress. The meet ing was originally planned for Thursday, May 17. I Fellowship to Meet Mrs. C. II. Spencer will entertain the Wom en's afternoon fellowship of the First Presbyterian church at 2 p. m. Thursday at her home, 472 State. Meeting Announced Miss Ju dith Jennings, 1039 Jacksonville, will be hostess to the Philathea club at 7:45 Thursday evening. Mrs. Julius Olson will have charge of the program. "Wee Women" to Sew The "Wee Women" 4-H sewing club will meet Saturday at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Hubert Bartlett In Boyd Acres. DOG EATING RED POINTS PUTS BITE ON WOMAN Laat week, Mrs. Ed Lane gave the dinner scrap to her dog. Rusty, snd settled down with the paper. But not for long. Thero on the food page it anld that housewives threw away thou aands ot red points because they did not save meat trimmings and Plata scraps t Now Mrs. Lane iavea all fat craps to be melted down and added to the salvage can. That way she gets more extra red points. Rusty Is doing nicely on a leaner diet. Ha was too fat, any way. And our country Is getting more ot the used tat It urgently , needs for war- and home-front essentials. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 7:30 p.m.- Camp Fire council, Blue room, Pilot Butte Inn. 8:00 p.m. Past Presidents" club, Degree of Honor, with Mrs. Ernest Walker, 720 S. Fifth. 8:00 p.m. Circle 1, Catholic Al tar society, with Mrs. A. T. Nie bergall, 424 Drake road. 8:00 p.m. ONO Pinochle club with Mrs. Nellie Van Hise, 721 Florida. Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Red Cross sewing, all-day meeting of V.F.W. auxil iary with Mrs. William Gibson, 357 E. Marshall. 2.00 p.m. Group 2, W.S.C.H., with Mrs. Craig Coyner, 720 Georgia. 2:00 D.m. Group 3. w.s.c.s., with Mrs. Antone Fossen, 538 State street. 2:00 p.m. Eastern Star home economics club with Mrs. .fc-ugene Ackley. 1G05 W. First St. 7:30 p.m. Junior hostesses meet at USO headquarters for transportation to Camp Abbot. 7:30 p.m. L. D. R.. First Lu theran church parlors. 8:00 p.m. Circle 4, Catholic Al tar society, with Mrs. Mildred Mladlner, 944 Newport. Thursday 2:00 n.m. Women's afternoon fellowship. First Presbyterian church, with Mrs. C. H. spencer, 472 State. 2:00 p.m. Evergreen circle with Mrs. Eva Winters, 330 River side. 2:30 p.m. First Lutheran La, dies' aid, church parlors. 7:45 p.m. Philathea club, with Miss Judith Jennings, 1039 Jack sonville. 8:00 p.m. Neighbors of Wood craft, Norway hall. Friday 1:30 p.m. Boyd Acres exten sion unit with Mrs. Glen Beal, corner of East Eighth and Green wood. ,2:00 p.m. W.C.T.U. in Chris tian church. 8:15 p.m. Bridge and pinochle party sponsored by Business and Professional Women's club in Episcopal parish hall. Saturday 1:30 p.m. "Wee Women" 4-H sewing club with Mrs. Hubert Bartlett in Boyd Acres. Many Grangers Attend Dinner at Hall Sunday Pleasant Ridge, May 15 (Spe cial) The Pleasant Ridge grange hall was the scene of a Mother's day observance Sunday, when a large crowd gathered for dinner, followed by a program. . Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nettle Chase, the oldest mother present, and to Tony Ahlstrom. who was the oldest granger, hav ing Been a charter member of the Pleasant Ridge grange when it was organized 27 years ago. A gift was presented to Rev. D. L. 1'enhollow, who gave a talk and led in group singing. 4 BIG DAYS STARTING TOMORROW FIRST SHOW 6:30 CINTUtV.fOl IUAH tafogropM b of Combot by Mm of Itw U',d Stotn Navy A IOUIS ot ROCHEMONT 'reduction ON THE SAME PROGRAM VJ 20. rWNtam JOHNIKlDlJUl") ) Sunday Dinner I feraSoldler Bend Golf Club Plans Tourney For Next Sunday Weather or no weather, sun shine or showers, first activity for male divot diggers will take place at the Bend Golf club Sun day morning, May 20, It was an nounced today by officers of the club. A get acquainted breakfast to be held that morning, will be served promptly at 8 o'clock, with breakfast to be followed by an 18-hole four-ball tournament. Reservations can be made at the club house or by telephoning 201, and must be made before Friday noon. The sponsoring committee ask that all memrjors Dnng a guest. Golfers needing rides are being asked to notify either Don Wil liams, Jim Gllfillan or B. A. Stov er. Albany Girl Bride Of Orval Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pratt of Albany announce the marriage of their daughter, Shirley M. Pratt, to Orval E. Johnson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Johnson, Bond. The ceremony was performed May 11 at 8:30 p. m. at the First Christian church of Albany with Rev. Orval Mick officiating. The bride wore a light rose af ternoon dress with white acces sories and a corsage of white rose buds. Mrs. Wray Lesterwas her sis ter's only attendant, and Wray Lester acted as best man for the groom. A reception ior tne family and close friends was held afterward at the Golden Pheasant in Corval lis. After a short trip to tho coast. the couple will return to Bend. Miss Kay Dover and Mrs. J. M. Wood of Bend wore out-of-town guests. W.C.T.U. to Meet The Wom en's Christian Temperance union will meet at 2 p. m. Friday In the First Christian church. Mrs. Charles Entrikin and Mrs. Carl Johnson will have charge of the study. Officers urge all members and friends to attend. Lodge to Meet The Neighbors i of Woodcraft will hold their regu- lar meeting at 8 p. m. Thursday in Norway hall on Galveston ave nue. A no-hostess potluck lunch will be served after the meeting, it was annuunceu. JST I A MILK y BOTTLE TOPICS M This week officially opens the 7th War Bond Drive before Do your full share, figure your quota and purchase all the bonds you can. THIS WEEK'S RECIPE GI GEMS run ell purpose Tlnur i Ivnapotm double art Inn ha l in? powder tranpoon aalt 1 A rup butter i q. (4 oa.) unsweetened rhocolnte. melted MKTHOP Sift tovetlior flo.ir t.Llni. ,....t.,- ..li A ll "i m 1 r on" "id llr until amnoth. Arid sugar gailually to beaten ritxa. while continuing to beat, lllend In the chocolate mUture. Stir In flour mliture. lllend In remaining lnrlwnta. I'our Inio gril 8" x 2" pan. Hake at 325 degrees vi m .""r" lirmw rro" fool and rut Into .2" squarra. Irld ; lb auuarea. OTICE Watch for Opening of our Meat Department Completely renovated and more complete than ever. BEND DAIRY s I Greenwood Phone 101 1 Chinese Motif To Set Theme Of Card Party Chinese decorations and art ob jects will lend atmosphere to the. card party at o:to rnuay evening at the Episcopal parish hall, planned as a benefit for Chinese nurses and sponsored by the Bend Business, and Professional Wo men's club. Both bridge and pi nochle will be in play, and refresh ments will be served, the com mittee in charge has announced. At least eight prizes will be giv en, including a large basket of groceries, topped by a pound of butter; a carton of cigarets and a pair of 51-gauge hose. Mrs. Hazel Barclay is general chairman for the affair, assisted by Mrs. Charlotte Olson, decora tions; Miss Elma Mullins refresh- men ts; Mrs. N. D. Goodrich, prizes; and Miss Lucy Davison, tables and cards. o V.F.W. President Picks Committees At a meeting Friday evening In Sather hall, Mrs. William Gibson, president of the V.F.W. auxiliary, appointed the following commit tee chairmen: Mrs. R. W. Brown. Belle Roley and Hazel Moorman, ways and means; Lois Gibson, junior activities; Mrs. Bertha White, home fund; Mrs. Anna Youngberg, salvage; Grace Peck, rehabilitation; Mrs. Ray Potter, legislation; Mrs. William Quigley, membership; and Mrs. Ralph Hensley, war service. Mrs. Velda Bushnell and Mrs. D. E. SIgmund were welcomed as new members. Mrs. Ermil Tiller was named chairman of the poddy day sales May 25 and 26, to be sponsored jointly by the V.F.W. auxiliary and the American Le gion auxiliary. Plans were made for the observance of Memorial day in conjunction with other vet erans' groups. Large Card Party Given At Home of Mrs. Waddell Mrs. Harvey Field and Mrs. Don Waddell were hostesses to a large group of friends last Fri day night at the home of the latter, 290 Portland, when eight tables of bridge were In play. A spring motif was used in decora tion, carried out in seasonal flow ers and attractive tallies. Prizes were won by Mrs. C. j. Wheelhouse. Mrs. George Baer, Mrs. Harold Gentry and Mrs. Richard Brandls. ' Meeting SetThe Boyd Acres extension unit will meet Frldav. May 18, at the home of Mrs. Glenn Beal. Miss Elizabeth Boeckli, home aeent. will eive a demon- stration on dry cleaning. Children will be cared for at the home of Mrs. Hubert Bartlett, it is an- nouncea. more money man ever m 1 cup granulated sugar S esit, well boaten 1 rup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla ci tract 1 rup rhopprd pecan a 2 tnhlepiKina more flour (for coaling; nuttt) Lard Point Value Given Increase Under the new rationing ruling which raised point values ot lard, shortening, cooking and salad oils from six points to ten points, ef fective May 13, bakers and other industrial users of these fats and oils will receive an adjustment in their second quarter allotments, tHiQPSIB OP ANNUAL STATEMENT OP THE BUSINESS MEN'S ASSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA of Katitai CUT. in (lit Bute of Missouri, mi Hit thirty-first day or December. 1944, md to -tli li.sursnc Corumlwloiiw ot the Bute of Oirtfou, purtua.it to law: Capital Amount of capIUl stuck paid np.,,.i 1,000,000.00 Income ToUl pma Income for (lis year. .311,814.073.87 interest, dividend snd renU recalled ilufliif the year.. 1,750,22923 Im-oinn from other' sources recelvul during Mi rear S3S.892.07 Total Income ; S13.8D3.)94.9f Disbursements Pi Id for loss?, fiitkmnirntj, annui ties and surrender rallies' $ 4,047,831.48 Dividend paid to policyholder! dm lm (tie year 8fl.T56.53' Dividends paid on capital stock dur- ttif tlif year 100,000.00 Comroliilanj and salaries paid dur ing the year 1,233.624.89 Tsset. license and fees bald dur ing the year J8T.l78.0ff' Amount of all other. exjejditUrea... 1.574.097.97 Total expenditure.... ....... ....J 8.330.449.S3 Allots Value of ml amis owned (market ;"' f 1.143.570 67 Iabiis on mortgage and collateral, " 1S.318.5S4.9C latue of bonds OAiird (amortised).. 23.085.703.sy Value or stocks owned (book value) 5,178.47 Premium notes and policy loana 3.071,500.27 ("ash In banks arid on hand... 1,1 14, 51 7.8 Interest and feme due and accrued 243607 92 iNet uncollected and deferred prem- ' 'um 1.13UI0.20 Olher uaeti (net) 208.54.74 Total admitted atwtn 112.803,04 1.08 LiablUtlea $31.1141.320.117. 7i. ... . ' r "iPtW 2.7DI.KJ2.4S All other Uabllltlea.,..,., B.143.8fl2.T ToUl llalillltlea, nnvt eapttal. .J3&.3M.291 93 Capital paid -tip I l.OUO.OWJ.QO Hnrnlua avr eU Ha- . ""lea 2.5C9.343.15 Siirplm as rwrda pollcjliolOera 9 8.589.319.15 'a' ; ...M42,9B.1,fl41.0? Business in Oregon For The Year: let prt-nilutua Mll(i BiwajUeg received uurinn uie year . e imiilflliil. nl,l .1.. - C42.73R.50 34T.93 iKet lowea and claims, endnwmenta. urrendera, and annuities paid dur Jnu the scar 81.557.0 BUSINGS MEN'S ASST7EANCB vunrenx jjt abxhsicA J. C, 11 ludon, 1'rcaldent ft. D. Itanney, Btfcrctary RtaUttnrjf resident attorney tar aervlw, Comruli alotiur ef iniurauce, Bilem. Orecoa. SYNOPSIS OP ANN DAL STATEMENT I OF TIIK i SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY 'of New Tork. In (lie State of New fork, on the ttilrur-flrt day of Dooemlwr, 1944, made to the . limiranos Commissioner of the Hlatt of Ort'icmt, pursuant to law: Income ;Net premiums received ."....'..I 1,752.011.11 Total Inter oat. dlvldundi and real Mate lncoma.....' lS9.105.3f Income from other sourrei 24D.1V8.S9 ; Tutal Income... $2,190,315.87 Disbursements Net amount paid to polkjlioldera for losaes 45.4T5.93 IiO adjuatment expenses 190.205.29 AaenU oommftalona or brokerage,.., 397.577.35 Salarlai and feet officer!, directors, lioma office employes i....... 119.404.02 Taxea, Ik'eriwi and fret 605.978.41 Ulridends paid to atockholdors (Cash, 81S0.OO9.00: stock, (0.00) 1S0.000.00 Dividends paid or credited to policy holders o All oilier expenditure 332,709.32 ToUl dlsbtiriements $ 1,608.410.95 Admitted Assets Vain of real tauto owned I market value) o Loans on mortgagee and collateral, etc. o Valns of bond owned (amortlaed) .. 4, 5 13.no I. CO Value of stocks owned (market value) 1.S53.41S.34 Cah In banks and on hand 1.93C.02.31 rrwmtitma In cnurm of colled ton written since September 30. 1914,. 2n.l9fl.7a Interest and rents due and accrued 17,143.11. Other asseU (nt) ToUl admttted assets .8 8.4US.002.5S labilities. Surplus) and Other Panda Toul unpaid claims i 1.093.915.(ii tlmated lots adjustment cxpenao for mipald claUiia 25.900.00 ToUl tinoarned premiums on all un expired rlki 1,330.509.18 Salaries, rents, expends, Mllx. ac- cotuiti. few. etc., due or accrued. 25.000.00 Intimated amount dua or accrued Uips 405.000.00 (Tommttalont. hrokeragi. or other charges di and accrued. ... i. . .. 20,flO0.9fl All other llahllltlea 8:f.3Cl.l- Voluntary Iteserro 1.419.216.56 Total Uahtlllles. except capital...! 4,408,002.53 Capital paid up 8 l.OOO.OOO.OO Surplus over all lla- lilllllles fi.flOO.OOO.OO ' Rurplus aa retards policyholders. ...f TW1 t R.4ftS.0n2.33 Buslnesa in Oregon For The Year: Nt premiums received $ r.rii.M tivt tniiM paid 237 07 SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY I'. W. French, l'rrttldent H. W. Kudidph. Srorrtarr Utatutorr reldeni attorney for service. K. K. Opiwulivlmer, I'l-rtland. JYNOPS13 or ANNUAL BTATEMENT OK THE BOSTON INSURANCE COMPANY of ronton. In th. Htate of MaMachnsetti. on the thlrty-nrt nay f I'ccemlw. 19tl. mode to the "wr ' w wwu. j 11 lw I Not premiums rscelvpil fl,7!S,3T3.21 Total Interest, dh Mentis anil real ettate Income Income frutu cttirr sources.. Tutal income f 8,018,039.43 I) 1 bn v m tun t m !.t amount pnul polkvliolitrs for losses : I 3.. 1.015-Sf lua ailjuttment eirrnfi 124.40. 31 Afli-nts cummlHlons vt brokrraie. Salaries and fecfotflivrs. directors, home office- eniptnrpi. Tsim, licenses anil fert Dhlili-mli paid to stock holders (CaAb, 301. at. or $6:l0.ivi; nck. none).., fWrt.WO.OO AH oilier fspendllurea 1. Jit. 4:8.97 ToUl disbursements.... . . 7,K9D.3I9.I3 Admitted Atsete Value of real owned (market laluri 3 Loans on mortgnn and collateral, He. Value Of Unli onucl (msrkftl 9,1l.50fl.S7 Value (4 rtvk owned (market value! IS.ai.or; M t'li In tunKt and on hand S.ii.S.S'.g.'.t IVrmluma In wuw of colltliMi wnliMi lnre 8.'ptrmler SO. 1914.. TW.J Ol lnterett anif rrtit due end arctitrd SJ.T0O.au iOther assets (netl 3,tt.4V05 ' Total admitted a.et IJf.S-'HrSW 1,1 bill ties, Survlua and Other Fanda -JVial utii-aUl o!aii I 3.3i)l.i;j.40 ' KatimalM loi adjuMoent expense ftr uiiiAld claim tr.130.O0 TvUl uiiearrtnl premiums on all ! untnplrrd risks .109.9S3 AaUrtea. rents. eTpenr. bill, ac count, lee, tie., due Or accrued 39.400.00 Ktimlrd amount due or accrued for , Uie K7.3M 90 ! CommlMliMi. ho'liersar. ot clher i timers due ad s.vrunl 41, All other lUhUiiti Moi.iU Tntal ll slim: lea. eiept rl'1 $10.iW.J H OC Cs(ital paid W 9 S.di'tf. 00 HurrJu ner all lia bilities 1C.Mi.MM But plus aa rcttants pkitwUders... .8l9.ftVi.(t3l,3f , Total .2.rt!.7J.M Bnalnesa In Oretron Tot The Tear: I Net premiums recehed ..... 8 SS.JTi 1 Net reauea paid ll.JvU Sj ; oitheidi paid or credited to pi'tky- Kders t BOSTON INSURANCE COKPAIfT , . Henry It. llUe. !WJeM r.mttl L. nooditle. Secretary Stslutory mltknt altomey tot eerttce. J. C Vcaiie. Corbru Bldi-, fwUand 4, Ora. Willard F. Case, OPA food ra tioning representative, announced Monday. Applications for adjustment by svnopsis or annual statement OP THE . AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. of St. taitis. In the Shu of Missouri, on the Oiirty-firit day of December, 1944. made to the insurant Cominiisioner of iim auu of Oregon, Income Net premiums raeeiutl tlC.809,C33.3f Total Uilftm, dhiduuda and rval tstit Income Income from ether sources.., S3,l53.4f 170.094. IT ' ToUl Income $17.'728,871.00 Disbursement!) ,, et amount paid uollcjlioldera for 'ouea f 4.980,144.61 Lota adjustment eipenm 1,514,80.8' Aienia, vaiuinluioDi or brokerage.. 8,T81,GC4.(0 BKianea ana tee omevra. directed, tioina office emnoy 434.Sie.44 Tairt, llotnaea and feet Ulddrtida paid to itoc&boldera (Caab, liJO.OOO.OO: etoek. none) Dlvldenda paid or credited to pollnr- 1,S50,S;5.M 2CO.000.00 nomeri t All other tsveodltlirea.. I.3SI.ST5.14 Total dliburremenla 14.470.T56.iT Admitted Assets Taltta of real cuu owned (inarktt la t 4) Loana on mortcagta and collateral, c e Value of bonda owned (amortized).. 11.410,234.39 Valua of attidu owned (market , H.58J,97Mr Caih in banka and on hand J,03U,WS.07 J'rvmlurni In rouna of collect loo written tlnce September M. 1&44.. ,50I.49f.4C Intereat and rnU due end accrued ' 35,113.59 OlUer UM'J (() 84.0414 ToUl admitted uset $34,4 13,984.29 ZtlablUties, Sen-plus and Other Tuncls fotal unuald claims J11.95a,a74.8f EitlniatMl Iota adjrutaisat Cijonte far unpaid clilmi 187.3T5.0C Tout unaamed premiums on all vd wplred llaks I.238.9M.3J Salaries, rents, ejpaniM, bills. ar onunu, few. etc.. djb or acrrurd " 32,230.77 Eitlmated aaiunt due or accrued for 833.507.71 lommiMlans, brokeraxe, or other charge dua and accrued 814.572 18 All other IHWItioa 4 495 52 Total UabUlUiS, cept rapltal. ...21.157,549.44 CapIUl paid up I 2, 000,000. U0 Hurplm oier all lla bil'tles 11,28,434.85 Surplus aa ivsardB pclleTholdera.,. .813.286.434.85 ' .....$34,443,984.20 Business in Oroffon Por the Tear: ri't iirerulumi rerelttrti. 30rt,(iT4 If Net 'lowes paid 7 29447 Illvldendi paid or credited to pollcy- lioldom - AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. ' O. U SchUyer, President larland Brown, derrcUr Rtatutorj mldent atturncj fur aerrlct. llitllc ft CarrelL . No. 24-11 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Company of Portland, In the State of Oregon, on the thirty-first day of De cember, 1044, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up, None. INCOME Total premium Income for the year, .i.ju?,ooi .w Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year, $917,494.36, Income from other sources 'received during the year. $748.0(50 20. Total Income, $4,770,741.56. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annui ties and surrender values, $940,331.55. Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year. $366,570.08. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year None Commissions and salaries paid during the year, $428,065.79. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year, $52,317.57. Amount of all other expenditures, Total expenditures. $2,242,527.07. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value), $110,970.26 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., $4,360,235.26. Va.'ue of bonds owned (amortized). $19,796,344.43. Value of stocks owned (market value), None. 1 . Premium notes and policy loans, $1, 858.890.43. Cash in banks and on hand, $660,- 410.91. Interest and rents due and accrued. $204,244.01. Net uncollected and deferred pre miums. $381,726.97. Other assets (net), $36,845.81. Total admitted assets, $27,355,982.46. LIABILITIES Net reserves. $20,990,168.00. ' Gross claims for losses unpaid, $151, 123.00. , All other liabilities. $4,213,841.45. Total liabilities, except capital, $25, 355.132.45. - - - Capita) paid Up, None. ' Surplus over all liabilities, $2,000, 850.01. Surplus as regards policyholders, $2,- 000.850.01. Total, $27,355,982.46. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities received during the year, $1,792,000.79. Dividends paid during the year, $219, 182.75. Net losses and claims, endowments, surrcnduis, and annuities, paid during the year $743.497 64. Name of Company, Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Company. Name of president, W. C. Schuppel. Name of secretary,- R. W. R. Calder wood. statutory resident attorney for ser vice. Teal. Winfree, McCulloch, Shul and Kelley. svNorsis or annuaii statfmknt THE FIDELITY M'"TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY pf .h:Uttf..lhia , jn, sute 0f iennlaiiU. llitrt,-ftrsi rtaj cf December. 1044. made to the Insurance Comm'sslDner of th 8ut of Ore- si, pursuant to lav: Cap'.icl Amount Pf capital a).U paid ua....$ 9 Income Tots) pren.:am Income for the rear. .t!5.8t3,30494 lnicicM. dlrldeiidt and rents received during the jrir S.028.429.91 Inrume from other tourcts recelted hurtnx the rear .'. tJ.C13. 930.53 T.ttal lcc:me S:S.4.653.41 SlBbnrsemenia Taid tor loam, cudowmenu, annul - ti snd surrender lalue I 9,136.633.77 Dtudcnd paid to pollcjholdcrs dur- l's the rtr 1.329.013.08 Dl.ulei.ils psld on capIUl stoc dur liS tlin year CMni:nrs ai:d aatarlea paid dur h i Un yew 1.8S2.B21.31 T.i. ioenj ar.d ftea paid durtnf tl,- year 417.340 fW Amoii.it if all eihrr upendUurea... 8.33T. 031.90 TUl eipsnJItures 319.212.T4112 Asseta Value of real esUte uuu-4 (market nUO S 9.TP0,4I.5J on uii.l(r 38.397. 303. 13 Value cf bond unej (roortiie.l...ll.4ie.J01.13 V.:Ue rf stivk owntd trasikei ralut) 1.744.rC 00 lV.TJ-.im B;'ti and rx'lry loans..,. t.S2.4W 61 Va-Ii In rr.fcs and en hand.., 1019.fftl.99 Irterect and rerts due and accrued. l.StiJ, 438.79 N'-t unccllnrtcd ard deft-md prnn- 3.S94.919.04 Ctfar aaeu lliet) 0 Total admitted a-fts $169,398,741.33 1.1a bill tl N et r.mes l i9.01!.9 77 titvas hlm4 for lews unpaid Ti'S.lft S3 All other llabiiiues Tct..l rUMIitlea. svrrept capital. ..3l1.9W.;.i: H't lor rl ea- uie and nrfge aaset nuc1ust!0B...3 l.WO.OM.O blinies 9.4P.ML01 1 Burplu as iccards pcllryholdrs. ...f 7.408.M1.91 TlI . r.fl.39t rai.a BttBlaeet in Oregon Tor The Tear: Vt pretmu.Tts aid aajjUUn recelred rtirie-a te year.. IMiIOptmI pail dartni the year Set MM- r-d claim, end.iwavfntn. WTrn:n. and annulttea pail dur lre tf.e tftr 95.sM.rr 5.K99I 8 i;i (tf THB riDELITT MtTT'iTAI lira INSUHANCB O MP A NT K. A. B.rts. IVesident Hirry H. Rfdeket. Becretarf Btatu-nrr mMetit aiumy fgf aartlca, InsuT' liioa Cut&aiast9&r. these industrial users should made in writing to the district OPA food rationing division, Bed ell building, Portland, between May 15 and June 5, Case said. Buy National War Bonds Now! No. 41-39 flvnmufa ad annual atatmnt n9 tha -tlnltad States Branch, Royal Xnturanc Company, Limited, of Liverpool, Eng- 'jaua, on uie uuriyxim amy ox ue- .Mmhav 1CU4 nsrf. a Um. Tn.iiHHH. :r0mmklni(.r nf thai Stftt. a DrMnn . uuiiuoui Hf jw; INCOME . Net premiums received, $11,974,723.82. Total Interest, dividends and real estate lncoma, I677.251.4fl. Income from other source. $810. 694.77, . Total Income, 113,162,870.05. DISBURSEMENTS' Net amount paid policyholders for losses, $5,080,053.96. Loss adjustment expenses, H10.96&" 80. Agents commissions or brokerage. $2,581,317.18. Salaries and feesofficers, directors, home office employes, $983,429.18. Taxes, licenses and fees, $557,321.78. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. All other expenditures, $2,501,5114. Total disbursements, $12,114,6034. ADMITTED ASSETS j value of real estate owned (market value, eu, jsu.w, Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., none. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $15,906,331.74. Value of stocks owned (market val ue), $5,276,006.00. Cash In banks and on hand, $3, 551,950.40. Premiums in course of collection written since September 30, 1044, 81. 131,354.71. Interest and rents due and accrued. $83,481.46. Other assets (net), $357,183.01. Total admitted assets, $26,709,063.32. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $3,842,261.88. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims, $210,782.08. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks, $10,654,112.78. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued, $34, 414.84. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes, $581,695.00. Commissions, brokerage, ' or other charges due and accrued, $81,086.00. All other liabilities, $776,648.44. Total llablimes, except capital, $15, 881,001.02. Statutory Deposit, $500,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $10,228, 062.30. Surplus as regards policyholders, $10,- 728.0C2.3U. Total, $26,709,063.32. BUSINESS IN OREGON I FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, $64,228.53, Net. losses paid, $32,913.31. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. Name of Company, U, S. Branch, Royal Insurance Company, Ltd. Name of U. S. Manager, H. C. Con ic k. Statutory resident attorney for serv ice, J. H. Banks, Portland, Oregon. - SYNOPSia OF AN VITA f. BTATEJfENT m OF THE AMERICAN DRUGGISTS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Cincinnati In U,e Stale of Ohio, on the thirty. . .ZLl'! Dw"nber. made to the jn- k muuim rereireu I 45O.S17.04 joisi Interest, dhldends anil ' eiUta Income Income- from otber aourcca.,'". '.",' Total Income v Disbnrsementa' i amount paid polk holders for losses .v , . 1 aa adjustment eioenses. Agents (MnmiMion, or hrAL.H" 16S.SM. - 1.220.23 307.1 78. Bl fl.RS3.58 16.162.53 43.609.71 CS.H9.U Balarlea and fees officers, directors, noma office employes Taxes, licenses and fees ' " Dlrlrtends naM to atockholdars Vcasb $73.ow.oo: stock, nonei Dividends paid or credited to policV holdera All other expenditure.. ".!!."."".! 13.430. W 148,077.38, Total dlibura-menti 57051337 , . Admitted Assets "allied m,Wl im"M Uhu on''lnotmccs''ndiuleraL, 800'85a M T1.3H.0H' ,JIS.a7.35; 85.S74.30; 81.473.34 ' I T3.303.10 .7.70j 8.4GS.38 ; alu of bond omied (amortUed).. alua of itockaoum-d (market ralue) rah In banks and on hand IVeroliima In course of collecUon written ilnce Replember 30. 1041.. Intewat and rents dua and accrued Other assets (net) Tli'uSi,"HLM,rti" 9 ".! 47 r,Ue. a Other Punas! Total unpaid claims 5 24,010.78 -.......vi ivm unuimrni expeniM for unpsld claims ,,,, ToUl unearned premiums on ail unV expired riika Balarlra. rents, eipenws. btUC"ac- coiii.ts. fees, etc.. due or accrued Intimated amount duo or accrued for taies Conimlwlims. broker sse, or ' 'other rharaes due snd iivhimI 300.00 S57.S14.S4 H2.lr 4.454.3C All other HaMllues 3.S00.0O w! Tfttal llahlllttes, airept capital. 3M.021.53i My iau.uvu.uu Biirpiiis oTer all iu- ht'l" 1.238,117.44 Burplus aa regards pcllcyiioldera....$ l.Olfl 117 44 IT" i.ate.iss or Buelneei in Oregon Por h Teart hl preinlumi received a t Net losses psld !. Sim' Dhldends paid or credited to po'licV INSUBANCB OOKFAinr Jsmee H. Beal. Prasldeot 1 William P. flu r iey. Secretary I Ljlcll.17 mWem ""o ' aertlee. Jaofc J . STNOPS18 OF ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THK ANCHOR INSURANCE COMPANY of PrOTldence. Id the Nuu or Rhode Island, on the thltty-flrit day of becember. 1944. made to me insurance commissioner of the Bute of Orrcoo. pursuant to law: Income Net premiums recelted ana jm ei ToUl l&lerest, dhldends and real ' estate Income Income from other sources 104.tI5.74j 7.154.03 TlaJ looome i,020.30S.0O . , Dlaburaementi Nrt Anount paid pulley Holders for lxts adjuitment sipensea Aicnis oommlidons or brokeraae. . . . Balarlea and fees officers, directors. home office employes Taiee, llcwi and fees Dividend psld to stockholders (Cash, 330.fW.iW; stock, none) All other atpeadltum 436.34 8. 47 31. 308.35 351.800.90 33.750.05 43.333.91 50.000.00 84. 1 Sr. 96 Toul dlibummeau ri Admitted Aaaeta value or bonds wmod (amortisedK.S 1.489 133 00 slue of MM-ks owned (market ralue) t.3 931 00 Cash In banks and hand 137 Wu ITemluma In eoune of collertloa ""iirn imn September 30J944.. Interest and recta due and accrued Other asscu i net I 133.S37 00 5.999.90 30.1C0.64 Total admitted asteU Iimtuiii tlabiutle., nrpin. nd Ottw tai Toisl unwid qlslm J 397 4MU EsUmsied toss adjustmetit expense for unpaid rial mi 8 800 aa Total unearned premiums on all on- ' eiplwd rlaks TS3 9J1 ft ttmated amount due t accrue for 39.0H.M IVmmiMWrs. brokerstTe. or rhsrree doe and eccrued All other liabilities 3.000.00 U. 195.07 Total liabilities, earert capital. ..3 1.063 i7 u Canul paid up ll.090.OM8w Buniua oer all Ua- Ml,ll 1.332 88 33 Burpiut as regards mHryboiders.... S.233.898.83 Total t i tas usTTi Business tn Oreroa Por The TeVrr Net premiums rece(rT ...t Sn Net leases paid ' Ad J? ANCHO laTSTJBAHCB COAWT F. B. Luce. IVwident Utu;, reside ""iiL'L M aauslaatoaer. 8aJ. OragoJ IWW be M No. 17-11 Synopsis of annual statement of tha. London Guarantee & Accident r5 fetdv(U s;u Branch) of nSw virk N. y.. in the SUte of New York the thirty-first day of December. i&S1 JUa!S t0ce Insurance Commisiiot?; fawf Oregon, pursuant' ; INCOME Net premiums received, M,l&3 64Sia Tolaf interest, dividends and ri estate income. $506,705.27. Income from other sources, $189,018.. Total income, $8,889,367 44 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses, $2,655,442.98. rop Loss adjustment expenses, $707 122 47 $l,5687!r60 08CramlSSlOnB r brokera'e.' Salaries and fees officers, director! home office employes, $724,403 98 Taxes, licenses and fees, $463.635 72 . D v dends paid to stockholders, none Dividends paid or credited to pohev. holders, none. All other expenditures, $1,709,468 73 Total .disbursements, $7(827.233irt - , ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real fatattt aivhh fm.-i.. value), $125,000.00. ei Loans on mortsaffM ind tniiAA etc., none.- i, IHml bond owned m"lte,l Value of stocks owned rm.rl... ..-1 ue). tl.611.329.00. . 75924 blnk and on h''n, ".'K. Premiums In course ot collecUon wriUensince September 30, 1944, ti(. Interest and rents due and accrued, $1 19,729-53. utner assets (net). $481,742.83. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER Total unpaid claims, 10,653,528.16. Estimated loss adiuatm.nt .vn.n.. lor unpaid claims, 127,000.00. Total unearned Dremiumi on all nn. expired risks, $3,666,233.10. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued. S66 -042.78. ' iumated amount due or accrued for taxes, 1543,448.86. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued, 9393.451,66 All other liabilities, (490,056.60. -Total liabilities, except capital, til,. S43.253.76. Statutory Deposit, 1900.000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, 16,379. 311,22. Surplus as regards policyholders, 7.- .279.311.22. 1 Total. 119.122,564.08. BUSINESS tS OREGON TOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $27,297.21 Net losses paid, $2,306.47. Dividends Daid or credited to nnllnv. . - Name of Company, London Guaran itee & Accident Co., Ltd. (U. S. Branch). . . Name of U S. Manager, J. M. Haines. ! Name of Secretary J. F. Cunningham. Statutory resident attorney for serv Ice, Insurance Commissioner ot Ore Igoq. SVNOPSI3 OP" ANNUAL STATCMKNT ,' OK i , THE PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY OF i NEW YORK of New Tork. to Uie SUte of Nr Tork. oa thai thirty-flrt dy of December. 1944. nude lo Uie Insurtnct CommlMloDH of the HtiU of Oregon, ftunmni to liw: . Income i Net prernluint rveited t A.205,TS9.0fi ToUl lntereit. diridendi and real ' enUU Income 119.053.5Si Inayne from other aouraei - 101.433-99 1 ToUl Income 6,asc,330.0of Disbursement ' i Art amount paid polluliuldcra for $ I.301ST3.M Lou adjustment eipenwe 83d.03T.Dl ArwiU ootnmlMlone or brokerse.... 1,523.(73.74 BMnea ana reel onicera, dlrectori. home office emplojci , ,,, Tt, llceneea and feee Ulrldenda paid to stockholder! Caih, $18B.Sa.) Dlrtdendi paid or credited to policy 4so.sss.rr 1W.886.06 holders 0 All other expenditure 879.S1S.S7 Total dlabunemeoU.., I 6.SS0.O4T.84, Admitted Asaeta Lnana oo mortgagee and collateral, etc. S0.200.Mi Value of bonda owned famnrtlzivll . . It Ran etn Value of atocka owned (market value) 1.350.144.80 Caen In banks and on hand 540,806.23 Premluma In courts of collection written fine Rentembtn- So iqji . i J aoi n lntereit and rents dua anrl foniArt . d Other asseU (net) ia!265!23 U,.mlm,Ud MMt $10.JS7.603.49 v ., u""'u "miras I 3,B28.000.( ntlmated lou adjiatinent extent - --- M.UW.W ToUl unearned .premiums on all un- eiDlrerf ristb. ' a.. ... , " wuauirm. renu. expenses, bills, ar- ewinia, reea. etc.. due or act rued T.I711F aumated amount due or accrued eJ-,1.1"'"-.---. 133,S85.ef unwraie. or otber Chanea du anrl BiwrKrl 314.T0I.04 3S.30S.44 All other UaWlti-e n-T?!,' MtLc,t! MPIU1...I T.3M.7ie.84 CapIUl paid up f 1.000.000 00 Surplus over all 1U- m WllUes 1.8M.833.C5 urplua as resards pollcyboldera S S.390 US 05 1 i01"' : 310.SB7.005.4r BttBlnwa In Oregon Por The Toeri htl premiums received." i 72 049 39 Net losses psld , - UMU DlTldenii aald or credited to pallcy. holders n TKB PBBPBBBBX' ACOTDENT UTSUBANOB 0O9CFABT OF NEW YORK Kdwln n. Arkerraan. President . Frank Schspp, Becretary BTNOP8I8 OF ANNUAL BTATKllENT OF TlTB CENTRAL UNION INSURANCE COMPANY of Flemlnfton. Kelt Jersey (Admlnlstrstlre Office: Hartford, Connecticut), on the thlrty-flnt day of December. 1044, made to the tnsuranee Com mlssloner of the Butt of Oregon, pursuant te law: Income Net premiums received 9 173.335.31 Total Interest, dividends and real esute Income.. Income from other sources Total income 3 Disbursements net amount paid policyholders for losses lose adjustment expenses AgenU commissions or brokerage..., Balarlea and fees officers, directors, home office employes Taxes, licenses and feea Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash. 3.39r.3ff e!.t5C.9! 7.323.99 31.348.33 lo.esess 30,133.31 a.uuv.vu: HOCK. av.DO) 25,000.00 Dhldends paid or credited to policy holders , a All other eipendlturas S4.901.36 Total dlsbnrsements $ 135.317.Cf Admitted Assets talue of real ctate owned (market . na I t Loana on uortgam and collateral. etc. o . Value of bonds owned (smortlied).. 1.339.13.23 Value of rocks owned (market ralue) 33S.SO0 00 Cash In banks and on hsnd 134,808.47 Premiums in course of collection written tnet September 30, 1944.. 130.818.19 Interest and rrnU due and accrued T.1I9 73 Other aaseu (net) 12.639.75 ToUl admitted asarta S 1.948,304.91 tUbiuues, Surplus and Other Funds TMal unpaid claims 31,031.00 ftlmated losa sdjustmeat opena for unpaid claims 3.1 It 90 Toul unearned premluma on all on- uplred rtiki 339,051.31 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, feea. etc. due os accrued 770.00 Estimated amount due or accrued for tfl.305.0tj CAHnmtsstons. brokerage, or other charges due and accrued 3.330 00 All otber lUbUlUea.. 3511.89 Total llsbUitles. except capful... .3 3U.34ft.lf Capital paid up SW.000.00 Burplua ot er all IU- M'ltlff 1.132.US.U Surplus as regards pollcybolden....! 1.833.11181 Toul , Net premiums recti ted. Ma lnu hlj 8 1.941 Ml 91 2.MW H DtTldeods paid w crsd'lted to poj'lcy. ' ' boiler . CBBTTBAX TanOH liiumAjTOB COKPANT J. H. Vreeland, President K W- Vreeland. Bccrrtarr StattrtofT retfdent attonvey for aerrtee. Abb Meinls, Board tf Trade Bids., Paniaad. Oregosij si (