THE BEND BULLETIN. BENDOREGON, MONDAY", MAY 14, 1945 PAGE SEVEN Srices in Decline On Stock Market ByDmerC. Walzer . (Unttsd FnM FiiuUKil Editor) New York. May 14 IF Trading n stocks today fell off to ' the lightest level in more than - a month. Prices declined Irregular ly. ' i . - None of the major groups es tablished a definite trend except the oils which were definitely lower. Rails had a rew firm spots but were lower on average. Steels held barely steady. Motors de clined in most instances. Numer ous special issues were up a point or more. Traders continued very cautious on the market on the belief it would be subject to further tests. Tr(ws was considered favorable, including several improved cor poration reports and a small rise in steel production. But recon version difficulties continued to dominate the financial district's thinking, keeping many of the sidelines. Hudson motors, one of the most active issues traded, lost more than a point and then came back all the way. Other motors were down. Eastern air lines rose nearly two points to a new high in its section while national air lines had a two-point rise to a new high. Douglas led aircraft lower. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 14 (IB Livestock: Cattle 1,600, calves 200. Active, steady to strong. Good-choice steers 25c higher; top 17.65. Several loads good choice steers 16.50-17.50; good grades down to 15.50; common inedium 12.00-15.00. Heifers 11.00 14.00. Good fed heifers to 15.50. Load good fed cows 13.50. Other beef cows 11.00-12.50. Canner cutter 7.00-9.50. Sausage bulls 10.50-12.50. Good beef bulls 13.00 13.75. Good-choice vealers 15.00 16.00. Hogs zuu. steady. Barrows and gilts 15.75. Cows 15.00. Stags 14.50. Feeder pigs 18.00-19.00. Sheep 900. Lambs 25c lower; ewes steady. Good-choice spring lambs 13.75; common grades down to 10.00. Mixed shorn lambs and yearlings 11.50. Good ewes 6.00-6.50. , PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 14 (IB De mand for quality eggs to storage was keen today, with a steady tone noted in the market. Prices were unchanged. A quiet tone prevailed in the gutter rniarket, with prices un changed. - ... " Butter uuoe 3 score- 42c; 92 score 42c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 Vic pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. Bend Girls Win 2 Class Offices Bend girls taking cadet nurse training at the University of Ore gon medical school in Portland have just about "cornered" class offices, it was learned here today. Marie Cox is president of the ca det class and Jane MeGarvey is vice president. The girls visited here over the weekend with relatives. Both at tended Oregon State college last year. Buy National War Bonds Now! Having time-trouble these busy, harried days? If so, you'll want to know about The Wall Street Journal a newspaper wtth a NEW way of presenting the news. Yet, by apendin ht 12 mln . mV reading time with The Jour nal each day, you eon llie new you need to know. Uere'e how 1. By reading What's Hews a dally two-column summary on the front page ... all the Important newi expertly briefed tor you. Beading time: 5i4 minute. 2. By readme: the special front page report dlflerent sub ject each day of the week: Commodities . . . Taxes . . . Business . . . Washington . . . London. .Reading lime: 3Y minute. . By glancing through tho dally ehecxlint quick digest of aU new Government di rectives and changes in reg- ulatlons. Reading time: 3 minutes. TM Ummi aafr 11 mimmuu PubWsned dally rifht here on the foatt lo brine you Wtol euunen R'Mhlnfftonlnormstlonlmmed lately- 11 V. S. mnd flua ' 4 0 00 I fan Vr-t DM TIM 10 Pmelfie Ctmt bdMm TIie 'Wall SMlonraal V 413 tosh ft, UmtnMliMt Spare Articles Can Be Turned 1 Clqssified Rates Local Paid In Advance JS Words One Time SSe 26 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $LS8 orsr It add le per ward Mmm nnnhar ml InMrilam On Bonth run, same copy, H day rata HlnuaQB Chars. 35c LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Classified AdTartistnc, Cash in Advaaaa Daily Claalnc Tirna 11:1 P. U. FOR SALE NEW KOHLER Electric Plants, immediate delivery to those who qualify, 1500 Watt A.C. and D.C. 110 Volt Full automatic. Witham Battery & Electric Co., 978 Oak St., Eugene, Ore. MAN'S PREWAR bicycle in excel lent condition, pair crutches. In quire 320 McKinley. LARGE CMC truck motor com plete with transmission and Browney, $100.00, good shape. '31 model A Ford truck, $300.00, with in ceiling price. : Trailer house with stove, ice bdx and daveno, $75.00. Inquire Rt. 1, Box 445, Bend. Phone 22-F-13. COMPLETELY MODERN auto court with good grounds and well located twelve units completely furnished. This is a good buy and can be easily handled by two peo ple. Priced at $25,000. Requires half down, balance on terms. Frank MeGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. ONE TEAM smooth mouth horses, and collars, $60. On Red mond highway 254 miles east of Sisters, then 1 mile north. C. J. Veline. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy and waterproofed pad, jumper and child's car seat. Call 363-W. MAN'S ELGIN wrist watch. One young giant white buck and young doe. Also one Rhode Island red setting hen. Call at 147 E. Olney. 5 ACRES, 5 acres water right, 4 room house, telephone, garage, large chicken house, hog house, new flumes, close to town on main highway. Inquire at 516 Lava Rd. 2 BEDROOM modern house, fire place, electric range,, electric hot water heater, fruit cellar, 2 lots, garage, garden spot, berry patch, lots of flowers and shrubs. 212 Yew lane. BARGAIN new 2 bedroom mod ern . house, near Allen school, large living room with mountain vpw, $3500, loan, available. Anne ruiucs, oo uregon: r nune oo-w. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Asters, Snaps, Marigolds, Petun ias and other annuals. Vegetable plants and Jsteel s Jumbo pansies. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. Pl.ANTSREAnV Porpnnialo strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce, f anion s uaraen, n3 ugaen. 5 PIECE DINETTE set, 4 burner hot plate, 100 pound ice refriger ator, A-l condition. 212 Yew lane. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS r Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. SETTING HENS 'and turkey eggs. Go out Butler Market road to Deschutes road. First house on left. C. W. Williamson, Rt. 2, Box 251. A STEAL, 80 acres, 40 acres Arn old, 5 Ms miles from Bend, well constructed 4 'room house, good outbuildings, two cisterns, small orchard, pasture. Only $2750, $850 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. CAR RADIO $10, ball and socket trailer hitches, medium size vise, beds, day beds, sanitary cots, dav eno bods, airtight heater. 350 Division. Set Your Own 7th War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Average Maturity Wage Subscription WeeUy Value of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Month (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 11.50 200 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 112.50 9.38 150 180-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-180 75.00 6.25 100 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 Under $100 18.75 1.57 25 'This would include present allotment plus extra special 7th War Loan allotment and extra cash purchases for 13-wcelc period in April, May, and June. FORMULA Ml AwrrliiH averse wacr wal ef rompinf an namber f rmpinytn. IB) Msltiplr nassscr st kym hr fisarr m 1'slss.i. 2. This ail! site thr mpipsny's Islsl grM Krventh Wsr lsn qaols In dolts' (ts arrrrc si 4MIS in terms i tnstnnlr false in bands ttsa figure in elann 4.t (C Ta asrrrtain NET aainant fa ba raised, d-durt expected allotments trace AprU. Msr. and Jane Irons lolsl grass qaoca. Space Courtesy Brookt-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlln-Hixon Company FOR SALE PHILCO RADIO, large mohair pre-war davenport, 8 piece walnut dining set, oak library table, beds, dressers, chest of drawers, M inch electric drill, leather rocker, log ger's 10 inch calk boots, coil springs, collapsible baby buggy, baby bassinette, copper wash boil er, binoculars, baby beds, 125 ft. roll 7 ft. chicken wire. Furniture Exchange, 315 Greenwood. ON SOUTH 3rd 5 room modern plastered house, wired for elec tric range, electric hot water heat er, 4 large lots, fenced. $3800, $1643 down, $26 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. LARGE RANCH in Powell Butte section, 320 acres deeded land, 220 acres C.O.I, water, 100 acres al ready In crop and 100 acres ready for potatoes. Owner must leave account of health. Priced at $32, 000 for immediate possession, some terms. Complete line ma chinery may be obtained at mar ket price. Frank MeGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. GOOD USED prewar combination gas and wood range, 2 gas water tanks, gas plate, window shades, 2 pair drapes rust, and some blue drapes. Men's and women's shoes size 8 Ms narrow. Some almost new. Odds and ends. Inquire 42 Irving. Mrs. Nygaard. . 14 FT. BOAT, oars, cheap. 7 ft. crosscut saw, 25 ft. garden soaker hose, 1 and 2 qt. fruit jars with rings. Inquire 720 Delaware. 760-ACRE stock and dairy ranch, $10,000. Machinery, equipment, grazing permits, free irrigation, 45 miles from Burns. 100 acres in alfalfa ond grain. Jeff Cawlfield, Drewsey, Ore. CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. TWO BEDSPREADS, various sized center pieces, pillow slips, and vanity sets all crocheted. Mrs. W. E. Dent, two miles east of Ter rebonne. FRYERS for sale, M mile west of Cox's Veltex service station on south highway. Inquire Joe Mc Millan. 2 CHOICE gilts ready to breed. Ed Duffy, Rt. l,.Box 412, Arnold District. 500 ACRES within few miles of Bend. Excellent ' dairy or cattle ranch, has 120 acres Swalley wa ter and 120 acres in crop. A fine buy at $12,000. Requires half down, balance on terms. Frank MeGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg.' PRE-WAR ATLAS, collapsible padded baby buggy with weather cover and innersprlng mattress, good condition, $20. Call 208-J or 153 Jefferson place. WANT TO SELL my equity cheap in 4 room house. Chicken house, garage, lawn and rose bushes. See at 1414 E. 2nd. TRAILER HOUSE 16 foot long, 7 foot wide. Inquire 5 Hawthorne. FOR RENT 3 ROOM partly furnished apart ment, $17.00 a month including water. 112 Lava Road, corner Colorado. Phone 68-W. 2 ROOM MODERN: Furnished cabin, oil heat, shower bath. 1 block from business district. $15.00 per month. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. 1015 Wall St. 3 ROOM MODERN: Unfurnished house, east side on river. Gas stove and water heater. Garage and boat house. $25.00 nor month. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. FOR RENT 3 ROOM furnished house, not mnriom near mills, sarase If de sired. Apply 207 Riverfront BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent Drive yourself. Moving. Court hmiso Knrvice. 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. , 2 BEDROOM and 1 bedroom un furnished apts., hardwood floors, stove, heating, refrigeration, and laundrv facilities. Jansen Villa, 407 Portland Ave. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT, cool, clean, close in. Modern, elec trically equipped, tree wasning xa cilities, garage, full basement. In quire No. 7 Westonia Apts., 1601 West 3rd St. 3 ROOM MODERN: Furnished apartment. Good location. Newly aecoratea. not waier lurnisneu. Par mnnlh S90 Ol f.llrwrto Rpfll Estate & Insurance. 1015 Wall St. GARAGE: 700 block on Broad way. $3.50 per month. Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance. 1015 Wall Street. WANTED WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 645-M. TO RENT good pasture for 10 calves 7 months old. Write C. J. Veline, Star Rte., Sisters, Oregon. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY a lot of used fur niture. Will pay a good price if the furniture is in good condition. Phone 1156 after 5 p.m. TO BUY 1 or 2 shares of C.O.I, water. Write Vern E. Key, Rt. 1, Box 133, Bend. WOULD LIKE to buy a small radio to send overseas. Will pay a good price for a used bath tub. Phone 1156 after 5 p. m. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wishes to rent 3 bedroom modern house, furnished, partly furnished or un furnished. Can give references. Write No. 565, care of Bend Bulle tin. LATE MODEL flat-bed truck. Contact Mr. Harry Jackson, Pilot Buttolnn. WANTED TO RENT Army of ficer and family, twp children, want furnished house or apart ment of adequate size. Pay. to iza a month, i-'none col. speen or Mrs. Speen at Pilot Butte Inn. MOVING TO BEND, want to rent furnished two bedroom house, by May 25th. Dale V. Charlton, 722 Martin Street, Klamath Falls, Ore, HELP WANTED MAN to care lor cabins at fishing resort. Inquire U. S. Employment Service. BOY to work in store and some outside work. Steady during sum mer vacation. Call in person at Evans Fly Co. MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must be" experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone 324 or 36-F-21. WANTED: experienced bookkeep er with knowledge of shorthand and typing. Write Drawer N, Red mond, Oregon. EXPERIENCED body and fender man wanted. Will make very at tractive deal to permonent em ployee. See Halbrook Motors. GROCERYMAN Experience pre ferred or experienced high school boy. Apply Erickson's Food Mar ket. MEN WANTED for common la bor at Camp Abbott. Transporta tion furnished, leaves from Pilot Butte Inn 6:50 a. m. 9 hours a day. Call Harry Jackson, Room 321, Pilot Butte Inn. 150 BEAN PICKERS to register now. Family groups preferred. IS acre patch on the Henry Turn idge ranch, 15 miles south of Sa lem on the banks of the Santiam river. Standard wages 2V4c per lb, 'ic bonus. Free transportation. Picking starts about middle of July to the end of Aug. Register this week at 530 Lava Rd. Wm. Schwab. Do not call Sunday. , SITUATION WANTED HOUSEKEEPER capable of tak ing complete charge wants place to work steady where she can have small child with her. Inquire !56 McKay. RED RYDER s. ' ' r SCrf1 111 rf RED-' Y I s.. LOST BETWEEN BEND and Carroll Acres, part of steel carap bed. C. E. Kleinteldt. Phone 22-F-12. BILLFOLD containing money and driver's license. Keep money and return papers. P. F. Riedel. Phone 20-F-3. HU 1, Box 101. FOUND BLACK and white female shep herd doff. Benri.Riirne hlphwnv Phone 159. -USED CARS 1935 CHRYSLER sedan, has radio. good rubber. In good condition. unaer UfA ceiling price. 5225. In quire Pine Tree Auto Court, Cabin 18. . ... 1929 CHEV. coach, 4 good tires, 1 SDare. SlIX, llnHor- IPA onilina H. G. Gilcher, 1452 Harmon. MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE reDairine. Bend Washer Service, latj Green- wooa. rnone doj. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height lSto. Droven sire ol quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, BrooKs-Scanion barn.FranK Fliey, attendant FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosqultas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone b4. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. and wringer rolls lor all makes. us cnecx your machine no ooiigation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. FEINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Ex-Nip Prisoner Reaches Midstate Terrebonne, May 14 Looking fine and apparently none the worse for her harrowing experi ence, Mrs. C. S. Magnuson and two daughters, Susan, 5, and Kar en, 3, have arrived in Terrebonne after spending three years as prisoners of the Japs in San To mas internment camp in Manila. The Magnusons were accompanied by Mrs. Magnuson's father, Ar thur Jaeger, and are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hanson. Mrs. Magnuson and Mrs. Hanson arc sisters. Magnuson ex pects to join his family here in about a month.. Magnuson and his family went to Manila in 1939, where he was stationed by a San Francisco im porting and exporting firm. Both their daughters were born there, Karen in the internment camp. Mrs. Magnuson, the former Frieda Jaeger, lived as a child in Bend und Redmond and attended the Redmond union high school. HEALTH CALENDAR Health department activities for the week include a class for the expectant mother, at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday in the health offices In the county courthouse, and the regular immunization clinic Irom 1 to 3 p.m. Friday. Buy National War Bonds Now! Soe ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans On AUT0 ya!, LIGHT TRUCK W PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Crt, B1r.' 2, Wp C( ROCi FALLS AR? GEIWl C w OUGHT TO X . K-- VJOO FREQUENT AROUND ) SLCtf LP SOE rf jy.' 'ZTd ihERs:-' Vd boss fcusicxls J T iMm MwS py Ad Friendly Enemy Paris, May 14 IID Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower announced today that "drastic measures" had been set in motion to end any treat ment of high nazl and German officials as "friendly enemies." Elsenhower's statement fol lowed criticism by French and other commentators of what they called preferential attitude adopt ed by American army officers toward reichsmarshal Hermann Goering. - , "The generous Americans In vited him to lunch," one Paris radio commentator said. "One could think we are back in the old ages when opposing leaders were bowing to each other." Eisenhower said his attention had been called to press reports of instances of senior American officers treating nazls and Ger man officials as "friendly ene mies. Orders Violated . "Any such instance has been In direct violation ot my express and long-standing orders," he said. "Drastic measures have been set in motion to assure termination of these errors forthwith. "Moreover, any past Instances of this nature are by no means indicative of the attitude of this army, but are the results of faulty Judgment of the Individuals concerned, who will be personally acquainted with expressions of my definite disapproval. "In the name of this great force and in my own, I regret these occurrences. Aviation Meeting Set for May 23 City and county officials and persons Interested in aviation from all parts of Central Oregon are expected to attend a meeting nore on May in the Pilot Butte inn when officials of the Oreeon slate board of aeronautics come here to study flying needs. The WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINK! AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE "LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil 1108 lloml AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert ineeliuiiicul and electri cal work on all makes of curs and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to liuilHon-Diinciin 1327 Wall I'Iioiik 812 BEAUTY SHOPS MOTHER'S DAY KOLD WAVE PERMANENTS Truly a (ilft To I'leiiMi Her! EXPERT OPERATORS Miiy . Laura Arttalle Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 4X1 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Willi Pliiinn r'l CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Hetit of MiilcrluU Furnished Our periodical liiNpcrlliiii will Insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phono 3H W or ll-F-23 THIS CURIOUS WORLD ftjgr IlAN EXPERIENCED ESKIMO CAN BUH.6 ! j QutkrrgOdefr "WHEN rain stops coming DOWN, IT LETS UP," Says EDNA M. WILSON. meeting Is set for 2:30 p. m. The aviation committee of the Bend chamber of commerce and C. G. Relter, city manager, have extended Invitations to persons In all communities between Mauplh, Burns and Chemult. GROUP TO MEET The Parents' study group will meet at 3 p. m. 'i-uesday, May 15, in the primary room at Allen school. Rev. R. II. Prentice will sneak on "Children's Questions. This is on oiicn meeting, and all parents are urged to attend, those in charge have stressed. STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" . Dyer's Auto Service George M, Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service at Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract W'irlnif Appliance Kcpuir Electrieul Supplies FluuriiHiwiil Light OK MuKtlu Lumps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS -H Siirvlre on all makes of wash ing machines and elt l i leal ap pliances. Bend Washer Service l.'W (irecinviMMl P!: !W Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Hteam l ining New Work Kcpulrlng llomn Water Systems Sump I'linips Plumbing Suppllefl Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phone 217-VV Long Distance Hauling . BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in ' Long Distance Household Goods Movement cop a. taw by ha a&avKi. wo. HORSEBACK RIDIN& WAS A PRESCRIBED REMEDY FOR TUBERCULOSIS A CENTURY AGO.;a.PAT.0r. POUND NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that un der Hnd by virtue of Ordinance No. 120 of the City of Bend, I will on Saturday, May 19, 1945 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the City Pound, on First Street between Greenwood and Franklin Avenues in Bend, Oregon, sell or offer for sale the following dogs,to-wit: 1 small female black and brow0 long haired part Cocker Spaniel. 1 large red Irish setter. 1 brown medium sized, long hair male -mixed breed. KEN GULICK, City Poundmaster. Adv. MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" IflSft Awhrey Kil, Tel. H2rH Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Servic On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Biml e Mlnnnxrim Phono KHW LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Itally Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO 1'IRK LIKE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 1.1IIH Awhrey !M, Phone UU4-W FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FAHMIRS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE t TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE & FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Be Sale Not Sorry Insure Today Prompt Claim) Senice Standard Pom Potter Kiicnle M. HiK'kiuim, lllst Met. 111.-. I Bond St. Phone 331 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress The Bend Bulletin Phone 56 By FRED HARMAN