THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY. MAY 14, 1945 PAGE SIX Wheatlands Get Heavy rainfall Saturday and al most up to noon yesterday, and which was general throughout Central Oregon, proved a boon to wheat farmers In the Madras dis trict, acording to a report from there today. The storm delivered nearly .75 of an Inch of precipita tion, freshening the arid farm lands and revitalizing all crops. While Jefferson county wheat growers considered the rain in the light of a "life saver" for their corps, another good rain is needed to insure a bumper harvest, it was reported. The weekend storm, however, assured what was de scribed as a good crop for this year. Rainfall was heaviest to the north of Redmond and a down pour was reported in the Culver district. In Bend, .19 of an inch of rain was recorded. Light snow flurries visited the higher regions. , Radio History (Continued from Page One) communication of news, and to the development of high stand ards of public service, entertain ment, education and musical ap preciation." Signatures appended were those of Dr. Skinner and of Ben Dean, president of the inter national organization. 900 Stations Operate At the end of a quarter of a century, more tnan aou Droact casting stations are now operat- . ing in this country and there are 31,000,000 homes equipped with radio sets, It was recalled by Connet as he told of radio s de velopment. The largest single ai dience was that of last Tuesday when President Truman an nounced the end of the European war, the second largest was that which heard President Roosevelt announce the beginning of the war. Radio, the speaker stressed, Is Intensively used because of its accessabllity, the psychological re lief which it offers from a sense of isolation and because its pro grams are a direct response to the wishes of the millions of lis-1 teners. "Radio is responsible to the American people," he said. Al Nielson announced the open ing of the cancer control fund drive for tomorrow. A meeting of committeemen will be held in Dr. Skinner's office at 7 o'clock to night. S. Deltrlck was Inducted Into Klwanls membership, C. W. Ager explaining the purposes of the organization. Rev. Ray Kiel, who Is leaving for PlacervlUe, California, spoke briefly. Theft From Cars Reported in Bend Theft from automobiles and ga rage burglaries over the week end resulted in losses to three persons, according to Bend police reports today. Homer Smith, 1104 Columbia avenue, reported that someone had looted the glove compartment of his automobile of a flashlight, camera and some clgarets. Martin mne, vi Louisiana avo- nno tulH fflo ,i,. ui had' been entered bvth eves" who stole a quantity of fishing tackle. Randall Craig, li-15 Kingston street, said that a thief enlm-ori his garage and stole a tire from ins automobile, Pacific Veteran Visits Relatives Douglas Contrell, MM 3c, Is In Bend on his first leave in three years of navy service, visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williamson, 16 Hill sUot, and other relatives. S Douglas wears the service rib bons of the Pacific and Asiatic theaters, two battle stars for par ticipation in the Bougainville and Guam campaigns, ana a unit cita tion. He enlisted In West Virginia, and has had 20 months of over seas service. Formerly a resident of Bend,. he had not visited here for 11 years. Buy National War Bonds Now HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS Motor Driven Gas or Diesel Woter Driven Wind Driven Every fixe from "portable" units for cabins, etc., to complete farm light and power plants. ASK US Bend Electric Co. 644 Franklin Phone 159 They hired a Truck ass v-sh-t-ws F 'Fk4 - 'Wt fj'! U ', " UW, H , . , , u 1 ''Jl i FA i , x v ' fft'i A fa f t f IwB ' t'tr r if- ilk ot4 f Four men went fishing at Oregon inict, n. t., in one uuiuiiiuuue, but had to charter a iruck io bring hume tlic-ir catch. ShelU,n Stevens, Thomas Madrin and Chick West, left to right, and Rich ardson Sedgewich caught 37 channel bass totaline 1512 Dounds, a nifty addition to food supply. Jim Byers, Bend, Tells of His Narrow Escape Over Europe Sanla Ana, Calif., May 14. "Instead of making a run for Flying Into a balloon cable at it we pulled right straight up and nlght over Dusseldorf in his P-38 nearly cost the lire or f irst r,t. James Byers, 22, of Bend, Ore., on one of his 69 combat missions bombing airfields, attacking Jerry fighters and tearing up commu nications behind German lines. "Banging into that cable, bend ing a prop and tearing off a sec tion of the 'wing-tip was the roughest deal of them all," said the veteran pilot with two kills and two probables to his credit here at AAF redistribution sta tion No. 4 where he is awaiting reassignment. He has been rec ommended for the silver star for outstanding work during the fa mous Belgian bulge. "I was leading the squadron of 12 planes that day looking for German columns moving against our ground troops. Most of the boys were low on gas so I sent eight of them home. The rest of us located a target through a hole In the clouds. My bombs neatly erased seven Tiger tanks ganged together In a barnyard while the other planes dropped on half-tracks and trucks. We really tore that outfit apart." Lt. Byers, a volunteer fireman before the war, scored his first kill when his outfit spotted 20 Jerries making a bounce on four May 26, Myron II. Symons, pro-P-47's. Byers was the first to dive prietor of the lake lodge, reported In leading his flight of eight today following a ski trip Into the Lightnings. His eight men shot Cascades. Accompanied by his the same number of Me-109's and daughter, Myra, the Bend man FW-190's down that day, includ-. hiked over five miles of snow to Ing one for himself. reach the lodge, leaving here Fri- It was almost a set-up for a day and returning Sunday, catastrophe on another mission Even by May 20, it may not be when Lt. Byers looked up and possible to drive to the lodge, hut iaw ''i"-s i"Kii uouvu n saw ii jerries nign nnove nis f''".0' ".The Luftwaffe's ".m '"l,s" V" P"!"? iho U"-'XP,;' lobably 1." "l J'"1,IS day. No. 7-18 Synopsis of nuntinl ntntrment of tht A inert can Uttnrnntro nnd l.lnbiltty In urunco Company of Now York, tn the State of Npw York, on the thirty-first dny of December. 1044, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursimnt to law: INCOME Net premiums received. $1,417,114.38. Total Interest, dividi-mla and real estate Income, $iifl,!)ii(,51. Income from othi-r sources, $32,1)81,09. Total income. $l.a?fi,lnr.9H nisnUHSKMKNTS Net amount paid policyholders fop lOKses, $50.47ti,4H. Losb adjustment expenses, ftt4.RRt.72. Asrnts comtnifiatons or btokeiauu. $200,94.54. Salaries nnJ foes officers, directors, home office employes, $4a,!H13.t)2. Taxes, licenses and fees, $74,319 .36. Dividend paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. All other expenditures, $12S.R!)1 f)5 Total disbursements, $1.0!i0,503.a;. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value), none. Loans on mortgnizes and collateral, etc., none. Value f bonds owned (amortized). $3,234,011 21. Value of stocks owned (market val- uep, i fs.ninr.uu, cash In banks and on hand, $1)93,025.- 28 Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, IU44, tiflu -4.B6.47. Interests and rents due and accrued. Other assets (net), $8.007 00. Total admitted aicts. $4.(124.700 04 LIABILITIES. St'Ttl'LUS AND OTHFR FUNDS Total unpaid Planus. $77.702 00 Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims $13.:t:t(ioo. Total unearned perndums on all un expired risks. JH8C.4 Tfl.Utt. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due ir acrrurd $4,100.00. ' Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes, $79.700 00. Commissions, brokerage, or other Charaes due and accrued. $2J,402 59 All other liabilities, none. ?6!Jlfl3IabUities. except capital. $1,. Capital paid tip, $l,8M,00p 00. Surplus over all liabilities. $1,609 990 19. . Surplus at regards policyholders, $3, 59.iW0.l9. Total. $4.ft24.700 04. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOH THE YEAH Net premiums received, $15.53. Net losses paid, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. Name of Company, American Guar antee and Liability Insurance Company. Name of President, Neville Plllnnc Name Of Secretin v. Harrv IT fiiiinr statutory resident attorney for v iv- , at n..u.,.. , literally "dove" into them from the bottom. They were so sur prised that the formation broke and we paired off for a dog fight. I got one myself and so did al most every other fellow. There were nine shot down that day while our losses were zero." Asked why he wasn't snapped right out of the air when his plane hit the cabla, the son of Mrs. Nora Byers, of Myrtle Cross, Ore., explained that he was bank ing at the time and did not fly head-on into the aerial hazard. It was a glancing blow. While here the Bend flier will be given a complete physical check and Interviewed by person nel specialists to determine where he can now best servo the needs of th AAF. For his combat tour he has been awurded the distin guished flying cross, the air medal with 11 oak leaf clusters and he wears four stars in his theater ribbon. He flew with the Ninth air force. Roadto Elk Lake Still Under Snow' Elk lake may not bo accessible to motorists until the weekend of ooais will ie available at the south, end of the lake, Symons "sa" " Ji,K,'s now f n-o of Ice. Drifts, five feet deep in places, sun cover pans oi the lodge area. Ne. 14-11 Synopsis of annual statement of the Lutheran Mutual Life insurance Com puny of Waverly, in the State of Iowa on the thirty-first day of DecemBer, li)44, made to the Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law; CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid ud. none, H INCOME 3"n03f 79 m U' inCO,no t0T tll 'e. Interest, dividends and rents receiv ed . duniui the year, $fiH7,976 59. Income from other sources received during the year, $4H.V.io2 r9 Total Income, $4.4ir.Xill 07 DISlUntSEMKNTS Paid for losses, endowments, an 487 Vfl BUrm"lcr VallW. WV Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year. $521, 404. SO Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year none. Commissions and salaries paid durtmi the year, $413.HU95. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year, $70,046.11, ."i;1!1!1 01 al1 oth expenditures. 9.'oO.J.)b.l). Total expenditures, $1,807,181 05 ASSKTS v.Tjjy:if737A,4?ui owncd tmarkei $!)13tno-'5fi2b0"dS ownfd fwnortlted). Value of stocks owned (market val ue), none. loJlfJJSg!!" no,cs flnd Pcy loans, $l)B.l0i.23. li! 5?" ,nd dc,'rrrd pr- Other assets tnctl. $5,201 1 lotal admittfil sets J21. 193.808 57. UAim.l T1KS Net reserves, $17.lU;t.Oti7 2: SCtMnV8 clnimi lor lossra unpaid, $102,- All other liabilities. $2.22.1 fi!18 81 3''9 6M 0'alJ""'"' ,'''l"el, capital. 1B,- paid up. non, t ontlntcnt Deserve. $150.000 00. 1MSJ ,b""'-'. .'. 2'i"Sm " "!K,r,1, Pollcyholderi. !. Total. $2M!)J.8ob ST. Bl'slNEs.s in OREGON KOR THE YEAR pre ..nimi and annuitlea receiv ed during the year. fl0.MS.01. 029 14 a'd durin th0 Mr' Jns'" "nd elalnu, endowment!, surrenders and annultlei paid during Hie year. $4,037 SO I iine.,!!' t"'""l,'',"y- t-utheran Mutual Life Insurnnee Company. r,ame or President. A. C. Ernsl. Aet. inc Pi evident. Name of Secretsrr. Walter O Voeckt 1 loe, insurance Commissioner, tnz -" V" w etrv- Sergeant Bechen Freed by Yanks Sgt. Haarby Becheni brother of Miss Eleanor Bechen, Bend, and Mrs. Sid Conklin of the Plainview community, has been freed from a German prison camp at Mark Pongau, Germany, according to Information received here )ate Saturday. This is the first knowl edge that Sgt. Bechen had been made a prisoner of the nais. He was reported missing in action on Jan. 20. The sergeant, whose home is In Hlllsboro, was one of two Ore gonians freed from the camp which contained 13,000 British, Polish, Russian, French and American prisoners. At the time the doughboys marcned into the camp and liberated the prisoners, thev found the stockade typhus- infested. Many of the prisoners were near death from starvation and sickness. 1000 Boy Scouts Gather in Salem Salem, Ore., May 14 UP) More than 1000 boy scouts, cub scouts, pioneers and sea scouts gathered In Salem on Saturday lor a scout circus and camporee. A parade more than half a mile long wounu tnrougn downtown Salem streets during the after noon, and in the evening the boys staged the circus and camporee in the state fair horse snow pa vinon. The boys exhibited examples of o u t d oo r. handicraft, ot drilling and of individual entertainment. Many of the Salem visitors In sported the capitol building dur ing the day. No. 18-21 Synopsis ot annual statement of the American United Life Insurance Com pany of Indianapolis, In the State of Indiana, on the thirty-first day of De cember, 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up, , none. INCOME Total premium Income for the year, $7.453,1132.08. Interest, dividends and rents received .during the year, $2,035,795.51. I Income from other sources received during the year, $1,009,552.81. : Total Income, $12,058,980.40. ; DISBURSEMENTS j Paid for losses, endowments, annul .tics and surrender values, $4,351,438.- 62 l Dividends paid to policyholder! dur- ,lriK the yea. $104,133.88. ! Dividends paid on capital stock dur- Ung the year, none. Commissions and salaries paid dur-. ,lng the year. $1.051,639 87. Taxes, licenses and foes paid during the year. $1111,832 59. ! Amount of all other expenditures, 1 $1 975 437 39 ; Total expenditure!!, $7,734,482.33, ASSETS I Value of real estate owned (market I value). $2,600,302.12. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., $r..D24,039.B7. Value ot bonds owned (amortized), $S0.1!)l,08a.S3. Value of stocks owned (market vaV Ue), $2311.888.01. Premium notes and policy loans, $4.t 882.071.07. ' ! Cash in banks and on hand, $309, 163.03. Interest and rents due and accrued. 464,156.40. Net uncollected and deferred prem iums, 095,241.24. Other assets (net). $124,377.87. Total admitted assets, $Uti,017.009.36.. LIABILITIES Net reserves. $57,334,332.10. Gross claims for losses unpaid, $444,' 037.80. All other liabilities, $2.288,43299. Total liabilities, except capital, $60, 006.802.89. Capital paid up, none. Surplus over all liabilities, $5,050, 200.47. Surplus as regards policyholders, $5, 950.206.47. Total. $66.017.009 36. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities received during the year (Old Line), $62,637.80. dividends paid during the year (Old Line), $1,745 27. x Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year (Old Line), Sj0.879.92. Name of Company, American United Life Insurance Comany. Name of President, Geo. A. Bangs. Name of Secretary, W. A. Jenkins. Statutory resident attorney tor serv ice. Leslie E. Crouch. No. 21-6 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Bankers Life Company of Des Moines, tn the State of Iowa, on the thirty first day of December, 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law; CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. Nono. INCOME Total premium income for the year. $31,781,768.96. Interest, dividends and rents receiv ed during the year. $11,019,905.61. Income from other sources received during the year. $12,955,841.78. Total Income, $53.757.516 35, DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annui ties and surrender values, $13,247,655.49 Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year $3,636,502.09. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year. None Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year. $XB54,908.12. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during tht- year. $1,046,820 59 Amount of all other expenditures, $6,154,010.19 Total expenditures. $27,959,896.48. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market Value). $9,890,971.33 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., $08,345 595.05. Value of bonds owned (amortized $210,273,238.57 Value nf stocks owncd (market val ue) None. Premium notes and policy loans, $26, 434.531.87. Cash in banks and on hand, $3,392. 629 07. Interest and rents due and accrued, $2,730,025 00. Net uncollected and deferred prem iums. $4.94.037 25 Total admitted assets, $335,011,028.14. L1AP1I.1TIES Net reserves, $282,016,204.00 Cross claims for losses unpaid, $1. 444,788 00. All other liabilities. $31.383.828 00. Total liabilities, except capital, $314. 844.820 00. Capital paid up. None. Surplus over all liabilities, $20,166. 208 14. Surplus as regards policy holders. $o.itif.ii8 14 Total. $335 01 1, 02$ 14. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities receiv ed during the year. $493.776 49 47086tdndS Mld durina tn 'er. $48. Nct losses and claims, endowments. surrenders, and annuities paid during the vear, $206,677 09 Name of Company, Bankers Life' Company. Name of President, G. S. Nollen Name of Secretary. B. N Mills Statutory resident atlornev for ser-. vice. A. E. Craven guard. Suite 903 Public Service Building, Portland 4. Oregon. Redmond Redmond, May 14 (Special) J. R. Roberts and Dick Ballantyne flew to Portland and returned on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo5helley made a business trip to Eugene over l the weekenu. I Mrs. Ethel Smith and daughter- ! in law, Mrs. Darrell -Smith, went to Portland the last of the week. Carolyn Beck, a student at Ore gon State college, spent Mother's day and the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beck, here. Dick Houk spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Houk. He is a student at Ore gon State college. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Roberts have moved to the Buena Vista apartments. Mrs. M. A. Cunning 'and Mrs. H. Gunther went to Portland Mon day for a few days. Redmond union high school's new gymnasium is completed and will be dedicated Tuesday with a program to be held at 8 o'clock in the building. Miss Bertha Lary, Redmond grade school principal, has accept ed a position in the public schools of Pendleton and will begin her work there in September. Mrs. Bertha L. Young of Hood River, is visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Young. Young is manager of the Union Oil dis tributors here. Mrs. George McKibbon and daughter, Jan, visited In Prine- ' No. 5-20 Synopsis of annual statement of the Zurich Genera) Accident tc Liability Insurance Company, Ltd., of Zurich, in the Republic of Switzerland on the thirty-first day of December, 1944, made to the Insurance Commrsstoner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $21,049,392. $4. Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income, $1,130,022.33. Income from other sources, $563, 115.58. Total Income, $22,742,530.73. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses, $9,773.872 63. Loss adjustment expenses, $1,879, 927.51. Agents commissions or brokerage, $3,365,434.32. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, Sl.035,036.65. Taxes, licenses and fees. $1,152,676.- 70 Dividends paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. Alt other expenditures, $1,916,115.10. Total disbursements, $19,123,062.97. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owncd (markel value), none. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., none. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $26,730,773.23. Value of stocks owned (market val ue! $14,884,129.00. Cosh In banks and on hand, $4,444, 220.83. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $1,- 880.863.25 Interest and rents due and accrued, $127,513.03. Other assets (net), $625,488.21. Total admitted assets, $48.092.987.57. ' LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $18,376,690 00. Estimated loss adiiistipi-nt expense for unpaid claims, $139,700.00. . Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks. $7,499.417 52. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued, $291,281.66. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes, $992,435.00. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued, $369,911.70. All other labilities, none. General Contingency Reserve, $7, 000.000.00. Total liabilities, except capital, $34, 689.435.88, Capital paid Up, $600,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $13,403, $51.69. Surplus as regards policyholders, $14, 003.551.69. Total. $48,692,087.57. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, $24,045.63. Net losses paid. $7,004.52. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. Nil me of Company, Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Com pany, Ltd. Name of U. S. Manager, Neville Pilling. Name of Chief Accountant R. II. Go wens No 12-23 Svnopsls of annual statement of the Century Insurance Company. Ltd. of Edinburgh, Scotland, on the thirty first dawof December. 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of ,the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received. $2,203,227.48. Total interest dividends and real estate Income. $200,832.59. -Income from other sources, $114,- 302.29. Total Income. $2,520,362.38. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses, $1.U5,48'.25 Loss adjustment expenses, $38,644.81. Agents commissions or brokerage, $618,815.58. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes. W8-2S.. Taxes, licenses and fees, $84,557.91. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none n,. nn AH other expenditures. $478,013.08. Total disbursements. $2,414,231.85. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value), none. , ,, . . Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. none. . , .. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $2,161.299 48 t , . . . Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $2,861 .553.06. Cash in banks and on hand, $396,040.- 09 Premiums in course of wUertJon written since September 30, 1944, Wie,- 84li?tcrest and rents due and accrued, $14 283 72 Other assets tnet), m.953'8. Total admitted assets. ."P'J, LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. 1.132.973.M. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. f30.M2.61. Total unearned premiums on au un-xpm-d risks. 11.471.91549 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills. ? coving. lees, etc., due or accrued. Estimated amount du or accrued for taxes. $202.529 54. Commissions, brokerage. r Charges due and accrued. $33,5S.uu. AU oUier liabilities. $5.1.8 o4. Total liabilities except capital. "staUiti'rjr Deposit. IWO.OOO 00. Surplus over all liabilities. M.S10.- Surplus as regards policyholder!. $1 610.303. 10. Total. $5.9.lll 71. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. U,mi, Net fosses paid. :, , ,.,.. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. " , Name of company. Tha Century in surance Company. Ltd. Name, of U. S. Manasr. L. J- Till Tame of Secretary. R. H Gwyn. Statutory resident attorney for lerv iMjalujL SslilliiJ vllle the-past week. E. O. Adams, cub scoutmaster, presented 20 boys awards at their meeting In the Adams warehouse Friday evening. . Shelburn D. Ayres has recently completed his Intermediate train ing at the "Annapolis school of the air" arid has been commis sioned an ensign. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Ayres of Pow. ell Butte. Ensign Ayres is a gradu ate of Redmond union high school. I LEGAL NOTICES I SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Equity No. 6498 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes Ben C. Garske, Plaintiff Vs. Mrs. Susan Trivelpiece, Mrs. Har riet Jones, William P. Rhone, Mrs. Martha E. Patterson, Mrs. Freece Roberts, Mrs. Hurlev Hartmari. Hosea P. Heller, Stacy Heller, freas Heller, Frank Heller, John W. Heller, Mrs. Mary E. Runyon, Mrs. Eliza Lyons, P. F. Fritz, Mrs. J. B. Keefer, Mrs. Delia Fritz Rue,kle and all other heirs un known of William R. Rhone, de ceased, and all other persons un known claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real estate described in plaintiffs complaint, ueienaanis. To the above named defendants and each and all of you and all oiner persons unknown claiming SYNOPSIS Of ANNUAL STATEMENT SI, n.'". LTISITKO STATES n RANCH. P''ATINR INSURANCE COM. . L1'1TED Of LONDON ENO- i ?;.0.n thlr'y-"rt day ot Deeem. Her. 1944, made to the Insurance Com mlsaloner ot the Slate of Oregon, pursu ant to law; Ineome Net premiums received ,S7.S0S.tS Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income 1I7.93S.SS Income from other sources. 2S.784.99 Total Income 11,132.039.01 Disbursements Net amount paid policy holders for losses $ 4Sfl.794.04 Loss adjustment esponses.. 24.fl42.fl3 Agents commissions or brok.- erage 237.424. 9t Salaries and fees offlcoro. directors, home office em ployes 130.99fl.2S Taxes, licenses and fees.... 42,3.?6.0B Dividends paid to stock holders. tCosh, t None; stock, f None) None Dividends paid or credited to policyholders None All other expenditures .... 199.470.27 Total disbursements 1. 081. 562. 84 Admitted Assets Value of real estate owned tmarket value) f Nona Loans on mortgages and col lateral, eto 19.743.99 Va!ue of bonds owned (amortised) 2,293.342.(9 Value of stocks owned (mar ket value) 909.491.25 Cash In banks and on hand. 224,974.33 Promlums In course of col lection written since Sep tember 20. 1944 5S.08fl.97 Interest and rents due and occrucd . 13,374.00 Othor assets (net) H49.2T Total admitted assets .. .13.474.948.54 .strike out "market" or "amortised, nubilities, Surplus and Other Funds unpaid claims 8 173.7os.oo Estimated loss adjustment ..... expense for unpaid claims 11,190.9a Total unearned premiums on all unexpired risks ,,.i,,nv..i Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees. oic. due or accrued 5.0.0 Estimated, amount due or accrued for toxe 37.000.99 Commissions, brokerage, or other Charges oue ... accrued ,:!,, All other liabilities 10.917.28 Total (abilities. except ptatutory De'p'osVti' 600.000.00 Surplus ...over all llaDimica ' Surplus regard. Policy- , Total 93.474.649.64 ilusln'e'ss' 'in Oregon for 111. " ,, Net premiums received ...I IJJJJ; Net insses pain Dividends paid or credited Nam.Pof cSmp.n,:Tb. Palatine In.or ance Company. Ltd. ...-herl. Name of U. 8. Manager: P. Jtoeekert. Statutory resident attorney for aervic.. Insurance Commissioner. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the NORWICH UNION INDEMNITY COMPANY of NEW YORK. In the State of NEW YORK, on the thirty-first day of December. 1944. made to the Insur ance Commissioner of the State of Ore gon, pursuant to taw: Income Net premiums received ....$ 4S8.797.88 Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income 88.881.99 Income from other sources . 8.315.48 Total Incom I 478.466.10 Disbursement Net amount paid policy holders for losses 8 I.n.s adtiislinent expenses .. 154.999.19 35,890.98 Agents commissions or brok erage Salaries snd fees officers. , directors, home offico em ployes Taxes, licenses nnd fees .... Dividends paid to stock holders (Conn. $ None) slock. 8 None) Dividends paid or credited to policyholders All other expenditures Total disbursements' Admitted Assets Value of real estute owned tmarket value) Loans on mortgages and col lateral, elc Value ot bonds owned (amortised) I1' Valuo of slocks owned (mar ket value) Cash In banks and on hand. Premiums In course of eel lection written since Sep tember 30. 1944 - Interest and rnta due and accrued Other assets (net) 88,137.11 41.tJ4.4t 19,144.94 NOD4 47.8O0.7l 393,(03.31 Nonl NOB4 ,(M,93.(4 94.3(0.04 108.7Tt.31 11.994.31 47.751.81 Total admitted as! ....SS.M8.STI.SI Strike out "market" or 'amornseo. I.lubllltlm. Stin.ln and TotM unpaid claim Estimated l" adjustment exiwnse for unpaid claims. Total unearned premiums on nil unexpired rlitt S.Aluries. rents, expen Mils, scrounta. fees, etc, due or accrued Estimated amount due or sc- 3.841. H B,489l S 7. 888. 91 rdmmiuini broken other charges due and ac crued All other liabilities S3.S08.S1 47.343.48 Totnl liabilities. tscept cMltt " ' CaplUl paid P S500.000.0t Surplus over all Utbilltlee S80.137.ll purplu a regards policy- hoMer To,s, tl. 135, 171. 41 lMlnV' W Orrgtn for Net premiums received ... S ";" Net loe Pl Dividend paid or credited Name ot Company: Norwich Union In demnity Company. Name ol Preal.teni: W M. rrln. Name of Secretary :! P. Smith. SiMu'or resident attorney for servlca Heyaolds t-'ltgtl A Smlla. any right, title estate or Interest in the real estate described In Plaintiff's Complaint, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit; for a decree of said Court declaring plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of the lands described in plaintiff's complaint, as follows: The Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter- of Section Three in Township Eighteen South, Range Twelve East of the Willamette Meridian In Deschutes County, Oregon. And for a further decree declar ing that said land be free and clear of any right or claim what ever on 'the part of said defend ants or any of them, or on, the part of any other persons or par ties unknown, claiming any right. title, estate, lien or interest in and to said real property or any part thereof; and that each and all of said defendants, and any and all persons claiming any interest In said property, by, through or un der them, or any of them, be for ever enjoined, restrained and bar- n7?.P?.!? .AJWAL STATEMENt V7. V V. . on in mirty-flrit day of Decembr, 1B44, mad to th in imonr OI in Stltl Ot Oregon, punuant to lawi 111UIII49 Net premium received ..tll.S70.7fll.7t uiTiaenaa nl real eiut Income.. T90.787.ll Income from other source. SS.K21.00 Total Incom us, . Dlibaraementa Net amount paid policy holder for loaees f , foaa adjustment expenses.. Agent . commission or brokerage t Salarle and fee officers. directors, horn office am- I li5.O70.SO S7S.77S.S7 357,076 06 Tares, licenses and fees'" Dl fid Amiga nailit . 74J. SSt.SS ei3.7?4.S3 holder (Cash. SSOO.000.00, stock, $ None) Dividends paid or credited to policyholder All other expenditures ... Total disbursement ....$10, Admitted Assets Value of real eutat owned ' (market value) Loan on mortgages and collateral, etc $ Value of bonds owned (amortised) j$ Value of stocks owned (market value) f, Cssh In banks end on hand 1, 100,000.00 None S90.17S.O1 SS4.S0O.SS None 4.460.00 ISS.S99.1T 182,851.00 640,889.17 rrrmiumi in course of col lection written sine Sep tember SO, 194 Interest and rents due and accrued Other assets (net) 1,161.186.11 106,717.81 76.14S.S1 Total admitted assets ..S39.S69.641.S7 ;?lLr,.6.0Ut """""t" or "amortised." Mnbllltles, Surplus and Other Fund Total unpaid claims $ S,100,O0S.9S Kati mated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims 177.36S.S7 Total unearned premiums on sll unexpired risks 10,609,410.96 Salaries, rents expenses, bUls, accounts, fees, etc.. due or accrued SS.44S.67 Estimated amount due or . accrued for taxes . SS7.7O4.00 Commissions, brokerage, or other charge due and accrued S7.S16.60 All other liabilities 1.S63.610.76 Total liabilities, except capital SlS.4C0.tl7.SS Capital paid up $6,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities t.902,8S4.S Surplus as regard policy holders 1S,90J.434. St Total 929.S8t.S41.tT Business In Oregon for th Vear Net premiums received ... 7S.004.84 Net losses paid SO, 13 4. 40 Dividend paid or credited to policyholders None Nam of Company: Queen Insurance Company of America. Nam of President. Harold Warner. Nam of Secretary; C. A. Nottingham. Statutory resident attorney for service: J. H. Banks, Portland, Oregon. tTNOPST! OF ANVTMT. rPATKMWVT Of t TTNTTBD STATKft ANPTf OF THR NORWTi-H UNION FTRB IVSUR. ANPB SOCIETY. LTD . of NORWTrTT ENGLAND on -the thlrty-flrst Amy of December 1944. made tn th Tnimnc Commtssloner if the State of Oregon pursuant to law Net premiums received ... 94.39 Tit m Total Interest, dividend and real estate income 9SS.8A8.B1 Income from other sources. S7.ST0.0! Total Income I4.S70.8S9 64 Disbursement Net amount paid policy holder for losse .S3. 1.088.899.03 lions anjusiment expenses ., Agents commissions or brok erage i Sal dries and fees officers, directors, home office em ployes Taxes, licenses nnd fee .... Dividends pnld to stock 111. 334. S4 349.44S.S9 138.197.14 holders (Cash, S None; took, S None) Non Dividends patd or credited to policyholders Non All other expenditures SSO.994.08 Total disbursements .... 94,333.398.78 Admitted Aet Value of renl estate owned (market value) S 178.900.94) Loan on mortgage tad col- lateral, ete Nm Value of bonds owned (amortised) , S.78t.S7S.19 Value or stocks owned (mar ket value) B4t.408.tO Hash tn banks and on hand. 441,843.84 Premtuma in course of col lection written sine Sep tember 30. It44 tnterest and rents due and accrued 49.88 39 Other assets (net) T3.974 88 Total admitted asset ., .87.814.409 43 Strike out "market" or "amortlted." Liabilities. Sarplna and Other Funds Total unpaid claims 3l.33B.41S.44 Estimated loss adjustment evpens for unpaid claims 8t.S4S.11 Total unearned premium on all unexpired risks S,S43,497.9T Salaries, rents. expense. bills, accounts, fees. etc.. due or accrued 18.S1S.4T estimated amount da or ao rued for taxes 118.1BS.4C Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and ac crued 44.495 4J All ether liabilities 487.878 SS Total liabilities, tscept capital Deposit caputs! S 899.090 09 Surplus over all liabilities 1.0tT.9SS.33 Surplus a regards policy holders S1.S97.963. S3 Total ST.S14.4il9.4S ltotnes la Oregon for th Vear Net premtutn received ,...S 133.113 37 Net losses paid , 89.348 94 Dividends paid or credited to policyholders Non Nam of Company: Norwich Colon Fir Insurance Society. Ltd Name of United Stale alaaafer: W. SS- Frio a. red from asserting or claiming ' any right, title, estattlien or in- v (aioci whatat-itavaor in or to Saltl 1 property or any part thereof, and that piainuii s ngni io saiu cm ises be forever quieted and set at rest, and for such other and further relief as the nature of this cause may require and as unto the Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once a week for four consecutive weeks in the vi an a nniiotiri n npwsnaDpr of general circulation printed and pUDllsnea in- nenu, esviiuies County, uregon, oy oraer ui nun. Dalnli C Uomlllnn .liirlop nf Rflifl Courtmade May 12th, 19415, or dering Iirst pUDiicauun w oe made May 14th, 1945. DntoH nnri lirnt nubllshed MaV 14th, 1945, last published June 4th, A T IWAnP 7T A 1 1 nrn av for Plaintiff. Postoffice address, Bend, Oregon. 136-142-148-153c , : JUST LIKE .FOOTBALL Tn.4nr.nn1an Mow 1A IIP) Ortl Gen. Heinz Guderian, Germany's numoer one ian expert, aam to day American and German sol- rliat-o chnulH chnUa hnnrta "lllcr like after a football match." SYNOPSIS OF ANNtTATi flTATBMBVT Of the NORTH RIVER INSTTRAMriB COMPANY of 110 WTI.T.1AM BjflKKT; NEW YORK. In th State of NRW YORK, on the thlrty-flrst day of Pe cember. 1944. made to the Inauranc Commissioner of th Stat of Oregon, pursuant to law; Incom , - Net premiums .. .received S 9.S04.72.0t Total Interest. dividends and rst estate Incom.. tjl.fw i Incom from other source. Total income 10,89M6.St . . Disbursement Net amount polo policy holder for losse t Loss adjustment expenses.. 4.078.SST.18 314.IS1.97 Agents commissions or brokerage Salaries and fee officer, directors, horn office sm- pioy : Taxes, licenses and fees Dividends paid to stock holders (Cash. S80O.00O; rtoek. S None) Dividends paid or crdltd 3,211,118.60 94S.S1S.31 tOl.600 100,000.00 Non 1.137,088.69 All other expenditure Total disbursement . S 9.899.1S0.SS flUIIHISIH , .Vlu of real eiai own" (market value) Loans on mortgage and nl lateral, etc 1.099.08 99.1H.1I Valu of bond owned (market or amortlxed) .. lt.064.9&.a Value of tock owned . i.ffS- - h.nd J4:!8":s.2. premiums in course of col lection wruio" . -- 1.177.524.08 temoer w. - Interest and rent du and 60.049.19 'Total admitted asset. - - M"' :, JA' Strike out marKef or ;'aniortls.d. Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds Total unoald claim I 8.S09.824.9O Estimated loss adjustmeat expense for nnpald claims Total unearned premiums on all unexpired risks... Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, tees, etc.. du. or accrued Estimated amount due or aocrued for taxes Commissions, brokerSBO, or other charges due and accrued . .'. All other llabllltl. 137.009.00 8,178.147.11 7,900.00 IS1.000.00 ' 111.800.00 191,171 80 Total liabilities, except lt,i41,l48.1 r.nltal I TCwiSS .M.M.M. Surplus as rard. ollc-,lT,,j,,7M.l holders T ', J19.974.3S4.IO TB.sSea.' in Oo. ' th. Net premiums received ....I "-"J-J, Net losses psld Dividends paid or eredltea to policyholders -.,. lw.r Name ot Company: Th. North Blvsr Company. p.r,ona. Nam. ot President: 3. Lester Nam. of Secretary: Statutory resident atWrMy "'JI Insurance tonwn.i--. , on. ... k si. 1144 TSTm would" increassd M - IVl.tS. tr th ITNTTtSn RTATPfl rri vjri Stat, nf Oreon. m..t to law I Net .' "':?'"' to.., ,.;',: divided, .-nd' " mnio tnrome 90 419 J Incom (mm., other sou fees. irJsJ' 08 Total Income tl 0t8.147.8 Net amount nniri nn.nn holders tn 7 . Lou rn- "3.o3 Agents commissions or brok erage , Salaries and fees nfflre'r' 34.880 04 1ST.4H.6S ...vUID norne oitic m tolovtuN Taxes, licenses and I fees '. 130.t7S.S3 4S.033.4S uiviaenns paid to .tivlt. holders. (Cash. S None: Dividends paid or ' crVtlVted Non io policyholders None All other expenditures 1S8.993.44 Total disbursements 11,063,907.00 Value of real eststs nwn Loans on mortgages and' 'col Non Hon Valuo 'of .Mods ' ow (Book Value) S1.81S.93S.4S VaJlla. nf aatnoL... "r T . ""tB (UOOK Value) Cash In banks and on hand.' Premiums In course of col lection Interest and rents do and 997.814.74 171.749.49 accrued 10.S19.00 Other asset (not) S3.439.7S Total admitted asset ...S3.743.41S.49 Strike out "market" or amortised- Liability. Snrpln aad Other Fund Total unpaid claim .$ 173.704. 0t Estimated toss adjustment expense for nnpald claim 11.399. Ot Total unearned premiums on all unexpired rlaki ... 1,931,189.91 Salaries, rant, expense, bills, accounts, fees, etc.. due or accrued I.S00.99 Eat i ma ted amount due or ae erued for taxes Sf.90f.0t Commissions, brokerage, or other charge flu and accrued 9. 1 00 09 AH other liabilities 11.474.81 Total liabilities. eicent capital I tt.m.its is Statutory Deposit t600.9O0.9t Surplus over alt liabilities tC9.Q8.7S Burplne as regard policy- holders .S1.469.988.7S Total S3.743.41S 49 tluliea la Oregon for th Year Net premiums received ....$ S3.8T4 3t Net losses paid 1,990.39 Dividends paid or erdlt4) to policyholders Non Name of Company: Union Asmranc So eiety. Ltd. Nam of V. S. Manager: F. W: KoeckeH. atutory resident attorney for Mrvlcat lasurasx ComtmiHloatr. J .31 .81 j 1 I