ihares in Autos .ead on Market By Elmer C. Walzer fUntugd lTes financial .iMltor) New York, May 12 (IB : Etrength in automobile shares featured a quiet, firm stock mar ket session today. I Hudson, most active issue of the group, made a new high at 31, up points. Chrysler gained niore than a point and fractional advances were noted in Nash-Kel-vinator, Packard and Willys-Over- jand. Studebaker rose nearly a lniS Hoc 111 tile iwuwio uuiic in tne race 01 esumanes uiai. uie reconversion to automobile pro- Auction would be a slow one. Mar- Jet experts saia tne recovery was technical one following recent vailed in the rails where gains ran to more than a point in Santa le and Northern Pacific. Airlines continued steady to firm. United featured with a rise of more than a point. Oils im proved under the lead of Standard oil (N.J.) although Texas comp any sagged against , the trend. Goodyear rose a point In' a firm tire section. . Philip Morris was up one In the tobaccos. : i . PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 12 tlrt Weekly livestock: cattle 1470 calves 255. Compared week ago fed steers 25 to 50c higher, all other classes strong. Lighter re ceipts main stimulating factor but fed steers predominated In carlot supply. . Good - choice fed steers $15.50 to 17.00. Five loads S17 7S 'nfw hiphs for vear and ionly 25c below all time high. Com- rtnon-medium steers $12.U0-15.U0, ' heifers $11.00-14.00, good fed heif ers to $15.50. Medium-good beef cows $11.00-13.00. Canners and cutters $7.00-9.50; medium-good sausage bulls $10.50-12.75, good beef bulls $13.00-13.50, odd head to $14.00. Good - choice vealers $15.00-16.00; Hogs for week, salable 650; un changed except feeder pigs 50c $1.00 higher. All weights barrows and gilts $15.75, sows $15.00 ceil ings. Good stags largely $14.00, few $14.50; good-choice under 126 lb. Feeder pigs $18.50-19.00, heav ier weights down to $17.00. Sheep; for week, salable 1240. Seasonal increase in spring lambs and shorn old crop lambs. Spring ers $1.00 -1.50 below week ago, shorn lambs off less, ewes steady. Good-choice springers late $14.00, early top $15.25, common down to jal.00; medium-good shorn lambs f late $11.50-12.50, early top $14.00 'ftuttno strictly good rb choker r. vi li no nf fantil Clnni chnrn owoc S6.00-6.50. Common down to $3.00, 1 few wooled ewes up to $8.50. Victory rn Europe t D r I lUUeWUJCIYBU I The victory of allied arms in I Asters. SPS- Marigolds, Petun Euroneand the unconditional sur- i!s and ihccr annuals. Vegetable lender of the German reich wiii!plants and Steels Jumbo pansics. be noted in special services of i 1604 w- 2nd, corner Portland. thanksgiving and prayer at the Trinity Episcopal church at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. "Vision After. Vic lory," a special form of service will be used and the worship will include the singing of Kipling's Recessional to a setting by De Koveni with Z. Dale Robbfns tak ing the solo parts. Rev. G. R. V. Bolster will preach from Proverbs JK:18 "Where there is no vision the people perish." Everyone is ; cordially invited to attend this service and the community serv-1 lee or thanksgiving to be held at the First Methodist church at Tobias will deliver the address 1 and ministers of several city churches will participate," an an nouncement states. - Iceland cattle, sheep and horses are largely from breeds original-jed, basement, furnace, garage, inn in Norway; In 1940 Iceland : $3000. $1192 down. See Walter had aiiout 40,000 head of cattle, j Daron or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minne 58,000 horses and 650,000 sheep, 'sota Street. Set Your Own 7f h War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Average Wage Per Month $250 & up 225-250 210-225 200-210 J 80-200 140-130 100-140 Under $100 This would Include present allotment plus extra special 7th Mar Loan allotments and extra cash purchases for 12-week period in Ajiril, May, and June. FORMULA Ml AM-rrlatn itfviif waa aral af fttmpanr and naiabrr af tmplarrra. (B, Mollipl namSrt f iplora ar fiaura in Calunin I. i.ji. Thia .,11 ii Tib. .a.pan,'. latal M"- Swnth War !-;" " In dollar. Ha arriva at qaala in lrma af malamr Talua In Uanda icurc m C) Wmt'ii, NTT amaant ta h. raM. dtdact ip:tcl .llotm.nl. (ton April. Mar. and Jona from tatal fraaa quota. Space Courtesy Brooks-Sea nlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlin-Hixon Company Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 28 Word One Time 30c 25 Words Three Times 76c 85 Words 6U Times ., .,, L85 All wvTdM mi It add le pa ward 11m numbar si uutaruana Oat BMnth run. win copy, 4 day rata Miuuuuoi charga. Sic LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c tUaaaiftad Adrcrtialnx. Ca In Advanca Uaiir Claains Tub MilV P. M. BEND LODGE, MO. 128 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple '265 Franklin Avenue ' D.Ray Miller.Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand MEETING of LOYAL ORDER ol MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose. First and Third Fridays. . ' DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. ' FOB SALE 2 CHOICE gilts ready to breed. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold District. ' . MAN'S PREWAR bicycle in excel lent condition, pair crutches. In quire 320 McKinley. COMPLETELY MODERN auto court with good, grounds and well located twelve units completely furnished. This is a good buy and can be easily handled by two peo ple. Priced at $25,000. Requires half down, balance on terms. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy and waterproofed pad, jumper and child's car seat. Call 363-W. FEW RED FRYERS left, 2 to 3 pounds. Call AFTER 6 p. m. Sat urday, 1252 Ithaca. Phone 1084-W. CHINA CLOSET, 2 pair aqua drapes, 1 electric motor for sew ing machine, silverware service lor six, 1 small roaster, miscel laneous dishes, dish drains, pie tins, flour sifter, tea kettles and angel food pans. Mrs. W. E. Rede man, No. 4 Irving Apts. MAN'S ELGIN wrist watch. One young giant white buck and young doe. Also one Rhode Island red setting hen. Call at 147 E. Olney. WOOD, -GREEN or dry, $8.00 a cord delivered. Stock up now for your winter's wood. D. W. Beck, 13 'Adams. Phone 220. . ' 2 BEDROOM modern house, fire. place, electric range, electric hot water heater, fruit cellar, 2 lots, garage, garden spot, berry patch, lots of flowers and shrubs. 212 Yew lane. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS 5 PIECE DINETTE set, 4 burner hot plate, 100 pound ice refriger ator", A-l condition. 212 Yew lane. $2500 BUYS nicely furnished 3 room modern, 4 lots on Portland, immediate possession. $1500 buys 3 room modern on Revere. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele s jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 k"'i-t uanu. I SETTING HENS and turkey ff ft.??..?"1 .,JeI?I?f.t. f? left. C. W. Williamson, Rt. 2, Box 251. ON PAVED STREET: Five room modern: Three bedrooms, plaster- Col. 2 . Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Maturity Subscription Weekly Value of Needed Allotment Bonds Bought (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $187.50 $15.63 $250 150.00 K.50 200 131.25 10.94 175 112.50 9.38 150 93.75 7.82 125 75.00 6.25 100 37.50 3.13 50 18.75 1.57 25 THE FOR SALE SEED POTATOES, good radio, used furniture. Turn left at Car roll Acres store, 5th house on left, Rt. 1, Box 156. Formerly Cram's dairy. PHIDCO. RADIO, large mohair pre-war davenport, 8 piece walnut dining set, oak library table, beds, dressers, chest of drawers, inch electric drill, leather rocker, log ger's 10 inch calk boots, coil springs, collapsible baby buggy, baby bassinette, copper wash boil er, binoculars, baby beds, 125 ft. roll 7 ft. chicken wire. Furniture Exchange, 315 Greenwood. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. LARGE RANCH in Powell Butte section, 320 acres deeded land, 220 acres C.O.L water, 100 acres al ready in crop and 100 acres ready for potatoes Owner must leave account of health. Priced at $32, 000 for immediate possession, some terms. Complete line ma chinery may be obtained at mar ket price. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. ACREAGES Time to buy. 3 bed room well-built house, basement, outbuildings, 3 acres, 3 acres Swalley, $3675, $1000 down. Mod ern 3-bedroom stone house, well constructed outbuildings, 5 acres, 5 acres Arnold, alfalfa, $5000, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. GOOD USED prewar combination gas and wood range, 2 gas water tanks, gas plate, window shades, 2 pair drapes rust, and some blue drapes. Men's and women's shoes size Shi narrow. Some almost new. Odds and ends. Inquire 42 Irving. Mrs. Nygaard. 26 FOOT two bed factory built trailer house, reasonable. Phone 73 Redmond. 760-ACRE stock and dairy ranch, $10,000. Machinery, equipment, grazing permits, free irrigation, 45 miles from Burns. 100 acres in alfalfa ond grain. Jeff Cawlfield, Drewsey, Ore. STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants. ) perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now reaay. ncKett war dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. CHARI6 FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. PLANTS READY. Perennials strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. 2 FOUR-ROOM modern houses on three lots. New roofs, new paint, new fence. Sell one or both reas onable. Inquire 1107 Milwaukee Ave. 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bed rooms. Like new, hardwood floors, gas range and water heater. Just off East Third. Reduced to $4800 for quick sale. Gilberts Real Es tate & Insurance, 1015 Wall St. PREWAR COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, A-l condition. Used only a few times, $20. Inquire 201 Irving. CLEAN, SMOOTH, field-run pota toes, excellent for seed. H. W. Kerns ranch, Arnold district Phone 11-F-ll. BIG REDUCTION: New house near South Third street. Built re cently. 4 room. Steal at $2000. $500 down. See Walter Daron or Jack Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street. TWO BEDSPREADS, various sized center pieces, pillow slips, and vanity sets all crocheted. Mrs. W. E. Dent, two miles east of Ter rebonne. FRYERS for sale, mile west of Cox's Veltex service station on south highway. Inquire Joe Mc Millan. EAST SIDE on paved street near Ordnance shop. 2 bedroom mod ern house, large lots in garden, strawberry patch, new drilled hole, cabin on property, only $.3200, $1000 down, $40 per month. Immediate possession close in 2 bedroom modern plastered house, paved street, sewer connections, $1800, $400 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. Sea ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO On y r- LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Cretllt Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Thone 523 BEND BULLETIN, BENpj OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY ,1. FOB SALE 8 GREEN BROKE saddle horses, 2 especially nice sorrel mares, 1 with colt at side, reasonably priced. Also saddle horses for hire. Mrs. Miles, 3V4 miles south on Dalles-Calif, highway. For ap pointments call 3-R-2. - .' ACREAGE Five acres. 4 acres Swalley. 4 room house, garage, chicken house, barn. Price $1550. W. L. Daron or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street. . FARM: 40 acres, 22 acres C.O.I, water. Good 4 room house. Many outbuildings. Some alfalfa and clover. $2700. See Walter L. Daron or Jack Arnold, 126 Minnesota. 30-06 RELOADING outfit with 300 bullets, 500 primers, 4 lbs. nowder. 1 250-watt 110 AC port able light plant. Schuman Auto Electric. REAL BUY: B'ive room modern house. Many built-ins. Two bed rooms. Good stone foundation. Garden, strawberries, flowers. $1600. Terms. See Walter L. Dar on or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street 7 PIECE bedroom set, 1 kitchen range, 1 big heating stove, 4 chairs and table, camping outfit, 2 chairs and dining table. Will sell cheap. 227 Wall. BRAND NEW 2 bedroom modern house near Allen school, compo sition brick exterior, many built ins In kitchen, $3800, loan avail able. On Shasta Place 2-bedroom modern house, sleeping porch, small cemented cellar, $2600, $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. MUST SELL: 4 room modern, wired for electric range, has elec tric water heater, and basement suitable for furnace. On west side M block off pavement. All fenced, garden spot, good garage. $1900 with $500 down, easy payments. Gilberts Real Estate & insurance, 1015 Wall Street. 6 DOE RABBITS, 1 buck, price $1.50 to $2.00. Call at 147 E. Olney. $300 DOWN: Will buy a 5 room home on west side, with two bed rooms. Priced at $1265. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. . LEIGHTON FURRIERS are now at 809 Florida. We still have a few new coats on sale at a BIG saving. See them now. Remember 809 Florida. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, near Kenwood school, completely fur- inished four room modern house, o large lots, Barn, chicken house. Only $1800, $300 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $1600 BUYS 5 acres, good 3 room house, barn and garage, 4 acres cultivated, one mile out. $800 buys. 4 acres, small house and barn, 2 miles out. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. $6500 BUYS 80 acres, 56 acres C. O. I. water, good house, new seed ing alfalfa, 3 miles out, some terms and immediate possession. C. V; Silvis, 118 Oregon. MASTADON strawberry plants, $1.00 a hundred. Gervais Ranch, second place west Cox's Service Station on south highway. 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bedl rooms. Two lots, one In garden. Woodshed, garage, chicken house, and rabbit hutches. West side, 'a block off pavement. Has cellar. Priced at $1700. See Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance for Terms. $3000 BUYS 3 bedroom modern I home, east side, immediate pos session. $4800 buys 4 bedroom modern, paved street, close In. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. 500 ACRES within few miles of Bend. Excellent dairy or cattle ranch, has 120 acres Swalley wa ter and' 120 acres in crop. A fine buy at $12,000. Requires half down, balance on . terms. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. PRE-WAR ATLAS, collapsible pacraea nany Duggy wnn weather cover and innerspring mattress, good condition, $20. Call 208-J or 153 Jefferson place. equity WANT TO SELL rnv cheap in 4 room house. Chicken house, garage, lawn and rose bushes. See at 1414 E.- 2nd. TRAILER HOUSE 16 foot lone 7 foot wide. Inquire 5 Hawthorne FOB RENT 3 ROOM furnished house, not ! modern, near mills, garage if de 1 sired. Apply 207 Riverfront. RED RYDER s - YV 'j j" ; FOB BENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 1 LARflR 3 rnnm mnHnrn ftii-nlcli. ed duplex, garage and woodshed. 1 small 3 room house, some fur niture, $7.50 per month. Schuman auio ciucin J. 3 ROOM modern furnished house. inquire 1225 Albany. 2 ROOM MODERN: Furnished cabin, oil heat, shower bath. 1 block from business district. $15.00 per month. Gilberts Real csiaie si insurance. 1015 Wall St. 3 ROOM MODERN: Unfurnished nouse, east side on river. Gas stove and water heater. Garage and boat house. $25.00 per month. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street 2 BEDROOM and 1 bedroom un furnished ants., hardwood floors. stove, heating, refi-igeration, and laundry facilities. Jansen V 11a. 407 Portland Ave. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT, cool, clean, close in. Modern, elec trically equipped, free washing fa cilities, garage, full basement In quire No. 7 Westonia Apts., 1601 West 3rd St. 3 ROOM MODERN: Furnished apartment. Good location. Newly decorated. Hot water furnished. Per month, $20.00. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. 1015 Wall St. GARAGE: 700 block on Broad way. $3.50 per month. Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance. 1015 Wall Street WANTED WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone S45-M. . USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 WaU St. Phone 900. tO BUY 1 op 2 shares of C.O.I, water. Write Vein E. Key, Rt. 1, Box 133, Bend. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wishes to rent 3 bedroom modern'house, furnished, partly furnished or un furnished. Can give references. Write No. 565, care of Bend Bulle tin. LATE MODEL flat-bed truck. Contact Mr. Harry Jackson, Pilot Butte Inn. ELECTRIC RANGE in good con dition. Phono 182-R. HELP WANTED MAN to care for cabins at fishing resort. Inquire U. S. Employment Service. BOY to work in store and some outside work. Steady during sum mer vacation. Call In person at Evans Fly Co. MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must be experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone 324 or 36 F-21. WANTED: experienced bookkeep er with knowledge of shorthand and typing. Write Drawer N, Red mond, Oregon. EXPERIENCED body and fender man wanted. Will make very at tractive deal to permonent em ployee. See Halbrook Motors. GROCERYM AN Experience pre ferred or experienced high school boy. Apply Erickson's Fodd Mar ket. MEN WANTED for common la bor at Camp Abbott. Transporta tion furnished, leaves from Pilot Butte Inn 6:50 a. m. 9 hours a day. Call Harry Jackson, Room 321, Pilot Butte Inn. SITUATION WANTED HOUSEKEEPER capable of tak ing complete charge wants place to work steady where she can have small child with her. Inquire 56 McKay. LOST BETWEEN BEND and Carrol Acres, part of steel camp bod. C. j E- Klelnfeldt Phone 22 K12. I SED CARS 1 1935 CHRYSLER sedan.has radio, R"d runner, in good cttnttition. I Under OPA ceiling price. $225. in. : quire Pine Tree Auto Court, Cabin 18. 1929 CHEV. coach. 4 good tires, 1 spnre, $100. Under OPA ceiling. H. G. Gilclier, 1452 Harmon.- THAI'S Iri" DUCHESS ab)Sn ( A0 RIDER. 1945 MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15 hi, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn.Frank Filey, attendant FULLER INSECTICIDE" SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. 'The Bulletin. Son in Europe Sends Greetings Motners day greetings were received today by Mrs. M. B. Smith In a telegram from her sons, SSgt. Wilbur M. Smith, somewhere In Germany. Wilbur's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Smith, 193 Jefferson, report that the mes sage also said their son was in good health. Wilbur enlisted in the army In February, 1941, and has been over seas since January of this year. In a recent letter to his parents, he told of receiving The Bend Bulletin regularly and enjoying the home-town news. His wife, Bonnie Jean, and his year-old son Richard, live in Tacoma with her mother. Wilbur graduated from Bend high school In 1935 and was later a student at Oregon Slate college. The flowers should be kent picked from newly-set strawberry putnis. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF KEUABLE BUSINEtrV AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE "LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil 1108 Ilontl AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all mitkes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIUK (SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to lluilson liiinrun 1327 Wall Phone 813 BEAUTY SHOPS MOTHER'S DAY KOLD WAVE PERMANENTS Truly a Girt To Please Her! EXPERT OPERATORS May Laura Artlelle Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phtuie 4H I CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners , 827 Wall Phone 524 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks IUwt of Materials Furnished Our periodical Inspection will Insure you more efficient oh eratiim. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone .IttO-W or 1I-F-28 . I'LL SHOVO'EfA THAT FREIGHT HAL) LIN 5 DAfJG&ROLJ5 A At WE OF WAGONS At the Tower Sunday cat rT fWNS ' :-4vvt-, I imp M li in artn fraj Jin -a.aajaiiai, 1 I i it You'll smile, loo, when you see the Three Stooges, Mary Beth Hughes, the Hoosicr Hotskots and many others in "Rockin in the Rockies." Prineville Boys Held By Officers Bend city officials and Des chutes county authorities today continued to map a program to cope wnn luveniic delinquency here, as state police reported that they had prepared a hearing for next Tuesday in the Crook coun ty Juvenile court for five Prine ville boys on chargus of being de linquents. The boys were arrest ed here at 2 a.m.. yesterday by Bend police. Mayor A. T. Nicbergall and County Judge C. L. Allen proceed ed with plans for calling a con ference of all law enforcement officers of the community next week. At that time it was be lieved decision would be reached lo engage- full-time juvenile of ficers, and select laws under which both the delinquents and their parents may be prosecuted. The Prineville quintet, whose ages ranged from 14 to 16 years, was said to have atlmitted to state officers that they had pilfered at STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries -Sales and Service ut Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Itcpiilr Kltt'tritul Supplies Fluorescent LlglitM , E Maztlu Lamps Smith's Electric 1188 Wall riionn 08 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliance. Bend Washer Service l.'ld Greenwood I'liimf flH3 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING " Steam Kitting New Work Repairing Homo Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing huppliin ' Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phono 217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in ' Long Distance Household Goods Movement 9 - S PAGE SEVEN 1,-. LP- least a score of automobiles In Prineville, Redmond and Bend. The boys were reported to have admitted that their principal loot consisted of gasoline coupons, cigarets and fishing tackle. Campaign Continues Meantime the youthful cam paign of rowdyism In Bend con tinued, with Bend police reporting that a water stand pipe had been broken down in Drake park, two more bicycles had been stolen, one resident reported his chickens were stoned, fountain drinking heads were reported stolen from the high school, and another life preserver had been removed from Its place on Newport bridge and was thrown into the weeds along the river bank nearby. TAPER PRICE INCREASED Chicago, May 12 tlB News stand price of the Chicago Sun day Sun in Chicago and suburbs was boosted from 10 cents to 12 cents today. The newspaper announced the Increase was necessary to meet higher production and distribu tion costs. Buy National War Bonds Now! MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" lft.Mft Awhrey Kit, Tel. W29-M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bonil It MlnniHiom Phono HIM LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Dy Of the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. S21 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent irm Awhrey ltd. Phone B4-W FARMERS INSURANCf GROUP FARMERS AUTOMOMLE IfHER-INSURANCK EXCHANGE & TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE t FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Be Salt Sol Sorry Insure Today Prompt Claim Sm&i Shatter Form Polkr Eugene M. Biirknum, IHhLMrt. 11154 Bond St. Phone 38 1 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress The Bend Bulletin Phone 5&- By FRED HARMAN CO" 'VV . M 1 EAT Of f.