THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1945 page srx Office Equipment FILING CABINETS We've a good stock In inexpensive to top quality filing cabinets handy b'jilt right tor use and good looking! DESKS Desks to meet your most critical require ments. Large ones, small ones, ell hand somely finished. Typewriter Repairs Carbons Papers Personal Stationery Greeting Cards Mimeograph Equipment Pendaflex Files Office Supplies ERIKSEN'S STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES Next to Chamber of Commerce Phone 141 Highest Type of Auto Machine Work . BRAKE DRUM GRINDING CYLINDER REBORING (Up to 7!2 in. bore) PISTON REFINISHING MOTOR REBUILDING DRAKE'S AUTO SHOP Behind Stage Depot 1058 Bond , Phone 795-J Comply with OREGON'S . FINANCIAL MSPONSIBIUTY LAW . at the LOWEST POSSIBLE COST Compare the., colli for: J5.000$l0.000 Bodily Injury and $5,000 Property Damaao Liability for "A" Ratio Rookholder and Vicinity "B" Ratio) ookboldar $10.18 $ 5.18 Month! Inch Sll Mm, TkfatHr at crr..t rato. FlratSta Month. $10.76 $pr m 'oc s' Mo. errant rates FARMERS policies moot He requirements of Oregon' Financial Responsibility Law. , Eugene M. Bucknum 1054 Bond St. FARMERS AUTOMOBILE l.t.r-INSURANCE Truck Insurance Exchange Phone 331 y annua OUR STOCK of BICYCLE ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES PARTS COMPLETE Carl Austin REPAIR SHOP 220 GREENWOOD We FIX 'em! Complete Auto Repair Auto-Lite BATTERIES Complete line dependable batteries for every make of automobile. To keep your car giving peak performance, bring it to us for attention while your troubles are still small. Motor, battery, radiator, transmission, tires, or just lubrication, we can do the job right. ' ' GATES TIRES - AUT0LITE BATTERIES Central Oregon Garage i Phone 240 WALT NELSON EAP.L 7PFK Greenwood & Hdrriman WITH T.M. S.PAT. '. OFF. BY GEORGE, I CAN'T THINK. OF A BETTER- Ow rl AKJ AFTERNOON W OFF THAN OUT IN W imp r,pncii 'II h. " r. i i i vi . jy I rrr , .1 il' . i' w m i i i. ITS ABOUT TIME YOU TWO ARE Y OH, MOTHER, GETTING HOME WE'VE JUST NOT TONIGHT FINISHED CLEANING THE WALL I'M SUPPOSED PAPER. IN THE FRONT ROOM TO GO TO AFTER UINNER.VOU CAN PO f CLUB.' THE PINING ROOM WE'RE GOING OUT this, r EVENING.'L. (A THAT'S A SISTER. FOR.NOU' SHE SHOULD WORRY IF I MISS A BALL GAME.' IF I HADN'T THOUGHT FAST. I'D HAVE BEEN STUCK.' 2 4M ( WELL, THE PAINTERS FINALLY , , iV REACHED THIS OFFICE --THAT ) 4 M jl )l MEANS I HAVE Tl TO CLEAR. J r l ' ! "iFTb'ut, maybe mv wifecan7TthimIc ZlvfTp7 1 T I'VE RUM INTO HELLO, THERE V SOMETHING rrv well, fine y . r x -f MM WELL, VOL) CAM DcTW AW.lsEErNOT TOMOR- j IT TOMORROW AFTER-) ROW WE GOT A ' v, NOON tmMCBALL GAME ON AFTERS THEM! Mltcj SCHOOL- j BROTHER." COPK i43 BTNIASSSVICE INC 1 rmwy s APPAREMTLV THE FOLklS AREN'T HOME VET i irnc A fc lA-rr r-r i i itt t i . ' ' 1 vL ,,--i7 Ski UEAVc bWEET fal STEK, I HAVE GONE TO BED AND DON'T WAKE ME.' I DID MV HALF OF THE WALL PAPER EXACTLY IM FACT I MEASURED IT DOWM TO THE HALF INCH VOUR. LOVING 1 ( AND I DOW'T MIND AT V r A I I IT' A CAAim I ''s;-W;'.L& ( r" S V ' IS) I SOMETHING fev'l COME AT J l LB IF WE ALL. PITCH IN, WE'LL HAVE THE SPRING HOUSECLEANING DONE IN NO TIME THERE'S A STARTER FOR YOU -AND THEN VOL) CAN HELP ME CLEAN WALL PAPER.' 'VH Til ' L"-"N 1 THE HECK WITH X OkiAV- GO TO DO IT THAT VOUR BALL GAME.' VOUR. OLD WAV, BUT I'M MOT GOING CLUB I'LL DO JUST DON'T -7, -4TO MISS MY HALF TO" N ARGUE 5S CLUBi NIGHT AM VOU CAN DO 1 Mncpoun w'm 11 WHV.THAT SNIP CLEANING THE EASV HALF, AND LEAVING ME THE TOP OF THE WALLS AND THE CEILING J. f? Williams i. 11 y