THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1945 PAfeE F1YE Local News TEMPERATURE Lvlmum yesterday, 61 decrees. finlmum last night, 49 degrees. TftniV'S WEATHER Temperature! 10 p. m., 41 de- fees; 10 a. hi., oi uekik--. i nieter (reduced to sea level): p. m., 29.93 Inches; 10 a. m., ,6tf ilicnes. iteiuuvu iiujiuuhj; fr cent. Velocity of wind: 10 in.. 3 miles: 10 a. m., 7 miles. bevailing direction of wind: fcutliwest. Mrs. E. V. Johnson and daugh- Elsie, left last night for Og- In, Utah, where Mrs. Johnson ll visit relatives and friends she ns not seen for '23 years. Miss fchnson, former employe of the est service siaii in uena, win ?ake ner nome ui ugueu. Pfc. Ray L. Howard, who was r-pntlv returned to the states fallowing an injury received in fction in Italy, is now in the Mc law hospital, in Walla Walla, I'ash. Mrs. Howard and children fake their home in Bend. Pvt. toward is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Howard, Bend. iE. A. Collier, maintenance en gineer for the state highway de partment, left Bend today to re- 1 Llt n lO Daiem aiitri Birciiuuig ocv. i ral days on a tour of inspection t i Central Oregon points. Leslie Van Tassel, Kenneth L. Ioorhead, Dick Van Tassel and t. Caroentry of Shevlin, com- irised a party of Bend visitors tho last night made their head quarters at the Pilot Butte inn. f Zoia McOougall, dean of girls ft the Bend Mgh school, is spend ftic the week-end IniEugene. j George Whitson of Prineville, as a Bend visitor today. Fred B. Corn, department ad- itant and quartermaster tor the eterans of Foreign Wars ot Ore- on, was here last night from ortland and attended the regu lar meeting of the Bend VFW post oauier nau, ana tonignt will attend the institution of the Des chutes post in Redmond. He is on a tour of inspection of all Oregon VFW posts, i Jean C. Uibson of Prineville, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. V. N. Johnson of Fossil, was a Bend business caller today. Calvin L. Sherman and family of Prineville, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schlaman of 335 Portland avenue are the parents of a daughter, Janita Gail, born Friday at the St. Charles hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Noy re ceived word today of the birth of a six-pound, five-ounce son to their daughter, Mrs. Al Stocks, In Spokane. The baby's father is in the navy training center at Far. ragui. Dr. John Morange, pastor of the Gilchrist community church, will conduct the fourth quarterly conference Sunday at 8 p. m. at the Methodist church, Rev. Robert Mcllvenna reported today. Dr. S. E. Fairham, superintendent of the Cascades district, will be unable to attend because of illness. F 1c James Mortimer is spend ing a leave with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Mortimer, 214 Woodland. The young sajlor, who has been in the service since Dec., 1943, was recently returned to this country after participat ing in the Leyte and Luzon cam paigns in the Philippines, and has been hospitalized In the states. He is due to report at Bremerton May 30. B. S. Van Noy, Olympia, Wash., arrived yesterday en route from Pomona to visit his son and fam ily. Earl Van Noy of Van's Drive in. The elder Van Noy arrived at the stage terminal to find his son buying a ticket for Olympia. The trip was postponed until next week, when the whole family will go to the Washington city. A Bend boy now stationed at Shepard Field, Texas, Pvt. Billy Halverson, has been classified as a remote control gunner on a B-29 fortress, according to word received recently by his mother, Mrs. O.. E. Halverson, 64 McKay. Billy, who has been in the army two months, also reported that his squadron won first place In a review parade fast Saturday at the field. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallock of Redmond, were Bend visitors yes terday. Mrs. C. G." Hitchock, Sisters, called on Bend friends yesterday. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Frank Crawford, of Spray. Stewart'Stapleton, Brotners stockman, was here today on bus iness. Ensign Kay Thompson, who has been spending a leave with his father, O. J. Thompson, will leave Monday for Seattle, where he will report for reassignment. Mrs. C. E. snotis ano mrs. vr gil Hill are in Bend today-troip Gilchrist. Miss Mary Jane Spencer, stu dent at Oregon State college, is spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Spen cer, 472 State. Mrs. Dewey Craig arrived from Gilchrist yesterday to spend two days in Bend. Mrs. Earl 74?i returned this week from a buying trip to Port land for the People's store. Dr. and Mrs. R, W. Hendershott will spend the weekend in Pasco visiting their son, Lt. Rpbert Hen dershott, and family. Flight Surgeon E. B. Johnson, U. S. N., and wife visited today with Mr., and Mrs. Ben E. Whise nand. The navy officer, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Whisenand, is en route to San. Diego, Calif., for re-assltnment. Mrs. Evada R. Power of Madras Is shoDDine in Bend today. T. M. Smith arrived Wednesday from Areata, Calif., to visit his daughter, Miss Elaine Smith, 2 Broadway. He will leave Sunday morning for Medford,' where he will make his home. Mrs. Mark Sanders left by bus today for Hood River, where she will visit her mother and her Bend Makes Plans for 1945 Mother's Day Observance With V-E day a reality and many homes cheered by news that their boys may soon be. home. Bend is making preparations for the most hopeful Mother's day In four years. Special services will be held Sunday in the churches, which expect near capacity con gregations. TViji lnal tblnnhnnn mmD&nV. anticipating a rush occasioned by long-distance calls from service men and women in bases scat tered the length and breadth of the nation, have employed extra help for the day. The board ex pects to De a Die 10 nanuie wc nii Aacfiu Da In nast vears. as no problem Is presented locally . I !..l.r lriT-klT. Dy tne incre&seu uuuviijr ib rllctanno HtlPQ Numerous Bena ioik nuve 2 BIG DAYS COME DOWN EARLY TOMORROW O MONDAY FIRST SHOW. SUNDAY, 1 P. M. BE THERE! 7 CAIHtfrOSKfS 7 TO START OFF OUR BIG "CARNHVAL OF FUN" DONALD DUCK MINNIE MOUSE PLUTO MIGHTY MOUSE 9 BUGS BUNNY POPEYE LITTLE LULU ALL THE BEST CARTOONS IN THE BOOK 1 CONTINUOUS TOMORROW FROM 1 TO 11 P. M. - - COME ON DOWN SADDLE op I. M Pfl firf 8IG .atr, frolkl i 7?"lUSCAl. WITH V Wm MARY BETH HUGHES JOTS Of COMEDYI f The HOOSIER HOISHOTS J&m W -js . fQL k WfA Born Dane Showl H', JttrSLV ' lL' P4n& JAY KIR BY llV? 'A ;V7 v Wolth thi, n,w action .to.l l?jL . tRZST -J- u 4)tM j i The CAPPY BARRA BOYS ffyj&fWl t ' H i' 1 'if SonMtionol hormonico quartill fcM-JiS?. Yj-a i S Vi GLADYS BLAKE .-. S.j ft If ff-"- i toughl.r and on9l V m-?' ' , TIM RYAN r tf i ? SPADE COOLEY.Kinf if WtJtiri.wiPl. gt ro,,-n, 'T, L vNfcl'ijiili( ',' Noltd rod and recording rtH ffl ttt,' "-Sf0- . 4 W- Lv'-''ifm jtitoScrtin Plti 01 I. Benton ChenM t4 IT "lCfu. sOt,g , . "tin ' JN .iI ?A 'Ji-2M&at "Hsi,.Zu planned week-end trips to other points In the state, and some will entertain out-of-town guests, al though there will be Jess traveling than usual because of war-time restrictions. Realizing that serv ice personnel deserve preference on clogged transportation lanes,' most people will send felicitations by mail or telegraph, or greet Molhers far away with long-distance telephone calls. Entertaining the past week has taken a Mother's day trend, with several Durtles using this theme. Several lodge groups have had guest nights for mothers, and the beginners' day entertainments and music week observances at the schools have included mother tributes on the programs. daughter, Marsha. T5gt.-Kaymona oun uum Fort Sam Houston is spending a iijiu fui-iniicfh with his wife. who recently returning from visit ing her nusDana in oan nmumu and is now living with her par ents, Route 2, Bend. bgt. weison entered the army three years ago in July. He was iormeny empioy prl bv the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc., on the section crew. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladles free. Adv. Everybody dance at Cuckoo Ridge May 12th, old Bend-Red-mnnj Mohunv. Snonsored bv Lo cal 278 of Farmers Union, Terre bonne, Ore. aov. MUST END "HOUSE OF A "I'LL REMEMBER TONIGHT FRANKENSTEIN"0 APRIL" Sisters Sisters, May 11 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Harris have return ed to Sisters after visiting their son for a few weeks at Pilot Rock. Mr. and Mrs. William Goff moved into their new home near th rodeo erounds last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stonehocker land family have moved Into the j former Goff home, having pur . chased it. Mrs. Etta Brockett is visiting I her parents in Powell Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Howcn noDens and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson of Bend spent the afternoon at Suttle lake Sunday. On their re turn trip they spent the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zumwalt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zumwalt, Joe Graham and Nellie Bembry and family spent Sunday at the Metolius river. Sisters Townsend club held its regular meeting Friday evening, May 4, witn a large crowa aucna ing. The "fish pond" was a sue cess and the club is planning one for Friday evening, May n. A new secretary was appointed to succeed the former secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Charlie Boyer was appointed by our president, W. F. Glover. Members are enthusiastic over the report given out by the "Flash" from the Washington leg islative bureau in Washington, D. C. The juniors and seniors and in structors of Sisters high school are to enjoy a play day at the Circle M ranch Tuesday. The par ents and directors of the school Doara are inviieu iu aiiunu. mry wn leave at p. m. ana nave uin Rev. Kiel Leaving r A r , s s 4 mi m r net at 7 p. m. Anna Belle Wells of Scottsburg, Ore., is visiting 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith. Tuna nnhL-ins Tjnnn Dpmaris. Joyce Stidham, La Vina Stidham, t va riovio Prank Wnlfe and Bet ty Bedwejl spent an evening in Benq at tne roller riliK wnere- r kle and his Jolly Cowboys" enter tallied. l k"on Pnmprov and Mrs. Pomeroy spent the weekend at thu Cmrop Wakefield home. They are from Spokane, wasn.t iin Flnvd Dnhklns was Inform ed that her nephew, Laurence Mason, of the medical corps, who was reported missing in Belgium some time ago was nem as a pns Annr war in Rm-iln and was re leased after the capture of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Mclntyre of Bend were guests at the Wake field home last weekend. Mardee Dowsteet spent the weekend at the George Wakefteld home. An informal dinner for the Re hekahs and their families was ulvrn at Odd Fellows hall Wednes day evening, May 2. V. Taylor and son, MorD, ana wife and their son, and Mrs. Jim Angel and her daughter from Prineville, were guests Sunday at the Bert Demaris home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zumwalt and Joe Graham, and Mrs. Nellie Bembrcy and children went to Me tolius river and spent the day on a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Allen are mov ing to Oak Ridge Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy McClcan ac companied their son, William and his wife Kathleen, to Detroit last week where William McClcan will be district ranger. Mrs. William McClcan will either work in the office or on a lookout tower dur ing the summer. ; Mr. and Mis. Frank Payne of Lakevlew visited Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Farlcigh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wyatt moved Intr, thnii niw hnmp. the former Tom Drlaney property. Art Klcharns weni to i-rnnn!-ton and La Grande to visit friends last weekend. Herb McKinnry, who has spent iha u.intur in thn vallov. is hai'k flt Sisters and will be employed at the fire warden's office for the summer. The library received some new books Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Cyrus have gone to Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. M. u. bticiigrove U. S. Army Unit HORIZONTAL t Making 1 Depicted ! mistakes , insigne of th 81 Eccitric U. S. Army whtel Corps 02 Challenge Area Serv. 54 Preposition ice Command 5 ' 7 Assistant Roman to. Riirf ,.u magistrates 13 Solid (COmb. Rgctann, Rev. R. E. Kiel, for the past six years pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, will conclude his serv ices here on Sunday, and next week he and Mrs. Kiel will leave for Placervllle, Calif., where the pastor is to continue his ministry, have moved Into their new home. Alva A. Varley, Ch. M.M., and nephew of Mrs. Walter Hannan. Is visiting at her home this week. He was stationed at Santa Cruz and arrived at Pearl Harbor right after the Jap invasion. He is on a 60-day leave. Mrs. Lulu Alley was called to Kansas by the serious Illness of her mother. Mrs. Lulu Alley Is Mrs. G. McLaughlin's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hannan of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alley and boys of Tumalo, Mrs. Lulu Alley and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mc Laughlin picnicked on the Me tolius Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Roach and Mrs. Jack Nunnellee went to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barclay re turned from Portland Monday evening. Art Klchards will soon leave for Mitchell, where he will be em ployed at Ed Spoo's mill. Kay smith and Frank Wolfe re turned to their navy bases last weeK. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goforlh and sons went to Camp Sherman Monday on Dusmcss. m w t ) i Jl LAST CHANCE TO SEE IT imamii tonight The Picture Everyone Is Talking About III? niUOUGH FUNI WauffHT STARTING SUNDAY AT 1 P. M. NOTE! ! THIS IS THE PICTURE THAT HAS PHIL SPITALNY AND THE "HOUR OF CHARM" ALL-GIRL CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA FEA TURING EVELYN AND HER MAGIC VIOLIN. line uii mmm Hlln. MWXm. JLi.'. Hi I ft x- xLSTFllriT Pi w imm r Mi omiicou otdcoor I JJ, V ' UnCHANir jvnVINCINt ClillDINOU I ,, i rWI SMIAlHr and riw -Hr ol Cor" IIJiH Onhaitnt I A :,ii,vT:sar form) 14 Having a handle 15 Makes an edging 16 Ache 18 Waste allowance 20 Cloth measures 31 Long-drawn speech 23 Having three parts (comb.) form) 24 Rhode Island (ab.) 25 Transpose (b.) 26 Symbol for silver 28 Naval Reserve (ab.) 29 Frighten " 31 Hindu queen 33 Footlike part 34 River (Sp.) 35 Exhausted 37 Bury 40 Father 41 Deciliter (ab.) 42 Nova Scotia (ab.) 43Votre emi nence (ab.) 44 Men of this unit part of the U S Army six lines 60 East Indian herb 61 Exit VERTICAL 1 Compound ethers 2 Type face 3 Obtains 4 Hours (ab.) 5 Symbol for telluriutn 6 Indian 1 Body part 8 Half-em 6 Type of boat (ab.) 10 Segment 11 Without end 12 Withdraw 38 Eludes K 39 Mat anew 45 Goddess of discord 17 Area measure 4T Trick 18 Indian army 48 Royal Navy (ab.) 21 Braced framework for railroads (ab.) 49 That one 80 Face part St Dove's home Fir 22 Ear ornament S3 Note in 25 Tendency Guido's Kale 27 Profits 85 Socialist 30 Mimic Soviet Re- 32 Negative word public (ab.) 3$ Garden 57 Type measure shovels fl Exempli 38 Pompous show gratia (ab.) is n f iTnT WT m TWINS WOUNDED SAME DAY Sesser, III. (U'l Russell and Randall McBride, twins from here, have been living identical lives during their three years in the army. Both were wounded at Torigny, France, on the same day and by the same mine blast, one In the leg and the other In the arm. They entered the hospital together and were released to re turn to the 35th Infantry division the same day. Russell Is a first sergeant and Randall Is a techni cal sergeant. SHELL HEADS PROBLEM New York U' Officers of the third naval district In charge of selling surplus naval material have solved many problems, but finding use for 18.000 outmoded shell heads has them stumped. The five-and-hulf-inch cones arc made of brass, a half-inch thick. The navy would appreciate sug gestions on how they could he used by civilians. Officers Seeking Killer of Youth Chicago, May 12 (Ui Police delved today into the juvenile complexities of the northwest side jive set for a clue to the bizarre slaying In fashionable Hotel Stev ens of 17-year-old Morton Stein "Flash Gordon" t,o friends. Young Stein's body, brutally beaten and stabbed, his pockets emptied, was found yesterday by a terrified negro maid at the tow ering lakerront hotel. i The victim, a handsome youth who "didn't like school" had been stuffed into a clothes closet. There was evidence of a savage struggle. A crude "do not disturb", sign had dropped from the hall door. Scene of the murder was a few blocks down Michigan avenue from the exclusive prake hotel, where Mrs, Adele Born Williams, socialite wlto of a state depart ment officiul, was shot to death Jan. Ill, 1941. This case Is still un solved. ' ELKS PLAN PARTY All Elks and their ladles are Invited to attend a party and dance tonight In the BPOE hall, Paul Sevy, secretary, announced today. Ernest Traxlcr and Charles Morrison will furnish the music, and food will be served, ' TO BUILD CARS London, May 12 tyi Th Mps cow radio said today that within a few days the production of au tomobiles will begin at one ol Russia's big tank faotqrles. NOT IN LINK OF DUTY Laporte, Ind. " Police Sgt. Charles Olson, working his usual miilnight to-Sa. m. station trick, road a Chicago newspaper ac- I count of an appeal for rare type ! 3 blood to save tho life of a hos I pltal patient. He left for Chicago as soon as ho got off work, re ' turning minus a pint of blood, In ! time to begin the next day's work ; without sleep. ! TKXAN FOR I KKE PAKKINO I Austin, Tex. (Ill Hep. Will Smith of Heaumont, Tex., says it , is an infringement upon the rights of a citizen to make him pay for parking his car in a public street. ; Ho offered a bill In the Texas leg- ! islalure to prohibit parking meters. PIN-UP SERVICES, TOO , ' Boston IIP) The New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. re-' cenuy aug down into its mes to help two U.1.S get jp toucn wpn their pin-up girl. It seems the sol diers had snapped the girl's pic ture down south. They got her telephone number, but neglected to get her name. So, asking the girl's permission, the telephone company obliged with name and address. Buy National War Bonds Nqwl SPECIAL ATTENTION REVIVAL God hat definite inspired message from the word of God. Shall We Ri se or Fall? We urge everyone to attend these Evangelistic Services! HEAR Evangelist Ralph Megrew and Wife from Seattle, Washington EVERY NIGHT (etcept Monday end Saturday) at the First Pentecostal Church . 213 Lafayette The Loaf That Stays Fresh Longer .Vr r m;uii ra I ' -it r ' ! t Popular Because It's GOOD Fresh Every Day at Your Grocer's