i,.....:,.;!!!. l.Tiimiimiwi-itmi,i urn i THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY II, 1945 PAGE SEVEN Stocks on Mart Spare Articles Gan Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad By Elmer C. Waller (United Vtttm Financial Editor) New .York, May 11 ilPi Stocks advanced today after four ses sessions of decline. Volume, how ever, fell off to the lowest levels In a month. . Railroad issues, weak yester day, came back fractions to two points In Norfolk and Western. Santa Fe, Gulf Mobile and Ohio, Nickel Plate preferred, Chicago Great Western preferred, and Bal timore and Ohio gained a point or more. , Hudson featured the motors in turnover and gained a fraction. Other motors were firm. Stude baker made a new high and held half of a one-point rise made at the opening. American Airlines 1 lost a point while Transcontinent al & Western rose a point. U. S. Rubber rose a point in its depart ment. Lockheed made a new high to feature the aircrafts. Gold min ing shares made new highs early in the day and then turned irregu lar. ' - Mclntyre Porcupine, an excep tion to the late trend in the golds, held a gain of more than a point. Utilities moved irregularly but enough rose to bring a small rise in the average. In the oils, prices were mixed. Superior oil of Call' fornla. a wide mover, spurted 5 points on one transaction. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 11 IP livestock: Cattle. 25, calves 10. Supply mostly odds and ends. De mand fairly broad for most class es, with week's receipts light. No steers offered today. Week's ex treme top $17.75, new high this .year. Common heifers $11.00-12. 'Medium beef cows $11.50. Can ners and cutters $7.00-12.00. Me dium beef cows $11.50. Canners and cutters $7.00-9.50. Sausage bulls salable around $10.50-12.50. Good beef bulls to $13.50. Medium vealers $13.00-14.00. Good-choice grades salable $15.00-16.00. Hoes 25. Active, steady at cell ings. Butchers all weights $15.75. Sows $15.00, Feeder pigs salable S18.00-18.00. Sheen none. Few spring Jambs held over sold about steady at the week's decline. Medium-good erades $13.00. Common light springers $10.00. Good-choice grades quotable to $14.00. Old crop shorn lambs salable $13.B0 down. Good shorn ewes quotable $6.00-6.50. FOB SALE Classified Rates i Local-Paid In Advane. ?Ay Bm with pad. inquire at 25 Words One Time . 407 Portland avenue. 26 Words Three Times 25 Words Six Times .J5e -'So; ON PAVED STREET: Five room ,L35 All war da mr 15 add lc ax ward lim number ! inacrUona Oh Month ran, un, cpr, V. dar rat Minimum Chart, Ik LINE RATE lOe CAPITALS 20o CUuaifiad Adaarttab Cnah In Advanca Oaiij Chmlnc Tiaaa 11 dl P. hi. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phont 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store MEETING of LOYAL ORDER of MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose First and Third Fridays. '-' DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. GOOD FRESH cow with third calf. Heifer, -milk stock 14 months. H. L. Chrisman, Butler Market road. Phone l-F-4. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland.Ore., May 11 ilB But ter and egg prices were unchang fed todav. '- ! d Butter cube 93 score 42 c; modern. Three bedrooms, plaster ed, basement, furnace, garage. $3000. $1192 down. See Walter Daron or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minne sota Street. FOB SALE 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bed rooms. Like new, hardwood floors, gas range and water heater. Just off East Third. Reduced to $4800 for quick sale. Gilberts Real Es tate & Insurance, 1015 Wall St. MASTADON strawberry plants, $1.00 a hundred. Gervais Ranch, second place west Cox's Service Station on south highway. PHILCO RADIO, large mohair pre-war davenport, 8 piece walnut dining set, oak library table, beds, dressers, chest of drawers, ii inch electric drill, leather rocker, log ger's 10 inch calk boots, coil springs, collapsible baby buggy, baoy Bassinette, copper wasn Don er, binoculars, baby beds, 125 ft. roll 7 ft. chicken wire, f urniture Exchange, 315 Greenwood. PREWAR COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, A-l condition. Used only a few times, $20. Inquire 201 Irving. CLEAN, SMOOTH, field-run pota toes, excellent ior seea. n. v. Kerns ranch, Arnold district. Phone ll-F-11. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood yard, Phone 767. FOB SALE COMPLETELY. MODERN auto court with good grounds and well located twelve units completely furnished. This is a good buy and can be easily handled by two peo ple. Priced at $25,000. Requires hair down, balance on terms, Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. ,. . FRYER RABBITS every week, market Drice. Wanted live rabbits, Jefferson Rabbitry, 111 Jefferson place; ' 8 COCKTAIL forks in Deauville pattern, one bud vase, salt and pepper set, all in pre-war silver d ate. One Dair children's mac oxfords, size 2. Call 1595 Awbrey road after 5 p. m. BIG' REDUCTION: New house nui- Smith Third street. Built re cently. 4 room. Steal at2000. $500 down. See Walter Daron or Jack Arnold,-126 Minnesota aireex. ROOM SIZE BROADLOOM IN STOCK TODAY One 12x15 green fern pattern Wil ton rue. One 12x15 beige leaf pat tern Wilton rug. One xio rose tone leaf pattern Wilton. One 9x12 be ee leaf pattern wuton. une 9x12 dusty rose fern pattern ax- minster rug. See our windows. Bend Furniture Co. TWO BEDSPREADS, various siied center pieces, pillow sups, and vanity sets all crocheted. Mrs. W. E. Dent, two miles east of Terrebonne. LARGE RANCH in Powell Butte section, 320 acres deeded land, 220 acres C.O.I, water, 100 acres al ready in crop and 100 acres ready for potatoes. Owner must leave account of neaitn. iriceu at 000 for immediate possession, some terms. Complete line ma chinery may be obtained at mar ket price. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. CHINA CLOSET, 2 pair aqua drapes, 1 electric motor lor sew ing machine, silverware service or six, 1 small roaster, miscel laneous dishes, dish drains, pie tins, flour sifter, tea kettles and angel food pans. Mrs. W. E. Rede man, No. 4 Irving Apts. ACREAGES Time to buy. 3 bed room well-built house, basement outbuildings, 3 acres, 3 acres Swalley. $3675. $1000 down. Mod ern 3-bedroom stone house, well constructed outbuildings. 5 acres. 5 acres Arnold, alfalfa, $5000. some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone db-w. 2 WOOD cook stoves. 38 Lafayette between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. 6 PIECE bedroom 1508 W. 4th.- set. Inquire JERSEY-GUERNSEY milk cow. Freshen in June, 6 years old. M. J. Telford, 1469 Newport. A 39c; small 35c dozen. WOOD,. GREEN or dry, $8.00 a cord, delivered. Stock up now for your winter's wood. D. W. Beck, uoc.u prewar uuiiiuiuuiiuu gas and wood range, 2 gas water tanks, gas .plate, window shades, 2 pair drapes rust,- and some blue . plants and Steel's Jumbo pansies. drapes. Men s ana women s snoes AA-r. ,,, . ...... iDnr-tion,! size RlA narrow. Some almost now. iuui ... im, ......... . ---- - - uaus anu enus. inquire i li ving. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS .Butter CUbe SM score 4.scjy--- ., Marieolds Petun oi score 42Wc; DO score' 42c; HfSlTlZTt score 41 c pound. Eees prices to retailers large, 44c; A large 42c; medium 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bedl rooms. Two lots, one in garden. Woodshed, garage, chicken house, and rabbit hutches. West side, hi block off pavement. Has cellar. priced at sr.uu see Gilberts Keal Estate & Insurance for Terms. $6500 BUYS 80 acres, 56 acres C. O. I. water, good house, new seed ing alfalfa. 3 miles out, some terms and immediate possession. C. V. Sllvis, 118 Oregon. EAST SIDE on paved street near Ordnance shop. 2 oeoroom moo hnusfi. laree lots in garden. strawberry . patch, new drilled hole, cabin on properly, u'"y $3200, $1000 down, $40 per month. Immediate possession ciuse m bedroom modern piasiereo. nouac, paved street, sewer connections, siRno. S400 down. $30 month. Anne Forbes. so uregon. r-nuiie 36-W. FOB SALE WANTED LATE MODEL flat-bed truck. Contact Mr. Harry Jackson, Pilot Butte Inn. ELECTRIC RANGE in good con- anion, rnone uu-tt. $3000 BUYS 3 bedroom modern home, east side, immediate pos session. $4800 buys 4 bedroom modern, paved street, close in. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. 500 ACRES within few miles of Bend. Excellent dairy or cattle ranch, has 120 acres Swalley wa ter and 120 acres hi crop. A fine buy at $12,000. Requires half down, balance on terms. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. PRE-WAR ATLAS, collapsible padded baby buggy with weather cover and innersprlng mattress, good condition, $20, Call 2U8-J or 153 Jefferson place. TWO WHEEL trailer, well built. Also 2 bedsteads, 1 double, 1 sin gle. Call 753-W or inquire Oregon Iran Auto court. WANT TO SELL my equity cheap in 4 room house. Chicken house, garage, lawn and rose bushes. Sec at 1414 E. 2nd. HELP WANTED MAN to care for cabins at fishing resort. Inquire U. S, Employment Service. . WOMAN OR GIRL to take care of invalid lady and some house work. Good wages. Contact E. J. Branson at the Bend Dairy Plant Louise Woodruff Visits Prineville Prineville, May 11 (Special) Miss Louise Woodruff left re cently for her home in Engle wood, Calif., after spending a 10 day vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodruff. Miss Woodruff Is employed by the Robert H. Clark company of Los Angeles, as Inspector of pre cision tools. Her brother, 2nd Lt Charles Woodruff is a fighter pi lot. At present he, Is grounded following a period of hospitaliza tion and is now engaged as assist ant operations officer at the mu nicipal air base at Abilene, Texas. - Both Lt. Woodruff and his sis ter Louise are graduates of Crook county high school and attended the University of Oregon, leaving before finishing their courses to take training for war service. Buy National War Bonds Now! BOY to work In store and some ' outside work. Steady during sum-1 mer vacation. Call in poison at Evans Fly Co. GIRL OR WOMAN to care for house and children for working serviceman's wife, to stay nights preierred. 14U4 Baltimore. Phone 967-J. MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must bo experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone 324 or 36-F-21. WANTED: experienced bookkcep- er wnn Knowledge oi snortnand and typing. Write Drawer N, Red mond, Oregon. SITUATION WANTKD TRAILER HOUSE 16 foot long, 7 foot wide. Inquire 5 Hawthorne. FOB BENT s r.RFEN BROKE saddle horses, 2 especially nice sorrel mares, 1 with colt at side, reasonably nriced. Also saddle horses for hire. Mrs. Miles, 3'i miles south on Dalles-Calif, highway. For ap pointments call A-ii-4. ACREAGE Five acres. 4 acres Swalley. 4 room house, garage, chicken house, barn. Price $1550. W. L. Daron or J. Fv Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street. 3 ROOM modern cottage, electric stove and refrigerator, wood, wa ter and lights furnished. Also two 2 room modern cabins. Inquire Signal Station on south highway. NEW MODERN four room house, one bedroom, utility room with stationary tubs. Electric hot water heater. Wired for electric range. Immediate possession. Will con sider trade-in on larger home. 365 E. Kearney. Phone 1030-W. . FARM: 40 acres, 22 acres C.O.I, water. Good 4 room house. Many outbuildings. Some alfalfa and clover. $2700.'See Whiter L. Daron or Jack Arnold, 126 Minnesota. 30-06 RELOADING outfit with 300 bullets, 500 primers, 4 ids. powder. 1 250-watt 110 AC port able light plant. Shuman Auto Electric. "CARNIVAL OF FUN" STARTING OFF WITH 7 CARTOONS DONALD DUCK! MINNIE v MOUSE! PLUTO! MIGHTY MOUSE! BUGS BUNNY! POPEYE! LITTLE LULU! AND THEN "Rockm in the Rockies" Loaded With Screen, Stage and Radio Star's! Tower Sun. - Mon. Only $2500 BUYS nicely furnished d Mrs. Nygaard. room modern, i lots on r-oniana, immediate possession. $1500 buys 3 room modern on Revere. C. V. Sllvis, 118 Oregon.. CANARY BIRDS. Why not give mother a beautiful singing canary for Mother's Day? Or perhaps she i would like a pair of beautiful birds ready for mating. Also Par rakeets and Love birds. See them at 244 Delaware or phone 573-J. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS ' Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 i W. 2nd, corner Portland. DINING ROOM SET; breakfast set; davenport and chair; 12 piece china set, 2 iron beds, springs and mattresses; sanitary cot; walnut library table; dining table and 4 chairs; circulating heater; 2 air- i tight heaters; cooking utensils; 'book shelves; cabinet radio; bridge lamp; stool; fruit jars; rockers; tent; folding camp bed 'and miscellaneous articles. 153 Jefferson. Phone 208-J. BABY BED and mattress for sale, good condition. 1445 Cumberland Ave., or call 1057-J. 26 FOOT two bed factory built trailef house, reasonable. Phone 73 Redmond. REAL BUY: Five room modern house. Many built-lns. Two bed rooms.' Good stone foundation. Garden, strawberries, flowers. $1600TermB. See Walter L. Dar on or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street. McCORMICK - DEERING separa tor No. 5, good condition, reason able. Inquire 1344 Baltimore. 760-ACRE stock and dairy ranch, $10,000. Machinery, equipment, grazing permits, free irrigation, 45 miles from Burns. 100 acres in alfalfa ond grain. Jeff Cawlfield, Drewsey, Ore. 7 PIECE bedroom set, 1 kitchen ranee. 1 big heating stove, 4 chairs and table, camping outfit 2 chairs and dining table. Will sell cheap. 227 Wall. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. HOUSEKEEPER capable of tak ing complete charge wants place to work steady where -she can have small child with her. inquire 56 McKay. LOST BETWEEN BEND and Carroll Acres, part of steel camp bed. C. E. Kleinfoldt. Phone 22 F-12. BLACK, patent leather nurse con taining miscellaneous papers and rent. I money. Kcturn to bulletin office, MISCELLANEOUS I WASHING MACHINE repairing. 1 LARGE 3 room modern furnish-: woodi pnone 5' ' v 1 small 3 room nouse, some iur niture, $7.50 per month. Schuman Auto Electrl?. 3 ROOM modern furnished house. Inquire 1225 Albany. 2 ROOM MODERN: Furnished cabin, oil heat, shower bath. 1 block from business district. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg- isiereu tnorougnDrea, iignt bay, weight 1120, height 15 In, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00. return privilege. Standing Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Flloy, attendant. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, also nvuco ohoore oh..n . Irniima jiduu per momn. o.iuer rLua. .( ,eg K mad d Estate & Insurance. 1015 Wall St. , G lock reDaired- Cnsh ld for lawnmowers. Henderson's Re- ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT, cool, clean, close In. Modern, elec trically equipped, free washing fa cilities, garage, full basement. In quire No. 7 Westonia Apts., 1601 West 3rd St. BRAND NEW 2 bedroom modern house near Allen school, compo sition brick exterior, many built lns In kitchen, $3800, loan avail able. On Shasta Place 2-bcdroom modern house, sleeping porch, small cemented cellar, $2600, $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 3&-W. 3 ROOM MODERN: Furnished apartment. Good location. Newly decorated. Hot water furnished. Per month, $20.00. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. 1015 Wall St. STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. CHARIS FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and brassieres, reasonable prices. Call for ap pointment. Phone .45VM. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. Set Your Own 7th War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average - Average Average Mturifv Wage Subscription Weekly Yslue of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Month (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 1150 200 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 112.50 9.38 150 180-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-180 75.00 &-25 100 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 Under $100 18.75 l-7 25 War Loan allotment and extra cash purchases for 12-week period in April, May, and .lunc. FORMULA (A) A,r!.i. ...far. .... P-r ."""J,' 01 (C) Ti'TAa'in NET t. W rail. Mt ..pM .lUimeoU Ira. Space Courtesy Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlin-Hixon Company 1929 CHEV. truck, dual wheels, flat bed, compound low, $150. Un der OPA ceiling. Trailer house with stove, ice box, daveno, and built-ins, electrically equipped. Low iron wheeled wagon with hay rack. McCormick mowing ma chine, hay chopper, 20-30 h.p. Rumley tractor on rubber, large lawnmower. Rt. 1, Box 445. Phone 22F-13. PLANTS READY. Perennials strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brusscl sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. 2 FOUR-ROOM modern houses on three lots. New roofs, new paint, new fence. Sell one or both reas onable. Inquire 1107 Milwaukee Ave. MUST SELL: 4 room modern, wired for electric range, has elec tric water heater, and basement suitable for furnace. On west side ii block off pavement. All fenced, garden spot, good garage. $1900 with $500 down, easy payments. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. 6 DOE RABBITS, 1 buck, price $1.50 to $2.00. Call at 147 E. Olney. $300 DOWN: Will buy a 5 room home on west side, with two bed rooms. Priced at $1265. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. GARAGE: 700 block on Broad way. $3.50 per month. Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance. 1015 Wall Street. 3 ROOM MODERN: Furnished house, east side on river. Gas stove and water heater. Garage and boat house. $25.00 per month. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. USED CARS 1938 OLDS, sedan, good condition, trnnA 1-iihhnt- Pnlln nnrl hn;ilfr $725. Under OPA coiling. Inquire Yii& cumonnana aiier o p. in. WANTEH WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. pair Shop, 112 Mlnnesotu. FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, . FLIES, mosqultas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 5U4. Lloyd Whoa don, 1714 Steidl, Bond, WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. 1 : A new tiny filter in the nock of a soldier's canteen, containing felt and activated carbon, re moves foreign matler from the discharging water and loaves It tasteless and odorless; bacteria are killed In the canteen by chlorine. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. LEIGHTON FURRIERS are now at 809 Florida. We still have a few new coats on sale at a BIG saving. See them now. Remember 809 Florida. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, near Kenwood school, completely fur nished four room modern house, 3 large lots, barn, chicken house. Only $1800, $300 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. . See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans On Your AUTO LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 $1600 BUYS 5 acres, good 3 room house, barn and garage, 4 acres cultivated, ono mile out. $800 buys 4 acres, small house and barn, 2 miles out. C. V. Sllvis, 118 Oregon. FRYERS for sale, 'A mile west of Cox's Veltex service station on south highway. Inquire Joe McMillan. Clarence Bush says: It Doesn't Cost a Cent Tho President's 1'rctlectivn In vrettment Plan ... a safe, flex ible meats of providing income for tho future . . . doesn't c-ost a cent If you die wllhiii 20 years, Iwauw! all deposlta you have made on it will Ixi return ed til your family and the prin cipal amount of tho contract paid to them. FOR DETAILS SICK C. E. BUSH Bend Phone 23.1-W The Franklin Life Insurance Company Kprimc-ield, Illinois DislliiKUlhlie,! Service Since 188t FUNERAL SERVICE THAT IS CONSIDERATE Pleasant surroundings, a choice of organ music; and all details carefully attended to, make up our service to you when you put a loved ono to rest. w FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 118 Niswonger and Winslow Morticians Spray Pins Delight her with one of our beautiful spray or lapel pins . . . Color ful jeweled bracelets to go with her outfits . . earrings . . a string of matched pearls . . . Flower Vases Cranberry and Crystal Urns and Bowls Mayflower and Delores Dinnerware by Vernon RINGS Lot your gift be ono of our lovely birthstone rings. For May tho birthstone is an emer ald. Sec our genuine emeralds ... truly magnificent! A DIAMOND IS THE IDEAL GIFT BEAR'S JEWELRY Benson Building Honestly, Now; ;... . , If a youngster ran in front of your car could you "stop on' a dime?" Or let's put it a little differently, if your youngster or neighbor's youngster was playing in the street would you like to feel that someone else could stop quickly enuf to prevent an accident that might easily cripple or kill the child? Certainly that is a scare heading but it isn't such a remote possibility par ticularly if your brakes are not in top condition. Why not come in and take ad vantage of our expert services on brakes. No adage was ever truer than "better be safe, than sorry" when talking about the brakes on a car. I saw a certain prominent man driv ing down Wall St. the other day. What he was looking at had to do with driving (surely, she was good looking and dressed to taste). But it was a good thing we had adjusted his brakes or some of our best insurance talent would have been busy (no extra charge to the in surance men for the plug). Who was it? Wouldn't you love to know? I'm saving the incident and maybe he will give me an extra stroke on the golf course, or is that blackmail? Jack Halbrook albrook Mercury Bond and Minnesota otors Lincoln Phone 680 RED RYDER Bv FRED HARMAM AF1E.R TODAY THErt WOEnJ I i'il guasd vf express haul.'.i i 1 1 Fi'ataking the: Vmm I'll RiO with (Don't Fu5& bo, afier today the wcmen w , Li?-!?S - eS;i 217 Oregon Phone 525