THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAV I T, 1945 PAGE SIX RUHS Exercises Set for May 23 Redmond, May 11 (Special) The program for the graduation ot the Redmond union high school senior class, to be held in the new gymnasium on the eve ning ol May 23, was made public today, and at the same time it was announced that baccalaure ate services will be held in the same place at 8 p. m. on May 20. The baccalaureate program fol lows: Processional, high school or chestra; invocation, Rev. E. E. Fitch; "Holy Lord God," by the girls' trio; scripture, Rev. E. J. Howell; address by Rev. D. L. Penhollow, the Lord's prayer, girls' trio; benediction by Father John O'Donovan and recessional by the high school orchestra. The graduation program is: Processional, high school or chestra; invocation. Rev. Elvln Blood Donor Trip Date Announced Members of the Beta Sigma Plii, who have sponsored four n ips to take blood donors lo Port land, will again assume the re sponsibility for another on June 8, it was announced today. Al ready the girls of the organiza tion have financed the trip for a total of 133 persons, and on the last trip they were hostesses to 42 blood donors. Plans call for the next busload to leave Bend Friday evening, June 8, with participants in the trip returning at their leisure. Persons volunteering to give blood and avail themselves of the Delia Nance, Nellie Nooe, Chick sorority transportation are asked Ppden. Dor s Sa ch. WI llanvto communicate wun jvirs. Tweedie and Virginia Vance. The j Wayne Faddis at Wetle's store, Fast; salutatory. Mavis Lcr-.aine Knorr; "The Year at the Spring," girls' trio; presentation of awards, Ivancovich achievement award, by I. M. Ivancovich; Amer ican Legion plaque, by Ivanco vich; P.T.A. scholarship cup, Mrs. Lloyd Smyth; D.A.R. award, Mrs. J. R. Roberts; scholarships and honors, Mrs. Grace Glang. Program Given Valedictory, Mary Louis Onl ine; "Lift Thine Eyes," girls' trio; address by Frank Bennett; Amer ican patrol, high school nana; presentation of classes, M. E. La- rive; presentation of diplomas, Fred Shcpard; benediction, Rev. Elvln Fast, and recessional by the orchestra. Members of the Redmond high school faculty are M. E. Larlve, superintendent; Borden F. Beck, Ellen Beck, Jean Fitch, Grace Glang, Maude Lee, Winifred Line, First Lutheran Church By the Library MISSIONARY EDWARD SOVIK From China Speaks Sunday 11:00 a.m. "Missions' 7:30 pan. "Experiences in China" . Newly refurbished auditorium board of education is composed of Jack Elliott, chairman, Fred Shepard, Pearl Welgand, Boyd Simmons, Jess Mlnson and Mabel Livesay, clerk. WOULD LEASE FIELD Salem, Ore., May 11 uw The United Air lines has offered to at the Salem airport, it was re- it was said. Miss Kelleher asked Miss Pat Kelleher, president of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority, said today that the group would be unable to sponsor any more trips after the scheduled one, because of the lack of funds. Some dona tions have been received, but they have been in such small amounts and too few to finance another trip, which costs in excess of $200, vealed yesterday, and plans to construct a $75,000 air terminal there If the plan goes through. I The only long series of modem : astronomical observations that can be compared with those of the Chaldeans, that continued I over 300 years, are the meridian observations at Greenwich, Eng land, begun in 1750. Here's Where to Go for fun for entertainment to soothe war- weary nerve's for fine foods and needed relaxation. Dine and Dance Fried Chicken Dinners Sandwiches Glen Vista Club Vl Miles North on Bend-McKeniie Highway Phone 777-W DANCING NIGHTLY Orchestra Saturdays POLLY'S CAFE Open All Nite Breakfast Orders Served 24 Hours a Day Good Coffee Fine Foods Good Service FOUNTAIN Luncheons Sandwiches Home Made Pies OPEN EVERY DAY "Til 10 p. m. The Dairy Store 135 Minnesota CAPITOL "THE BEST IN ENTERTAINMENT ALWAYS!" Continuous I to II Sat. Sun. TOWER ALWAYS . 2 HITS Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. The Girl You Will Never Forget Mother Mother's Day, May 1 3th, is only one of the 365 days on which you should honor the one who gave you your life and the best of her own life, too. She never expected a penny ot payment. But little words tokens of your love and gratitude priceless to her. and are Remember this and remember her Bank of Bend A HOME OWNED INSTITUTION that persons wishing to donate make their contributions to Elea nor Bechen at The Bulletin office, or to Phyllis Olsen at the Bank of Bend. It was pointed out today that some of the blood donors who have made the sorority trips have been to the blood bank three times. Tumalo Tumalo, May 10 (Special) -4. Mr. and Mrs. .James Elder are getting 5,000 turkey poults, 1200 of them having been delivered Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elder have ordered 1200 turkeys. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deal who are raising turkeys together, received 3r00 poults Inst week. Mi', and Mrs. C. M. Barnutn have as their guests Barnum'sj parents aim iwo uncies irom Moro. Monday evening Mrs. C. M. Barnum was given a surprise i party, the occasion , being her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Malone visited at the E. M. Wright home Tuesday evening. Malone has been on the sick list lately. Vern Hartford has joined the Bend CAP. Shirley Hartford has returned to school, having been ab sent recently while convalescing from an operation. Mary Ellen Putnam Is staying in Kedmonu wun mis. k. j. walk er while Walker is confined to the St. Charles hospital, recuper ating from injuries sustained when he fell last week while working at Copeland's lumber yard. 10:00 a. m.; Preaching. 11:00 a. n- Cammon) ,.,s c,mj m.; Young Peoples meeting. 7:00 1 (5:30 n. m PirodHo w Snnrlnv. l: Preaehlntr ann n :,.o 5 v," .,:r 7 r 7" ""TTr ! p. m.i Preaching, 8:00 p. m. FIRST 3APTIST (Irving and Oregon streets) Bn. Kenneth A. Toblss Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wursiiip, xi ociock (Broadcast over KBND). B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Wednesday prayer service ai f :,3U. FIRST CHRISTIAN t I'ourth street at Newport avenue) W. I. Palmer, Pastor Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. .Prayer service, 7:45 Wednesday, followed by choir re hearsal at 8:30. China Missionary I To Speak in Bend I The First Lutheran church Sun jday will be host to Missionary Edward Sovlk from China at its 11:00 and 7:30 services, Rev. M. A. Thompson.pastor, has announc ed. The senior choir is to sing at both services. Missionary Edward Sovlk Is the superintendent of the Lutheran : Christian missionary efforts In China. He has been in this service since 1914 and has been in the United States now less than a year. Rev. Sovik will point out the op portunities for Christian mission ary work in the Orient in the post-war era. He will also Indicate what effect the Japanese invasion has had on the missions In the Honan and Hupeh provinces. Church Announcements Five Day Forecast Five-day forecast ending Tues day night: Oregon and Washington west of Cascades: Intermittent rain. Temperatures generally below normal, Idaho, Qregon, Washington cast of Cascades: Intermittent rain with total amount above seasonal average. Temperatures below normal. Tune in Sundays the Old Fashioned Revival Hour KBND 10-11 p.m. Inter nn lion nl Goine) Uruadcmt CharlrR K. Fuller, Director ASSEMBLY OF GOD (2nd and Greenwood) Rev. L. II. Sheet!, Mlndter Sunday Services: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Devotional service 11 a. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Mid-week Service Friday. 7:45 p. m., regular preaching ser vice. Radio broadcast, Thursdays 1 to 1:30 p. m. over KBND. Rev. Sheets and his eight year old daughter, Roma Jeanne, will be in charge of the broacasts. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE (020 Lava Road) William 8chwab, Paitor Sunday school, 9:45; morn ing worship, 11 o'clock; young people's meeting, 6:30 p. m. Evan gelistic service, 7:30 p. m.; Bible study . and prayer, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST (1661 Weat Pirrt afreet) Authorized branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Sunday service, 11 a. m. &unaay scnool, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday evening testimony meeting, 8 o'clock. Reading room In room 3, McKay Bldg., open to public from 1:30 p. m. to 4 p. m., daily except Sundays and holidays. FIRST LUTHERAN (Su Helens place and Idaho) Morria A. Thompion. Paitor Sunday school, 9:45. Worship service, 11 a. m: Luther league meets second and fourth Sundays at 5 p. m. Ladles aid, first and third Thursdays, 2:30 o'clock, L. D. R., third Wednesday, 7:30, In homes. 7:30 p. m. Relief society, Tuesday, 2 p. m. Primary, Thursday, 4 p. m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST (East Greenwood) Elder L. B. Boiwell Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mom-1 Ing worship, 11. Evening message, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 7:45 p. m. Radio sermon, KBND, Sunday, 6 to 6:30 p. m. PENTECOSTAL MISSION (213 Lafayette atreet) Harriet E. Marling. Paator Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morn ing worship, 11 a. m. Broadcast, 5:15 p. m. over KBND. Young people's service, 7 p. m. Evange listic service, 8 p.m. Young peoples meeting Tuesday night. Wednes day, 8 p. m., prayer meeting. Fri day, evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Saturday, children's church, 10 a. m. at 1414 Fresno. Saturday, street service, 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN (Westminster -Orthodox) (Newport avenue and Drake road) Robert E. Nicholas, MlnUter Bib!e school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Intermediate and senior Machen league 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting and Bible study. , FIRST METHODIST (Bond and Louisiana) Rev. Robert Mellvenna. Pastor Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Church school and fel lowship, 9:45 a. m., and 6:30 p. m. Mid-week services, 7:30 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE (1746 Eait First street) ,, Raymond E. Kiel, Pastor Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Wor ship service, 11 o'clock. Junior church, 11 o'clock. Y. P. meeting, 6:45. Evangelistic service,, 7:30. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30. CATHOLIC V (Franklin and Lava) Rev. Edmund Hrland. Recto Sunday services, 7:30, 9 and 11 a. m. Musses on week days, 8 a. m. CHURCH OF GOD Corner W. Twelfth street and Fresno Ave. ltev. Fred R, Decker, Minister ,, Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Evening service, 7:45 p.v m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday evening, 7:45. CHURCH OF CIIKIST (Norway hall. GalvAston and Columbia) D. E. Scott. Minister Sunday services: Bible study, Picture This Day for Those Who Care That boy friend miles away and so lonely loving relatives and friends, all want your graduation day photograph. You too will cherish it always, when taken by our Hollywood-trained photographers. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY feswireeffd STUDIOS "PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION" 906 Wall . . Next to USO . . Phone 89 . . Bend Open Weekdays Closed Sundays ;. , 9:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Studios also in Klamath Falls, Medford. Albany, Portland FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (Comer Harriman and' Franklin) R. H. Prentice, Minister Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Youth meeting at 6. Tuesday poetry and organ medi tation broadcast at 1. Bible study Wednesday at 10 a. m. at the Lin- PILGRIM Ceorge Banka, Pastor (1316 Albany) Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11 a. m. Young peo ple's hour, 6:30 -p. m. Evangelist service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST (Harriman and Franklin) Wayne A. Scrlven, Pastor Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Pray er meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Head of Wall street) ' Rev. George R. V. Bolster, Rector Holy Communion each Sunday at 8 a. m., except first Sunday at 11 a. m. only, and each Wednes day, with Intercession for Allied Forces at 10 a. m. Morning prayer IN GOD WE TRUST Day by day, all through the surging battles of Europe's warfare, the individual and corporate pray ers of the people of Jhis nation have ascended to Almighty God on behalf of our men overseas. We have prayer ceaselessly for their welfare, for their ; safety and for their victory over the evil forces which had threatened to destroy our world. In the collapse and unconditional surrender of the German Third Reich our prayers and petitions have been abundantly answered. The courage of our men, undergirded by .the grace and mercy of our God, have brought us victory. LET US BE FAITHFUL IN THANKSGIVING AS IN INTERCESSION. Our President has appointed Sunday, May 13, to be a day of national thanksgiving and prayer. Let no Christian fail to keep grateful tryst with God In His House on that day. Let no one fail to mingle with thanksgiving the prayer that, through His continuing mercy, we may be granted a full and speedy victory over all our enemies, and that, as resolute in peace as in war, our people may turn steadfast and united to the building of a new and better life for all humanity. SERVICES TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH VISION AFTER VICTORY .11:00 a. m. Preacher: Rev. George R. V. Bolster FIRST METHODIST CHURCH THE WAY TO A NEW WORLD 2:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Bend Ministerial Association Preacher: Rev. Kenneth E. Tobias. ton home. Youth- choir practice , eacn Sunday at ix a m.6church Saturday morning at 10. Services school eacn SundaVi 10 a. at Redmond at 9 Sunday morning and at Tumalo 2:30 each Sunday afternoon, JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Klmrdom hall, south of Bend, near canal) Watchtower study Sunday 8 p. m.; Bible book study Wednesday, 8 p. m.; service meeting Friday, 7:45. LATTER 1AY SAINTS ' (Corner Hill and Irving streets) Carl Powell, President Sunday school, Sunday, 10 m.; Junior, 10:4o a. m. Young People's Fellowship each Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bap tisms, weddings and other ser vices by arrangement with the rector. TRINITY LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) (Galveston and Federal) . Sunday school at the regular time, 9:45 a. m. there will be no church service until May 20. O. E. Johnson, Secretary. -1"V.' J L. H. Sheets What Message Does V-E DAY Speak to the World? Hear This Timely Message By Rev. Sheets at the Assembly of God Church 2nd and Greenwood Sunday Night, 8:00 O'Clock Mother's Day Message, 1 1 a. m., by Mrs. Sheets Hear also Miss Reeves of Detroit, Michigan, at 7 p. m. . . Em3 me ws m is Yet thousands of Northwest shipyard workers have voluntarily quit important war work. Today the Portland and Van couver yards are critically short of men to complete urgently required TANK' ATTENTION, FORMER SHIPYARD WORKERS! ERS, VICTORY CARGO SHIPS, AT TACK TRANSPORTS, TROOP TRANS PORTS, AIRCRAFT CARRIERS and ARMY PONTONS. These ships are es sential to the war in the Pacific. All MEN formerly employed in shipyard work in the Northwest are urged to come back to the yards. The delivery schedules promised our gov ernment must lie met. Failure to meet these schedules may mean prolonging the war in the Pacific the Northwest must not let their fight ing men down! WAGES Journeymen receive ft .20 per hour, helperi II rrafti 95c per hour; 10 premium for swing shift. 15 for graveyard shift. Work week of 48 hours with time and t half ever 40 hours. HOUSING Single Men 3-Yard Dormitories. Rooms $3.50 to $4.90 per week'. , Family Housing Oregon Ship and Swan 1-room Pullman apts. $1.00 per day; payable one month in advance. - 2-room apts. $1.25 per day; payable one month in advance. VANCOUVER AVAILABLE , Family Housing Vancouver 2 and 3-room furnished apts., $39.00 and $42.50 per month. $10 deposit in advance required on apartments. All apartments furnished except for linens, dishes, cooking utensils, silverware, blankets. CRAFTS NEEDED ISLAND OREGON SHIP Ruffer . Burners . Chippers -. Painters Pipefitters . Rippers Shipwrights Welders WfMrr Trainers.. General Helpers- . ISO . 300 . 300 . 375 , 4'0 -. 300 . 150 . 400 . 600 . 975 SWAN Boilermakers . . Chippers Eterlririanl Marliimnti Painters i Pipefitters - Riers Sheet Metal Workers. Shipfilten Shipwrights ., Wehlers Ceneral Helpers. (Musi pan 2 plates ran h male or female . SO . 75 . ISO . 300 . 400 . 250 . 300 . 50 . "5 . 300 . 50 . 600 . 830 Burners Chip if n Marhinists Painters Pipefitters Ricaeri Shipfitters Welders . Welder Trainees. CeneraJ Helpers. . 100 . 300 . 300 . 300 . 300 . 250 . 400 . 250 . 500 , 600 WHERK TO APPLY Wr7,V ITHO ITKRE FORMERLY EMPLOYED should report to thei, y.rd pernne! office ilh Certificate of Atailabilily and proper Union clearance. MO SEEKIG SHIPYARD ITORK FOR THE FIIIST UMK hould I secure -rriifirat' of Avi.lahiliiv and report to either 509 ,,hin,ton St, Vancoo, m, Ws-hindnn. or Ilia S. . 4ih Ave, I oriland. Orre.nn. tor srork itninenl. If not immediately ivailahla. . .-. lVrMMtm-l I Icnartmrm nl anv ni our vani- Manna to hen vou ran Mm I, .k r. niatinn nmtJii p ,'. t , i "" " ."ipjaru wora unaer jurisdiction of Unions affiliated with Metal Trades t.ouncil of A. I. si U KAISER COMPANY, INC., PORTLAND AND VANCOUVER OREGON SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION i