THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND; O.REGQH;THUR$DAY, WAY. 10. 1945 , PAGE SEVEN ' ling Pressure ton Market By Elmer C. Walzer (Baited Ptaa Financial Editor) Uw York. May 10 tlP Selling dure increased -on the-stock Eket today. Prices had their st break-sinca, March, 26, on kvo reasons stood out for the tne. The top one was tne Mi llion as expressed by secretary genthau tnai tne aaminisira will liEht any proposals for feneral tax relief at the present- . The secona, losing in iavor, that the market was entitled t drop at this time to consoli- 1 tne recem gaum. dded to these were rumors guesses. Among the, latter the guess that Japan would hold out long'now that Ger- lnv was out oi me conmci. is guess was said to be respon se for weakness, in. the rail- id issues where losses ranged more than i points, tateeis were depressed substantially im early highs. Aircrafts, how- ran, counter to tne trena gains running to nearly 2 Ints in Douglas, ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland,.. Ore.,, May 10 iin kestock: tattle 100, calves : 25. Active, ly steady. One lot good-choice steers i(.uu; snonea ai 50. Common steers down to 00. Grass fat steers $15.00. tdium-EOOd heifers $12.50-15.50. Inners cutter cows $7.00-9.50. dairy type cows !Siu.uu,-iu.ou. Immon - medium sausage. , duiis iOJX.uo. uooa Deei duiis quoi- to $13.uu ana anove.- uooa- tice vealers steady at i3.uo 00, Common grades down to 10.00... fHogs; 100.. Active, steady. Bar- Iws and guts an weignis 6vs $15.00.. Stags $14.00. Feeder gs lacking; llghtwelgnts saiaoie 8.00-19.0O. Sheep 150. Very slow. Ewes eadv. Bids and sales on other lasses unevenly lower. Good- hoice spring lambs held up to 4.00. Medium woolen lamos 2.0. Shorn lambs bid down , to 10.50. Good ewes $6.00-b.S. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland. Ore.. May 10 U' De- lite a liberal receipt of egg sup lies, no surplus was reported in lie Portland market today, owing steady demand. Egg prices are inehaneed. Butter supplies were gaining iiwly, with prices unchanged. I I Butter Cube 93 score 42 c; 92 ore 4741, siutc , f,mA,ij, Hrc pound. v . Eees Prices to retailers: AA rge 44c; A large 42c; medium, A Be; small 35c dozen. African Veteran Visits Relatives - Pvt. Bill White, veteran of Ital an and African service', arrived his week in Bend and is spending art of a 30-day furlough with lis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 3ert White, 1105 Lexington. Bill nil also visit his parents in , Uhena, Oregon. : The young soldier was recently pleased from Bushnell hospital ; n Utah. He was wounded three imes, having participated in two ; najor engagements. He was hos litalized in Italy and later reclas sified and sent to Oran, North : Vfrica. When he returned to this lountry,' he landed at Miami, Fla., i here he was hospitalized before leing sent to Utah. WWomenHOH at k50,60!WantPep? Iwant to Feel Years Younoar? iinywraefiiiuii.woni-ittr.""'' :&SSXiiW,W?SZS'. V'.n, m, tiff tody'oli HlHybrcauol"wllllr,,n: U (lnrtnry Mie nw oniv 2!)c. Iry Oftrrx Tunlo 1 an,,1!. ,r hi-w ip, j (limner uti, 11. or ule al all drug lorra evcryaocre. Do your drinks get as Ji' "Pin-Point CaubonaTION" keeps drinks spar kling with life, to the last sip. And Canada Dry's special formula points up the flavor of any tall drink. Ask for Canada Dry Water when you're out Serve it in your home. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time i 2?" 25 Words Three Times 25 Words Six Time 75c ..$L35 AU warda mf IS add lc per word timm nambcr al Inserttsiia On month ran. Bono copy, It day rata Minima cnerge, adc LINE RATE 100 CAPITALS 20c Clawtflod AdTorUaliis. Cash in Adranea Dally Cloatni Time 11 :H P. H. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets. Every Thursday Night P. O..E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phont 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, secretary co Bend Dairy Store MEETING of LOYAL ORDER of MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose First and Third tidays. DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no, charge. FOR SALE GOOD . FRESH cow with third calf. Heifer, milk stock 14 months. H. ,L.,Chrisman, Butler Market road. Phone l-F-4. FRYER RABBITS every, week, marKet price, wanted live raDDiis. Jefferson Rabbitry, 111 Jefferson place. CHILD'S FULL SIZE pre-war maple finish crib and mattress, excellent condition. Non-auto matic electric iron. Inquire 1234 Galveston. 8 COCKTAIL forks in Deauville pattern, one bud vase, salt and pepper set, all in pre-war. silver plate. One pair children's black oxfords, size 2. Call 1595 Awbrey road after 5 p. m. ' 6 PIECE bedroom set. Inquire 1508 W. 4th. WOOD, GREEN or dry, $8.00 a cord delivered. stocK up now tor your winter's wood. D. W. Beck, id Adams, fnone av. OUCUAU rTlT I .APSTRI .B! nari. ded baby buggy with weather cover and innerspriiig nmureM. Call 208-J or 153 Jefferson place. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Asters, Snaps, Marigolds, Petun ias and other annuals. Vegetable plailts and Steel's Jumbo pansies. 1604 W. 2nd, corner. Portland. , $2500 BUYS nicely furnished 3 room modern, 4 lots on Portland, immediate possession. $1500 buys ..jfOom modern on. Revere. C; V.J snvis, lis uregon. - i PANARV RIBnfi Whv tint civp mother a beautiful singing canary tor Mother's Day? Or perhaps she would like a pair of beautiful birds ready for mating. Also Par rakeets and Love birds. See them at 244 Delaware or phone 573-J. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. DINING ROOM SET; breakfast set; davenport and chair; 12 piece china set, 2 iron beds, springs and mattresses; sanitary cot; walnut library table; dining table and 4 chairs; circulating heater; 2 air tight heaters; cooking utensils; book shelves; cabinet radio; bridae lamp; stool; fruit 1ais: rockers tent; folding camp bcdlment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, and miscellaneous articles. 153 Jefferson. Phone 208-J. HOME AND INVESTFENT only $3300. Four blocks from business center, 75x140 lot hooked to regu lar sewer system, 2 story modern house, 3 bedroom modern unfur nished down stairs; large 3 room modern furnished upstairs with special outside entrance to apart ment. Both quarters wired for all I electrical appliances, -mrnediate possession. Total price $.MOU. Loan available if needed. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. Thon IfPPn 'em itmv with this BIG BOTTLE Piul decent A FOB SALE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY, Ia .tK rum hniioae Ulfrh HntVl urn; iui Win. .rv ivy va . and one not modern with two nice lots. $4,000 cash. Also large 3 bed room fully modern house with new double garage; close in on paved street, only $4800. See John son, Bend Realty, 957 Wall St. DAY BED. with pad. Inquire at 407 Portland avenue. ON PAVED STREET: Five room modern. Three bedrooms, plaster ed, basement, furnace, garage. $3000.. $1192 down. See -Walter Daron or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minne sota Street. DNR GUERNSEY milk COW 8 years old, fresh about 10 days. T.B. and abortion tested, gentle for woman to nanuie ana mine, n mile west of Pine Forest grange hall. Harry Pryor. Phone 39-F-12. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. ' ROOM SIZE BROADLOOM IN STOCK TODAY One 12x15 green fern pattern Wil ,nn rim Hrui 19y15 hf?f?l lnf nut. tern Wilton rug. One 9x15 rose tone leal pattern wuton. une xiz beige leaf pattern Wilton. One 9x12 dusty rose fern pattern Ax minster rug. See our windows. Bend Furniture Co. RYE. Barbed wire. Call Saturday, 434 E. Norton. ACREAGES Time to buy. 3 bed room well-built house, basement, outbuildings, 3 acres, 3 acres Swalley. $3675, $1000 down. Mod ern 3-bedroom stone house, well constructed outbuildings, 5 acres, 5 acres Arnold, alfalfa, $5000, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. 2 WOOD cook stoves. 38 Lafayette between a a. m. and 5 p. m. NEW MODERN four room house. one bedroom, utility room with stationary tubs. Electric hot water heater. Wired lor electric range, Immediate possession. Will con. sider trade-in on larger home. 365 E. Kearney. Phone 1030-W. JERSEY-GUERNSEY milk cow. Freshen in June, 6 years old. M. J. Telford, 1469 Newport. CLEAN, SMOOTH, field-run pota toes, excellent for seed. H. W. Kerns ranch, Arnold district. Phone 11-F-ll. 26 FOOT two bed factory built, trailer house, reasonable. Phone 73 Redmond. ! McCORMICK - DEERING separa tor. No. o, good condition, reason- able. Inquire 1344 Baltimore. 2 FLY RODS, fishing equipment at 236 E. Hawthorne. J. H. Buch holz. 760-ACRE stock and dairy ranch, $10,O00.fMachinery, equipment, grazing permits, free irrigation, 45 miles from Burns. 100 acres in alfalfa, ond grain. Jeff Cawlfield, Drewsey, Ore. STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. C H A I R I S FOUNDATION gar merits.. Girdles and braziers, reas- nnnhln nrioa fnll fnr nnnnint. 608 Broadway. 1929 CHEV. truck, dual wheels, flat bed, compound low, $150. Un der OPA ceiling. Trailer house with stove, ice box, daveno, and built-ins, electrically equipped. Low iron wheeled wagon with hay rack. McCormick mowing ma chine," hay chopper, 20-30 h.p. Rumley tractor on rubber, large lawnmowcr. Rt. 1, Box 445. Phone 22F-13. McCORMICK DEERING 1530 h.p. tractor on steel, $200. O. F. Sny der, Rt. 2, Box 215. Ask at Tumalo service station. PLANTS READY. Perennials strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. 2 FOUR-ROOM modern houses on three lots. New roots, new paint, new fence. Sell one or both reas onable. Inquire 1107 Milwaukee Ave. See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO On FOR. SALE 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bed rooms. Like new, hardwood floors, gas range and water heater. Just off East Third. Reduced to $4800 for quick sale.. Gilberts Real Es: tate & Insurance, 1015 Wall St., PREWAR COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, A-l condition. Used only a few times, $20. Inquire 201 Irving. BIG REDUCTION: New house -.. Third street. Built re cently. 4 room. Steal at $2000. $500 down. See waiter uaruu ur jom Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street. $6500 BUYS 80 acres, 56 acres ,C. O. I. water, good house, new seed ing- alfalfa, 3 miles out, some terms and immediate possession. V. Silvis, na.uregon.. EAST SIDE on paved street near Ordnance shop.- ? toedroom mod ern house, large low in garden, strawberry ' patch, new drilled hole, cabin on property, only $3200, $1000 down, $40 per month. Immediate possession ciose in. bedroom modern plastered house, paved street, sewer connections, S1800. $400 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W, . 8 "GREEN BROKE saddle horses, 2 especially nice sorrel mares, 1 with colt at side.- reasonably nriced. Also saddle horses lor hire. Mrs. Miles. 3V, miles south on Dalles-Calif, highway, For ap pointments call d-K-z.. 1 ' ACREAGE Five acres. 4. acres Swallev. 4: room house, garage. rhipken house, barn. Price $1550. W. L. Daron or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street. Mtw T .TMfll .Rt IM mottled preen. rug pad 9x12, wash board, framed pictures,- girl s wasn dresses liKe new, corduroy suit. Ladles suit, dresses, etc. 164 Roosevelt. Phone 887-W. FARM: 40 acres. 22 acres C.O.I. water. Good 4 room house. Many outbuildings. Some alfalfa and clover. $2700. See Walter L. Daron or Jack Arnold, 126 Minnesota. 30-06 . RELOADING outfit with 300 bullets, 500 primers, 4 lbs. powder. 1 250-watt 110 AC port able light plant. Schuman Auto Electric. REAL BUY: Five room modern house. Many built-ins. Two bed rooms.' Good stone foundation. Garden, strawberries, flowers. $1600. Terms. See Walter L. Dar on or J. F. Arnold, 126 Minnesota Street. 7 PIECE bedroom set, I kitchen range,- 1 big heating stove, 4 chairs and table, camping outfit, 2 chairs and dining table. Will sell cheap. 227 Wall. BRAND NEW 2 bedroom modern house near Allen school, compo sition brick exterior, many built ins in kitchen, $3800, loan avail able. On Shasta Place 2-bedroom modern house, sleeping porch, small cemented cellar, S2B00, $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes,36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. MUST SELL: 4 room modern, wired for electric range, has elec tric water heater, and basement suitable for furnace. On west side 'i block off pavement. All fenced, garden spot, gool garage. $1900 with $500 down, easy payments. Gilberts Real .Estate & Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. 6 DOE RABBITS, 1 buck, price $1.50 to $2.00. Call at 147 E. Olney. $300 DOWN: Will buy a 5 room home On west side, with two bed rooms. Priced at $1265. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. ' LEIGHTON FURRIERS are now at 809 Florida. We still have a few new coats on sale at a BIG saving. See them now. Remember 809 Florida. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, near Kenwood school, completely fur nished four room modern house, 3 large lots, barn, chicken house. Only $1800, $300 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $1600 BUYS 5 acres, good 3 room house, barn and garage, 4 acres cultivated, one mile out. $800 buys 4 acres,' small house and barn, 2 miles out. C. 'V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. JUST RECEIVED anothor ship ment nan and socket trailer hitch es, only a few new bench vises left, 9x12 Axminster rug $7.50,' portable pool table, baby buggy. Corner of Lake Place and Division I St., across street from 350 Divi I sion. RED RYDER ' LfflLE MAMER. WpROVN' He 1 f &USICK ( THAT DON" rZi AV0 BOOKER IDTnWTED IH' M &03rS.f? 9 1 TiEr Put Tri1 y RlDlrV AvOM FAST 1 TRACKS M CASW N W A RAILED ON N JUST BEFORE K J f0RE THAN A HAUUV S v-vJh' LirK;V TRAi-4 Wi.T!ED A,KJD5 SAT-SO,JJ FREIGHT ') ri rz. UPBTA -flaaa-a. gD ' ZJ V . r-T.' -H 'f LAj FOR SALE MASTADON strawberry plants. $1.00 a hundred. Gervais Ranch, second place west Cox s Service Station on south highway. 4 ROOM MODERN: With 2 bedl rooms. Two lots, one in garden. Woodshed,-garage, chicken house, and rabbit hutches. West side, ',s block, off pavement. Has cellar. meed at l fuu. see Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance for Terms. $3000 BUYS 3 bedroom modern home, east side, immediate pos session. $4800 buys 4 bedroom modern, paved street, close in. C V.- Silvis, 118 Oregon. FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM' unfurnished house with furnace, wired for electric range, good laundry facilities. In quire 138 Greeley or phone 336-M af tfcr 5 p; m. , r . v t, 3 ROOM modern cottage, electric stove and refrigerator, wood, wa ter and lights furnished. Also two 2' room modern cabins. Inquire Signal Station on south highway. 2 ROOM furnished house. $8.00 month. Located at 655 E. Nbrton. Inquire 375 E. Kearney. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 1 LARGE 3 room modern furnish ed duplex, garage and woodshed. 1 small 3 room house, some fur niture, $7.50 per month. Schuman Auto Electric. . 3 ROOM modern furnished house. Inquire 1225 Albany. ' , USED CARS 1937 CHEVROLET coupe, ceiling price $390.00. 137 St. Helens Place. . Sinale Men He If os: is M1!? to VANCOUVER Muffm . Burncri fihipprra , - - Paint.-ri ..... . I'iprfiltin ' Shipwrights ...... WVIclcr. vTrlilrr T Ceneral Helpers n fMnst pass 2 plates ran he male or frmalrl WHKItl! TO AI'PI.' 1t.V U IIO If h.HK KtltMhltl.Y EVI'LOYHP hniilrl report to their yard pernonnel nllire Kith Cerlilieole of Availuhility anil proper Union elesunee. .Mft'.V SHUKIMi 'illll'YIIU KOHK H)U THE HIIT TIME ihotlld seeure Certifiente of Avoiluliility and report to either 500 Ws.liinelon St., Vnneon. ver. W:ahinclnn, or 1111 S. W. 4th Ave., I'orllund. Oregon, for work auiailinrnt. II nut immeilinlely avaihihlo, writu the I'r.ruinnrl Department of any of our vardu .latins; when you eno rooir to work, for further infor. inalion ronl.iit any U. S. K. S. ofliee in the itnte of Oregon. All shipyard work under jurisdiction of unions affiliated with Metal Trades Cnunril of A. F. of U KAISER COMPANY, INC., PORTLAND AND VANCOUVER ic OREGON SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION USED CARS 1932 CHEVROLET sedan, $175, well under ceiling price. & mile east and 4 mile south of Trap Club. Rt. 1, Box 441. Bert Russell. 1938 OLDS, sedan, good condition, good rubber. Radio and heater. $725. Under OPA ceiling. Inquire 1223 Cumberland after 6 p. m. WANTED WILL BUY ahy kind of cattle or nogs you have to sell also some big springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. FOR SERVICEMAN overseas, pocket size folding camera in good condition. Will pay reasonable price. Phone 1046 or inquire at KoanoKc. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices tor good used radios. ueorge 8 Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. SEWING MACHINE, treadle or electric in good condition. State make and place. Also want lawn mower. Write Hightower, 353 Roosevelt. LATE MODEL flatbed truck. Contact Mr. Harry Jackson, Pilot Butte Inn. ELECTRIC RANGE in good con dition. Phone 182-R. HELP WANTED MAN to care for cabins at fishing resort. Inquire U. S. Employment Service. ! . WANT A MAN to spade garden. 25 Shasta Place, Yet thousands of NortliweHt shipyard workers have voluntarily quit important' war work. Today the Portland and Van couver yards are critically short of men. : to complete urgently required TANK- ATTENTION. FORMER SHIPYARD WORKERS! All MEN" formerly employed in shipyard work in the Northwest are urged to coma hack to the yards, The delivery schedules promised our gov ernment must be met. Failure to meet llico schedules may mean prolonging tlio war in I lie ' Pacific the Northwest must not let (heir fight i ing men clown I HOUSING 3-Yard Dormitories. Rooms $3.50 to $4.90 per week. Family Housing Oregon Ship and Swan 1- room Pullman apts. $1.00 per day; payable one month in advance. 2- room apts. $1 .25 per day; payable one month in advance. CRAFTS SWAN Boili-nnukrrs . Iturnrrs , 150 300 J00 , j;s , 4.10 300 ir,n 400 wio 975 Klrrlrirjutis .. MflrhiniMa '- l'ip,-fillrrs H iflBT Shirt Mrlal Workers.-. Shiplilli-M . Sliipwrixhls Wrlilrrs Cent-ral I li-lprrs .- IOsJ'RE LOW&DDl 0" THE EXPRESS N'RACT.D'JCHE- &jt wu'lu have to Put up &ond HIRE A oUAKu HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN for parts de partment, would prefer one with experience but not essential if able to meet public. Call 680 or write Box 669. WOMAN OR GIRL to take care of invalid lady and some house work. Good wages. Contact E. J. Branson at the Bend Dairy. Plant. BOY to work in store and some outside work. Steady during sum mer vacation. Call in person at Evans Fly Co. GIRL OR WOMAN to care for house and children for working serviceman's wife, to stay nights preferred. 1404 Baltimore. Phone 967-J. MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must be experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone 324 or36-F-21. WANTED: experienced bookkeep er with knowledge of shorthand and typing. Write Drawer N, Red mond, Oregon. COMBINATION WELDER. Ap ply at Redmond Blacksmith & Welding Shop, 308 E street, Red mond. .'-.. GIRL OR WOMAN to stay with 2 children, (5-9 years), 5 days a week. Light housework. Inquire Bend Shoe Clinic, 830 Wall St. . LOST SOMETIME AGO at the Highway Tavern, white and blue compact. Gift from husband overseas. Re turn to 1404 Baltimore or phone 967-J. MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend washer service, ldb Green wood. Phone 583. ERS, VtCWRY CARGO SHIPS, AT TACK TRANSPORTS, TROOP TRANS PORTS, AIRCIIFT CARRIERS and ARMY PONTONS. These ships are es sential In the war in the 'Pacific. ' WAGES Jnnriicynifn reirlvs 11.20 per hour, hrlperi all rrsfli Mr pur hour! 10 premium for wind '.liifi. !57o for ravr!yril ililfl. Work wri-k of 48 limiri wllli lima and a half over 40 hours. AVAILABLE Family Housing Vancouver 2 and 3-rootn furnished apts., $39.00 and $42.50 per month. $10 deposit in advance required on apartments. All apartments furnished except for linens, dishes, cooking utensils, silverware, blankets.. NEEDED ISLAND OREGON B.frner Otippirt a. Maii-liitiifcla I'uinla-n . PiM'fiUri - 20 75 150 300 400 210 3110 50 r. 300 50 MM 830 ShipfiMfrs .. Welder. Welder Trainers.. Generul Helpers.. RERED RIDER WILL AJO 1 CA-A i. RlDERU WS0 1 RIDE HE(?D Or 1 FUWSH ) HE NEVER. TCOrS :5, rNgUR SHimET5r. COSg XZjt MISCELLANEOUS. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay,' weight 1120, height 15,tt, proven sire of quarter horse, type. Fee $10,00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, also grass shears, ' shears, knives, cycles. Keys made, saws filed. Guns, locks repaired. Cash- paid for lawnmowers. Henderson's Re pair Shop, 112 Minnesota. FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosqultas, gnats, moths, eta, Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. i Let us check your machine no I .1.11. . I . T.1, 1 1. . .1 .... ..V. .. uuugavivii. nuusuu, Uliuuu 274. 434 Kansas. . FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 yer 5 yd. load, dark . cinders $b.uo per 5 yd. load, top soil $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucKs lor ntre. we fix, driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. . PRINTING. YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. During the Invasion of southern France, one M15 gun motor car- . riage named "Lady Be Good" by Pvts. John J. Lyden, Brooklyn, N. Y., and George W. Crawford, Mount Vernon, Ga. proved its worth by downing 12 nazi planes. The M15 caries a 37-mm. gun and two 50-callber machine guns. SHIP , 100 , 300 . 300 . 300 , 310 210 , 4110 , 210 . son . 600 By FRED HARMAN y , LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Servi'X! Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Where there's ltF you'll hear canadaS WATER RY 1