The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 10, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Society deadline on days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Is 10 a.m.
Call S0, The Bulletin newsroom.
Two Officials
Here Tuesday
For Meeting
Twenty -five members ot the
American Legion Auxiliary, in
cluding eight from the Redmond
chapter, heard the address by
Mrs. Gladys Lemons of Pendle
ton, state auxiliary president,
who made her officlul visit to the
local organization at a dinner
meeting Tuesday evening in the
"ine Tavern. She was accom
panied by Mrs. Merrill Richmond
from Bonneville, president of dis
trict No. 5.
Following the dinner, the group
adjourned to the chamber of com
merce offices for the business
meeting. In her speech, Mrs. Le
mons emphasized the auxiliary's
program of rehabilitation of re-
turned veterans, stressing the fi
nancial aid given to hospitals, the
equipment i which is furnished
them, and the establishment of
greenhouses where former sol
diers may enjoy the contact with
growing things.
Mrs. Lemons recently attended
th launching of a Knox victory
ship in Portland, which was
christened by National president
Mrs. Charles Gilbert, of Norwick,
Conn. Mrs. Floy Von Bristol of
Grass Valley, now on the national
auxiliary committee, was also
present at the launching, Mrs. Le
mons said.
Mrs. Craig Coyner, state radio
chairman, explained her work.
Plans were made for the annual
poppy sale to be held May 24 and
25, and for the annual memorial
day program.
Redmond women who attended
the dinner and the meeting were
Mrs. Jim Toncy,' Mrs. Charles
Heim. Mrs. Ethel Smith.. Mrs. A.
H. Olsen, Mrs. C. W. VanBuskirt,
Mrs. H. W. Gunther, Mrs. Iva
Johnson and Mrs. P. M. Houk,
Mrs. D. Ray Miller, president of
tne local auxiliary, presided.
2:00 p.mi-SOS club with Mrs.
O. B. Simonis, 1210 Milwaukee.
2:00 p.m. Women of the Moose,
Moose hall.
8:00 p.m. Loyal Older of
Moose, Moose hall.
8:00 and auxiliary,
Sather hull.
8:00 p.m. Rebekahs.IOOF hall.
8:00 p.m. Piano playing class
presented by Mrs. Hilda Bush,
Episcopal parish hull.
8:00 p.m. Party and dance for I
members of Moose lodge and
families, Moose hall.
8:00 p.m. ONO Pinochle club
with Mrs. Nellie Van Hise, 721
TilUcum Club
Holds Program
Tumalo, May 10 (Special)
Tillicum Study club met Tues
day at the home of Mrs. E. W.
Putnam with Mrs. Carl Mitchell
Sorority Girls
Meet Tuesday
For Dinner
Installation of officers was
held by Beta Sigma Phi following
the sorority's regular dinner
meeting Tuesday at the Pine Tav
ern. The new president is Miss
Pat Kclleher, member of the tele
phone company office staff. Other
officers are Mrs. Art Olsen, vice
president; Mrs. Dorothy Apple-
gate, treasurer; Mrs. Julius Ol
son, corresponding secretary and
Lavcrna Ballard, recording secretary.
Mrs. Wayne Faddis, retiring
president, was presented a gift by
Miss Eleanor Bechen, adviser, on
behalf of the girls. Speakers in
cluded In the program were Ann
Staples, Marlon Bloomqulst and
LaVerna Ballard.
Three charter members who
iL'.it-a npncnnt !iu Dllneia wow TWrc
as assistant hostess. Fourteen. l oul3 Hjjlis Mrf) Andy Juras and
mnmhnrs were nresenr fnl- the1..-- r.
1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Clar
ence Elder, the new president for
the ensuing year, presided. Com-
Prom Date Set
Madras, May 10 (Special) The
junior-senior prom will be given
at the high school auditorium Fri
day night. Students elected a
court to reign over the prom.
Leonard Sweet will be king; Elna
xkjici-, i)ut;t-ii. viner tuicnuums
will be: Don Whitman, Shirley
Bolter, Juniors; Norman Waud,
Betty M c K e n z I e, sophomores;
Robert DcLudc and Donna Ram
sey, freshmen, Jeanette Van Wer,
train-bearer and Jimmy Glcason,
crown bearer to the queen.
Members of the school board,
alumni and parents of the junior
senior class will le guests.
Meetings Announced By
Moose Lodge Members
Activities for the week-end
have been announced by the
Moose lodge, with three affairs
scheduled for Moose hall.
Women of the Moose will meet
at 2 p. m. Friday for ritual prac
tice. The Loyal Order of Moose will
hold installation of officers Fri
day at 8 p. m. All members are
urged to be present.
A dance and social evening for
jouge memncrs ana their families
is planned for Saturday night, be
ginning at 8 p. m.
mlttees appointed by Mrs. Elder,
were as follows: Mrs. Harry win
dom, Mrs. T. W. Vandevert, and
Mrs. L. E. Crecilius, propj-am;
Mrs. William Malone, Mrs. Ted
Becker, Mrs. D. O. Santon and
Mrs. Arnold Sandwlck, entertain
ment; Mrs. James Whltlock and
Mrs. H. A. Seoggln, music; Mrs.
W. D. Collins, Mrs. Carl Mitchell
and Mrs. E. W. Putnam, flower;
and Mrs. Fred Shepard, press and
As part of tne program, tne
lives of famous mothers were re
viewed by Mrs. Ted Becker, Mrs.
T. W. Vandevert, Mrs. L. E. Cre
cilius and Mrs. Carl Baker. A
special entertainment number
was presented by Mrs. H. A. Seog
gin. Mrs. Clarence Elder has extend
ed an Invitation to Tillicum mem
bers and their families to visit
her flower gardens Sunday after
noon, June 3.
Mrs. H. A. Scoggln and Mrs.
Ted Becker will entertain the
club at the home of the former
on June 19. A picnic will be held
by the group later on.
Large Music Class
To Be Presented
Mrs. Hilda Bush will present a
playing class of about 25 music
students Saturday, May 12, at 8
p. m. In the Episcopal parish hall,
Parents and friends are invited
to attend the program.
Students who will take part are
those who will enter the national
guild of piano teachers' auditions
later this month. Beginners, inter
mediates 'and advanced pianists
will participate.
Redmond. May 9 (Special)
Members of the Juniper Literary
society were entertained Wednes
day at 2:30 p. m. at the home of
Mrs. J. It. Roberts. Mrs. M. Y.
Roberts Is president of the club.
Meeting Announced The
Townsend club will hold its regu
lar meeting at 7:30 p.m. Satur
day at the labor temple. A public
card party will follow at 8 p.m.
Miss Myra Symons. Others pres
ent for the affair were Vlncenta
Orlno, Mrs. Earl Sanders, Carola
May, Jean Watson, Elizabeth
Heaver, Margaret Dougherty,
Mrs. Ed Wise, Mrs. Jack Arney,
Mrs. Ruth Yielding, Elizabeth
May, Mrs. Jim Wood and Miss
Catherine Her.
Emma Jean Sholl
Is Recent Bride
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sholl an
nounce the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Emma Jean Sholl,
to Leonard Tubbin, CMMS, USN,
son of Mrs. Hilda Tubbin of Chi
cago, at Lewiston, Idaho, Tuesday,
May 1. The bride is a member of
the Bend teaching staff, employed
at Allen school.
The double ring ceremony was
perfomed by Rev. R. D. Merrll
at 5 p.m. at the First Baptist
church in Lewiston. The couple
were attended by their sisters,
Miss Dorothy Sholl and Mrs. Wil
llam Dougherty, with the bride's
parents as witnesses.
The bride wore an attractive
gold-colored suit with a corsage
of gardenias and pink roses. The
attendants wore blue suits with
pink and white sweet peas. Mrs,
faholl s corsage was ot red roses,
Mr. and Mrs. Tubbin left Im
mediately for Chicago on a two-
week honeymoon trip. The bride
will return to Bend to finish the
school year.
Officers of the Rebekah lodge
call special attention to the meet
ing to be held at 8 p. m. Friday
evening ai ine j.u.u.r . nail.
Members of the refreshment
committee are Mrs. Stella Nelson,
miss Acta iNewny, Mrs. Oscar Lar
son, Mrs. Martin Lane and Mrs.
Koiio Morgan.
Miss Lulu M. Walters of Mau-
pln became the bride of Delbert
D. Stowe, U. S. army, In a civil
ceremony performed yesterday
oy j wage u. L,. Allen in the judi
cial chambers In the courthouse.
Stowe, who formerly lived In
Bend, Is on a furlough from the
...... :r-L)2&
Do You Drive a V Car?
A car that will keep rolling until final V-Day?
Let Us
Flush and Clean
Check and Rotate
Tune Motor
Check Ignition
Summer Lubricate
If V-E day found your car still running
and in good condition, you've got half
the battle won BUT ONLY HALF.
For there is still a war on still a lot of
guns and tanks and planes to be built
before production of new cars for civil
ians can get under way.
We'll keep your car rolling. Bring it to us
for complete mechanical service.
Clubwomen Hear
Lecture on Peace
Members of the Business and
professional women's club and re
presentatives from the Soroptom-
1st club met together for dinner
Wednesday evening In the Pine
Tavern to hear an address by
Dr. A. L. stranu, president or Ore
gon state college, on "peace pro
Those present at the meeting
were Mrs. L. C. McDow, Mrs. N.
D. Goodrich, Miss Isabelle Pagani,
Miss Berniee Hoik, Miss Nathalie
Smith, Miss Jean Watson, Mrs.
Tom Anglin, Miss Loralne
Bowns, Mrs. Hazel Barclay, Mrs.
Vera Lindgren, Mrs. Erma Hamm,
Mrs. Velma Buckingham, -Miss
Lucy Davison, Mrs. Charlotte
Olsen, Miss Alma Mullins, Miss
Mable Livesay, Miss Olive Jame
son and Miss Grace Qulgley.
Mrs. Dugan Feted
At Farewell Party
Mrs. Minnln Diicjiin u,kn i
n " rwiiv ic,i
this momlncr tn mulu v.a i.
----- --O llUIUt?
in Portland, was feted at a fare
well dinner party Monday evening
at the .Pine Tavern. The affair
was planned by membprs
4 Of the Catholic Altar Rnrtatu
Following the dinner, the group'
adjourned to the home of Mrs.
RaV Allen for mtvla amr Vf...i
Dugan was presented a, gift from
her friends.. -
Those nresent tnr tha nii.....
evening wpr Fnthai. uin
Kerwlck, Father Edmond Hyland,
mi a. nuwma xiogan, Mrs. Ray
Allen. Mrs Carv rhinKn.
' 1 j w.iumucia, mi a,
John Currie, Mrs. Cecil Duff, Miss
Margaret Dugan, Mrs. Walter
Hansen Mrs unifam ti... ..-
Thomas Hutchinson, Mrs. Lowell
Jensen, Mrs. Mildred Mladiner
Mrs. Gilbert Moty, Mrs. Harold
Roney, Mrs. Louis Weihl, Mrs.
Nell Graham and Mrs. Dugan.
Engagement Told
At Dinner Party .
Miss Marian Bloomqulst an
nounced hpr nnonnumanl fui-1
Johnson of Roseburg at the Beta
oigma mi dinner Tuesday eve
ning. Miss FUnnmnillut nr-Acnnto1
her sorority sisters a box of can
dy, with cards telling the sur
prise. .
The WPrlrllriO lu t,lnnnoH fni.
June 24 at the home of Miss
Bloomquist's parents in Rose
burg. The bride-elect is a primary
teaCher at KntllUnnil wtmnl o,l
Johnson is in business in Rose
burg. .
Hold Rummage Sale Circle 4
of the Catholic Altar society is
holding a rummage sale today and
tomorrow in the Burich building.
Commercial fishing In Florida
is increasing at the rate of $5,000,
000 yearly. The industry engages
10,000 fishermen, 8,000 boats, 226
distributors and 21 manufacturers.
The oldest tire manufacturing
plant in the midwest is the Inland 'v
Rubber Corp., Chicago. The larg-
est number of vulcanizing tire re
pair sections in the world are
turned out from this corporation.
I ifcllll
To Our Friends in the Oregon Country:
Most of you people living in this area are enthusiastic boosters
for your local communities and for the, whole Oregon Country.
Over the back fence, in letters to Eastern friends, you often do'
a good selling job for the fabulous region in which you live.
Doing so, you may awaken your neighbors to greater appreciation
of opportunities, bring new business to your town, or perhaps
locate some new family' nearby. This is the spirit that has built
the Pacific Northwest. Each of us must first be aware of the
advantages of our region, then transmit our enthusiasm to others.
This will insure its future development.
Through advertising in TIME and other national magazines,
The Oregonian joins you in telling of the great Oregon country.
I r """""""-"'r
U h?Q V -t ? ill
V t Wit I -
1 n B!
Ss o boril0n- ert wa0t to stay ;
Mne lovt r.
(porkers oe a
sec. yr?5 -sSSS.
. i-ve move At firs 0 . 1
band wu T ftbottt ,
. . Snb to d0, . t us. w . , i oeopie
pttiou. --- t vessels ; ' - Thev ve ,
Over 1000 gtertJ tooVea at us. other pta'
'the grtte,t
This advtrtutmemt, lit Jttt U I
inlet ipontorti by Tbt Ongtmlm. ft
appearing currently in national nugninn.
1173 Wall Street
Phone 700
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