Local News Maximum yesterday, 67 degrees. Minimum last night, 41 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER . - -Temperature: 10 p.m., 50 de grees; 10 tun.,- 56 degrees. Buroni eter (reduced to sea level): 10 p.m., 39.87 Inches; 10 a.m., 29.22 inches. Relative humidity: 10 p.m., 70 per cent; iu ajn., w per cent Velocity of wind: 10 p.m., 6 miles; 10 a.m., 6 miles. Prevailing direc tion oi wmu: sournwest. Harry B. Howard and his moth er, Mrs. Harriet Howard, left to day for Portland, where Mrs. Howard will spend the summer visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. E. c Women without men! Women over here men over there! Faithful wom en and one who PLUS NEWS AND CARTOON I J) J 1 I the screen's ;' 1 1 together in one screen sensation! Frankenstein s Monster! Dracuiah Wolf Man! Hunchback! Mad Doc- tor! Just wait till i J KARLOFF J. Carrol Naish Elena Verdugo rW. - ' - BORIS , A Brown. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ina Cram, who will attend ?hoC0nVeml0il of saleswomen for fwiJ , Jls ropany tomorrow in ifrSH-,L-ittendrlSh. forme Yl and', wm leave Monday .v tUM:u wnere sne will ?K Vle summer visiting friends. Mrs. P ttpnriHah ha ho5 making her home With hnr hrnth. "i c "oward 362 Ocden. William Byars of Prinevilie, was a business caller here today. H, Mayfield. Redmond, spent the day here transacting business Mrs. T. P. Beckley of Lakeview, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar nomimri. son, 1034 Albany avenue, reported today that they have named their son, born May 4, David Gilbert. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Falkowski, who moved recently 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING TONIGHT is something else! 3 DAYS STARTING TONIGHT titans of terror 3 9 you see it. 1 THIS CHAMBER OF HORRORS... WILL CURDLE YOUR f " ' ' i HIT I w mm, mm mm - .mint V,H'!I.' THE to Columbus, Wis., have learned that they reached their destina tion last Saturday, making the ii ip irom tsena m live days. Mrs. Ed Pease and daughter. Jan, arrived Tuesday evening to spena a weeK visiting Mrs. pease' mother. Mrs. Alice Soderstrom. and local friends. The family now lives in Salem, where Pease is em ployed in the office of the state highway department. Mrs Anno Vnrhaa hni-min nf the poppy sales committee forlment and tea at 1:30 p.m. Fri Percy A. Stevens Unit No. 4,' day. May 11. Weather permitting, American Legion auxiliary, and , the program will be held out-of-her aides, Mrs. Joy Walker and j doors in the court. Otherwise, the Mrs. Theodore H. Mark, will meet i group will meet in one of the pri- this evening with other auxiliary members at the Forbes home to make final arrangements for the annual poppy sale to be held- in Bend May 25-26. Pvt. Marvin Christy, who is sta tioned at the army base in Sioux Falls, S. D., arrived yesterday to'mison, Patricia Crawford, Phyl spend a 12-day furlough with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Christy. Mrs. John Ryan left by bus this morning for Grants Pass. Mrs. Norman Partridge, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sy- rrions .of Bend, left yesterday on a vacation trip to Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cook and ;Mr. and Mrs. A D. Anderson of i Madras were Bend shoppers yes l terday. I Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. I Anderson are her niece,- Miss ; Marian Clausen, and Miss Marie : Seibert, both of Seattle. Mrs. Fred Gray was in Bend i Wednesday from Prinevilie. i Mrs. William R. Gillenwater ar rived this week from Portland for a visit with her sister, Miss i Elizabeth Boeckli. John Bonnareus, employe of the Chewaucan cattle company, is in Bend today from the Z-X ranch near Paisley. Miss Peggy Magill will arrive tomorrow from Portland to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Magill. Mrs. H. E. Simpson left by bus today on a week-end trip to Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shumway and son Ray are in Bend today from Powell Butte. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv. Eagles Auxiliary will meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock at Sather's Hall for election of offi cers. Adv. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. Citv hus will 1eav hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Lions Ask Help in . Sorting Clothing I he Bend Lions club today sent out another-SOS for assistance in1 sorting and packing clothing inland have greater accuracy bo the salvage depot in the basement i cause of the sight; this is the of Lydick's, corner of Oregon ave- j seventh basic design of this rock- nue and Wall street. Additional j et-launching weapon. cartons are also needed for shi p-j mmmmmmmmm ping garments which were gath ered in Bend for overseas war re lief. Clarence Bush, chairman of the Lions club salvage drive, said ho estimated it would take at least two more nights to prepare the approximate five tons of clothing for shipping. He urged that any persons wishing to aid in the work, be at the depot around 7:30 or 8 o'clock tonight or tomor row. , Bush listed those who worked at the depot last night as follows: Betty Carter, Flora Kirkpalrlck, Joe Justin, Hatlie Tunnoll, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Edwards, Elmer C. Cody, H. L. Tonoy, Earl Wear and n W Thnmnuin Ihn Intinr thinn being Elks. U. S. Forest Service "smoke- jumpers" and their flame-fighting tools are parachuted to forest fires in regions inaccessible by roads. Now She Shops "Cash and Carry" Without Painful Backache VThfn dlwrrdfr oi ki'lnry function pprmits poiuonmiii tnxttcr to rrmnin in yo.ur blood, it may cause nngini liackut U'1, rlwumtit in paion, cg pains. Ions oi pf-p nrnltnwriiy, KfUing up nighlP, rvrellind. juifTinfM muter tho eTn, bftwiacbfa and dizzinrwi. FrtXunt or Braniy prnvapr-H with ninartifiK nnl hurninc axmio limes dhows thorn ft Romctbing wrong with your kidneyt or hlnlcter. lun't wuit! Ak ymir tlrueirt for Donrt'd Pills, used ucw-Mfully by millions for ov-r i)yerB.Tht'y pivo iiappy reliof and will help tlin l.i mile of kidney tufnt" flrih out poimm oua wosto troia your blood. Oct Dooa'a I'U, Mother's Day FLOWERS mm Place Orders EARLY Hydrangeas 0 VfuMs Kurhsiat Kimns Azal-aH (iloxinfi PICKETT Flower Shop & Garden Phone 530 629 Quimby We telegraph flowers anywhere. BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 10, Beginners Day ? Plans Completed A? part of the city-wide "be ginners' day" program, children who will enter Kenwood school next fall, and their mothers, are invited to attend an entertaln- marv rooms. The opening number on the program will be two songs, "Mother" and "My Mother" by the following pupils: Marlene Sherard, Janet Marie Drost, Janet Kay Ballantyne, Shirley Jean Ed- lis Everman, Janice Rhoton, Mary Lou Cole, Helen Lindgren, Alice Richards, Ruth. Jean Eisenbach and Mardee Dowsett. . A choral reading by first grade pupils will follow, with Jane God dard," Jean Davis, Barbara Kiel, Kitty Scott, Leora Zeegler, Joyce Marie Harris, and Kay. Johnson taking part. Keith Russell will recite "Spring Number Work," followed by a story, "Dark Pony," read by Kathleen Smith. . Miss Watson To Talk Miss Jean Watson of the pri mary department will talk on "A New" World," followed, by a talk by Mrs. Barclay, school .nurse, who will show an educational film. Usherettes will be Mardee Dow sett, Marlene Sherard, Lynda Ty ler and Jacqueline Jegglic. Faculty members in charge of the affair are Miss Marian Bloom quist and Miss Myrthena Martin, beginners' party; Mrs. Enid De Lany, the mothers' tea and Miss Jean Watson, program. Rev. D. Hinrichs To Leave Friday Rev. Donald Hinrichs of Trinity Lutheran church returned earlier this week from Eugene, whore he attended a special conference of the Missouri synod. Rev. Hin richs, who has accepted a call to Burns, reports that the call meet ing of the local Trinity Lutheran church will be held on May 20. On that occasion, Rev. W. F. Georg, vacancy pastor, will bo here. There will be no services at the church this Sunday. Rev. Hinrichs and family will leave for Burns Friday. Ho preached his farewell sermon last Sunday, and will be Installed in Burns this Sunday. . . New featherweight bazookas, with barrels of aluminum and a now "eye" sight; are 42 per cent lighter than the standard model Two Coafi Do the HOUSE PAINT OTSDi WHTK Tonll y Firestone Supreme Quality Honse Paint ta the most satisfactory you've ever used! It Is the finest obtainable yet actually coats less to use. Choice of color. Soft, Vtlvfy Finish 1 M.ST, FLAT WALL PAINT qt. 85c It's waohable and dries overnight. In 0 colors. I ofcef o ihint la Kitchens Interior tUtts qt. 1.09 WahM e,nllyf glare free and Is available In 9 colors. " GUX, HOOK - VAN ALLEN fircsront HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Wall at Minnesota " Phono 860 State Gideons To Hold Rally In Bend Soon Gideons from different camps in Oregon will gather in Bend on Saturday May 19 and 20 to take part in a state rally and cabinet meeting. The state president, Thomas Dryden, will preside over the state cabinet meeting on Sat urday afternoon. At 7:00 p. m. the Gideons will meet in the dining room of the First Baptist church in Bend, where a turkey dinner will be served, followed by a program of music and talks by Harry West, international chaplain, and Harry Mitchell of the Portland Camp of Gideons. Willam Bartell of Port land will be the song leader. Sunday morning the Gideons will be guests of the churches in Bend and Redmond to give re ports of the work being carried on and personal experiences in the distribution of testaments. The public Is Invited to attend a mass meeting on Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock at the Meth odist church. Dr. Strand Speaks , (Continued from Page One) other nations reacted quoting Englishman Walter Durante as saying that he was more interest ed in the trade his group had in Japan than in stopping any ag gression. Mussolini declared a national holiday to celebrate the United States' signing of the neutrality act, he continued, and within 1-2 days the Italian army was on Its way to Ethiopa. Then came Hit ler's occupation of Austria, the Sudenland, Czechoslovakia and Poland. "We had to support our friends," Dr. Strand said. "It would have been the blackest dis grace in the history of world af fairs if we had failed our allies." Lauds Conference The speaker was optimistic about the progress of the Sah Francisco conference, and ex pressed the hope that out of the proposals an organization will Work of Three FAINT Colored gal. 3.25 White qt. 05c Colored qr. 98c White sel. 2.79 2 IOrt'll. Dl'I'k nnd Floor I'liKimel . qt. 1.09 A tougu enamel that can take a terrific beating from sculling feet. Dries bard .overnight. . Shingle Stain Paint and Varnish Remover Brushes Cold Water Paint Wall-Tone Guarantaed to . lLfc$Km JU glv quick rellaf EPftPlf 1 i or your monoy back IfyplW 10c, SOe or $1.00 " Jfearf H L at all drug counters M ft J 1945 Are you prepared to give he Immediate first aid treatment that eases the pain and prevents possible infection? You can't risk waiting until accident occurs before finding out if you have the essential first aid supplies handy. Check your medicine chest now against this list of first aids that should be in every home then come to BRANDIS for the missing items. Preparedness is the safety firsr of first aid. ' - Oil Resistant GAUZTEX Self Adhering 10c & 30c UTILITY FIRST AID CABINET $4.49 The Eyes of EXPERIENCE In th experienced eyes of thn pharniacUt, the words and HyinlMds on a prmcrlp tlon blank luk on the shape and form of (lriiRS and pre elsion iiiHtrumenlH. Careful ly, he selects the preserllej liifrredlentti one at a time rhpcklng: and re-i lieekln(f IiIh selections with the prescrip tion, rainstakiiifcly. ho mea sures them attalnst the ac curate markings on tho in struments because he must see cyc-to-eyo with tho doc tor on quantity and quality. Ho does, at Brandls. Add 20 Fedoral emerRo omhrucinK the principles set down at Dumbnrtnn Oaks. "There Isn't any peace to write, except nKicenienls belwetm the victors," he said. "There Is no way lo brinR war criminals to Justice, because Justice Is found ed only on law, and there Is no international law." Ir. Strand left this mornlne for Hums, where ho is sclu'duled to speak today, eontinuinc his lour of the slate. Official Records OMI'l-AINT l ll.KII II. V. Sumineiville vs. Robert fillli.sple, of the Central Oregon I'uel company, seekinR $.')r,000 Reneral Uainafies and $1050 spe cial damages for injuries alleged ly suffered in an accident which occurred Dec. !), l!ll l, on the state highway near Terrebonne. The plaintiff charges carelessness and ne;li;;ence on the part of the de fendant, whose employe was as .xertedly Involved in an accident wltii an automobile driven by (Men Nelson, Summerville's em ployer, with whom he was riding. "CARNIVAL OF FUN" STARTING OFF WITH CARTOONS DONALD DUCK! MINNIE MOUSE! PLUTO! MIGHTY MOUSE! BUSS BUNNY! POPEYE! LITTLE LULU! AND THEN "Rockin'in Ihe Rockies" Loaded With Screen, Stage and Radio Star,! Tower Sun. - Mon. Only Q53?OGEa?QDJ Cfl . AWlan bdwei M. IMS 5 Lbs. EPSOM SALTS 29c TSOe Burn Ointment, 39e 35c Ccmpho Phenique 27c 25c Tinct. Metaphen, 23c 50c Unquentine . (tube) 43c 35c Tannic Acid Jelly 29c 25c Tinct. Iodine... 19c 35c Sunburn Cream, 29c $1.00 Murine Drops, 09c 180 Vita-Health Capsules $3.69 100 Bexcl B-Complex $1.93 180 Bax Capsules, $4.79 100 Belexon With Iron ....$2.09 60 Calcium Wafers, 59c 250 Brewers' Yeast Tablets 69c 80 Adex Tablets. . . . 09c 100 A&D Tablets... 79c excise tax to Cosmetics TO liONOIl STI.'DKNT Tho presentation of a scholar-1 ship lo an outstanding Junior or; senior In the school of home cco-j nomies at Oregon State college will be an outstanding feature of ; a radio program on Saturday,! May 12, at 2:00-2:.')0 p.m. overl KIJND from, the nnniinl honor convocation at Oix-gon State col lege. I Mrs. Norman I.unde. chairman of the Stale Scholarship commit-' tee, wiil make the presenalion. j Members of exlenslon units in' Deschutes county have each con U. S. Ambassador IIORIZONTA!, 1.7 Pictured U S. ambassador to China. Maj.-Gcn 52 Silkworm M Symbol for radium 55Trnp 56 He formerly served as President Roosevelt's envdy to Chungking VERTICAL 1 Skin openings 2 Adjusts 3 Universal language 4 Fresh-wider fish 5 Quote B Ix)g part 7 Man's name ii Employ 9 Of the thing 10 Evaded 12 Alleged force 13 Norse god 14 Peer Gynl'i mother 15 French arlido 16 Itodent 18 Without end 20 Aggregate 21 Heroic 23 Lampreys 24 Be carried 25 Leather strip 27 Alluring 28 Caterpillar hair 2B Mimicked 30 Court (ab.) 31 Symbol for germanium 32 Pain 34 Son of Selh (Bib.) 37 Land measure (pl.) 38 Type of fortification 40 Heavenly body 41 Fish 45 Lady 46 He 47 Biblical mountain 40 Race courre circuit 60 Dayoreak (comb, form) 81 Palm leaf PAGE FIVE Q) First Aid Kits 93c to $6.50 I aaBBBBaBptiir -':s FIRST AID FOR HEADACHE DilOMO- SELTZER FIRST" AID FOR YOUR HAIR IMDROOT .71 CREAM OIL FORMULA , FIRST AID "a FOR BEAUTY VITAMINS ARE HEALTH'S FIRST AID At DC TABLETS 13 100 aRBaBBncsrinTsraa ft ': I XrtrJ mRsN WWV B.--7-7 tributed toward tills selml ars'iln fund and will be interested In Ibis presentation, It is pointed out. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH To false tooth drop, lip or wnbbla when you trilk, mtt, IftUKti or sneeze? lion'i no nnii"yol ami cnit)jirrnm(i by Hunh hnndlnipa. KAHTiOKTI-1, un alka. lino (ntm-nt'ltl) powder to aprfuklo on your pIittcM, kflfj'f fiilno twlU inore (Irmly at-.L (IIvoh confl't-nt fpcllni? of oa cutit am) added comfort. No sjumniy, Boot'y, piuity timt or fo!llnr. Gt FA8 TttETli today at any drutc store. -. i i' t: 1 l-Asiatic country 17 Weary 13 Right lino (ab i 20 Forefather 22 Baseball player 2t Matured 2H Tops of heads 27 Wiser 32 Movement 33 Stuff 35 Kant Indian wood vine 31 Flm seed Coal residua (Pl.) Asiatic . kingdom British ac count money (Dl ) Father War god Musical instrument Malt drink Bind Either Symbol for actinium 41 1 '-.i IZkWI mmFmmM 37 39 I L j i T ) jb 1 o I I I'O 'il 1 it Jr "Er :i it -i rj:r L-yz : ''a a : H L- ' ""i -j H 1 .1. ., , f ( , i.. 1 ; -i w w in i! ?j ii" i r- i i i I I i i i i ic