SECTION TWO mm BEND BUH CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER JETTO - SPORTS GENERAL NEWS Volume Llll THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1945 American League Pitchers Turn in Some Great Work By Curl Lundqulst (United Presj) Staff Correspondent) New York, May 9 (IPi There i was mounting evidence today that T the American league Is stealing some of the national's thunder as the circuit noted lor tine pitch ing. There has been a great deal of excellent mound work in both circuits this season but most of it has been in the American. To date there have been 25 games In which, the pitcher -has doled out four hits or less, 17 of which have been in the American. Few Hits Allowed . There have been 46 four-hit games, 11 in the American and five in the national. Three of the four three-hit Jobs, were in the American, and one" of the two hitters was by an American leaguer. There have been three one-hit games already, two in the American and one in the national. Nelson Potter of the Browns was the latest to turn in a superla tive performance, defeating the -i Washington Senators, 7 to 1, in a I thi-ee hitter at St. Louis last night. After George Case got an- infield nit in the tirst inning on which he eventually scored, Potter held the Senators hitless until the ninth. The Browns got to knuckle bailer John Niggeling for three runs in the second, Len Sehulte bringing home two with a double, the third being scored on a wild pitch. Two doubles and an error provided three more runs in the third. White Sox Walloped In the only other major league game, the Cleveland Indians de feated the league leading Chicago White Sox, 7 to 1, for the first time this year after losing five straight to them. Charley (Red) Emhree, who won 9 games with Baltimore in the international league last season, gained his i first major league victory after fiwo aeieats. He held the Sox to , seven scattered hits. . Chicago retained its lead by 12 jjs-n-truiagc- (Julius uvcr ine iev York Yankees although the teams virtually are tied in games won and lost. The major pitchers with one hit games are Hal Newhouser of the Tigers, Joe Haynes of the White Sox and Hank Wyse of the Cubs. NO. 132 Out Our Way By J. R. Williams JAVANESE JOINS ARMY Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla. lll'i Latest of the "Internation alists" to undergo a six weeks basic training course here is John S. Tarumaselay, a Javanese boy. He formerly served with the Neth erlands royal air force and later with Holland's merchant marine. ( HILJJL ARE YOU V ' . t (om J (1 J V HURT BAP. ) fOs ft Wk X ftV 7 I DON'T KMOWA' j JpC'.fy HfWfJII) . THERE WA. AWY-K J? J7f ; 'WX! I WITH WE ORy-3?r PARTS OR. PARTMER.S L.7.R.WiLUAM5 i.tmiM.m S-t Today's Sport Parade By Jaek Cuddy (United 1'reM Staff Corriwpondent) New York, May 9 mi Comdr. Jack Dempsey in his blueicoast guard uniform sat at a little white-clothed table in the bar of his Great Northern hotel and said: "This fighting in the Pacific is so tough so rugged that it al most knocks you out, just looking at it, just feeling it. It's the toughest fighting there ever .was particularly for American boys who are used to bearable sur roundings;" " Dempsey wasn't celebrating v-t day mucn. Me naa just re turned from a three-month trip around the world, with most of his time spent in the Pacific where he saw plenty of action while landing on an LSI boat during the invasion of Okinawa. The old Manassa mauler con tinued. "If I hadn't seen the things I saw I never would have believed them that the Japs are crazy fanatics who don't care what happens to them, just so they kill you. And that living con ditions are generally .almost un bearable because of the heat, in sects, bad water and questionable food. You can hardly sleep be cause of flying and crawling 5KEETS f SURE, SKEETS. WE'LL , I PAINT THIS ON ALL THE J. V ' I fCES IN TOWN ! THE 7 iifelffik COPS WON'T DARE V BOy MORS 7" WAS ruin fl things. And If you don't get sick you're lucky." But what about boxing In the Pacific, the reporters wanted to know. , "Well they have some boxing at . the, replacement centers like Guam and Manila. Naturally, you can't have .any boxing up at the front, where you can't gather a crowd for any reason where you can hardly stick your neck up without getting shot by snipers. "But when the boys are sent acK to tne replacement centers, they crave boxing becausjjen-. erally there's nothing else to en tertain them. We need more good boxers in the Pacific replacement centers. Joe Louis and Billy Conn should be sent over there to help relieve the boys of boredom. Dur ing the intervals between fight ing life becomes very tedious when a fellow jiever sees a girl, can't get a drink and has no en tertainment." . But, now. that the European war is over, didn't Dempsey be lieve that Louis and Conn should be. given furloughs so that they could fight professionally . for themselves ' and make some money? 1 - "No, sir!" Dempsey declared. "Louis and Conn and other big time boxers are needed now more than ever before to enter tain the boys in the toughest part of the war we have faced yet." What about boxing in the Unit ed States, now that the European victory has been achieved? Dempsey said every stimulant should be given to professional boxing in the United States for two reasons: (1) To provide U. S. entertainment for the boys who return from Europe on furlough or mustered out, and (2) to de velop top-flight talent that can entertain all the boys when Japan is conquered and boxing enjoys the biggest boom in history. Dempsey will return to his post as head of the physical education department at the Manhattan Beach. N. Y., coast guard base. after a brief leave. Meanwhile he is figuring out ways and means of helping the boys in the tougn pa cific area. Bob Montgomery Loses to Moran . Los Angeles, May 9 (Ui Nick Moran today was the- toast of coast boxing . circles after his startling 10-round decision over elassy Bob,..-Montgomery,. New York version of the lightweight king. . An amazed crowd of 10,000 at Olympic auditorium cheered the game unknown from Mexico City as he caught Montgomery off guard in the first 15 seconds of last night's bout to send him down for a count of one. Dumler Hailed For Mound Work ' Los Angeles, May 9 HI') Carl Dumler, "Rags to Riches" pitcher who won eight straight games for the San Diego Padres last month, today was named athlete of the month by the Helms ath letic foundation.. Dumler defeated San Francisco three times, Los Angeles twice, Oakland twice, and Seattle once before losing two games to the Angels last week. 60-YEAR-OLD EGGS FOUND London (IP) In the center of a tree being sawed up at Kingsland, Herefordshire, workmen found a nest of five eggs, perfectly pre served, and said to be 50 years old. CKnnWIer Takes Over Landis' Chair 1ST Headquarters for ... Quality Recapping and famous U. S. TIRES Don't Take Chances See Us! Shoop & Schulze Tire Service 1291 WaH Phon. 565 n ATI F', , I J, t INEA Ttl photo) Ben. A. B. "Happy" Chandler, baseball's new commlsslonrr, occupies tht huge chair left vacant by death of Judge Keneaaw LandU, for many yean the oat of organized base baa Chandler came to Chicago to dlscuai teajUjUity of moving cojnnussioQer'f office to Cincinnati. San Diego Beats Portland Beavers . (By United Pnn) . The Portland Beavers, who es tablished themselves atop the Pa cific coast league mainly by tak ing 11 decisions in . two series with the lowly Hollywood Stars, finally met someone their own size last night San Diego. Pepper Martin's Padres-whittled down the Beavers, 10 to 1, to the delight of 4,500 hometown- cus tomers. Portland's llrst-plnce margin was cut to four and one half gutm's while San Diego climbed to within three percent age points of the runnerup Oak land Acorns. Ancient Jim Brlllheart allowed the Beavers nine hits the same number his teammates collected off Don Pulford and Clarence Federmeyer but was stingy when the bags were populated. The Padres Iced the game in the fourth when they scored five runs. Seals Are Victors It was San Francisco's turn to pick on tallend Hollywood and the Seals pounded out a 9-1 vic tory before a gathering of 4,500 which included wounded service men and delegates to the united nations conference. Bob Joyce racked up his sixth victory of the season in holding the Stars to four hits, three of them by manager Buck Fausett. Frenchy Uhalt snapped out of his hitting slump by getting a trlpple ana double in four appearcnecs at the plate. The Seattle Ralnlers downed the Sacramento Solons, 7-3, be fore a small capital city crowd. Doubles by Ted Norbert and George McDonald paced the win ners' four-run offensive in the first inning. Joe Demoran kept 11 hits well scattered. Oakland and Los Angeles open their series at Wrigloy field today witn a uoutiieheader. Fight Results iRv tlnllrd Prmi) r Bangor, Me. Ralph Walton,, Montreal, outpointed Alex Doyle, 142, Garfield, N. Y (8). Portland. Me. Jean Bari-lere. 131, Montreal, outpointed Santi ago Riviera, 138, Mexico City, IIU). Sailors Victors Over BHS Team Camp Abbot sailors,' who last week defeated the Ordnance shon- men 18 to 6, Inst night won from the Bend high school freshmen Softball team 20 to 0 in a twilight game on the Harmon field. Hard hitting, especially by Izzo and Neumer of the Abbotmen, and poor fielding by the Frosh was largely responsible for the one sided score. Pitching for the sail ors were Makarcwicz and Card! nottl. Hard blows by the sailors sent balls into the river on several oc casions, and youngsters called into service ' Buffy, a neighbor hood dog. "Buffy" waded out inlo the river after a ball, brought It ashore, then headed for homo. The sailors are to renew their feud with the Shopmen again next Tuesday evening, on Har mon field. Buffalo, N. Y. Holman Wil liams, 161 W, Chicago, outpointed Prentiss Hall, 1U4, Buffalo, (6). Hartford, Conn. Saint Paul. 162, Springfield, Mass. slounpci wiins ftcou, i:, npw York, (3). New York Jerry Florello. 158u, Brooklyn, outpointed Fred die Flores, 166, Jamaica, N. Y., til. New Bedford. Mass. Geortre ut nover, 138, Philadelphia, out pointed Victor Jade, 140, Chicago, mil, Three Lava Bears 1 Join U. S. Navy Three Bend high school senior boys were enlisted In the United States "naval reserve at the Port land navy recruiting station Tues day, according to word received Dy Chief Specialist Paul Connet, recruiter In charge of the Central Oregon navy recruiting station, tofiay. The three newest bluejackets from Central Oregon are, James h. Lnmmera, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lammers: Georee V. Murphy, son of Mrs. Bessie L. Murphy, and Donald L. Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Ferguson, all of Bend. All three boys were stars on the Bend high school football Los Angeles Nick Moran. 141. Mexico City, decisloned Boh Mont gomery, 140, New York (101. League Standings Chicago New York .. Detroit Washington Philadelphia St. Louis Boston Cleveland .... AMERICAN W 9 10 ..... 9 9 7 6 6 4 L 4 5 5 9 9 8 10 10 NATIONAL W L New York ......12 Brooklyn 9 Chicago 8 St. Louis - 8 Boston 7 Cincinnati 6 Pittsburgh 6 Philadelphia 3 Buy National War Bonds Now! Pet. .692 .667 .643 .500 .438 .429 .375 .286 Pet .750 .600 .571 .571 .466 .461 .400 .187 Pot .676 .556 .553 .541 .500 .459 .410 .297 PAVdll MILITARY TRAINING Kent, O. Ill') Maybe the profes sors want the army to have the first try at discipline. Anyway, the faculty at Kent State univer sity has approved compulsory military training lor an classes or men on graduation from high school or at the age of 18. The vote was 56 to 16. PACIFIC COAST W L Portland ....25 Oakland 20 San Diego 21 Seattle v 20 Sacramento 19 Los Angeles 17 San Francisco 16 Hollywood 11 team during the past season, Fer guson being captain and playing right half, Lammers left half and Murphy right end. Ferguson also iook iirst place in the hundred yard dash at the recent district track meet and could have gone to the state meet but. went up for enlistment In the navy Instead. Upon enlistment the three boys were placed on inactive duty and returned home, until called ior transfer to a training center for indoctrination. While home on in. active duty they will be able to receive their diplomas upon grad-r u at ion from high school. POLICE FIND THE GOODS Lewlston, Me. till After unsuc cessfully searching three suspects for $132 in stolen money, police found the cash wedged behind the seat cushions of the cruiser in which the men were brought to headquarters. HIS LABOR LOST Biddeford, Me. iltt Alexander Larlvlero spent a whole day saw ing firewood and by evening had a big pile in stove length. The next day fire destroyed the entire stack. 1 A .standard tanker of the U. S. Maritime Commission carries enough gasoline on one voyage to supply the holder of an "A" hook with gas for 35,000 years. Get Complete Car Care Where You See this Pump The familiar Flying A Gasoline pump .Stands for' mote than fine quality motor fuel. It ; identifies the establishment of an independent busi nessman in your community who is a real expert in all-around car care. He's your nearby, Helpful Associated Dealer. pe hifLregularly at the sign of, the Flying A for tire, battery and radiator service, for Veedol Safety-Check Lubrication, for fine Asso ciated products and top quality auto supplies. Let his complete, expert service make your car run longer, better, more economically and more safely. TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY VICTORY a ' jlill doptndi en you '.. AT HELPFUL ASSOCIATED DEALERS Tocame suavecito .v.Have a Coca-Cola (MAKE IT MELLOW) r-.V-. . . . a good neighbor policy in Acapulco Friendliness knows no borders. Down beyond the Rio Grande, the ricndly invitation Hate a Coke meets the same warm response as here at home. It's gracious form of friendliness that is understood and welcomed in any clime, in any language. Your American fighting man knows that to offer Coca-Cola is an international passport to refreshment and friendly companionship in many foreign lands. OITlfO UNDER AUTHORITY Or THI COCA-COIA COMPANY 11 ' J 34 Greenwood COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Phone 4V You naturally hear, Coca-Cola called by ita friendly abbrtviAUoa "Coke. Both mean the quality proa uct of The Coca-Cola Company. .0143 tea C-CC,