THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1 945 PAGE SIX , Irregular Drop Noted on Market By Elmer C. Walzer (United jTwxa Financial Ellt,r) New York, May 9 ill'i- Stocks made an irregular decline today on contracted volume. Special issues attracted a sub stantial following hut the main . list was neglected und a suffici ent number of jails and industri als receded to bring declines in those averages. Small gains pre dominated In the main group ol utilities. Market operators moved cau tiously because of the uncertain ties over partial reconversion of Industry. Big .corporations said they had no idea that the govern ment had In mind regarding the changeover and they were main taining a crossed-fingers altitude. As a result the trading element in stocks tended to sell the so- called war issues and buy select ed issues in the peace groups. Ullities, building shares, some of the rail equipments and steam ship lines were active, in tne latter group American export lines made a new high on a rise of more than 2 points and U.. S. lines rose nearly a point. Coppers made new highs and then backed uway on profit-taking. POKTLANH LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 9 mi Livestock: cattle 100, calves 25. Active, fully steady. Fed steers lacking. Cutter to medium heif ers sio.uu-i3.uu. canner-cuiier cows $7-00-9.30. Medium-good beef' cows i 1.UU-U. mi-mum Miius- age bulls $10.50-11.50. Good beef bulls sanimc around ij.uu-i.j..tu. flood -choice vcalers steady at S15.00-16.00. Hogs 100. Active, steady. Bar rows and gilts nil weights $1S.7S. Sows $15.00. Stags $14.00. Good- choice 88-145 lb. feeder pigs $17.50- 18.50. Sheep 150. Slow, weak. Quality plain. Cull-common spring lambs $8.0010.50. Medium-good grades held above $13.50. Good-choice Quotable to $14.50 and above. Me dium wooled lambs $13.00. Shorn lambs $11.50. Good ewes $6.00 Load ewes Tuesday $6.50. Thousands of tons of the bark of the cascara tree, found on the western coast of Canada and the United States, are made yearly into tonic-laxatives. Clarence Hush snvs: It Doesn't Cost a Cent Tho President's Protective In vestment I'lnn ... a safe, flex ible inruns of providing Income for the future . . . doesn't cost a cent if you die within 20 years, herausu all dcposlta you have mode on It will lie return ed to your funilly nnd the prin cipal amount of the contract paid to them. FOB DETAILS SEE C. E. BUSH Bend Phone 2S5-W' The Franklin Life Insurance Company Springrield, Illinois Distinguished Service Since JXH4 INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY Proipacfm on request from Principal Underwriter INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNIAF01IS, Ml N NISOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 c Good Cooks lj , awtf"VvV Vfooos need TANG m--! ) Stnt i - Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Gash With a Want Adj Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1-35 All words aw 2S add le per word lima Hha, At inaartlona On. month run. pjr, w o7 Hlnlmum mar., aue LINK RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claaalfled AdrtUIn, Caih in Adjanca Ually twain umi BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE RUMMAGE SALE sponsored by Circle 4 of Catholic Altar Society In the Burlch Bldg., on Thursday and Friday this week. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Asters, Snaps, Marigolds, Petun ias and other annuals. Vegetable plants and Steel's Jumbo pansles. 1(104 W. 2nd, corner Portland. CANARY BIRDS. Why not give mother a beautiful singing canary for Mother's Day? Or perhaps she would like a pair ol beautitui birds ready for mating. Also Par- rakeets and Love birds. See them at 244 Delaware or phone 573-J. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 vv. 2nd. corner Portland. DINING ROOM SET: breakfast set; davenport and chair; 12 piece china set, 2 iron beds, springs and mattresses; sanitary cot; walnut library table; dining table and 4 chairs; circulating heater; 2 air tight heaters; cooking utensils; book shelves; cabinet radio; bridge lamp; stool; fruit jars; rockers; tent; folding camp bed and miscellaneous articles. 153 Jefferson. Phone 208-J. HOME AND INVESTFENT only $3300. Four blocks from business center, 75x140 lot hooked to regu lar sewer system, 2 story modern house, 3 bedroom modern unfur nished down stairs; large 3 room modern furnished upstairs with special outside entrance to apart ment. Both quarters wired lor all electrical appliances, jmmedlate possession. 'Total price $3300. Loan available if needed. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. . . .. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. CENTRAL OREGON STOCK RANCH 3000 a., 250 a. irrigated. 10,000 outrange Joins. Modern home. Good outbuildings. Located 10 miles from Redmond. This ranch will put up 700 tons of hay if wanted. Included In the price is 1300 a. on the Big Deschutes River 20 miles from Bend, with one of the finest meadows in Ore gon. 15,000 a. forest service. This is the summer setup of this plant which Joins the river for 15 miles on one side and 6 miles on the other. Price $50,000. Shelley Real Estate, Redmond. STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar dens. Phone 530, 6th at Qulmby. BICYCLE, good condition, $25. Call at 445 DcKalb. C II A I R I S FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and braziers, reas onable prices. Call for appoint ment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. 1929 CHEV. truck, dual wheels, flat bed, compound low, $150. Un der OPA ceiling. Trailer house with stove, Ice box, daveno, and bullt-ins, electrically equipped. Low Iron wheeled wagon with hay rack. McCormlck mowing ma chine, hay chopper, 20-30 h.p. Rumley tractor on rubber, large lawnmower. Rt. 1, Box 4 15. Phone 22F-13. McCORMICK DEERING 1530 h.p. tractor on steel, $200. O. F. Sny der, Rt. 2, Box 215. Ask at Tumalo service station. PLANTS READY. Perennials strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow or, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton 8 Garden, 829 Ogden. 2 FOUR ROOM modern houses on three lots. New roofs, new paint, new fence. Sell one or both reas onable. Inquire 1107 Milwaukee ! Ave. FUR STORAGE Have your furs stored for safe keeping in a modern moth-proof vault. Furs Cleaned, Glazed and repaired. All work done by expert furriers, RATH'S "For Style and Economy" 831 Wall Phono 28? I FOB SALE A CENTRAL OREOON ! INVESTMENT No better location than this l.r)8 a. ranch, on highway. lf8 a. irri gated. 50 a. good alfalfa. Grade school at corner of ranch, high j school bus at gate. R.K.D., phone. ,. ., )h ,h finps, of wu,e,. - - - 1 1 -story, 5-room house. Good barn 40x40, 3 machine sheds. Complete tractor equipment. The alfalia in this district cuts 5 tons, 2 cuttings. No rocks. This ranch is worth the time for any investor to Investi gate. We have nothing better to offer. Price equipped, $22,000. Terms one-half down. Water cost $1.50 per a. Shelley Real Estate, Redmond, Ore. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY, one lot with two houses with bath and one not modern with two nice lots. $4,000 cash. Also large 3 bed room fully modern house with new double garage; close In on paved street, only $4800. See John son, Bend Realty, 957 Wall St. DAY BED with pad. Inquire at 407 Portland avenue. 4 PAIR of men's suspenders, good elastic, leather belt, pointing trowel, smoothing trowel, willow clothes basket, window brush. metal pencil sharpener, metal safety razor, metal razor sharp ener, shaving mirror extending arm, 6 yds. of cotton window net ting, rubberized clothes bag, coal and wood circulator, good condi tion, with floor board and extras. Phone 793-M. ONE GUERNSEY milk cow 8 years old, fresh about 10 days, T.B. and abortion tested, gentle for woman to handle and milk. V4 mile west of Pine Forest grange hall. Harry Pryor. Phone 39-F-12. ROOM SIZE BROADLOOM , IN STOCK TODAY One 12x15 green fern pattern Wil ton rug. One 12x15 beige leaf pat tern Wilton rug. One 9x15 rose tone leaf pattern Wilton. One 9x12 beige leaf pattern Wilton. One 9x12 dusty rose fern pattern Ax minster rug. See our windows. Bend Furniture Co. 3 BEDROOM house, modern, basement, furnace, paved street. Terms. Inquire 544 Newport. GOOD FRESH cow with third calf. Heifer, milk stock 14 months. H. L. Chrisman, Butler Market road. Phone l-F-4. SMALL, LIGHT, clean trailer house, new paint Inside, lots of bullt-ins, sink, stove and bed. Good tires. Just what you need for that hunting or fishing trip. Want to sell cheap for quick cash. Inquire at 1337 Albany St., Bend. FRYER RABBITS every week, market price. Wanted live rabbits. Jefferson Rabbitry, 111 Jefferson place. ' CHILD'S FULL SIZE pre-war maple finish crib and mattress. excellent condition. Non-auto matic electric iron. Inquire 1234 Galveston. 8 COCKTAIL forks In Deauville pattern, one bud vase, salt and pepper set, all in pre-war silver plate. One pair children's black oxfords, size 2. Call 1595 Awbrcy road after a p. m. MAN'S PRE-WAR bicycle, new tires and basket. $25.00. Phone 830-R or inquire 501 Riverfront. 6 PIECE bedroom set. Inquire .13U8 w. qin. WOOD, GREEN or dry, $8.00 a cord delivered. Stock up now for your winter's wood. D. W. Beck, 154 Adams. Phone 220. 2 SACKS of seed potatoes, $1.75 per sack. Inquire 1853 E. 3rd. DAVENPORT and chair set, fail condition. Inquire 648 E. 2nd. MASTADON strawberry plants, $1.00 a hundred. Gervais ranch, second place west Cox's Service Station on south highway. PRE-WAR COLLAPSIBLE pad ded baby buggy with weather cover and innerspring mattress. Call 208-J or 153 Jefferson place. LARGE REDUCTION In price of several radios left for sale; In cludes one extra small, white set that will meet shipping require ments for overseas shipment. Luckey's Radio, 117 Lafayette. AUTHORIZED Maytag Service . . anil repairs on all makes of washers. . . . for a new Maytag after the war place your order now. Just contact , , . ELMER HUDSON Telophone 274 434 Kansas Bend FOB SALE NEW BENCH VICE real bargain, V pulleys for electric .motors, col lapsible baby buggy, 3 burner gas oline range, 41 Colt revolver, 9x12 Axminster rug $7.50, library table. i square dining table, bedsteads, flat springs, day beds, sanitary cots, Victrola, portable pool table, oak chairs, kitchen table and 3 chairs, what-not shelves, rockers, dresser, 10 gallon water can, leather davenport, wheel chair, 25 ft. log chain, cross cut saws, axes, shovels, pitch forks. Corner of Lake Place and Division, across street from 350 Division. PIANO, ELECTRIC sewing ma chine, large size doll buggy, all In good condition. Call at 21 Greeley Ave. ' TRAILER HOUSE 16 foot long, 7 foot wide) Inquire 5 Hawthorne. 2 WOOD cook stoves. 38 Lafayette between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m.. . NEW MODERN fourroom house, one bedroom, utility room with stationary tubs. Electric hot water heater. Wired for electric range. Immediate possession. Will con sider trade-in on larger home. 365 E. Kearney. Phone 1030-W. NICE HAND WORK for Mother's Day. Dresser scarfs, towel sets, aprons, other articles. 1214 Union, previous address 1084 Federal. - JERSEY-GUERNSEY milk cow. Freshen In June, 6 years old. M. J. Telford, 1469 Newport. CLEAN, SMOOTH, field-run pota toes, excellent lor seed. ri. w. Kerns ranch, Arnold district. Phone 11-F-ll. 26 FOOT two bed factory built trailer house, reasonable. Phone 73 Redmond. McCORMICK . DEERING separa tor No. 5, good condition, reason able. Inquire 1344 Baltimore. i TON of nice clean seed spuds all sacked and ready to go. Bring sacks, l'.ii miles south of 6 Cor ners on Bend-Burns highway. R. D. Stowcll, Rt. 1, Box 399. Phone 9-F-22. 7 PIECE bedroom set, range, heavy heating stove, big Victrola, iron bed with box spring and mat tress, kitchen cabinet, sewing ma chine, library table, shovel, rake and small heating stove. 227 Wall treot. Radio at Bend Washer Serv ice. 760-ACRE stock and dairy ranch, $10,000. Machinery, equipment, grazing permits, free irrigation, 45 miles from Burns. 100 acres In alfalfa ond grain. Jeff Cawlfield, Drewsey, Ore. FOB TRADE GRANTS PASS RANCH FOR EXCHANGE 10 a., 6 a. irrigated, In clover. Bal. timber. 5-room modern house. barn, chicken house, pump house, fruit room. Shade. 5 cows. 2-year J old heifer, 2 doz. chickens. 20 tier wood. 2000 ft. lumber. Price $6500. Located 7 miles from Grants Pass. Shelley Real Estate, The Dirt Merchant, Redmond, Oregon. FOB RENT 3 BEDROOM unfurnished house with furnace, wired for electric range, good laundry facilities. In quire 138 Greeley or phone 336-M after 5 p. m. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, private bath, electrically equipped. 141 Georgia. Phone 7G6. 3 ROOM modern cottage, electric stove and refrigerator, wood, wa ter and lights furnished. Also two 2 room modern cabins. Inquire Signal Station on south highway. 2 ROOM furnished house. $8.00 month. Located at 655 E. Norton. Inquire 375 E. Kearney. V A C AN CI EsTd'Kane building. Inquire at Hognn's Studio. MODERN 2 bedroom house, fur-1 nlshed, enclosed porch, garage , and woodshed. Call 21 Columbia, i Mike Todoroff. - ! BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent.' Drive yourself. Moving. Court- j house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 2 AND 3 ROOM houses furnished with water and lights, close In, not modern. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834 W. USED CARS 1932 CHEVROLET sedan, $175,1 well under celling price. ' mile ! east and '3 mile south of Trap ' Club. Rt. 1, Box 441. Bert Russell. I RED RYDER RUS INTO TE Hi COOLER -' 1 TRIED) SH'J.r UMDER-rMODi! U5,AlW r"hiDE OUT OM W TRAIL lOOK-li'V RED RIDER ' ( THAT'S BOe,-R-' ) TROUBLE, J ( TO em OFF THV J WE CV4 1 COLLECT FAi-O-- &LWmW PASEs) ( E SEE THAT J BOSS &U6lCK' 7 C55 ? 'J 55 RED PRICES 0S 0' HE !bEm RU AvW ' y-tf. yOPO.'jf USED CARS 1938 OLDS, sedan, good condition, good rubber. Radio and heater. $725. Under OPA ceiling. Inquire Cumberland after u p. m. WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell also some big springer cows and will pick tnem up at your rancn. r"hone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone S45-M. FOR SERVICEMAN overseas, pocket size folding camera in good condition. Will pay reasonable price. Phone 1046 or inquire at 759 Roanoke. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices lor good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. SEWING MACHINE, treadle or electric in good condition. State make and place. Also want lawn mower. Write Hlghtower, 353 Roosevelt. WANT TO TRADE gas range on electric refrigerator, or pay cash for refrigerator in good condi tion. Write Box 1208, Redmond. HELP WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL to take care of invalid lady and some house work. Good wages. Contact E. J. Branson at the Bend Dairy Plant. BOY to work in store and some outside work. Steady during sum mer vacation. Call in person at Evans Fly Co. GIRL OR WOMAN to care for house and children for working serviceman's wife, to stay nights preferred. 1404 Baltimore. Phone 967-J. MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must be experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone 324 or 36-F-21. WANTED: experienced bookkeep er with knowledge of shorthand and typing. Write Drawer N, Red mond, Oregon. MAN OR WOMAN for parts de partment, would prefer one with experience but not essential If able to meet public. Call 680 or write Box '669. WOMEN for fountain work, quire Bend Drug Co. In- COMBINATION WELDER. Ap ply at i Redmorld Blacksmith & Welding Shop, 308 E street, Red mond. MAN to spade or plow up front lawn for resowlng. Call at 1337 Albany St., Bend. MAN to wash cans. Also man for general creamery work. No ex perience required. Wages $176.80 per month. 6 days per week. Vaca tion with pay after 1 year. See Howard Jenne before 4 p. m. at Medo-Land Creamery Co. MAN to care for cabins at fishing resort. Inquire U. S. Employment Service. WOMAN with experience in handling children, particularly of pre-school and primary age, in play school and playground activi ties on Harmon Playfield this summer. Apply to Bend Recrea tion Committee, Rev. R. H. Pren tice, chairmaan, on or before May 10. GIRL OR WOMAN to stay with 2 children, (5-9 years), 5 days a week. Light housework. Inquire Bend Shoe Clinic, 830 Wall St. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 11WX Redmond, Ore. SITUATION WANTED SERVICEMAN'S wife with 2 year old child wants housekeeping work in motherless home. Cap able of taking full charge. Write In care of Bend Bulletin No. 421. RELIABLE GARDENER, practi cal landscaper wishes work, care taker or by the job. Call Toney, Delaware Hotel, 31-W. SOMETIME AGO at the Highway Tavern, white and blue compact. Gift from husband overseas. Re turn to 1404 Baltimore or phone 967-J. RATION BOOK No. 4 In name of Helen M. Swoverland, on Colum bia between Galveston and New port. LOST 6 WEEKS OLD Collie puppy, thoroughbred, brown with white. Finder call 1037 J before 11, after 11 bring to Delaware Grocery. Re ward. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. SEWING and alteration work done. Call at 213 Riverside. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered tnorougnbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15 Vj, proven sire qf quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-scanlon barn.Frank Filey. attendant. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, also grass shears, shears, knives, cycles. Keys made, saws filed. Guns. Inrkfi rpnairpd. Cash nnlH for lawnmowers. Henderson's Re-1 pair Shop, 112 Minnesota. FOR YOUR plastering, brick lay ing, cement work and general re pair call 504-W. FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, "FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE "LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil 1108 Bond AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1897 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS MOTHER'S DAY KOLD WAVE PERMANENTS Truly a Gift To Please Her! EXPERT Ol'ERATORS May Laura Ardclle Powder Puff Beauty Shop l none -1H4 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OP QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 524 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical inspection will insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Plume 3t!6 W or 11P-23 MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 533. FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 yer 5 yd. load, dark cinders $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top soli $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. . PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire. with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 9 lii A shortage of high quality eggs was noted in Portland today with little change in receipts. Butter and egg prices were un changed. Butter Cube 93 score 42Xc; 92 score 42 'Ac; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 Vjc pound. Eggs Prices to .retailers: AA large 44c: A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. POUND NOTICE Notice is hereby given that un der and by virtue of Ordinance No. 120 of the City of Bend, I will on Monday, May 14, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. at the City Pound, on First Street between Greenwood and Franklin Avenues in Bend. Oregon, sell or offer for gale the following dogs, to-wit: 1 Black, white and brown, male, mixed breed. 1 Long haired brown and white male, mixed breed. 1 Long haired white with black and brown, male, mixed breed. 1 Black slick haired female, mixed breed. 1 White, brown and black slick haired male, mixed breed. 1 Small brown long haired male, mixed breed. KEN GULICK, City Poundmaster Adv. STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service at Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service 13B Greenwood Phone 583 . Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phone 217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gods Movement PLANS DOCTORS' PROGRAM Austin, Tex. Ui Special courses for doctors who rushed off to war without completing contemplated post-graduate work have been arranged for the medi cal branch of the Unlvei-slty of Texas. Regents approved a pro gram to be carried out at the j medical school In Galveston, Tex. j Buy National War Bonds Now! See ELMER LEHNHERR For . Liberal Cash Loans AUTO LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay K Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Lemon Juice Recipe) Checks Rheumatic ; Pain Quickly f If you suffer from rheumatic, arthrttla of ?' neurtUa naln. trv this almnln Inniun recipe tbat thouaanda are ualna. Get a pack- hot or Ru-Ex Compound, a ttro-week aiiuDlr today. Mix It with a Quart or water, add uS t n S f """"""i Il'a eaay. No trouble at f iui umu umy a taDieapOOD. '-' lula to tlruea a day. orten wltnln 48 Eoun 8 aometlmca overnight aplrudld reaulta an obtained. It the palna do not qulrklv lean '" and it you do not feel letter, return tu '. empty package and Ru-Kx will cuirt you noih. an abaolute money-bacx uarantee. Ru-S i compound la for aula and mxmnjendr.l tj The Owl Pharmacy and drug stores everywhere , MONUMENTS R.C.CARYL . "The Monument Man" , 1KSS Awhrev Rd. Tel. B2H-M ' Refrigerator Service All Type$ of Mechanical Servici On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. i Ronit MtnnMMn Phono WW L LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every DT Of the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL A AUTO FIRE LIFE " Ed Sherlock. Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 1588 Awbrey Rd. Phone 6&t-V FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FARMERS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE & TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE & FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Be Safe Not Sony Insure Today Prompt Claims Service Sta4ard term Pol ley Eufrene M.Bucknum.Dlst.Mirr. 10M Bond St. Phone 88 K. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress The Bend Bulletin I Phone 56 By FRED HARMAN 'THAT'S BOCf . BOSS B0SlCK:: TOP HANU- '1