THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9. 1945 PAGE FIVE ocal News rplTAIPRRATTTRR LUH""""' " TnnAVS WEATHER Temperature: 10 p.m., 54' de grees; 10 a.m.i 66 degrees. Barom MwTiifwl tn raa level) : 10 'urn.. 29.90 Inches; 10 a.m., 29.88 ' ... n i in . r Inches. iterative iiuiumiiy-. iu p.m., ,r5 per cent; iu, oo per cem. Velocity of wind: 10 p.m., 4 miles; 10 a.m., 3 miles. Prevailing direc tion of wind: northeast. MSgt. Bill Mayer, overseas vet eran who has been stationed in the Italian theater of war, has ar- f rived at Fort Lewis, on furlough, this grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. s. C. Mayer, have been notified. "Set Mayer Is to reach Bend to- . iAlitow. - if 'T'L Tmma nf I7nnil It-ill taom will meet next Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Sather hall, instead of to morrow night as originally an nounced, according to Mrs. Leslie Chapman, publicity chairman, to day. The postponement was made necessary because the hall would not be available Thursday- night, it was explained. Mrs. Frank R. Prince left yes terday for San Francisco, Calif., to spend two months with her husband, Major Prince. Mrs. Prince made the trip south from Chemult by train. Pfc. George Castle, sc member lof Bend's Company I, and son of Harry J. Castle, 175 Adams street, and Mrs. JacK Peterson, Bend, arrived here last night on a 21- day furlough after spending 37 months in the south Pacific. Mrs. Ed Pease and daughter Janet, former Bend residents, are inhere visitin? her mother. Mrs t Alice Soderstrom, 856 Odgcn ave i.rftie. Pease, who was former of fice engineer for the state high way department in Bend, is now an engineer in the constructidn LAST CHANCE TONIGHT VtAHM DURBIN .. IN 1ECHNICOLOR! ' ..u... -,- .. .. t il NEWS , MUSICAL LAST CHANCE TONIGHT BARGAIN NIGHT PLUS 2ND HIT 4 !1 5s m rr-:d IS '4 MB? J iffi tiiuftedMan department for the highway de- . Don R. Hampton of Summer Lake, was a Bend business caller luaay. . ........ R. M. Baldock, state highway denartmpnt ondnoai. tt ... ".sttitci, auu XI. VJ. bmith, construction engineer for me siaie nignway department, were in Bend overnight while en mine irom tuamatn Falls to Sa lem. y Glenn Stockton, Prineville, was a Bend business caller today. Irvine French, fish hainh.. representative for the game com mission ai Bonneville, was in Cen tral Ol-ocrnn t n A a ' " u u j iajjc.llllg hatcheries and proposed sites. R. W. Cozad, of the state high way department at Canyon City, was a Bend caller today. A buy er of foi. ha Cozad left late in the day for OUl IIS. Mr. and Mrs .T T. T ntim -..j SOn Of Snlpm laet niffht guests at the Pilot Butte inn. Lo- uer is a prominent Willamette valley automobile dealer and has a wirip Arnilaintnnna in PnniMl Oregon. James R. Hugha and Lyman W. Ward Of the II. S nrmv nnrvlnnavc Portland, were in Bend today on official business. Mrs. J. Allan Wickham of the University of Oregon, Eugene, was a Bend visitor today. GrOUD 3. thp 1H R aiviiin nt tha Women's council of the Christian cnurcn, will meet at 2 p.m. Thurs day, May 16, with Mrs. Ben Hamil ton. 552 RtntA Ctmal Tn.Se - , ...... iiuo inch ing was originally planned for rriuay, may J.i. The "Wpp Wnmpn" 4.T-T eMirlna Club Will TTIPPt St 1 -in n m r.Avl Saturday at the home of Mrs. Hu- ukil carneri in Boya Acres, it was announced today. SSut. Hpnrv TT rimmlnc f Bend, has graduated from the in formation and education course at the school for personnel services, Lexington, Va., according to a re port received here today. Gradu ates from this course are as signed to bring the war depart ment's information nrncrrnm in American troops all over the worm, it was saicf. SSgt. Donald Gist, after spend- inf thp U'PPlf.pnH nt (ha hnmn nf his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester uisi or fioute i, today was en route to Morrison field, West Palm Rnanh Tla U'Viaro ha be attached to the weather edit ing unit of the Ninth weather squadron. He previously had been stationed at the Portland army air base, and left for his new as- sipnmpnt hv nlnnp Thp flistQ nl. so had as a week-end guest, Miss Edna Holton of Redmond. The regular story hour an nounced for Saturday, May 12, at the Deschutes county public li brary will not be held because of thp liharv urnrlr ehnn ephnHiilpH for the same day, librarians re port. Mrs. Stuart btapleton na3 re- "CARNIVAL OF FUN" STARTING OFF WITH 7 CARTOONS DONALD DUCK! MINNIE MOUSE! PLUTO! MIGHTY MOUSE! BUGS BUNNY! POPEYE! LITTLE LULU! AND THEN "Rockin'in the Rockies" Loaded With Screen, Stage and Radio Stars! Tower Sun. - Mon. Only EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE. AFTER A PICTURE HAS PLAYED AND GONE WE GET SWAMPED WITH PHONE CALLS "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT THAT WONDERFUL SHOW?" TO CE SURE THAT YOU KNOW IN ADVANCE, WE WANT TO GO ON RECORD RIGHT NOW ABOUT "THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU" WHICH STARTS AT THE CAPITOL THEATRE TOMORROW AND PLAYS THROUGH SATUR DAY. IT IS ONE OF THOSE PICTURES YOU WOULD INSIST THAT WE TIP YOU OFF ABOUT ! IT IS UNQUESTIONABLY ONE OF THE FINE MOTION PICTURES TO APPEAR THUS FAR THIS YEAR. THIS STORY IS PACKED WITH FUN, DRAMA AND HOMESPUN HAPPINESS. ALL THE PLAYERS HAVE LITERALLY GIVEN PART OF THEMSELVES TO MAKE IT TRULY FINE. WE BELIEVE YOU WILL THANK US FOR LETTING YOU KNOW. Pupils at Reid Plan Program Parents and friends of Reid school pupils are invited to attend a varied program commemorat ing national music week at 2 p. m. tomorrow in the school audi torium, under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Chute. Franklin Stein berg will be the announcer. The opening selections will be Pop Goes the Weasel" and "Nor wegian Mountain Dance" by the first grade rhythm band, followed by a trumpet solo, "Merry Widow Waltr by Rodney Adams. A group of songs by the pri mary grades will include "My Pony," "I Saw a Little Bird" and "Short'n Bread." Several piano numbers will fol low, featuring the following solo ists: Beverly Hanson, Bernadine Nicholson, Carol Lee McCormack, Jeanne Chapman, Ann Maekey, Ned Mackey, Yvonne Wagner, Valorie Nelson, Gwen Standifer, Virginia Cady, Faye Hunter and Kosemary btioles. Numbers Listed The choral club will sing three numbers, "In the Plaza," "Harp of the Winds" and "Waltzing Matil da." The singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" with the audi ence joining in, will conclude the program. Members of the choral club are: Valorie Nelson, Rosemary Sholes, Yvonne Wagner, Gwen Standifer, Donna Wynn, Alice Hopkins, Joanne Van Sickle, Phyllis Gen try, sue Lusk, Maurice Rasmus sen, Gwen Ennen, Patsy Glassow, Lynn Dunn, Rodney Adams. Gary Grunditz, Jeanne Chap. man, Beverly Hanson, Patricia Summers, Dorris Sholes, Virginia caciy, Mary King, Faye Hunter, Joan Christenson, Margaret Hoi- man and Ueorge Johnston. turned to her home in Brothel's, after spending several davs visit. ing mrs. ueorge Nelson at the Al pine lodge. Mrs. M. M. Brices returned Monday from Tacoma. Wash., ac. companied by her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Perrine, who was married recently at the Ft. Lewis chapel. Airs. Georgia uverbaush. re cent house guest of her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith, 1501 Awbrev. left today for Klamath Falls; where she will take the train to San Francisco. After visiting there two wccks witn ner son, she will go to Los Angeles for a visit with her niece, Mrs. Carry Tally, the former Bess Smith, and her granddaughters. Mrs. (J. M. Kennedy of Gate way was a Bend visitor yester day. -- Warren F. Hardison, former mayor of Redmond, spent today in Bond. Mrs. L. H. Irving was in Bend from Madras yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Kerns of Culver was shopping in Bend early this week. l o m Knoads, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rhoads, Bend, has re turned to his navy station at Great Lakes, Chicago, 111., after spending a short leave in Bend. Tom, who entered the navy early in the year, is taking radar train ing. Chapter AI of the PEO Sister hood will join in a supper meet ing at Ihc home of Mrs. Maurice Hitehock, near Sisters, tomorrow night. Eagles Auxiliary will moot Thursday night at 8 o'clock at Sather's Hall for election of offi cers. Adv. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Cutworms often attack trans planted plants the first night after they are set out. 5wl 4H PINE BLUE BIRDS Continuing their study of fa miliar birds. Pine Bluebird group heard a report on the meadow lark by Prissie Blakley. Maureen Misner and Sarah Officer pre sented Darjers on the bluebird. The girls are making pictures of familiar birds to add to tneir note books. At the meeting next week, work will be started on wood placques with the Bluebird wish in pyrography. UNALIYEE Unallyee group was hostess to Iyopta members at a "cook-out" breakfast at 7 a. m. Saturday on Oveiturf Butte. Twenty-one girls and their guardian. Miss Jean Webster, were present. KATAWASTEYA and DAKONYA Katawasteya and Dakonya groups met together at the high school for instruction in crepe paper work. Mrs. Jack Holbrook gave a demonstration. GUARDIANS At a recent meeting of Camp Fire guardians, Mrs. Rella Henry was named a delegate to the work shop in Portland May 11 and 12. Plans for summer camp were also discussed. GROUP MEETINGS - Monday Katawasteya Miss Harriet Harris, high school, 3:50 p. m. Dakonya Mrs. Rella Henry, 319 Sisemore, 3:50 p. m. Tanda Mrs. W. G. Coleman, 1471 West Third, 3:45 p. m. Tuesday Unallyee Miss Jean Webster, Reid school, 4 p. m. Wednesday Wahanka Mrs. Gail Baker, Kenwood school, 3:45 p. m. Wetomachick Mrs. Don Prl meau, Carroll Acres, 4 p. m. Pine Bluebirds Mrs. Gale Blak ley, 1317 Harmon, 3:45 p. m. Oregon Trail Bluebirds Mrs. Carl Erickson, 211 Drake road, 3:45 p. m. Juniper Jays Mrs. Claude Cook. 214 Vine lane. 3:45 d. m. Camp Fire Mrs. Fred Spivey.j sua iiiii. 3:45 p. m. Thursday Cheskchamay Mrs. Clifford Brown, 1237 Cumberland, 3:45 p. m. Bluebell Bluebirds Rosella Knight, Reid school, 3:45 p. m. . Otawateca Mrs. E. W. Wil-' liamson, 27 Glen road, 3:45 p. m. , Friday lyopta Mrs. Rees Brooks, 814 Harmon, 3:45 p. m. Happy Times Bluebirds Miss Charlotte Mulllns, Reid school, 3,30 p. m. Official Records Marriage licensns were issued by the county clerk yesterday to Mason L. Manor and Ethel John son, and to Homer L. Rold and Ruth Hudson, all of Bond. i. Jewert i. stowe or Bend and Lulu M. Walters of Maupin re ceived a marriage license today. U-BOAT GIVES UP London, May 9 lliThe first U-boat to surrender under Ger many's capitulation agreement will put into Weymouth harbor on the English coast late today, it was announced. TIRE, W HEEL STOLEN Ivan Mavnard. 123(5 naltimnm street, today enlisted the aid of Bend police in recovering a tiro and wheel, which he s;id was stolon from his automobile while he was fishing at Lava island. SEEKS CITY OFFICE I Detroit, May 9 clli Richard T.I Frankensteon, international vice-1 president of the United Automo bile Workers (CIO I, today filed as a candidate for mayor of Do- J troit shortly before deadline. i I Buy National War Bonds Now! MOST , - i ' I lls2 I : i Beginners' Day Programs Ready All public elementary schools of Bend will hold their annual Be ginners' day program on Friday afternoon, May 11, according to Howard W. George, city school superinteudent. - , Parents with youngsters who will be in the first grade next fall are being urged to attend and bring their children. Only those children who will be six years of j age on or before November 15 are' eligible to enter school next Sep-1 tember. At the Reid school, the after noons' activities are scheduled to begin at 1 p.m., and at the Allen and Kenwood schools the pro-i grams start at 1:30 p.m. The prl-l mary teachers at each building I will be in charge. A special film! provided by the Deschutes county health department will be shown, ! teachers will discuss the more im portant problems in connection with preparing the children for school, and refreshments will be served. ' In past years, Beginners' day has proven to be a popular pro gram with parents, teachers, and children, George reports. Last year approximately 150 mothers attended the programs in the var ious buildings. Farm Labor Office Functions in Bend As a service to both farm own ers and farm laborers, the farm labor office, room 210 in the county courthouse, is equipped to file requests and offer informa tion, and farm labor assistant E. II.; Young will be on hand after noons to answer inquiries, it has I been announced. I The objective of the office is to' aid in stabilizing farm labor, by I encouraging farm helpers to ad- i just themselves to the require-1 ments of employers, and by plac- i ing workmen in jobs that will be I agreeable to them, it Is explained, j Farmers are asked to coonerate by immediately reporting changes' fVfcl IclrphnUt) Wllhelm Buhl, 63, former premier of Denmark, hits been designated by King Christian X to form a new government following country's liberation. DIAMONDS 7th War Loan 0 y. Buy Double r- an EXTRA War Bond 2 A. T. NIEBERGALL Jeweler 2 m Melt to Capitol Thratcr 1'hona 14ft-K WATCHES Don't Forget Her Next Sunday Mother's Day is Sunday make it a point now to select a gift hat will please her, ba useful and that she will cherish. Magill's has scores of suggestions, a few that are listed below. Don't put off selecting come in tomorrow for "her" gift. J0r Tulip Time i HEADQUARTERS PRESCRIPTIONS ; V To make certain that your prescription is compounded with exacting care, bring it . here to Prescription Head quarters. A staff of skilled 1 . registered pharmacists give their full time and attention to compounding. Large vol ume assures fresh, potent drugs. Yet you pay no more sometimes even less for this professional servicel Phone 157 i in their employment status, so that the office can readily make replacements. As applicants aro inclined to move from one job to another without notice, they are urged to register with tho office and notify the officer when changes must be made. Schillings Coffee 2 lb. 65c Super Suds I.urge ll?. 23c Honey Butter cup 33c Pancake Flour AIIhth No. Itl Bair 69c Camay Soap Saturday il iiininrrjMrr'vi TiVl ft x.-y IIWMJ .lll'Jaw luper llf Harriet Hubbard Ayres New Way to Beauty GIFT SETS 3.50 Plus Tax MOTHER'S Mall Mother an appropriate it with a gift. Beautiful cards Volse de Fleurs GIFT SETS Singlo items or ensemble sets, packaged for gift giving. She knows tho quality. Perfumes 6 Sachets O Powder Creams O Lipstick O Lotions GIVE HER A WAR BOND The Gift That Keeps on Giving SHIP 'INGREDIENTS' South Portland, Me. U1 Into every Liberty ship built at the New England Shipbuilding Corp. yard here goes 53 miles of weld ing, 28,000 rivets, 3,200 tons of stool, Tit miles of cable and 25 tons of paint. VrsYr1 i I II I ' H - fl i FOOD MARKET PAYDAY THURS.FRI. Ben Hur Tea 16 bags 17c H&D Kernel Corn ........ can 17c Merrimac Peas .can 15c Del Monte String Beans . .can 17c River Rice- 3lb.pkg. 36c Rice Dinner p!tg. 9c Milk , 4 cans 39c Noodles, Frillets . . .16 oz. pkg. 25c Wheaties .pkg. 11c H&D Tomato Juice, No. 5 can 25c Walnuts. No. 1's lb. 42c PAYDAY VEEK MEAT SPECIALS Sirloin Steak lb. 40c Sausage lb. 29c fininlry stylo Hams, half of whole lb. 38c Fresh Oysters pt. glass 69c Young Roasting Hens . . .lb. 45-48c Heavy or iWi-dium Cutex 7 Ss 5efs m Luxuria Cream Powder Both $2 DAY CARDS card or include "e from ' O to I Quality Soaps Wrlslevu Superbe 8 AA Scented Cuke-... IUW Savon Sachet Toilet, 7Cc 8 Cakes 19 Savon Sachet Buth, m aa 4 Cakes i ivw Propane, butane, pentane, meth ane, coal gas, natural gas, and other gases, compressed in cyl inders aro in use as fuels for motor cars, land may be used as' substitutes for gasoline in ordi nary motors with little or no ad justment. Food Savings for Friday Saturday SAT. Tang Dressing pts. 23c qrs. 39c the. oap of '3 bars 20c beautiful women