THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. WAY 9. 1945 PAGE THREE Ar. executives Lose Privileges New York, May , 9 Ui Robert Bunnelle, managing executive for the Associated Press In the United Kingdom, notified the AP today that he had been suspended from filing privileges. Bunnelle reported that no rea son was given for his suspension, dui me Af nere said it presum ably was in connection with the unauthorized dispatch which Ed ward Kennedy, chief of the AP Paris bureau, filed on the German surrender at Reims. Kennedy, who admitted he had violated Shaef regulations by fil ing the Reims dispatch before its release was authorized by snaer, said ne telephoned It to London where Bunnelle is . in charge Of the AP. Kennedy and Morton Gudebrod, who supervises the distribution of AP news to the French press, ,have been suspended from filing privileges by Allied supreme headquarters in Paris. Shaef has appointed three officers to in vestigate Kennedy's action in sending the unauthorized dis patch, but" they have not reported yet. ' Bunnelle was notified of the' ac tion against him by Capt. Harry Clark, rear echelon public rela tions officer In London. A message from Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower's headquarters, ex plaining the reason for the action against Kennedy, was received by Kent Cooper, executive director of IIIV . . . t . 1 H V4 . . 'Suspension filing privileges' Associated Press invoked and authority now granted correspon dents other than Ed Kennedy to submit material for transmission. Kennedy suspended due self-admitted deliberate violation Shaef regulations nnrl hreaoh ence. Investigation filing story by n.enneuy continues and report re sults of finding will h cated to you as soon as practic able." The first sentence In the Eisen hower message was a reference to the fact that Shaef at first sus pended all filing privileges for the theater of operations. That later was lifted to apply only to Ken nedy. Then Gudebrod and Bun nelle were suspended. V-E Day Is Quiet; Thanks Are Given Redmond, May 9 (Special) As flags were unfurled on downtown streets and churches were open thrOUPhoilt th Ha tnf tho an. commodation of those wishing to offer prayer and thanks, observ ance of V-E riav VPKtftrHnl) In Rorl. mond was quiet. Nowhere was There any indica tion of jubilant celebration, but on the home front work until the Japs have been defeated. Patriotic speeches were made on the R p rt in n n H uninn Vilorli school lawn, while members of the high school band played ap propriate numbers. . Captured "ersatz" stockings, worn by German soldiers last winter,- have been turned into blankets for German prisoners. Pacific Veteran Home on Furlough Wearer of the purple heart and the oak leaf cluster, Pfe. Clarence Eldon Smith, son of Mrs. Rozella Smith, 341 Emerson street, has arrived in Bend on a furlough after spending 18 months in the service in New Guinea and the Philippines. Pfc. Smith received his wounds in the Pacific theater of war, and came here from he Madagan hospital at Tacoma, Wash. He plans to spend a week in Bend. Pfc. Smith's sister, Melda Smith, HA 1e, obtained a leave from the naval hospital at San Diego, and is here to visit her fighting brother. The soldier, who is a member of the 43rd in fantry, is a graduate of the La pine high school, and was em ployed in the Shevlin camp before entering the service. ' Two British Columns . Heading for Rangoon Calcutta, May 9 IH Two col umns of the British 14th army have scored new gains in a drive toward Rangoon from the north, a communique said today. One force, pushing down the main railway from Prome, has reached a point 96 miles above the Burmese capital. The other col umn advancing from east of Pegu, was within 51 miles of the city. FINAL SALVO FIRED ' J. London,. May 9 IIP) Marshal Stalin, In an order of the day an nouncing to the Third army and red fleet that victory had been won, ordered a salute of 30 salvos by 1,000 guns in Moscow tonight. YOU SAVE THESE 3 WAYS AT MICHAELSON'S Payday Thurs. Fri. Sat. Coffee iQJJJGklL' Chase & 1 f Sanborn tf 1 Lb. Vkg. Ei5P 29c Sunshine Krlspys Crackers 2 Lb. Carton 31c Swans Down Cake Hour . .... pkg. 26c MAYON NAISE Nalley's pt. jar 29c qt. jar 49c leaties pkg. 11c Lipton's Tea 1 lb. pkg. 1.09 lb. pkg. mc lb. pkg. 29c or Grapefruit Juice . . .47 oz. can 35c Orchard Garden . Tomato Soup .2 cans 25c Heinz Kreamed Honey cup 33c Milk 3 cans 29c Carnation Shortening 3 lb. carton 69c Jewel Marmalade .2 lb. jar 35c Tropical Nucoa lb. 27c Mixed Vegetables . .No. 2 can 19c Veff-All Baking Powder ..... .25 oz. ar 19c Spinach 21 lb. can 19c Walla Walla Sliced Beets 2 cans 25c Dundee, No. 2 Cans APPLE JUICE quart bottle 23c Hood River TOMATO JUICE No. 5 can 25c Sacra mento Kool-Aid 3 pkgs. 10c Washing Powder . . . .Ige. pkg. 25c Peets Crystal White Soap . . .6 bars 25c Palmolive Soap .3 bars 19c Potatoes 10 lbs. 39c Oranges doz. 69c . Large Fancy Sunkist Grapefruit 3 for 25c 1 Coachllla FREE DELIVERY- PREM can ..35c DILL PICKLES gal. jar 79c y7 tt nu phone 82 I i GROCERY L Datodier Free Rhus. International Red Cross, ac cording . to Paris reports, has negotiated the release by the Germans of Edouard Daladier, ' above, thrice French premier and minister of war when France fell. Dinner to Honor Members of the Bend Minis terial association and their wives are planning a farewell dinner for two of their number next Tuesday evening, May . 15, at which time Rev. and Mrs. Ray E. Kiel and Rev. and .Mrs. W. I. Palmer will be guests of honor. After six years of service as pas tor of the Church of the Nazar- ene, Rev. Kiel has accepted a call to Placervllle, Calif. Rev. Palmer, president of the association, is re tiring from the active ministry after 32 years of service in eight different churches. The Palmers have been In Bend for three years and will continue to make their home here. Dinner Planned A turkey dinner will be served by ladles of the First Presby terian church at that church on Tuesday evening. The May meeting of the Minis terial association was addressed by Dr. Charles Durden of Salem who had been requested to tell of his experience in community survey and church extension and evangelism work. The association went on record as favorine a com munity survey to be followed by visitation and evangelism on the part of each church during the month or September, 1945. 1 . CIVIL RIGHTS RESTORED London, May 9 U' Home sec retary Herbert Morrison announc ed in commons today the restora tion of full civil liberty in Britain, sweeping away the government's wartime right to imprison persons witnour trial. POSTS &S7 BRAN COHBVED mm delicious NW breakfast idea A magic flavor combination Post's 40 Bran Flakes plus lots of tender, seedless raisins . . . right in the same package. Folk are raving about It. So ask your grocer for Post's Raisin Bran in the big blue-and-white package today. It's aeucious! GOOD HEALTH Your Oroof ost Possession fi7ain U br bolng rollorod sura, Fittula, Horaia (Hup- nt without hospital op- Jauwq UCCMtnilir Ufd w iuvwiiu crvait tormi. Call for xtnnlnation or Mnd tot FBZZ toookltt. Open fvenfcioi, Mort., Wed., fri, Dr. C J. DEAN CLINIC Hrtltlmm mm mmmam J. t. Cot. E. Bunuld. n Grand ... T.Uphoo. EAjt 3919. Portland 14, Orgn X2 Church Group Holds Meeting Redmond, May 9 (Special) The annual congregational meet ing of the Community Presby terian church was held at 8 p. m. Sunday evening In the church. William Tweedle was appointed chairman of the meeting and H. E. Van Arsdale, secretary. Mrs. George Kanoff, Sunday school secretary, gave the report for the Sunday school. Gordon Strom berg is superintendent. The aver age attendance for the past year was approximately 125 each Sun day. Outstanding among projects accomplished by the Sunday school the past year, were the purchasing of 18 chairs for pri mary department, developing a Sunday school room In the tower room of the church and a gift of $25 to the Joint vacation school. The Westminster Fellowship group reported through its treas urer, Bob Henderson, a balance of $24.94 on hand. Preston Young is the president of this group. Mrs. H. E. Van Arsdale, as act ing president of the guild, report ed the membership approximate ly 65. The guild purchased a $500 bond and the books showed a bal ance of $175 on May 1 of the cur rent year. The budget for 1945 was set at $3,818 with less than $700 yet to be raised. A letter of appreciation from the First Christian church was read for the use of the Commu nity church on the Sunday of their fire and for the cash dona tion to their Sunday school from our Sunday school. A note of appreciation was ex tended to Rev. R. H. Prentice for his work here during the year as pastor. Furnace Insulted A new furnace has been In stalled and a movement Is being considered for a resident part time worker in the parish to be selected from the church mem bership. Officers of the church for the present year are: I Board of elders, Floyd Burton, William Tweedle, Ben Ohling, Lloyd Baker, Herbert Eby, H. E. Van Arsdale. Board of Trustees, Mrs. Herbert Gunther, Mrs. Fred Sparks, Mrs. Wade Short, Mrs. Lloyd Smyth, Ralph Vawzyl and Preston Young. Treasurer, Mrs. George Kanoff. OIl FELLOWS PLAN MEET Members of the I. O. O. F. lodge In Benr will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in their lodge hall, when a large class of candidates is expected to be given the total degree into the Central Oregon encampment. Thomus McLeod, grand high priest of the grand encampment, from Salem, will be a guest speaker. This is his first trip to this lodge, in Ills capacity as grand high priest. CHARGE IS FILED According to the office of sheriff Claude L. McCauley, Lewis Dunlup, 39, was arrested yesterday on a complaint for al leged unauthorized use of irriga tion water. Dunlap was arraign ed yesterday and released on his own recognizance. The trial will be held on or before May 15, It was siatea. ... TOPS FOR QUALITY -' Pepti-Cola Company, Long stand Cilv.N.'r. Franckised Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Bend. WARNING to Travelers! Advance Notice Help Secure Rooms! fhorti, wlft or drop a (to it tard a few days In advance If potilblt. Or, upon arrival In Portland, PHONI US AT ONCI tr tome direct ta the hotel. 77 UXUQ ii ii iiiiniik nil "ttmttU mOwn.r Manager WASHINGTON STREET at S.W. 12th R Roomi With SQUARE PEA1VS feRffl'Pj W YOUR CHOICE .... - ' tril $19950 i 5 PIPrF ADOIIPQ . ' il I terms J ti : "i HERE IS WHAT YOU GEt " w I 5 piece L'ving Room Se IwiPl "?'d I l'ggtlR?w' ' Pr'n9 filled davenport and chair plus three other pieces always ' IV v' ol' I li'MJrSl needed for the living room! ! raii IH ' !illf Swi i Davei,prt End Tabie j I Chair to Match Coffee Table I f Hassock ?H All Five Pieces for 199.50 ?zr 5 Piece Bedroom Set Beautiful walnut suite with rich inlays, plus mattress and coil box fP Vanity With Large Mirror ' Full Size Bed 50-lb. Felted Mattress j e Chest of Drawers e Coil Box Spring All Five Pieces for 199.50 SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE CO. Phone 324 H. G. Rainey Lewis Rainey Bond and Minn.