The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 08, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum yesterday, 78 degrees
Minimum last night, 89 degrees
Temperature: 10, p. m., 54 de-
ees: 10 ft. nv, 60 decrees. Velo
city of wind j 10 p, in., 4 miles;
10 a. m, 8i miles. ' . ,
Lt. Philip R- Gould, former
Imond bov now serving in the ma-
frine corps, visited friends in Bend
Monday en rouie 10 a i-aunc
coast base for reassignment Lt.
IGould has been stationed at the
imarine base at Cherry Point,
Mrs. Frea sampeis, westonia
apartments, underwent a major
operation last week at the St.
Charles hospital and is convalesc-
g there, relatives report.
Mrs. u. li. meaae ox vanejo,
lif.. arrived in Bend Wednesday
vening to visit at the home of
ier sister, Mrs. H. C. Nelson and
amily for a few weeks while her
lusband, C. D. Meade, chief phar-
lacist, u.fa.N., is on temporary
uty at Bethesda, Maryland.
Mr. and Mrs. jonn urunditz
and son Gary, former Minneapp-
is residents, ana Mr. ana Mrs. is.
McCabe spent Sunday in Eu-
Paul S p i n d e 1 1, - driver for
Gregg's bakery, has been home
from work because of illness.
Wallace Duryee is assisting on
one of the routes during his ab
sence. . '
J: F. Blodgett, P. H. McGee and
C. Wold of the Great Northern I
jimmy and rouWW
railroad, were In Bend today from
Spokane on company business.
Mrs. Virginia. Evans, assistant
clerk at the Pilot Butte inn, re
turnee today after spending the
week-end in Portland visiting
friends. " .- .
Jack Bartlett, engineer for the
federal works agency, stopped in
Bend today en route from Port
land to Lakeview. Bartlett, for
mer engineer ,for the WPA in
Bend, is engaged in coordinating
post-war planning of public
Elsie Johnson, stenoernnher in
the accounting section for the
Deschutes national forest.
signed her position today and
planned to leave tomorrow for
Ogden, Utah, her former home.
Miss Johnson will be succeeded
by Miss Evelyn Born, recently dis
charged from the Wacs, and -now
a member of the Wenatchee na
tional forest staff.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Van Vleet
of Burns, last night Were guests
at the Pilot Butte inn.
Thomas A. Sandoe, represent
ing the Western Pine association,
was here today from Klamath
Falls conferring with local mill
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Rath, 1404
West First sreet, have as guests
Mrs. Mary Coogle and Mrs.
Charles C. Coogle and daughter,
from Colorado Springs, Colo.
Mrs. Charles Coogle is Mrs.
Rath's sister, and she plans to re
main in Bend for some time.
J. Lisle Cunningham, assistant
to the regional director of the
bureau of reclamation at Boise,
Ida., left for that city today after
conferring two days with local
officials of the bureau. Cunning
ham, who is in charge of the ad
ministrative branch of the bu-
. your toes
Society deadline on days of
Allen Pupils fo
In Musk Week
In commemoration of national
music week, a varied program will
be presented at 1:30 p. m. Wednes
day in the Allen school auditor
ium, under the direction of Mrs.
Evangeline Nelson, music instruc
tor, assisted by Mrs. Pearl Hill.
Norma Kelsay will announce the
Instrumental numbers will be
played by Tommy Mowery, Vinc
ent .Wanichek, Waldon Simmons,
LeAnn Blackwell, Roma Jean
Sheetz, Judy Fuls, John Davis,
Billy Berg, Bobby Berg, Darlene
Ross, Donna Slate, Reggie Halli
gan, Paul Reynolds, Bobbie Lee
Gilbert, Georgann Winslow, and
Ronald Dodson. Eulalie Wilcox
will be featured in a, vocal num
ber. '
Several selections by the ton
ette band from grades three and
four will be featured. The mem
bers are Kay Meagher, Shirley
Brown, Ward Bonniri, Marilyn
Hanshew, Marilyn Brown, Sher-
Presbyterian Churchmen
Make Plans for Dinner
The men of the First Presby
terian church will have charge of
the monthly potluck dinner and
program to be held in the dining
room' of the church at 6:30 p. m.
Wednesday, May 9, Rev. R. H.
Prentice has announced.
Chairman George Simerville an
nounced that coffee will be pro
vided, and. those planning to at
tend are asked to notify him as to
what dish they will provide, to as
sist the committee in planning a
balanced menu. Simerville may
! be reached by Phone at 366-W af
I ter 3 p. m.'
Meeting Announced The
VFW and auxiliary will meet at
8 p.m. Friday, May 11, in Bather's
' hall, upstairs in the former USO
I building.
reau, visited the Wickiup area
! today with Clyde H. Spencer, con
! structlon engineer in charge of
the North Unit Irrigation project.
A. A. D. Rahn, vice-president of
The Shevlin-Hixon Company, left
for Minneapolis today after spend
ing several days in Bend confer
ring with local company officials.
He was accompanied to Portland
by 'A. L. O. Schueler, assistant
general manager of the local mill.
Mrs. Erie David Petty,-. Mrs.
Verona Murray and Mrs. Velna
Kramer returned Sunday evening
from Portland, where they were
called Friday by the illness of
Mrs. Petty's granddaughter, De-
loris Reams, who is at patient at
Emanuel hospital. Her condition
is reported grave.
Mrs. Alvin J, Kramer of Bend,
has received word that her hus
band, a private in the army, is
serving with the First cavalry di
vision on Luzon. Mrs. Kramer and
two children live at 1404 Balti
more. Joan Obernolte and Lora Olscn
were guests over the week-end of
Betty Jo and Joyce Rickman at
their home on Bear creek.
Carroll Meeks returned last
night from Portland where ,he
visited his wife and Infant son,
Robert, born Thursday evening
at Emanuel hospital. The baby
weighed 7 pounds, 13 V4 ounces at
birth. The Meeks' other son, five-year-old
John, is visiting his
grandparents at Canby, Ore.
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Heer left
Saturday for their home in Spo
kane, after visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien,
215 Hunter place, and her sister,
Mrs. John Ramlo, 404 Florida.
Mrs. Heer's father is ill in St.
Charles hospital. -
Fred Lyons of Culver was shop
ping in Bend yesterday.
Nels Anderson, former Bend
resident, arrived from Albany to
day on a business trip.
Mrs. Isom Ezell, Mrs. Robert
Ward and Mrs. R. J. !'?rrell are
shopping in Bend today from Gil
christ. Mrs. James Reed and Mrs. Luth
er Harrington of Culver were in
Bend yesterday.
The Shevlin-Hixon plant and
woods will resume production on
the 8 o'clock shift Wednesday
morning. The shift changes' will
be the same as if there had been
no interruption. The I.W.A. re
quests its members to be on hand
at the usual time. Adv.
Notice: Members of Brooks
plant unit I.W.A. Local 6-7. There
will be nominations of unit offi
cers at your meeting on May Ifith.
tobm flf - Abim Tamireff ''.
publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, U 10 bjii.
Call 58, Th$ Bulletin newsroom.
Be Presented
Program Here
rill Gray. Normandlne Luckenbill,
Thomas Pryoi Jimmy Martin,
Hubert Conn, Berniece. Hergen
roder, Ronald. Tippetts, Vernon
Sam pels, Paul Reynolds, Chris
tine Ryman, Bonnie Jean Brown,
Juanita Arthur, Arthur Drake,
Bobbie Kerns and Dolores De
Dual. . 1
A group ot songs by the glee
club will complete the program.
Members are Katherine Aystra,
LaVern Fagg, Nancy Ferguson,
George Freeman, Bobbie Lee Gil
bert, Reggie Halligan, Drannah
Hamby, Irene Kirkpatrlck, Betty
Koth, Joan 'McMillan, Ronald
Nowlin, Mary Posvar, Marion
Pryor, pick Rasmussen, Merlyn
Sampeis, William Schaefer, Betty
Ann Simerville, Donna Slate, Ray
Spencer, Peggie Marie Terwllll
ger, Alice Lou Van Landuyt, Gary
Ward, Homer Wennerstrom, Eu
lalie Wilcox, Georgann Winslow,
Fred Wiseman and Audrey Bailey.
Ronald Dodson is accompanist
Court Reigns
AtJr-Sr, Ball
In School Gym
With programs that looked like
lollypops, decorations of streamer-wound
poles resembling giant
candy canes, and a profusion of
"peppermint-colored" festoons,
the high school gym was festive
for the junior-senior prom Satur
day night, themed by the popular
tune "Candy" and highlighted by
the coronation of prom queen,
Ruth Ann Terlisner.
The queen and her court, at
tired in formal gowns of white
and pastel hues, were escorted to
the royal dais where they reigned
over the evening's gaiety. Queen
Ruth Ann, in a gown of dusty
blue, was attended by Mary Alice
Glatt, maid-of-honor, in white.
Princesses Iris Stewart, Sally
Schilling, Jean Raddatz, and June
Alfrey completed the entourage,
with John Overhojver and Fred
erick Steinhauser as train-bearers.
Ken Fretwell crowned the
queen and announced the special
program, featuring a solo, "Can
dy," by Cynthia Shevlin. A trio,
consisting of Julanne Justin, Mar
lys Prentice and Vilda Suttle sang
"This Heart of Mine." Gloria Nor
cott was presented in a tap dance
number, and Helen Bailey's vocal
solos, "Just a Prayer Away" and
"My Heart Sings" were enthusi
astically received. The final song,
a farewell tribute to the seniors,
was sung by Julanne Justin.
Decorations for the occasion
were planned by Jackie Moore
and Vilda Suttle, assisted by Dick
Leaply, Helen Ward, Jackie Hahn,
Helen Raddatz, Barbara Terlisner,
Ken Fretwell, Shirley Blaklcy and
Nan Preede.
Punch and cookies were served
at the intermission, with Beverly
Baer heading the refreshment
committee. Jackie Hahn, junior
class secretary, was in charge of
invitations. The entertainment
and the queen's processional were
arranged by Barbara Terlisner.
Miss Lois Rice was faculty ad
viser for the affair.
... ;
Local Girl Weds
Army Man Monday
Miss Elsie Heimbush of Bend
became the bride of Cpl. Virl
Reitenbaugh of Walla Walla at
a ceremony at 7 p. m. Monday at
the home of the bride's mother,
1422 Newport. Rev. Robert Mc
Ilvenna officiated.
The couple were attended by
Mrs. E. J. McCarthy, matron-of-honor,
and C. M. Reitenbaugh of
Walla Walla, who was best man
for his brother. The bride wore a
deep rose ensemble, and Mrs. Mc
Carthy's costume Was dusty blue.
Both wore pastel corsages.
Members of the immediate fam
ilies were present for the wedding
and the reception which followed.
. Vesta Mae Ilickson and Milton
Edward Williams, both of Klam
ath Kails, were married at 4 p.m.
Saturday by Rev. Robert Mcllven
na. The ceremony was read at the
Methodist parsonage.
I.un.-hcon Sialed The Past
president's club of the W. li. A.
will meet at the home of Mrs. R.
C. Colver in Carroll Acres Wed
nesday, May 9, for a one o'clock
1 '
Meeting C'a'Jcd The Mission
ary society of the Church of Cod
will meet Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Ed Oetkcn,
1325 Davenport.
Club to Meet The Norwegian
ladies' club will be entertained at
2 p.m. Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Henry Nelson, 131 Congress.'
I.iHlgi to Drill The Pythian
Sisters will meet at 8 p.m. Wed
nesday in Norway hall. All of
ficers and members are urged to
be present for initiation practice.
Meet Tonight The social pino
chle club will meet at 8 p. m. to
night at the home of Mrs. Ina
Barber, 1224 Union Ave.
e Say Vows
Saturday Night
At Local Church
With a background of cala lilies,
Evelyn Taylor and Harvey Hall
were married at 8 p. m.
Saturday in the Methodist church
by Rev. Robert Mcllvenna before
relatives and a group of friends.
A reception followed at thehome
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Lane, 42 Louisiana.
Miss Vivian Merseth played the
wedding march and incidental
music, including "Always," "To
gether." "Beloved" and "I Love
Xou Truly." The bride was given
in marriage by her father. Mrs.
Edgar Gillette, sister-in-law of
the bride, was. matron of honor.
Delbert Bodda acted as best man.
The bride was attired in a light ,
oiue sun wun wnite accessories
and a corsage of white carnations.
Mrs. Gillette, also in blue, wore
black accessories and a pink car-1
nation corsage. The bride's moth-!
cr wore an ensemble of gold with '
brown accessories. The groom's
mother wore a flowered costume .
with blue predominating. I
Local guests at the reception In-
eluded Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Leader, ;
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald, Mr. .
and Mrs. B. H. Rhodes, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Amundson, Rev. !
Robert Mcllvenna, Mrs. Charles
Boyd and son Bill, Mr. and Mrs.
James Finley and daughter!
Nancy, Mrs. B. M. Merseth, Miss '
Vivian Merseth, Mrs. Amelia Hall, i
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bodda, Miss
Delberta Bodda, Mrs. Dale Hall,
Miss Patrilla Strode, Jack Hall,
Cecil Gillette and Carl Lane.
Out-of-town guests were Mrs.
E. D. Gillette and Eddie Gillette
Jr. from Medford, Mrs. S. Dahl,
Mrs. L. Weech and Louise Weech '
from Grants Pass, and Mr. and
Mrs. O. P. Lucas from Brothers, i
Prineville Couple j
On Wedding Trip j
Miss Eunice McMeen, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McMeen
of Prineville, became the bride
of Daren Roberts, U. S. N., at an
attractive ceremony Sunday at 4
p.m. in the Prineville community
church, with Rev. W. N. Byars
officiating. The couple were at
tended by Miss Yvonne Zeek of
Bend, bridesmaid; and Don Brum
mer of Prineville, best man.
Miss Susanne Michel played
the wedding music. The bride
was given in marriage by her
father. Miss McMeen and her
attendant were attired in attrac
tive pastel suits with white ac
cessories, complimented by match
ing corsages.
Following the ceremony, a re-!
ception was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Carlon. Mr. i
and Mrs. Roberts are honeymoon- i
ing in Portland, and Richland,!
Wash. The groom will report to
San Pedro for assignment later 1
this month. I
Junior Hostesses j
Plan for Parties
Bend USO junior hostesses
holding their monthly meeting ,
last night in the chamber of com
merce offices made nlans for a
series of entertainments for serv
icemen of the community, with a
party at the USO quarters in Beid
on Wednesday night, one of the
features planned for the current
week. This party, to start at 8
p. m., will be for all service men,
and also for their wives. Last Sun
day, the junior hostesses sponsor
ed a highly successful picnic, at
Shevlin park.
Various other events will he
sponsored through the late .spring
season. Miss Elizabeth Beaver
pieided at last night's meeting, in
the absence of Miss Elizabeth
lioeckli, president.
6:30 p.m. American Legion
T" Corn "'"""I? "
7:00 p.m. Beta Sigha Phi, din
ner meeting at Pino Tavern.
7:00 p.m. Job's Daughters at
Masonic temple, mothers ot mem
Tread Straight
Shoes for
Solid Comfort
i 8.95
5.95 - 6.95
I 5
1 . .
Oh the joy of giving Mother a gift she will, really appreciate!
And because we know how much you want to please her, we
have hand picked a gift selection that actually covers the field.
Don't wait for the last; minute. Come in now and. choose from
our worthy collection of sparkling and practical presents.
Lucien Lelong products, per
fumes and colognes. Botany
Lanolin soaps, creams, etc.
Choose hers soon!.
Lighl-hearted jewelry for ap
preciated gifts, earrings, la
pel pins, necklaces, etc., 1.00
to 7.95 plus tax.
bers as guests.
8:00 p.m.-Dcgree of Honor, Sa
ther hall.
8:00 p.m.-Social pinochle club
with Mrs. Ina Barber, 1224 Union
1:00 p.m. PAL club with Mrs.
Arthur Pack, 1101 Milwaukee.
1:00 p.m. Past Presidents-club,
W.B.A., with Mrs. H. C. Colver,
Carroll Acres.
2:00 p.m. Thimble club, Neigh
bors of Woodcraft, with Mrs.
Frank Conk.
6:30 p.m. Potluck supper,
Presbyterian church.
7:00 p.m.- Business and Pro
fessional Women, dinner meeting
at Pine Tavern.
8:00 p.m. Pythian Sisters, Nor
way hall.
8:00 p.m. -1. O. O. V. encamp
ment, Odd Fellows hall.
A?M ,,r "-'" -.i.kV s .
Pretty Presses, 5.95 up
Top gift on most mothers' lists new dresses. We've new styles
to. please every woman prints ang1 plains. .one. and, two piece in
many material, many prices, all sizes.
Hand embroidered Swiss
handkerchiefs. 84c, 96c, 1.12.
Others at 39c, 5.9c and 79c
a btg selection.
Luncheon cloths of printed
cotton, 799 to 4,98 Cloth
and napkin sets, many from
1. 75. to 9.27.
House coats in several styles,
of lovely printed rayon, and
in sizes from 12 to 52 reas
onably priced.
2:00 p.m. Norwegian Ladles
club with Mrs. Henry Nelson,. 131
2:00 p.m. Thursday bridge
club with Mrs. John J. Massart,
325 State.
2:0 p.m. SOS club with Mrs.
0. 13. Slmonls, 1240 Milwaukee.
8:00 p.m. VFW and auxiliary,
Sather hall.
Scw-Fest SlatedThe Thimble
club of tho Neighbors of Wood
craft will meet at 2 p. m. Wednes
day with Mis. Frank Cook at her
apartment In the gymnasium
Sorority to Dine Members of
Beta Sigma Phi will hold their
regular dinner meeting at 7 p. m.
tonight In the Pino Tavern.
New Blouses for Mother's
day, tailored and dressy.
will love, gay new colors.
Many colorful new handbags,
with the accent on lovely
Cordes. just in, bought espe
cially far Mother's Pay. '
New shipment of famous
Hansen costume-keyed
gloves in smart styles, soft
fabrics, many colors, 1.25,
1.50, 1.98.
Surprise .Shower Honors
VFW Auxiliary Member
A group of women from the
VFW auxiliary met last Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Kay Brown to honor Mrs. Hannah
Lemons at a surprise handker
chief shower- Mrs. Lemons left
Saturday lor an extended visit
with relatives In Pennsylvania.
A gift was also presented to
Mrs. Everett Apling for her new
baby daughter.
Refreshments were served, with
Mrs. W. F. Gibson assisting Mrs.
Brown as co-hostess.
I.odgeinen to Meet Announce
ment has teen made that all en
campment members, L.O.O.F., are
urged to attend the meeting at 8
p. m. Wednesday at Odd Fellows
hall. Special degree work will be
Custom type,
straight tip oxford.
Designed for
lasting wear In fine tan calf
with bather solo.