The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 08, 1945, Page 15, Image 15

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    HiqMiqhts of World W
' 10QQ
j sepiemoer aqoii rtiuers army smashes Into Poland usint. now
jightnig warfare the blitzkrieg. Great Britain lilTaidto
Poland. Britain and France declare war on Germany. GerWs ush
ahead and Germany and Russia divide Poland. pusn
April Germany invades Norway and Denmark. Denmark capitu
lates. Norway declares war. British expeditionary force lands to Nor
way and is beaten into sea by nazis. -
May-lUtler .sends troops into Belgium, the Netherlands and Lux
embourg. Dutch army gives up after four days. Wehrmacht drives
through Belgium to English channel. King Leopold I sunders entire
Belgian army. 409,000 British soldiers are evacuated from DuSZuo
J""?-Germans march Into Paris, after breaking Maginot tine.
Marshal Henry Petain signs armistice giving Germanv hal' of
France. Russia occupies Bessarabia in Romania-
July Russia annexes Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Petain severs
relations with Britain after British attack on Trench warships at
Oran. . ' .
August-Nazi I luftwaffe begins bombing of Britain. More than 30,
000 persons killed by bombs unUl May, 1941, when Britain gained con-
ofJLk.ieSu .It,aUaoli8Jj?vade British Somaliland, press to Egypt,
where British take 20,000 Italian prisoners Dec. 12 F tyv-.
September Japan Joins the axis in 10-year pact with Berlin
" muea raier Dy Germans, who took
A. Athens in April, 1941.
- movemoer oiovaKia, Hungary and Romania join axis
January Germany and Russia sign a new friendship pact
March Yugoslavia joins axis. Germany attacks Yugoslavia three
weeks after pact signed, and country surrenders.
May Rudolf Hess, Hitler aide, parachutes to Scotland with alleged
peace offer. Germans attack Crete in first airborne action and British
June Germany, Italy and Romania declare war on Russia and
German troops cross old Russian border. Finland joins axis against
Russlci. .
July Britain and Russia pledge joint action against Germany
August President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Church
ill meet on battleship to sign Atlantic charter, guaranteeing four free-
- - - In Your Own Home
VICTORY Has Been Won
Every person who has bought a War Bond has helped
male this glorious Victory over Germany possible.
Your bonds were used against the enemy in the form
, of guns in the hands of our brave soldiers.
But There's Still a Job To Be Done
Japan remains a threat to our security. Our battle
weary boys are preparing now to finish the fight. Buy
more War Bonds to give our men the support they need.
doms. British and Russians invade Iran.
October Germans advance through Russia and state of siege
declared in Moscow. 1 , .
November Russians start counter-offensive west of Rostov.
December Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. U. S. declares war on
Germany, Italy and Japan. Russians announce Germans in retreat on
entire eastern front.
1948 "
January Field Marshal Erwln Rommel's German iorces check
British drive into Libya. First American troops land in Ireland. .
February Singapore surrenders to Japanese farces after 40-day
May Russians, on offensive, push toward Kharkov. Axis forces
in Libya thrust toward Tobruk. RAF planes drop 6,uu0,uuu pounds 01
bombs on Cologne in biggest air raid in history.
June U. S. and Russia sign mutual aid pact.
July Nazi forces roll toward Egypt.
August Allies, including American Rangers, suffer heavy losses
in commando raid on Dieppe.
., September Nazis drive, to Stalingrad, and the Russian counter
offensive begins. ' . ' , . "!
October British Gen. Sir Bernard. L. Montgomery's forces strike
through axis line at El Alamein, in beginning of offensive which hurls
axis from North Africa.
November American and British forces lrfnd in French Northwest'
Africa, capture Casablanca and Oran, ending French resistance. Brit
ish 8th army takes Tobruk. Most of French fleet scuttled at Toulon
when Germans attempt to seize vessels. Germans occupy all of
December Admiral Darlan is assassinated.
January Russians break 17-month siege of Stalingrad. President
Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill meet at Casablanca to de
mand unconditional surrender of Germany.
February British 8th army crosses Into Tunisia.
Maji Allies capture Tunis and Bizerte. Axis in Africa defeated In
the Cap Bon peninsula. i
June Pantelleria, Italy's outpost, falls after heavy air barrage.
July Allied forces invade Sicily. Mussolini resigns in favor of
Marshal Badoglio. U. S. middle east Liberators planes bomb Ploesti oil
refineries. ... '.:.!
August Allies complete conquest of Sicily. Russians take Khar-!
kov for second time in summer. Danes scuttle fleet in revolt against
nazis. Germans seize Danish king,
September Italy surrenders unconditionally. Russians capture
omoiensK. Americans crasn tnrougn nazl line east ot Naples.
October Italy declares war on Germany. 'Allied 5th army takes
Naples. .
November President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and
Premier Josef Stalin meet at Teheran for war-planning conference. '
1944 ;
January Russians pour over Polish borders. .
March U. S. army air forces bomb Berlin for first time. German
troops occupy Hungary and Romania.
April Russians invade Romania. Red army captures Odessa in
drive against the Crimea. 5,000 planes raid Germany in 24 hours.
May Russians capture Sevastopol. End all German offensives in
Russia, Poland and In the Crimea. Allies begin new offensive In Italy.
Take Cassino, bastion of German defenses. Greatest aerial offensive
against Germany hits targets for 29 consecutive days.
June Rome falls. D-Day Allies invade Hitler's Europe under the
command of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Troops land op Normandy
coast and advance through Cherbourg peninsula in greatest am-
do you muM
SEE ffy ''
1 1 I Then Buy Your
4 Quota of
raSsgg LOAN
phiblan operation In history. ! '
rJuly AIlies take Cherbourg, drive through Normandv Revolt of
ESSEX" ay 8ene"-als results In attempts on Hitler's life Heinrlch
Himmler Gestapo and SS chief, put In charge of GenVai home x"on?
it c "IS?.A1I'?1Dtf?ops race trough France; Paris is liberated
U. S., Frenchand British forces open fourth front m Europe landine
mE?'1? E7n5- AU J"821 resistance ended in southwesTera Franre
Russians invade East Prussia, and capture Bucharest caDital of r
V;.S- and British soldters- Anting once S on world wJr i
battlefields, start rout of Germans back to own borders ormwar 1
c,'P '"her American troops invade Germany, tearing caps ln the
f,neHneoBriUsn 2nd arn,y veePs trough Belfilum into Nether
lands and to Germany. 5,000 allied planes ravage Goi "in biggest
er-ters31-- nland f'8"8 a" armis,ice in Mo ay
,&J H-,S,-,,orces draw closer t0 Philippines with capture of
H and Pe'eli" islands. American carrier planes deal crippTlni
p8 t0nJapanLe ln central Philippines and Manila bay PresFdeJ
Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill meet in Quebec- pledee all
toS?$3t5ffSkn 80011 88 "aZiS 8re defeatedeCB1Cfenads
October Devastated Aachen falls to U. S. 1st armv on swimth
day of siege. British win battle for the porf of An vvem Russians
capture Riga, capital of Latvia, and invade Hungfrv from RomanU?
cow wim premier Stalin and Foreign Commissar Molotnv Rritioh
M 1FycA,hen,S- Hitler creates "Home Amy" o me Mwje'S
l!ld m;tV S-,carr'e,r P'anes batter Japanese vessels and planesS
w" UJf.? a"d 'h? Philippinesr
or 60. -- -----. .....cuwjra i,un ur uumagea out otSS
November U. S. and German planes over the relch fipht the
biggest air battle in history-involving more than 24TO planes with
Gen EisenZ Y "T"" P'ane8 at a ios o ?9nes
f.r?S h0Wcr ofifns wlnter "ensive against Germany, sending
1,500,000 men over the top supported by history's greatest aerial Jul
port bombardment. U. S. 3rd army pushes toward S.Ttosm wns
Ship Metf AUied armies caP,ure Sarrebourg. U S 9,hamy
Tbaches Roer river on a 10-mile front, throwing Germans in retreat
raiaTokvfoTrS.MrHy il1 nU,leS fro,m Cologne. uBps from SalpTn
casters sink the Geman sVprbatthip Tirplll 'VaKm-
.. olu army crosses tne saar river Into the hnnrt
of the westwall at Saarlautern and the Briteh 2nd army owns an
offensive town rH ihQ Rk- n o i. iv? . .. opens an
Duren. keystoni of Roerriver tine" USTth arm7 emer
on German sntl Cl
j ouuut-H major oi lens ve into Belulum
lit Eta : a pointer
Philippines: other tmnn la
Manila I- A L r i."uuum miirnu, loil miles DC OW
Manila. Gen. MacArthur announces the Leyte-Samara islands can
paign at an end, with 112,728 enemy dead. odmdra lslanas
Januarv Fnctm-ti rnt MDAn i i
manys last ditch" Oder river defense line, and penetrate within
40 miles of Berlin. Allies wipe out the German Ardennes bulge In
Belgium after 42 days of bitter fighting. Four allied armies sat up a
solid 120-mile front from Luxembourg to Holland and take the often
sive toward the Rhlneland. -Gen. MacArthur leads 6th army troops In
800-ship Invasion of main Philippine island of Luzon.
Let's get on with the War against Japan. Every
bond we buy makes total Victory just that much
nearer. Let's help make today's heroes tomorrow's
veterans. Buy bonds now!
Benton Building
, urn
im to 1T(S)ISS
. i 1 U ,U J II , II,
For total Victory is not yet ours not by a long shot!. Yes, we've defeated Ger
manywe've shown Hitler and his gang that uncivilized aggression cannot
bring peace-loving nations to their knees, but our job isn't finished and won't
be finished until the iron-clad hand of the Allied nations has strangled Japan
until she gasps, takes her last breath and falls limp. No, our Victory in Germany
is not the stop signal. On the contrary, it's the green light the signal to fight
on to turn toward Tokio and let go with everything we've got. Our valiant
fighting men are doing just this! They haven't stopped. They haven't relaxed.
They're fighting on. Your country is still at war! Are you behind your sons, broth
ers, husbands and sweethearts in this round? The answer is yes, only if you are
working every minute of every day holding on to your Bonds and buying more
to produce the supplies and weapons our men need to achieve TOTAL VICTORY.
Your "E" Bond Purchases Count in
the 7th War Loan Figure Your
Quota Then Buy at Least That
Thii metsag presented by the following concern! in the intarstt of our All-Out War Effort and In cooperation with tha
Dojehutet County War Bond Salos Committet ,
. Bank of Bend
Bend Garage Company
Broots-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc.
Cashman's, Bend's Clothier
Central Oregon Distributors
Gregg's Banner Bakery
Lumbermen! Insurance Agency
The Miller Lumber Company
Niswonger & Winslow
J. C. Penney Co., Inc.
Deschutes Federal Savings A Loan Assn.
Erickson't Food Market
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Bend
The First National Bank of Portland,
Bend Branch
Staples Optical
Pacific Trailways
The Shevlin-Hiion Company
Superior Cafe, 1047 Bond St.