PAGE FOUR THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 8. 1945 I Soviet Riches Luref uehrer To Ruination Iffy Of5Arf?S Cv;- , J Birthplace at Braunau. Austria. I I , -JTV ' ! As a baby. In World War I. On release from prison. In 1924. THE HOUSE PAINTER (1889-1924)! The turbulent life of Adolf Hitler had its humble beginning at Braunau. Austria, where the "little man with big ideas" was born April 20. 1889, the son of a drunken petty official Hitler's early life was an unhappy one, both at home and later in Vienna and Munich, where he went as a youth to work as a common laborer, house painter, and newspaper sketch artist Serving as a corporal in the Bavarian Army during World War I, Hitler was wounded, gassed, and later decorated. After the war he joined with a group of six men, the original National Socialist Ger man Labor Party In 1923 came the Munich "beer hall revolution," when Hitler led an uprising against the government and proclaimed himself dictator Sentenced to jail for Ave years (he served only eight months), he spent his prison time writing "Mein Kampf." wherein a portent of things to come was set forth as "A state which, in an age of racial pollution, devotes itself to cultivation of its oest racial elements, must some day become master of the earth " (By United Press) "If I had the Ural mountains with their Incalculable store of treasures in raw materials, Si beri with its endless forests, and the Ukraine with its tremendous wheat fields, Germany and the national socialist leadership would swim in plenty." That was Ado Hitler's dream as early as the Nuremberg nazi party conference of 1936. He also may have been thinking of the oil of the Caucasus and the Donets basin coal. But with his fateful non-aggros-slon treaty with Russia in Au gust, 1936, Der Fuehrer seemed to have Jettisoned this long-standing goal. Hand-in-hand, it ap peared, Germany and Russia were planning to conquer Europe to gether. Happily, events proved this alliance not to be what it looked. For by the the spring of 1941, the nazi machine, victorious on many fronts, still had a long way to go. Russia's resources again looked very sweet. Moreover, the long-cherished German "drive to the east" must remain a blue print so long as such a dangerous threat stood poised on the nazi Xlank. Nazi Estimate: Four Months In any event, Hitler turned the whole tremendous weight of his military machine against Russia In June, 1941. The entire job, the nazi generals figured, would take at most four months. What they had done before in Poland and France, they simply would do again on a larger scale: chop up the soviet lines, annihilate the red army, parade into Moscow I and write the peace in the Krem lln. Accordingly, the Wehrmacht plunged forward June 22 in four major drives, covering a l.uuu mile front stretching from the Baltic south to the Black sea, the nazi offensives were aimed toward (1) Leningrad, the old Czarlst capital in the north; (2) Moscow, In the north center; (3) Kiev, the Ukrainian metropolis on the upper Dnepr, and (4) Rostov, gateway to the 'Caucasus at the mouth of the Don. Through the end of June, July and into August, the campaign seemed to go substantially as the Germans had planned. The Rus sians resisted fiercely and scorched the earth as they re treated, but still they retreated To the outside world, It seemed that literally thousands of towns and villages were being overrun and put to the torch by the in vaders, their populations mas sacred. The advance threatened Lenin grad almost immediately from two sides. One German-Finnish army drove down the Karelian isthmus toward the city from the north, while a German force un der Gen. Franz von Lecb raced inrougn me tramc smies irom through the former Pol sh me- the west. On Aug. 13, von Lech's j tropolis of Lwow and burst west columns entered Novgorod, 100 j ward onto the rolling plains and miles below the ancient capital, fat farmlands of the upper and two weeks later the historic : Ukraine In 13 davs. By July 13, siege of Leningrad began. I their advance had engulfed the Drive Snrted ! manufacturing city of Zhitomir, The drive on Moscow started , 90 miles into Russia, and was almost as fast. From East Prus- i menacing the tanning town of gia, a German spearhead under Berdlehev, HO miles southwest of ; sarnbia and into southern Russia Gen. Feodor von Bock swept , their goal at Kiev. I Q surround Odessa, the Soviet's through Poland and past Minsk, I The Ukrainian advance went second port, late in July. From just inside Russia, within a week. more slowly from there, but on there, they battered their way on By mid-July armored vanguards j Aug. 22, the retreating Russians i to occupy successively the manu had smashed through the rail cen-! were forced to give their most facturing city of Nikolayev, Kher ter of Smolensk and were driving .dramatic demonstration of the 'son at the mouth of the Dnepr, on Moscow, 230 miles beyond. soviet scorched earth policy, blow- j the Iron mining center of Krivoi The push into the Ukraine fol- Ing up their giant $110.000.000 1 Rog, and the manganese city of GERMANS PROTEST VERSAILLES TREATY REVOLUTION AND UNREST STIR NATION the beleaguered city. West of cap tured .Kiev, von Bock's armies pressed 250 miles across the Ukraine to seize the Industrial center of Kharkov, but were halt ed sharply there. Bed Army Intact Along the Black sea salt marshes, von Kleist's armies ham mered home a two-pronged offen sive. One army finally entered Odessa Oct. 16 and then swung southward onto the Crimea to open the long siege of SevastapoL Another smashed along the Sea of Azov to take the steel city of Stalino and the port of Taganrog by storm. It was this second army which closed late in October on von Kleist's major objective Rostov, perched high on the bank of the Don, 1,000 miles inside the Rus sian border. Four weeks later, just as the earliest and bitterest winter in years descended on the battle fronts, the battered but vic torious nazis ran up the swastika over Rostov's ruined city hall. That hard-won victory was the high-water mark of the German advance for the year. It seemed impressive, yet none of Hitler's principal goals had been gained. The Wehrmacht had battered its way through-an area four times the size of England. Yet the red army still stood and the major soviet resources remained un tapped. The Soviet Union still loomed a powerful figure in both Europe and the East in December, 1941, and until she was defeated, Hit ler was obliged to forego all other plans. USES LINCOLN'S RAZOR Barre, Vt. HP) Abe Lincoln s razor is in good shaving condition, to Which Judge Herbert D. Mason will attest. The judge has shaved with it on every Lincoln's birthday since 1927, when he bought it for $5 at a Springfield, 111., hotel be fore It was discovered that it was a Lincolnian relic. WANTS LANDLORD EVICTED Medford, Mass. IH William ; Kelllher felt sorry for his room! ' less landlord, Angelo Frame, and . j rented him a bedroom. However" l"f shortly - afterward, Kelliher at 1 cased him of disturbing the peaot ' and petitioned the court to have him evicted. S 'SABOTAGE AT FOX HUNTS Adrian, Mich. U The newly, organized Britton Fox Hunting club reports very good hunting for someone else. Club members say their dogs usually manage to flush a fox, but that some alert In dividual is shooting the foxes a mile ahead of the dogs. . , (ffl mm HALF-STARVING GERMANS RIOT FOR FOOD . FRENCH TROOPS OCCUPY RUHR INDUSTRIES 1919-23: World War I armistice terms were delivered, to a resentful, impoverished, war-weary, leaderless Germany, devoid of national unity or purpose. The Republic was unable to cope with the political and sociul conflicts among Communists, Monarchists; Socialists and Republicans. Bloody riots and revolts rocked the country. Loss of colonies, Lorraine, the Saar and Silesia, left German industry on the verge of collapse. Unemployment was widespread, there was a serious food shortage and cur rency was almost worthless. After a succession of chancellors and cabinets, German industry and agri culture were still floundering desperately. Unable to meet war reparations, the nation considered it insult added to injury when, in 19z3. French troops crossed the Rhine and entered the German coal and iron reuion of the Ruhr valley. German political soil was awaiting seeds of dictatorship. ture of Kiev, Russia's third city, solves the trouble. This time the three weeks later. blitz was bogged down for good. On the long fourth front down The Germans also stepped up along the Black . sea. Col. Gen. i their attacks on the other three Ewald von Kleist's German and i fronts in October. They met with Romanian armies tared equally well at first. Inexorably, they drove from Romania across Bes- varying success. At Leningrad, von Leebs forces made a deter mined but futile effort to reduce mm (fflMMB -ssmer a I This is another Zero Hour in the history of America Civili zation's Zero Hour! The job is only half done . . . but we will continue until Total Victory! You are counting on us to do the job. But remember, we are counting on you to do yours ... to dig down deep ... to dig out those doHars in your pockets and buy Bonds. And don't for a minute slacken on the job. Don't let us down in this fateful hour when the war is only half won. 'Si Tl 1 lowed a parallel course and went even farther. Gen. Gerd von Rundstedt's panzers ground dam across the Dnepr at Dnepro petrovsk, 250 miles below Kiev. Von Rundstedt claimed the cap- There's Only One Way to Celebrate Germany's Defeat and that's by buying more War Bonds! Let's not forget the grim struggle ahead for the defeat of Japan . . . beating them calls for the same "blood, sweat and tears" that was shed to crush the Nazi oppressor. It's a fight to the finish from here on . . . we can't fail now . . . WAR DOXDS are the only answer I Consumers Gas A Local Institution Nikopol in the Dnopr bend. losses in Minimis But spectacular as all these gains were, they were less than the Gorman timetable required. As the summer wore on, the fact that Hitler had made n monu mental blunder became pleasant ly clear to the allied world. The red armies were neither clumsy nor disorganized, as he had sup posed. Soundly equipped and smartly led, they waged a new , and devastating variety of deton-! sive war, and they waged It with ' growing confidence as they tasted success. The resulting battles now! dwarfed everything that had gone ! IWore. Losses to both sides were counted in the millions, in key i areas Leningrad; Orel and Hry- j ansk, below Moscow; Poltava, 1 east of Kiev, and Odessa strug- p gles of Immense proportions swayed back and forth. More and more frequently the Russians' "de-! fonse in depth'' tactic succeeded in : swallowing up. a n d destroying the Wchrmacht's thrusts. Rarely 1 did the Soviets permit themselves j to be trapped by the speedy blitz. I A stalemate threatened us the Russian leaves turned to brown and time began to desert the . nazis. j tin Oct. 2. Hitler announced an all out drive to capture Moscow and end the war before snowfall. Uy Oct. 13. a desperate German charge had reached the rail hub of Vyazma, 130 miles west of the capital. By mid-Novcmhcr, the red armies were driven hack within 50 miles of the city. Two weeks later, the thunder of the German big guns could be hoard in the Kremlin. That was as close as Hitler gut. '. The Soviets counterattacked furi ously to stall the nazi push. Kor safety, the Russians moved their capital to Kuibyshev, 600 miles to ' the east on the Volga. Rut they; might as well have saved them- THE DECKS Are Cleared FOR ACTION . . . J A PA N i laiMBiwii ii mi i-j--"- f HERE WE COME! War Bonds and more War Bonds are needed to back our men in their final' drive for complete Victory. Hold those you have and buy more! The Germans can'f stop us now! Their torn and battered army is de feated! Their little mustached leader no longer threatens the wcrid with his fanatical dreams of power. Now, Yellow Man, all our guns are to be trained on you! Our planes loaded with guns and bombs are turned toward Tokio and the mighty Allied fleet is headed for Japan. Behold and tremble, Jap, for the gigantic forces of the United Nations are marching forward to crush your little bland under tons of bombs and ammunition and the heels of a million fighting men. Economy Market The Dairy Store Gohrkes Meat Market