Growth and Decline Of Hitler Germany pi fV? VTSEKL C ..Warsaw J J . M aafltgEk POLAND A v.. .. ' switz-AUSTRIA yT 7 I Bot'' - y"" HUNGARY . f ITALY v-V Vv' RUMANIA i '"VX f vVUGOSLAVI Pre-war Germany, before Austrian "anschluss" and annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudeten area in accordance with Munich agreement. '"Vjlir, , rr, '2EEE APoxnoa H"Njo ; S Porta 7 L '" " ) FRANCE Ji5 J Bordeaux J' mmf yi V ' f -?TALY5 Y WIMAHIA I . s. r S VugosloviaS I Six months after Munich and "peace in our time." Reich absorbs Austria; Hitler announces, "Czechoslovakia no loncer exists." ,J BR REAT . NMA BRITAIN North Sea London joloil S Porta y FRANCE Bordeaux Mokow! 1 . i sV SOVIET X--SRUMU mm A . ' HiiMsiNIA P nvlUs s J IIALI7L V , ; ro-lorrV i WN V Poland invaded, surrenders in 26 days; Russia shares in partition, occupying eastern Poland. . . . JM Allied to G.rmonyi ' jjBr i J JCalOcc"P''"1 y Otrmany ' 'S S0VIETRUSS,A '"J' AXyL RUMANIA j'3"' SPAI NSJK, YOG, ' CRIMEA : X 1 ' ' ' ii II i i -m : II Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg-, Belgium, Netherlands, France all fall under blitzkrieg; Italy makes "stab-in-the-back" entry. The armed forces today need I heavy-duty truck tires In civilian about 30 per cent more tires than service is much greater than the they are getting. They hope to ava,inhlp unniv in tnp nllflr. get about 20,000,000 heavy-duty avallab'e supply in the llrst quar tires in 1945. The need for new ter o 1945- the POWER DSVE on Tokyo 1 Jlili A lit if far? J Increase that power BUY BONDS NOW! Bradetich Bros. Dairy ISJ QREAT l r- BRITAIN Atlantic : CJ J gf AtlTH. Mokow I SPAInO- -S 1 SL TURKEY In-JollWdtoGtrmony) MALTA CPf CVPB0S? 'fTt'''' Holding all Balkans, by conquest or alliance. Hitler invades Russia. n riot a dmlares Russia "broken . . . never to rise." tnlngrad SOVIET RUSSIA Mokow IJt.ViiiLlii iWTT ULsa. fiTi II i I T I bjh tJ jOcean lnUT Srolingrod MOROCCO Tmalta , cn LXJyK XALGERIA "YtfWpTVr- ARABIA MOROCCO I MALTA r iviwQfi ; ALGERIA Russians Play Russian drive climaxed with Germans at rates of Leningrad, Mos. cow. Stalincrad. Axis conquest ratcimcn . TOrEAT k ft p ) SOVIET RUSSIA ..C-RITAI.N Vt&.J 4 Moscow- MOROCCO V ' ' wy.rMViAo . 1AL61RIA f ! CCT?rfr CVlX- , Axis driven out of North Africa; Sardinia, Sicily taken by Allies. Ralr knocked out. partly recaptured; Reds roll back Germans. 1 J LLr-fe . I V i5REAT ' SOVIET RUSSIA . BRITAIN Efcr JT Moicow . MOROCCO 7' ma ''nr.lRAcS t ALGERIA ( 4 CRCTS CYPRUS Xl- Big Role in Nazj Defeat (By Uniua PrM) ' Russia bore a major share in defeating the Germans. The statistics of the conflict in tlio east make that clear, but Prime Minister Churchill repeat edly has noted the fact and has credited the Russians with "rip ping the guts out of the German army." The war In the east was a bat tle of giants. It was a battle of vast armies, vast distances, and lightning sweeps. There they fought the battle of Stalingrad, one of -the decisive battles of the world where- Adolf Hitler's for tunes reached their high-water mark There, after Hitler signed his death warrant on the June morn ing when his gray-clad legions surged into Russia, the cities of Moscow and Leningrad stood and fought and won, and helped to set the allies on the road to victory. Germany, Italy and Romania declared war on Russia in June, ISM. German troops crossed the old Russian border on the first sweep of the long march that was to lead them to the very gates of Moscow and which drove the Rus sians back 800 miles to Stalingrad before the red army was able to mount a counter-attack. Huge forces of well-trained, well-equipped Russian troops struck back savagely in the aut umn of 1942. Red columns struck from both north and south to' outflank the German 6th army before and within Stalingrad. Other red army troops swung around the Invaders on the plains and in the Caucasus, putting steel clamps about the en circled foe. Stalingrad was saved and the Germans lost the major part of 22 divisions which had comprised tne attacking forces in that sector. Other Soviet armies had opened another offensive from Voronezh, while up before Moscow, other red offensives completed the counter-move that set the Ger mans back on a 1,000-mile front. Russian spring thaws by this time had called a halt to any at tempts at mobile warfare and both sides spent the intervening time in preparing for the gigantic blows that were to follow, but the Germans were now on the defen sive and the Russians had blocked the best effoYts of the invader. Throughout 1943 and 1944 the Russians fought a terrible battle of attrition with the seemingly enniess Hordes of Germans that Hitler poured Into the battle, but always the red army pushed the Hitlerites back. The dead mount ed on the steppes and the Rus sians continued to drive forward. Prime Minister Stalin met with President Roosevelt and Churchill at Teheran for a war-planning conference, the Russians poured over the old Polish border on their counter-offensive, and then in vaded Romania in a great south ern drive that kept the Germans off balance. By the spring of 1944, the red army had captured Odessa, cap tured Sevastopol, and had ended all German offensives In Russia, Poland and the Crimea. Russia's western allies struck the other half of the twin sledge hammer blows in June when troops landed on the Normandy coast and advanced through the Cherbourg peninsula in the great est amphibious operation In his tory. , Russia knocked Finland out of the war, Invaded Hungary from Romania and Stalin played host to Prime Minister Churchill and Anthony Eden to emphasize the USSR's growing contribution to the United Nations. The "victory year" of 1945 open ed with the eastern front ablaze as the red army started the great winter offensive with the capture of Warsaw and Soviet troops pushed ahead- to encircle East Prussia and deal a vital blow to ' Germany's war production In the upper Silcsian area. The Russian drive continued with the Invasion of Pomerania, reached Germany's "last ditch" ' defense line, and then penetrated the Oder line and left the bleed ing heart of Germany the cap. ltal of Berlin exposed to the red soldier's bayonet. . . Russian losses in- manpower have been staggering, but the red soldier has exacted a tremendous toll from the wehrmacht. Bid Ihh Let's ALL Do This PUT 9 If'''' .,,yt We can't stop now! We know that every effort, how ever small, is important tb the winning of the final peace. We are doing our best to continue to fight on the home-front so that the boys on the battle front can come home sooner. There's another victory to be won ... but it cannot be won without cooperation. We're doing all we can in fighting harder, working harder, and conserving more to hasten the day of complete victory. HOLD OW TO YOUR BONDS We've Won HALF the Victory- 1 kv We've done a fine job so far, both on t he fighting fronts and at home. But there is a lot more to be done. There are forty millions "Sons of Heaven" to be taught a lesson! Our fighting men will be going ahead fighting and dying. We'll still have to be with them. BUY MORE BONOS AND HOLD THEM Space Courtesy WETLE'S BOMBS FOR TOKYO! Hitler is done but the war's not won NOT BY A BOMB SIGHT! We've got to drop thousands of tons of bombs on the misguided "Sons of Heaven" got to build more plans and guns and ammunition. Hold Your Bonds -BUY MORE Let's do it quick NOW ! Let's pour it on with all we've got, until the last Jap is whipped and our boys can come home! Let's Go ALL OF US ! W. B. ANDERSON NASH CO. II 73 Wall Street Phone 700